THE SCOTS PEERAGE Edinburgh : Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE FOE DAVID DOUGLAS LONDON . . . SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT AND CO., LIMITED CAMBRIDGE . . BOWES AND BOWES GLASGOW . . JAMES MACLBHOSE AND SONS THE SCOTS PEERAGE FOUNDED ON WOOD'S EDITION OF SIR ROBERT DOUGLAS'S peerage of ^cotlanti CONTAINING AN HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OP THE NOBILITY OF THAT KINGDOM EDITED BY SIR JAMES BALFOUR PAUL,C.V.O,,LL.D. LORD LYON KING OF ARMS VOLUME IX INDEX EDINBURGH: DAVID DOUGLAS 1914 All rights reserved '.I EDITORIAL NOTE THIS, the concluding volume of the Scots Peerage, com- pletes a work, the first volume of which was published in 1904. It contains, in the first place, a long list of addenda et corrigenda: the latter may, it is hoped, serve to put right some at all events of the actual errors which have occurred in the work ; the former, and they are the larger class of the two, contain a good deal of information which has come to light since the publication of the several articles. The editor has to thank many kind correspondents and contributors for information supplied, and especially he may name his friends Mr. J. Maitland Thomson, LL.D., and Ool. the Hon. B. E. Boyle, both of whom have been unremit- ting in their helpful endeavours to increase the usefulness and accuracy of the Peerage. Nobody is more aware of the many shortcomings of this work than the editor himself, but perhaps he may be allowed to claim that at all events it is an advance on what has gone before. No doubt, with increased facilities of investigation and the further publication of national records and the contents of private charter-chests, a future generation may be able to produce a fuller and still more accurate account of individual families, but it is hardly probable that a history of the Scottish Peerage on a scale similar to that of the present work will be attempted for many years to come. The full and elaborate Index, with which the greater part of this volume is occupied, is the work of Mrs. Alexander Stuart, who has brought towards its completion an enthu- siasm, energy, and ability which are beyond all praise. Not only does it contain a list of between forty and fifty thousand names, but each person is definitely described by the mention of his or her title, occupation, or relationship. In itself, indeed, the Index forms a valuable compendium vi EDITORIAL NOTE of Scottish family history, which will be found useful even without reference to the pages of the Peerage. But it goes without saying that such an Index doubles the useful- ness of a work like the present. It is not often that an editor meets with a compiler who is so fully in accord with him as to the standard to be aimed at in an index, and who is so capable of carrying it to a successful conclusion. It is difficult for the editor adequately to express the obliga- tions he is under to Mrs. Stuart for her services in this matter. The Index has been compiled on the following prin- ciples : — 1. A Peerage title is given, in capitals, with its holders in alphabetical order, and their respective wives. 2. If the name of the title is changed, e.g. from Lyon to Glamis, it is given a separate heading. 3. The surname of the holder of a Peerage title is given in capitals with the various Peerages, in alpha- betical order, pertaining to it. 4. After Peers, owners of lands are given in alphabetical order; those of the same Christian name are put in chronological order. 5. Ordinary persons then come in alphabetical order and according to the paging in the volumes. 6. Women are given under their maiden names: if married, as ' wife of ' ; if unmarried as ' dau. of .' 7. As a rule, children who died in infancy are not in- serted. In taking leave of a task which has been a congenial if a somewhat strenuous one for the last twelve years, the editor has to express his appreciation of the amicable relations which have subsisted between him and his contributors (some now, alas, beyond the reach of acknowledgments). It is a pleasure to have worked with such colleagues. JAMES BALFOUR PAUL. EDINBURGH, June 1914. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA VOL. I. KINGS OF SCOTLAND p. 4, 1. 26, for « Annandale,' read ' Carrick (vol. ii. p. 433).' p. 4, 1. 2 from foot, after Bohun, insert 'father of the first,' after ' Hereford ' insert « of that family (Complete Peerage}: p. 6, 1. 29, for ' 17 January,' read '28 January (Scottish Kings, p. 97).' p. 8, 1. 19, for ' 1547 ' read ' 1347.' p. 9, 1. 6, after « 1362,' add 'She had left King David on account of his infidelity, and received Hertford Castle from King Edward as a residence.' p. 10, 1. 2, after 'St.,' insert ' Florent de.' p. 10, 1. 3, for 'Brittany ' read ' Anjou.' p. 10, 1. 12, for « Brittany ' read ' Touraine.' p. 10, 1. 21, after ' Priory of,' insert ' Lehon, a Priory of the abbey of.' p. 10, 1. 22, for ' title' read ' tithe.' p. 12, 1. 2, after ' known,' add ' Walter had also a daughter, Margaret, buried at Paisley (Regist. de Passelet, 74).' p. 12, 1. 5, after ' Eva,' add note, ' Her name was certainly Eva (Reg. Prior S. Andree, 257), but her parentage is unknown.' p. 12, 1. 9, after ' leaving,' add ' issue,' and delete ' at least two sons.' p. 12, between 11. 12 and 13, add '3. Leonard, designed son of Alan, Steward of the King of Scots, who is noted in the Liber Vitce of Durham as bestowing a bezant yearly on the convent, was probably also a son (Illustrations of Scottish History, 18). 4. Avelina, who was, in 1200, carried off by Duncan, son of Gilbert, afterwards Earl of Carrick (Hoveden, Rolls Series, iv. 145).' p. 12, 1. 24, delete 'He appears to have died soon after 13th June 1292,' and insert 'He was summoned by Edward i. to attend him into France, 1st September 1294, and died soon after that date.' p. 12, between 11. 36 and 37, insert ' 7 a daughter, married to Donald Lord of the Isles. See Isles.' p. 12, 1.37, for '7' read '8.' p. 14, 1. 23, for ' 1326 ' read ' 1327.' Note. — Bower, the only authority, is so confused at this point that he may be read to mean either year. Walter witnessed several royal VOL. IX. A 2 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA charters after 9 April 1326, the latest being dated 31 March 1327 (Polmaise Charter-Chest). p. 15, 1. 4 from foot, after ' her,' add 'who was buried in the church of the Blackfriars of Perth (Blackfriars of Perth, 38).' p. 17, 11. 26 and 27, delete ' about the year 1367,' and insert ' Papal dis- pensation, dated 13 March 1365-66 ' (cf. vol. vii. 37).' p. 18, 1. 16, for ' 1409' read '1405.' p. 18, 1. 17, after 'Kennedy;4' add 'In July 1409 there was a papal dispensation for her marriage with Sir William Cunningham of Kil- maurs (cf. vol. iv. 230).' p. 18, 1. 17, delete ' third,' and insert ' on 13 November 1413 she was married.' p. 19, 1. 16, after ' 1496,' add note, ' The Duchess Eleanor's arms are still in the Burg at Meran. See Baillie-Grohman's The Land in the Mountains.' p. 22, 1. 36, for ' John, Lord Gordon ' read ' John, styled Lord Gordon.' p. 22, 1. 3 from foot, for 'Isabella' read ' Agnes.' p. 22, 1. 2 from foot, after 'Buchan,' add 'afterwards Countess of Both- well (see charter cited in Geneaologist, N.S., viii. 185, 186).' p. 23, 1. 4, after ' Barth&emy,' insert 'She was living 22 August 1560.' p. 24, 1. 9, after 'He,' insert 'was born about 1529, as a dispensation granted by Pope Clement vii. on 30 August 1534 states that he was then in his fifth year (Sixth Report Hist. MSS. Com., 670) and.' p. 24, 1. 5 from foot, after ' Coldingham,' insert ' He was born about 1531 (Dispensation ut cit.).' p. 24, 11. 4 and 5 from foot, delete ' 28 December 1561,' and insert ' 11 January 1561-62 (Cal. of Scot. Papers, i. 590).' p. 25, 1. 7, after 'Whithorn,' insert 'He was born about 1533 (Dispen- sation ut cit.).' p. 29, 1. 15, after 'Maria,' insert note, 'Her name was originally Henrietta only, as recorded in the baptismal register at Exeter. She took the name of Anna on joining the Roman Catholic faith when she married the Duke of Orleans ' (ex inform, Hon. James Hope). ABERCORN p. 37, 1. 27, after ' 1543 ' add note, ' Claud was probably baptized June 1546. (Cf. Treasurer's Accounts, viii. 461.)' p. 39, 1. 19, for '24,' read '29.' p. 39, 11. 27, 28, delete 'High Treasurer of Scotland.' William Hamilton, though frequently so styled never appears to have held this office. He does not appear even to have been a knight. p. 39, 1. 28, delete 'March,' and insert 'a few days before 18 February (Complete Peerage, viii. 488).' p. 40, 1. 13, for '1662,' read '1622,' and add '(contract dated 20 July im)(Reg. of Deeds, ccxciv. 160).' p. 40, note 3, 1. 4 from foot, for 'Robert Lauder of the Bass,' read ' Maurice Lauder of Dunbar.' ABEROORN 3 p. 42, 1. 11, after 'issue,' add 'Warrant for his burial in Holyrood Church 17 April 1696 (Privy Council Actd).' p. 42, 11. 20 and 21, delete 'Campbell,' and insert after of, 'Sir Archibald Campbell of Glencarradale ' (cf . vol. v. 504).' p. 47, 1. 7. Boyd of Trochrig gives the date of Lord Abercorn's death as Monday, 2 April 1618 (Bannatyne Club Misc., i. 289). The date in the text is taken from his funeral entry in the Lyon Office. p. 47, 1. 17, after ' Hamilton,' delete comma, and insert full stop. ' He chose curators 19 July 1621, his next-of-kin on the father's side being Sir George Hamilton of Greenlaw and Sir Frederick Hamilton ; on the mother's side, William Boyd of Bonshaw and Adam Boyd of Templeton (A cts and Decreets, ccclvi. 103).' p. 48, 1. 21, after ' contract,' add ' She was buried in Holyrood church on or after 9 June 1696 (Warrant in Privy Council Acta).' p. 49, 1. 24, delete 'William Lenthall of Burford, in the county of Oxford, Speaker in the House of Commons in the Long Parliament,' and insert ' Sir John Lenthall, Marshal of the King's Bench, by Hester, daughter of Sir Thomas Temple, first Baronet of Stowe, which Sir John was the Speaker's brother (Complete Peerage, viii. 253).' p. 54, 1. 34, for ' 1735 ' read ' 1735-36.' p. 54, 1. 2 from foot, delete 'at Paris, 17 March 1731, was buried in the Scots College there,' and insert ' in Dublin, 6, was buried in St. Patrick's Cathedral there 9, March 1730-31. Michel, on whose authority the statement in the text was given, is wrong, and the inscription he quotes must belong merely to a memorial tablet.' p. 55, 1. 28, delete the notice of John Hamilton, and insert 'John Hamilton was made a major-general in 1690-91, and died a prisoner in Dublin of wounds received at the battle of Aughrim. He married at Sixmile Bridge, co. Clare, in January 1690, Elizabeth M'Can, daughter of Glesney M'Can by Eleanor, daughter of William Folliard. They had an only child, Margaret, who became a chanoinesse of Poussay, in Lorraine, of which her cousin, Elizabeth de Gramont, was Abbess. She married, first, 16 September 1715, Pierre, Comte de Re"ance, etc. ; and, secondly, 18 July 1718, Fran9ois Philippe, Comte de Marmier, and had a son, Philippe Fran£ois, created Marquis de Marmier 1740, from whom the present Marquis de Marmier descends (ex. inform. G. D. Burtchaell, Esq., Athlone Pursuivant).' p. 62, 1. 15, after ' son,' insert ' She had a pardon for violating the Acts of Parliament against marriage with Papists in December 1734 (Signet Bills, Public Record Office).' p. 63, 1. 17, for ' in November ' read ' 13 October.' p. 63, 1. 2 from foot, for ' eighty ' read ' seventy.' p. 64, 1. 23, after ' 1789,' insert ' the Patent, a most unusual one, as neither her father nor any of his issue could have succeeded to the title, was obtained with great difficulty through the influence of her cousin, the first Marquess, with whom she was on terms of intimacy. The King 4 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA was most averse to granting it (Cf. Wraxall's Posthumous Memoirs, 163, and Lady Charlotte Bury's Diary, ii. 157).' p. 68, 1. 28, after 'Jane,' insert 'Gore.' SANDILANDS, LORD ABERCROMBIE p 75 1. 17, for « third ' read ' fourth.' p' 75' last line, after 'Garden,' add 'He was killed at the battle of Pinkie, ' 1547, and his widow married, secondly, John Shaw of Broich (Exch. Rolls, xviii. 468 ; Acts and Decreets, xxii. 397).' p. 76, 1. 24, after ' Janet,' insert ' natural.' p! 76, 1. 25, for 'Andrew' read 'Patrick (see Beg. Mag. Sig., 13 April 1541).' p. 76, last line, after 'Pittedie,' add ' married Isobel Cuninghame and left ' a son and heir John, who was served heir to his father 26 May 1610 (Fife Retours}' p. 76, note 14, for 'xxxiii.' read 'Ixxxiii.' p. 77, after 1. 11, add '9. Isobel, married, before 12 December 1562, to John Boswell of Balmuto (Reg. Mag. Sig., 2 March 1562-63). By contract dated 28 October 1554, he had become bound to marry Grisel or Isobel, which- ever he pleased, when he had completed his fourteenth year (Reg. of Deeds, i. 249).' p. 77, 1. 21, after ' had,' add ' besides James, accidentally killed at St. Andrews in April 1574 by George, son of John Shaw of Lethangie, both being children (Reg. Sec. Sig., Ivi. 140).' p. 77, note 4, for '393' read '293.' p. 78, 1. 15, delete ' before June 1593,' and insert ' contract 1590 (Beg. of Deeds, clxviii. 227).' p. 78, 1. 18, after ' William,' insert ' married Catherine Cranstoun (Beg. of Deeds, ccccxxxii. 47), and had a son William, and a daughter, married to James Carstairs (Ibid. , Dlix. 327). He is also said to have had an eldest son, John, of Rashiehill, father of another John, father of John of Breadshaw, whose son Thomas was served heir of Sir James Sandilands of St. Monance, first Lord Abercrombie (sic), brother- german of his great-great-grandfather, in 1734 (Canongate Services of Heirs). Thomas's claim to be Lord Abercrombie was rejected by the House of Lords in 1739 (Stewartiana, 127).' p. 78, 1. 24, delete whole line. p. 78, 1. 25, after ' Catherine,' insert ' married (contract 5 April 1628) to Mr. Adam, son of Adam Bothwell of Glencorse, and died before 21 March 1632 (cf. vol. iv. 435).' p. 78, 1. 27, after ' Jean,' insert ' Died 1647, Mr. Andrew, her brother, being served heir to her 26 January 1648 (Fife Sheriff-Court Books).' p. 78, 11. 31 and 32, delete ' and predeceased his father, dying in 1644 or 1645,' and insert 'was alive 1 January 1645 (Reg. of Deeds, Dlix. ABERDEEN 5 p. 79, 1. 2, after ' Catherine,' insert ' married to Sir Robert Dalzell, first Baronet of Glenae (discharge for tocher dated 20 June 1644, Reg. of Deeds, Dlvii. 70).' p. 79, after 1. 3, insert ' 7. Mary, baptized 9 May 1638 (Canongate Reg.), probably iden- tical with that Marion who calls herself sister of James, Lord Aber- crombie, and daughter of Dame Carnegy and Sir James Sandi- lands, in a deed renouncing certain rights she had over lands belonging to her brother, which she had apprised. The date is 17 November 1658, and at that time she was "appearand" wife of Mr. David Lyall, minister of Banchory-Devenick, afterwards of Aberdeen and Mont- rose, where he died in 1696' (ex inform. Dr. W. A. Macnaughton, Stonehaven ; deed recorded in Register of Bonds, etc., Sheriff-Court Books, Stonehaven).' p. 79, 1. 4, for ' father's ' read ' mother's.' p. 79, 1. 5 from foot, for ' Crichton,' read ' Lichtoun.' p. 80, 1. 22, after 'Falkland,' insert 'Lord Abercrombie ultimately divorced his wife, apparently on 13 March 1663 (Edin. Com. Decreets, but the Decreet is not engrossed in the Register). On 18 October 1663 he produced extract of his divorce before the kirk-session of Kinneff, and was thereafter contracted and proclaimed with Christian Fletcher (Kinneff Register).' p. 81, 1. 17, for * vii.' read ' n.' p. 81, 1. 31, after 'proper,' insert 'on a chief azure three mullets of the first.' ABERDEEN p. 83, 1. 28, for ' Lomnay ' read ' Lonmay.' p. 87, 1. 27, after 'Charles,' insert 'apprenticed to Bailie George Reid, merchant, Edinburgh, 6 July 1659 (Edinburgh Apprentice Register).' p. 89, 1. 22, delete ' 7 May 1691,' and insert ' 1694 (ex inform. Hon. Vicary Gibbs).' p. 89, 11. 26, 27, delete ' died before June 1709,' and insert ' was buried 16 December 1708 (Complete Peerage, s.v. Eglinton).' p. 90, 1. 28, for ' 1 April,' read '25 April.' p. 90, 1. 29, delete 'Anna.' p. 90, 1. 31, for 'pence,' read ' pounds.' p. 91, 1. 6, after ' thirdly,' insert ' banns proclaimed at Bellie 15 Novem- ber 1729.' p. 91, 1. 8, after '1791,' insert 'and was buried in St. Cuthbert's Church- yard, Edinburgh.' p. 93, 1. 18, for ' 1793,' read ' 1795. p. 95, 1. 34, after 'Morton,' add note, 'The present wife is reckoned agreeable and clever, but how unlike her predecessor in beauty and charm (Lady Charlotte Bury's Diary).' 6 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 100, last 1. after 'daughter,' insert 'Henrietta.' p. 102, 1. 22, after * in,' insert ' March.' p. 103, 1. 9, after 'George,' insert 'entered Douai College 5 November 1686, aged ten. Studied Philosophy at Paris, and became a religious, but renounced in 1699.' '4. Patrick, entered Douai 10 April 1681, aged nine.' p. 103, 1. 10, delete '4,' and insert '5.' p. 103, 1. 10, after lJohn,' insert 'entered Douai 5 November 1685, aged eight (Records of Scots Colleges).' p. 103, 1. 11, delete '5,' and insert '6.' p. 103, 1. 14, after ' 1698,' insert ' for adultery with a Frenchman Lave- lette or Laballot (Consistorial Processes, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 86). p. 103, 1. 15, delete ' succeeded his father 1681 and on,' and insert ' entered Douai 10 April 1681, aged eleven. Became a religious (probably Jesuit) at Rome, "a sweet youth and humble like the dust of the street" (Letters of James, Earl of Perth, Camden Soc., 1845, p. 18). On 4 Sep- September 1694 Aboyne was in Scotland, having been captured on his return from France, and sent down from London on bail. He was, 19 October 1694, confined to one of the houses of Glamis or Castle Lyon, whichever the Earl of Strathmore should be residing at for the time (Privy Council Acta). On', p. 103, line 16, after ' 1698,' insert 'he.' p. 103, 1. 27, after ' married,' insert ' as his first wife.' p. 103, 1. 28, after 'Kinnaird,' insert 'She was dead before 3 November 1731 (Consistorial Processes, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 293).' p. 103, last line, after 'married,' insert ' 20 June 1724 (Complete Peerage).' p. 104, 1. 6, after ' Glentanner,' insert 'born 19 June 1728.' p. 104, 1. 12, after ' Baronet,' insert ' She died 31 March and was buried at Restalrig 6 April 1803 (Restalrig Reg.).' p. 104, 1. 15, after ' company,' insert 'Born 8 July 1765, died 26 December 1832.' p. 104, 1. 16, after 'R.N.', insert 'Born 9 April 1769, died 23d August 1799, and was buried at Restalrig (Ibid).' p. 104, 1. 17, delete 'died young,' and insert 'was buried at Restalrig, 23 February 1781 (Ibid.).' p. 104, 1. 18, after ' Clementina,' insert ' born 6 May 1763.' p. 104, 1. 18, delete 'at Exmouth, 13 December 1801, aged 33,' and insert ' after 9 July 1804, when she was served heir to her mother.' p. 104, 1. 20, after ' Grace,' insert 'Margaret, born 27 September 1766.' p. 104, 1. 22, after ' Lockhart,' insert ' born 1732.' p. 104, 1. 26, after ' first,' insert ' 25 April 1753.' p. 104, 1. 26, after 'Levi,' insert 'She died s.p. 17 March 1754.' p. 104, 1. 26, delete ' and,' and insert ' He married.' p. 104, 1. 26, after ' secondly,' insert • 4 October 1770.' p. 104, 1. 27, after 'Portsmouth,' insert 'She died 29 May 1813, having thrown herself out of the window in the house of her daughter, Mrs. Williams, 39 Somerset Street, Portman Square. They had seven AIRLIE 7 children, of whom four came of age (Notes and Queries, 10 S. ix. 449 ; x. 38).' p. 104, 1. 28, delete ' and left,' and insert ' By his second wife he had issue :— ' p. 104, 1. 29, after 'Gordon,' insert 'born 28 July 1775.' p. 104, 1. 30, after 'Gordon,' insert 'born 9 May 1780, was in the Royal Artillery, and afterwards in the 56th Regiment. He was living in 1828 at Laverstock, Salisbury. For an account of the elopement of these two brothers with Mrs. Lee, see Bulloch's Earls of Aboyne, App.' p. 104, 1. 31, after ' (3) Catherine? insert « (4) Caroline, died at Exmouth, 13 December 1801.' p. 104, 1. 41, for 'CHARLES,' read 'GEORGE.' p. 104, last line, after * Catherine,' insert ' born at Holyrood 31 March 1760, and died at Restalrig 5 June 1764 (Restalrig Reg.).' p. 105, 1. 2, delete ' 26 May 1766,' and insert ' at the Castle de la Tour, in the Pays de Vaud, 23 May 1786 (Rambles about Bath, 317).' p. 105, 1. 4, for ' 23 April ' read ' 14 May (Reg. St. George's, Hanover Square).' p. 105, 1. 20, for ' CHARLES ' read ' GEORGE.' p. 105, 11. 11 and 12, delete ' Royal Scots, the 113th Regiment, and 3rd Foot Guards,' and insert 'the 22nd Foot and Grenadier Guards (Ar my Lists}: AIRLIE p. 106, 1. 23, f or < Kynmethan,' read ' Kinminethen.' p. Ill, after 1. 16, insert ' 4. Henry, a natural son, had a dispensation to take orders and hold two benefices, 30 July 1405 (Reg. Avenion., 320, 604). He was provided to the canonry and prebend of Tulynestyn in Aberdeen Cathedral, 19 August 1413 (Gal. Pet. to the Pope, i. 600).' p. 113, 1. 22, delete 'or William Lord Seton.' p. 113, 1. 23, after 'statement,' add 'He certainly married Isobel Forbes, who survived him. On 1 August 1489, she executed a revoca- tion of deeds done by him in prejudice of her rights (Aberdeen Burgh Sasines): p. 114, delete 11. 7 and 8. p. 114, 1. 27, delete 'is known to have,' and insert after married, 'secondly, before May 1478.' p. 114, 1. 28, after 'I486.7' insert 'She was the widow of William, second Lord Graham, and daughter of William, second Earl of Angus, and by her he had a son, Oliver (Reg. de Aberbrothock, ii. 176, 300).' p. 114, 1. 34, delete ' Walter, stated to be,' and insert ' Oliver, who was.' After Balfour, insert 'He married Felicia Fentoun (Reg. de Aber- brothock, ii. 176, 300, 390).' p. 114, note 5, add ' He was dead three and a half years before 2 May 1508 (Aberdeen Sheriff Court Diet Book, vol. i. at date).' 8 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 115, after 1. 5, insert • 7. Thomas (probably by first marriage), bailie in a Sasine 8 July 1483 (Bamff Charters).' •8. Margaret (by first marriage), married, contract 10 April 1482, to Gilbert Ramsay younger of Bamff (Ibid). She is incorrectly given in the text as belonging to the previous generation.' p. 115, 11. 6, 11, and 17, for ' 7, 8, 9,' read ' 9, 10, 11.' p. 117, 1. 19, delete 'previous to the Reformation,' and insert 'before 15 May 1556 (See writ in Protocol Book of James Harlaw, f . 114). p. 117, after 1. 29, add 1 (2) Janet, married (contract 14 October 1572) to James Anderson, maltman, burgess of Perth (Reg. of Deeds, xl. 277). In 1577 she is called Thomas's daughter and heir, and there is mention of John Ogilvie of Easter Bogside, brother and heir of tailzie of Archibald, Thomas's lawful son (Acts and Decreets, Ixxi. 311). His retour to Archibald was, however, reduced, February 1578-79 (Ibid., Ixxv. 25).' p. 117, 1. 31, for '(2),' read '(3).' p. 117, lastl., after 'James,' insert 'fifth.' p. 118, 1. 20, after ' to,' insert ' Thomas, son of.' p. 118, 1. 29, after 'husband,' insert 'and as his second wife.' p. 118, 1. 30, delete '1574,' and insert '1 October 1578.' p. 122, 1. 3, after ' Montgomerie,' insert 'daughter of Robert Mont- gomerie in Haltoun, and Euphame Guthrie, his wife (Brechin Com. Deeds at Forfar, 14th March 1594-95 : cf. Reg, Mag. Sig., 8 May 1601).' p. 122, 1. 25, for ' instituting,' read ' substituting.' p. 122, 1. 29, delete 'before 1588,' and insert '11 November 1581, with great solemnity and triumph, in Holyrood House.' p. 123, 1. 8, after 'Newbigging,' insert 'styled second son in 1620 (Reg. of Deeds, cccxx. 41).' p. 124, 1. 15, after 'died,' delete 'soon afterwards,' and insert 'in 1666 (Reg. of Retours, xxxix. 183).' p. 125, 1. 3, for 'Helen' read 'Elizabeth: p. 125, 1. 3, after 'married,' insert 'as his first wife.' p. 125, 1. 6, after 'good,' add 'She died in 1654, after a lingering ill- ness (Oxenfoord Writs).' p. 127, after 1.30, insert « (3) Elizabeth. (4) Helen, married, at Edinburgh, 4 March 1759, to Roger Robert- i oa ,,S°n °f Ladykirk (Wooa's Douglas's Peerage), with issue.' K ?' -hoi ' d6lete <1813'' and insert '1803- Testament recorded 5 April 1803. p. 129, 1. 8, after 'first,' insert 'on or before 31 May 1648.' p. 129, 1. 13, after 'Inshewan,' insert 'She raised an action of divorce hUSband in ™8(C°™™torial Processes, Scot. Rec. Soc., lloo). ***** '*** ™ b™"d * the CanonSafce ALBANY 9 p. 130, 1. 24, after « 1838,' insert * at 6 Heriot Row, Edinburgh.' p. 130, 1. 6 from foot, for ' 1838,' read ' 1831.' p. 130, 1. 4 from foot, delete ' s.p.' p. 131, 1. 16, after 'Alderley,' insert note, 'Nature but rarely moulds such a nature in which knowledge, intelligence, and charity are so excellently blended and combined (Lady Dorothy Neville's Remini- scences, 156).' AIETH p. 137, 1. 25, after ' 1612,' add note, ' In Reg. Mag. Sig. (30 July 1613, the date of this contract is given as 30 January 1610.' p. 137, 1. 28, delete 'alive in 1683,' and insert ' died in 1687 or 1688.' p. 137, 1. 5 from foot, after ' Bramhall,' insert ' Archbishop of Armagh.' p. 137, 1. 4 from foot, after ' Eleanor,' insert ' born 17 January 1661-62 (Parish Register, St. Peter's, Drogheda, Ireland).' p. 137, 1. 4 from foot, after ' married,' delete remainder of sentence, and insert * licence 15 February 1682, to Arthur, afterwards Sir Arthur Rawdon, Bart., and died 17 March 1710, and was buried at St. Andrew's, Dublin (Complete Baronetage).' p. 138, 1. 6, after 'Archibald; insert 'baptized 25 April 1631 (Canon- gate Reg.).' p. 138, note 1. The reference is ' Reg. of Deeds, DXXIV. 358.' p. 138, note 2, for « lii.' read ' Dlii.' p. 139, 1. 22, for ' 1632' read « 1633 (Gen. Reg. Sas., xxxvii. 188, 191).' p. 141, 1. 17, for * charter ' read ' warrant.' p. 141, 1. 34, after « married,' insert ' contract 13 December 1681, tocher 4000 merks (Stirlings of Keir, 172).' p. 141, 1. 4 from foot, delete ' prior to 28 April 1677,' and insert ' in November 1661 (Privy Council Deer eta, 25 June 1674).' p. 141, 1. 3 from foot, after ' 1684,' insert ' for adultery with Robert Ross, younger of Auchlossen (Edin. Com. Consist. Decreets, i. 1).' p. 142, 1. 1. Note.— The correct date of the second marriage of the Earl of Airth and Menteith with Katherine Bruce was 4 April 1685 (Edinburgh Reg.). It was solemnised by warrant of the Bishop of Edinburgh to Mr. Alexander Ramsay. p. 142, 1. 25, after ' married,' insert ' in 1686 (Privy Council Decreta, 21 July 1691).' p. 142, 1. 26, after 'issue,' insert 'buried at Arbuthnott, 19 April 1699.' p. 142, 1. 4 from foot, for ' on ' read ' in.' p. 144, 1. 9, after ' Surrey,' insert ' her footman and the co-respondent in the divorce case ' (Consistorial Processes, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 1005).' p. 145, 1. 19, after ' husband,' add ' with three other children :— ' ALBANY p. 149, 1. 1, for ' six ' read « seven.' 10 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 149, 11. 11 and 12, delete 'and, secondly, to Robert Stewart of Lome, by both of whom,' and add '4. Joanna, married to Sir John Stewart of Ennerme [Innermeath], as is shown by a commission from Pope Benedict xm. to the Bishop of St. Andrews to dispense with the marriage, dated at Avignon 5 Kal. October Anno 3 (A.D. 1397) (Regesta Avenionensia, 303, f. 556). They had issue.' p. 149, 1.13, for '4 'read '5.' p. 149, 1. 14, ' delete ' before February 1407-8,' and insert, * 8 May 1402 ' (cf. vol. vii. 242). p. 149, 1. 15, after 'secondly,' insert ' before 1406 (cf. vol. iv. 334).' p. 149, 1.17, for '5' read '6.' p. 149, 1.19, for' 6' read '7.' p. 150, 1. 20, after ' married,' insert ' first, a lady whose Christian name was Joanna, but whose surname is not stated. She is referred to as his former wife in the dispensation, dated 9 June 1392, for the marriage of Murdac and Isobel (Regesta Avenion., 269, f. 397). She may have been a Douglas, as explained in vol. v. 342 n. He married, secondly ' (etc., as in text). p. 150, 1. 26, after ' 1421,3' add ' Robert had dispensation on 4 May 1414 to marry Euphemia Stewart, Countess of Strathearn (JRegr. Avenion., 344, f. 670), but the marriage did not take place.' p. 150, 1. 29, after 'papal,' insert ' dispensation on 5 September 1415, for a marriage with Euphemia Stewart, Countess Palatine of Strathearn, they being in second and third degrees from the common stem and in the third and fourth degrees of affinity (Regesta Avenion., 335, f. 649). She had been contracted to his brother Robert. Walter had another' (dispensation, as in text). p. 153, 1. 10, after ' Breadalbane,' add ' He had another daughter, Janet, married to Thomas Charteris of Kinfauns, but divorced from him (Acts and Decreets, xiii. 129, 344).' p. 153, 1. 28, after ' Arran,' insert ' and had issue a son James.' p. 153, 1. 29, after ' 1542,' add ' Margaret Stewart survived Sir Patrick and became the wife and widow of David Ross of Balnagown, who died in 1527 (Acta Dom. Cone., xxxvii. f. 180(189)).' p. 153, 1. 3 from foot, for ' d'Bouillon ' read ' de Bouillon.' p. 154, 1. 28, delete '8,' and insert 'contract 13 (L'Art de verifier les dates, ii. 372).' ALTRIE p. 159, 1. 3, for ' 13 July 1594 ' read ' 18 March 1595-96 (Benholm Charters).' p. 159, 1. 10, for « 1556 ' read ' 1566 (Reg. of Deeds, viii. 361).' p. 159, 1. 12, after '1584),' add 'She was divorced from him, and in 1617 was the wife of James Allardes (Slains Charters ; see Riddell's Tracts, ANGUS 11 p. 159, 1. 13, delete 'prior to 28,' and insert 'contract 25.' p. 159, 1. 17, after ' Margaret,' delete ' and secondly,' and insert ' John Erskine died 21 October 1592, and she was married, secondly, before 1 February 1596-97 (Benholm Charters).' p. 159, 1. 18, for 'ninth,' read 'tenth.' ANGUS p. 167, 1. 10, for 'Richard, the son of a,' read ' the son of a Richard.' p. 168, 1. 2, delete ' 1246,' and insert '2 December 1247, before which date she had married Richard of Dover, son of Richard Fitzroy, a natural son of King John. By him she had issue a son Richard and a daughter Isabel, afterwards wife of David, Earl of Athol (Genealogist, new series, xxii, 109).' p. 168, 1. 10, delete ' in,' and insert ' before 8 November (Patent Rolls).' p. 168, 1. 11, after ' issue,' add ' He married Elizabeth, daughter of Alex- ander Cumyn, Earl of Buchan. She died in 1369 (cf. vol. ii. 256). p. 168, 1. 17, delete ' in 1325,' and insert ' 30 March 1325 and was buried in the Abbey of Newminster. He married, first, before 20 September 1303, Lucy, daughter, and in her issue heir of Sir Philip de Kyme of Kyme, co. Lincoln, by Joan, daughter of Sir Hugh de Bigod, Chief Justiciar of England; and, secondly, Alianore , who survived him and married, secondly, before 16 August 1327, Sir Roger Mauduit of Eshot and Bockenfield, co. Northumberland. She died 31 March 1358 ' (Article by G. W. Watson in Genealogist, N.S. vol. xxvi. p. 193).' p. 168, 1. 18, delete ' and,' and insert ' Earl Robert.' p. 168, 1. 25, delete ' in,' and insert ' 6 or 7 January 1380-81.' p. 168, 1. 25, after ' without,' insert 'surviving.' p. 168, 1. 26, after « issue/ insert ' He married, first, Joan, daughter of Sir Robert Willoughby d'Eresby. She died 13 July 1350, and he married, secondly, before October 1369, Maud, only daughter of Sir Thomas de Lacy of Cockermouth. She survived him and married, secondly, before 1 May 1383, as his second wife, Henry Percy, first Earl of Northumber- land, and died s.p.s. 18 December 1398 (Genealogist, ut supra).' p. 170, 1. 24, for ' William ' read ' John.' p. 171, 1. 2, and note 1, ' This is the only known son of Earl Thomas. Douglas, followed by the Complete Peerage, gives him a son Thomas, Earl of Angus from 1361 to 1377, but his statement is founded on wrong premises.' p. 173, 1. 7 from foot, for ' 1409 ' read « 1405.' p. 173, 1. 5 from foot, after ' third,' insert ' 13 November 1413.' P. 174, 1. 5 from foot, for ' 1435' read ' 1436.' p. 175, 1. 10, for ' three ' read « four.' p. 175, 1. 10, after ' sons,' insert 'and a daughter.' p. 175, after 1. 23 insert 4 4. Hugh, who, in a Papal Bull of 7 June 1455, is said to be brother- german of the then Earl of Angus, in the twentieth year of his age, and in 12 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA the second and third degrees of consanguinity with James, King of Scots (Reg. Vaticana, cccclxxvii. 141). He had several provisions to canonries, etc., between 1449 and 1455, was archdeacon of St. Andrews in 1458 (Reg. Mag. Sig.), and rector of St. Andrews University 1466 (Reg. of Papal Petitions, 590, 116).' 5. Helen, married, first, to William, second Lord Graham; secondly, to James, first Lord Ogilvie of Airlie (see addenda to Airlie article).' p. 178, 1. 5, delete ' 3 Anne to issue,' and insert ' The wife of William, second Lord Graham, was named Helen, and was a sister, not a daughter of Earl George.' p. 178, 11. 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, and 23, for ' 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,' read ' 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.' p. 178, 1. 28, after 'father,' insert 'comma,' and add 'to whom he was served heir 12 April 1468 (Harl. MS., 6443).' p. 180, 1. 15, for ' at ' read ' on.' p. 183, 1. 1, delete ' before May 1468,' and insert ' on 4 March 1467-68.' p. 184, 1. 14, after 'was,' insert 'Margaret, daughter of John Carmichael of Meadowflat, to whom and his children by her he granted a Bond of Provision 28 January 1553-54 (Acts and Decreets, x. 164). He married, thirdly.' p. 185, 1. 2, after ' Keith,' add ' Agnes was married (contract 14 January 1571-72) to William Hay of Urie (Reg. Sec. Sig., xli. 45). They were divorced before 1587 (Reg. of Deeds, xxviii. 125).' p. 185, line 5, after ' Katherine,' insert ' She was married to John Car- michael, Captain of Crawford (Harl. MS., 6443).' p. 185, 1. 16, delete ' in September 1522,' and insert ' between 10 Septem- ber, when his will was executed, and 15 September 1522, when it received probate (Small's Poetical Works of Gavin Douglas, i. p. cxvii ; Scottish Historical Review, ii. 63).' p. 186, note 4, after ' 149,' add, ' but see vol. iv. p. 406, where further details as to the Herries marriage are given.' p. 188, 1. 23, delete ' in 1560,' and insert ' on 12 December 1573, when her liferent was reserved in a charter to her grandson (Reg. Mag. Sig., at date).' p. 192, line 22, after 'first,' insert 'contract 26 June 1509 (Buccleuch Charter-Chest).' p. 192, 1. 25, after ' Tudor,' insert 'whom he married 4 (or 6) August 1514 at the Church of Kinnoull (Scottish Kings, at date)' and.' p. 192, 1. 27, after 'wife,' insert 'whom he married before 9 April 1543 (Reg. Mag. Sig., at date).' p. 193, 1. 6, after ' and,' insert ' by, it is said, a daughter of Stewart of Traquair.' p. 193, 1. 4 from foot, after ' first,' insert ' contract 19 January 1567-68 (Acts and Decreets, xlii. 22).' P. 196, 1. 6 from foot, delete ' in the beginning of 1587. In July,' and insert '12 July 1587, and in the same month (Hatfield Col., iii. P. 196, 1. 4 from foot, for ' seventh Earl of,' read « eighth Lord.' ANGUS 13 p. 196, 1. 2 from foot, after ' 1583,' insert note, * The exact date of Robert Douglas's death is doubtful. See post, vol. vi. 550.' p. 197, 1. 3, after * Margaret,' delete remainder of sentence, and insert 4 who was served heir of line to her father 13 July 1590 (Reg. of Deeds, xlvi. 142A). She was alive in 1591 (Ibid., xxxvii. 276; Harl. MS., 6442).' p. 198, 1. 26, after ' Gavin,' insert ' styled of Raquarrall.' p. 198, 1. 32, after 'married,' insert 'first, contract 27 October 1598 (Beg. of Deeds, cccxxxi. 211) Jean, sister of Robert Menzies, burgess of Aberdeen, and widow of Gilbert Menzies of Auldquhat ; secondly.' p. 199, 1. 1, delete ' who,' and insert ' entered Douai College in 1596 and afterwards went to Rome, where he graduated in philosophy in 1598 (Records of Scots Coll., 7). He.' p. 199, 1. 12, after ' married,' insert ' contract 5 January 1567-68, (Aberdeen Homings, 25 June 1584).' p. 204, 1. 26, delete ' in,' and insert ' 11 September.' p. 205, 1. 3 from foot, after ' Isabel,' insert ' baptized 21 May 1642 (Canon- gate Reg.). She was the third daughter by the second marriage (Lanark Sasines, Upper Ward, i. 134). She was.' p. 206, 1. 6, after ' daughter,' insert * She died 8 January 1713.' p. 206, last line, delete ' or about 15,' and substitute ' Tuesday 16 (MS. [1659] by his widow at Kilkerran).' p. 207 1. 3, delete ' In,' and insert ' On 26 April.' p. 207, after 1. 10, insert ' 2. Charles, baptized 9 February 1637 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 207, 1. 11, for ' 2 ' read '3.' p. 207, 1. 15, for ' 3 ' read ' 4 ' ; after * death,' delete remainder of sen- tence, and insert ' Baptized 1 April 1655, and buried in April 1656 (Ibid).' p. 207, 1. 17, for ' 4 and 5 ' read ' 5 and 6.' p. 207, after 1. 18, insert * 7. Ann, baptized 8 January 1650 (Ibid).' p. 207, 1. 19, for « 6 ' read ' 8.' p. 208, 1. 11, after ' Dundee,' add ' On the abolition of heritable juris- dictions, the Duke received £5104, 5s. Id. as his compensation for the regalities of Kirriemuir, Abernethy, Selkirk, Jedburgh Forest, Bonkle and Preston, Both well, Douglas andDudhope (Treasury Money Book, xliii. 149, P.R.O,).' p. 208, 1. 15, insert at beginning of line, ' He was engaged to the daughter of widow Jack, a taverner in Perth, but this was apparently broken off (Lament's Diary).' p. 210, 1. 5, for ' August ' read « April.' p. 211, 1. 