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ZoOoLoGyY AND BOTAN LT (principally Invertebrata and Cryptogamia),


Edited by FRANK CRISP, LL.B. B.A, One of the Secretaries of the Society and a Vice-President and Treasurer of the Linnean Society of London ;


A. W. BENNETT, M.A., B.Sc., F. JEFFREY BELL, M.A., Lecturer on Botany at St. Thomas’s Hospital, Professor of Comparative Anatonty in King’s College,

S. O. RIDLEY, M.A., of the British Museum, anv JOHN MAYALL, Jon., FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY.

Sera ll.=VOL. bY PART 't.




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THERE is little to add to what was stated in the Preface to Vol. III., the plan there explained having been followed in the present volume.

The section of the ‘Summary of Current Researches, which deals with Microscopy (properly so called), is now, it is believed, as complete as it can be usefully made. The Editors have every wish that the sections of Zoology and Botany should be equally complete, but the possibility of giving practical effect to this desire is unfortunately limited by considerations with which it is out of their power to deal.

It should be observed that the ‘Summary’ as well as the ‘Transactions’ includes original communications from Fellows and others.

So many requests have been made that the Microscopical Bibliography should be continued, that it is intended to give in future volumes a list of all the Books and Papers from time to time published relating to Microscopy, divided in the same way as the corresponding part of the ‘Summary,’ viz. into (a) Instruments and Accessories, and (8) Collecting, Mounting, and Examining Objects. Where it is not intended to publish an abstract of a paper included in the Bibliography, a brief note of the purport of the paper will be added when this is not sufficiently indicated by the title alone. The new list will commence at the point where the old one left off, so as to cover the intervening period.

The Index has been continued on the same extended basis as hitherto, and a List of Authors has been added. The classified portion of the Contents now includes cross references to any notes

a 2


which may relate to two subjects, and also the titles of the papers published in the Transactions,’ and those of the principal notes in the Proceedings’ which do not appear elsewhere in the Journal.

It may be repeated here that it is no part of the object of the ‘Summary’ to criticise the views of the authors of the papers abstracted, its main object being to bring to the notice of the Fellows the contents of the principal papers from time to time published, and which are scattered through a vast and ever- increasing mass of periodical literature. The sources from which the abstracts are taken are in all cases noted, so that reference can readily be made to the originals.

Frank Crisp.

Popal SMicroscopical Soviety.

(Founded in 1889. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1866.)

The Society was established for the communication and discussion of observations and discoveries (1) tending to improvements in the con- struction and mode of application of the Microscope, or (2) relating to Biological or other subjects of Microscopical Research.

It consists of Ordinary, Honorary, and Ex-officio Fellows.

Ordinary Fellows are elected on a Certificate of Recommendation signed by three Fellows, stating the names, residence, description, &c., of the Candidate, of whom one of the proposers must have personal knowledge. The Certificate is read at a Monthly Meeting, and the Candidate balloted for at the succeeding Meeting.

The Annual Subscription is £2 2s., payable in advance on election, and subsequently on Ist January annually, with an Entrance Fee of £2 2s. Future payments of the former may be compounded for at any time for £31 10s. Fellows elected at a meeting subsequent to that in June are only called upon for one-half of the year’s subscription, and Fellows absent from the United Kingdom for a year, or permanently residing abroad, are exempt from one-half the subscription during absence.

Honorary Fellows (limited to 50), consisting of persons eminent in Biological or Microscopical Science, are elected on the recommendation of three Fellows and the approval of the Council.

Ex-officio Fellows (limited to 100) consist of the Presidents for the time being of such Societies at home and abroad as the Council may recommend and a Monthly Meeting approve. They are entitled to receive the Society’s Publications, and to exercise all other privileges of Fellows, except voting, but are not required to pay any Entrance Fee or Annual Subscription.

The Council, in whom the management of the affairs of the Society is vested, is elected annually, and is composed of the President, four Vice- Presidents, Treasurer, two Secretaries, and twelve other Fellows.

The Meetings are held on the second Wednesday in each month, from October to June, in the Society’s Library at King’s College, Strand, W.C. (commencing at 8 p.m.). Visitors are admitted by the introduction of Fellows.

In each Session two additional evenings are devoted to the exhibition of Instruments, Apparatus, and Objects of novelty or interest relating to the Microscope or the subjects of Microscopical Research.

The Journal, containing the Transactions and Proceedings of the Society, with a Summary of Current Researches relating to Zoology and Botany (principally Invertebrata and Cryptogamia), Microscopy, &c., is published bi-monthly, and is forwarded gratis to all Ordinary and Ex- officio Fellows residing in countries within the Postal Union.

The Library, with the Instruments, Apparatus, and Cabinet of Objects, is open for the use of Fellows on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, from 1] a.m. to 4 P.u., and on Wednesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. It is closed during August.

Forms of proposal for Fellowship, and any further information, may be obtained by application to the Secretaries, or Assistant-Secretary, at the Library of the Society, King’s College, Strand, W.C.



0 ust-Presidents.

Elected. Ricuarp Owen, O.B., M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S....... 1840-1 ere TEND ERY: ED) RS. 2 5's oc) o nas W6 slelee tee «wie ale 1842-3 PEIGMEAG ES REE, gs. Bec aia ueresntete Sait sea oh viaia las aha ls oak ol 27a 1844-5 James Scorr BowrrBank, LL.D., F.R.S......... ..... 1846-7 GmOEGH HSDAK Ey BCs) BES ol~. cis ei oine cela vats cies 1848-9 Anraon Waren) MOD., FAL.O:P., PRS s05 occ os 4 close 1850-1 GRORGH 1) ACKSOM, WETS. le cie soi soins ose ne ws one 8 sin 1852-3 Witir1am Bensamin Carpenter, 0.B.,M.D.,ULL.D.,F.R.S. 1854-5 RORGECSEADBDETOS ech nee eee ec wat cctea tone oo sate ote 1856-7 Bowin Gankesren, MD, 0D. PRS... ose eee 1858-9 JomNi THOMAS OUBKHIE, TRS... sss ciek sce) niste oreo ainleonce et 1860 Rosert James Farrants, F.R.CS. 2... 2... cee eee eee 1861-2 (Ceanies. brooke, IVLA., BS: ic cue ome see sieeleate 1863-4 SPIUMTIC eT MUERTE TRAPS, 6 oo ss oa co ere Mice = ss sp ss 1865-6-—7-8 Rev. JosrpH Bancrorr Ruapz, M.A., F.R.S. .......... 1869-70 WVisetAw. ronan) Pannin, RS. oie aisles aie wisi alesse» Wate 1871-2 a AniHS ManOORE. MAS MRS. i. cme cies «0 a/e/n 5 sleet 1873-4 Henry Cuirron Sorsy, LL.D., F.B.S. ............0.4. 1875-6-7 Haary id Aus SuAOK,. O.G.S. 0.) 5 pea ee le sta bene 1878

LioneL Suiro Beatz, M.B., F.R.C.P., F.RS. ......... 1879-80


Evrotep 9TH Frsruary, 1881.

President, Pror. P. Martin Duncan, M.B., F.R.S.

Viee-Wresidents. Pror. F. M. Batrovr, M.A., F.R.S. W. B. Carpenter, Esq., C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.RS. *Joun Minuar, Esq., L.R.C.P. Edin., F.L.S. *Joun Ware SrepHenson, Esq., F.R.A.S.

Greasurer. Lionet §. Beate, Esq., M.B., F.R.C.P., F.B.S.


*Cuartes Stewart, Esq., M.R.C.S., F.LS. *Wpank Crisp, Esq., LL.B., B.A., V.P.LS.

Ttoelbe other Members of Council.

*Ropert Brarruwalte, Esq., M.D., M.R.C.S., F.L.S. Cuartes JAmus Fox, Esq.

Wiuuram H. Ginsurt, Esq.

James GLaisHEer, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S.

A. pE Souza GuimaraEns, Hsq.

Witiram J. Gray, Esq., M.D.

Joun E. Inerey, Esq.

Joun Marruews, Hsq., M.D,

Joun Mayatt, Esq., Jun.

Apert D. Micuazt, Esq., F.LS.

Freperio H. Warp, Esq., M.R.C.S.

T. CHarters Waits, Hsq., M.R.CS., F.LS.

* Members of the Publication Committee.

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I.—On Geistes Janus and Floscularia trifolium, two new Species of Rotifers. By C. T. Hudson, M.A., LL.D., F.R.MLS. (Plates I. and II.) .. bs op

IIl.—On a Radiolarian and some Microspongida from consider- able depths in the Atlantic Ocean. By Professor P. Martin Duncan, M.B. (Lond. a F.R.S., &e., Vice-Pres. R.MS. (Plate III.) : Le

I1I.—The President’s Address. By Lionel §. “Beale E.BS.

TV.—On the Conditions of Orthoscopic and Pseudoscopic Effects in the Binocular Microscope. By Professor E. Sa Hon. F.R.M.S. (Figs. 36-38) he

V.—On a Species of Acarus, believed to be Unrecorded. By A. D. Michael, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. (Plate IV.)

VI.—The Diatoms of the London Clay. By W. H. Shrubsole, F.G.8. With a List of Species, and Remarks. By F. Kitton, Hon. F.R.M.S. (Plate V. Fig. 1) ..

Vil.—On the Estimation of Aperture in the Microscope. By Professor HE. Abbe, Hon. F.R.M.S. (figs. 111-113)

VIII.—On a New Species of Hydrosera (Wallich). By Henry Stolterfoth, M.D. (Plate V. Figs. 2 and 3) e

TX.—On some Remarkable Enlargements of the Axial Canals of Sponge Spicules, and their Causes. By Professor P. Martin Duncan, M.B., F.R.S., Pres. R.M.S., Professor of Geology and Miineraloen in King’s Coleco! London. (Plates VII. and VIII.) ENS Be

X.—On a Blueand Scarlet Double Stain, a eth for Nerve and many other Animal Tissues. By B. Wills Richardson, F.R.C.S.1., Vice-President, Beata of Dublin Bio- logical Mapactit ton

XI.—On a supposed New Boring Annelid. By Charles ce M.R.C.S., F.L.S., Sec. R.M.S. (Plate IX.)

XII.—Diatoms from Peruvian Guano. By Rey. Lewis G. Mills, LL.D., F.R.MS., &e. (Plate XI.) va

XIIIL.—Multiple Staining of Animal Tissues with Picro-carmine, Todine, and Malachite-green Dyes, and of Vegetable Tissues with Atlas-scarlet, Soluble Blue, Iodine, and Malachite- green Dyes. By B. Wills Richardson, F.R.C.S.L, Vice-President, University of Dublin Bio- logical Association ee Mercer iste aod) Lae


~ Part)2

5 Jets B33

.. Part 4


4) Leta

: Part 6








7, 217, 425, 575, 720, 873 ZOOLOGY. A.—GENERAL, including Embryology and Histology of the Vertebrata.