2, delete ' in ' and insert « on 1.' p. 211, line 6, after 'beautiful,' insert note, 'Her "beauty" was doubt- ful, but she was very free and outspoken, and quite a character. She was the last of the nobility to be attended by halberdiers when going about the country. When she visited, she left her dress behind her as a present. She left certain estates to Archibald Douglas and other 14 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA heirs of entail to be called Douglas Support; and provided that the person succeeding should bear the name and arms of Douglas, with the addition of a woman with a child in her arms and a snake under her feet : but these have never been officially recorded. There was a picture at Douglas of her holding a medallion of Archibald in her right hand and a pair of scales in her left. On a pedestal the heads of Lords Mansfield and Camden, and, crouching on the ground in an attitude of terror, a figure with a mask in his right hand, supposed to be the Duke of Hamilton.' p. 213, 1. 25, after ' Macdowall,' read l(sic inLyon Register, but probably for Galloway).' MURRAY, EARL OF ANNANDALE p. 220, 11. 12, 13, ' for John, Master of Maxwell,' read ' Maister John of Maxwell.' p. 221, 1. 18, for 'sixth' read 'fifth.' p. 221, 1. 22, for ' seventh ' read ' sixth.' p. 222, note 13, for ' 218 ' read ' 281.' p. 224, 1. 19, after 'married,' insert 'contract 2 January 1547 (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., xxvi. 36).' p. 226, 1. 9, delete ' Drumlanrig,' and insert ' Hawick.' See vol. vii. 129. p. 228, 1. 11, delete 'in,' and insert '22 (Sir Thomas Hope's Diary).' p. 229, 11. 21, 22, delete ' and Lord St. John of Torphichen in the county of Perth.' JOHNSTONS, EARL OF ANNANDALE p. 236, 1. 25, for ' whom ' read ' who.' p. 239, 1. 10, after ' issue,' delete ' a son, Adam Scott,' and add « two sons, Robert and Adam. Robert, the elder, was infeft in the lands of Rysholm, co.'Ayr, as heir to his mother,10 November 1541 (Sasine in Kel- burn Charter-Chest). She had died in 1524 (Acts and Decreets, vi. Ill, 26 January 1551). Robert died before 19 January 1549, when his brother Adam sold Wamphray, with his father's consent (Reg. Mag. Sig., 24 January 1549).' p. 245, 1. 31, delete '1576,' and insert 'in 1598, as she is referred to in a writ of 1 November in that year (Reg. Sec. Sig., Ixx. f. 90).' p. 246, 1. 2 from foot, after ' will,' delete remainder of paragraph, and insert ' She married, first, John Carmichael, younger of Meadowflat ; secondly, William Weir, younger of Stonebyres ; and, thirdly, William Livingston of Jerviswood (cf. vol. viii. 371).' p. 247, 1. 7, for ' 1570' read ' 1570-71.' p. 248, 1. 7, delete 'at a date which has not been ascertained,' and insert ' about March 1543-44 (Treasurer's Accounts, viii. 267).' p. 248, 1. 2 from foot, after ' 1577,' add ' She was married, secondly, to Alexander (Abernethy), sixth Lord Saltoun, and thirdly, in or before ARBUTHNOTT 15 1589, to William, son of Mark Ker, Commendator of Newbattle (cf. vol. vii. 412 ; v. 455).' p. 254, 1. 25, after ' 1609,' delete to end of paragraph, and insert * She was dead before 1624 (Gen. Reg. Inhibs., 22 November 1624).' p. 258, 1. 4, after ' residence,' add note, * See a sonnet on him by Arthur Johnston in Musa Latino, Aberdonensis, vol. ii. p. 46 (New Spalding Club).' p. 258, 1. 15, after ' Carnegie,' insert ' They were married in the Kirk of Holyroodhouse, 25 February 1647 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 258, 1. 16, after ' year,' add ' Her will is dated 4 July 1648.' p. 263, 1. 8, after 'Annandale,' add ' But apparently he was buried in Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 30 July 1672 (Greyfriars' Burial Reg.).' p. 264, 1. 16, for ' fifteenth ' read 'eighteenth.' p. 264, 1. 16, after * issue,' insert 'Albert Johnstone Campbell, who died April 1907, the last male of the Campbells of Glen Saddell and Newfleld, is said to have claimed through Lady Mary, as heir of line, the Annandale and Hartfell Peerages.' p. 264, after 1. 29, insert ' There is a tradition that there was a daughter, Christian, who made a runaway match with James Willison, in Elvanfoot, first writing to him proposing marriage, and then riding with him to Edinburgh, where they were married. See a note on the family of Black of Over Abington by W. G. Black, Glasgow, p. 9. The name, however, does not appear in the Edinburgh Marriage Register.' p. 265, 1. 1, for ' these' read ' the.' p. 268, 1. 28, after ' Westerhall,' insert 'He was killed at Carthagena, 1741.' p. 268, 1. 28, for ' 1772 ' read ' 1762.' ARBUTHNOTT p. 273, last 1., delete 'another son,' and insert 'his grandson.' p. 280, 1. 13, after 'Ilk,' insert 'with issue (Ninth Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 192).' p. 280, 1. 25, delete ' prior to February 4, 1576, when his,' and insert ' in January 1573. His.' p. 280, 1. 26, after 'recorded,' insert ' 4 February 1576.' p. 280, 1. 28, after ' James,' insert ' Collector of Cess for Angus and Mearns (Reg. of Deeds, vii. 196).' p. 281, note 13, after ' OriginesJ insert 'In 1469 Guille Arbutnot was an Archer of the Scots Guard in France (Forbes Leith, i. 162).' p. 282, 1. 30, after 'first,' insert 'prior to 5 August 1468.' p. 285, 1. 5 from foot, delete '1626,' and insert '1 March 1642 (Aberdeen Reg. of Inhibitions).' p. 285, after 1. 3 from foot, insert ' iii. Mr. Peter, designed brother german to Mr. Andrew Arbuthnott, 16 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA heir apparent of Little Fiddes, on 6 January 1597-98, was pedagogue to Lord Thirlestane in 1607, obtained a Crown charter of certain lands in Lauderdale 1 April l633(Reg. Mag. Sig.\ and died s.p.' p. 285, 1. 2 from foot, for ' in.' read * iv.' p. 286, 1. 1, after * Fiddes,' insert * married, first, Sara Strachan ; and, secondly, Janet Gordon, who survived him.' p. 286, 1. 2, delete ' by his wife, Janet Gordon,' and insert ' issue.' p. 286, 1. 9 from foot, for ' u ' read ' 10.' p. 286, 1. 7 from foot, after ' n,' insert * He was a merchant in Dundee. He was twice married, and died in 1690, leaving by his first wife, Janet Gordon, who died in 1680, James, Alexander, and Elizabeth, to whom their uncle Patrick was served tutor at law (Retours).' p. 286, 1. 5 from foot, after ' 1651,' insert ' became a Writer to the Signet in 1678, and died 6 March 1704.' p. 286, 1. 2 from foot, for « and' read * He.' p. 287, 1. 32, for ' Robert ' read ' Henry.' p. 288, 1. 17, after ' 1532, 'add ' He had letters of legitimation 15 February 1530-31 (Reg. Sec. Sig., viii. 237).' p. 290, 1. 7 from foot, delete ' 13 April 1558,' and insert ' in September 1553.' p. 290, note 7, delete note and insert ' Treasurer's Accounts, vol. x.' p. 292, 1. 6, after 'Andrew,' insert 'apprentice with James Dalziel, merchant and bailie of Edinburgh, 14 March 1610. He is.' p. 292, 1. 13, after « (5),' insert ' Mr: p. 292, 1. 26, after ' Arbuthnott,' add ' In confirmation as executor dative to his mother he is designed Mr. Robert Arbuthnott at the Kirk of Fordoun.' p. 293, 1. 6, after * secondly,' insert ' as his second wife.' p. 293, 1. 21, for '1557' read '1557-58.' p. 294, 1. 5, after ' first,' insert 'contract 8 October 1556.' p. 296, note 12, after « vol.', insert 'xvi.' p. 297, 1. 6, after ' 16,' delete to end of paragraph and insert ' Margaret, married, before 1582, to David Ogilvy of Persie (Reg. of Deeds, cccxxi. 141 ; see also Laing Charters, 1053). She died 10 June 1614 (St. Andrews Tests., 25 June 1614).' p. 297, 1. 21, delete ' Crown.' p. 299, 1. 27, after ' Elizabeth,' insert ' eldest daughter (Forfar Sasines ii. 72).' p. 300, 1. 26, delete ' 20.' p. 300, 1. 27, after ' recorded,' insert ' 31 May 1619 and.' p. 301, 1. 27, after ' on,' insert ' 31.' p. 302, 1. 12 from foot, for ' Torlairtoun' read ' Tortairstoun.' p. 302, 1. 6 from foot, before 'Melville,' insert 'Richard.' p. 303, 1. 16, delete ' born,' and insert ' baptized 4 April.' p. 303, 1. 18, delete 'born 1657,' and insert 'baptized 20 October 1654 Kinneff Reg., ex inform. W. A. Macnaughton, M.D.).' p. 306, 1. 17, after ' died,' insert ' 13 August.' p. 308, 1. 19, after ' peculiar,' insert ' She died 4 November 1692 (Ibid.): ARGYLL 17 p. 309, 1. 8, after ' Elizabeth,' insert ' died 16 April 1755 (Aberdeen Com. Beg., 3 February 1768).' p. 309, 1. 11, after ' Ann,' insert ' died 15 February 1777 (Annual Register)' p. 310, 1. 12, after ' first,' insert ' contract 20 and 21 January 1687 (Part. Reg. Sas. Aberdeen and Kincardine, xii. 468).' p. 310, 1. 13, after 'secondly,' insert 'contract 8 September 1694 (Part. Reg. Sas. Aberdeen and Kincardine, xv. 113; Gen. Reg. Sas., xci. 408).' p. 310, 1. 15, after ' Anne,' insert ' (or Agnes) ' ; after ' married,' insert 'contract 20 and 25 November 1693 (Part. Reg. Sas. Aberdeen, xiv. 463).' p. 310, 1. 34, delete ' William, who both,' and insert ' William Henry, baptized 13 February 1691 (Canongate Reg.). Both he and his im- mediate elder brother.' p. 311, after line 6, insert '11. Janet, " sister to the present Viscount Arbuthnott," died at Prestonpans, July 1706 (Funeral Entry Lyon Office).' p. 312, 11. 4 and 5, delete ' in 1710,' and insert ' 8, and was buried 10 May 1710 in the Abbey there (Complete Peerage).' p. 313, 1. 1, for ' prise fideice,' read 'priscce fidei.' p. 313, 1. 32, after 'married,' insert 21 April 1769.' p. 314, 1. 5, after ' married,' insert ' 27 December 1775.' p. 314, 1. 32, for ' 1808 ' read ' 1805.' p. 315, 1. 6, after ' had,' insert ' with other issue.' p. 315, 1. 17, for ' Thomson' read ' Morison.' p. 315, 1. 21, after ' 1888,' insert ' married, 21 November 1911, to N. D Beatson Bell, C.I.E.' p. 315, 1. 32, after 'Madras,' insert 'retired 1908. Married Gertrude Forbes, daughter of C. E. F. Nash, Barrister-at-law, with issue.' p. 315, 1. 36, for ' 1891,' read ' 1894,' and insert ' John Sinclair, born 1898 ; Donald Charles, born 1902 ; Hugh Forbes, born 1906.' p. 315, 1. 37, delete ' Margaret, born 1896,' and insert ' Anne, Eliza Mary. Mary Frances Clementina.' p. 315, 1. 2 from foot, after ' of,' insert ' (1) James Vaughan Allen of Inch- martine ; and (2).' p. 315, last line, after ' 1902,' add ' without issue. She died 1904.' p. 316, 1. 3, after ' 1903,' insert 'without issue.' p. 316, 1. 24, after '1847,' insert 'He died 1906, unmarried.' p. 317, 1. 5, for ' wyverns ' read ' dragons.' ARGYLL p. 320, 1. 11, delete ' first.' p. 320, note 2, for '204' read ' 203*.' p. 321, note 6, delete ' Robertson's Index, 14,' and insert * Cat. Doc. Scot., ii. 200.' p. 323, 1. 25, delete ' His only recorded wife is,' and insert 4 He married, VOL. IX. B 18 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA first, before 1303, the younger daughter of Andrew Crawford (Cal. of Docs. Scot., ii. 1406); and, secondly.' p 324 1.22, for 'Robert, Lord Erskine' read 'Sir Robert Erskme. p 327 11. 7 and 6 from foot, delete 'said to have been married, first, to ' John Macdonald, Earl of Boss,' and insert 'married, first, to John, eldest son of John, Lord of the Isles.' p 327 1 6 from foot, after 'Lennox,' insert 'Her first marriage is referred ' ' to in 'a dispensation for her second, dated 30 March 1373 (Theiner, p. 348, No. 700 ; cf . vol. v. of this work, p. 340).' p. 329, 1. 11, after ' 326,' add '" Sir " John or Ian Campbell was rector of ' Kilmartin, and as "frater noster" witnessed, on 4 June 1414, a charter of his brother Duncan at " Innyschonelle " Castle (Argyll Charter- Chest).' p. 329, 1. 20, after ' Lochwinnoch,' insert ' Kildalvan, Dunloskin.' p. 329, after line 29, insert 4 6. Patrick, a priest, who, as vicar of Kilmartin, and brother to Duncan Cambell, Lord de Cambell and Lord of Lochawe, witnessed a charter at Inchconnell Castle, 20 November 1420 (Argyll Charter- Chest). 7. Celcstine, who, along with his brother Patrick, witnessed a charter 6 July 1403 (Ibid.): p. 329, 1.30, for '6 'read '8.' p. 329, after 1. 32, insert '9. Mor. On 30 May 1393 there was a mandate to the Bishop of Sodor to grant dispensation for the marriage of Hector Macgilleoin and Mor, daughter of Colin Cambel of Sodor and Argyll dioceses who had married although in the third and fourth degrees of consanguinity (Beg. Avenion., cclxxii. 403).' p. 329, 1. 34, delete ' sometimes called Neil.' p. 331, 1. 5 from foot, after ' secondly,' insert ' (under dispensation of date 17 January 1422-23, they being in the second and third degrees of affinity and third and fourth of consanguinity (Cal. Papal Letters, vii. 259).' p. 331, 1. 2 from foot, delete ' born c. 1406.' p. 331, note 9, for ' 187,' read 'p. clxxvii.' and add 'Marcellina was still alive in February 1419-20, when she and her husband were granted the privilege of a portable altar (Cal. Papal Letters, vii. 336).' p. 332, 1. 20, after ' 1440,' add ' probably before 1439.' p. 332, 11. 23 and 24, delete * this last unless she was a natural daughter,' and insert ' of either of these marriages. He probably did marry Mariota of the Isles, daughter of Sir Donald, Lord of the Isles and Ross, as, on 13 February 1419-20, the Pope granted a dispensation for their union, as though they were betrothed they could not marry with- out his permission (Ibid., vii. 151). She is probably the Mariota of the Isles, who about 1439 married Alexander Sutherland of Dunbeath (27i« Thanes of Cawdor, 16).' p. 334, 1. 2 from foot, for 'Margaret,' read ' Marion: p. 334, 1. 2 from foot, delete ' after 1469,' and insert 'contract dated at ARGYLL 19 Edinburgh 14 September 1469, when she was twelve years of age ; 1000 merks in tocher, one of the largest of the time (MS. penes Editor). They were certainly married before 23 April 1475, when they had a grant of lands in Midlothian from his grandfather, the first Lord Seton.' p. 334, 1. 2 from foot, after ' George,' insert ' second.' p. 335, 11. 2 and 3, delete ' generally said to have been executed in his father's lifetime, 1490,' and insert ' before 5 March 1478-79, on which date he granted a discharge of part of her tocher to the Earl (Argyll Charter-Chest).' p. 335, 1. 5, 'On 14 September 1469 Helen is styled second daughter (Harl. MSS., 4693, f. 9a, printed in the Family of Seton, ii. 845). She was living 23 January 1528-29 (Complete Peerage).' p. 335, 1. 6, for 'June ' read ' September.' p. 335, after 1. 6 insert ' 6. Margaret, married to Patrick Buchanan, younger of Buchanan, tocher 600 merks. The marriage-contract, dated at Stirling 22 June 1486, bears that my lord shall pay so much of this sum at Michaelmas " if he may gudlie gett it " (Third Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 390 ; Eraser's Lennox Book, ii. 127, 128 ; Argyll Charter-Chest).' p. 335, 11. 7, 9, 13, and 16, for '6, 7, 8, 9,' read '7, 8, 9, 10.' p. 335, 1. 18, after 'Maclean,' add 'Either this Catherine or another daughter of the same name, and styled "second dochter," was con- tracted at Stirling, 6 February 1464-65, to James Haldane, eldest son and heir of John Haldane of Gleneagles, it being provided that if she died he should have any younger daughter of the Earl (Argyll Charter-Chest).' p. 336, 1. 7, after « 1511,' insert ' He married, first, Jonet, daughter of James Stewart, Sheriff of Bute, from whom he was divorced (cf. vol. ii. of this work, 288).' p. 336, 1. 7, delete 'an only child,' and insert 'a son John, who, as son and heir of the deceased Archibald Campbell of Skipinche, had in 1542 (Reg. Sec. Sig., xvi. f. 33) an order from the King under the Privy Seal for the restoration of his father's property. His superior alleged that he had no title to the lands because his father had not died at the faith and peace of the King inasmuch as being in ward in the Castle of Edinburgh he broke out of it and rendered null an order of the King for his enlargement. John married Marion Montgomery, daughter of Hugh Montgomery of Hazelhead, widow of Thomas Crawford of Auchinames and of William, second Lord Sempill (cf. vol. vii. of this work, 535). Archibald Campbell had also.' p. 336, 1. 28, for ' fourth ' read ' fifth.' p. 336, 1. 32, after 'John' insert ' Stewart.' p. 336, 1. 33, after ' died,' insert ' before.' p. 336, 1. 35, after ' married,' insert ' before 10 November 1522 (when she is called Moir).' p. 336, 1. 35, delete ' of that Ilk,' and insert ' of Inveryne (ex inform. John Macgregor, W.S.).' 20 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 337, delete 11. 10 and 11, and accompanying note, and insert « This ' Earl, or possibly his father, had another daughter, married to Iain "Brayach" M'lain of Ardnamurchan, with issue. His eventual heiress, Mariota M'lain, in 1538 resigned her lands in favour of Archibald, fourth Earl of Argyll, and to this deed her seal, showing the Campbell arms of her mother impaled with those of Ardna- murchan, is appended (Argyll Charter-Chest).' • He also had two other daughters, Katherine and Elizabeth, as on 27 March 1501 a marriage-contract was entered into at Edinburgh between George, Earl of Huntly, and Alexander, Lord Gordon, on the one part, and Archibald, Earl of Argyll, on the other, whereby Alex- ander's son and apparent heir George Gordon (whose existence has been previously unknown) was to marry which of the two best pleased him, whilst Colin, third Earl, was to marry either Janet or Margaret Gordon. He did marry the former, but George Gordon must have died young, and his projected marriage did not take place (Argyll Charter-Chest).' p. 337, last line, delete 'towards the end of,' and insert '9 October (Chronicle of Fortingall).' p. 338, 1. 21, after ' first,' insert 'James Stewart, Sheriff of Bute, but her marriage must have been annulled (Acts and Decreets, vi. 474). She was married, secondly.' p. 338, 1. 24, ' after * Glen,' delete ' secondly,' and insert ' He died in 1565, and she married, thirdly.' p. 338, 1. 26, after ' captivity ' insert ' Her legitimacy is doubtful ; she is called "base sister" to the Earl of Argyll (State Papers, Ireland, 296).' p. 340. 1. 9, after ' Maclean,' insert ' contract dated 12 March 15 6, year illegible, but perhaps 1545-46 ; in it her father is styled Hector Maclean of Doward, and it appears she married the Earl to appease the great feud between her house and his (Argyll Charter-Chest).' p. 340, 1. 10, after ' her,' insert ' She is stated to have married, secondly, Callough O'Donell, Lord of Tyrconnel, and to have been taken prisoner with him by John O'Neill prior to 30 May 1561 (Carew State Papers, 1515-74, p. 314 ; Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, 172 ; cf . also Irish Statutes, i. 323, 324 ; Carew Papers, fifth series, 204, 209). To O'Neill she bore two sons (Misc. Maitland Club, pt. i.), and her kinsmen, the Macleans, endeavoured to get her released (State Papers, Ireland, 29 September 1562). After O'Neill's death she returned to Scotland, married John Stewart of Appin (writ in Reg. Ho., Edinburgh, No. 2352, where she is styled Katherine M'Lane, Countess of Argyll), and died not many years prior to 1595.' p. 340, 1. 13, after * 1575,' insert ' The Earl had another natural son, John, who was Provost of the Collegiate Church of Kilmun. In a charter of 14 November 1566 the fifth Earl calls him his brother (Argyll Charter- Chest); a third natural son, Archibald, was the progenitor of the Glendaruel family.' p. 342, 1. 30, for '5 July,' read '1 July ( Eleventh Bep. Hist. MSS. Com., ARGYLL 21 Duke of Hamilton's MS., App. vi. 54), and after * 1553,' insert 'bearing to be in fulfilment of another contract of 10 December 1538, when both parties must have been infants (Moray Writs).' p. 343, 1. 1, after • dying,' insert ' 7 January 1587-88 (Edin. Tests., 26 March 1588).' p. 343, 1. 5, after ' Glencairn,' delete ' but had no issue by her,' and insert ' and had a son, who died at birth (30 June 1574, Cat. of Scottish Papers, v. 13).' p. 343, 1. 10, delete from ' 1. John, to end of sentence (see corrigenda on p. 340).' p. 343, 1. 12, for '2' read ' 1.' p. 343, 1. 20, after 'Earl,' insert 'He was aged fifteen in 1573, when he was a hostage in England. On 18 June 1592 he granted a precept at Stirling, in which he is styled Lord of Craignish, and his mother's name Beatrix Campbell is mentioned (Argyll Charter-Chest ; Acts and Decreets, cxvii. 346).' p. 343, 11. 21 and 24, for '3' and '4,' read C2' and '3.' p. 343, 1. 31, for ' a daughter,' read ' two daughters, Jean (styled sister's daughter of Colin, Earl of Argyll) and.' p. 344, 1. 6, for ' 5' read '4' ; after 'will,' insert ' She was married, before 6 June 1590, to Iain Macfarlane, fiar of Arrochar, who then granted a discharge to the seventh Earl for the complete tocher payment of £500 (Argyll Charter-Chest).' p. 345, 1. 28, after ' age,' insert ' They had a previous contract 21 February 1547-48 (Ada Dom. Cone, et Sess., xxvi. 35).' p. 345, 1. 28, after ' secondly,' insert ' between May 1571 and 26 February 1571-72 (Complete Peerage).' p. 345, last line, after ' who,' insert ' chose curators 5 July 1592, the next- of-kin on father's side being John, Bishop of the Isles, and Archibald Campbell of Lochnell, and on mother's side George, Earl Marischal, and Robert, Lord Altrie (Acts and Decreets, cxxxvii. 349). He.' p. 346, after 1. 5 insert '4. Jean (Acts and Decreets, Ixxi. 95).' p. 349, 1. 4, after ' faith,' insert note, ' Alexander Craig wrote the follow- ing lines on the Earl becoming a Roman Catholic : — " Now Earl of Guile and Lord Forlorn then goes, Quitting the Prince to serve his foreign foes, No faith in plaids, no trust in Highland trews, Cameleon-like they change to many hues." (Staggering State).' p. 349, 1. 14, after '1638,' add, 'Will dated 9 October, proved 29 November 1638 (Somerset House Wills, ex inform. Hon. Vicary Gibbs).' p. 349, 1. 15, delete ' before October 1594,' and insert ' 24 July 1592.' p. 349, 1. 24, for ' 1659,' read ' 1649.' p. 349, 1. 25, delete ' in 1611,' and insert ' Contract 24, 25, and 27 May 1611 (Reg. of Deeds, cci. 230).' 22 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 349, 1. 29, after ' first,' insert ' contract dated 1624 (Reg. Mag. Sig., as in note).' p. 349, 1. 29, for 'Robert,' read 'John.' p. 349, 1. 32, for 'September,' read 'February (Edinburgh Marriage p. 349, note 4, delete • The Complete Peerage gives the date of the marriage as 1628.' p 349 last line, insert bracket after ' 1617.' p! 350, 1. 8, after • had,' insert ' by her, who died 12 January 1635.' p. 35()! 1. 9, delete 'born 1611.' p. 350, 1. 9, after ' Chapel Royal,' insert ' 25 September 1610 (Reg. of Chapel Royal): p. 350, 1. 11, the reference number 3 should be inserted after ' sponsors, and deleted from the next line. p. 350, note 6, delete ' Ibid.', and insert ' Check-book ut sup.' p! 350, 11. 15, 16, delete 'after 21 September 1644,' and insert 'in France about 15 September 1645 (Complete Peerage): p. 350, 1. 17, delete 'and 9'; delete from 'and,' down to end of para- graph and relative notes, and insert ' born at Ashley House, Waltham, Surrey, 14 November 1611, died young (List of Children of seventh Earl by his second wife, from a document in his own handwriting).' p. 350, after 1. 22, insert • 9 and 10. Frederick and Charles, evidently the twins christened at Somerset House, 31 December 1616, for whom Queen Anne and Prince Charles stood sponsors (List., ut sup.). Charles died young. Frederick may have been the son who died 1636, having been " in warrs." 11. Charles (secundus), born at Stirling about 1618; died before 1636 (List, ut sup.). 12. Eugene, born in the winter of 1619 at Brussels ; died before 1636. 13. Charles (tertius), born in St. Martin's Lane, London, about 1629, and died young before 1636.' p. 350, 1.23, for '10 'read '14.' p. 350, 1. 23, after 'Mary,' insert 'born in Brussels about 1622 (List, ut sup.): p. 350, 1. 25, for ' 11 ' read ' 15.' p. 350, 1. 28, after ' 1694,' insert ' as an Augustinian Canoness, under the name of Isabelle Claire d'Arguille. She is not mentioned in her father's list of his children.' p. 350, 1. 29, for « 12 ' read ' 16.' p. 350, 1. 29, after ' Victoria,' insert ' born at Brussels 1627 (List, ut sup.). " A very fine lady," she.' p. 350, 1. 31, after ' sister,' insert 'She is mentioned as "dead lately" in a letter of 9 August 1694 (Letters from James, Earl of Perth, Camden Society, 40).' p. 350, 1. 32, for ' 13' read ' 17.* p. 350, 1. 32, after ' Barbara,' insert ' born at Brussels about 1624. ' p. 350, 1. 33, after 'Brussels,' insert 'afterwards in a nunnery at ARGYLL 23 Louvain, where she was known in religion as Barbara Meliora Campbell.' p. 350, 1. 33, after * yearly,' insert * She died before 9 August 1694 (Letter, ut cit.): p 350, 1. 34, for ' 14 ' read ' 18.' p. 350, 1. 34, delete ' 1619,' and insert ' at Fisher's Folly in S. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, and christened 6 December 1614.' p. 350, after 1. 37 insert— 'The following additional daughters are also mentioned in their father's list 19. Elizabeth, born at Brussels 1621. 20. Constance, born at Brussels about 1625 or 1626. Became a Benedictine nun as Anne Constance d'Arguille. 21. A daughter, born at Leith in Scotland, who died unbaptized, 1617.' p. 351, after 1. 3, insert ' The Earl had also a natural daughter Anna, married, first, as his second wife, to Sir Donald Campbell, Baronet, of Ardnamurchan, who died 1651 ; and, secondly, in or before 1652, to Alexander Campbell of Inverliver; both are named in a bond dated 1652 (Argyll Charter-Chest).' p. 351, 1. 10, after '1623,' insert 'He chose curators 27 March 1622, the next-of-kin on the father's side being Colin Campbell of Lundie, Alexander Campbell of Lochenzell, Colin Campbell of Kirktowchma- chill, and Sir John Campbell of Calder, on mother's side William, Earl of Morton, and Sir Archibald Douglas of Killour (Acts and Decreets, cccliv. 270).' p. 360, 1. 20, delete ' who,' and insert * eldest, not second son, was born at Roseneath, 14 December 1668, and (see a curious attestation to his having been baptized, a fact which was doubted, Scottish Antiquary, i. 13).' p. 360, 1. 23, after « married,' insert ' as his second wife (contract 11 April p. 360, 1. 25, after ' 1744,' insert ' leaving eight sons and seven daughters. ' p. 360, 1. 29, after ' Jean,' add ' married in 1700 to George Maxwell of Dalswinton, and had issue (Decreets (Mackenzie), 21 January 1747 ; Eraser's Maxwells of Pollok. i. 453).' p. 361, 1. 1, after ' marriage,' read ' Admitted advocate in 1704.' p. 361, 1. 7, after ' unmarried,' delete ' probably before 1660,' insert ' and died insane at Inveraray after 29 January 1712, at a great age. She is said to have fallen into a melancholy on account of King Charles u. having refused to marry her. She was kept at Dunoon Castle.' p. 361, 1. 17, delete ' before 19 October 1663,' and relative note, and insert ' at Edinburgh 1691, unmarried (ex inform. Niall D. Campbell, Esq.).' p. 366, 1. 2 from foot, after 'Earl,' insert 'was contracted in his youth, about 1641 or 1642, to Lady Ann Hamilton, daughter of James, first Duke of Hamilton, and afterwards Duchess, with a tocher of 100,000 merks ; but the marriage did not take place (Eleventh Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., App. vi. 55). He.' 24 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 367, 1. 1, delete 'May 1668,' and insert 'in 1706, aged eighty-five (Will- cock's Scots Earl): p. 368 1.3, after 'outrage,' insert 'Miss Wharton ultimately married Colonel Brierly, who commanded a regiment of horse in the service of William in. (Patrician, v. 276).' p. 368, 11. 9 and 10, delete ' at least one son.' p. 368, 1. 10, after 'Charles,' insert 'born 20 March 1703 (Canongate Beg.).' p. 368, 1. 11, after '1718,' insert ' John, born 1 February 1705 (Ibid.): p. 368, 1. 11, for ' two ' read * three.' p. 368, 1. 12 after 'Mary; insert 'born 25 October 1695.' p. 368, 1. 14, after ' Saltoun,' add ' and Anna (secunda), born 7 August 1700 (Ibid.): p. 368, 1. 15, after ' 1657,' add ' Probably the Lady Mary Campbell, "daughter of Orgyel," buried in Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 12 January 1695 (Greyfriars Reg.).' p. 368, after 1. 21, insert ' 8. Margaret, baptized 12 January 1692 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 368, 1. 28, after ' Argyll,' insert 'baptized 25 July 1658 (Ibid.).' p. 370, 1. 2, after ' 1703,' insert ' He left his estate of Charton, near North Shields, to his mistress, Mrs. Alison. The Duchess and her son dis- puted the settlement (see Maidment's Scottish Elegiac Verses, Edin- burgh, 1842 ; also Argyll Papers, privately printed ; and the privately printed part of Maidment's Scottish Pasquils): p. 370, 1. 6, after 'married,' insert ' 12.' p. 370, 1. 14, after ' Anne,' insert ' born 12 January 1692 (Canongate Reg.). p. 370, 1. 21, delete paragraph, and insert '4. Margaret, born 2 June 1690 (Canongate Reg.).' 5. Katherine, baptized 11 February 1697. Lady Katherine Campbell, daughter of John (sic), Earl of Argyll, was buried in Petersham, Surrey, 25 January 1699-1700 (ex inform. Keith W. Murray, Esq.).' p. 371, 1. 4, for 'Mackay' read 'Macky.' p. 377, 1. 1, after ' Caroline," insert ' born 7 November 1717.' p. 377, 1. 7, for 'Marquess of Townshend ' read 'Marquess Townshend.' p. 380, 1. 26, ' after ' married,' insert ' Licence 19 January 1713. p. 380, 1. 26, delete ' the daughter of Mr.' and insert ' Anne, daughter of Major Walter.' p. 381, 1. 12, for ' Charles ' read « Archibald.' p. 382, 1. 6, for 'Philip' read 'Edward.' p. 382, 11. 24 and 25, delete ' and had issue, and,' and insert ' who.' p. 382, 1. 25, after '1756,' add 'His widow died at Bath 3 December 1783.' p. 382, 1. 3 from foot, after ' issue,' add ' Jean raised an action of declarator of marriage in 1747 and got decree. A Margaret Cochrane, widow of Lewis Kennedy, Collector of Customs at Irvine, alleged marriage with Captain John at the seat of Lord Dundonald at Paisley, 3 July 1724 ; the claim, however, failed. Captain John and his wife had four ARGYLL 25 children, the first, Elizabeth, being born 10 October 1726 ; the youngest, Jean, born 19 November 1729, was the only one alive at the time of raising the process (Consistorial Processes, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 372).' p. 382, 1. 2 from foot, after « Primrose,' insert ' born 1710.' p. 383, 1. 2, after ' issue,' add ' She had a half-witted grandson who poisoned her porridge, but she did not eat it, and her cousin, Mrs. Elphinstone, took it instead and died, (ex inform. Lady Constance Russell).' p. 384, last line, delete ' divorced.' p. 385, 1. 2, after ' 1760,' insert ' and from whom she obtained a judicial separation on account of cruelty.' p. 385, 1. 3, for < 24 July' read ' 25 June.' p. 385, 1. 4, after ' 1807,' insert ' aged about seventy (Miss Berry's Journal, ii. 229 ; Lady Constance Russell's Three Generations of Fascinating Women). Miss Berry says she was burned to ashes in the only room in the house that was burned. It is supposed she took a fit (both her sisters died in fits) and fell with her head on the candle.' p. 385, 11. 5 and 7, * Mary and Jane are both said to have been illegitimate (ex inform. John Ferrier, Esq.).' p. 385, 1. 14, after * 1773,' insert * but did not go out till 1775 (ex inform. L. Campbell Johnstone, Esq.).' p. 385, 1. 27, for 'Anne' read 'Louisa (ex inform. L. Campbell Johnston, Esq.).' p, 386, 1. 3, for * George ' read * John.' p. 386, 1. 5, delete ' died without issue,' and insert ' was a spendthrift, and shot himself at the Bedford Arms, Covent Garden, 15 August.' p. 386, 1. 8, after ' fortune,' insert ' She died, 28 May 1828, at Upper Brook Street, London. Lady Caroline died 17 January 1803, aged eighty- two.' p. 387, 1. 15, for ' 3 March ' read * Saturday, 3 February (Notes and Queries, 10th ser. iv. 384).' p. 387, 1. 19, after ' she,' insert * born 1733, at Hemingford Gray, co. Hunt- ingdon.' p. 387, 1. 24, for ' 20' read '21' (Miss Berry's Journal, i. 269).' p. 387, 1. 31, after ' married,' insert * without her parents' consent.' p. 387, line 35, after ' Maria,1 add note, ' For an account of her under the title of A Bygone Beauty, see Lady Constance Russell's Three Gene- rations of Fascinating Women. Her birth is there given as on 28 January 1775. There is a portrait of her by Tischbein at Swallowfleld > another by Anna Tonelli, and a drawing of her and her husband by Edridge. She was also painted by Hoppner and by Alexander Blackley.' p. 388, line 3, for ' 17 March ' read ' 23 March,' and add note, Miss Berry (Journal, iii. 157), who was there, says the marriage took place at Lord Burghersh's house in Florence, he being the English minister there.' p. 388, 1. 26, after 'offspring,' add note, 'A natural daughter, Catherine Black Campbell, was born April 1806. She was engaged successively 26 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA to the Duke of Newcastle and the Duke of Marlborough, but married neither, and died in obscurity and poverty in a lodging house in Brompton Row about 1862 (See Lady Constance Russell's Three Genera- tions of Fascinating Women).' p. 391, 1. 1, for ' Assory' read « Ascog.' p. 391, 1. 20, after '1895,' add 'Lady Colin Campbell died in London 2 November 1911.' p. 391, line 28, after ' 1854,' add ' died at Edinburgh 6 July 1910.' p. 392, 1. 22, for ' President of the Council for India,' read ' Secretary of State for India.' ARKAN p. 397, 1. 5, after 'Societie,' insert * "A lewd, fascinating woman." She died "miserablie" in September 1595 (Wardlaw MS., Scot. Hist. So©., p. 221).' p. 397, last line, after 'Elizabeth,' add 'married, contract 9 December 1602, to Duncan Bayne of Tulloch (Reg. of Deeds, clxxxvii. 35).' p. 397, after last line, add «5. Marie (P. C. Beg., 2nd ser. iv. 403), married to Mr. John Finlayson of Killeith (Reg. of Deeds, cccvi. 293).' p. 398, for 'Fife' read 'Galloway.' ASTON OF FORFAR p. 401, 1. 1, for '1651,' insert ' 1615.' p. 402, 1. 12 from foot, after 'had,' insert ' issue' and remove ' :— ' p. 403, 1. 21, after ' 1763,' insert ' She died 11 August 1764.' p. 404, 1. 14 from foot, after ' died,' insert ' 24 August.' p. 411, 1. 29, after ' secondly,' insert 'apparently after 1680.' p. 412, 1. 16, after 'married,' insert 'about 1 October 1698 (Complete Peerage).' p. 413, 1. 22, for ' October,' read ' 9 November.' CELTIC EARLS OF ATHOLL p. 415, 11. 14 and 20, delete 'Norwegian,' and insert 'Icelandic p. 416, 1. 20, Same correction. p. 419, 1. 9 of notes, delete ' and successor.' p. 422, 1. 30, after ' house,' insert ' He was buried in the graveyard of the Franciscans at Haddington (Chron. de Lanercost).' p. 423, 1. 22, after ' Ferneleth,' insert note, ' In the original charter among the Cupar Abbey writs in possession of the Earl of Moray, the Countess's name is written Forueleth, which is the Gaelic Forbhflaith, "perfect princess" (ex inform., W. J. Watson, LL.D., Rector, High School, Edinburgh). Another Forveleth, " fllia Keraldi," occurs about 1240 (Reg. Epiac. Glasg., No. 177).' p. 425, 1. 13, for ' quareUed ' read 'quarrelled.' STEWART, EARL OF ATHOLL 27 p. 425, 1. 4 from foot, after 'Chilham,' delete 'who,' and insert 'the granddaughter of Richard Fitzroy. (See corrigenda, p. 168, line 2, supra.} She died 18 March 1292, and was buried, 24 March, in the church of Canterbury, near the altar of St. Edward (Hist. Works, Gervase of Canterbury, ii. 300). She.' p. 429, 1. 8, after * manors,' insert * On 16 November 1316 he had a pardon as David, Earl of Asceles (Patent Rolls [1313-17], 567).' p. 429, 1. 22, delete ' before,' and insert ' between 8 February and.' p. 430, 1. 18, after * Atholl,' insert note, ' See Archceologia ^Eliana, 3rd ser., vol. iii.' p. 433, last 1., insert after or, 'but the quartering for Atholl in the more modern arms is given as Paly of six or and sable.' CAMPBELL, EARL OF ATHOLL p. 435, last line, after 'Atholl,' add 'Moray died 17 October 1346, and Joanna married, fourthly, dispensation dated 5 Id. November 1347, as his second wife, William, Earl of Sutherland (See that title and Cal. of Papal Reg. Letters, vol. iii.).' p. 435, at end of note 1, add ' Cf. also another copy recorded in Reg. of Deeds (Durie's Div.), 103, 9 Aug. 1704.' STEWART, EARL OF ATHOLL p. 436, 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, delete from ' The ' down to ' Crown,' and insert ' On 31 May 1367 King David n. granted a charter of the earldom to Robert's son, John Stewart of Kyle (afterwards King Robert in.), and Annabella, his wife, on the resignation of his father (Exch. Rolls, iv. p. clxx, where 3d is a misprint for 31st). He is called Earl of Atholl in a charter by Robert n. to Cupar Abbey (Reg. Avenion. ccix. 377). The Earldom remained in his hands.' p. 437, 1. 14, delete ' May 1409,' and insert '8 June 1404,' adding note— 'He is described on the last-mentioned date as Walter Stewart, Earl of Atholl and Caithness, in a safe-conduct by the English King (Rymer's Fcedera, viii. 361 ; Cal. Doc. Scot., iv. No. 656).' p. 438, 1. 23, after 'known,' delete « but,' and insert, ' though it must have been before 1 August 1404, when he had a dispensation to marry Margaret (or Elizabeth) Grahame, daughter of Sir William Grahame of Kincardine (cf. vol. vi. 218), though this marriage did not take place, and.' p. 438, 1. 24, for 'her' read ' his wife's.' p. 442, 1. 6, after ' Caithness ' read ' She died 21 March 1518, and was buried with him (Complete Peerage).' p. 442, 1. 12, delete 'before 1482,' and insert 'contract dated 14 October 1474 (Menzies Charter-Chest ; cf. Herald and Genealogist, vi. 596).' p. 442, 1. 18, after ' consanguinity V add ' She was married again (contract 28 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA 9 December 1529) to Ninian, third Lord Boss (vol. vi. 252 ; cf. Ada Dominorum Concilii, xli. f. 25).' Np. 443, 1. 14, after ' Ruthven,' add ' and, possibly fifthly, James, son of (Gilbert?) Grey of Foulis, but the only authority for this is Sir Robert Gordon in his Genealogy of the Earls of Sutherland, 106.' p. 443, 1. 