PAGE Rhythmical Character of Segmentation .. .. . « Partl 7

Secondary Yolk in the Germinal Vesicle of Mammalia 5 a Notochord of Mammals BEML bas Aete, Veas ones Oats 8 PED ia OLOGt 1 O]a SCLACHEGNES’ ‘osu foe? (nat) Wee! Meet © tate neem 9 LG VD 12 JETP IOULU RG Sa a0) On coe ao by, 11 Structure and Life of Cells .. a 11 Formation of Epithelial Cells and Nuclei a 16

CHEB IDOI” “BO OR Be bee ta Ho bd ge 16 Cells of Spinal Ganglia “6 16 Decompound Gastric Glands so) a esie'g, | esa oclet, Ea 17 Regeneration of Spinal Cord SGuirateetnn weMmopyragupWoe” ox 17 Spinal Root of Optic Nerve.. iy Monae Mooegh leioo op 18 FRC AVESSEIS|OF PHUSHECSS Wael fs) (oll) 2) ciel = se ass 18

True Origin of the Acoustic Nerve . 18 Auditory Ossicles of Mammals ress 18 Krukenberg’s Studies in bbs Piysooay Phe 8 | 19 Secondary Muscle-wave at 3: ee 20 Breathing of Plants and Avena: 2 77 The Microscopic Limit, and Beyond (Proiiaee aire) Part 2 180 Development of the Graafian Vesicles .. Oo MO 217 Develo ment.Of eLSrnOus 9) Weel Goel ie Gas ss se, | re 217 Epidermis of Salamander Ath GON Ode ba = “dal soc 218 Ciliated Cells ‘tin Sack Ase ce 221 Central Nervous System of Reptiles aa Pamachane 5 224 Cellular Irritability .. .. ne Th stots DME tea 225 Epithelium of the Human isiomack 2 35 225 Influence of the Mode of Preparation on the Mavaiens of

Protoplasm. ... «» ae . 225 Passage of Red ieee into oa Tanavliaise eee

lation.. .. 226

Relations between Alcala Meters ne neakngaiern of Material in the Animal Body .. .. .. « « =.» » 226 Discrimination of Species .. . Apne tacks 3 227 Development of Petromyzon (the Zamrey) os) cow tee ATL come Origin of Colonial Organisms - setsy Sea 428 _Ear of Ganoids .. . sor ‘oot Usa aat aamegolh > -o. 429 Fauna of the Austral aoe tee Ne ARS 3 430 Zoological Results of the Barentz ae aie he pale aS 432 Fumgoid Diseases of Animals 2 s. «6 «se oe 0 492 Mesoblast of the Vertebrata AC) Oc a Pe Part 4 575

* The titles of the papers and notes printed in the Transactions’ and Pro- ceedings’ are also included here to make the classification complete.


Embryonic Sternum —.. es ae ene te tet Part 4 Development of Parrots ehh eRe Ren ine. Ls) OD ea Structure of the Mammatian Ovary... a Structure of the ee and kete Malpighit im won J

Fowls.. «+ os Albuminiparous Glands. in nwpnitians an Bir ds a: es Eyelike Spots of Fishes DOLE aa ee icine deme nanaens eral LEY)

Forces of Living Matter .. ee Hypothesis with regard to Peeetion of Light ne Colca ° Action of Light in the Formation of Hemoglobin .. «+ » Phosphorescence in Organic and Inorganic Bodies.» Peculiarities in Marine Animals .. 11 + oe te thos New Biological Journal she nen) ech Pes Micrometrical Researches on Contracted Marscte Some? a Stirling’s Practical Histology’ Phas as ony ate] pay Development of the Sterlet .. «- ea. a bares Microscopical Phenomena of meant Gorman Trans-

verse Striation of the Smooth Fibres Bet aes Mach Hon |p FAL SHTO née) Gh oa oe) Oo 880) 0G) Bo, GO oe .

Salivary Globules .. Ate se ae itera aoc Wine) Co Oke Mesoblast of the Ver nea ata se po ge neecee bartio Experiments on the Origin ch the Difference between the

SeZeSisiou Nee Hcl RNC teh enon CeDG er GCe oth Cochlea of the Moneinenata Ba aks Sia eis taiee search ka sce? Balfour's Comparative Embryology 50 | Chemical Difference between living and fea) Pr olin a5.


Marine Organisms in Captivity .. +1 ++ se oe ote Part 1 Pelagic Animals .. neha commis, Invertebrate Fauna of the Firth of EAT, Rare ae aed of NAC Fauna of the Swiss Lakes .. + hach IG!) pos ea Sep Fossil Organisms in Meteorites...» ++ s+ ee ot Part 5 Biology of the Inferior Organisms .. ++ s+ Part 6 Mollusca. Mutual Affinities of the Cuttle-fishes .. ++ +1 se Part 1 Affinities of the Cephalopoda 56 es Olfactory Organs of Terrestrial Pulmonate Gastencde Bp Rs Embryo of Planorbis .. 9 +5 se 26 se ah oe Development of Paludinida .. -. +1 5 15 te te» Pedal Nervous System of Paludine UIVIPAA ve gy Neo NuGibrancl), 2s. c=.) Ve@enneaeMnancoigy y -ealh p< Jemmincl-Tilenic aus g2? New Archaic Mollusc .. - Steeda Structure and Histology of the eieben of Sepie Ho og dete 74 Genealogy of the Ammonites «. + Steuben iss Gustatory Organs of the Heteropoday | ce) ) a feel) (es) x9 Lung” of Onchidium ae Bs

Digestive, Nervous, and Reppouatece ‘01 ‘gan oa Onchidium ~


PAGE 5795 575 576

577 577 578 578 579 580 581 582 582 707 711 720

720 721 722 873

874 875 876 906

20 22 583 583 722 901

22 23

2 25 27 27 28 28 227 228 228 229 230



Eye of Pecten

Digestive Organs of the Msiranchiat® icopnataucia Accessory Generative Organs of Terrestrial Mollusca Organization of Tethys fimbriata

Olfactory Organs and Nervous System of the Molucas New and Rare Cephalopoda Pha Mec Giant Squids

Ink-bag of the piensa.

Regeneration of Lost Parts in the Squid Enemies of Ostreiculture a6 Mollusca of the Gulf of Mexico .. American Cephalopoda

Simple Eyes of some Mollusca . Vessels of the Ink-bag of Cephalopoda : Chemical Composition of the Ink of Chatiapoaa Development of Neritina fluviatilis ; Locomotor Organs of Cyclostoma elegans

Innervation of the Heart, and Influence of Popon On

Lamellibranchiata AC Infusoria Parasitic in Calaanee

Molluscoida. Tunicata of the Challenger’ Expedition North Polar Polyzoa Bo. pe Metamorphosis of the Bryozoa 37 Segmental Organs of the Endoproct Bales - Relationship of the Genus Heteropora to Monticulipora Tunicata of the * Challenger’ gee gee Ge.

Budding of Pyrosoma . Pails Queensland Bryozoa .. .. « New Zealand Fossil Bryozoa oa. Wee Fossil Chilostomatous Bryozoa from Anssriiia Be Tunicata of the Challenger’ Expedition .. Organization of the Simple Ascidians Development of Lithonephria Anatomy of Pyrosoma.. ..

Australian Bryozoa

Tertiary Bryozoa, §c., oa Hegde (Cadiria) . “Olfactory Tubercle” of Simple Ascidians.. Organization of the Simple Ascidians..

Calom of the Ascidians Metamorphosis of Pedicellina Development of Doliolum Cellepore from the * Challenger’ Challenger’ Bryozoa from Heron Falanais! Foss eiasipporid@ =." 22) vss) os Carboniferous Fenestellide ..

oe “-* on oy o*

Arthropoda. Colour-Sense in Insects and Crustacea

. Part 3

PAGE 230 433 435 437 583 586 586 586 587 587 587 724 7124 876 877 877 878

879 902



30 233 233 438 438 439 439 440

590 592 993


a. Insecta,

Olfactory Organs of Insects «5 ww es we we) we:~Part Structure of the Stigmata of Insects .. An oe Be tie Wings of the Hymenoptera .. .. Be aman

Development of the Dorsal Vessel of Gigonns

Paltosoma torrentium, a Fly with Dimorphous Female

Dorsal Blood-vessel of some Ephemerid Larve . ze

Comparative Anatomy of the Nervous System of Insects .. Part 2

Sensory Nerve-endings in Skin of Insects .. :

Relation of Devonian Insects to Later and Existing Tipe

Head and Mouth Organs of Diptera... .. « . .

Scent-apparatus of Sphina ligustri :

Houses”? of the Larve of the Trichoptera cay

Detonating Organ of Brachinus crepitans .. .. .. «. Part3

Glands connected with the Bee’s Tongue .. ..

Aliernation of Generation of the Cynipide

Shining Slave-makers (Polyergus lucidus) .

Chorda Supra-spinalis of the Lepidoptera a the Wepnons System of Caterpillars 31 GO) oe

Beaded Villi of Tet reepn es 3

Histolysis of the Muscles of the Big pe “Post- embryonic Development of the Diptera

Axis-cylinder and Peripheral Nerve-cells in Sorin to

Sense Organs in Insects .. .. roo Insects and the Fertilization of Heterostylon liners - Germinal Layers of the Insecta .. .. So ooo. ene

Perfect State of Prosopistoma PuncRpaons Habits of Ants

Blood of Insects .. .. 56 00 laa cee BER GY TI

Structure of the Stigmata of iaeeers ae

Origin of the Tracheal System of Insects .. Endocranium and Maxillary Suspensorium of the Bee Aquatic Larve of Lepidoptera :

Relation of Devonian Insects to Later fea assiag Tien ae Colour-Sense in Insects, &c. nO tm co dee Beetle with Proboscis like that of copier ag ae Structure and Hatching of Egg-capsules, &c., in Mat as

8. Myriapoda. JORETS Ce IRI DEES ao oe ee sc a ea ek ee LEY aR I Eyes of Myriapods.. . walt hiatus ss Structure and Affinities of Carbonsfeneus Mijritods Part 4

vy. Arachnida.

Poison-glands of Spiders .. .. Jee aril

Supposed Stridulating-Organs of Steatoda pain Wider., and Linyphia tenebricola, Wider.

Glands in the Maszille of Tegeneria domestica, Rlacheae ae

On a Species of Acarus, believed to be Unrecorded. (CATA ATE Bee toy ce CS aces Ae hep. cd. wee Leena


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40 41




Blastoderm of the Araneina..

Sexual Organs of the Phalangide

Auditory Organ of the Ixodide ..