22, for ' Colin' read ' Kenneth.' p. 443, 1. 31, after 'first,' insert ' before December 1533 (Fourth Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 536).' p. 443, 1. 32, after 'Grizel,' delete 'daughter,' and insert 'granddaughter and se'hior heir of line (ex inform. Rev. John Ferguson of Aberdalgie ; Rattray Writs in Dupplin Charter-Chest).' p. 443, note 2, 'The note in the Sutherland Book here referred to is wrong. It does not refer to the deed mentioned in the text of that volume, and the authority there quoted should be the seventh, not the eighth, Report of the Hist. MSS. Com. In that Report (pp. 711 and 713) there are two retours showing that Janet Campbell was wife of John Stewart, second Earl of Atholl.' p. 444, 1. 4, for ' 1536' read ' 1556.' p. 444, 1. 13, after ' Redhall,' insert as note, ' The marriage must have taken place before January 1545-46. Cf. Letter by Countess of Atholl 14th January 1545-46 (Gen. Reg. Ho. See also Comm. Decreets, iii. 347).' p. 445, 1. 9, after 'Erskine,' insert 'She was living 15 August 1584 (Com- plete Peerage).' p. 445, 1. 15, after ' first,' jpsert ' contract 24 December 1567 ; for ' sixth ' read ' fifth.' p. 445, 1. 24, delete ' about,' and insert ' in December.' p. 445, 1. 24, after ' 1581,' insert '(contract registered 18 January 1583).' p. 446, 1. 5, for ' James ' read ' John.' p. 446, 1. 6, delete 'and had issue,' and insert 'She married, thirdly, James Stewart, eldest son of James, Master of Buchan, son of John, third Earl of Buchan. By her first husband she had issue.' p. 446, 1. 17, after ' Standenflat,' insert « She died 19 July 1623.' p. 446, 1. 20, for 'first,' read 'second.' p. 446, note 5, for ' 950 ' read ' 280.' p. 447, 1. 15, for ' iv.' read ' vi.' p. 447, 1. 20, after ' Leslie,' insert reference number 3 and semicolon.' p. 447, 1. 21, delete reference number 3. p. 447, 1. 23, for '1580' read ' 1582.' MURRAY, DUKE OF ATHOLL p. 454, 1. 2 of notes, for ' 1284 ' read ' 1319-33.' p. 462, 1. 29, for ' 1562' read '1562-63.' p. 462, 1. 31, after 'him,' insert 'and was still alive on 17 December 1577' (James Harlaw's Protocol Book, Gen. Reg. Ho., f. 223).' p. 462, 1. 34, for '1596' read ' 1596-97.' p. 462, last 1., for ' 1565' read ' 1565-66.' MURRAY, DUKE OF ATHOLL 29 p. 463, 1. 6, after «1599,' add 'He married, contract 20 and 22 January 1600, Agnes, daughter of Robert Bruce of Blairhall (Reg. of Deeds, Ixxxiv. 354).' p. 466, 11. 22 and 23, delete ' He was living 28 May 1618,' and insert ' He was buried in March 1621 (Canongate Reg.), having married Katherii\e Preston (Reg. of Deeds, cxlii. 126).' p. 467, 1. 4, delete ' Sir.' p. 467, last 1., after « married,' insert 'first.' p. 468, 1. 3, after 'London,' add 'She married, secondly, Col. Patrick Robertson of Sir Patrick Livingstone's Regiment of Dragoons before 24 February 1694 (Reg. of Deeds, Mackenzie, Ixxiv., 29 June 1694).' p. 468, after line 8, insert ' ii. John, baptized 31 March 1633 (St. Andrews Reg.). * iii. Elizabeth, married to Simon Fraser of Inverallochy, with issue a son, Simon, baptized 3 May 1639 (Wardlaw MS., Scot. Hist. Soc., p. 512).' p. 468, 1. 9, for ' ii.' read ' iv.' p. 469, 1. 29, after ' issue,' insert ' besides a son James, baptized 5 July 1580 (Perth Reg.), but who must have died young.' p. 469, note 12, add to note, ' The Dunf ermline Parish Register, 4 February 1584-85, gives her name as Margaret, not Catherine.' p. 470, 1. 8, after 'son,' insert 'born at Dunf ermline 14 February 1584-85 (Dunfermline Par. Reg.).' p. 470, 1. 26, for ' Catherine,' read ' Anndbella (Inverness Sas., Secretary's Reg., i. 139)' p. 470, 1. 28, after ' married,' insert ' contract 27 January and 9 February 1607 (Reg. of Deeds, ccvi. 340).' p. 471, 1. 21, delete 'before 30 January 1628.' p. 471, 1. 22, delete ' in the Chapel of Tullibardine,' and insert ' at St. Margaret's, Westminster, 30 July 1627.' p. 472, after line 3, insert ' 2. Mungo, baptized 23 February 1617 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 472, 1.4, for '2' read '3.' p. 480, 1. 4, after ' time,' insert note, ' For a quaint medical certificate see Fraser's Melville Book, ii. 227.' p. 480, 1. 16, The date of the Duke's death is given as 12 November in Maidment's Scottish Elegiac Verses. p. 480, 1. 21, According to the last-mentioned authority the Duchess died 9 January, p. 480, 1. 30, Scot. Eleg. Verses gives 1 September as the date of Tulli- bardine's death at Mons.' p. 487, 1. 11, for 'fourth' read 'third.' p. 491, 1. 9 from foot, delete '10 November 1786.' p. 493, 1. 5, after ' 1789,' delete ' and,' and insert ' Both Lord William and his wife were buried in St. George's Cemetery, Tyburn (Notes and Queries, 10th ser., xi. 217, quoting F. A. Crisp's Visitations, vol. xv.).' p. 493, 1. 6, after ' 1827,' insert ' he.' 30 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 494, 1. 30, for ' 8 ' read ' 4.' p. 495, 1. 15, for 'EARL OF STRANGE' read 'EARL STRANGE. p. 499, 1. 24, for 'uncle' read ' granduncle.' p. 500, 1. 7 from foot, delete ' Stewart: p. 501, 1. 8, delete ' Stewart: BADENOCH p. 503, delete pp. 503, 504, and down to 'Kilbride' on 1. 22 of p. 505, and insert 'The traditional origin of the Comyns given by Sir Robert Douglas and other writers, and followed in this article, seems open to serious question. All that can safely be said is probably this :— the first of the family known in Scotland was William the Chancellor. He had three nephews, sons of a brother whose name is uncertain :— •1. William, killed circa 1144. ' 2. Richard, who acquired the castle and honour of Northallerton as part of the settlement of his uncle's claims to the Bishopric of Durham. '3. Walter. ' This Richard and his wife Hextilda had certainly four sons, John, William, Odinell, and Simon (as in text), and probably a fifth son David, and from them the various Scots families of the name appear to be descended.' p. 505, after 1. 22, insert '6. Idonea, married to Adam FitzGilbert, with issue a daughter Christian (Reg. Hon. de Morton, ii. 4 ; Origines Parochiales, i. 189).' p. 507, after 1. 20 insert '4. Alexander, named in two charters of his brother John in 1278 (Chart, of Inchaffray, pp. 100, 101, 291). He was taken prisoner at Dunbar, and afterwards liberated on mainprise to serve King Edward beyond seas (Cal. of Docs. Scot., ii. 177). '5. Robert, also taken and liberated as above (Ibid.). Slain at Dumfries along with his nephew the Red Cumyn (Ibid., ii. 1747)' p. 508, note 7, for ' Ixvi.' read ' Ivi.' BALCARRES p, 512, 1. 9 from foot, for '23 February 1574' read '21 October 1572.' p. 512, 11. 3 and 2 from foot, delete 'succeeded to the earldom,' and insert ' was created Earl.' p. 513, after 1. 3, insert 1 8. Jonet (natural daughter), married, first (contract 13 March 1562-63), to William, son of George Marshall of Auchnacree, and secondly, before 22 August 1594, to David Jameson (Reg. of Deeds, ccxxviii. 458).' p. 513, 1. 21, after ' dated,' insert ' 1 and 2 (Reg. of Deeds, xi. 384).' BALOABBBS 31 p. 514, 1. 6, for 'May' read ' March (Reg. Mag. Sig., 19 March 1619).' p. 515,,afterl. 3, insert « 2. Margaret, daughter of David Lindsay of Edzell, was married to Sir James Keith of Benholm, contract 13, 21, and 22 February 1618 (Reg. of Deeds, cccxxxvi. 394).' p. 517, last line, after '1639' add 'He married Margaret Elphinstone (Stirling Tests., 15 November 1625), without issue. She died in July 1625, within a year after her marriage, and names a brother Michael and a sister Marie in her will.' p. 518, 1. 11, after Margaret, insert ' second daughter (Moray Writs, vol. iv. No. 52. p. 519, 1. 1, delete * before 31 January 1642,' and insert « in March 1642. p. 519, 1. 17, delete * 11 June,' and insert ' 10 January (Lament's Diary).' p. 519, 1. 22, delete reference number 4, and insert it after 1643 on next line. p. 520, 1. 3 from foot, after ' 1689,' add ' She died in the Canongate, Edin- burgh, and was buried at Balcarres in March 1698 (Funeral Entry, Lyon Office).' p. 521, 1. 2, delete ' in,' and insert ' 15 October.' p. 521, 1. 7, delete reference number l, and insert it after Kilconquhar, on line 5. p. 522, 1. 6 from foot, after ' Wigtown,' insert ' She was divorced by him 7 December 1708 (Consistorial Processes, Scot. Record Soc., No. 162).' p. 523, 1. 4 from foot, delete ' who,' and insert ' She was forty years his junior, and rejected his offer at first, whereupon he took to his bed, and became so ill that his life was despaired of. He made his will, by which he left half his estate to Miss Dalrymple, and she, hearing of this, relented, and married him. She.' p. 528, 1. 3 from foot, after ' Hope,' insert, ' As a young woman, she was admired by Mr. Atkinson, a great army contractor, and a supporter of Pitt. He died, however, in 1785, leaving her a considerable portion of his fortune (Wraxall's Posthumous Memoirs, i. 120).' p. 528, line 2 from foot, after ' Margaret,' insert ' Janet ' (Kilconquhar Reg. p. 529, 1. 1, after 'banker,' insert 'son of George Fordyce, Provost of Aberdeen, who died at Hammersmith, 8 September 1789, aged sixty.' p. 529, 1. 4, after ' issue,' add, ' Burges was an old lover of Lady Margaret, but monetary difficulties prevented their union, and she married Fordyce, a wealthy but rather elderly person, whereupon her sister Ann wrote her well-known ballad of " Auld Robin Gray," "Jamie," it is said, being James Bland Burges. The latter married, first, Eliza- beth, daughter of Edward, first Viscount Wentworth, 19 June 1777. She died 25 January 1779, and he married, secondly, Anne Montoline, daughter of Baron de St. Hyppolite. He survived her, and then, Lady Margaret's first husband being dead, he married his first love, as stated in the text. . . . Fordyce, her first husband, was a reckless speculator, and ruined many other people besides himself. His firm of Neall, James, Fordyce & Downe failed in June 1772.' p. 529, 1. 21, after ' sable,' insert 'all.' 32 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA BALFOUR OF BUKLEIGH p. 531, 1. 25, after * death,' add ' but it was previous to February 1499- 1500 (Ada Dom. Cone., ix. 101).' p. 531, 1. 27, after ' Treasurer,' insert ' He, or possibly his son Michael, also married, in 1476, Elizabeth, daughter of Douglas of Lochleven (Harl. MS., 6433).' p. 532, 1. 20, delete 'probably other issue,' and insert 'at least another son, Robert (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., i. 36).' p. 532, 1. 31, after ' Forrester,' insert ' (who survived him, and was mar- ried, secondly, to James Pringle of the Tynnes) (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., i. 36).' p. 533, 1. 22, after 'her,' insert '(who survived him, and was married, secondly, to Patrick Kinninmont of Craighall, contract 3 July 1579) (Reg. of Deeds, xvii. 263).' p. 533, 1. 24, for ' Michael ' read 'Andrew (Reg. of Deeds, v. 515).' p. 533, 1. 25, after ' Montquhanny,' insert as note, ' From a writ dated 24 August 1568, it clearly appears that Andrew Balfour of Montquhanny was father of Michael (then deceased), Gilbert of Westray, Sir James of Pittendreich, George, Prior of Charterhouse, John, Andrew, Robert, and David Balfours (Reg. Acts and Decreets, xlii. f. 331).' p. 536, 1. 19, after ' secondly,' insert ' in the Old Kirk of Aberdeen, June 1604.' p. 536, 1. 22, after '1597;8' insert 'she also obtained a divorce from her second husband, Balfour, 24 March 1620 (Edin. Com. Decreets).' p. 536, 1. 23, for 'Blaney' read 'Blayney.' p. 536, 1. 24, after ' daughters,' add ' one of whom, Anne, married Archi- bald Hamilton of Ballygelly, etc., ancestor of the Hamiltons, Barons of Glenawley (Gen. Reg. Sasines, liv. f. 333 ; Burke's Ext. Peerage, 259).' p. 537, 1. 10, after 'David,' insert 'baptized 1 September 1577. He was apparently named after David, eleventh Earl of Crawford, who was the first witness to the ceremony (Anstruther Wester Reg.). He was.' p. 537, 1. 20, after ' Collairnie,' add ' She was certainly granted the marriage of David Barclay of Collairnie, 13 August 1587 (Reg. Sec. Sig., Ivi. 2).' p. 537, 1. 21, delete this line and substitute ' Agnes Balfour, who married John Henderson of Fordell, is erroneously stated to be a daughter of Margaret Balfour, but she was a daughter of David Balfour of Balbuthie (Reg. of Deeds, Ixiv. f. 406).' p. 542, 1. 7, after ' married,' insert ' contract 12 July 1591 (Reg. of Deeds, Ixxxiv. 504).' p. 542, 1. 7, after 'of,' insert ' William.' p. 542, 1. 11, delete ' in,' and insert ' contract 30 August (Reg. of Deeds, ccxxii. 156).' p. 542, 1. 16, after ' Balfour, add ' being styled Sir Robert Balfour of Star during his father-in-law's lifetime (Gen. Reg. Inhibs., v. 380).' p. 544, note 3, add to note 'Charter to her as his future spouse, 22 February 1633 (Gen. Reg. Sasines, xxxvii. 275).' BALMERINO 33 p. 546, 1. 4, after 'married,' insert 'contract 3 July 1680 (Fife Sheriff-Court Reg. of Deeds, 10 July 1680).' p. 546, 1. 8, after 'first,' insert 'contract 16 April 1684 (Gask Charters).' p. 546, 11. 10, 11, 12, 13, delete from ' The' down to ' 1684.' p. 546, 1. 16, delete ' said to have been.' p. 546, 1. 16, after ' married,' insert ' contract 28 September 1688 (Fife Sasines, xv. 427).' p. 547, 1. 3, after 'Mary,' insert ' baptized 7 July 1790 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 547, 1. 9, delete ' Miss Robertson,' and insert ' Janet Thomson (Inver- keithing Par. Reg., 17 November 1705), niece of Andrew Thomson, minister of Orwell.' Note.— Stenhouse and she were proclaimed at the latter place, 17 November 1705, and were married on 6 December. p. 549, 1. 27, after 'Laffrie,' insert ' or Lafriese (Edin. Mar. Reg.).' p. 550, 1. 8, after ' married,' insert ' 8 April 1669.' p. 550, 1. 2 from foot, delete '1670, or,' and insert ' after 4 October.' p. 551, 1. 22, for ' 1784' read ' 1684.' p. 552, 1. 7 from foot, for ' fifth ' read ' fourth.' p. 552, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Margaret,' insert ' born 4 October 1716 (Edin. Beg.).' p. 553, 1. 22, after 'married,' insert '(proclaimed in the Canongate Church 12 October 1792).' p. 553, 1. 25, ' He was sometime a merchant in China.' p. 553, 1. 26, after ' married,' insert ' 13 February 1793.' p. 553, 1. 27, after ' Glasgow,' delete ' and,' and insert ' By her, who was born at Killearn, near Glasgow, 13 August 1768, and died at Edinburgh in December 1851, he.' p. 553, 1. 4 from foot, after ' 1817,' insert note 'For an amusing story of Laurence Dundas Bruce while a midshipman aboard the Bellerophon on the day that Napoleon surrendered see Memoirs of an Aristocrat. (by George Home), 218.' p. 555, 1. 14, for ' 7 August' read ' 16 July.' p. 555, 1. 20, after 'First,' insert 'on a rock.' BALMERINO p. 561, 1. 21, after ' 1612,' insert note, ' The evidence for the first Lord's death on this date is precarious : Calderwood's date, about the end of May, is more probable. At all events he was dead by 2 June 1612 (Gen. Reg. Inhibitions, 2nd series, iii. 344).' p. 562, 1. 5, after 'first,' insert 'after 10 April 1589, when a testimonial was directed to Alva as to their having been proclaimed in Stirling on.' p. 562, 1. 9, for 'another son,' read ' issue.' p. 562, 11. 10 and 11, delete 'and three daughters.' p. 562, after line 11 insert, '3. Alexander, baptized 6 May 1603 (Canongate Reg.). He must have died young.' p. 562, 11. 12, 13, 14, for ' 3, 4, 5,' read '4, 5, 6.r VOL. IX. C 34 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 562, after 1. 15, insert ' Lord Balmerino had a natural son Robert, wit- ness to a deed 4 June 1604 (Reg. of Deeds, cxix).' p. 569, 1. 7 from foot, delete '16,' and insert 'at Holyroodhouse, 15 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 569, 1. 3 from foot, insert '1. James, born before 3 March 1673, to whom the third Lord Bal- merino on that day disponed his books (Moray Writs, Box 40, No. 1124). This James must have died in infancy.' For ' 1. ' read ' 2,' and on p. 570, for ' 2, 3, 4, 5,' read ' 3, 4, 5, 6.' p. 569, 1. 3 from foot, after 'eldest,' insert 'surviving.' p. 570, 1. 8, after '16 February 1692,' add note, ' This date is given by "Wood but the marriage did not take place till after 30 April 1701, the date of the marriage contract (Earl of Moray's Writs), followed by a charter of same date made in contemplation of the marriage (cf. Fife Sasines, xx, f. 68).' p. 570, after 1. 12, insert ' One of these children was baptized at Leith 3 September 1674 (South Leith Kirk-Session Minutes).' p. 570, 1. 13, for ' 7 June ' read ' 12 June (Edin. Mar. Reg.).' p. 571, 1. 4, after ' 5,' insert ' and was buried at Restalrig 9.' p. 571, 1. 7, after • 1767,' insert 'She was buried at Restalrig 27 September (Restalrig Burial Reg.).' p. 571, 1. 8, for brother' read ' half-brother.' p. 575, 1. 5, after ' Tower,' insert ' The inscription on his coffin plate was " Arthurus dominus Balmerino decollatus 18 die Augusti 1746, setatis sue 58 " (Historical Papers, New Spalding Club, i. Plate xi.).' p. 575, 1. 15, after '1765,' insert ' aged fifty- seven, and was buried there.' VOL. II. BANFF p. 8, 11. 18 and 19, delete ' when her eldest son George is mentioned.' p. 9, 1. 6, after ' thanked,' insert ' He was provided to the parsonage of Cruden by Pope Paul iv., 26 May 1555 (Slains Inventory).' p. 13, 1. 18, for ' Dempter' read 'Dempster.' p. 15, 1. 18, for 'Tilbertie' read 'Tibbertie.' p. 15, 1. 18, for ' Torf aulds ' read 'Forfaulds.' p. 15, 11. 18, 26 and 31, for ' Oatlaw' read ' Outlaw.' p. 15, 1. 29, for ' Monteoffer,' read ' Montcoffer,' and insert ' he.' p. 18, 1. 14, after ' married,' insert « contract 25 June 1635 (Forglen Writs)/ p. 19, 1. 17, after ' married,' insert ' contract 12 August and 2 September 1648 (Forglen Writs).' p. 19, 1. 18, after ' and,' insert ' by her, who died in March 1708.' p. 21, 1. 4, after ' annum,' add note, ' There was apparently an action of adherence by him against her in 1686 (Edin. Consistorial Processes, Scot. Record Soc., No. 40).' p. 21, 1. 6, after * Anne,' insert ' or Anna, married to James Law (Forglen Writs).' p. 21, 1. 10 from foot, delete 'and had by Helen Lauder (who,' and insert, ' having' married, 11 January 1712, Helen, daughter of Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall. She.' p. 21, 1. 6 from foot, after ' 1742 ' insert ' having had by her first husband : — ' p. 22, 1. 8, after ' London,' insert ' She died 31 January 1784, aged sixty- nine, and was buried at Cheam, Surrey.' p. 22, 1. 13, after ' Navy,' insert note, ' An account of his outfit for Navy in January 1732-33 including "a lac'd hat," six "fine cheque shirts," six nightcaps, "a fair wigg," a silver hilted sword, and a prospect glass, is given in The Genealogist for April 1909.' p. 22, 1. 29, after ' 1746,' insert ' He was buried, 10 May 1747, at St. Martin's- in-the-Fields.' p. 22, note 1, for ' Brim's' read 'Burn's.' BARGANY p. 27, 1. 19, after * 1637,' delete ' By his wife,' and insert 'He married, first, Katherine, daughter of John Carnegie of that Ilk. She died 17 Febru- ary 1595-96 (Edinburgh Tests.); and he married, secondly, in 1596 (Bargany MSS.).' 36 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 27, 1. 21, insert full stop instead of comma after 'family.' p. 27, 1. 21, for ' had ' read ' left.' p. 27, after line 24 insert ' 4. Alexander, who was in Germany in 1635 (Reg. of Deeds, Dxiii. 340). 5. Margaret, eldest daughter, married (contract 11 January 1615, tocher 11,000 merks), to John (afterwards Sir John) Hamilton of Bear- crofts, eldest son of Sir John Hamilton of Grange (Reg. of Deeds, CCXC1V. p. 27, 1.25, for '4' read '6.' p. 27, 1. 25, after 'married,' insert 'contract 5 and 7 March 1619, tocher loloOO merks (Reg. of Deeds, ccxciv. 302).' p. 27, 1.27, for '5' read '7'; after 'married,' insert 'in 1623 (Nisbet's Heraldry).' p. 27, 11. 29, 30, for ' 6 and 7 ' read ' 8 and 9.' p. 27, after 1. 30, insert— ' 10. Jean, married (contract 18 and 20 December 1632) to Thomas Hay of Park (Bargany MSB.).' p. 28, 1. 20, for ' Elliott ' read ' Alyth.' p. 28, 1. 4 from foot, after 'married,' insert 'contract 1660 (Bargany MSS.).' p. 28, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Grizel,' insert ' died May 1678 (Ibid.): p. 29, 1. 4, before ' December,' insert ' 28 (Reg. of Deeds, Durie, 29 January 1680).' p. 31, 1. 8, for ' in ' read ' contract 23 August (Edinburgh Sasines, v. 188).' p. 32, 1. 5, after ' married,' insert ' as his first wife.' p. 32, 1. 17, after 'issue,' insert 'Some years after Sophie Johnston asserted that she was married to Lord Bargany, and was accused of having suborned witnesses to prove her case (P. C. Decreta, 16 Decem- ber 1684).' p. 32, 1. 23, after ' first ' insert ' about 1694 (Bargany MSS.).' BARRET OF NEWBURGH p. 35, 1. 10, for ' 17 October 1627' read ' before 18 July 1618.' p. 35, 1. 15, after ' secondly ' insert ' in August 1635 (Cat. of State Papers).' p. 35, 1. 20, after '1664, dying 22 July 1674 (Families of Lennard and Barret, 402).' BELHAVEN p. 40, 1. 8 from foot, for ' Gairnie ' read Gairnsay in Orkney.' p. 40, after 1. 5 from foot, insert '4. Elizabeth, married as his third wife, to Alexander, first Viscount Kingston (Haddington Inhibitions, xviii. 412).' p. 43, 1. 16, after ' married,' insert ' 17 March 1653 (Edin. Mar. Reg.).' p. 43, 1. 25, after ' died,' insert ' 30 May (Scottish Elegiac Verses): BBLLBNDBN 37 p. 44, after 1. 13, insert * (6) Rachel, married to Sir William Weir of Blackwood, Baronet (Douglas's Baronage).' p. 44, 1. 18, delete notice of Daniel Hamilton, and insert ' Daniel, appointed Clerk of the Admiralty Court 10 December 1702, and died s.p, before 20 November 1717, when his testament was recorded in Edin- burgh. He did not marry Mary Hamilton, as stated in the text, and probably did not marry at all. Mary was the wife of another Daniel Hamilton, a writer in Edinburgh, brother of Gavin Hamilton, depute- clerk of the Court of Session 1687-1714, and laird of Inverdovat, co. Fife. They had issue six children. Mary died 2 December 1717, and Daniel about 20 August 1718 (ex. inform. W. H. C. Hamilton).' p. 44, 1. 25, after 'Edinburgh,' insert * President of the College of Surgeons 1704-5 and 1710-11.' p. 44, 1. 25, after ' married,' insert ' in September 1700 (Edin. Mar. Reg.).' p. 44, 1. 25, delete 'died s.p.m.' and insert ' Testament recorded at Edin- burgh 12 June 1713 (Edin. Tests.). He had a son James Hamilton of Swanston, who was served heir to his mother 9 April 1740.' p. 44, 1. 32, after ' 1661,' insert ' married 16 March 1682 to Hew Dalrymple, Advocate, ultimately Sir Hew Dalrymple of North Berwick, Lord President of the Court of Session (Edin. Mar. Reg.).' p. 44, 1. 7 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' as his second wife 25 August 1693 (Edin. Mar. Reg.).' p. 46, 1. 9 from foot, after 'married,' insert 'proclamation 17 January (Edin. Reg.), contract 5 February 1697 (Edin. Sasines, Ixvii. 318).' p. 46, 1. 7 from foot, after ' and,' insert ' by her, who died 17 August 1707 and was buried at Stenton.' p. 47, 1. 7 from foot, for ' third of Wishaw' read ' first of Wishaw.' p. 49, 1. 6 from foot, for ' George ' read ' James.' p. 52, after last line insert ' 7. Euphemia, married to Col. Alexander Baillie (see p. 51).' p. 59, 1. 10, after ' 1884,' insert ' married 29 March 1910 to William Michael Jamieson Martin, R.A.' BELLENDEN p. 64, after line 18, insert note, ' Adam Both well, Bishop of Orkney, writing to Napier of Merchiston in February 1660-61, seems to say that two sisters of Sir John Bellenden, the Justice-Clerk, were married through his influence with two Sinclairs (Napier's Memoirs, 68).' p. 65, 1. 9, after '1576,' insert * aged fifty-six (Foulis Account Book, Scot- Hist. Soc., p. xliv).' p. 65, 1. 20, after ' Fordel,' add ' and of Nicol Cairncross, burgess of Edin- burgh (Acts and Decreets, xlix. 168).' p. 65, 1. 23, after ' Mary,' delete ' These both died young,' and insert ' who was her mother's executor before 8 July 1569 and she and her sister Catherine were both dead before 14 June 1571 (Acts and Decreets, xlix. f. 168).' 38 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 65, 1. 5 of notes, at the end of note 5 insert ' Katherine Bellenden is ' styled "spous to Robert Crag" in July 1541 (Treasurer' s Accounts, vii. 463).' p. 71, after note 11, add 'He appears to have been Treasurer by 3 February 1660-61. See original bond by Charles n. to him for £4000 (penes J. Mackenzie, Esq. Edinburgh).' p. 72, 1. 1, for '1602' read ' 1662.' p. 73, 1. 9, after ' 1707,' insert note, ' The following is a copy of the invita- tion to Lord Bellenden's funeral : "The honour of your presence to accompany the corps of my Lord Bellenden, my father, from his lodg- ings in Paterson's Land, near the Canongate foot, to his burial- place, the Abbey Church, upon Sunday the 3rd inst. at eight of the clock in the morning is earnestly desired by John Bellenden." Lady Constance Russell states that this was sent out in November 1706 (Notes and Queries, 10th series, vi. 54).' p. 74, 1. 11, after 'Mary,' insert 'baptized at Edinburgh 4 May 1685 (Edin. Reg.).' BLANTYRE p. 84, 1. 38, for ' William ' read * Alexander.' p. 85, after 1. 1, insert '5. Alexander (Reg. of Deeds, ccclxvii. 393). 6. Ludovic, (Ibid., 20 November 1622).' p. 85, 11. 2 and 8, for '5' and '6' read '7' and '8.' p. 86, 1. 2, for 'Margaret' read 'Marie (Gen. Eeg. Sas.y p. 86, 1. 3, after ' Rowallan,' delete from ' sasine ' to ' was,' and insert ' He granted a charter to her as his future wife on 24 September 1641, where she is designed Marie Muir, daughter of the late Sir William Muir of Rowallan, and Sara Brisbane, his spouse, and she had sasine 2 October 1641, but he died in that month. She married, secondly, in terms of disposition 14 May 1644, John Brisbane, younger of Bishoptoun, and is there designed relict of Walter, Lord Blantyre (Gen. Eeg. Sas., liv. 250). He was, etc.' p, 86, 1.24, after '1690,' insert '"Grenok yr." writes to "the laird of Kelburne " 2 May 1676 about Lord Blantyre then apparently dying in Bute. Asks Kelburne to see him buried and secure the bed clothes and drugget. Complains of the neglect of many friends. He probably died of smallpox (ex inform. Col. the Hon. R. E. Boyle).' p. 88, 1. 21, after 'married,' insert 'in 1725 (Dunbar's Social Life in Former Days, 121). p. 88, 1. 4 from foot, after ' married,' add note ' He was reported in 1725 as about to be married to Lady Catherine Cochrane, afterwards Lady Galloway (Ibid., 119).' BORTHWICK p. 95, 1. 20, after ' him ' add note, ' On 1 May 1411 a dispensation was issued for the marriage of William Borthwick and Beatrice Sinclair, but there is no clue as to which William Borthwick is meant (Reg. Aven., 337, BORTHWICK 39 f. 170). He had a daughter, Janet Borthwick, for whose marriage to Adam Hepburn, lord of Hailes, a Papal dispensation was granted on 2 November 1411 (Reg. Aven., 339, f. 549).' p. 99, note 7, add ' He was the son and heir of David Borthwick, burgess of Haddington (Twelfth Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., App. viii. 112).' p. 100, 1. 3, after ' married,' insert ' first.' p. 100, 1. 4, after 'and,' insert 'secondly, in or before 1625, Helen Preston, widow of Henry Forrester of Corstorphine (cf. vol. iv. 90). He.' p. 100, 1. 18, after ' married,' delete ' Janet Lies,' and insert ' contract 25 January 1622, Janet, eldest daughter of William Leyis, merchant burgess of Edinburgh (Reg. of Deeds, cccxciii. 95). p. 103, 1. 28, after ' 1659,' insert ' chaplain of John, Lord Borthwick, 1667 (Justiciary Records, Scot. Hist. Soc., xlviii. 245, 251).' p. 105, 1. 11, add ' died 12 July 1907.' p. 106, 1. 12, for ' M. L. L.' read ' H. L. L.' p. 107, 1. 6, for 'Cairnsmuir' read 'Cairmnuir.' p. 107, after 1. 18, insert— 'e. Beatrice, contracted, about September 1556, to John, son of William Lithgow of Drygrange (Protocol Book of Gilbert Grote, f. 20).' p. 107, after 1. 25 insert— ' 6. Cristine, named with her sister Catherine in a letter under the Privy Seal 21 May 1502 (Reg. Sec. Sig., i. 832).' p. 107, lines 26, 27, for '6, 7' read '7, 8.' p. 108, 1. 24, for ' 28 November 1528,' read 15 December 1530 (Acta Dom, Cone, et Sess., iii. 152). His marriage with Mariot Seton was annulled by the Pope.' p. 108, 1. 25, for ' his widow ' read ' Mariot Seton.' p. 108, 1. 26, after ' Eglinton,' insert ' whom she survived, and married, thirdly, Alexander Graham of Wallaston (cf. vol. iii. p. 439).' p. 109, 1. 10, after 'married,' insert 'contract 28 May 1538 (Acts and Decreets, xliv. 159).' p. 109, 1. 24, for ' in March ' read ' 27 February.' p. 110, 1. 16, for ' in March ' read ' 28 March ' (Retour of his son, Canon- gate Court Book, 31 December 1573).' p. Ill, 1. 3, after ' Castle ' add note, « When, on 11 June 1567, certain of the nobility suddenly beset the castle and demanded the delivery of Both well, Lord Borthwick answered that he was fled to Dunbar (Birrel's Diary, 9).' p. 112, 1. 16, for 'in 1582' read 'contract 26 October 1582 (Peg. of Deeds, xx. pt. ii. 309).' p. 113, 1. 13, after ' William,' insert semicolon ; delete ' and,' and insert 'he was of full age in July 1612 (Reg. of Deeds, cxcviii. 296), though.' p. 114, 1. 2 from foot, delete between ' 13 March 1674 and 27 November 1675,' and insert ' in November 1674 (cf . Service of John Dundas of Harvieston, 28 January 1674, Arniston Writs, p. 157).' 40 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 116, 1. 3, after '1772,' add 'and was buried there 9 September (St. Nicholas Burial Reg.).' p. 119, 1. 4, after ' Freeland,' add ' and died 13 June 1910.' p. 119, 1. 15, after 'Wigtown,' add 'He was elected a Representative Peer, 30 January 1906.' p. 119, after 1. 19, add 'Lord Borthwick died 4 October 1910, when the Peerage became dormant, if not extinct.' MORAY AND RAMSAY, LORDS BOTHWBLL p. 128, after 1. 5 from foot, insert— 3. Possibly Maurice (Macfarlane's Gen. Coll., ii. 505, quoting Kilravock MS.).' p. 128, note 4, delete from ' Thomas' on line 5 from foot of notes to 'to Scolice ' on line 2 from foot. p. 133, line 24, for ' Fife' read 'Forfar.' p. 134, last 1., for ' in ' read ' on.' HEPBURNE, EARL OF BOTH WELL p. 135, 1. 19, after ' had,' insert ' with Marion Fourbuire or Fourbour, his spouse.' p. 136, 1. 1, after ' Berwickshire,' insert ' This charter was confirmed by David ii. about 1343 (Beg. Mag. Sig,, vol. i., new ed., App. i. No. 117).' p. 137, 1. 19, for ' inherited his father's title of,' read ' was created (cf. p. 437). p. 137, note 7, add at end of note ' Gal. Papal Letters, iv. 222.' p. 139, 1. 2, after ' 1443-44.' insert ' On 2 November 1411 a Papal dispensa- tion was issued for a marriage between Adam Hepburne and Janet Borthwick, daughter of Sir William Borthwick (Reg. Avenionensia, cccxxxix. f. 549).' p. 141, 1. 15, after ' chest,' add ' Annes (Agnes) Hepburne, by the contract cited, was affianced to Alexander Home, son and apparent heir of Sir Alexander Home of that Ilk, and on 2 January 1450-51 a Papal mandate was issued to grant a dispensation for the marriage of Alexander Home and Agnes Hepburne who had married, knowing themselves to be in the third and third degrees of affinity, and that her father was Alex- ander's godfather (Reg. Vaticana, ccccxvi. f . 122). This Alexander was son of the first and father of the second Lord Home.' p. 142, 1. 20, delete 'who is not known to have married,' and insert ' who married Margaret, sister of William Douglas of Whittingham ; They appear in a contract 22 November 1521. It is added that an action of divorce by the said Margaret against the said John then depended (ex inform. W. Keith Murray from fragment of a record of the Court of the official of St. Andrews penes Lord Bolton).' STEWART, EARL OF BOTHWELL 41 p. 143, note 2, after ' 94a,' insert * see also Gilbert Grote's Protocol Book, f. 43b.' p. 144, 1. 15, after ' Galloway,' delete ' V and insert * on 15 January 1509- 10.7' p. 144, after 1. 31, insert— '(5) Jean Hepburne, married, as second wife, to William, Master of Ruthven (cf. vol. iv. 259), (MS. at Newhailes ; Wood's Douglas's Peerage, i. 661).' p. 144, note 7, after '205' add 'Earlston Charters, penes E. Rainsford Murray.' p. 145, 1. 16, after ' 154445,' add ' and may have been his wife.' p. 147, 1. 26, after ' 1506-7,' insert ' The bulls of the Priory of St. Andrews were delivered to him 26 May 1483 (Roman Transcripts, Public Record Office).' p. 147, 11. 33 and 34, delete ' within a few months thereafter,' and insert * 15 January 1525-26 (Black Book of Taymouth): p. 148, 1. 6, after * 1451,' insert ' in terms of a Papal dispensation granted 6 July 1448 (Reg. Vat., Dxxii. fol. 56).' p. 148, 1. 22, delete '(afterwards created Lord Home).' p. 149, 1. 31, after ' married,' insert ' first, before 1511, to Sir William Preston of that Ilk (New Hailes Muniments ; Reg. Mag. Sig., 13 Feb- ruary 1510-11) ; and secondly.' p. 149, 1. 32, delete ' He,' and insert ' The latter.' p. 150, last two lines, delete the whole sentence. See note above, page 141. p. 156, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1523' read ' 1523-24.' p. 156, note 9, after ' 50,' insert ' contract in Wigtoun Charter-chest, (Scot. Rec. Soc., p. 44.)' p. 158, 1. 6 from foot, after ' 1544.' insert note, ' He appears to have been taken prisoner in September 1544 (cf. Treasurer's Accounts, viii. 315).' p. 159, 1. 21, for « first,' read ' third (cf. vol. vii. 571).' p. 160, 1. 8 from foot, for « 28 December 1561,' read ' 11 January 1561-62 (Cat. of Scot. Papers, i. 190),' and delete note 8. p. 165, 1. 16, after ' married,' insert ' 24 February (Canongate Reg.).' p. 166, 1. 25, after ' 1567,' insert reference number 7. STEWART, EARL OF BOTHWELL p. 168, 1. 19, for ' 4 January,' read ' 11 January (Cal. of Scot. Papers, i. 190).' p. 169, 1. 29, after ' Hamilton,' insert 'described in 1643 as "indweller in Canongate " (Treasury Precepts, H. M. Reg. Ho., 27 Feb. 1643).' p. 169, 1. 30, after ' Ferguslie,' add ' and secondly, before November 1638, to John Hamilton, brother-german to the late James Hamilton of Peill (son of James Hamilton of Corshill) (Reg. of Deeds, Dxvi. f. 354).' p. 171, 1. 4 from foot, after « Coldingham,' insert « styled in 1615 of Spring- kell (Reg. of Deeds, cclxx. 141).' p. 171, last line, after ' Home,' delete * and,' and insert ' daughter of Sir 42 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA Alexander, and sister of Sir George Home of Manderston (Gen. Eeg. Inhibitions, 26 September 1621). They.' p. 172, 1. 6, after '1679,' insert comma, and add, 'but this is a mistake, as ' ' he must have died before 1658, when Francis Stewart, presumably his son, was charged to enter heir to John Stewart of Coldingham, his grandfather (Gen. Eeg. Inhibs., 8 July 1675). It must have been this younger Francis who fought at Bothwell Brig. His commission as Lieutenant of Dragoons is dated 27 September 1678, as Captain, 24 July 1679(Dalton's Scots Army, 106). Captain Francis Stewart's testament was confirmed 20 February 1684 : he must have died before 17 March 1683, when Sir Patrick Home, his executor, petitioned the Privy Council for possession of his effects (P. C. Decreta}: p. 172, 1. 16, after ' Margaret,' insert « eldest daughter.' p. 172, 1. 16, after ' married,' insert ' contract August 1621 (cf. vol. ii. 517, note 6).' p. 172, after 1. 25 insert ' 9. Christian, married to Edward Withrington of Kirkington (Gen. Reg. Inhibitions, 7 November 1635).' p. 173. 1. 11, after ' Robert,' insert ' He was in 1656 charged to enter heir to his father and elder brother. He died before 8 July 1675 (Gen. Reg. Inhibitions)." BREAD ALBANE p. 174, 1. 19, after ' Ardgowan,' insert ' He must therefore have been born after February 1522-23, about which time the marriage took place.' p. 177, 1. 6 from foot, after ' Clandonoquhy,' add note, * Further research shows that she was apparently not married to Sir John. John, Bishop of the Isles, had a dispensation for illegitimacy in connection with his provision to the Bishopric (Vatican Index). On 26 March 1466 Pope Paul n. dealt with the petition of Sir Colin Campbell, then ambassador from James in. to the Holy See, on behalf of John Campbell, scholar, of Lismore diocese, of baronial race on both sides, born of said Colin, a married man, and an unmarried woman, then in his seventh year, for dispensation to hold two canonries : which the Pope granted when he should reach his ninth year (Reg. of Petitions to the Pope, Dlxxxv. 206). This may well have been the future bishop (ex inform. J. Mait- land Thomson, LL.D).' p. 177, line 2 from foot, after ' Merchiston,' insert ' who died before 10 July 1552 (St. Giles' Charters, 115).' p. 180, 1. 17, after ' Merchiston,' add * She was married, secondly, to Robert Fairlie of Braid (Acts and Decreets, iii. 50).' p. 182, 1. 24, after ' married,' insert ' probably about October 1559, when she was infeft in certain lands in virtue of their marriage-contract (Lawers Inventory).' p. 182, 1. 26, after ' Margaret,' insert ' adopted in 1561 by Patrick M'Athair (Black Book of Tay mouth, 205), and afterwards.' BREADALBANE 43 p. 182, 1. 28, delete 'before 15 June 1551,' and insert '28 January 1550-51.' p. 182, note 10, after ' 10,' insert k Black Book of Taymouth: p. 182, note 12, delete 'Reg. Mag. Sig.,' and insert * Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., xxvii. 36.' p. 183, 1. 2, delete ' on 16 January 1610,' and insert ' by 25 February 1607.' p. 183, 1. 3, after ' son,' delete comma, and insert ' chose curators. (Acts and Decreets, ccxxvi. 46).' p. 183, 1. 4, after ' Colin,' insert ' his son,' after ' him,' delete full stop, and insert ' 16 January 1610.' p. 183, 1. 