Anatomy of Epeira ..

Pycnogonida of the Blake’ eveation Hydrachnida of the Lake of Geneva

Revival of Tardigrades after Desiccation Observations on Acarida ..

Pycnogonida of the Challenger’ opens

6. Crustacea. Heart of Decapod Crustaceans Development of Fresh-water Macroura Nauplius Form of Leucifer.. .. Polar Globules in the Ovum of the Chistacen

Crustacea from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean ie

Sensory Rods of First Pair of Antenne in Crustacea Australian and Tasmanian Amphipods

Circulatory Organs of Isopoda

New Type of Parasitic Crustacean oc Deep-sea Crustacea of the Gulf of Mexico .. Studies on the Crustacea Decapoda

Change of Colour in Crabs and Prawns

Circulating Apparatus of Edriophthalmous Cr eee Amphipoda of the Adriatic .. Aatag

New Species of Entomostraca

Adriatic Crustaceans Parasitic on Fish

Crustacean Deformities bie

Development of the aa

Limulus polyphemus :

Stomatorhiza of Sacculina carcini

Circulatory Apparatus of Marine Hoinoonthainats Studies on the Bopyride .. paren Ween ee Characters of the Copepoda ..

Development of Cetochilus

Organization of Trilobites

Colour-Sense in Crustacea, §c. ; An

Hairs of the Anterior Antenne of aise

Nervous System and Sense-organs of Spheroma eatin as

Distomum of the Crayfish

Vermes. On Gcistes Janus and Floscularia trifolium, two new Species of Rotifers. (Plates Land If.) .. Development of the Polychetous Annelids .. Ocnerodrilus: a new Genus of Oligocheta . Segmental Organs of Echiurida .. Northern Gephyrea .. Organization and Dedsloonene of the G ordis Nematoid Parasitic in a Bat Excretory Organs of Trematoda and Dastoda

«» Parti2 . Part 3


.. Part 4 , Part.o

P Bs aeartio


239 447 449 598 730 731 732 885 886



PAGE Anatomy of the Liver-Fluke oo eae Ca ae ee ea. Arty lanes Monograph on the Cysticerci —«. ss ve we ee eg 50 Seison «+ SERA rica nce. ome Ae are Organization of Holiurus Pallass. BA Pacem este doa ach) arp 245 Nematode Worms in the Urine .. 4. 65 ue ee eg 249 Studtesionithe Cestod@ s. <50 an oe tt ne elgg 249 New Cestoid Worm .. bes ieee AD 250 Loss of Hooks and of the Seatac i im ihe Tesienies Ra WATE This 250 Development of Hermella alveolata .. +. +1 +1 Part 3 456 Anatomy of Sternaspis scutata .. 4. ++ ee ee egy 457 Entozoic Vermes .. .. a 457 Structure of the Cestoda, ape Porecaly of Tetrabothriide and Tetrarhynchide ae 3 458 New Form of Cestode, of the Tie of the Cysticrous yi Arion Se es 460 New Form of Ronen Orit im ie. Tromatods Sean, Be 460 Excretory Apparatus of the Turbellaria .. +1 +e +e yy 460 Observations on the Orthonectida., .. «2 «1 48 28 99 461 Systematic Position of Balanoglossus .. «. ++ ++ 462 Organization of Sternaspis scutata .. «1 ++ +e we Part 4 601 Syngamus trachealis of Pheasants .. es ve tw 602 Excretory Organs of Trematoda and Cestoda .. ++ 55 602 Calom and Nephridia of Platyhelmia.. .. «1 +5 +s 59 604 Anatomy of Distomum clavatum.. 1. 1 ee ee eo 604 Development of Tricuspiduria nodulosa .. +) we te 604 Eye of Planarians.. .. mol sco --s0h 605 On a supposed new Boring Manena: (Plate IX. so bo Leena) p/lley New Annelids from the North Sea «1 ss ne te egg 737 New Lumbricina .. 5 737 Occurrence of Corpses i in 6 Red esate F uid of Chetopods.. .. «. Shia late yp REE ee Heo SAR orp 738 Thalassema neptunt .. Fad ie, heen ep) 738 Organization and iyeueonnent of the Gon Bia MS rear ags 738 Monograph of the Anguillulide .. .. pe alacalekser! sey 739 Formation of the Cyst in Muscular Trichinosts Sy ee ess 740 Development of the Liver-Fluke .. Pinch MeO akan ss 740 Trematoda of Greenland .. boob 741 Excretory Organs of the Dromabaa fe Costoda SANeer © S55 741 Embryonic Development of Tenia... we we we ee gs 742 Germinal Layers of Planarians .. .. «2 +s ee te ogg 743 Organization of Terrestrial Lumbricina .. .. «+ Part 6 887 Action of Worms in the Formation of Mould .. .. 55 888 Prefecundation in Spio BOs) eis)! ON EEN ERG 4 mie anream Ey 890 Northern Gephyrea .. we nn nen ib 890 Hamingia glaciahis Be Sr -biBoie Neck RAD. Laroche peda eee 891 Anatomy of Sipunculus fs Reeemtraad vet dtcert) Wasitey erat tas 892 Development of Tricuspidaria nodulosa .. «- ++ ee 892 Development of the Trematoda .. .. +4 + 9 892 Distomum of the Crayfish 53 893

Urinary Apparatus and Blood-tymph ‘Space of the WAnEB: bev Boe soc - ec) ace PM hits 893