12, after 'issue V insert 'before 20 August 1622, when his brother Archibald had a precept of clare constat in certain lands in Lismore as his brother and nearest heir.' p. 183, 1. 26, for ' 1589,' read ' 1587 (Reg. of Deeds, xxx. 164).' p. 184, 1. 11, after ' 1575,' insert ' On 26 November 1578 on the narrative that "our cusenge Duncane Campbell fiar of Glenurquhay for his serves and gudwill borne touertis us is to be put at be his father," the Earl of Argyll granted an undertaking to protect him against his father (Black Book of Taymouth, 221).' p. 186, 1. 6, after ' 1614,' insert reference ' (Reg. of Deeds, cclxxxi. 381).' p. 187, note 14, after ' Deeds,"1 insert ' Ixv. 239.' p. 188, 1. 1, delete ' had been.' p. 188, 1. 2, after * married,' insert ' contract 19 November 1625, Margaret, eldest daughter of Colin Campbell of Aberuchill (Reg. of Deeds, ccclxxxiii. 154).' p. 188, 1. 6, delete ' and others,' and insert (3) Patrick. (4) James. (5) Elizabeth, styled youngest lawful daughter. She had come of age before 4 March 1662, and is mentioned along with Patrick, James and John as "oyesof Elizabeth Sinclair," in February 1654 (Stirling- shire Sasines}.' p. 188, 1. 17, after ' married,' insert ' contract 3 and 7 April 1628 (Reg. of Deeds, cccclv. 326). p. 189, 1. 26, after 'and,' insert 'by her who died 24 December 1667, aged eighty-four (Auchlyne Family Bible).' p. 189, 1. 3 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' contract 10 and 11 March 1641 (Reg. Mag. Sig., 20 June 1642.)' p. 189, note 10, add to note, ' the Auchlyne Family Bible gives the date of his death as 16 November 1658, at the age of eighty. p. 190, 1. 18, after ' married,' insert * as her first husband.' p. 190, 1. 23, after ' 1772,' insert reference ' Scots Mag., 1772, p. 226.' p. 190, 1. 25, after ' Stonefield,' insert 'She died 16 April 1813 (Lairds and Lands of Loch Tayside, p. 12).' p. 190, 1. 34, after ' married,' insert ' John, second son of Andrew,' and after ' Gartartan,' add ' A marriage contract of date 18 June 1719 states she was then his spouse.' p. 191, 1. 9 from foot, after ' issue,' insert ' besides five daughters.' 44 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 191, 1. 8 from foot, after 'died,' delete 'without issue,' and insert '10 May 1713 (Auchlyne Family Bible).' p. 191, 1. 4 from foot, after ' Regiment,' insert ' was wounded at the battle of Fontenoy.' p. 192, 1. 9, delete , and insert ' Duncan.' p. 192, 1. 10, after ' Macpherson,' insert ' in Cult or in Glenorchy (Court of Sess. Minute-Book, ii. 106, 107).' p. 192, 1. 12, after 'Hellsglen,' insert 'with issue a son Archibald.' p. 192, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Lochdocbart,' insert '(They gave in their names for marriage 8 November 1800. [Killin Parish Register]).' p. 193, 1. 4, after ' Campbell,' insert 'born 2, and baptized 10 October 1801 (Callander Par. Reg.).' p. 198, 1. 9, after ' 1794,' insert ' ensign 96th Regiment of Foot,' and after ' unmarried,' insert ' on 5 March 1813, in Jersey, aged 18 (Scots Mag.).1 p. 198, 1. 13, delete ' exchanged into 42nd Regiment.' p. 198, 1. 14, delete from ' for,' down to ' Regiment,' in line 17, and insert ' he served as an officer in the 60th, 91st, and 9th North British Militia Regiments, and became captain in the 21st Royal North British Fusiliers, 12 June 1806.' p. 198, 1. 8 from foot, after ' 1720,' insert ' was a subaltern in the 43rd Regiment in 1745 (Brown's Hist, of the Highlands, iv. 150).* p. 199, 1. 22, after 1730. 12,' insert ' besides the before-named nine sons Colin had five daughters, Susanna, born 28 June 1717, Mary, 3 August 1727, Christian, 6 December 1728, Lucie, 26 February 1730, and Jean, 13 September 1731 (Glenfalloch Family Bible).' p. 199, 1. 27, after ' issue,' insert note, ' These daughters are mentioned in Court of Session Minute-Book (ii. 9), where they are mistakenly said to be the daughters of Archibald, son of William.' p. 199, 1. 6 from foot, delete ' between 1648 and 1651,' and insert ' in 1648 or 1649.' p. 199, 1. 2 from foot, after * Lochdochart,' insert ' of which he had sasine, 28 March 1650 (Part. Reg. of Sasines, Perthshire, i. 40). He died 8 November 1699 aged seventy-two (Auchlyne Family Bible).' p. 200, 1. 3, after ' issue,' insert 4 (1) John, who had sasine of Loragen and Lochdochart (Sheriff Court Books, Perth). i. William, his son, had sasine of these lands 16 January 1743; Crown charter 12 March 1744 (Part. Beg. of Sasines, Perth, xxiii. 230-231 ; Eeg. Mag. Sig. lib. xcviii. 140). (i) Charles, his eldest son, had also sasine of the above lands, 1763. Late in life he married a second wife, Catherine Buchanan, by whom he had a son :— a. Charles Archibald, M.D., Montreal, baptized 30 September 1814 (Perth BREADALBANE 45 Par. Reg.). He married Marjorie M'Gillivray of Salrevors, Canada, with issue James, Charles, and Robert (marriage, births, and baptisms, re- gistered in Perth, 1861-62). (a) James, of Montreal, married Louise V. Phillips of Chicago, U.S.A., and has issue, Marion, JRosyln, and Norman (mar- riage, births, and baptisms recorded in St. James' Parish Church, Chicago, 1878-86.' p. 200, 1. 6, after ' He died ' delete ' in,' and insert ' 24 February.' p. 200, 1. 6, after ' she died,' delete ' in 1698,' and insert ' 17 January 1693, aged fifty- three (Ibid.).' p. 200, 1. 8, after ' married,' insert ' contract 26 October 1626 (Reg. of Deeds, DX. 234).' p. 200. 1. 17, delete 'before 5 July 1625,' and insert 'contract 8 June 1624 (Reg. of Deeds, cccci. 407).' p. 200, 1. 3 from foot, after ' 1637,' insert ' She died in March 1660, leaving issue (Dunblane Tests.).' p. 201, 1. 12, delete 'in,' and insert '24.' p. 201, 1. 12, after '1686,' insert 'aged seventy nine (Auchlyne Family Bible).' p. 201, 1. 27, after ' Tulloch,' insert ' He was alive 18 April 1692.' p. 202, 1. 1, for 'Robert,' read ' Gilbert ' (Perth Sasines, iii. 272 and other evidence).' p. 202, after ]. 9 insert ' 15. Elizabeth, married, contract dated at Ardchattan 16 April 1701, to John Darroch, minister of the parish of Craignish,' and add one to subsequent numbers of children. p. 202, 1. 18, after 'Company,' insert 'In the Gen. Reg. of Inhibs., 20 November 1679, William is named before Colin, so he may have been older.' p. 202, 1. 26, after 'had,' insert note, 'In the Register mentioned above the order of children by third wife is given thus : — Charles, Susanna, Mary, Jean, Sophia, Grisel and Anna.' p. 202, 1. 3 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' as his third wife, probably on 10 October 1697 (Killin Par. Reg.).' p. 207, 1. 4 from foot of notes, after ' sister,' insert ' She is designed " only lawful daughter to the deceast John, Earle of Brodalbine" (Canongate Reg. of Marriages).' p. 207, 1. 7 from foot, for ' Abbey' read ' Palace (Scots Mag.): p. 210, 1. 7 from foot, after « Berwick,' add note, ' David Gavin, or perhaps his father, made a large fortune as a tailor in Holland : he married, first, a Miss Hearsey, whose father lived in Middleburg, Zeeland.' p. 210, last line, after 'married,' insert ' as his second wife.' 46 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 211, 1. 3 from foot, after • 1677,' add 'He left about £300,000 personalty divided between the issue of his two sisters.' p 213 1. 16, delete 'Assistant' and ' Deputy.' p! 213, 1. 11 from foot, after 'Watch,' insert ' A.D.C. to the King.' p. 213, 1. 7 from foot, delete ' who.' p. 213, 1. 6 from foot, delete 'was an extra lady-in-waiting to H.R.H. the Duchess of Albany.' p. 214, 1. 12, after '2nd,' insert 'argent.' BRECHIN p. 221, 1. 1, for « lenient ' read ' venial.' p. 223, 1. 16, after 'Seton,' delete from 'Neither' to 'identified,' and ' insert ' She was the wife of Sir William Seton of that Ilk. Her son, Alexander, became Lord of Gordon. (See title Huntly).' p. 223, last line, after '13698,' add 'He had, 27 June 1358, a dispensa- tion to marry Elizabeth Ramsay, daughter of William Ramsay, Earl of Fife, but it does not appear that the marriage took place (Papal Petitions, i. 331).' BUCCLEUCH p. 228, 1. 19, after 'Angus,' insert 'who married, secondly, before October 1488, George, second Earl of Rothes. (See that title.}' p. 228, note 3, for ' i. 74' read 'ii. 74.' p. 228, note 5, for ' Ibid ' read ' Scotia of Buccleuch, ii. 71. p. 231, 11. 6 and 7, delete ' shortly before 19 May 1552,' and insert ' between 20 August 1550, when he signed a deed as curator of a son of his step- mother, Janet Beatoun, by a former husband (Scotts of Buccleuch, ii. 199), and 9 February 1551-52, when his widow had married again (see vol. iii. 503 ; Beg. Mag. Sig., 9 February 1551-52V p. 231, 1. 3 from foot, before ' contract,' insert ' post-nuptial.' p. 236, 1. 4, after ' failing,' insert ' the eldest heir-female of his body, whom failing' (it was thus, of course, that his daughter Mary succeeded). p. 239, 1. 14, after ' state,' insert ' She was very crooked, and had one leg shorter than the other' (from an accident at dancing at the Court of Charles n. v. Pepys's Diary). 'She was the last lady in Scotland who had as pages, young gentlemen of good birth, who learned their breeding in attending on persons of quality (Sir Walter Scott's letters to R. Chambers, privately printed, 1904).' p. 239, 1. 14, delete ' there,' and insert ' at Dalkeith.' p. 239, 1. 15, delete 'at Dalkeith,' and insert 'there.' p. 243, 1. 7, after ' died,' insert ' of inoculation for smallpox (Fraser's Melville Book, ii. 265).' p. 243, 1. 9 from foot, after ' issue,' insert ' The Duchess gives her £20,000, BUOHAN 47 the Duke £10,000, and they settle £15,000 more (Horace Walpole to Miss Berry, 17 October 1790).' p. 247, 1. 8 from foot, for ' third ' read ' first.' BUCHAN p. 251, 1. 23, after ' 1182,' add note, ' Magnus, " son of Earl Colbeyn," is a witness to two charters by W. Comyn, Earl of Buchan (Antiq. Aber- deen and Banff, ii. 427, 428).' p. 252, note 2, delete * may have been,' and insert ' was,' adding after 'Fergus' '(see Antiq. Aberdeen and Banff, ii. 427, 428).' p. 256, 1. 17, for (j£mma,' read 'Agnes (see fttffe Strathearn).' p. 256, 1. 23, delete ' ,' and insert ' Margaret,' and after ' Soulis ' insert 'the Competitor (Cal. Doc. Scot., ii. No. 870).' p. 262, after ' note 3,' add ' cf. vol. vii. 159.' p. 266, 1. 14, for ' 1 March 1466 ' read « 27 March 1459.' p. 266, note 1, delete note, and insert * Acta Dom. Cone., xvi. 264.' p. 267, 11. 22 and 23, for ' probably in 1498-99,' read ' in 1499 (Acts and Decreets, xxvii. 36C).' p. 267, 1. 24, for 'only 6ne' read ' a.' p. 267, after 1. 25, insert ' He is also said to have had a daughter married to Alexander Abernethy, fourth Lord Saltoun (Frasers of Philorth, ii. 50 ; see also vol. vii. of this work, p. 409), and another, Marion, con- tracted in 1505 to Sir Thomas Ogilvy (Acts and Decreets, xvi. 233).' p. 267, 1. 7 from foot, after ' Both well,' insert 'another, Elizabeth, married Mungo Home of Ersiltoun (cf. vol. iv. 469).' p. 268, 1. 23, delete < in,' and insert ' 5 April (Dun obits}.' p. 268, 1. 3 from foot, for ' 1551,' read ' 1561,' and add ' He was alive on 13 February 1560-61, when he entered into a contract with a John Mortimer as to certain lands (Protocol Book of Duncan Gray, f. 19).' p. 269, 1. 1, after ' first,' delete from 'Mary' down to ' Kennedy' on 1. 3, and insert ' Elizabeth Stewart, natural daughter of James, Earl of Moray (see vol. vi. 312 ; the Earl of Moray's testament there quoted makes no mention of any legitimate issue). On 12 September 1546 there was an agreement between John, Master of Buchan, and Elizabeth Stewart his putative spouse, whereby she obliged herself to furnish proof that before their marriage she had cohabited with a gentleman who was in the fourth degree of kinship with the Master, so that they might be divorced ; for which (she having never received maintenance, meat, or clothing of him to this day) she was to be paid 100 merks, with a gown and kirtle with suitable trimming (Moray Writs, box ii. No. 34). After the Master's death an action of bastardy against Christian, his daughter, was raised before the Commissary -general of Aberdeen, on the ground that Elizabeth Stewart, the Master's wife, having survived him, his daughter, by Margaret Ogilvy, must have been born in adul- tery (Ibid., box ii. Nos. 17 and 20). But in 1549 James, Master of Buchan, renounced the process of bastardy, and consented that Christian 48 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA should be served heir to her father, also that James, Commendator of the Priory of St. Andrews, should, after the decease of the Earl and of Christian, enjoy the earldom of Buchan, and might, if he so pleased, have Christian to wife. All which the Master ratified by a notarial instrument, dated 3 August 1550 (Ibid., box ii. No. 35).' p. 269, 11. 5 and 6, delete ' two years at least,' and insert * and married ' secondly, after 16 December 1549, George Barclay of that Ilk (Acts and Decreets, xx. 436; Reg. Mag. Slg., 27 June 1551).' p. 269, 1. 15, after '1618,' add 'He married Mary, daughter of William Ruthven, first Earl of Gowrie, and relict of John Stewart, fifth Earl of Atholl, and of John Stewart, sixth Lord Innermeath, afterwards Earl of Atholl (see vol. i. 446, 447).' p. 269, 1. 18, after * Denmark,' add note, ' Adrian Damaan was a Pro- fessor in the University of Leyden, and was in 1594 agent for the States General at the Scottish Court.' p. 269, after 1. 19 insert '3. Eleanor, said to have been married to Dempster of Muiresk (Douglas's Peerage, 95 ; Dempster's Hist., sec. ii. 173).' 'The Earl had also a natural son, Robert, who, on 12 January 1558-59 had a tack from his father of part of the lands of Nevay, Forfarshire (Protocol Book of Duncan Gray, fol. 18b.).' p. 269, 1. 21, for ' 1551,' read ' 1561.' p. 269, 1. 8 from foot, after ' was married,' insert ' 6 October 1652 (Harl. MSS., 6437).' p. 270, 1. 14, after ' married,' insert * contract 22 and 28 February 1590- 91 (Reg. of Deeds, xxxvi. 336), proclamation of banns 4 July 1591 (Aber- deen Reg.).' p. 271, 11. 3, 4 and 5, delete 'about 1580. He succeeded to his father in 1586,' and insert ' perhaps in or about November 1565, at which time his mother is said to have been " travelland with child" (P. C. Reg., i. 396).' p. 271, 1. 11, delete * Margaret, second,' and insert ' in 1598 Anne, eldest (Harl. MSS., 6442).' p. 271, 1. 18, after married,' insert ' contract 2 December 1608.' p. 271, 11. 18 and 19, delete ' probably about 1608 and had by him an only child.' p. 271, 1. 20, delete ' who.' p. 271, 1. 21, after 'married,' insert * 18 June 1615 (Reg. of Deeds, cccxxxvi. p. 272, 1. 18, delete ' in 1628,' and insert ' at Holyrood, and was buried at Auchterhouse 20 August 1628 (Funeral entry, Lyon Office).' p. 272, after 1. 28, insert '5. Anna (Gen. Reg. Sasines, xxxix. 350).' p. 272, 1. 9 from foot, f or ' 5 ' read ' 6.' p. 272, 1. 5 from foot, after ' 1638-39,' insert 'Crawfurd states that they had a daughter Dorothy married to Walker, co. Middlesex (Peerage, 48), and several other children who died young.' BURNTISLAND 49 p. 273, 1. 12, after 'married,' insert 'after 11 April 1655, when she is described as his future wife (Banff Sasines, vii. 125).' p. 273, after 1. 22, insert '2. Margaret, married to William Gray of Innereichty (Forfar Sasines, vi. 264).' p. 273, 11. 23, 26, 27 for « 2, 3, 4' read '3, 4, 5.' p. 273, 1. 23, for 'Margaret' read 'Mary or Marjory (Aberdeen Sasines, vi. 286, xii. 533).' p. 273, 1. 27, after ' married,' insert ' 3 January 1684 (Edinburgh Reg.)' p. 274, 1. 1, for '5' read '6.' After ' Halkerton,' insert 'Sheriff Clerk of Angus : she married, secondly, Alexander Carnegie, second son of Sir John Carnegie of Balnamoon (Macfarlane's Gen. Coll., ii. 181).' p. 274, 1. 8, for ' the soldiers of William in. ' read ' the Master of Forbes (Edinburgh Letters of 13 July in London Gazette, 17-21 July 1690).' p. 274, 1. 9, delete ' unmarried,' and insert ' having married at the Chapel in Duke's Place, St. James's, London, 4 September 1683, Marjorie Foulis, widow of William, eighth Earl of Morton (certificate of marriage and other papers, Misc. Documents H. M. Register House). She was dead before 1690 (Edinburgh Tests., 19 February 1690).' p. 275, line 4 from foot, delete ' in 1745 ' and insert ' 14, and was buried at Hampstead, 17 October 1745.' p. 275, 1. 3 from foot, for ' in ' read ' 11 February.' p. 275, last line, delete , and insert ' Anne.' p. 276, 1. 24, after ' born,' insert ' 7 December (Edin, Reg.),' after * married insert ' 11 July 1726 (Edinburgh Mar. Reg.).' p. 276, 1. 5 from foot, after ' 1739,' insert ' in Lady Huntingdon's Chapel at Bath.' p. 276, 1. 3 from foot,' after « Bart,' insert note, ' There was a Scotch Countess of Buchan who is carrying a pure, rosy, vulgar face to Heaven (Horace Walpole's Letters, 10 October 1766).' p. 277, 1. 6 from foot, after ' Buck,' delete ' who,' and insert * against whom he unsuccessfully raised an action of divorce 1820. She.' p. 279, 1.16, delete 'Bart.' BURNTISLAND p. 282, 1. 23, after ' London,' insert note, ' He satisfied for fornication L committed with one . . . Weymes at the Chapel of the Weymes in Fife, Mr. Harie Weilkie, minister of the Weymes did receave him in the Church of the Weymes. This cheild was gotten by him before he went into England with the armie. He went backe to London again March 1654 (Lament's Diary).' p. 283, 1. 9 from foot, after ' 1705,' insert note, ' Her body was taken from Roystoun to Burntisland at 12 at night with a great many flambeaux : thence to Easter Wemyes where she was buried in the beginning of June (?) (Edinburgh C our ant).' VOL. IX. D 50 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA BUTE p. 292, 1. 20, for 'Mary' read ' Agnes.' Note.— l In 1552 she is described as sometime spouse to James Stewart, Sheriff of Bute, now to James M 'Donald of Donyveig and Glens (Acts and Decreets, vi. 474). Her marriage with the Sheriff of Bute must therefore have been annulled. See vol. i. 338, where she is said (following Gregory) to have been daughter of Colin, third Earl of Argyll.' p. 293, 1. 14, for « Mary ' read ' Jean (Reg. Sec. Sig., Iv. 35).' p. 293, 1. 19, delete ' before 15 September 1595,' and insert ' contract 11 June 1593 (Reg. of Deeds, cxxix. 126).' p. 295, 1. 4 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' contract 9 March 1631 (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxviii. 262).' p. 297, 1. 7, after 'had,' insert 'by her, who survived him and was on 1 August 1672 the wife of Robert M'Neill of Illandrow (Reg. of Deeds, Durie, 14 Feb. 1673).' p. 297, note 4, after ' Peerage,' insert ' ; Edinburgh Mar. Reg.' p. 299, 1. 23, delete ' marriage,' and insert ' first wife, who was buried 16 July 1696 (Greyfriars Reg.).' p. 303, 1. 12, after ' he,' insert ' died 1 March 1818, having.' p. 304, 1. 9 from foot, after ' 1822,' insert note, ' His wife gave him by mistake a lotion which had been ordered for a footman's leg, which poisoned him (Mrs. Warenne Blake's Memoirs of a Vanished Genera- tion, 108).' p. 305, 1. 14, delete reference number ' V p. 305, 1. 15, for reference « 2 ' read ' V p. 305, 1. 29, after ' Rothesay,' insert 'V p. 309, 1. 24, for ' Phillipps' read Phillippo.' p. 312, 1. 12, after '3rd,' insert ' argent.' CAITHNESS p. 323, 1. 5 from foot, after 'Blaknes5,' add 'He married daughter and heiress of Duncan Cairns of Cairns and acquired the lands of Cairns and Whitburn (History of the Family of Cairns, by H. C. Lawlor, Killyfaddy, Belfast, 2 and Table at p. 16).' p. 333, 1. 25, delete ' sometime between the date of the charter and 29 March 1482 (see below)' and insert ' between Martinmas 1479 and Whit- sunday 1480 (Exch. Rolls, viii. 48).' p. 334, after 1. 14, insert '3. Elizabeth called also Marjory, married to Andrew, Master of Rothes, who died before January 1477-78 ; she died about 1508. ' p. 334, 1. 20, for '3' read '4' and add one to each number thereafter. p. 334, 1. 32, after ' Atholl,' insert ' and died 21 March 1518.' p. 337, 1. 14, for ' Mary, daughter of Sir William,' read ' Margaret, daughter of Sir Gilbert (Acta Dom. Cone., xxiii. 101).' p. 338, after 1. 19, insert '3. Archibald (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., xxii. 41).' CAITHNESS 51 p. 338, 1. 20, for '3' read '4.' p. 338, 1. 27, after ' David,' insert ' also Matthew (Reg. Mag. Sig., 19 May 1585).' p. 340, 1. 7, after 'who,' insert 'was born in 1543, as he was twenty years of age or thereby on 8 November 1563 (Gilbert Grote's Protocol Book, 96). He.' p. 340, 11. 14 and 15, for 'about 1577-78' read 'in September 1575 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 340, 1. 26, after ' married,' insert ' first.' p. 340, 1. 28, delete ' by whom,' and insert ' and secondly, contract 6 October 1621, Grisel, daughter of Mr. Robert Crichton of Eliok, widow of Thomas Dunbar, Dean of Moray (Reg. of Deeds, cccxvii. 141 ; Elgin Sasines, 163, 164). She survived him, and is designed his widow 7 March 1633 (Inverness Sasines, 11 April 1633).' p. 340, 1. 5 from foot, after ' first,' insert ' before 2 September 1626, when Sir James, being about to go abroad on military service, granted a factory in her favour (Beg. of Deeds, cccxci. 62).' p. 340, 1. 4 from foot, after ' 1633),' insert ' daughter of Sir Walter Dundaw of that Ilk and widow of Sir William Sharp of Ballindoch (Reg. of Deeds, cclxxxix. 97).' p. 341, 1. 3 from foot, after « issue,' add ' He married, 5 January 1764, Catherine, daughter of John Rose in Keiss, parish of Wick. She raised an action of declarator of the marriage in 1783 and divorced him in 1786 (Consistorial Processes, etc., Scot. Rec. Soc., Nos. 791, 842).' p. 342, 1. 11, after ' 1582,' insert ' married, contract 10 December 1587, to Sir John Home of Cowdenknowes (cf. vol. iv. 474 ; Reg. of Deeds, xxvi. 271).' p. 342, 1. 12, after ' issue,' insert ' having been, it is said, slain by his elder brother John, who bruised him to death with his fetters during his im- prisonment in Girnigo (Catherine Sinclair's Shetland and the Shet- landers, 35).' p. 342, 1. 13, delete ' but leaving,' and insert ' He had.' p. 342, 1. 20, after ' age,' add ' in 1572 (cf. vol. viii. 334). She was married, secondly, to Alexander Innes of that Ilk, after 10 September 1574, and died before 25 November 1575 (Reg. of Deeds, xvi. 369).' p. 342, 1. 22, after « secondly,' insert 'contract 10 April 1580 (Reg. of Deeds, xlvii. 24).' p. 342, 11. 25 and 26, delete entire sentence, p. 342, 1. 27, for '9' read '8.' p. 342, 1. 27, for * about 1574,' read ' contract 20 and 21 September 1581.' p. 342, 11. 28 and 29, delete * She was living 15 June 1598,' and insert ' She married, secondly, contract 1588, Alexander Gordon of Strathaven, and died 6 November 1619 (cf. vol. iii. 571).' p. 342, after line 29, insert ' 9. Jonet, married, contract 20 October 1573, to William Sutherland younger of Dunbeath (Reg. of Deeds, xiii. 115).' p. 343, 1. 13, delete ' 10 December 1606,' and insert ' 29 December 1615 (Reg. Mag. Sig., 6 June 1616).' 52 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 343, 1. 25, delete * in,' and insert ' contract 21 May (cf. vol. iii. 34). p. 344, 1. 3, delete ' between May 1633 and October 1634,' and insert ' con- tract 17 and 25 December 1633 (Reg. of Deeds, cccclxxxi. 445).' p. 348, 1. 25, after * her,' insert « who survived him and was alive in 1684 (Gen. Reg. Sasines, 25 September 1684).' p. 350, after 1. 11 from foot, insert '8. Jean, baptized 10 April 1764 (Dunnet Par. Reg.).' p. 351, 1. 9 from foot, delete ' before 1583,' and insert ' contract 13 December 1578 (cf . Reg. Mag. Sig., 16 February 1578-79 ; Reg. of Deeds, xvii. 3),' and add note, * There was an abortive proposal that he should marry Jean Gordon, sister to the Earl of Sutherland (see vol. viii. 343, note 1).' p. 358, 1. 6 from foot, after ' Baronet,' insert ' to whom he was served heir-male general 7 January 1890.' CALLANDER p. 362, line 4 from foot, after ' Helena,' insert ' the latter of whom was married to John Stirling of Herbertshire (Reg. of Deeds, Ixxxiii. 222; Linlithgow Inhibs., x. 227).' p. 363, 1. 7, for 'third' read 'second (Maitland Club Misc., iv. pt. i. p. 202; Hamilton Papers, Eleventh Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., App. vi. 59).' CARDROSS p. 365, 11. 22 and 23, delete ' shortly after 14 December 1625,' and insert ' on 18 April 1626 (contract 8 December 1625) (Reg. of Deeds, cccxcvi. 202 ; Canongate Reg.).' p. 365, 1. 24, after ' issue,' add ' along with a daughter Mary, baptized 22 April 1628 (Canongate Reg.), married to John Buchanan of that Ilk after 21 October 1654, when she had a charter as his future wife (Gen. Reg. Sasines, viii. 325).' p. 365, 1. 2 from foot, for ' 18' read ' 10.' p. 366, 1. 3, after ' 1671,' insert ' and was buried in Holyrood Church, 25 July 1671 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 366, 1. 8, after 'Kincardine,' delete 'and had issue,' and insert 'She survived him, and there was a warrant to bury her in Holyrood Church 28 December 1696 (P. C. Acta}: p. 366, 1. 13, after ' marriage,' insert ' along with two twins, William and David, who were baptized 9 March 1662 (Canongate Reg.), but who must have died young :— ' p. 366, 11. 16 and 17, delete ' 5 October 1700 (a date erroneously given in the Services of Heirs),' and insert ' in April 1697, and was buried in Holyrood (P. C. Acta): p. 367, 1. 21, after 'undergone,' add 'and was buried at Holyrood.' p. 367, 1. 28, after 'married,' insert contract 14 August 1721 (Perth Sasines, xviii. 186).' OARNWATH 53 CARLYLE p. 375, 1. 27, after ' recorded,' insert 'but there is some reason to suppose that she may have been a daughter of Robert or Adam Crosby who lived at Corby, Cumberland. She was lady of Ormesby previously referred to (ex inform, by C. H. Herries Crosbie).' p. 382, last line of note 9, add 'Edward Carlyle of Limekilns was, in 1596-97, a brother of Herbert Carlyle of Brydekirk (P. C. Reg., v. 743).' p. 386, after line 25, insert 1 7. Elizabeth, contracted in 1492 to Robert Herries, son and appar- ent heir of George Herries of Terrauchty (Acta Dom. Cone., 296).' p. 389, last line, delete ' whose daughter Grizel he married, and.' p. 390, 1. 4, after 'wife,' insert Grizel, a sister of Edward Maxwell of Hills (Drumlanrig Writs}: CARNWATH p. 405, 1. 16, after ' tombstone,' insert ' in Abercorn Church.' p. 405, 1. 19, after ' Carnwath,' add ' It is stated that he left a son (the General) and a daughter, married to William Drummond of Riccarton. His wife was Janet, daughter (Crawfurd says a natural daughter) of Edward, first Lord Bruce of Kinloss (cf. vol. iii. 477).' p. 406, 1. 10, delete ' 13 August 1607, when his son was still apparent of that Ilk,' and insert ' 2 January 1609 (Reg. of Deeds, cci. 317).' p. 408, 1. 2, after ' 1632,' insert « He was alive 11 July 1635 (Reg. Mag Sig.} but died before July 1636 (Lanark Sasines, iii. 542).' p. 408, 1. 2, delete from ' In June ' down to ' his body ' on line 8, and insert same after ' Carnwath ' on last line of p. 411. Note ' The information refers to the second Lord Dalzell, who, and not his father, was the first Earl of Carnwath.' p. 408, 1. 8, delete ' Died 1639.' p. 408, 1. 9, for ' Sir ' read ' Mr.' p. 408, 1. 12, for ' second' read 'first.' p. 409, 1. 2, delete ' before 1625,' and insert ' contract 8 July 1624 (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxvi. 240).' p. 409, 1. 16, after ' 1685,c ' insert ' He was captain of a company of Foot in the Earl of Mar's Regiment (Warrant Book for Scotland, iv.).' p. 409, 1. 20, delete 'between 13 May 1685 and 29 April 1686,' and insert ' 2 September 1685 (Notes and Queries, 10th ser., viii. 402).' p. 409, 1. 22, delete ' Miss Sandilands of the family of Torphichen,' and insert ' Catherine, daughter of Sir James Sandilands of St. Monans (Discharge for tocher 20 June 1644 ; Reg. of Deeds, Dlvii. 70 ; cf . vol. i. 78, 79).' p. 409, note 14, add to note ' see also Privy Council Acta, 19 January and 54 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA 3 August 1697, when he was cited as a Jacobite. He is said to have married Graham and left issue (cf. vol. v. 129).' p. 410, after 1. 7, insert «6. Robert, born and baptized 1 June 1704 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 410, 11. 8 and 10, for ' b, c and d ' read ' c, d and e.' p. 410, 1. 12, for ' 1652 ' read ' 1662.' p. 410, 1. 22, after ' 1685,' insert ' He had a commission, dated at White- hall 12 December 1679, as captain of the company of Foot formerly com- manded by Sir Robert Dalzell, his father, in the Earl of Mar's Regiment ( Warrant Book for Scotland, iv.). In 1686 Sir John appears in the list of that Regiment (Notes and Queries, 10th ser., viii. 445).' p. 410, 1. 31, for ' sixth ' read 'fifth.' p. 410, 1. 4 from foot, for ' seven ' read ' seventeen.' p. 410, 1. 3 from foot, after ' 1734,' insert ' He left very shortly and became a soldier (Scots Colleges, New Spalding Club, i. 201).' p. 410, 1. 2 from foot, for '(6)' read ' c.' Mary was daughter, not grand- daughter of the second Baronet. p. 411, 1. 1, after * son,' insert ' He was in a Scots Danish Company raised for service in Germany (Reg. of Deeds, cccc. 217).' p. 411, 1. 14, after ' William,; insert ' of Chisholm (Reg. of Deeds, DX. 167).' p. 411, 1. 18, after ' merks,' insert ' He married (contract 2 and 5 July 1629) Margaret, daughter of John Stirling of Glorat (Ibid., Dlxxxiii. 58).' p. 411, 1. 25, delete ' Earl of Carnwath,' and insert ' Lord Dalzell.' p. 411, note 10, after ' cccxxxvi.' insert ' 127.' p. 412, 1. 1, after ' Holyrood,' insert ' He succeeded his father as Lord Dalzell and, as appears from his son's marriage-contract on 21 July 1537 (Reg. of Deeds, cxxvi. 69) it was he (and not his father as generally supposed) who was on 21 April 1639 created at York EARL OF CARN- WATH, BARON DALZELL AND LIBERTON, with remainder to heirs-male of his body.' p. 412, 1. 10, after 'day,' insert note 'Baillie calls him "that monster of profanitie" (Letters, ii. 78).' p. 413, 11. 10 and 15, for « third' read ' second.' p. 413, 1. 15, after ' Carnwath,' insert ' had, as son of Sir Robert Dalzell on 15 September 1633 a licence to pass beyond seas (Genealogist, April 1909). He.' p. 413, note 5, after ' DXXX.', insert * 151.' p. 414, 1. 9, for 'merks' read 'pounds Scots.' Note.— The Carnegie Book ut cit. erroneously says merks as in the text. p. 414, 11. 15 and 24, for 'fourth ' read ' third.' p. 414, 1. 17, for ' fifth ' read ' fourth.' p. 414, 1. 5 from foot, for ' 1684' read « January 1682, by a charter confirmed 15 February 1684 (Reg. Mag. Sig.), the Earl being then described as deceased.' p. 414, 1. 5 from foot, for ' 1688' read ' 1683.' p. 414, 1. 5 from foot, after 'married,' insert '10 December 1676 (Pencait- land Reg.).' OARRIOK 55 p. 414, 11. 3 and 4 from foot, delete 'who died January 1713, and by whom,' and insert ' By her, who died 15 January 1698 (Funeral entry, Lyon Office), and was buried at Holyrood.' p. 414, last line, delete 'first.' p. 414, note 16, last line, for < 23 ' read ' 229, 230.' p. 415, 1. 1, delete from ' and ' to end of paragraph and relative note. p. 415, 1. 4, for ' fifth ' read s fourth.' p. 415, 1. 5, after ' 1659,' insert ' captain of a company in the Guards 1686 ; lieutenant-colonel, 1691.' p. 415, 1. 18, for ' sixth ' read ' fifth.' p. 417, 11. 8 and 6 from foot, for ' seventh ' read * sixth.' p. 418, 1. 11, for ' eighth ' read ' seventh.' p. 418, 1. 12, for ' tenth' read ' ninth.' p. 418, 1. 17, for « eleventh ' read ' tenth.' p. 419, 1. 5, for ' eighth ' read ' seventh.' p. 419, 1. 9, for « Blackford ' read ' Becford.' p. 419, 11. 14 and 15, for ' ninth ' read ' eighth.' p. 419, 1. 18, for ' tenth ' read ' ninth.' p. 419, 1. 23, for « eleventh ' read « tenth.' p. 420, 1. 1, for ' twelfth' read ' eleventh.' p. 420, 1. 3, after ' 1892,' insert ' He died suddenly on his way to the House of Lords in Great Smith Street, Westminster, 8 March 1910.' CARRICK p. 426, 1. 15, after ' Margaret,' insert ' or Isabel,' and add note, ' Neil, Earl of Carrick, and Isabel, Countess of Carrick, granted a charter to the Abbey of Saddell in Cantyre (Reg. Mag. Sig., 1 January 1507-8).' p. 431, 1. 32, for ' third ' read « first.' p. 431, 1. 32, for « Hereford ' read * Hertford.' p. 431, 1. 34, for ' 1284 ' read ' 1264 (Cal. Doc. Scot., i. No. 2356).' p. 432, note 3, for ' 369 ' read ' 373.' p. 435, note 4, for ' 375 ' read ' 379.' p. 437, 1.6, for '1373' read '1370 (Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. i., No. 356, new edition).' p. 439, 1. 2, delete ' 28 April 1398.' p. 442, 1. 1, delete from ' 1639 ' down to ' Carrick ' on line 4, and relative note, and insert ' 22 June 1643 and 3 March 1646, the date of the grant of his wife's administration.' p. 442, 1. 12, for ' John ' read 'Matthew (see grant of administration above cited).' p. 442, 1. 16, after ' and,' add ' another Jean, married, contract 23 July 1622, to John Campbell, son of Patrick Campbell of Balsalloch (Gen. Reg. Sasines, xvii. 116).' p. 442, 1. 19, after ' 1639,' add ' He married Barbara Bannatyne (Edinburgh Burgh Reg. of Deeds, 9 July 1661).' p. 442, after 1. 19, insert ' There was another son (presumably natural), A dam, mentioned 1627 (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxi.48).' 56 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA CASSILLIS p. 445, note 6, 1. 3 from foot, for 'Kenredy ' read ( Kennedy.' p. 448, 1. 4 from foot, for ' daughter ' read ' half-sister.' p. 448, last line, for < 1405 ' read ' 1409.' p. 448, note 3, for ' p. 440' read « p. 444. ' p. 449, 1. 19, for ' fourth ' read ' fifth.' p. 449, transpose notes 8 and 9 ; for ' clxxi.' in present note 8 read ' clxxiv.' ; for ' 129, 130 ' in present note 9 read ' 159, 160.' p. 451, 1. 17, delete ' a fleur-de-lys,' and insert ' three fleurs-de-lys.' p. 454, 1. 3 from foot, delete 'who it is said had no issue,' and insert ' Gilbert, third Earl, was infeft as his heir November 1532 (Culzean Charters, No. 316).' p. 458, 1. 24, for ' 23 ' read ' 3.' p. 458, note 8, delete note, and insert 'Reg. Sec. Sig., No. 1754.' p. 459, 1. 14, after ' part,' insert ' They had, however, a daughter, Janet Gordon, described in 1515 as Sir Alexander's daughter and heir (see vol. v. 103, 104).' p. 462, 1. 22, for ' 1 May 1547,' read < 18 March, 1546-47.' p. 462, 1. 29, for ' January ' read ' February.' p. 465, 1. 9, for ' following ' read ' same (Reg. Sec. Sig., i. 3878).' p. 465, note 5, for ' Trials, 1 ' read ' Trials, i. 242*.' p. 467, last line, delete * a daughter,' and insert ' Marion.' p. 467, last line, after ' Bomby,' insert ' She married secondly, before 1562, William Campbell, younger of Skeldon (Acts and Decreets, xxiv. 245).' p. 470, at end of note 7 add ' He was Treasurer on 30 January 1553-54 (Cartulary of Holyrood, 290).' p. 471, 1. 18, delete from ' ane particular manne ' to end of sentence, and insert ' ane werry wyse manne, and veil beluiffit of all.3 ' p. 471, note 3, after l Kennedy is; insert 'The character of "ane par- ticular manne,' etc., belongs to the fourth, not the third Earl.' p. 473, 11. 6 and 7 from foot, delete ' a boy of eight years old.' p. 473, 1. 6 from foot, transfer reference number ' 7 ' to after ' Arran ' on line 4 from foot. p. 474, end of note 3, insert ' He must have died before 11 July 1604 (cf. Acta Parl. Scot., iv. 268 and 271).' p. 475, after 1. 6, insert ' (3) Jean, described in 1665 as sister of John, Lord Cassillis, married to William Stewart of Carragan, co. Tyrone. His will 9 April 1665 (ex inform. J. Stewart Kennedy).' p. 475, 1. 7, delete ' was only eight years old when he succeeded his father, who,' and insert ' was probably born between Martinmas 1574 and April 1575, as on 14 August 1589 he chose curators (Acts and Decreets, cxxi. 144); and on 2 April 1596 he had sasine of many lands which had been in the superior's hands for nineteen years by reason of ward (Exch. Rolls, xxiii. 377). His father.' p. 475, 11. 14 and 15, delete 'the following year.' OASSILLIS 57 p. 477, after 1. 22, insert ' He was contracted to Jean Cunningham, daughter of James, seventh Earl of Glencairn, who deceased 23 November 1597 " in her virginitie " (M. I. at Kilmaurs).' p. 477, 1. 31, after ' wealthy,' insert ' ane very unmeet match for she was past bairns bearing. . . . The King and Court mockit the same marriage, and made sonnets in their contempt, and specially his Majesty took his pastime of that sport (Chronicles of the Kings of Scots).' p. 482, 1. 17, after ' daughter,' insert ' Mr. Thomas Kennedy, son of the deceased Sir John Kennedy of Culzean and Lady Elizabeth Kennedy, daughter of the deceased John, Earl of Cassillis, were proclaimed with a view to marriage 10 September 1699, but "stopt by her order under hand 24 September 1699" (Edin. Mar. Reg. ; cf. p. 490).' p. 482, 1. 23, for '1666' read '1668.' p. 484, 1. 13, for '20' read '26 (Reg. Sec. Sig. Latin Reg. iv. pt. ii. 182; Gen. Reg. Sas., xxi. 129).' p. 484, 1. 15, after '1697-98,' insert 'post-nuptial contract 9 November 1698 (Reg. of Deeds, Dalrymple, 3 July 1710).' p. 484, 1. 30, delete 'She died 10 March 1734-35,' and insert 'She is called daughter of Sir Thomas Hutcheson, Knight, by his wife, a daughter of Sir Thomas Boteler, Knight, in her Funeral entry, Lyon office. She died at Barnton 10, and was buried at Holyrood, 16 March 1734. She is called Jean in the Holyrood Register.' p. 485, 1. 1, after ' married,' insert ' 26 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 485, 1. 19, for ' 7 March ' read ' 8 August.' p. 485, 1. 22, for '1739' read '1738(cf. vol. viii. 362; the Gentleman's Mag. gives the marriage as in October 1738).' p. 487, 1. 4, after 'wife,' insert ' contract 4 April and 15 May 1605.' p. 487, 1. 5, after 'Rowallan,' insert 'She died in January 1622 (Glasgow Tests.): in her testament she leaves Agnes Mure her "oye" certain sums of money which had been left by another Agnes Mure styled sister of the legatee in case of her decease before her marriage. Agnes was evidently the daughter of the William Mure, junior, mentioned in the charter of 20 June 1616 referred to in note 2.' p. 488, 1. 10, after '1629,' add 'He married, contract 15 February 1617, Margaret, daughter of Hew Kennedy of Garrihorn (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxlv. 1).' p. 488, 1. 15, after ' first,' insert ' contract 11 October 1600 (Reg. of Deeds, Ixxxiv. 216).' p. 488, 1. 5 from foot, after ' 1643,' insert ' He was knighted at Holyrood 12 July 1633 (Balfour's Annals, iv. 366). p. 489, 1. 17, after 'married,' delete 'to James,' and insert 'in 1650 to Gilbert (Ayr Sasines, viii. 342).' p. 489, 1. 19, after ' married,' insert ' contract 12 April 1648 (Ayr Sasines, viii. 164).' p. 493, 1. 6, after « 488.),' add note, ' A claim to the title is mentioned in the General Evening Post of 1-3 January 1793. It was made by Samuel Paterson, junior, a clerk in the Sun Fire Office, eldest son of Samuel 58 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA Paterson, librarian to the Marquess of Lansdowne. The wife of the elder Samuel, Mrs. Hamilton Lewis Paterson, died 29 November 1790, and is said (Ayre's London Sunday Gazette, 19 December 1790) to have been " a granddaughter of the noble houses of Kennedy and Cochrane, a niece of the late all accomplished Susanna, Countess of Eglinton, and cousin-german to the present Earls of Cassillis and Eglinton" (Notes and Queries, llth ser., ii. 325). She was probably a granddaughter of Lewis Kennedy and Magdalene Cochrane (see p. 491). The claim of her son was of course never pressed. Both Patersons, senior and junior, are noticed in the Diet. Nat. BiogC p. 497, 1. 3 from foot, delete entire line and accompanying note and insert 'and in 1793 a troop of yeomanry in Carrick, from which the Ayrshire Yeomanry (Earl of Carrick's Own), took its rise.' p. 498, 1. 11 from foot, delete ' and has,' and insert ' He died 10th April 1905, leaving issue.' p. 500, 1. 10 from foot, for ' March ' read ' May.' CATHCART p. 516, 1. 19, for ' before his father ' read ' 15 May 1602.' p. 516, 1. 26, for ' a ' read ' two.' p. 516, 1. 27, for ' daughter ' read ' daughters.' p. 516, 1. 27, after * Margaret,' insert ' and Jean, the latter of whom was married, first, to Thomas, brother of William Cathcart of Bardarroch, and secondly, before 1626, to Archibald, brother of David Dunbar of Enterkin (Beg. of Deeds, ccclxxxiii. 8).' p. 518, note 10, for ' 1572' read ' 1672.' p. 519, 1. 26, for '31' read ' 21 (Caledonian Mercury, 22 March 1733).' p. 520, 1. 2, after ' Bart,' delete ' by whom she had a daughter,' and insert 'She had a decreet of separation and aliment 7 March 1750 (Consis- torial Processes, etc., Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 391 ; cf. vol. iii. 457).' p. 520, 1. 26, after 'Ireland,' insert 'On her wedding ring at her fourth marriage she had engraved "If I survive, I will have five.'" p. 521, 1. 8, for '31 May' read '30 April (O.S.) or 11 May (N.S.).' p. 522, 1. 10 from foot, after '1764,' insert 'Bred at Glasgow, "very much under the eye of the Principal " : graduated at Balliol College, Oxford, 1786.' p. 522, 1. 7 from foot, after ' 1802,' insert ' died 1841.' p. 524, 1. 6, for ' 1776' read ' 1796.' p. 527, 1. 7 from foot, for ' November' read ' December (Patrician, iii. 93).' p. 530, 1. 3 from foot, after ' Cambridge,' insert ' He died 30 October 1905.' p. 531, 1. 3, for ' and has,' read ' having had.' p. 531, 1. 6, after ' Scots Guards,' add ' He succeeded his father as fourth Earl, and died, unmarried, in London 2 September 1911, being succeeded, as fifth Earl, by his brother George.' COLVILLE OF CULROSS p. 542, after 1. 11, insert— '5. Janet, married Alexander dejure third Lord Boyd ; there was a ORANSTOUN 59 dispensation for the marriage, legitimising the children already born, 23 November 1505 (cf. vol. v. 151).' p. 543, 1. 1, after ' Ersiltoun,' insert ' (Dispensation about 29 November 1502).* p. 543, 1. 2, delete 'Crichton, widow of Campbell,' and insert * daughter of Sir Robert Crichton of Sanquhar, and widow of William Douglas, third of Drumlanrig, and of James Campbell of West Loudoun ' (cf . vol. vii. 116). p. 543, 1. 18, after 'Drumskeath,' add 'who was in 1522 parish clerk of Erskine (Culzean Inventory, No. 258).' p. 543, note 1, after ' 31,' add « Margaret Ker must have been divorced and married again, as on 16 February 1508-9, she was the wife of a Robert Rynde (Acta Dom. Cone., xx. f. 136).' p. 557, 1. 18, after ' 1630,' add ' She married secondly, on 27 January 1622, Laurence, afterwards Sir Laurence Mercer of Aldie, and had issue (Mercer Pedigree in Lyon Office).' p. 557, after 1. 22, insert— '(3) Mary, married to Duncan Campbell of Glenlyon (Reg. of Deeds, Dixvi. 57).' p. 557, 1. 2 from foot, after ' marriage,' add ' She was married to John MoncriefF of Balcaskie, and had a charter as his future spouse 16 October 1626 (Fife Sasines, vi. 176).' COLVILLE OF OCHILTREE p. 571, 1. 5, after '1596,' insert 'He married Katherine Douglas, who survived him and married, secondly, William Stewart of Egilshay.' p. 572, 1. 2, after « Elizabeth,1 add ' married (contract 1 November 1592) to James Lindsay of Dowhill (Reg. of Deeds, xlv. 255).' p. 572, 1. 3, after 'Janet,' insert 'married Robert Douglas.' p. 572, 1. 3 from foot, after ' William,' insert 'He was minister of Cramond, 1635, and subsequently of Greyfriars, Trinity College, and the Tron Kirks, all in Edinburgh (see Scott's Fasti, passim) : deposed 26 July 1649, for favouring the " engagement," but reponed 8 November 1654 (Mar and Kellie Papers, Hist. MSS. Com. Rep., 206). He was.' p. 573, 1. 21, after ' secondly,' insert ' in the Kirk of Carnock, 25 February 1656 (Dumfermline Reg.).' COUPAR p. 577, 1. 13, after ' 1666,' insert ' when she was very young and subject to great pressure (A thenceum, 26 June 1905).' CRANSTOUN p. 586, 1.20, after 'confirmed,' insert 'by that King about 1339, and.' p. 586, 1. 21, after « 1441,' insert ' He had also a grant from David IT. on 24 July 1370 of the lands of New Cranstoun on his own resignation, to be held blench instead of ward (original at Oxenfoord).' p. 586, 1. 23, after ' grants,' insert * to him.' 60 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 586, 1. 26, delete ' these,' and insert ' grants by William of Seton of certain.' p. 586, 1. 29, delete 'by William of Seton ; and of the,' and insert 'and another grant by Thomas, son of Duncan of Symondston, of that.' p. 586, 1. 31, delete 'by Thomas, son of Duncan of Symondston.' p. 587, 1. 6, after ' CBANYSTOUN,' insert ' had from Robert in. charters of Cranstoundaw and Whitehope 29 April, and of New Cranstoun 21 September 1396, both on his father's resignation (Oxenfoord Writs). He.' p. 590, 1. 1, after 'Hume,' insert '(Dispensation granted about June 1503).' p. 590, 1. 10, after ' Macgill,' insert ' daughter of Sir James Macgill of Bankeillor.' p. 594. 1. 5, after ' Riccarton,' insert ' She was buried in the Kirk of Currie, 5 September 1702 (Funeral entry, Lyon Office). p. 594, 1. 21, after ' Wauchope,' insert ' daughter of Adam Wauchope of Keckmure, and widow of Sir John Murray of Blackbarony (Gen. Reg. Sasines, vii. 89 ; cf. Douglas's Baronage, 71).' p. 595, 1. 15, after ' secondly,' insert, ' contract 7 April 1623 (Reg. of Deed*, cccclxxxvii. 66).' p. 596, last line, for 'second,' read 'fifth.' p. 598, 1. 7, after ' 1752,' insert note, ' There is a full account of the circum- stances in the Patrician, vol. vi., and in the Wonderful Magazine, vol. i. 209. The latter says of him "His person was diminutive: he was so marked with the smallpox that his face was in seams and he squinted, but he possessed the faculty of small talk which is but too prevailing with many of the fair sex.'" p. 601, 1. 7 from foot, for ' Forfarshire,' read * Kincardineshire.' VOL. III. CRAWFORD p. 8, 1. 22, for ' Bene ' read ' Beneyt.' p. 11, 1. 3 from foot, after ' 1369,' insert ' (mandate for dispensation for this marriage dated 12 January 1365-66) (Reg. Aven., clxiii. 176).' p. 13, 1. 23, after * married,' insert ' (mandate for dispensation of this marriage dated 18 May 1357) (Reg. Aven., cxxxv. 386).' p. 15, 1. 22, after ' 1385,' delete ' a lady variously named Jean, Kathrina and. p. 15, 1. 24, after ' regis 10,' insert * A dispensation for the marriage was issued 22 February 1374-75 (Reg. Aven., cxcvii. 34).' p. 16, 1. 14, for ' Gasclune ' read ' Glasclune.' p. 18, 1. 21, after * married,' insert ' (mandate for dispensation of this marriage, dated 26 February 1422-23) (Col. of Papal Letters, vii. 260).' p. 20, 1. 6, after ' issue,' add ' He died before 10 May 1558, leaving David, Jonet, and Christian. His wife married, secondly, before that date, Abraham Crichton (Acts and Decreets, xvi. 301 ; xvii. 206). p. 23, note 10, after ' Charters,' add ' The spouses had precept of sasine of lands in the barony of Alyth 10 June 1480 (Gray Inventory).' p. 24, after 1. 11, insert 4 5. Jonet, mentioned in her mother's will (Edin. Tests).' p. 25, 1. 11, after « David,' add ' He married Matilda, daughter of William Graham of Fintry (Acts and Decreets, xvii. 165).' p. 26, after 1. 3 from foot, insert 'The "Wicked Master" had also two sons, possibly illegitimate, Alexander and Patrick (Acts and Decreets, xix. 439; liii. 356).' p. 27, 1. 12, after 'afterwards,' insert ' before 10 April 1543.' p. 27, 1. 16, after 'first,' insert 'contract 28 May 1538 (Acts and Decreets, xliv. 129).' p. 28, 1. 16 delete 'Lord,' before Gray, and insert ' Patrick, Master of.' p. 28, 1. 16, after ' widow of,' insert ' Alexander Blair of Balthayock (Gray Inventory, 511) and of.' p. 29, 1. 12, for ' 1580 ' read ' 1582.' p. 31, 1. 5 from foot, after ' Crawford,' insert ' was baptized 8 March 1575-76 (Perth Reg.) and.' p. 32, note 4, after ' 1618,' insert ' His wife, indeed, was suing for divorce in 1610 (Gen. Reg. of Inhibitions, i. 212).' p. 32, note 5, for 'Haig' read 'Haigh.' p. 33, 1. 8 from foot, after ' Crawford,' add note ' He was probably older than Henry, as he is mentioned before him in a bond of provision 62 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA by his father to his sons and daughters, dated 17 February 1616 (Reg. of Deeds, ccxci. 445).' p. 33, 1. 4 from foot, after * 1631,' insert ' She was married (contract 22 December 1626 (Reg. of Deeds, ccclxxxvii. 434) to Robert Fletcher of Balmirmer.' p. 33, after 1. 4 from foot, insert * 10. Annas, probably second daughter, as she is mentioned after Margaret in the bond of provision above quoted. 11. Lilias, also mentioned in the bond.' p. 35, 1. 5 from foot, for ' 1613 ' read ' 1633.' p. 36, 1. 13, after * Windsor Castle, insert note ' Lamont (Diary, August 1652) says he was imprisoned in the Tower. Lady Crawford went up from Leith by the ordinary coach to see him.' p. 36, 1. 5 from foot, after 'buried,' add ' in August 1640 (Hope's Diary, 113).' p. 36, after last line insert ' 6. James, baptized 12 January 1649 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 37, 11. 1, 4, 7, 9 and 11, for ' 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ' read ' 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.' p. 37, 1. 1, after ' Anna,' insert * baptized 1 September 1631, and named after Anna, Marchioness of Hamilton (St. Andrews Reg.).' p, 37, 1. 1, after ' married,' insert ' at the Kirk of Holyroodhouse 11 April 1648 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 37, 1. 4, after ' married,' insert ' two days after her eldest sister (Ibid.).' p. 37, 1. 21, after ' government,' insert ' The Earl figures in Pitcairn's comedy of The Assembly as Lord Whigridden, a Presbyterian Peer, a rigid fool. See also Maidment's Scottish Elegiac Verses.' p. 38, 1. 1, after ' Thomas,' insert ' born 12 January 1694 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 40, 1. 11, for ' Cupar' read ' Ceres.' p. 40, 1. 29, for ' 1769' read ' 1759.' p. 43, 1. 26, delete 'left,' and insert 'died 15 August 1825, leaving.' p. 46, 1. 30, for ' 1878 ' read '• 1873.' p. 46, 1. 4 from foot, after ' George ' delete ' comma ' ; f or ' Baron ' read ' Barons.' p. 51, 1. 4, delete ' The arms anciently borne by the Lindsays were usually an Eagle,' and insert 'The Lindsays in ancient times seem to have borne an eagle as a device.' CRICHTON p. 57, 1. 8, after 'Gilberton,' insert note 'Recent research has brought to light the fact that on 1 July 1364 a grant of dispensation for the marriage of William de Krechtoun and Margaret, daughter of the late Sir John Preston, Knight, was issued (Regesta Vaticana, ccli. f. f this lady be the Margaret Crichton who obtained the charter of Gilberton it would seem that she must have been the mother of all the sons.' p. 57, 1. 25, after ' appears,' insert ' as the grantee of a bond on 1 March 1422. He is next mentioned.' OROMARTIE 63 p. 64, 1. 20, after ' Wardlaw,' insert 'of Kilbaberton (Ada Dom. Cone., ix.37).' p. 67, 1. 3 from foot, for 'at least one child,' read 'several children, including.' p. 67, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Bothes ' insert * By Patrick Panter, presum- ably the Abbot of Cambuskenneth, and Secretary to King James iv., she had a son David Panter, who was legitimated 12 August 1513 (Reg. Mag. Sig., 19 January 1539-40), and became Bishop of Boss (Dowden's Bishops of Scotland, 228).' CBOMABTIE p. 71, 1. 7, after ' Macleod,' insert ' eldest daughter of Torquil Macleod of the Lewis (contract 6 May 1605).' p. 71, after 1. 22, insert '6. Torquil, described as brother of Mr. Alexander and Charles in a writ of 1636, after his death (Reg. of Deeds, Dxlix. 215).' p. 71, 1. 24, after ' married,' insert ' contract 23 and 27 February 1633 (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxci. 40).' p. 71, 11. 23, 24, for '6 and 7,' read '7 and 8.' p. 72, 1. 13, delete ' in,' and insert ' contract 25 July.' p. 73, after 1. 6. insert «5. Torquil, baptized 28 September 1647 (Kinghorn Beg.).' p. 73, 1.7, for '5' read* 6.' p. 73, 1. 7, after 'Kenneth,' insert ' baptized 26 November 1648 (Ibid.): p. 73, after 1. 8, insert « 7. Charles, baptized 9 April 1650 (Ibid.): p, 73, 11. 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, and 20, for '6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11' read '8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.' p. 73, 1. 18, after ' married,' insert ' contract 4 March 1670,' p. 73, 1. 20, after ' married,' insert « contract 19 August 1667.' p. 75, 1. 29, after ' first,' delete ' in,' and insert ' contract 6 July 1654.' p. 75, 1. 30, for ' Moy ' read ' Mey.' p. 76, 1. 6, after ' married,' insert ' first, Mary, sister of David Kinnear of that Ilk (P. C. Decreta, 4 December 1690) ; secondly.' p. 76, 1. 6, after ' Campbell,' insert ' thirdly, contract 14 January 1720, Elizabeth Edwards, widow, first, of Charles Graydon, and, secondly, of Alexander Sutherland of Kinminitie (see infra, p. 204).' p. 76, 1. 8 from foot, after ' married,' insert 'July 1674.' p. 76, 1. 7 from foot, after ' issue,' insert ' She raised an action of divorce against her husband 21 August 1694 (Consistorial Processes, Scot. Bee. Soc., No. 65). She died aged seventy, and was buried 29 September 1726 (Canongate Beg.).' p. 76, 1. 5 from foot, after ' issue,' insert ' Sir George and his two sons were drowned in Colston Water, near his own house, on Wednesday, 5 May 1703, " the lady who was in the coach with them was very miraculously preserved" (Turnbull's Diary, Scot. Hist. Soc. Misc., i. 431).' 64 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 77, 1. 3, for ' 11,' read ' 29 (Wemyss Book, i. 318).' p. 77, 1. 5, for « but,' read ' and.' p. 77, 1. 6, delete 'no issue,' and insert 'a daughter Sophia, who died 15 ' August 1727, aged twenty-five (Canongate Reg.).' p. 78, 1. 13, for ' May 1726 ' read ' at the age of nineteen, and was buried 7 June 1728 (Canongate Beg.).' p. 81, after 1, 25, insert '9. Amelia,' and alter numeration of subsequent children accordingly. p. 81, 1. 2 from foot, after 'Baronet,' insert 'full stop,' and delete 'and.' Insert ' She was divorced in 1791 for adultery with Robert Harrup, surgeon, Dumfries (Consistorial Processes, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 963).' p. 83, 1. 10, for ' 1597 ' read ' 1797.' p. 83, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 11 March 1869' read ' 14 March 1895, aged ninety- nine.' p. 86, 1. 4, after ' 1st,' insert ' or.' DALHOUSIE p. 88, after 1. 2 from foot, insert « In light of more recent research the pedigree and statements given on pp. 89, 90 fall to be revised. The William Ramsay de Dalwolsy mentioned above was probably the father of:- 1. SIR WILLIAM, of whom below. 2. Alexander, who had from his brother, Sir William, a charter of the lands of Kernok, confirmed by David n. 11 November 1341 (note of Carnock charters communicated by Horatius Bonar, W.S.). About the same time he had from the same king a charter of the lands of Hawthornden, forfeited by Laurence Abernethy (Reg. Mag. Sig. i. new ed. App. 2, p. 563). He was, no doubt, the hero of the exploits recounted on p. 89 of text, and the victim of the Knight of Liddes- dale's revenge. He was buried in Newbattle Church, see text p. 90, 1. 29. He left a son Alexander, of whom below. SIB WILLIAM RAMSAY was at Berwick in 1338 as in text ; granted Carnock to his younger brother as above ; and was on the assize who tried Malise, Earl of Strathearnfor treason in 1344 (Roll of Parliament, printed in Scottish Historical Review for April 1912). He had from David ii. a charter of the lands of Inverleith about 1346 (Robertson's Index, 36). He left issue :— 1. SIR PATRICK, of whom below. 2. Sir William, Sheriff of Lothian in 1357, when he is styled brother of Patrick (Reg. of Newbattle, 309). He had from David n. a grant of £20 sterling yearly, 9 September 1362 (Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. i. new ed. No. 109), and another to him (as of Dalwolsy) and Agnes his wife of the lands of Nether Liberton on 24 October 1369 (Ibid., No. 334). He is styled thus probably to distinguish him from his contemporary Sir William Ramsay of Culluthy ; he is never styled dominus de Dalhousie. He and his wife sold Nether Liberton to Adam Forrester of Corstor- DALHOUSIE 65 phine, 10 April 1384; he styles himself in the charter "lord of Inver- leith " (notes from Corstorphine Charters by Thomas Thomson, W.S.). On 6 June 1377 he had a safe-conduct from Edward in., being infirm of body and under the care of the prior of Bermondsey (Rot. Scot., i. 982). He was alive in 1388-89 (Exch. Rolls, iii. 188, 693). He had a son David, who had from Robert u. a charter of Inverleith, on his father's resigna- nation, 2 July 1384 (Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. i. new ed. No. 791). SIB PATRICK was lord of Dalwolsy before 1353 and in 1357 as in text. He styles Alexander his uncle at the latter date (see text). In 1367 (not 1357 as text) he resigned the barony of Dalwolsy in favour of his cousin Alexander (see below). Thereafter he is styled of Kerynton (Charter of 1369 quoted in text). His wife's name was Margaret (see text), and he had a son James, a substitute in the Dalwolsy charter of 1367 (see below). ALEXANDER, son of Alexander Ramsay of Kernok, had from David n. a charter of the barony of Dalwolsy to himself and the heirs of his body, whom failing, to James, son of Sir Patrick Ramsay and the heirs of his body, whom failing, Sir Patrick's nearest heirs bearing his sur- name; on Sir Patrick's resignation, dated 15 June 1367 (Original charter belonging to the Earl of Dalhousie), Alexander's charter granting the Blindhalch to Newbattle Abbey, quoted in text, is undated, but must have been granted between 1369 and 1374. It does not appear whether the later lords of Dalhousie were descended from Alexander or from his cousin James.' p. 92, 1. 3, after 'issue,' insert '(besides a daughter Jonet, to whom her grandfather on 3 April 1456 granted a bond to pay her 500 merks Scots in the event of her brother Alexander dying without issue, in which case she would have succeeded to the estates but for the tailzie of the day before) (original in Dalhousie Charter-chest).' p. 92, 1. 19, after * Elizabeth,' insert ' more correctly Isabel.' p. 92, 1. 20, after ' Angus,' delete ' and,' and insert * who survived him and was married, secondly, to Thomas Livingstone (Liber Sententiarum Officialis S. Andree infra Laudoniam, fol. 55). By her Alexander.' p. 92, 1. 22, after ' Elizabeth,' insert ' married to Sir Alexander Boswell of Balmuto (ex inform. Marquis de Ruvigny),' p. 92, 1. 8 from foot, after 'married,' insert 'first, Elene Home, whom he divorced (notarial instrument penes Fraser Trustees) ; secondly.' p. 94, 1. 2, after 'complainer,' insert 'He was a burgess of Edinburgh : he married Janet Wycht and had issue William and Nicol (Edinburgh Burgh Reg. of Deeds, vol. vi., 19 September 1595), and John (Reg. Ho. Charters, 24 September 1595).' p. 94, 1. 7, after 'Agnes Stewart,' insert 'Countess of Both well.' p. 94, 1. 18, for * married to ' read * mothers of.' p. 95, 1. 8 from foot, after ' Berwick,' add ' She was certainly in 1598 the wife of Lawrence Howburn, styled " apparent of Tullibole " (Reg. of Deeds, Ixxiii. 70).' VOL. IX. E 66 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p 95, 1. 2 from foot, after '1570,' add 'He is also styled son of George ' Ramsay of Dalhousie in a writ of 29 July 1570 (Protocol Book of Gilbert Grote, f. 132), but nothing more is known of him.' p. 95, delete last sentence on page, as the statement applies to the William Ramsay mentioned on pp. 93, 94. p. 97, 1. 18, after ' marriage,' insert 'of date 16 April 1593 (Reg. of Deeds, xlvi. 53).' p. 99, 1. 7, for ' and' read ' OF.' p. 99, 1. 2 from foot, after ' John,1 insert ' He married, in or before 1660, Marjorie Spence, and had by her at least one son, WILLIAM, afterwards sixth Earl of Dalhousie.' p. 100, 1. 27, delete ' He married,' and the whole of 11. 28, 29, 30. p. 101, after 1. 14, insert '4. James, mentioned in his brother Robert's testament.' p. 101, 1. 15, for '4' read '5.' p. 101, after 1. 15, insert '6. Lydia, mentioned with her brothers and sisters in Robert's testament.' p. 101, 1. 16, for '5' read 47.' p. 101, 1. 16, after ' first,' insert ' in 1665 (cf . vol. vi. 600).' p. 101, 1. 16, for ' tenth' read ' eleventh.' p. 101, 1. 17, after ' secondly,' insert ' contract 26 December 1684.' p. 101, 1. 19, for ' 6 ' read ' 8.' p. 101, 1.21, for '7' read '9.' p. 101, 11. 7 and 8 from foot, delete ' and, thirdly, to Samuel Collins, M.D.' (The statement to this effect in Wood's Douglas's Peerage is erroneous.) p. 102, 1. 21, delete ' Captain.' p. 102, 1. 22, delete ' full stop ' and ' Captain Ramsay was the,' and insert comma. p. 102, 1. 23, for ' second ' read ' first.' p. 102, 1. 23, after ' was,' insert ' baptized at Dundee 2 December 1660 (Dundee Par. Reg.) ; became.' p. 103, 1. 17, for ' 3rd ' read ' 1st ' (Hamilton's Hist, of the Grenadier Guards).' p. 104, 1. 4, after '1831,' insert 'He died 13 April 1852, having married, first, 1 December 1794, Patricia Heron, daughter of Gilbert Gordon of Halleaths, who died 11 May 1821, and, secondly, in 1822, Elizabeth, daughter of John William Barton. She survived him and married, secondly, 25 April 1856, Bonamy Mansell Power of Guernsey, and died at Paris 25 June 1867.' p. 104, 1. 15, for ' 1743 ' read « 1793.' p. 104, 1. 22, for ' second ' read ' served.' p. 105, 1. 10, delete 'full stop,' and insert ' comma, a daughter Charlotte, who married Marcus Slade, colonel 50th Regiment, and died at Hampton Court 23 February 1909, aged eighty-six.' p. 105, 1. 4 from foot, delete ' and was present at the battle of Waterloo.' p. 106, 1. 19, for '76th Foot' read '26th Foot.' DOUGLAS, EARL OF DOUGLAS 67 p. 107, 1. 23, for ' 19 October' read '22 December (Cockpen Par. Reg.).' p. 107, 1. 26, for ' 1850' read '1853.' p. 110, 1. 3, for ' CREST' read ' CRESTS.' p. 110, 1. 4, after * or,' for full stop put comma, and insert 'for Ramsay : a double-headed wyvern with wings erect, spouting fire before and behind, proper, for Mauled DINGWALL p. 117, 1. 20, after ' Knight,' insert ' On 21 June 1338 he had a grant from his (half ?) sister Christian of the lands of Myles, East Lothian, to which she had succeeded as heir of her brother Laurence de Preston, and which Edward in. had treated as forfeited (Craigmillar Charters ; Cal. of Docs. Scot., in. 337, 385).' p. 118, 1. 2, after 'Edinburgh,' delete 'His son,' and insert 'He died before 1 July 1364. He had two sons and a daughter :— 1. SIMON, of whom after. 2. William, who had from Robert in. a charter of the lands of Wester Benyne circa 1399 (Eeg. Mag. Sig., vol. i. new ed. p. 642, No. 1884). He as Knight and Lord of Benyne granted some subjects in Musselburgh to Andrew, son of his deceased brother-german, Sir Simon, 28 May 1420 (Craigmillar Charters). 3. Margaret (see ante corrigend., on vol. iii. p. 57, 1. 8).' p. 118, 1. 16, after 'Robert in.,' insert ' He had from his father a charter of Loganraw and others in 1395 (Ibid.), which was witnessed by his brother Andrew and by a hitherto unknown brother, John.1 p. 118, 1. 17, after ' Craigmillar,' insert ' He died 22 August 1421 (Ibid.).1 p. 118, 1. 18, and 1. 4 of footnotes, for ' 1421 ' read ' 1426.' p. 119, 1. 11, after ' right,' insert ' He had a grant, on 21 June 1497, from his cousin, Sir Simon Preston of that Ilk, of the lands of Loganraw and others (Craigmillar Charters).' p. 119, 1. 19, after ' day,' insert ' He had a precept of clare constat as heir of Archibald, his father, in Loganraw 12 October 1526 (Ibid.).1 p. 119, 1. 4 from foot, after ' 1532,' insert ' and another as heir of his father in Loganraw 16 October 1531 (Ibid.).1 p. 124, 11. 5, 7 and 27, for ' Gray ' read ' Grey.' p. 124, 1. 20, for ' Julien' read ' Julian.' MAXWELL, EARL OF DIRLETON p. 131, after 1. 3, add ' 3. Jane, married to Wharwood. 4. Anne, married, in or before 1642, as his third wife, to Sir Thomas Bowyer, first Baronet of Ley thorne. Both these children are mentioned in their mother's will, dated 22 August 1657, and proved in C.P.C. 20 August 1660 (ex inform. G. E. Cokayne).' DOUGLAS, EARL OF DOUGLAS p. 140, 1. 21, after ' 1305,' insert ' But before the end of that year she was married, secondly, to Sir William Bagot of the Hyde (Collections for a 68 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA History of Staffordshire by Major-General the Hon. George Wrottes- ley : London, 1908 ; Genealogist, xxv. 140).' p. 141, 1. 8, for ' Aberdeenshire,' read ' Banffshire.' p. 152, 1. 2 from foot, for '1584' read ' 1384-85.' DOUNE p. 186, 1. 6 from foot, for ' Whitsunday 1547 ' read ' Whitmonday 1544, three years before the remission (Eeg. Sec. Sig., xxi. f. 406, 4 September 1547).' p. 187, 1. 2, after * Aichisoune,' delete full stop, and insert * who had previously been the wife of Fraser (by whom she had a daughter Margaret, her executor), of John Logan (Eeg. of Deeds, ii. 20), and of William Berry, burgess of Edinburgh (Moray Writs, Box i. No. 57).' p. 187, 1. 7, after 'ward,' insert 'He died 2 September 1584. His wife survived him and died 2G March 1585 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 187, 1. 11, after « Buchlivie,' insert ' He died in August 1576 (Edin. Sasines}.' p. 187, 1. 13, after ' Aberdour,' insert ' (who is styled in 1582 Elizabeth Robertson or Downie (Moray Writs, Box i. No. 24), and who married, secondly, before 18 October 1597, John Wemyss of Cutkillhill (Ibid., Box iv. No. 114).' p. 187, 1. 15, for ' Janet ' read ' Barbara (ex inform. Niall Campbell, Esq.).' p. 187, after 1. 19, insert '(2) John, mentioned in his father's will. He died before 10 Novem- ber 1595, leaving a widow, Esther Thomson (Moray Writs, Box iv. No. 97).' p. 187, 1. 20, after ' 1619,' insert ' married (contract 7 April 1614), Agnes, eldest daughter of William Shaw of Lethangie, with issue.' p. 187, 11. 20 and 21, for '(2)' and ' (3)' read ' (3)' and ' (4).' p. 187, 1. 2 from foot, for ' n.' read ' i.' p. 188, 1. 5 from foot, after ' Revenues,' insert ' He and his wife had a charter of the lordship of Doune, 6 January 1587-88, ratified to his grandson, James, Earl of Moray, in 1592 (Acta Parl. Scot., iii. 628; Beg. Mag. Sig.). She was at Donibristle when it was burned 011 7 February 1591-92, and she was so suffocated by the fire that she died shortly after (Moray Writs, Box iv. No. 58).' p. 188, note 11, after ' 258,' add ' His will, dated 5 May 1590, is among the Moray Writs (Box i. No. 52).' p. 189, after 1. 24, insert, ' In a note of the names of Lady Doune's execu- tors (Moray Writs, Box iv. No. 59) Alexander is named before John ; Archibald is not named, so was probably dead. The daughters men- tioned are Margaret, Jean and Agnes.' p. 189, 1. 25, for ' in.' read ' n.' DUFFUS p. 194, 1. 22, after ' issue,' insert ' She married, secondly, Sir Thomas Lundie of Pratis.' DUFFUS 69 p. 194, 1. 23, after 'Oliphant,' add 'and, thirdly, Sir William Keith of Inverugy (Ada Dom. Concilii, xxviii. f. 71 ; cf. ff. 181, 192).' p. 195, after 1. 19, insert ' 5. Muriel Sutherland, wife of Alexander Seton of Meldrum, was, it is said, another daughter. She was also the wife of Andrew Fraser of Stanywood. (See title Fraser, vol. iii. 109 ; cf. Reg. Mag. Sig., ii. No. 2507; Thanage of Fermartyne, 688).' p. 202, 1. 2, after ' him,' insert * being styled domina de Duffus 13 October 1579 (Reg. Mag. Sig., 6 December 1579), and.' p. 202, 1. 27, after ' Rearquhar,' add note ' William Sutherland of Rear- quhar died before 10 March 1707. He left two daughters, Christian and Margaret. He is described as brother-german of Hugh Sutherland of Kinnauld (Abbreviate of Adjudications, vol. Ivii. 10 March 1707).' p. 204, 1. 1, delete ' before 1604,' and insert ' contract 21 December 1604 (Bulloch's House of Gordon, 84; Reg. Mag. Sig., 25 November 1608).' p. 204, 1. 25, delete ' was apparently twice married, his second wife being,' and insert 'styled of Mosstowie, married, first, Barbara Guthrie, daughter of Sir Henry Guthrie of Kingedward, widow of William Lindsay of Culsh (Abbreviate of Adjudications, Ixvii. pt. ii. 775), and had issue ; secondly.' p. 204, 1. 32, after ' married,' insert ' (contract dated 30 April 1715) (Durie Decreets, vol. 486).' p. 204, 1. 32, after 'Edwards,' insert 'of Monmouth, widow of Charles Graydon, Receiver-General of Customs in Scotland (by whom she had issue a son, Charles).' p. 204, 1. 33, after ' Grandvale,' add note 'On 4 October 1727 she assigned to Sir Kenneth, inter alia, her share of thirty-two shares of 100 guineas each assigned by Archibald, Earl of Argyll, on 28 March 1691, giving right to a share of all manner of guns, sums of money, gold, silver, jewels, treasure, etc., which at any time had been wrecked or at any time found near or about the island of Mull or elsewhere upon or adjoining to Argyllshire on the coast of Scotland (Reg. of Deeds, M'Ken. Office, 143, 19 January 1728. The writer is indebted to Mr. D. Murray Rose for directing attention to this fact, and other additions to this article).' p. 209, 1.18, after 'thirdly,' insert '(contract dated 26 August 1654; tocher £8000 and any jewels left her by her grandmother) (Moray Writs).' p. 209, after 1. 29, insert ' On 3 April 1666 Lord Duffus writes that his youngest son was dead. Robin and Marie were unwell on 6 March 1666 (ex inform. John Macgregor, W.S.).' p. 212, 1. 1, after 'Elizabeth,' insert 'fourth daughter. She was in 1704 taught dancing by William Badhame, dancing master, Edinburgh, who received £50 for his tuition (Dunbar's Social Life in Former Days, 14). She was married (contract 21 November 1709) as daughter of James, Lord Duffus, and sister-german of William Sutherland of Roscommon, to Sir John Gordon of Embo (Inverness Sasines, vii. 47).' 70 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 212, after 1. 7, add ' 11. Isabel, buried in Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 26 July 1694 (Greyfriars 12.' Esther, married to John Rose in Balvraid; they were infeft in the lands of Easter Balvraid 22 November 1711.3 p. 213, I- 3, after 'executors,' insert 'Married to Baron Otto Gustaff Wrede of the kingdom of Sweden (Summons, Sutherland v. Suther- land, 3 April 1778, in Extinct Processes, Sale of Skelbo (Dal.), 29 June 1787).' p. 214, 1. 9, after * Army,' insert ' In 1771 he eloped (being then a Captain in the 26th Foot) with Lady Mary Hay, daughter of James, Earl of Erroll, and wife of Major-General John Scott of Balcomie, whom she had married in November of the previous year (Consistorial Processes, etc., Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 583).' p. 215, 1. 20, for 'surmounted' read 'surrounded.' DUMBARTON p. 217, 1. 17, after ' issue,' insert * besides two daughters. ' DUMFRIES p. 221, 1. 7 from foot, after 'Elgin,' insert 'On 8 May 1472 he had from George, Lord Haliburton, a charter of the lands of Rossie (now Rossie- ochil) (Rossie Charters). He was styled of Rossie, and died before 2 February 1502-3, leaving a son and heir John (Reg. Mag. Sig., 3 March 1502-3), who died before March 1507-8, leaving a widow Katherine Ross (Acta Dom. Cone., xix. 231), and a daughter Margaret, his heir, who married Andrew Stewart of Calzebrochan, and had issue (Rossie Charters).' p. 224, 1. 7, after ' craig,2 ' add as note ' Robert Crichton had probably another daughter. At least in a charter of 1509 Robert, second Lord Crichton describes Thomas Kilpatrick of Closeburn as his brother-in- law. A Margaret Sinclair, widow of the late Patrick Crichton of Petlandy, is described on 6 February 1523-24 as sister of the late Robert (second) Lord Crichton. She had a son Robert (Acta Dom. Cone., vol. xxxiv. 84).' p. 228, 1. 5, after '1677,' insert 'and was then probably the eldest sur- viving son.' p. 228, 1. 6, after ' William,' insert ' eldest son (Reg. of Deeds, Dlx. 108).' p. 228, after 1. 8, insert ' iii. John, second son, mentioned 1646 (Ibid.} and 22 May 1649 (Reg. Mag. Sig.): p. 228, 11. 9 and 12, for ' iii ' and ' iv ' read ' iv ' and ' v.' p. 228, note 6, for ' Dumfries Retours ' read ' Ayr Retours.' p. 231, 1. 23, after ' 1612,' insert ' Robert Carlyle and James Irving were hanged in Fleet Street for their share of the crime on 24 June (Craik's Romance of the Aristocracy, iii. 344).' DUNBAR, EARL OF DUNBAR 71 p. 231, 1. 26, after ' issue,' insert « It is stated that he had been divorced from his wife only two days before the murder was committed. She, however, came and stayed with him in prison (Craik, ut supra, 357). It is also said (Winwood, iii. 385) that she married in a few weeks after Crichton's execution, "one Sands of Buckinghamshire.'" p. 231, 1. 5 from foot, after ' lady,' add note ' A base courtesan in Paris (Spots wood).' p. 231, note 2, add ' Apparently £500 was offered for Crichton alive and £300 dead (Sloane, MS. 4173 f. 318, cited in Craik's Romance, etc., iii. 342). p. 234, 1. 11, delete ' in 1642 and 1643,' and insert ' on 19 December 1637 (Reg. Mag. Sig., 16 January 1638).' p. 235, 1. 21, after ' 1618,' add note, ' They were married by Mr. John Guthrie, minister of Perth on "ane Sunday after the afternoon's sermon" (Chronicles of Perth): p. 236, 1. 10, after 'Alexander' read 'afterwards.' p. 236, 1. 10, after ' Eglinton,' insert ' He " ran away without any advice," and married her, the daughter of " a broken man," when he was sure of Lady Buccleuch's marriage, " the greatest match in Britain. This unexpected prank is worse to all his kin than his death would have been " (Baillie's Letters, iii. 366).' p. 236, 1. 30, for ' French' read 'Freugh.' p. 236, 1, 5 from foot, after ' 1803,' insert ' They had issue a son i. William, Prebendary of Peterborough, who, by his wife Euphemia Gauden had issue :— (i) John Crichton Stuart of New Freugh, N.S.W. He married, first, in 1841, Helen Maria, daughter of B. A. Fitzgerald ; secondly, in 1864, Susan Mary, daughter of the Rev. Edward Hartigan, with issue by first wife :— a. William Sutherland, Rector of Owsden, Suffolk.' p. 237, 1. 19, for '26 July ' read ' 19 June (Annual Reg.): p. 238, 1. 11, for ' Vallange' read 'Ross.' (The name in the text is that given in the Lyon Register.) DUNBAR, EARL OF DUNBAR p. 252, 1. 27, for ' Bruce ' read ' Brice.' p. 273, 1. 24, delete whole line, and insert * to have been a Seton but may have been the daughter of Alan de Wyntoun who married the heiress of Seton and seems to have taken her name (ex inform. Colonel the Hon. R. E. Boyle).' p. 278, 1. 13, delete from 'probably' to 'Colluthie' inclusive with note 7, and insert after 'Wemyss' 'whose parentage is not known. She married, before 1566, a John Wemyss and was his wife in 1510 (Acts and Decreets, xxxix. 431 ; xlv. 289).' 72 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA HOME, EAEL OF DUNBAR p. 280, 1. 2 from foot, delete from ' married' to end of sentence. p. 282, 1. 23, for 'a son' read 'four sons and five daughters.' p. 282, 1. 14 from foot, after ' sons,' add ' by his second wife, besides a daughter Isabel by his first (Gen. Beg. Homings, 18 October 1676).' p. 283, after 1. 7, insert 'ii. Patrick.' p. 283, 1. 8, for «ii' read 'iii.' p. 283, after 1. 15, insert ' iv. Alexander, v. Margaret, vi. Jonet. vii. Anne. viii. Elspeth. ix. Helen. (Reg. of Deeds, cccxliii. 318).' p. 284, 1.16, after 'secondly,' insert 'contract 14 August 1610 (Beg. of Deeds, cccxi. 