PAGE New Rotifers.. .«. So) (cum SeGHMDUMSoe econ Jet) See Observations on Rotifera (Melicerta) . 894 Echinodermata. Sexual Dimorphism in Echinoderms .. .. .. .. « Partl 451 New Echinoidea .. .. ce vaste Ge ple os) DARA Perivisceral Fluid of the Fichinoidéa Joh <i US 251 Pedicellarie and Muscles of Sea-Urchin .. .. «2 ey 253 New Asteroidea .. .. Pe 254 Structural Feature, hitherto eee “nin Sere mata, found in Deep-sea Ophiurans 39 5a, Jos 5 254 Arctic Echinodermata .. .. Se COm mince Lettie a3 au55: Echinoidea of the * Gazelle’ Bapedition Ro age ose los = 464 Locomotor System of Echinodermata .. . 4, 464 Circulatory and Respiratory Organs of the Opiiuoits 5 466 Stomach and Genital Organs of Astrophytide .. .. . 3 466 Preliminary List of the known Genera and one z Living Ophiuride and Astrophytide .. .. .. Py, 467 Echinoderms from the North Sea =a eel ode es. on) Sane Echinodermata of the Straits of Magellan .. es 605

Nervous System of the Ophiuroidea .. .. 1 oe «2 495 606 Viviparous Chirodota .. .. 5 OA ase 5, 606 Echinodermata of the Gulf of Triest sea" Gio} Kear oay os WR OTLROMMU SY

Revision of the Holothuroida el bos olla hearts “5 743 Observations on the Echinoidea .. .. 2. on oe ws gg 744 Crossaster .. . EMO reD. © 3 745 Echinoidea of the Ohalenger : apelin. o o bariomege Morphology of the Sur-Anal Plate .. .. 2. 26 =e 4 896 Comatule of the Leyden Museum _ 896 Ccelenterata. Diverse Nervous Susceptibilities of Lower Organisms.. .. Part1 52 Rising and Sinking of Beroe cioeerazem Weer (eeMl coum he ae, 54 Zoantharia of the Gulf of Marseilles .. SSI 55 Structure of Corals and Sea-anemones.. .. «2 «2 2s 62 Structure of Cladocoryne .. «ae ae no op 63 Early Stages of Renilla .. Part 2 255 Development of Campanularia eave és 256

Development of the Ova of Eudendrium .. ww wk lg 256 Nervous System of the Siphonophora .. .. .. .. .. Part3 468 Colouring Matter of Meduse SoA tat W (ots, 6? Seu Sew dine 468 Australian Distichopora .. ape Bots WA sit EAS ee | ee 470 Observations on Hydroid Posen es 470 Formation of Ova in Eudendrium or 4 Organization and Classification of the Measoedaa -. . Part 4 608

The Discomedus@.. .. eri hot) re 609 Origin of the Ovum of the Byareiae as Sel) Yo TP American Acalephe .. . ee) ope VSP eS 746

» 746

Jelly-fishes of Narragansett ce Bt at Coes 149

AGquorea Forskalea


PAGE Notes on Limnocodium es ye Egan EPS Meduse and Hydroid Polyps iene in gest Water at | Wachee ben 748 Shortened Development in the Discomeduse Ao nn art G. Sob “< Mouth-arms’” of the Rhizostomide .. .. .. 02 egy 897


Sponges Tone NGPlesiaiscs Mace as scl ss 8 = 3-0 ee art) | aoe New Group of Siliceous Sponges—the Plakinide Teer > 64 Dysideide and Phoriospongie .. comes 66 On a Radiolarian and some iaherochonqile. fr om consi der able

depths in the Atlantic Ocean. (Plate T7I.).. .. .. Part2 173 Sponges of Russia., .. so) ob aeicds eee 256 New Lyssakine emir tke, 56. Ted. ing oo! ep co eeteanas cual Fossil Sponge Spicules.. .. ee 471 On some Remarkable aeenenes of f the Axial Cina oF

Sponge Spicules, and their Causes. (Plates VII. and

VERE aS ee opr ee hoe ons wo) Bcd eeu edt ya anc Bey Observations on Sponges .. SO. 6h 0d ce ath 609 Sexual Characters of Halisarca (ebiadearss #s Sct. -8 53 610 Leucandra aspera and the Canal S vie of Sponges aes; 611

_New Fresh-water Sponges .. .. is eee meat 613 Fiistory and Classification of Goonillan Bt) o.oo. Wea ee AR 614 Sponge spices 4%) Cher ss) as. tech eu {ace co ee) 45 615 Propagation of Sponge by Cuttings .. .. .. .. « Partd 748 Organism which penetrates and excavates cans Sponge-

Spicula .. ee cs SNES . ee Supposed Hateromarehie Zooids oF j Sponge Bab toe ca ce LHD GHEE Hfabits and Structure of Clione .. 1. «2 ee we weg 899 Soft Parts of Eupleetella aspergillum.. .. «1 12 4 899 Spongiophaga in Fresh-water Sponges.. .. « 4 901 New Genera of Fresh-water Sponges .. .. +2 ee eg 901