16).' p. 284, 1. 18, after 'Edinburgh,' insert 'and widow of Isaac Morison, bailie of Edinburgh (Laing Hist. MS. Bibl. Univ. Edin. Div. ii. No. 473). She obtained decree of Adherence against him 22 June 1620 (Edin. Com. Decreets).' p. 285, after 1. 32, insert 'viii. Margaret, married to John Stewart of Coldingham (Gen. Beg. Inhibs., 26 September 1631 ; cf. vol. ii. 171).' p. 286, 1. 12. after ' 1628,' insert ' married Christian Cockburn.' VISCOUNT OF DUNBAR p. 298, 1. 8, delete ' She was living at the date of her husband's will,' and insert 'She married, secondly, John Dalton of Swine, co. York (Genealogist, new ser., xxvii. 220).' SCRYMGEOUR, EARL OF DUNDEE p. 304, 1. 25, after ' Baliol,' insert ' He died in 1306, being executed by order of King Edward i. (Cal. Doc. Scot., ii. No. 1811). He married Tiphanie, daughter of David de Inchesirth (Scrymgeour Invent., Scot. Rec. Soc.,No. 782).' p. 305, 1. 2, after ' reddendo,' insert ' for the lands.' p. 305, 1. 3, after ' spurs,' insert note, * A Richard Scrymgeour is men- tioned as Constable of Dundee in 1329 (Inventory ut sup., No. 147).' p. 306, after 1. 7, insert ' 2. John (secundus) of Henristoun, styled scutifer in 1459 ; married Janet Stag and had issue John and James (charter of 20 July 1431. Lauderdale Charter Chest). 3. James, mentioned in 1418 (Lauderdale Writs). 4. David, mentioned in 1452 and had a charter of Balmakewan (Inventory ut sup., No. 857).' p. 306, 1.8, for '2' read «5.' SCRYMGEOUR, EARL OF DUNDEE 73 , 306, 11. 20, 21, delete ' He died between January 1459-60 and August 1463,' and insert ' He was still alive on 8 August 1466 (ActaParl. Scot., vii. 160), and the date of his death is not exactly known.' , 306, 1. 24, after ' Marion,' insert ' de Abernethy.' p. 306, after 1. 28, insert ' 4. John (by third wife) (Lauderdale Writs): p. 306, last line, delete * He had succeeded his father before,' and insert 'On.' p. 307, 1. 1, delete ' when.' p. 307, 1. 11, after ' Glassary,' insert ' (by second wife) (Acta Dom. Cone., 118).' p. 303, 1. 7, delete * 1503,' and insert ' 4 April 1504 (Fife Sheriff-Court Book, f. 40).' p. 308, 1. 14, delete ' ,' and insert '4. Giles (Benholm Writs).' p. 309, 1. 4, delete * before 17 December 1551,' and insert ' in February 1543-44 (Acts and Decreets, xlix. 386).' p. 309, 1. 9, for ' 1583' read ' 1533.' p. 309, 1. 18, after 'Kirkton,' insert 'It appears that they contracted marriage without her father's consent (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sessionis, vi. f. 1116).' p. 309, 1. 22, for ' to ' read ' of.' p. 309, 1. 10 from foot, after 'inserted,' insert note, ' Since the above was written, the House of Lords (App. Cases, 1910, p. 342), reversing the decision of the Court of Session, has found that the office of Standard Bearer belonged, jure sanguinis to the male representative of the house of Scrymgeour. The descent of Mr. Henry Scrymgeour Wedderburn from David Scrymgeour of Sonahard was admitted. Who this David of Sonahard was has not been definitely proved, but there is a pre- sumption that he may have been identical with that David of Balma- kewan mentioned above (corrig, on p. 306, line 7). Meanwhile, unless and until an heir is found with undoubted nearer descent, the effect of the House of Lords' judgment is that Mr. Scrymgeour Wedderburn has, as representative of the House of Scrymgeour, acted as the Hereditary Standard Bearer of Scotland at the coronation of King George v. p. 309, 1. 3 from foot, after ' Scrimgeour,' insert ' by his second wife, Margaret Maitland.' p. 311, 1. 6, after ' married,' insert ' contract 1583 (Moray Writs, Box xv., No. 1800).' p. 312, 1. 11, after 'uncle,' insert 'comma.' p. 313, after 1. 15, insert ' 4. Elspeth, married to John Campbell of Lundie, without issue (Moray Writs, box xv. No. 1574).' p. 313, 11. 24, 25, for ' 13 March ' read ' 15 November.' p. 313, 1. 28, for ' George ' read ' Sir David.' p. 314, 1. 2, after ' Margaret,' insert ' (afterwards wife of James Alex- ander, son of the first Earl of Stirling).' 74 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 314, 1. 11, after ' married,.' insert ' contract 2 and 30 July 1617 (Reg. of Deeds, cclxxxiv. 1497).' p. 315, 1. 6, for ' 1486 ' read ' 1686.' p. 315, 1. 7, after < 1686-87,' insert ' She was buried at Holyrood in 1697 (Warrant of 24 February ; P. C. Acta): p. 315, note 7, for ' Fordell' read ' Fardill.' GRAHAM, VISCOUNT OF DUNDEE p. 316, 1. 11, after * issue,' add ' 1. David, who had issue a son (Douglas Book, iii. 119).' p. 316, 1. 23, for ' Dudhope ' read ' Glassary.' p. 319, 1. 14, delete 'after 3 June,' and insert 'contract 20 May (Reg. of Deeds, xlvii. 74).' p. 321, 1. 18, for * circa 1616-17 ' read ' contract 13 March 1617 (Reg. of Deeds, ccclxxxvii. 384).' p. 324, 1. 21, after ' to,' insert ' Robert, son of (Aberdeen and Kincardine Sasines, 23 April 1665).' p. 324, 1. 22, delete * was his second wife,0 and,' with relative note, p. 324, 1. 4 from foot, delete ' Sir.' DUNDONALD Since the present article was written, the Inventory of the Writs of the Earldom of Dundonald has been published by the Scottish Record Society, and the information therein contained makes some changes on the pedigree given in the text necessary. p. 336, 1. 10, after ' assessment of,' insert ' a.' p. 336, 1. 12, after « 1603,' insert note, ' The " four merk land of Linclive" appears to have been part of Wester Cochrane, and is mentioned in a wadset of 2 April 1583 (Dundonald Inventory, No. 24). It is not clear that the John Cochrane living there in 1460 was John Coch- rane of that Ilk. In 1522 there is mention of a John Cochrane and Margaret Morton, his spouse, as joint tenants of Lincliff (Paisley Rental Book).' p. 336, 1. 16, delete ' issue as far as recorded,' and insert on next line 'ROBERT OF COCHRANE, who, on 5 March 1456-57, resigned the lands of Cochrane in favour of his son Allan (Dundonald Inventory, No. 2).' p. 336, 1. 17, insert ' Robert ' after « father.' p. 336, 1. 21, after ' Armiger,' insert ' He had a charter of the lands of Cochrane from King James n. on the resignation of his father Robert, as above stated (Dundonald Inventory, No. 2).' p. 336, 11. 23, 24, 25, delete ' comma ' after ' 1476,' and insert ' full stop ' ; delete ' and must have succeeded his father by 1480, as on 8 May of that year,' and insert ' On 8 May 1480.' DUNDONALD 75 p. 336, 1. 10 of notes, after '1488,' delete remaining lines and insert ' Peter married Tsobel Spreull (Acta Dom. Cone., xxii. 61) and was succeeded by John Cochrane, though there is nothing to show that John was his son. John Cochrane had sasine of Nether (or Easter) Cochrane in 1505 (Exchequer Rolls, xii. 717), and as "John Cochrane of that Ilk" entered into a contract with Isobel Spreull, "relict of Peter Cochrane, now spouse of Patrick Dunyng, anent her terce of Pitfour and others" (Acta Dom. Cone., xxii. 61). Easter Cochrane was sold in 1519 to Archbishop James Beaton by a licence granted under the Privy Seal in 1509 (Reg. Sec. Sig., L 1943), and John Cochrane, was thereafter styled " of Pitfour," and held the lands under the superiority of the Earl of Crawford, by whom he had been infeft 2 May 1510. He was succeeded by his son Peter, who is named in a charter under the Great Seal to George Rollok of Duncrub in 1572, and who was followed by his son David. David died 1598, leaving nine children, and his will was proved in Edinburgh 23 January 1598-99. His successor, Francis Cochrane of Pitfour, is named in a cause that came before the Privy Council 1605. He was seised in the lands of Pitfour 4 September 1607, and is the last of that line. The Cochranes of Easter Cochrane and of Pitfour may have been de- scended from a Roger or Robert Cochrane who had a charter of Pitfour and others from King David u. about 1360 (Reg. Hag. Sig., vol. L, new ed., App. 2, 1356).' p. 337, delete 11. 10, 11 and 12, and insert 'He died vitdpatris s.p." p. 337, 1. 13, delete from ' Robert Cochrane ' down to ' of that Ilk ' on 1. 5 from foot of p. 338 and accompanying notes, and insert as follows :— • ' ROBERT COCHRANE of that Ilk must have succeeded about 1488, as in that year he had sasine of the lands of Cochrane by command of Matthew, Earl of Lennox (Dundonald Inventory, No. 4). He was alive 2 January 1516-17, when he gave sasine of the lands to his son John and his wife (Ibid., No. 7). JOHN COCHRANE of that Ilk was seised in the lands of Cochrane by Robert, his father, 10 January 1492 (Ibid., No. 5) and had a charter of the same lands 13 January 1498 (Ibid., No. 6), He married Elizabeth Semple, before 20 January 1486-87, when they had a charter of Corse- foord (Ibid., No. 26). JOHN COCHRANE of that Ilk, served heir to his grandfather in the lands of Wester Cochrane 8 May 1520 (Ibid., No. 8), and married Marion Stewart, who was his widow 27 November 1540 (Acts and Decreets, xxxiv. 385), and who, in 1556, was the wife of John Gibson (Ibid., xii. 248). He had issue JOHN, who succeeded him, William, who is mentioned with Marion Stewart, his mother, in a renunciation dated 1 April 1565 (Inventory, No. 22), and David, who occurs in a mortgage on the lands of Cochrane with his brother William, 28 May 1536 (Laing Charters, 409). 76 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA JOHN COCHRANE of that Ilk succeeded his father 12 May 1539 (Inven- tory, No. 11). He is stated by Crawfurd to have married Mary, daughter of Lindsay of Dunrod, of which marriage no evidence has been found. He certainly married Elizabeth Semple of Fulwood, and with her had a charter of the lands of Craigton, dated 5 April 1529 (Ibid., No. 9). By her he had issue : — 1. WILLIAM, who succeeded him. 2. Janet, named in the will of Elizabeth Montgomery, her sister-in- law. She may have been the daughter who was married to Maxwell, and had a son, William, mentioned in the will of William Cochrane of that Ilk.' p. 339, 1. 9 from foot, for 'Alexander' read 'John.' p. 340, second last line of notes, delete ' Charles Home Cochran of Ash- kirk, Hawick, N.B., Captain R.N,' and insert 'Alexander Charles Purves Cochran, born September 1879, captain 40th Pathans.' p. 340, add to end of note, ' The Cochranes of Rochsoles, which was acquired by Patrick Cochrane in 1579, are stated by Nisbet to be descended from Barbachlaw.' p. 342, after 1. 6, insert ' ii. Hugh, who took the name of Peebles, and died after 1717. He is mentioned in the will of his half-sister Eupheme, proved in Glasgow, 1749. The estate of Mainshill passed to the Earl of Eglinton.' p. 342, 11. 7, 8, 10 and 11, for ' ii, iii, iv, v,' read ' iii, iv, v, and vi.' p. 342, 1. 24, after ' relict of,' insert ' Col. Walter.' p. 342, 1. 26, after ' him,' insert ' Her will was proved in Edinburgh, 1677, by Walter Scott of St. Leonards and Harlawood, her son by her first marriage.' p. 342, 1. 28, after 'navy,' add ' Died in Ireland before 1661 (Books of Pro- testant Owners, Ireland).' p. 345, 1. 6, for 'the' read 'James.' p. 345, 1. 7, after ' Lennox ' read 'and Esme, his son.' p. 346, 1. 23, after ' married,' insert ' after H April 1633, when she is styled his future wife (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxvi. 205), and.' p. 349, 1. 24, delete ' only.' p. 350, 1. 23, after ' 1766,' insert ' Married Turnbull (Reg. of Deeds, Mackenzie, 1766).' p. 350, after 1. 25, insert • (3) Thomas, baptized at Ochiltree, 1 September 1664. (4) Charles, baptized at Ochiltree, 2 August 1669. (5) Eupheme, baptized at Ochiltree, 24 June 1660.' p. 350, 1. 26, delete '(3),' and insert ' (6).' p. 350, 1. 26, after ' married,' insert ' in London, 18 February 1686 (Mar. Licences, Faculty Office).' p. 350, 1. 26, after ' Berwick,' insert ' Her husband died 27 September 1691, aged twenty-nine. She survived till 21 March 1748, when she died, and was buried with her husband in Legerwood Churchyard DUNFERMLINE 77 (cf. Turnbull's Diary, Scot. Hist. Soc. Misc., i. 328). Their daughter, Elizabeth, married the eighth Earl of Dundonald. The story of Grizel Cochrane's robbery of the postbags containing the warrant for her father's execution appears to be mythical.' p. 350, after 1. 26, insert * 3. James, for whose burial at Holyrood a warrant was granted 13 February 1694 (P. C. Acta): p. 350, 1. 27, for '3' read '4.' p. 351, 1. 10, after * Glen,' insert ' Lady Katherine Kennedy died in 1700, and was buried in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh, 15 February (Commissary Rec.). By her.' p. 351, 1. 26, for ' Smith ' read ' Smythe.' p. 351, 1. 27, after ' issue ' delete to end of sentence and insert * Her grand- daughter, Catherine Smythe, became heiress of her grand-aunt, Christian Cochrane.' p. 352, 1. 2, after '1694,' add 'when William Cochrane of Kilmaronock succeeded to the estate of Polkellie.' p. 352, 1. 13, after « married,' insert ' as his first wife, 28 April 1680 (Dun- donald Par. Reg.).' p. 354, 1. 17, for ' 1689 ' read « 1687 (Paisley Par. Reg.).' p. 354, 1. 18, for ' twelve ' read ' fourteen.' p. 355, 1. 19, after ' issue,' insert * a Pastoral on their nuptials was written by Alexander Pennecuik and published at Edinburgh, 1723.' p. 357, 1. 22, for ' 1790,' read ' 1740.' p. 358, 1. 23, after « Dundonald,' insert ' baptized at Ochiltree, 23 July 1691.' p. 359, 1. 13, for ' James,' read ' John.' p. 360, after 1. 2 from foot, insert 1 15. Catherine, married William Wood, and died 4 October 1776, and was buried at Holyrood.' p. 360, last line, for * second ' read * third.' p. 363, 1. 21, after ' fleet,' insert note, * Napoleon called him " Le Loup des Mers." ' p. 368, 1. 5, delete ' 27 March,' and insert ' 26 December.' p. 368, 1. 8, after 'ARMS,' insert '(recorded in Lyon Register).— 1st and 4th.' p. 368, 1. 9, after ' azure,' insert ' for Cochrane : 2nd and 3rd, argent, on a saltire sable nine lozenges of the field, for Blair C DUNFERMLINE p. 372, 1. 5 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' in Holyrood Abbey Chapel, 5 June 1614 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 373, 1. 4, for ' 1621 ' read '1624 (cf. vol. viii. 449).' p. 373, delete 11. 12 and 13. p. 373, 11. 14, 15, for ' 1608' read « towards the end of November 1615,' and for 'fourteen' read 'six.' 78 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 373, 1. 28, after ' army,' insert ' On 14 January 1637 he describes himself as now of the age of twenty-one years complete (Reg. of Deeds, Di. 177).' p. 373, 1. 28, for ' 1C07 ' read ' 1637.' p. 374, 1. 12, after 'married,' insert 'contract 29 March, 2 April and 9 November 1632 (Reg. of Deeds, 14 May 1450).' p. 374, 1. 14, after 'born,' insert ' 13 June (Dunfermline Reg).' p. 374,' 1. 19, delete 'in September 1670,' and insert 'contract 8 September 1670; tocher 20,000 merks (Wigtoivn Inventory, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 349).' p. 374, 1.24, after 'Dunfermline,' add 'born 12 June 1642(DunfermlineReg.).' p. 374, 1. 25, delete ' in 1675,' and insert ' between 23 August and 27 Octo- ber 1677 (Reg. Sec. Sig., 2nd ser., iii. f. 159; Paper Register of Great Seal, x. 11).' p. 375, 1. 11, after 'married,' insert ' contract 6 July 1682 (Reg. of Deeds, Durie, 12 January 1608).' DUNKELD p. 381, 1. 14, after ' Mary,' delete ' who ' and insert ' baptized 5 February 1701 at St. Germain— Marie d'Este, titular Queen of Great Britain, being her godmother (Reg. of St. Germain en Laye, p. 70). She.' p. 381, after 1. 15, insert ' Lord Dunkeld had a natural son Claude by Estelaine Pen, said to be a Scotswoman, baptized 2 June 1697 (Ibid.).' DUNMORE p. 384, 1. 4 from foot, for ' Mastyr ' read ' Martyr.' p. 385, 1. 26, delete 'unmarried.' p. 385, 1. 28, after '1731,' insert 'Mary Halket, daughter of Sir Charles Halket of Pitfirran, raised an action of declarator of marriage, alleged to have taken place in 1708, against him, and got decreet 10 October 1717. They had a daughter Catherine, baptized at Dunfermline in January 1709 (Consistorial Processes, etc., No. 199). He appointed Mary Megott of St. Olave, Southwark (probably his mistress) his sole executrix. He gave a factory to " his beloved spouse " in 1709 (Reg. of Deeds, Mackenzie, 14 February 1711).' p. 386, 1. 12, for ' Drummie ' read ' Drimmie.' DYSART p. 398, 1. 3, after ' Oliphant,' insert ' He was, no doubt, that Alexander Murray, Canon of Inchaffray, who signs various feu charters of the lands of that Abbey, e.g. Lib. Insule Missarum, p. 120.' p. 398, delete from ' He ' on 1. 17 to ' issue ' on 1. 23 and insert ' He married, first, Marion, daughter of Alexander Alexander of Menstrie (cf. vol. viii. 168), who died in January 1595 (Edin. Tests., 10 March 1597); secondly, Barbara, daughter of John Murray of Arbenie. She died DYSABT 79 15 September 1600 (Edin. Tests.); and he married, thirdly, Agnes, daughter of Nairn of Strathord. By his first wife he had issue : — ' p. 398, 1. 26, delete entire line, and insert ' in February 1643, leaving issue.' p. 398, 1. 28, after ' married,' insert ' his cousin Jean, daughter of Mr. Anthony Murray, parson in England' (Funeral Escutcheons, Lyon Office, Scot, Rec. Soc., 42).' p. 398, after 1. 5 from foot, insert « By his second wife he had :— (6) Mungo. (7) Margaret, mentioned in her mother's will. By his third wife he had :— (8) Margaret (secunda). (9) Janet (Reg. of Deeds, ccix. 165).' p. 401, 1. 1, for 'Murray' read 'Conall (Gask Writs, Bundle cxxxi. No. 13[2]).' p. 401, after 1. 27, insert ' 7. Anthony, parson of Utricton (or Urthrisholm) in Kent (Genea- logist, xxviii. 23).' p. 401, 1. 27, after 'father,' insert 'styled servitor to the Countess of Nottingham ; died before 23 September 1611 (Reg. of Deeds, cxcii. 269).' p. 401, 1.28, for '7' read '8.' p. 401, after 1. 23, insert ' 9. Janet, baptized 15 January 1575 (Par. Reg. Perth), married to Archibald Napier (Genealogist, xxviii. 23).' p. 402, 1. 17, for ' probably died^ about 1651,' read ' died after 11 September 1653 (Birch's Transcripts of Nicholas1 Letters).' p. 402, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Anne,' insert 'who had, in consideration of her bounty towards officers and soldiers who were in straits in and about London and Westminster after the battle of Worcester, on 18 November 1676, a pension of £200 (P. C. Eng. Reg., iii. 89).' p. 402, note 4, after 'Elizabeth,' add 'He appears, however, in the Register of the Great Seal after 1643 merely as William Murray.' p. 402, note 6, delete from ' but no authority is quoted ' down to end of note, and insert 'and this latter statement is correct, vide The Nicholas Papers.' p. 405, last line, delete ' before February 1708 ' and corresponding note 8, and insert ' about 1705 (Sutherland Book, i. 367).' p. 405, last line, after 'first,' delete ' on Wednesday.' p. 406, 1. 1, for 'before 1 January 1677-78,' read '26 December 1677.' p. 409, 1. 5, 'In the epitaphs from the "Abbey of Kilhampton" (aj'eu d 'esprit published in 1780) it is stated that " the loveliness of her dis- position was clouded with remorse and sorrow as having provoked the slander of a V(illain) who dared justify his insult with the sword, and thougli she survived the fatal issue, the remainder of her days was known only to solitude and marked with lamentation," evidently referring to the circumstances of her husband's death.' 80 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 409, 1. 20, for * February ' read ' March,' and after ' 1751,' insert ' baptized 25 April following at St. James's, Piccadilly.' p. 410, 1. 1, after ' Jcwe, insert 'born 26 March and baptized 29 April 1750 at St. James's, Piccadilly.' p. 411, 1. 10, after ' 1789,' insert ' Horace Walpole wrote the following epitaph on her :— "Adieu, sweet shade, complete was thy career, Though lost too soon and premature thy bier : For each fair character endowed thy life Of daughter, sister, friend, relation, wife. Yet lest unaltered fortune should have seemed The source whence virtues so benignly beamed, Long mining illness proved thy equal soul, And patience like a martyr's, crowned the whole. Pain could not sour, whom blessings had not spoil'd, Nor death affright, whom not a vice had soil'd." Journal of Miss Berry, i. 190.' p. 413, 1. 21, after ' Munro,' insert * 109 Princes Street, Edinburgh.' p. 413, 1. 22, after ' issue,' insert ' Lionel Alexander Arthur, who married Louisa Margaret Hope. On 15 October 1912 his domicile was declared to be Scottish (Chancery Divisiony p. 414, 1.35, for '3 'read '2.' p. 420, 1. 18, for « with ' read ' between two.' p. 420, 1. 19, after ' expanded ' insert ' or.' EGLINTON p. 426, 1. 3 from foot, after ' John,' add note ' John MacHenry had on 14 August 1394 a dispensation to marry Margaret, daughter of Thomas de Kirkpatrick, Knight. He had a previous intercourse with Evota, daughter of "Meclelan" laic (Regesta Vaticana, cccvii. f. 567).' p. 428, third line of note 5, after ' 1357,' insert ' (The dispensation for their marriage is dated 19 February 1362-63) (Regesta Vaticana, cclxi. f. 21).' p. 432, 1. 24, delete ' and it is doubtful if he survived his grandfather.' p. 432, 1. 31, after ' heir,' insert ' He appears to have died in 1468, as in the retour of his son Hugh as his heir in Bonington and Pilton (Coupar Writs in Moray Charter-chest, Div. 5, No. 87) these lands are said to have been in the hands of Katherine Kennedy for eighteen years by reason of conjunct fee, and thereafter for one year in non-entry.' p. 437, 1. 22, after ' Argyll,' insert ' He died before 29 August 1538, when his brother Neil was infeft as his heir in Milnestaneflat and other lands (Acts and Decreets, 1. 387).' p. 437, note 8, after ' 1523,' insert ' cf. Reg. Sec. Sig., i., No. 3024, 31 July 1518.' p. 442, 1. 19, after 'married,' insert 'apparently on 19 May 1583 (Bowes Correspondence, Surtees Soc., 440).' p. 443, 1. 22, after ' death,' insert ' He was born about 1584 (Edin. Comm. Decreets, 11 March 1612). He chose curators 3 August 1598 (Fife Sheriff Court Books).' EGLINTON 81 p. 444, 1. 6 from foot, after 'grants,' insert 'On 3 March 1610 the Earl petitioned the Privy Council for a summons against Hew Campbell, Lord Loudoun and Jean Campbell, Duchess of Lennox, requiring them to produce the Countess, who had been carried off in June 1608 by emissaries of theirs to Loudoun House, where she was still detained a prisoner (P. C. Reg., viii. 820).' p. 446, 1. 17, after ' first,' insert ' contract 6 June 1612 (Reg. of Deeds, cciv. 161).' p. 447, 11. 3 and 4 from foot, delete ' widow of John Hamilton of Letham, but also described in her husband's testament as.' Note. — John Hamilton of Bardanoch never possessed Letham, which was purchased by his son William about 1716.' p. 448, 1. 3 from foot, for ' tenth ' read ' fifth.' p. 450, 11. 16, 17, for ' 24 January 1688 ' read ' 27 November 1686 (Seafield Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 34).' p. 452, 1. 1, after ' Montgomerie,' insert 'baptized 11 September 1680, (Canongate Keg.).' p. 452, 1. 4 from foot, after * unmarried,' insert ' she married, secondly in December 1682, Sir Patrick Ogilvie of Boyne, Lord Boyne (Seafield Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., xiii.).' p. 452, note 3, for ' Memorials, i. 93' read ' Memorials, i. 95.' p. 453, 1. 6 from foot, after ' 1678,' add note ' She is said to have died 5 December 1675, which is so far corroborated by a reference to her funeral in Glasgow weaver's accounts, 1675-76.' p. 454, 1. 27, for 'before 15 June 1687' read 'in August 1686 (Seafield Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 34).' p. 456, 1. 12 from foot, after 'unmarried,' insert 'The Glasgow Council accounts, under date 11 April 1696, refer to the expenses of the Magistrates for one night at Kilwinning when at the burial of two Masters of Montgomerie. It would appear, therefore, that one of his two immediate younger brothers died at the same time as he did.' p. 457, 1. 9, after 'issue,' insert 'Her third daughter Catherine was seduced by a blackguard Sir John Houston of Houston, Bart, (see vol. ii. 520) (though his wife divorced him for impotency). She went on the town, and wrote her own memoirs, The Amours and Adven- tures of Miss Katty M. (cf . Letters of C. K. Sharpe and Sir Walter Scott to Robert Chambers, p. 34, privately printed, 1904).' p. 457, 1. 8 from foot, after '14,' insert 'and was buried at Restal- rig, 16.' p. 457, 1. 3 from foot, delete ' in,' and insert ' 24 (Reg. of Old St. Paul's, Edinburgh; Scottish Antiquary, v. 14).' p. 458, 1. 5, for 'about' read 'on (Ibid.y p. 460, 1. 17, after ' 1788,' read ' for adultery with the Duke of Hamilton (Consistorial Processes, etc., Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 882).' p. 460, 1. 18, for '1734' read 1794.' p. 462, 1. 4 from foot, for ' the elder brother' read 'grandnephew.' VOL. IX. F 82 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 463, 1. 4, delete ' daughter of Charles Newcomen, Clonahard, co. Long- ford,' and insert * one of the eight illegitimate daughters of Thomas, second Viscount Newcomen, by Harriet Holland (Scottish Historical Review, v. 103).' p. 464, 1. 2 from foot, for '25' read '24.' ELGIN AND AILESBURY p. 468, 1. 24, for ' consecration ' read ' enthronement.' p. 470, 1. 17, after ' Rosyth,' insert ' (she afterwards married Auch- muty, and had a son Henry (Acta Dom. Cone., xiv. 105).' p. 474, 1. 6 from foot, for 'nephew' read 'son.' p. 474, 11. 4 and 5 from foot, delete 'afterwards second Lord Bruce of Kinloss.' p. 474, 1. 4 from foot, after ' him,' insert ' William, married Margaret Cruickshank (Records of Sheriff -Court of Aberdeen, ii. 22), with issue a son, as above stated.' p. 475, 1. 3, after 'Kinloss,' insert 'of which he was appointed Commend- ator, 26 July following (Reg. Sec. Sig., xlix. 135).' p. 475, 1. 5, delete ' the position of Commendator of Kinloss, with.' p. 477, 1. 19, delete ' Sir.' p. 479, 1. 17, for ' 1872 ' read ' 1672.' p. 482, 1. 18, for ' Allan ' read ' Allen.' p. 482, 1. 28, after ' her,' insert note ' Horace Walpole's name for her was " one more game at cribbage" (Miss Berry's Journal, i. 412).' p. 483, 1. 12, for ' 1 August 1642 ' read 29 July 1641.' ELGIN AND KINCARDINE p. 485, 1. 17, delete ' Margaret, daughter of Archibald Primrose of Burn- Brae,' and insert ' Euphame, daughter of David Primrose in Culross (cf. vol. vii. 216).' p. 485, after 1. 25, insert ' 4. Christina, or Christian, " eldest lawful daughter," married, first, to Robert, Master of Colville (vol. ii. 557), who died before December 1614 ; secondly, after 29 December 1617, when she had a sasine as his future wife (Protocol Book of James Primrose, H.M. Reg. Ho., f. 153), Laurence, afterwards Sir Laurence Mercer of Aldie, with issue.' p. 485, 11. 26 and 29, for ' 4 ' and ' 5 ' read ' 5 ' and ' 6.' p. 485, delete 11. 31 and 32, with accompanying note. p. 486, 1. 7, for ' Robert' read 'John.' p. 486, 1. 11, delete ' to Sir John Arnot of Fernie, Fife,' and insert ' con- tract 31 May 1664, to Sir James Nicolson, younger of Cockburnspath.' p. 486, after 1. 15, insert 6. Grisel, married, before 3 January 1642, to Sir Robert Arnot, eldest son of Sir James Arnot of Fernie (Fife Sheriff-Court Deeds, 20 January 1713).' p. 486, note 1, for ' 1635 ' read ' 1638.' ELIBANK 83 p. 486, note 3, for ' Ibid ' read ' Wood's Douglas's Peerage, i. 518.' p. 486, note 4, for ' Ibid,'' read * Gen. Reg. of Sasines, x. 102.' p. 487, after 1. 12, insert ' 2. Cornelius, baptized 13 June 1663 (Culross Reg.) ; died young. 3 and 4. Alexander and Cornelius (secundus), twins, baptized 13 September 1664 (Ibid.); also died young.' p. 487, 11. 13, 14 and 17, for ' 2, 3, 4 ' read ' 5, 6, 7.' p. 487, after 1. 18, insert ' 8. Lucy, baptized 1 September 1669 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 487, 1. 19, for ' 5 ' read < 9.' p. 487, 1. 21, for ' second ' read ' fifth,' and after ' son,' insert * baptized 5 June 1666 (Culross Reg.).' p. 488, 1. 20, after ' Allan,' insert * It was probably he who became Rector of Wath, co. York, in 1716, and died 27 May 1723, aged eighty-one (ex inform. H. B. M'Call, Esq.).' p. 488, 1. 21, after 'Helen,' insert ' baptized 30 November 1643.' p. 488, 1. 24, after 'Janet,' insert 'baptized 18 January 1638.' p. 488, after 1. 27, insert '5. Margaret, baptized 6 August 1639.' p. 488, 1.28, for '5' read '6.' p. 488, 1. 28, after ' Rachel,' insert ' baptized 24 October 1648 (Edin. Reg.).' p. 492, 1. 26, after ' 1816,' add ' He, who was born 1763, married, secondly, Ann Henderson, heiress of Fordel.' p. 496, after line 5, insert ' (4) Richard Frederick David, born 2 March 1894.' p. 496, 11. 6, 7, 8, 9, for '(4), (5), (6), (7)' read « (5), (6), (7), (8).' p. 496, 1. 30, for '18' read '8.' p. 496, 1. 32, for ' 9 ' read ' 29.' ELIBANK p. 500, 11. 5 and 28, for '1485' read '1485-86.' p. 501, 1. 12, after ' Register,' insert « He was Clerk of Council in 1509 (charter penes Rev. A. T. Grant).' p. 502, 1. 13, for ' 22 April 1507 ' read ' 31 January 1503-4 (Protocol Book of J. Foular).' p. 502, 1. 14. after ' Hoppar,' insert ' daughter of Richard Hoppar, burgess of Edinburgh (Acta Dom. Cone., xxii. 93).' p. 502, 1. 19, for ' Archibald' read ' Alexander (Ibid., xxxv. 103).' p. 502, 1. 21, after ' Margaret,' insert 'first contracted to Henry Ward- law of Torry, which contract he was personally called on to imple- ment by Andrew Murray her brother, 22 March 1530-31 (Edin. Council Records).' p. 502, 1. 25, for ' 1513' read ' 1513-14.' p. 503, 11. 20 and 22, for ' 1551 ' read ' 1551-52.' p. 503, 1. 23, after ' lands,' insert ' The Governor Arran gave her on her marriage a tocher of £133, 6s. 8d. (Treat. Accounts, x. 115).' p. 504, 1. 8, delete ' is said to have.' 84 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 504, note 4, after ' 184,' add '(Reg. Sec. Sig., xliv. 17).' p. 507, 1. 4, after ' married,' insert ' contract 18 January 1628 (Reg. of Deeds, ccciii. 144).' p. 507, 1. 4, delete ' Skene, by whom,' and insert ' second daughter of John Skene of Halyards, Clerk of Session. By her.' p. 509, 1. 8 from foot, after ' secondly,' insert ' 13 February 1670 (Edin. Reg.).' p. 509, 1. 24, delete from ' lieutenant' down to ' captain 1685-88' on 1. 26. p. 510, 1. 13, for'1638'read'contract24Marchl638(^flr.o/J5«^s,Dxviii.289).' p. 516, 11. 16 and 17, delete ' Miss Collier,' and insert ' a daughter and co-heir of John Collier of Hastings, Sussex (who died 9 December 1760).' p. 516, 1. 17, for 'who' read ' She.' p. 518, note 2, after ' son,' insert ' was, in 1776, a member of the Council of Revenue at Patna, Bengal. He is mentioned as a substitute next after his half-brother Patrick in the entail of Simprim after noted (see next paragraph). He.' p. 519, 1. 7, after 'Aberlady,' insert note 'Besides William Young mentioned in the preceding paragraph, Lord Elibank had four other natural sons, one of whom Patrick was five years old on 9 Novem- ber 1776, when his father, with whom he was living at Ballincreiff, entailed on him the estate of Simprim (Reg. of Entails, xix. 339).' p. 521, 1. 8, for ' 1833 ' read « at Edinburgh 6 January 1834.' p. 523, 1. 8, after '1871,' insert 'created, 3 July 1911, VISCOUNT ELI- BANK OF ELIBANK, co. Selkirk, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom.' p. 523, 1. 19, Created BARON MURRAY OF ELIBANK, co. Selkirk, 13 August 1912. p. 524, 1. 20, after ' 1643,' insert 'Viscount Elibank of Elibank, co. Selkirk, 3 July 1911.' ELPHINSTONE p. 527, 1. 11, delete ' The name of Sir William Elphinstone's wife is un- known, but,' and insert ' He married, ante 6 November 1421, Margaret Hepburne. On that date the spouses had a charter from James Douglas, Lord of Dalkeith (Moray Charters, Box ii. No. 22).' p. 529, last line, for '1578' read ' 1518.' p. 530, 1. 10, for ' 1524 ' read ' 1504.' p. 530, note 1, delete note and insert ' Original in Elphinstone Charter- chest.' p. 531, 1. 7, for ' death ' read ' baptism.' p. 531, 1. 15, after ' Forbes,' insert * and died in 1518, her obit being cele- brated on 10 September (Spalding Club Misc., i. 74).' p. 532, 1. 26, for ' fourth ' read ' fifth.' p. 533, 11. 6 and 7, delete ' before 8 August 1590,' and insert ' 10 June 1589 (cf. vol. vii. 463).' p. 533, 1. 3 from foot, ' after * married,' insert ' proclamation 15 April (Stirling Reg.).' p. 534, 1. 15, for ' Lundrassie ' read ' Findrassie.' EBROLL 85 p. 536, 1.17, after 'issue,' insert 'and, secondly, to James Stewart of Hyla,nd (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxviii. 345).' p. 536, note 8, add to note ' According to Records of the Scots Colleges (New Spalding Club), p. 190, he was Hector of the Scots College at Rome from 8 September 1622 to the beginning of January 1644.' p. 538, 1. 14, after ' married,' insert ' contract 27 October and 24 November 1613 (Reg. of Deeds, cccclxxxvii. 253).' p. 538, 1. 25, after 'Jean,' insert 'contracted to Alexander Elphinstone of Dunlugus, 29 April 1644 (Banff Sasines, v. 185).' p. 538, 1. 30, after ' Anna,' insert ' contracted to Thomas, eldest son of Walter Kinnaird of Cowbin 2 May 1653 (Elgin Sasines, iv. 130).' p. 539, 1. 22, after ' Quarrell,' add ' while a daughter Marion was married to George Norvell of Boghall, Advocate.' p. 542, after 1. 16, add ' Jean Elphinstone, married, 16 November 1673, to Robert Mylne, Provost of Linlithgow, created Baronet 1686, is said to have been a a daughter of Lord Elphinstone but nothing has been found to prove the statement (Edin. Mar. Reg. ; ex inform. Rev. R. S. Mylne).' p. 545, 1. 15, after ' 1784,' add (see vol. i. p. 383 Corrigenda).' p. 549, 1. 4, for ' titles ' read ' two baronies.' p. 549, after 1. 9, insert ' By his second wife the Viscount had also a daughter :— Georgiana Augusta Henrietta, married, first, 20 September 1831, to the Hon. Augustus John Villiers, second son of George, fifth Earl of Jersey. He died 1837, and she was married secondly, 10 May 1870, to Lord William Godolphin Osborne, and died 21 September 1892.' p. 550, 1. 28, for ' Torriedale ' read ' Torrisdale.' ERROLL p. 559, 1. 12, delete ' June 1306,' and relative note, and insert ' 3 Septem- ber of that year, when his son Gilbert is styled Lord of Erroll (Coupar Charters penes Earl of Moray, Div. 4, No. 32).' p. 562, 1. 7, for ' 1416 ' read ' 3 July 1416 (Reg. Vat., cccxxviii. 453).' p. 562, after 1. 14, insert '(3) John: p. 563, 1. 2, for ' 1436' read ' 1437.' p. 563, after 1. 9, insert ' 3. Nicholas, who died before 1452, leaving three sons, Gilbert, Nicho- las and Alexander, substitutes in the charter of 1452 (see infra). 4. Alexander of Mouchale, also a substitute in that charter.' p. 563, delete 11. 1 0 to 15. 'These were brothers, not uncles of the first Earl. ' p. 563, after 1. 29, insert ' 2. Walter. He and the rest of the younger sons are substitutes in the undermentioned charter of 1452, and he is a witness with his 86 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA brothers David and Thomas to a charter of confirmation by their nephew William, third Earl of Erroll, to Allan Kynard of that Ilk, 14 March 1470-71.' p. 563, 1. 7 from foot, for ' 2 ' read ' 3. Mr: p. 564, after 1. 2, insert '4. David, in 1470-71 Mr. David. 5. Nicholas. 6. Thomas, in 1470-71 Mr. Thomas: p. 564, 1. 7, after * resignation,' insert ' He was raised to the rank of a Lord of Parliament before 10 April 1450, on which date, as well as in the September following, he is styled Lord the Hay (Writs in Erroll Charter-chest ; Acta. Part. Scot, 6 July 1451, ii. 67, 69).' p. 564, note 2, 1. 4 from foot of notes, delete 'and no copy of them has been discovered,' and insert ' but transcripts have recently been dis- covered in H.M. Register House. The charter of the Lordship of Erroll contains a destination to the Earl and the heirs-male of his body, with remainder successively to Walter, Mr. Gilbert, David, Nicholas, and Thomas, the Earl's brothers, William Hay of Ury, his uncle, and Gilbert, Nicholas, and Alexander, sons of his uncle Nicholas, Alexander Hay of Dronlaw, Gilbert and John Hay, brothers of the last, Alexander of Mouchale, the Earl's uncle, Sir David Hay of Lochorwart, Edmund Hay of Tallou and the heirs-male of their bodies respectively.' p. 565, 1. 10, after ' 1471,' add ' After Huntly's death she married, secondly, Andrew, second Lord Gray, who died in 1514, and she was apparently alive in 1517 (Acta Dom. Cone., xxix. 38, 39).' p. 567, 1. 3 from foot, after 'Calder,' insert 'She is named as Countess of Erroll in an order of Court, dated 9 July 1532, at which date she was dead, and her sons Mr. Peter and James Sandilands of Cruvie were her executors (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., i. f. 58).' p. 568, 1. 6, after * 1511,' add as note ' This conclusion is wrong. They were the same person (cf. vol. vii. 411).' p. 568, 1. 25, after « Sutherland,' add note ' On 26 May 1541 the Countess got from the King six ells Paris black and four ells French black for " dule weed." On 12 May 1542 she got thirteen ells of red velvet to be a gown "agane hir marriage" (Treasurer's Accounts, vii. 449; viii.77).' p. 569, 1. 2 from foot, after « Essilmont,' insert ' dying in February 1608 (Slains Charters).' p. 571, 1. 14, after 'secondly,' insert < at Aberdeen in June 1604.' p. 571, 1. 16, after ' Burleigh,' add ' She obtained decree of divorce against him, 24 March 1620 (Edin. Comm. Decreets): p. 572, 1. 13, after « Earl,' insert note ' In a note on the Scots nobility of 10 April 1589 Francis is said to be third son, the two elder being deaf and dumb (Grampian Club, Estimate, of Scots Nobility, 56).' p. 573, 1. 5, after ' 1626,' insert ' and died in September 1657 (Dunblane Tests.), having.' p. 573, 1. 9, for « before 1672 ' read ' in July 1670 (Dunblane Tests.).' FAIRFAX 87 p. 574, 1. 2, after 'married,' insert 'contract 23 July 1602 (Slains Charters).' p. 574, 1. 3, after 'Enroll,' insert 'was baptized 30 April 1564 (Erroll Reg.), and.' p. 575, 1. 6 from foot, after ' time,' insert ' He was afterwards warded within a certain distance of his own house; but in order to make arrangements with his creditors he got a licence, 9 November 1615, to "repair to Edinburgh and there to remain in some lodging, not kything onyway in daylicht upon the heich street" (P. C. Reg., x. 405).' p. 576, note 2, add to note ' There is, however, in the same Charter-chest another will of this Earl, dated 12 November 1630.' p. 577, 1. 14, after 'secondly,' insert 'before 20 May 1643 (Reg. of Deeds, cxlix. 364).' p. 577, 1. 21, after ' Margaret,' insert ' baptized 11 April 1611.' p. 577, 1. 25, delete ' baptized 11 April 1611.' p. 577, 1. 28, delete from ' which ' down to end of sentence, and insert ' probably intended to secure consideration for her on her travels as she was an invalid and obliged to live abroad for her health. She was one of the three noble ladies whom Gilbert Blakhal served (see his Brief Narration, Spalding Club). She died unmarried.' p. 577, 1. 31, for ' in ' read ' 8 September ' ; and for ' ten ' read ' twelve.' p. 578, 1. 14, for '7 December 1636' read 'December 1637 (Spalding's Memorials, i. 84).' p. 579, 1. 27, for ' 1 October ' read ' 21 October (Slains Charters).' p. 579, 1. 7 from foot, after '$.p.' insert 'after November 1693 (Perth's Letters, Camden Society, 15). p. 580, 1. 7, after 'Edinburgh,' insert 'He spent three years, 1712-15, travelling abroad. His accounts for his tour are in the Slains Charter- chest.' p. 580, 1. 22, after ' Dalgaty,' insert ' He predeceased his wife, dying in July 1745 (Slains Charters).' p. 581, 1. 17, for ' mother ' read ' aunt.' See previous page. p. 581, 1. 5 from foot, after ' divorced,' insert ' in 1771, she having eloped with Captain James Sutherland of Duffus of the 26th Foot (Consistorial Processes, etc., Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 583).' p. 583, last line, after '1812,' insert ' and was buried in Bath Abbey (M. I.), aged thirty-four.' p. 587, 1. 19, for ' 1315 ' read ' 1314.' FAIRFAX p. 606, 1. 5, after ' 1900,' insert ' He made out his claim to the title before the House of Lords, 17 November 1908.' p. 606, 1. 9, for ' gules ' read ' sable.' 88 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA FALKLAND p. 610, 1. 4, after ' 1633,' insert note 'He broke his leg while out shooting ; ' ' it had to be amputated, and in the absence of the doctors hemorrhage set in. When medical assistance was procured nothing could be done, and he bled to death. Another account says he died from blood poisoning, the result of the amputation, after a week's illness (Marriott's Life and Times of Lord Falkland, 2nd ed., 72).' p. 610, 1. 8, after ' fifty-four,' add ' The effigies of her and her husband appear at the head and foot of the tomb of Lord Tanfield in the Parish Church of Burford, co. Oxford.' p. 610, 1. 15, after ' 1642,' add ' while pursuing the enemy at the head of a troop of Royalist Horse in an obscure village in Devonshire (Claren- don's Life ; for notices of Lorenzo and his elder brother see Godfrey's Social Life under the Stuarts).' p. 610, 1. 28, after 'Scott,' insert 'He was buried 15 March 1656 (Funeral entry, Ulster's Office).' p. 610, 1. 6 from foot, after ' her,' insert ' who died 25, and was buried 27 July, 1658, her will as Dame Susan Gary, widow, relict of Patrick Gary, late of Dublin, being dated 25 July 1658, and proved that year (ex inform. G.D. Burtchaell, Esq., Athlone Pursuivant).' p. 610, 1. 4 from foot, delete « born about 1656,' and insert ' baptized 25 April 1656 at St. John's, Dublin (Par. Reg., ex inform. G. D. Burtchaell, Esq., Athlone Pursuivant).' p. 611, 1. 2, after 'her,' insert 'who was buried in Westminster Abbey 11 April 1719 (cf. vol. iv. 382).' p. 611, after 1. 9, insert '(3) Susanna Patricia, baptized at St. John's, Dublin, 2 April 1657. (4) Patricia, mentioned along with her sister in her mother's will.' p. 611, 1. 5 from foot, after ' man,' insert note 'Aubray says "I have heard Dr. Ralph Bathurst say that when he was a boy my Lord Falkland lived at Coventry (where he had then a house) and that he would sit up very late at night in his study, and many times came to the library at the school there." His teacher was Philemon Holland, " the Translator-General" (Whibley's Literary Portraits, p. 149).' p. 614, 1. 6, after ' Dorothy,' insert ' born 3, and baptized 21 October, 1705, at St. Gregory's by St. Paul's, London.' p. 614, 1. 11, after ' 1804,' insert ' in the house of her uncle, Arthur Richard Dillon, sometime Archbishop of Narbonne, Somerset Street, Portman Square. Her relations with him gave rise to some scandal (Notes and Queries, 10th ser., viii. 102 ; see also Memoirs of the Comtesse de Boigne.y p. 614, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1799 ' read ' 1779,' and after ' Chapman,' add ' of Tarrant Gunville, Dorset, who was buried in Bath Abbey, 12 January 1798. They left issue.' VOL. IV. FIFE p. 8, after 1. 9, insert '2. Annabella, married to Sir Hugh. . . . (Inv. of Titles, H.M. Beg. Ho., iii. 16).' FINDLATER p. 19, 1. 3, after ' Ythane,' insert ' She was married, secondly, to Alex- ander Irvine of Drum, and died in 1532, her obit being celebrated 19 May (Spalding Misc., i. 68). p. 19, 1. 22, after Aberdeen delete 'she,' and transfer the remainder of the paragraph to new line, and insert ' 11. Margaret, who, etc.' as in text. p. 19, 1. 24, for ' 11 ' read ' 12.' p. 20, 1. 6, after ' Moray,' insert ' An Elizabeth Ogilvy, daughter of the Laird of Findlater, is said to have been the wife of Alexander Irvine of Drum, who fell at the battle of Pinkie 1547 (The Irvines of Drum, by Col. Forbes Leslie, 66, 168). p. 26, 1. 12 from foot, for ' 1615 ' read « 1616.' p. 29, 1. 22, for ' ninth ' read ' eighth.' p. 29, note 5, after ' clxxxii.' add '229.' p. 32, 1. 2 from foot, after ' David ' add ' of Templehall. He died before 27 January 1575-76, having married, before 10 April 1556, Christina Galychtlie, heiress of Ebrux, who survived him. They had issue a son Gilbert (Protocol Book of Duncan Gray, f. 7b ; Acts and Decreets, Ix. 453).' p. 33, 1. 4, after ' 1535 ' add ' He was alive 31 March 1558 (Protocol Book of Duncan Gray, f. 15).' p. 34, note 7, for 1161 ' read 1611.' p. 35, 1. 14, for ' p. 30 ' read ' p. 29.' p. 35, 1. 17, delete ' Inchmartin.' p. 35, 1. 18, for ' was sold in that year ' read ' had been sold in 1650.' p. 35, 1. 23, for ' 30 March 1658 ' read ' in May 1659 (Seafield Correspon- dence, Scot. Hist. Soc., ix.).' p. 35, 1. 27, for ' Innes ' read * Irvine.' p. 36, 1. 5, after 'She,' insert '(who died in August 1687) (Seafield Cor- respondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 39).' p. 36, 1. 8, after ' married,' insert ' in October 1703 (Edin. Beg.).' p. 36, 1. 15, after 'were,' insert '(besides other children, who died young).' 90 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 36, 1. 17, for 'June 1698' read 'May 1699 (Seafield Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 265).' p. 36, 1. 7 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' first, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Baird of Auchmedden, and widow of Sir Alexander Abercrombie of Birkenbog.' p. 37, 1. 5, for ' (4)' read ' 4.' After 1. 5 insert * 5. A son born before 19 April 1672 died young.' ' 6. Robert, born February 1673 (Seafield Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., p. xv.), a cornet of Dragoons, died before 19 October lQ93(Ibid., 124).' « 7. A daughter, born before July 1666, died young.' p. 37, 1. 6, for '(5)' read '8,' and after 'Mary,' insert 'married, first, in 1698, to a son of George Leslie of Burdsbank, much to the annoyance of her family ; and, secondly, on 25 September 1704, to George, son of Alexander Barclay in Banff (Seafield Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 247, 248, 381).' p. 37, 1.7, for '(6) 'read' 9.' p. 37, 1. 8, for ' 1698 ' read ' 1692 (Ibid.).' Note.— The above were children not of Col. Patrick but of the third Earl. p. 38, 1. 3, for ' 1 ' read '21 (Warrant Books, xviii. 239).' p. 38, 1. 9 from foot, for ' 6 May ' read ' shortly after 12 May (Seafield Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 266).' p. 38, 1. 8 from foot, after ' George,' insert ' probably born about January 1Q95 (Seafield Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 157, 158).' p. 40, 1. 14, after ' Atholl,' insert note, ' She was a very capable woman, who saved the estate from being sold, through excellent management. She built from her own funds the bridge sixty feet high and with a span of eighty-two feet, across the Burn of Deskford to Cullen House. As a mark of respect, her portrait was hung in the County Rooms at Aberdeen (C. Sinclair's Shetland and the Shetlandws, 279).' p. 40, 1. 23, for '1729' read '1779.' p. 40, 1. 28, after ' 1813,' insert note, ' She became blind during the last years of her life, and was very badly off. Caroline, Princess of Wales, writes to Lady Charlotte Bury saying that she has no more than £300 a year. The Duchess of Brunswick gave her £250 a year and an allow- ance for candles, coals, and the rent of a small lodging in Manchester or Baker Streets (Diary of a Lady in Waiting, ii. 392).' FORBES p. 44, 1. 1, after 'is,' insert 'said to be.' p. 44, 11. 6 and 7, delete these lines and insert ' but the document is injured at the place where the name occurs. The surname is certainly not de Forbes : it is del . . ., and probably del Ard.' p. 54, 1. 4, for ' John ' read 'James.' p. 54, 1. 8 from foot, after ' 1565,' insert ' It is also stated (History of the Family of Burnett of Leys, New Spalding Club, p. 29 ; Macfarlane's Gen. Coll., ii. 244) that she was ultimately married to Alexander or Arthur Forbes of Echt, who survived her.' FORRESTER 91 p. 54, after 1. 7 from foot insert '5. Alexander, who, with his brother William, was tried and acquitted for art and part in the slaughter of Alexander Seton of Meldrum 27 January 1527-28 (Forbes Charters).' p. 54, 11. 6, 5, and 2 from foot, for ' 5, 6, 7 ' read ' 6, 7, 8.' p. 54, 1. 2 from foot, after * Brux ' insert * She is also said to have married as his second wife, Alexander Burnett of Leys (Acts and Decreets, xxxix. ; Family of Burnett of Ley 8, New Spalding Club, p. 25).' p. 55, 1. 2, after 'her,' insert 'who died 1518.' p. 56, 1. 22, after ' issue,' insert ' He was instituted to the parsonage and prebend of Forbes 26 February 1562-63 (Forbes Charters).' p. 59, 1. 2 from foot, after ' divorce,' insert ' On 22 July 1577 William Douglas of Glenbervy had a remission for adultery with Margaret Gordon, sister of umquhile George, Earl of Huntly (Reg. Sec. Sig. zliv. 87).' p. 62, 1. 5, after ' married ' insert ' contract 22 and 23 January 1628 (Reg. of Deeds, cccclxxvii. 224).' p. 62, 1. 21, delete ' Sir.' p. 62, after 1. 29 insert '4. Robert, youngest son, captain in the Scottish service in 1666 (Forbes Charters).' p. 62, 11. 30, 31, and 35, for '4, 5, 6' read ' 5, 6, 7.' p. 63, 1. 12, after 1675, insert ' as his first wife.' p. 63, 1. 15, after 'secondly,' insert 'contract dated 26 March 1668.' p. 64, 1. 9, after ' 1730,' insert \She was alive in 1766.' p. 68, 1. 18, delete « Bart, of Nova Scotia.' FORBES OF PITSLIGO p. 72, 1. 3, insert ' great ' before 'grandfather.' p. 74, 1. 5 from foot, after « daughter' add ' married, contract 3 November 1620, to Walter Ogilvy of Boyne (Reg. of Deeds, cccclxxxviii. 274). p. 74, 1. 3 from foot, delete line. p. 74, 1. 2 from foot, for '6' read '5.' p. 75, 1. 6 from foot, after ' first,' insert ' contract 4 and 5 February 1706, tocher 10,000 merks (Reg. of Deeds, Dalrymple, 4 January 1711).' , FORRESTER 82, after 1. 15 insert 'He apparently had another daughter, J whose arms impaled with those of her husband, William Napier of Wrights- houses, and bearing date 137- is over the gateway of St. Margaret's, North Queensferry. William Napier acquired part of Wrightshouses from Adam Forrester in 1390 (Robertson's Index, 137, No. 9).' p. 84, after 1. 27 insert '3. John (secundus) mentioned in the charter of 1430-31 (see preced- ing paragraph). 92 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 84, 11. 28 and 32, for ' 3 and 4 ' read ' 4 and 5.' p. 85. 11. 18 and 19, delete * whose name is unknown, but.' p. 85, 1. 20, after ' husband,' insert ' and indicate her to have been a member of the well-known Edinburgh burgess family of Wigmore (Eccles. Architecture of Scot., Macgibbon and Ross, iii. 261).' p. 85, 1. 30, after ' witnesses ' insert ' He was served heir to his grand- father in Longniddry 12 October 1451 (Wintoun Inventory, No. 77). p. 85, 1. 33, after ' before,' insert ' 16 March 1466-67, when his son was served heir to him, On [20, etc.] ' p. 85, 1. 33, delete ' when.' p. 86, 1. 17, after ' Corstorphine,' insert ' was served heir to his father 16 March 1466-67 (Wintoun Inventory, No. 77), and.' p. 87, 1. 5, after ' Calder,' insert ' She died in March 1562 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 88, 1. 2 from foot, after * Corstorphine,' insert ' had a precept of clare constat from George, Lord Seton, 26 June 1548, as heir of his father (Wintoun Inventory, No. 79). He.' p. 89, 1. 29, delete ' one daughter' and insert * issue :— ' '1. James, who died in the lifetime of his father, leaving a natural son James, to whom, as his grandson, Sir James, on 28 April 1587, granted the lands of Nether Barnton, Langnudrie, and others (Charter penes Earl of Moray).' p. 90, 1. 28, after '8,' delete ' ' and insert 'Katherine, married, contract 1621, to Robert son of James Douglas, Commendator of Melrose (Reg. of Deeds, cccxii. 295).' p. 92, 1. 15, for * in 1654' read 'before 10 August 1652 (Gen. Reg. Inhibs.Y p. 92, 1. 22, delete lines 22 and 23. Helen, Lady Ross, was the daughter of Sir James Forrester of Torwoodhead (see title Ross). p. 92, 11. 24, 27, 32, 36, for ' 3, 4, 5, 6,' read ' 2, 3, 4, 5.' p. 92, note 1, after ' cxcviii.,' insert ' 333.' p. 93, last line for « Brawf ord ' read * Brainfoord.' p. 94, 1. 15, for 'Lilian' read 'Lilias.' p. 94, after 1. 17, insert ' 2. Margaret (P. C. Reg., 3rd ser., ii. 569, where there is a narrative of the conjugal relations of Lilias Forrester and her husband).' p. 99, 1. 24, after ' stars,' insert ' argent.' FORTH p. 101, 1. 24, for ' 1566' read '1556.' p. 102, 1. 7, after ' Alexander,' insert ' styled Captain Alexander, died before 1615, leaving a daughter Elizabeth (Reg. of Deeds, ccclv. 415).' p. 102, 1. 5 from foot, after '1655,' insert 'Sir Francis had a natural daughter, Margaret, married to James Henderson (Gen. Reg. Inhibs., 16 November 1676).' p. 103, after 1. 18, insert '(4) James, (5) Elizabeth, (6) Christian (Gen. Reg. Inhibs., 5 Novem- ber 1674).' STEWART, EARL OP GALLOWAY 93 p. 105, 1. 15, after ' Church,' insert * Sir Philip Warwick in his memoirs describes the Earl as "a Scot, an experienced commander, and a man of natural courage : purely a soldier, and of a most loyal heart, which his countrymen remembered, for they used both him and his widow with all extremity afterwards." The number of the wound marks which the Earl bore is said to have been greater than the number of battles in which he was engaged (Memoirs of Ann, Lady Fanshawe, 348 n.).' p. 105, 1. 21, after 'wife,' insert * She was godmother to Lady Fanshawe's daughter Anne, born in Jersey in 1646. FRASER p. 109, 1. 10, after ' 1505,' add ' He married, contract 28 October 1501, (Aberdeen Burgh Sasines), Muriel Sutherland, widow of Alexander Seton of Meldrum. She must have been his second wife.' p. 109, 11. 11 and 12, delete these lines and insert ' He left issue :— ' p. 109, 11. 5 and 6 from foot, delete 'is not ascertained,' and insert 'was Stewart as appears from a charter to himself and his wife of the lands of Blayrneill, 30 September 1505 (Aberdeen Burgh Sasines). p. 116, after 1. 6 from foot, insert ' 4. James, witness to a deed in 1648 (Reg. of Deeds, Dlxvi. 26), died v.p., s.p., and alter succeeding numbers of children accordingly.' p. 118, after line 22, insert ' Andrew, third Lord Fraser, had also a natural daughter Marjory (Reg. of Deeds (Durie), 16 March 1681).' FRENDRAUGHT p. 125, 1. 25, after ' 1599,' insert ' He married Isobel Chalmers, with issue a son George. He was alive in 1637 (Reg. of Deeds, Dxviii. 371).' p. 126, 1. 19, after ' Craig,' insert ' She was alive 1664 (P. C. Reg., 3rd ser. i.501).' p. 128, 1. 24, for • 2 ' read ' 3.' p. 129, 1. 5, after ' married,' insert ' contract 9 May 1642 (Reg. of Deeds, Dlii. 160).' p. 134, after 1. 2, insert note ' The following are said to have been children of James Crichton of Auchingone.' William, born 16 April 1710. Elspet, born 10 December 1711. George, born 7 February . . . Janet, born 21 September 1719. Margaret, born 4 January 1723. Anna, born 21 May 1726. Alexander, born 3 May 1729. (ex inform. Douglas Crichton, Esq. Lincoln's Inn Fields).' STEWART, EARL OF GALLOWAY 149, 1. 4, after ' preserved,' add note ' Her Christian name was Isobel (Patent Rolls, Henry iv. for 1400).' 94 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 150, 11. 5 and 6 from foot, delete ' is believed to have died about 1479,' ' and insert ' was alive 8 October 1485 (Protocol Book of James Young).' p. 150, 1. 3 from foot, delete ' is said to have.' p. 150, last line, after 'Menteith,' insert 'She was alive 23 October 1495 (Ada Dom. Cone., 401).' p. 151, 1. 26, for ' about 1479-80' read ' between 1485 and 1495.' p. 151, 1. 6 from foot, for ' about 1500 ' read ' in 1496.' p. 152, 1. 5, after ' Kirkmaho,' delete down to ' Fintalloch ' on 1. 16.' p. 152, after 1. 24, insert ' ALEXANDER STEWART, fourth of Garlics, succeeded his father in 1496, having sasine of these lands in that year (Exch. Rolls, x. 771). He died in 1500, having married Janet Gordon, who survived him and married, secondly, Sir William Keith of Inverugie (Acta Dom. Cone., xvii. 176). He had issue :— 1. ALEXANDER. 2. Walter, ancestor of Barclye. 3. Janet. 4. Elizabeth (Acta Dom. Cone., xxii. 161).' p. 152, 1. 25, for 'fourth' read 'fifth.' p. 153, 11. 2 and 3, delete ' was one son,' and insert * were.' '1. ALEXANDER. 2. Thomas, alive in 1584 (Reg. Sec. Sig., li. 76).' p. 153, 1. 4, for ' fifth' read 'sixth.' p. 155, 1. 6, for ' fourth ' read ' sixth.' p. 155, 1. 25, after 'families,' insert 'He died 10 August 1592, having married Margaret Stewart, with issue (Edin. Tests.).' p. 155, 1. 10 from foot, after 'Barbara,' as note, insert 'Barbara Gordon survived her husband and married again, before 2 September 1592, Alexander Agnew of Ardoch (Cal. of Charters, Reg. Ho. at date).' p. 156, 1. 23, for ' Mureford ' read Penninghame (cf. vol. v. 108).' p. 156, 1. 26, for ' fourth ' read ' sixth.' p. 158, 1. 7, delete ' she married, secondly, John Wallace of Dundonald.' p. 158, after 1. 9, insert '2. Thomas. 3. William. 4. James, all mentioned in mutual bonds of caution (P. C. Reg., v. 574). The last named was his mother's executor (v. post, p. 408).' p. 158, 11. 10 and 11, f or ' 2 ' and ' 3 ' read ' 5 ' and ' 6.' p. 158, 1. 18, for ' fifth ' read ' seventh,' p. 159, 1. 3, delete ' before 10 October 1576,' and insert ' contract 21 April 1574 (Reg. of Deeds, xiv. 350).' p. 159, 1. 4, for ' William ' read 'James.' p. 159, 1. 5, after ' Queensberry ' insert ' who died 13 Aug. 159—, and was buried at Glasserton (Fourth Rep. Hist. Monuments Com. i.).' p. 159, 1. 11, delete entire entry. p. 159, 1. 14, for '3' read '2.' p. 159, delete 11. 23, 24, 25. p. 159, 11. 26, 27, 28, 29, for '4, 5, 6, 7' read '3, 4, 5, 6.' p. 159, 1. 7 from foot, for 'sixth' read 'eighth.' GLASGOW 95 p. 161, after 1.16, add '4. Janet (probably illegitimate) appears in the Charity Rolls of 1694 and 1696.' p. 163, 1. 25, for ' 1761 ' read ' 1701.' p. 163, 1. 27, for ' 1761 ' read * 1701.' p. 165, 1. 14, after ' January,' insert note * The marriage took place on 7 January according to a contemporary account (Red Book of Grand- tully, ii. 324). p. 165, 1. 20, for ' proved ' read 'recorded (Reg. of Deeds, ccxlv. 286).' GARNOCK p. 174, 1. 23, for ' 1681' read ' 1680 (Edin. Tests.).' GLASGOW p. 184, note 2, for ' Fordun ' read ' Bower.' p. 185, after 1. 17, insert Robert Boyl, layman of Glasgow diocese, had an indult to choose a confessor 6 June 1372 (Reg. Aven., clxxxiii. 551). p. 187, note 9, after 'Reg. Mag. Sig.,' insert 'Edin. Tests., 26 February 1584-85.' p. 189, 1. 10 from foot, after « 1583,' insert 'and was living 26 December 1584 (Kelburne Writs).' p. 197, note 5, delete ' 189.' p. 198, 1. 24, delete ' 15 October 1673,16 ' and insert ' 1 March 1688 16.' p. 199, 1. 21, delete ' in,' and insert '23 April.' p. 199, 1. 21, delete ' is said to have.' p. 200, 1. 16, after ' Mr. William,' insert ' who had.' p. 200, 1. 18, after ' afterwards,' insert ' bought on the death of Sir Alex- ander.' p. 200, 1. 2, from foot, delete ' had,' and insert ' died 30 June 1730, leav- ing (original letter at Kelburne).' p. 203, 1. 22, for 'elder' read ' eldest.' p. 204, 1. 13, after 'issue,' insert ' (besides two sons, both named David, who died young (correspondence at Kelburne).' p. 204, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1721 ' read « 1720.' p. 205, 1. 3 from foot, after ' 1729,' insert ' and was buried at Rowallan (original letter at Kelburne). p. 205, 1. 2 from foot, for ' 29 March 1720 17 ' read ' 9 July 1724 17.' p. 205, note 17, delete note and substitute ' Correspondence at Kelburne.' p. 209, 1. 6, after ' 1865,' add ' He died at Twyssenden Manor, Goudhurst, Kent, 29 September, and was buried at Kilndoun 2 October 1909. pi 209, 1. 16, for ' St. Helen's ' read 'Middleton, near Freshwater.' p. 210, 1. 39, for ' Alister ' read ' Alastair.' p. 210, 1. 9 from foot, after ' 1886,' add ' married at the Cathedral, Christ- church, to Agar Williams of Wellington, New Zealand, and has issue.' p. 211, 1. 23, for ' is ' read ' became.' After ' barrister-at-law,' add ' He 96 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA died at Horsington House, Templecombe, 22, and was buried at Hor- sington 27 March, 1907.' p. 211, 1. 26, after ' and,' insert * by her, who survived him, and died at Parkstone, Dorset, 2, and was buried at Horsington 6, February 1911.' p. 211, 1. 27, for ' has ' read 'had.' p. 213, 1. 12, after ' Hagley,' add ' She died at Salisbury 7, and was buried beside her husband 9, January 1907.' p. 213, 1. 21, after ' and,' insert * by her who died at Fleet, Hants, 14, and was buried there 17, November 1909.' p. 213, 1. 3 from foot, delete ' has ' and insert ' by her, who died at Tokio, Japan, 10 May 1910, aged forty-six, had.' p. 214, 1. 27, after ' was,' insert ' born at Craig, 17 July 1766 (Kilmaurs Par. Reg.), and was.' p. 215, 1. 1, for ' 25 September ' read ' 5 November (Canongate Reg.).' p. 215, 1. 3, after ' Bart.,' insert ' Rear.' p. 215, after 1. 9, insert ' 13, Grissell, died young.' p. 216, 1. 1, after '1791,' insert 'aged sixty-three.' p. 216, 1. 1, for 'Jane' read ' Jane Mary.' For '30' read '13'; after ' 1823,' add ' aged fifty-nine ; buried at Renfrew (Coffin plate).' p. 218, 1. 3, after 'died,' insert 'at Edinburgh.' p. 218, 1. 4, after ' 1868,' insert ' aged seventy-one.' p. 220, 1. 19, after ' 1897,' insert ' Commander.' p. 220, 1. 22, after ' Surrey,' add 'and has issue: — (1) David William Maurice, born at Kelburne 24 July 1910.' p. 220, 1. 4 from foot, after ' 1906,' insert « He married, 15 September 1908 at Holy Trinity Church, Sloaiie Street, Katherine Isabel Salvin, daughter of Edward Salvin Bowlby of Gilston Park, Herts, and Knoydart, Inverness, and has issue : — ' (1) Patrick John Salvin, born at Melbourne, Victoria, 21 March 1910.' GLENCAIRN p. 226, 1. 24, after 'brother,' insert 'On 16 March 1365-66 a Papal com- mission was granted to dispense in Nigel Cunningham's marriage with a lady named Joanna Douglas, of St. Andrews diocese, not otherwise designed, to whom he was related in the third degree of affinity (Reg. Aven., clxiii. f. 217).' p. 230, last line, after ' 1417,' add in note, ' See Acta Dom. Concilii, xix. f. 15, for charter by Robert, Duke of Albany (dated at Stirling 17 December 1415), confirming a charter of 23 November 1400, by William of Cunynghame, knight, Lord of Redhall, granting to his natural son, William, the lands of Bonaly and Wodehall in the barony of Redhall and sheriffdom of Edinburgh.' p. 230, note 3, after '1639,' insert ' see also Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. i. (new ed.), App. 2, No. 1952, and Ibid., 21 Nov. 1450.' GLENOAIRN 97 p. 234, 1. 8, for ' fifteenth ' read « fourteenth.' p. 235, 1. 15, delete 'he was succeeded by his son,' and insert 'He had issue : — ' 1. CUTHBERT, who succeeded. 2. A rchibald (Protocol Book of James Young 1 November 1497).' p. 236, 1. 8 from foot, for 1499' read 1509.' p. 238, 1. 1, delete ' soon after' and insert ' in.' Add to note 1 * Acts and Decreets, xxxviii. 227.' p. 241, 1. 17, after 'Craigie' add 'She had a tocher of £466, 13s. 4d. from the Earl of Arran the Governor, which was paid to her husband in November 1552 (Treasurer's Accounts, x. 130).' p. 242, 11. 22, 23, for ' 18 October 1580' read '24 February 1579-80 (Reg. Sec. Sig. xlvi. 106).' p. 242, note 14, after ' Lyon Office ' add ' see also Eraser's note books No. vi. (Lyon Office MSS.) note of contract and discharge of tocher by Earl of Glencairn 26 July 1549.' p. 243, 1. 2, after 'name' add ' He died in July 1610, his executors being two daughters Ann and Marion (Glasgow Tests., 20 January 1613).' p. 243, 11. 12, 13, delete after '15 August' and insert ' contract 24 April (Reg. of Deeds, xviii. pt. i. 8).' p. 243, 1. 20, after ' married,' insert * contract 30 December 1577 (Hutton Coll. Adv. Lib., vii. 103).' p. 244, 1. 23, after ' 1574,' insert ' Margaret.' p. 245, 1. 7, after 'Lennox,' insert 'He was dead before 23 February 1629 (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxiv. 274).' p. 245, 1. 8, after ' married,' insert contract 28 January 1618 (Reg. of Deeds, cclxxxyiii. 231).' p. 245, 1. 8, after 'daughter of delete to end of paragraph, and insert 'Andrew Knox, Bishop of the Isles. By her, who survived him, he had a son John, mentioned above, who died s.p., and three daughters. Margaret was married to Sir Alexander Cunningham of Robertland ; Anna to Robert Wallace, Bishop of the Isles ; and Eliza- beth to William Wallace of Helenton, Advocate (Retours, Ayr, 327, 394, 421, 539; Fasti Eccl. Scot., iii. 449; Ayr Sasines, viii. 179; Edin. Tests.).' p. 246, 1. 4. after ' Mary,' insert ' youngest daughter.' p. 246, after 1. 7, insert ' By his second wife the Earl had a son '10. James, baptized 21 January 1612 (Canongate Reg.). He died young (Acts and Decreets, cclxxxi. 402).' p. 246, 1. 23, delete ' before 26 July 1614,' and insert ' about 1609.' p. 247, 1. 1, after ' married,' insert ' in Cornwall 1660.' p. 247, 1. 2, after ' Minto,' insert ' against whom she raised an action of divorce in 1668 (Consistorial Processes, etc., Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 12).' p. 247, 1. 5, after ' secondly,' delete ' to,' and insert ' contract 29 May 1661 (Perth Sasines, i. 152) to John.' p. 247, 1. 7, after ' Jean,' insert ' married to John Blair of that Ilk, with VOL. IX. G 98 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA whom, as his future spouse, she had a charter of lands 5 August 1646 (Reg. Mag. Sig.).' p. 247, 1. 12, delete 'as,' and insert 'being buried in Holyrood Church in January 1661 (Canongate Reg.) and.' p. 248, 1. 2 from foot, for ' 25 July' read ' 27 January.' p. 249, 1. 16, for ' Colestoun ' read ' Orbistoun.' p. 249, 1. 28, for 'third' read 'fifth.' p. 250, 1. 4 from foot, delete ' 2,' and insert ' proclamation 23 (Edin. Reg.).' p. 251, 1. 1, delete ' 20,' and insert ' proclamation 27 (Edin. Reg.) as his second wife.' (Cf. vol. v. 509.) p. 251, 1. 14, for ' 24 ' read * 25.' p. 251, 1. 14, after 'June,' insert ' and was buried in Restalrig 30.' p. 252, 1. 24, for ' 1469' read '1463.' GOWRIE p. 257, note 4, for ' 33 ' read ' 83.' p. 260, 1. 15, after ' Ilk,' insert ' who died 7 December 1592 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 260, 1. 20, for 'about 1612' read 'contract 28 April 1621 (Reg. of Deeds, clxxx. 229).' p. 260, 1. 25, after '1600,' add ' He was a burgess of Perth, and married, contract 14 October 1593, Bessie Mathow (Reg. of Deeds, clxxx. 229).' p. 260, 1. 26, after 'conspiracy,' add 'He married, contract 15 February 1598-99, Agnes, daughter of Henry Adamson, merchant, Perth (.Res', of Deeds, cxlii. 168).' p. 260, 1. 27, delete after ' Jean ' to end of sentence, and insert « married, contract 23 May 1587, Laurence Mercer of Clevage, eldest son of James Mercer of Newton (Reg. of Deeds, xxxiii. 286).' p. 260, 1. 28, after ' Barbara,' delete to end of sentence, and insert 'married contract 1611, to Henry Rattray of Kincarrochy (Reg. of Deeds, clxxx. 235).' p. 260, after 1. 30, insert '(7) Beatrix, named with her sisters Annas and Dorothy in her mother's testament. (8) Annas. (9) Dorothy, married to James Ruthven in Feu (Perth Sasines, Secretary's Reg., vi. 411). There was also a son John (perhaps illegitimate) named in his eldest brother's testament.' p. 260, note 8, for ' Ibid.' read ' Wood's Douglas's Peerage.' p. 261, 1. 24, after ' secondly,' insert 'contract 9 April.' p. 261, 1. 29, after ' Dowager,' insert ' She survived Lord Ruthven, and is said to have married, fifthly, James, son of Gilbert Gray of Foulis, but the only authority for this is Sir Robert Gordon's Genealogy of the Earls of Sutherland.' p. 282, 1. 9, after ' Ruthven,' insert ' born about 1560 (Cal. of Scottish Papers, i. No. 707).' p. 262, 1. 26, after ( Alexander,' insert 'of Halieland.' GRAY 99 p. 262, 1. 27, after ' He,' insert ' married Elizabeth Wemyss (Reg. of Deeds, clxxxi. 150), and.' p. 264, 1. 6, after ' Anna,' read ' and the father of Charles i.' p. 266, 1. 17, for ' George' read 'Hugh.' p. 266, 1. 27, after ' Lilias; insert ' baptized 27 January 1568-69 (Perth Reg.).' p. 266, 1. 29, after ' Dorothea^ insert ' baptized 30 April 1570 (Ibid.).' p. 266, after 1. 30, insert ' 14. Katherine, baptized 28 February 1571-72 (Ibid.) Died young, p. 266, 1. 31, for '14 ' read ' 15.' p. 266, note 2, after ' 1595,' add ' Reg. of Deeds, xlvi. 444.' GRAY p. 272, 1. 4, for 'May' read 'December.' p. 274, 1. 13 from foot, the words ' and grandson of Sir Patrick ' should be in brackets. p. 276, 1. 1, after 'Balnamoon,' insert reference ' (Registrum de Panmure, i. xxix.).' p. 276, 1. 5 from foot, after 'completed,' insert 'till much later.' p. 277, 1. 3, after ' Lyle,' add 'He married again, after 1501, Elizabeth Hay, relict of George, second Earl of Huntly, the lady to whom he had been contracted (Acta Dom. Cone., xxix. ff. 38, 39).' p. 277, 1. 13, after ' 1500,' insert ' She was then contracted to Walter Drummond, grandson of the first Lord Drummond, but the contract was discharged in January 1501-2 (Acta Dom. Cone., xii. 39).' p. 278, 1. 5, for f secondly ' read ' thirdly,' and for (' ? Alexander) ' read ' William (cf. vol. vi. 34).' p. 278, 1. 6, for ' thirdly ' read ' secondly. See title Wemyss.' p. 281, 1. 8, for ' 1562 ' read ' 1558.' p. 281, 1. 8 from foot, after ' issue,' insert ' She survived him and was mar- ried, secondly, to William Rollock of Balbegie (cf. vol. v. 220).' p. 282, 1. 18, after ' In verge wrie,' insert ' as Patrick Gray, son of Patrick, Lord Gray, was, on 31 May 1567, instituted as perpetual vicar of the church of Rossie (Protocol Book of Duncan Gray, f. 41). He.' p. 285, 1. 2, delete ' before 18 August 1604,' and insert ' November 1603.' p. 285, 1. 6 from foot, delete 'in 1612,' and insert '4 September 1611 (Synod of Fife, Abbotsford Club, 36).' p. 287, 1. 27, delete ' said to be widow of Sir John Sydenham, Bart, of Brompton, and to be aged eighty,' and insert ' daughter of Sir Thomas Guldeford of Hemsted in Cranbrook, Kent. She had married, first, John Baker of Sissinghurst, Kent ; secondly, as his second wife, Sir John Sydenham, Knight, of Brimpton, Somerset, who died 1626. The following year she married, when she was about eighty, Lord Gray (cf. Pedigree of Sydenham in Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd ser., iii. 327; Complete Baronetage, i. sub Baker; State Papers, Dom., 1628-29, 28, 447 ; Notes and Queries, 10th ser., xi. 54).' 100 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 287, note 3, for ' 28' read '58.' p. 288, 1. 1, after ' married,' insert ' first, to Captain Archibald Douglas, who was killed by the Dutch at Chatham, 11 June 1667 (ex inform. Patrick Gray, Esq.), and, secondly. ' p. 291, 1. 14, after ' Gray,' insert born 9 Feb. 1671 (Perth Bap. Reg.).' p. 292, last line, for * thirteenth' read ' twelfth.' p. 293, 11. 1 and 2, for ' fourteenth ' and ' fifteenth ' read ' thirteenth ' and ' fourteenth.' VISCOUNT OF HADDINGTON p. 299, 1. 5 from foot, for « 1831 ' read ' 1631.' p. 299, note 6, for ' Adjournals ' read ' Adjournal.' p. 300, after 1. 4, insert ' 8. James or Jacob, a general-major in the Swedish service, married, before 1614, Isobel, daughter of James Spens, Count of Hoya, Swedish Ambassador to England. In 1647 he raised a regi- ment. 9. Jane, married to Robert More, who had letters of denization in September 1661 (Forty-third Rep. of Deputy Keeper of Records, App. 193).' p. 300, 1. 9, after '1605,' insert 'of these, George was infeft in the barony of Wyliecleugh in 1632 (Gen. Reg. Sas., xxxiii. 89), and was dead s.p. before 1645 (Reg. Mag. Sig., 22 June 1635 and 26 November 1647).' p. 301, 1. 8 from foot, for ' 1 June ' read ' 11 June.' EARL OF HADDINGTON p. 306, 1. 16, for ' Cosmus ' read ' Cosmas.' p. 307, 1. 25, after 'Newbyres,' insert 'She was buried 23 November 1612 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 308, 1. 10, delete 'about 1604,' and insert ' contract 26 June 1602 (Oxen- foord Writs).' p. 308, 1. 12, for ' at least one daughter ' read ' six daughters.' p. 308, after 1. 13, insert ' (1) Elizabeth, married (contract 8 September 1619) to Robert Hamil- ton of Bathgate (Reg. Mag. Sig., 25 October 1620). (2) Agnes, married, as in text. (3) Christian, married (contract 21 February 1630) to Mr. John Scharp of Houstoun (Reg. Mag. Sig., 28 July 1632). (4) Margaret. (5) Jean, married to Cornet John Home (Reg. of Deeds, Dliii. 140). (6) Rebecca.' p. 308, 1. 14, delete from ' Probably ' down to '1627' on 1. 16. p. 308, 1. 19, for ' 30 ' read ' 20.' p. 308, 1. 20, for ' teacher of the St. Mary Magdalene School,' read ' Pre- ceptor of the Magdalene Hospital.' p. 309, 1. 24, after ' thirdly,' insert ' contract 13 January 1649 (Gen. Reg. of Inhibs., 6 September 1675).' HALIBUBTON OP DIBLETON 101 p. 309, after 1. 25, insert '6. Marion, eldest daughter, married, in 1582, to James Ross, merchant, Edinburgh (Protocol Book of A. Lawson, i. 81).' p. 309, 11. 26, 29 and 31, for '6, 7, 8' read ' 7, 8, 9.' p. 315, 1. 22, for ' young' read • in November 1619 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 317, after 1. 7, insert ' 7. Mary, baptized 5 May 1629 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 317, 11. 8, 9, for <7, 8' read '8, 9.' p. 317, after 1. 12, insert The earl had also a son, presumably natural, Mr. Thomas of Parkley, who married, first, Helen Stewart, eldest daughter of William, second Lord Blantyre (cf . vol. ii. 85) ; secondly, Janet Foulis (Edin. Sasines, vii. 371, 437). He was keeper of the General Register of Sasines in 1657 (Acts and Decreets (Durie) 23 June 1677). Will dated 17 May 1668 (Edin. Tests.). p. 317, 1. 30, after 'romance,' insert 'She was an intimate friend of Ninon de 1'Enclos, and was included in the Portraits written by Mile, de Scudery.' p. 318, 1. 14, after ' married,' insert * in the Kirk of Holyroodhouse 13 April 1648 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 321, 1. 4 from foot, for ' David ' read * James.' p. 322, 1. 15, for ' in or before 1720' read ' before 1719.' p. 323, after 1. 40, insert the names of the following children of Charles, Lord Binning, which have been accidentally omitted : — *3. Charles, born 6 October 1725, died in infancy. 4. John, born 22 October 1726, died 1730. 5. Charles^ born 3 October 1727 ; lieutenant 3rd Dragoon Guards 29 July 1751 ; captain 1st Dragoon Guards 12 March 1755 ; major 19 May 1762; retired with rank of lieut.-col. 1776; Governor of Blackness Castle 1792, till his death, which took place at Tynninghame 28 September 1806. 6. Grisell, married, at London 24 July 1745, Philip, second Earl Stan- hope, and died at Ovenden, Kent, 28 December 1811, in her ninety-third year. 7. Helen Mary, born 8 October 1724, and died young. 8. Rachel, died, unmarried, at Mellerstain 20 October 1797.' p. 324, 1. 8, after « secondly,' insert ' proclamation of banns 4 March 1786 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 326, 1. 25, for 'younger brother' read 'great uncle.' p. 327, 1. 11 from foot, for ' 1836 ' read ' 1863.' p. 327, 1. 10 from foot, after ' Baronet ' place full stop ; delete ' with ' and insert ' She died 16 January 1908, and he died May 1910, leaving.' HALIBURTON OF DIRLETON p. 332, 1. 20, delete from 'married' down to 'He' in line 23 and insert 'who (Exch. Rolls, ii. 175).' p. 332, 1. 24, delete from ' his ' down to ' presently ' on 1. 26. 102 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 332, 1. 27, for ' Adam' read ' Alexander/ p. 332, 1. 9 from foot, for ' 1372' read '1377.' p. 333, 1. 9, for ' 1372 ' read ' 1377.' p. 333, 1. 