Protozoa. Biitschli's Protozoa’... .. Pee eee care lscignd. “Liy/ Classification of the SSE. ee en Baer eee Kem ue 67 Radtolaria sn, the Tiahan Jasper 59 5 Wes) ae) ee 68 Cycloclypeus and: Orlitoides\.) ==) 23) se eee 2 ss 68 Reproduction of Euglypha alveolata .. .. o 69 On a Radiolarian and some Microspongida from reciente

depths in the Atlantic Ocean. Ce TE ees, ba Park eis Cilia of Infusoria.. .. = HP a Oot ee Bee aes 259 Infusorial Catarrh of Salish Seene eae se mk are See SCARE 376 Biitschli’s Protozoa’... . Part3 471 Acineta dibdalteria, a New Species of cee Tague

from the Gulf of Genoa .. .. Bel as AB oe 472 Foraminiferous Silt Banks of the ie 9 Ey BURSA VSG ee 473 Production of Amabe . sabe eee, Poa we 473 New Ehizopoda. (Plate LAB Gs 6 ect aA ee anise Sheer oe 474 Kent’s Manual of the Infusoria’” .. .. .. .. «. Part4 615 Variety of Stentor Jai is gar Scion cS aor ar 616 Infusoria in “‘ Dew” .. .. AGS sar 8 PSN, ee se 617

Synopsis of Fresh-water Hiatt ee cn aio) ee 617 Ser. 2.—Von. I. b


A.—GENERAL, including Embryology and Histology of the Pbancragentie


Rhizopods as Food for Young Fishes .. Rhizopods in Mosses_ .. . Coal sOCee iit Ciel Oe Fission of Euglypha caravan

Observations on the Gregarinide ..

Myxomycetes or Mycetozoa ..

Structure of Unicellular Animals in Gan, a any py tas (CalinaOVeo a Aa Go oe 13 Mnpnm@laken 50 60 oC OD oe

Reticularian Rhizopoda

Protozoa Parasitic in Man and the ees mn sphtah iy give rise 5c

Parasitic Protozoa, -aaresscdle hae of oes

Psorosperms of Fishes ..

Biitschii’s Protozoa’... BA 8G. OO

Biology of the Inferior Org canta

Infusoria Parasitic in Cephalopods

Flagellata .. oe

Structure of Trichodina steinit :

Fission of Monothalamous Rhizopods ..


Fertilization of Cobea scandens ..

Multinucleated Cells in the Suspensor apa some ia

Open Communications between Endosperm-cells .

Modification of Palisude-tissue 3

Formation of Healing-tissue and Fall of Te, Leaf

Membrane of Bordered Pits.. .. «6 « «

Underground Stomata .. 30 oom te oo

Sicve-tubes of Dicotyledonous Plants A wom coe ce

Cork-growths on Leaves...

Heliotropism .. oe

Influence of Light on Gen nination ane Bespin “ic

Effect of the Intensity of Light on the Sak (halahol of Carbonic Acid by Plants ..

Decomposition ie Carbonic Acid by vate im ic ii Light

Action of Take 0 on oe Formation of the “Red jaee in Plants

Influence of Annual Tpeanies on onan of evan in Leaves

Variation with Altitude of the Roe Matters of Fie

Breathing of Plants and Animals Boe bxoot 4.00

Morphology of the Ovule 4. 5. as ts

EET OVEN RO; LUPUS, seer ges es ee) alt ere

Embryology of Orchis maculata .. .. 45 ss 06 ve

Course of the Pollen-tube in Angiosperms .. .. «

Nucleus of Vegetable Cells ..

Cell-nucleus in the Secretion-receptacles and Ppamne Cells of the Higher Monocotyledons.. 11 see we

Muiltinucleated Celis 4. +s oe oo 0s ae oe oe

: Part 2 260


. Part 4 618

618 618 619 638 751 756 756 759

760 764 766 766 901 902 903 905 905

260 261 262 264

265 266


Hypertrophy and Multiplication of Nuclei in the Hyper- trophied Cells of Plants wea, eaters

Histological Structure of Succulent Fr mie wh

Anatomy of Adoxa Moschatellina

Vasa propria of Phalaris nodosa...

Explosive Stamens

Arrangement of Molecules im Tra “ate a Gn ves Gane by Growth .

Morphology and Ponti y a ie igee

Absorptive and Diffusive Power of Leaves ..

Colouring Matters of Flowers 3 ihe

Transformation of Albumen in ere

Chlorophyll which does not assimilate...

Influence of the Intensity of Light on the Chlor Ste am the Assimilating Parenchyma seit GON Be

Feliotropism of the Ivy ay

Pinguicula alpina an Insectivorous aelart a

Asparagin :

Diseases of Fevers

Structure of Protoplasm on of te Caneel

Crystalloids in the Cell-nuclei of Pinguicula and Utricularia

Tegumentary System of Roots in Phanerogams ..

Growth of Cuttings ;

Function of Chlorophyll and its Paianen to Ti ght.

Transpiration : Bry) MdGs1 one Nn

Formation of Benen. rts

Action of Frost on Evergreen Plants .. ;

Insects and the Fertilization of Heterostylous F' (iis

Contrivances for Insect-pollination in Erodium ..

Lime in Plant Life

Phosphorescence in Organic and inorganse Bors

Desens: of the Embryo-sac .. 0

Strasburger’s Cell-formation and Caleauinon oe

Histology of Stem of Nyctaginee 30 o.

Secreting Intercellular Passages and Cy nstnliins im viene thacee 6

Structure of Stomata ia Glands)

Pilosism in Plants bo 68

Fertilization of Alpine loners eye

Nectaries of Flowers 6

Extra-floral Nectaries

Caltha dionefolia an Gnsecncorone Plant

Power of Movement in Plants

Auaxotonic Movements of Vegetable Grrahants

Movements of Tendrils..

Daily Periodicity in the Growth of eonictenah

Freezing of Plants ..

Development of Heat during the Gennuation of Plants

Inulin... Bos eb sc Soi Sipee | va

New Botanical Tou :

Development of the Embryo of Ge aSSes



. Part 2 267 e 267

2 267


a 268

. 268

» 269

- 270

ae 270

ee OA ear

9 271

ye ete

a 273

. 273 SPs 273 mel artrou 410 09 477

Bs 478

x 479

% 479

% 480

ny 481

_ 483

Fr 485


es 486 Part 4 581

55 620

Bs 621

5 622 e622

5 623

Ps 623

3 624

a 626

% 626

ee 626

9 627

re 628

5 629

Bs 629

op 631 632 633

af 634 A Part 5 767

b 2



Collenchyma .. . Parti Chemical Nature of the Capnuctous %9 Metastasis in the Vegetable Organism 3 Hydrostatic Tension as a Cause of ier) of the Sap

and of Various Organs .. «+ AO oS Poulsen’s * Botanical Mie Chemistry? : ee Chemical Difference between Living and Dead Papin Part 6 Formation and Growth of the Cell-wall os) MEN Wee a Cell-sap rand Cell-contents® \..* \se) 4s | \ as |) avo) eel ee es Growth of Starch-grains .. «sae 5 Wiructureo, Stomata oo. 2 9 ss) ce) el ee Bordered Pits ey Gum-passages in the Ster ous 55 Rosanoff’s Clusters of Crystals ac >; Assimilating Tissue of Few-leaved Plants .. $ Structure of Climbing Plants .. .. ca Monotropa Hypopitys .. *s Influence of Light on Gemnaation ; os Influence of Intermittent Light on the oman of

Chlorophyll Heme oD Decomposition of Nitrates a y Plants im ee red Fs Influence of Gravitation on Plants a Influence of Physical Conditions on the orm of Waser

plants BA ah MOR Oi eC ie, toc ee 8 HS Respiration of Pieris 51 as Colours of Spring Flowers z x Action of Anesthetics on the ene! Organs of Plants oD Albuminoids of the Fig A, USO. Sh 56 “5 Paracholesterin .. . an Sune eaeins Formation of Xanthin in fe ‘Coonan of es or Dei Gandolles Re PhyLograpniiinn coe (Mas (uci ee -ii<iyhies iss

B.—CryYPToGaMIA. Rabenhorst’s Cryptogamic Flora’ or Part 1 Classification of Thallophytes «1 +e we we Part 2 Classification of Thallophytes .. Be eee ee eh Classification of Gleophytes (T' hallophytes) ss) aleben vier Deechae Cryptogamia Vascularia. Prothallium of Lycopodium se s. Partial Germination and Sexual Generation . ms Biase ae? Laniys Development of Sterile Sporangia in Isoetes lacustris -- Part 2 Apical Cell in the Adventitious Buds of Ferns .. .. .. Part 4 Sadebeck’s Vascular Cryptogams’ .. ean’ s Collateral Vascular Bundles in the Leaves of Forde are oa ri Phyllocladus Be is it Wecls eit ~ Hibernating Prothallia “of nee a As Muscinee.

Structure of Orthotrichum .. «+ «6 «+ oF « «+ Partl

Structure of Orthodontiuvm.. + «+ +


768 769 770

771 772 906 908 909 909 910 911 911 912 912 913 913 914

914 914 914

915 916 916 917 918 918 918 919

81 82


PAGE Sphagnum Austini, Sulliv. 1... an on UeEWAR IL fey Shoots from the Pedicels w the + Inflorescne of Mar- Chantianymcen ett. Go 38 Wire hp! iba) poe). tod. dethMR 7K} Geocalycee ., «. ann Monin DUANE moan oe pa alles 276 A new German Sonn Oo, wi Sov m nts wernereton yc Pso. omer 277 HUROOCANEH ON OU C MMs semis tab assit ve Vicon ead ee Batti oe4 SS Rhizopods in Mosses .. . yaeyes art: 4618 Influence of Light on the Ti Talbas of Marchantice bh, “go> Sep 635 JETRO SUES G5. 20. bak eo) eoleb. oon Weal aby Seo sean) “7 PE GOVCATES DLAGIULCCC uate ann tM ss) mn GRE scar fas | 58 773 European Species of Radula $0. 60: (op) json pe’ oad etary GYR SIGMA OP DUOTRAMT HOGS: anc! oo Sha ho. 6G 60) vac 923 SERRE HUD OF THORS aes ba) Soo od. tee 0 ob) eee les 974 Characez. NED JN Coins: 65) on. teh Feb 60 ba ee See en EP GenevansChOnacee = rm va) tools nas Mast e een rn ear bro) (ihc: Fungi. Double Fructification of Polyporus applanatus .. .. .. Part1l 82 Alternation of Generations in some Uredinee .. 4... 455 83 ASOD O CORT UERE 56 og be ea. 6a ob. on bo” 83 Maple-parasite, Cercospora acerina .. «1 ss oe gg 84 Parasite of Fir-bark, Nectria cucurbitula .. .. .. 6. 4y 84 Nectria ditissima .. .. mi 08 oo 60 ob oh 85 Larch parasite, Peziza Willkommé S6p lod\ ino 'on-- Bol Srp 85 Parasitism of Elaphomyces granulatus «ww wee gy 86 SELON CStLESHOTUUCKODCCCO myst) ctie commu cle mike estou aN e\~ Un ss se