11, after ' 1378-79,' insert 'He was alive 1388 (see below), and had a son John, his successor, and a daughter Jean, married to Henry St. Clair, first Earl of Orkney of the St. Clair line ; in the charter of 1388 quoted below, Henry, Earl of Orkney is styled brother of Sir John Haliburton, which proves that Jean in the text is placed a generation too low.' p. 333, 1. 12, for ' nephew ' read ' son.' p. 333, 1. 19, after ' 1397,' insert ' On 24 July 1388 he granted license to mortify the lands of Cameron to the Lady altar of Musselburgh ; in this deed he styles himself Lord of Drylton, while his father witnesses it as Walter, Lord of that Ilk (Craigmillar Charters). This indicates that he must have married Christian Vaus, heiress of Dirleton, but he may have also married the Cameron heiress referred to in the text ; unless Christian Vaus was also co-heiress of the Camerons through her mother. John certainly used a seal quartering the arms of both Cameron and Vaus in 1384 during his father's lifetime.' p. 333, delete lines 3 and 4 from foot. p. 334, 1. 3 from foot, after ' of,' insert ' Sir.' p. 334, 1. 2 from foot, delete ' first Lord Haliburton ' and insert ' There was a papal dispensation for his marriage 18 August 1427 (Cat. of Papal Letters, vii. 527).' p. 335, 1. 4, after '1439,' insert 'He married Johanna, daughter of John Congalton of that Ilk. She appears as his widow 1446-47 (Munimenta de Melros, 567).' p. 335, 1. 22, after ' Congalton,' insert ' second son of John Congalton (cf. vol. viii. 575 and authorities there cited).' p. 335, after 1. 25, insert '3. Walter. 4. John. Both mentioned in a charter of 1464 (Button Coll., Had- dington, f. 16).' p. 335, 1. 3 from foot, for '1448' read '1458,' and after 'marriage,' insert '(already consummated).' p. 335, note 12, for ' Vatican ' read 'Lateran.' p. 336, 1. 27, for 'Sauchie' read 'Sauchieburn.' p. 337, 1. 10, for 'was dead before 10 February 1506-7' read 'died 6 December 1505 (Exch. Rolls, xii. 432).' p. 337, 1. 16, after ' Stevenston,' insert ' widow of Andrew Mowbray, burgess of Edinburgh (Robertson's Parl. Records, 500)'; and for ' secondly ' read ' thirdly.' HAMILTON P, 341, 1. 18, for 'Lambert' read 'Larbert.' p. 346, 1. 4 from foot, after ' 1402,' insert « He was certainly dead before HAMILTON 103 1410, when his widow had a dispensation to marry William Douglas of Drumlanrig {Reg. Aven., ccc. f. 641 ; cf. vol. vii. 114).' p. 349, 1. 17, after 'Hamilton,' insert 'He had also another son James and a daughter Eupham.' p. 353, 1. 10, after ' Crawford,' add ' The marriage was dissolved, and in 1503 she was the wife of John Forrester of Niddrie (Acta Dom. Cone., xii. 166, 173).' p. 35|, 1. 26, after * Albany,' insert ' and had by her a son James.' p. 354, 1. 26, after 'and,' insert ' married, secondly, David Ross of Balna- gown, who died 20 May 1527 (Acta Dom. Cone., xxxvii. 189). She.' p. 361, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Somerville,' insert Grisel, married (con- tract 28 June 1548), to Andrew, Lord Rothes, was also a daughter, but whether by this marriage is not known. A son Cuthbert is mentioned at the Scottish Court in 1544 (Treasurer's Accounts, viii. 357).' p. 362, 1. 3, after ' Ilk,' insert ' She was alive in March 1557-58 (Protocol Book of John Robeson, f. 223, where her husband is called William). p. 363, 1. 7, after ' Lothian,' insert ' He was Sheriff of Lanark in 1543 (Treasurer's Accounts, viii. 192).' p. 363, 1. 12, after ' first,' insert ' in 1544 (she had a trousseau in March 1543-44 (Treasurer's Accounts, viii. 267).' p. 363, 1. 19, after ' Lindsay,' insert 4 He had a grant of the lands of Parkhill 1 September 1547 (Reg. Sec. Sig.}, and is styled of Parkhill in 1550, when he had a royal grant (Ibid., xxiv. 8).' p. 363, 1. 6 from foot, after ' James,' insert ' of Kinnell.' p. 364, 11. 2, 3, delete ' The name of his wife has not been ascertained.' and insert * He married Janet Murray (Canongate Court Book), who died before 1 October 1572, and had (1) William ; (2) Paul, captain of Arran, ancestor of the Hamiltons of Coats (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxcv. 264) ; (3) Gavin (Acts and Decreets, ccxxxiv. 86) mentioned in 1608.' p. 364, 1. 10, for ' fifth' read 'fourth.' p. 365, 1. 10, after ' 12,' insert ' and were married 15.' p. 365, 1. 13, after ' 1563 ' add ' She was married, thirdly, to John Craw- ford in Shaw (Acts and Decreets, Hi. 96, A.D. 1573).' p. 365, 1. 18, for 'fifth ' read ' fourth.' p. 365, i. 21, after ' Finnart ' add ' She was still alive in 1557-58 (Protocol Book of J. Robeson, f. 220).' p. 365, at end of note 10 add 'A "half-sister of the Governor's" is in December 1547 said to be wife of John Wemyss(CaZ. Scot. Papers, i. 48).' p. 368, 1. 27, after ' 1572-73,' insert * He received the Order of the Cockle (St. Michael) from the King of France, apparently as a kind of pledge for an advance of money, as in his will he directs it to be delivered again to the King, so that his son Claud might receive payment of the sums advanced (Edin. Tests.).' p. 368, 1. 7 from foot, for ' 1579 ' read ' 6 December 1580, when an inquest found that she ought to be interdicted from administering her pro- perty, being, and having been for twenty-four years, excessively pro- fuse (Moray Writs, box 15, No. 1209).' 104 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 369, 1. 6 from foot, delete ' apparently without issue.' p. 369, 1. 3 from foot, after 'Fife,' add 'He appears to have left issue, as in his father's will of 16 January 1574 his " tua bairns" are con- signed to the care of his brother John. In view of the above-mentioned service they must either have died young or have been illegitimate.' p. 369, last line, after 'older,' insert note, 'There was a "bairn" of the Lord Governor baptized 9 June 1546, who may have been Claud (Treasurer's Accounts, viii. 461).' p. 370, 1. 12, after 'lands,' insert note 'She was undoubtedly married to him. On 2 February 1545-46 she got an extensive trousseau " at her departure to the northland with the Earl of Huntlie" (Treasurer's Accounts, viii. 436), and her marriage is alluded to as an accomplished fact in 1548-49 (Ibid., ix. 282). She had a tocher of 5000 merks, of which, however, only 2000 were actually paid as Huntly owed Arran 3000 (Cf. also Letter inH.M. Reg. Ho. (Corr. Mary of Guise), 11 February 1545-46).' p. 370, 1. 15, after ' contracted,' insert « on 10 July 1546 to Gilbert Kennedy, son of Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis (P. C. Reg., i. 42) and.' p. 373, 1. 19, after ' married,' insert ' first, about 1594, Catherine, daughter of John Carnegie of that Ilk (Carnegie Book, i. 50). She died before 24 May 1597. Testament confirmed 21 January 1602 (Edin. Tests.); secondly.' p. 373, 1. 22, for ' Margaret ' read ' Jean (See Chiefs of Colquhoun, and Glasgow Tests., 13 September 1633).' p. 377, 1. 22, after 'Castle,' insert note 'At Pendennis "he has not changed a sheet for sixteen weeks time ; they took all from him when he was put into that hole and left him neither money nor clothes, linen, nor woollen, but what was on his back ; onlie they permitted his dog to go with him" (Dunbar's Social Life in Former Days, ii. 44).' p. 380, 1. 15, after 'him,' insert 'and married, secondly, 19 June 1655, Thomas Dalmahoy of the Priory of Guildford, and was buried 2 Sep- tember 1659 (cf . vol. iii. 130).' p. 380, 1. 5 from foot, after ' thirdly,' insert ' in October 1703 (Edin. Reg.).' p. 382, 1. 27, delete 'an Irish lady, name unknown, who,' and insert ' Anne, daughter and co-heir of Charles, Lord Lucas of Shenfield, and widow of Edward, son of Patrick Cary, and grandson of Henry, first Viscount Falkland. She (cf. vol. iii. 610).' p. 383, 1. 6, after ' married,' insert ' 5 February 1687 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 391, 1. 13 from foot, after 'Catharine,' insert 'born 31 October and baptized 17 November 1700, being named after her aunt, the Countess of Tullibardine (Canongate Reg.).' p. 391, after 1. 9 from foot, insert ' 7. Henrietta, born 19 April 1704 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 391, 1. 8 from foot, for ' 7 ' read ' 8.' p. 391, 1.8 from foot, after ' Susan,' insert 'born 26 September 1706(76id.).' p. 393, 1. 3, for ' 10' read ' 5 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 395, 1. 9, after ' 1846,' insert ' in a small house in White Lion Street, Pentonville. She was at one time in the household of Queen Caro- HERBIES 105 line, upon whose death she retired into private life. A portion of her remaining days was embittered by the fact of a person having insinuated himself into her confidence and obtained many of her letters and papers ; and having then daringly published, without her sanction, A Secret History of the Court of England from the Acces- sion of George III. to the death of George IV., under her name. The legal difficulties that ensued caused her much vexation, and obliged her to reside for a time in France (The Patrician., ii. 297).' p. 396, 1. 1, after ' 1863,' insert note ' While in Paris he slipped on a polished stair and got concussion of the brain. The Empress nursed him to the end with much devotion (Lord Lamington's Days of the Dandies).' MERRIES p. 398, 1. 17, for ' Vandosine ' read ' Vandosme.' p. 404, 1. 12, after « David,' insert ' On the dismissal of a later curator, George Herries of Terraughtie, for certain crimes, " Andro Heris sone and apparend are to Herbert, Lord Heris," and " Thomas M'K[l]ellane of Bondby " were appointed in his place, 27 May 1500 (Beg. Sec. Sig., i. 532, 684).' p. 404, 1. 7 from foot, after 'John,' add ' He had a remission, along with his brother Mungo, for certain debts owing to the King 12 December 1508 (Reg. Sec. Sig., i. 1778).' p. 405, 1. 13, delete ' but was in favour again before,' and insert ' for the slaughter of George Sinclair of Highfield but was pardoned before 12 December 1508 at the request of the Queen of France (Eeg. Sec. Sig., i. 1498, 1721, 1778, 1854). On.' p. 405, 1. 13, delete 'when.' p. 406, at end of note 2, add * In an inventory of writs in the Angus Charter- chest (drawn up in March 1588-89, Acts and Decreets, cxx. 23b) is a note of " Ane charter, maid vnder the gret and previe seill to Jonet Douglas, dochter to Archibald, Erl of Angus of Tarrigillis and Kirk- gunzie, xxij of December lm iiijc Ixxxxv yeiris.' p. 407, after 1. 11, insert '2. Andrew, "brother to William, Lord Hereis," and others had a respite for arson and other crimes 26 May 1528 (Eeg. Sec. Sig. , i. 3966).' p. 407, 1. 12, for ' 2 ' read ' 3.' p. 407, 1.22, for '3* read '4.' p. 409, 1. 4, after 'Skirling,' insert 'contract 1 May 1552 (Acts and Decreets, vi. 267).' p. 415, 1. 15, after « James,' add 'It was probably he who married Militia Collins and had a son Robert, aged nineteen in 1647, and a daughter Alice living in 1665 (Records of Scots Colleges, etc., New Spalding Club, i. 197; Carlaverock Book, i. 388).' p. 415, 1. 20, after ' married,' insert ' contract 31 October 1603 (Reg. of Deeds, clviii. 422).' 106 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 416, 1. 24, delete entire paragraph after 'Frederick; and insert * educated at Douai at the charges of Colonel Semple from 29 July 1629 to November 1632, when he went to Spain and entered the Society of Jesus. He was Rector of the Scots College at Madrid from 1656 till his death on 9 May 1659 (Records of Scots Colleges, New Spalding Club, 25, 195, 202).' p. 416, note 12, for ' 3 August 1642 ' read ' 13 August 1649.' p. 417, 1. 3, for ' 23 ' read ' 16.' p. 418, 1. 9 from foot, for ' young ' read ' in 1836.' p. 418, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1901 ' read ' 1891.' p. 423, 1. 25, after ' 1884,' insert ' He died 5 October 1908, when the barony of the United Kingdom became extinct and his Scottish honours descended to his eldest daughter.' p. 423, 1. 7 from foot, after ' 1905,' insert ' and a son Bernard Marmaduke, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, born 30 May 1908.' HOLYROODHOUSE p. 433, 1. 26, after ' respectively,' add ' He had also a natural son John, apprenticed 4 March 1640 to Robert Chrystie, barber, Edinburgh (Edin. Reg. of Apprentices, Scot. Rec. Soc.).' p. 435, 1. 2, for ' 1628 ' read ' 1623.' p. 435, 1. 5 from foot, after 'married,' insert 'contract dated 22 and 24 September 1629 (Reg. of Deeds, cccclxi. 342).' p. 435, 1. 3 from foot, for ' 1639 ' read ' 1629.' p. 436, 1. 8, after * issue,' add « In 1678 she was the wife of Mr. William Gray (Reg. of Deeds (Durie), 17 May, 1680).' p. 438, 1. 18, after 'Glencorse,' insert 'born 10 July 1736 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 439, 1. 1, delete ' married, according to Home Drummond's MS., to John Menzies, surgeon in Perth. Note. — It was no doubt Mary who was married to a Menzies. Anne was buried at Holyrood as Miss Anne Bothwell.' p. 439, 1. 5, after « Mary; delete 'who' to ' named,' and insert 'married to Neil Menzies, son of James Menzies of Comrie, and had issue.' HOME p. 445, 1. 4 from foot. According to a genealogy penes Sir William Eraser's Trustees, dated 1664, this George was ancestor of the Homes of Spott. p. 447, 1. 16, delete from ' He is said ' down to '1436 ' on 1. 28, and then take in from ' Sir Alexander' on p. 448, 1. 5 from foot, onwards. Note.— Recent investigation shows that previous writers on this pedigree, including Sir William Eraser in his Report (followed by the writer of this article), to the Historical MSS. Comm. (Twelfth Report, HOME 107 App. pt. viii. 78-79), have been wrong in making the first Lord Home a separate personage from Sir Alexander. The mistake arose from the supposed necessity of finding a husband for Marion, heiress of Landells, and not perceiving that she was really identical with Marion Lauder. In view of this the following rearrangement and alteration of the text falls to be made : p. 447, 1. 5 from foot, delete from ' They had issue ' to end of page. p. 448, 1. 18, after ' in,' insert ' or before.' p. 448, 1. 22, delete from ' I. SIR ALEXANDER ' down to ' father' on next line. Note.— The information contained from the words ' a charter ' on line 23, to ' Crown ' on 1. 5 from foot of same page, apply to Alex- ander, eldest son of Lord Home. (See infra.} p. 449, after 1. 4 from foot, delete down to ' Hepburn ' on p. 450, 1. 2, and insert ' Lord Home married, first, before 1424, Marion, daughter of John Lauder and his wife, Katherine, daughter of William de Landells and his wife Jonet. In 1425 she got sasine of the lands of Swynset, as heir of her mother, Katherine, who must have succeeded to them through her father, who, along with his wife, had a royal charter of these and other lands 4 January 1390-91 (Reg. Mag. Sig., vol. i. new ed. No. 813). Sir Alexander and Marion were related in the fourth degree of con- sanguinity, etc., as on p. 447. They had issue :— 1. Alexander, who had a charter, etc., as on 1. 23, p. 448, down to 4 Crown ' on 1. 5, from foot of same page. He died v.p. about 1456. He married, contract 2 February 1448 (Scotts of Buccleuch, ii. 39), Annes or Agnes, daughter of Sir Adam Hepburn of Hailes : they had a papal dispensation for the marriage, 2 January 1450-51, on the ground that they were within the third and third degrees of affinity (Reg. Vat' ccccxvi. 122). They had issue, as on p. 450, 11. 4-6. 2. George, who seems to have been originally destined for the Church : he had papal provision of canonries of Glasgow and Dunkeld 14 June 1447, and was in his fifteenth year in 1450-51 (Reg. Vat., ccccxvi. 124, 126). He had a confirmation charter, etc., as in text on p. 450. 3. John, Prior of Coldingham, as in text on p. 450. 4. Sir Patrick, of Fastcastle, as in text on p. 450. 5. 6, and 7. Nicholas, Katherine, and Elyne, as in text on p. 448.' p. 451, 1. 4, after • married,' insert ' about January 1496-97 (cf. vol. vi. 357).' p. 454, 1. 5, from foot. According to the genealogy of 1664, there were eight daughters in all. p. 456, 1. 27, after 'forth.),' insert 'They had a dispensation for their marriage, which had been carried out per verba defuturo, they being within the third and fourth degrees of affinity, 24 and 25 February 1513-14 (Laing Charters, No. 301).' p. 460, 1. 18, after ' 1589 ' add ' He had a natural son George, who in 1574 was in Sweden (Edin. Burgh Reg. of Deeds, 1 Aug, 1574).' 108 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 462, 1. 8 from foot, for « before February 1582-83 ' read ' contract 4, 15, 24, and 25 February 1580-81 (Reg. of Deeds, xix. 180).' p. 463, after 1. 10, insert ' The existence of two other daughters in 1578 is mentioned in the retour of the Commendator of Jedburgh as tutor to his nephew in that year (see below).' p. 463, 1. 14, after * Home,' insert ' was for some time a student at St. Leonard's College, St. Andrews (Reg. of Deeds, xix. 90). He.' p. 465, 1. 7 from foot, after 'married,' insert 'contract 18 October 1627 (Reg. of Deeds, cccclxxvii. 440).' p. 465, 1. 5 from foot, after ' married,' insert * contract 23 August and 6 September 1632 (Ibid., cccclxxvii. 447).' p. 467, 1. 10, for ' Jane ' read ' Fane.' p. 468, 1. 22, after ' her,' insert ' who survived him and married, secondly, before 1503, Sir William Colville of Ochiltree (cf. vol. ii. 543).' p. 470, 1. 4, from foot after '1584,' insert ' In 1586 he is styled Chanter of Ross (Reg. of Deeds, xxiv. 409).' p. 471, 1. 3, after ' Graden, and another son John, styled servitor to Lord Newbattle, who was dead in 1595 (Edin. Inhibs., vii. 141).' p. 471, 1. 24, after ' Blyndlie,' insert ' who survived him (Reg. of Deeds, cxxxvii.).' p. 471, 1. 25, delete ' He married, secondly,' and insert '5. William (secundus) of Bellitaw (Reg. of Deeds, ci. 11 July 1604) married.' p. 471, 1. 28, after ' Mellerstain,' insert * He apparently murdered his step- son, John Haitlie of Mellerstaines, at the Salt Tron in Edinburgh 3 January 1602 (Birrell's Diary, 57).' p. 471, 11. 29, 35, for « 5, 6' read '6, 7.' p. 472, after 1. 14, insert ' 8. Barbara, married to Robert Cairncross of Colmeslie (Reg. of Deeds, ii. 87).' p. 473, 1. 17, delete ' or before 22 ' and relative note, and insert ' 16 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 474, 1. 4 from foot, after ' first,' insert ' contract 10 December 1587 (Reg. of Deeds, xxvi. 271).' p. 478, 1. 24, delete 'was living 13 April 1683,' and insert 'died in 1694. (Her son Charles had licence to attend her funeral, 26 June. P. C. Acta.)' p. 478, after last line, insert ' 6. Anna (Privy Seal, English Reg., ii. 342). 7. Margaret, married, contract 21 July 1662 (Reg. of Deeds, Durie, 16, 17 June 1670), to Alexander Home of Ayton.' The genealogy of 1664 gives five daughters, Anna, Margaret, Isabel, Jean, and Elizabeth, all living in 1664. p. 479, 1. 4, after ' 1671,' insert note, ' The Duke of Lauderdale's daughter Mary was offered to him as a wife, but she was so deformed he would not have her. From that time Lauderdale would pay no more atten- tion to the claim of Home of Wedderburn for repayment of money lent to the King (Hist. MSS. Com., Milne-Home MSS., 106).' HUNTLY 109 p. 479, 1. 6, for ' Withyam ' read ' Withyham.' p. 479, 1. 19, after ' sustained,' insert * In 1693 he was a prisoner in Edin- burgh Castle, and on 22 June his Countess was allowed to remain there with him (Privy Council Ada). On 13 March 1694 he was liberated, and confined to his house of Hirsel and two miles about it on this side Tweed (Ibid.).' p. 481, 1. 5, after * Jamaica,' insert ' He deserted her 24 February 1743 (Chancery Roll, Jamaica, 19 August 1752).' p. 482, 1. 24, for ' 1873 ' read ' 1875.' p. 484, 1. 4, after 'vert,' insert * beaked gules.' HOPETOUN p. 486, 1. 12, for ' 20 April 1579' read '4 August 1580.' p. 486, 1. 19, after' Katherine' add 'married to Mr. Richard Brown, minister of Tynron, and had issue a son, Mr. Daniel (Fasti Ecclesice Scoticance, by Hew Scott, D.D., i. 685; P. C. Reg., 2nd ser., vii. 304).' p. 486, after last line, insert ' 4. Elizabeth, married to Patrick Rig, merchant, Edinburgh ; she died 28 October 1578 (Edin. Tests. ; Hope's Diary, 31).' p. 487, 1. 8, for ' 1591 ' read ' 1609.' p. 489, 1. 10 from foot, for 'fourteen ' read ' fifteen.' p. 489, after 1. 9, from foot, insert '1. George, of St. Albans, Herts, who granted a power of attorney to his father's clerk to uplift certain moneys, 27 April 1633 (Reg. of Deeds, cccclxi. 481). If eldest son he must have predeceased his father.' p. 489, 1. 8 from foot et seq., The numbers attached to the names of Sir Thomas Hope's children fall to be increased by one. p. 491, 1. 17, for 'was dead before 1655' read ' died in May 1653.' p. 492, 1. 15, for ' Magalen ' read ' Magdalen.' p. 493, 1. 21, after ' 1682 ' insert note, ' The family tradition is that in the wreck of the Royal Gloucester Hope got a seat in a boat, but gave it up to the Duke of York, and was in consequence drowned. On this account Queen Anne gave his son a Peerage almost immediately after he came of age (ex inform. Miss Jessie Hope).' p. 494, last line, after ' army,' insert ' died at Clifton 1861, having.' p. 504, 1. 6, after ' Sleat, insert ' by Louise Maria La Coast, illegitimate daughter of H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, by Lady Almeria Car- penter, daughter of the Earl of Tyrconnel.' HUNTLY p. 517, note 7, add 4 There was a commission to grant dispensation for the marriage of Thomas Somerville and Elizabeth Gordon 2 Nov. 1411 (Reg. Aven., cccix. 549).' p. 518, 1. 7 from foot, after ' brother,' insert note, ' She appears to have been heiress in part at least during her brother's life. Her ward and marriage are said to have been bestowed by Robert in. on Sir Walter Buchanan 2 February 1403-4 (Harl. MSS., No. 4693).' 110 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 529, 1. 21, after ' Lindsay,' insert ' she married, secondly, some time after Huntly's death, Andrew, second Lord Gray, in violation of a contract between her and Huntly (Acta Dom. Cone., xxix. 38, 39). She had originally been contracted to Gray half a century previous (cf. ante, p. 276).' p. 531, 1. 10, for * John Crichton of Invernyte ' read ' the son and heir of Thomas, second Lord Innermeath. (Original Bond at Slains.)' p. 532, 1. 19, for ' 20 October' read ( 14 October.' p. 532, after 1. 5 from foot, insert * 1. George. The existence of this son has been hitherto unknown ; but by contract between his father and grandfather on the one part, and Archibald, second Earl of Argyll, on the other, dated 27 March 1501, he (styled son and apparent heir of his father) was to marry either Katherine or Elizabeth Campbell, daughters of the said Earl, whichever of the two best pleased him, while Colin Campbell (after- wards third Earl) was to marry either Janet or Margaret Gordon, his sisters. The Earl did marry Janet, but George must have died young, and the marriage did not take place (Argyll Charter-chest).' p. 532, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1 ' read ' 2.' p. 533, 1. 22, for * a son' read * two sons.' p. 533, 1. 22, after ' George,' insert « and John, the latter of whom became Dean of Salisbury, and died 3 September 1619, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. He married Genevieve Petaw, daughter of Gideon Petaw, Lord of Mauld, in the Isle de France, who died at Gordon- stoun 6 December 1643, in her eighty-third year ; their only child, Louise, married, in 1613, Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun, Bart.' p. 533, 1.24, for '2' read '3.' p. 533, 1. 28, for '3 'read '4.' p. 533, 1. 34, for '4' read '5.' p. 533, 1. 5 from foot, for '5' read ' 6.' p. 533, 1. 5 from foot, for '1503' read '1505' (Adv. Lib. MS. 32.2.4. vol. 4, p. 274). p. 533, after 1. 4 from foot, insert '7. Margaret (Acts and Decreets, xx. 182).' p. 536, 1. 8, for 'daughter' read 'sister.' (The title of the marriage- contract given in the Spalding Club Miscellany is wrong.) p. 536, 1. 19, after « 370,' insert note, ' There is no doubt that he married her, and she went north with him in 1545-46 (Treasurer's Accts. viii. 436).' p. 538, last line, after ' married,' insert « first, shortly before 4 February 1577-78, Jane Leslie, "Lady Moyness" daughter of John Leslie of Parkhill and widow of Sir Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock (Moray Writs, Box xv. No. 850 : cf. Records of the Family of Leslie, ii. 151 ; Douglas's Baronage, 120). She died in August 1579 (Edin. Tests.). He married, secondly.' p. 539, 1. 2, after ' widow of,' insert ' James Ochterlony younger of that Ilk (Acts and Decreets, xlix. 126 ; Reg. of Deeds, xxvi. 420) and of.' HUNTLY 111 p. 539, note 1, for « 1584' read ' 1585.' p. 540, last line, after 'football' add note 'The Protocol Book of John Mushet, Stirling, contains the following : " The xix of October 1576, George, Erie of Huntly, etc. etc., decessit vpone ane haistie maladie at x hours nycht or thairby I being present with him, his secretar and familiar servand." ' p. 547, headline, for ' Marquess of Gordon ' read ' Marquess of Huntly/ p. 547, 1. 25, for ' 1641 ' read ' contract 28 and 31 October 1639 (Reg. of Deeds, DXXIV. 62).' p. 547, 1. 3 from foot, for « in December 1650 ' read ' in childbed at Traquair June 1651 (Balfour's Annals, iv. 351).' p. 549, 1. 9, after ' Crouly,' insert ' She died at sea on her way to Scot- land (Letter at Slains, 22 February 1715).' p. 549, 1. 17, after ' Huntly,' insert was born in 1649 (Addl. MSS., 23, 122, f . 80) ; but in a letter to Lauderdale 4 July 1664 he says he is almost fourteen (Notes and Queries, 10th ser., x. 7).' p. 549, 1. 18, after ' boy,' insert ' he.' p. 550, 1. 7 from foot, for '1697' read '1696 (Consistorial Processes etc., Scot Rec. Soc., No. 74).' p. 551, 1. 2, for ' James ' read ' Robert.' p. 551, after 1. 9, insert ' 1. George, born 1680, died young (Letter at Gordon Castle).' p. 551, 11. 10, 11, for '1, 2' read '2, 3.' p. 552, 1. 16, for ' Inverary ' read * Inverury.' p. 554, line 4, after ' wife,' insert note, ' Catherine Gordon had been sent by her father (who did not approve of the match, as he was already brother-in-law to his proposed son-in-law) to her grandfather the Duke of Atholl. She wrote to him " My dear Father, I beg to inform you that I was married this day to the Duke of Gordon. We pro- pose in a few days to present ourselves at Haddo House when I have no doubt we shall receive your blessing (The Gay Gordons, by J. M. Bulloch, 92).' p. 554, 1. 12, for ' George ' read { Alexander.' p. 554, 1. 18, After * Bunbury,' insert note, ' She was a daughter of the second Duke of Richmond: was born 14 February 1744, and married, 2 June 1762, Sir Thomas Charles Bunbury, Bart. He divorced her 17 May 1776, and she married, secondly, 27 August 1781, as his second wife, Col. the Hon. George Napier, son of the sixth Lord Napier, and died blind, but still beautiful, in 1826.' p. 554, 1. 6 from foot, delete '(died 1831)' and insert '(born 6 March 1782, died 2 September 1831).' p. 557, 1. 12, after ' Lennox,' insert ' they were married in her mother's dressing-room at Gordon Castle, and nobody knew of it except two women servants till three days later, when it was announced at a big dance party by the Marquess of Huntly (Bulloch's Gay Gordons, 92). p. 557, 1.23, delete 'of.' p. 559, 1. 18, After ' ninety-one,' insert note, ' He danced till he was 112 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA eighty or more (Mrs. Warenne Blake's, Memoirs of a Vanished Generation, 124). p. 559, after 1. 28, insert ' There was a son born 11 January 1796 who pro- bably died young.' p. 559, 1. 5 from foot, after 'Munster,' insert 'and natural daughter of William iv., and widow of the Hon. John Kennedy Erskine, second son of the first Marquess of Ailsa.' p. 560, p. 560, p. 560, p. 561, p. 561, p. 561, p. 562, . 1, Bulloch gives 1806, so does Burke. . 6, Bulloch gives 1902, so does Burke. . 9, Bulloch gives 3 July, Burke as in text. . 1, for '29 'read '28.' . 8, delete '(heir presumptive).' . 11, after ' 1900,' insert 'He died at sea 14 June 1907. . 2, for ' second' read ' third.' p. 562, 1. 21, after ' 2nd,' insert ' or.' HYNDFORD p. 565, last line, after ' issue,' insert 'before 1556, when his brother David is described as of Balmedie (Reg. of Deeds, i. 462).' p. 566, 1. 10, after 'John,' insert 'born about 1564.' p. 566, 1. 10, after 'minister,' insert ' of Newburn 1595.' p. 566, 1. 10, after ' Kilconquhar,' insert ' 1603. Died at Edinburgh 1622.' p. 566, 1, 10, for ' a son ' read ' two sons.' p. 566, 1. 11, after ' Frederick ,' insert 'ft. William.' p. 566, 1. 21, delete ' Sir.' p. 566, 1. 33, delete ' no ' before ' issue.' p. 566, 1. 33, for ' before 1622 ' read ' 15 September 1621.' p. 566, 1. 37, delete ' leaving issue,' and insert ' having had issue by his first wife : — (a) William. (b) Jean. (c) Katrine. all mentioned in their mother's will. And by his second wife :— ' p. 567, 1. 7, delete ' of Balvaird,' and insert ' Doctor of Medicine in Perth.' p. 567, 1. 12, delete ' before 1800,' and insert ' at Balmblae 15 January 1786' (Scots Mag.): p. 567, after line 21 insert (e) William (P. C. Beg., 3rd ser., vol. iii. 585).' p. 568, 1. 13, after ' He,' insert ' died at Craigpotty, Perthshire, 7 Septem- ber 1761, aged eighty-six (Scots Mag.), having.' p. 568, 1. 14, after ' had,' insert ' by her, who died 1731.' p. 568, 1. 18, after 'married,' insert ' 3 October 1725 (Edin. Mar. Reg.): p. 568, 1. 23, after 'died,' insert 'at Pitcallan near Perth, 29 September 1783 (Scots Mag.): HYNDFORD 113 p. 573, 1. 12 from foot, delete from ' was succeeded by,' down to ' dominus de Carmichael,' on 1. 6 from foot. Note.— Recent investigation renders it probable that the John Carmichael mentioned in the text was identical with the John mentioned on p. 563, and that the two Williams on p. 573 are the same person, p. 575, after 1. 19 insert ' 3. David, described in 1505 as brother of the laird of Carmichael (Acta Dom. Cone., xvii. 40).' p. 575, 11. 20 and 21, delete 'in 1474 when,' and insert 'on 23 April 1465, when he acted along with his father as attorney for Gilbert, Lord Kennedy (Culzean Inventory). In 1474.' p. 576, 1. 23, delete ' he was succeeded by his,' and insert. ' Besides a daughter Jean, mentioned in 1554 (Acts and Decreets, viii. 450), he had an.' p. 577, 1. 15, for 'He died about 1585,' read 'He survived till after 11 August 1586 (P. C. Reg., iv. 94).' p. 578, after 1. 6, add '4. Margaret, married to Robert Wardlaw, fiar of Kilbaberton (Acts and Decreets, Ixxix. 185).' 5. Abigail, married, contract 17 April and 4 May 1590, to Hugh "Weir, younger of Clowburn (Reg. Mag. Sig., 20 August 1617). She was a widow 9 March 1595-96 (Reg. of Deeds, lii. 108), which proves that she was a generation older than she is represented in the text (p. 580).' p. 579, 1. 2, after 'Carmichael,' insert 'On 2 December 1585 he was appointed the King's Master Stabler (Reg. Sec. Sig., liii. 73).' p. 579, last line, after 'married,' insert 'contract 5 September 1561 (Reg. of Deeds, iv. 373).' p. 580, 1. 1, delete 'Sir George Douglas of Pittendreich,' and insert ' James, fourth Earl of Morton (Ibid.).' p. 580, 1. 2, delete 'who survived him certainly to the year 1620,' and accompanying reference, and insert ' She died in 1625 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 580, 11. 26 and 27, delete this entry. See above, p. 578. p. 580, 1. 28, for '5' read '4.' p. 580, after 1. 29 insert '5. Helen (Reg. of Deeds, xxv. 11).' p. 581, 1. 22, delete ' before 12 June 1624' and accompanying reference and insert 'contract 25 March 1613 (Reg. of Deeds, ccxvi. 327).' p. 581, after 1. 27, insert ' Hugh had also a natural son, John (P. C. Reg. , 2nd ser. vi. 612).' p. 582, after line 3, insert, ' He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Patrick Home of Polwarth (cf. vol. vi. 11).' p. 582, 1. 24, after ' issue,' insert '(besides a natural son, John). (Gen. Reg. Inhibs., xxxii. 56).' p. 582, last line, delete ' a son,' and insert ' three sons :— 1. WALTER. VOL. IX. H 114 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA 2. John, who was alive in 1632, being then about eighty, and who had a son, John (Reg. of Deeds, ccccliv. 118), Commissary of Lanark, to whom Lord Carmichael was served heir 17 June 1656 (Inq. Gen.). He died 3 March 1656 (Lanark Tests.). 3. Gavin, died ante 16 May 1656 (Edin. Tests.), having had— (1) Gavin, died 1625, without issue (Edin. Tests.). (2) Margaret (Ibid.). (3) Elizabeth, married John Fleming, schoolmaster in Edinburgh (Ibid.).' p. 583, 1. 21, for ' 1608 ' read * contract 11 September 1598 (Reg. of Deeds, Ixvi. 235).' p. 583, 1. 6 from foot, after ' she,' insert ' married, secondly, after 6 April 1635, John Muir, elder of Annestoun and.' p. 583, 1. 5 from foot, delete ' and had a son, John,' and insert ' By her first husband she had three sons, Walter, William, and John (Lanark Tests., 2 July 1638).' p. 587, 1. 21, after * He,' delete ' was dead before 4 November 1681,' and insert ' died December 1680 (Lanark Tests., 7 June 1681).' p. 588, 1. 9, for ' Agnes ' read ' Rachel (Reg. Mag. Sig., 16 July 1649).' p. 588, 1. 9, after 'married,' insert 'contract 17 June 1642 (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxxiv. 113).' p. 588, after 1. 17, insert ' 10. Marion (Gen. Reg. oflnhibs., 30 June 1669).' p. 591, 1. 8 from foot, for ' 18 ' read ' 9 (Scots Mag.). p. 591, 1. 6 from foot, for * 2 ' read ' 21.' p. 592, 1. 18, for ' 1769 ' read ' 1789.' p. 592, 1. 25, for ' sixth ' read 'fifth.' p. 592, 1. 27, for * seventh ' read 'sixth.' p. 592, after 1. 13 from foot, insert * vii. Grace (Lanark Tests., 16 January 1786).' p. 593, 1. 2, after 'Beatrix,' add note, 'She is called Barbara in her funeral entry in the Lyon Office.' p. 593, 1. 2, after ' 1700,' insert ' as his first wife.' p. 593, 1. 4, after 'Admiralty,' insert semicolon, 'she died 1 August 1702.' p. 594, 1. 16, for 'second ' read 'first.' VOL. V. INNERMEATH p. 3, 1. 23, for * eighth ' read ' first.' p. 5, 1. 17, after ' secondly,' insert * in June 1573 (see Decreet cited in note 8).' p. 6, 1. 4 from foot, after ' Robert,' insert ' married Janet Leslie (Reg. of Deeds, cccciii. 84), perhaps daughter of Robert Leslie of Auldcraig (Family of Leslie, iii. 383).' p. 7, 1. 24, after ' secondly,' add * contract 11 February 1608 (Beg. of Deeds, cxlviii. 212).' IRVINE p. 11, 11. 16, 17, delete from * baptized 'tdown to ' 1616,' and relative reference. p. 22, 1. 28, for 'John' read 'Colin.' LORD OF THE ISLES p. 39, 1. 9, delete 'about 1337,' and insert 'Papal dispensation for the marriage 4 June 1337 (Regesta Avenionensia, li. f. 125).' p. 39, 1. 10, after « her,' insert ' whom he subsequently divorced (Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., viii. 276).' p. 42, after last 1., insert ' 5. Marion. There was a commission from the Pope 13 February 1419-20 for her marriage with Celestine Campbell (Col. of Papal Letters, vii. 151), but it does not seem to have taken place. She is stated to have married Alexander Sutherland (Douglas's Peerage).' p. 42, note 3, for ' Avinionensis ' read 'Avenionensia.'' p. 45, after 1. 10, insert ' He had three natural sons, Hugh, Alexander and Donald, legitimated by the Pope 29 June 1445 (Coil. Papal Letters, ix. 523).' p. 47, 1. 17, after « issue,' insert « A Papal Bull in April 1478 exempted her from ordinary jurisdiction during the controversy between her and her husband (Roman Transcripts, Public Record Office).' JEDBURGH p. 54, last 1. of notes, insert '9' before ' Reg. Mag. Sig.' p. 59, 1. 4 from foot, delete ' She was alive in 1546 ' and relative note, and insert ' She married, secondly (contract January 1529-30), Sir "Walter Scott of Branxholm, from whom she was divorced (cf. vol. ii. 230).' p. 67, 11. 28, 29, for 'in March 1685-86' read '30 March 1586 (Spalding Club Misc., ii. 58).' 116 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 68, 1. 7, after 'Scotland,' insert 'and previously the wife of Patrick, sixth Lord Gray, whom she had divorced (cf. vol. iv. 285).' p. 68, 1. 32, after 'married,' insert 'contract dated at Oxnamcraig 6 Nov- ember 1587 (Blackbarony Writs).' p. 68, 1. 36, for ' 1587' read ' 1587-88.' p. 68, note 8, add to note ' She was a daughter of her father's second wife, not of his first as indicated in the text.' p. 70, 1. 15, after ' married,' insert ' contract 4 December 1660 (Reg. of Deeds, Mack, 17 Oct. 1667).' p. 72, last 1., for ' 1591 ' read ' 19 February 1584-85 (Eeg. Sec. Sig., Hi. 12).' p. 75, 1. 26, delete < died in 1631,' and insert ' was still alive on 20 April 1633 (see post, p. 76, 1. 22 corr.).' p. 75, 1. 26, after ' married,' insert 'first.' p. 75, 1. 29, after ' Ochiltree,' insert 'He married, secondly (contract dated 2 July 1621), Katherine M'Culloch, widow of William Houston of Cottreoch, by whom she had a son, William, to whom, on 8 July 1645, she assigned her rights under her marriage -con tract with Lord Jed- burgh. She died between that date and 1 July 1647 (ex inform. John MacGregor, Esq., W.S.).' p. 75, 1. 29, for ' they ' read ' by his first wife he.' p. 76, 1. 14, after ' married,' insert ' contract 2 and 5 March 1614 (Reg. of Deeds, ccciii. 51).' p. 76, 1. 18, after ' Alison,' insert ' (styled fifth daughter in a charter to her of 1 May 1627) (Reg. Mag. Sig., 5 February 1628).' p. 76, 1. 18, after ' married,' insert ' contract 21 and 24 July 1620 (Ibid.): p. 76, 1. 19, after « 1648,' insert 'buried in Greyfriars, 24 April 1671.' p. 76, 1. 20, after ' 1648,' insert ' buried in Holyrood Church, 8 March 1664 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 76, 1. 21, after ' 1648,' insert ' buried in Greyfriars, 3 May 1663.' p. 76, 1. 22, delete ' married to M'Culloch, and,' and insert ' married, but whether for her first or second husband is not known, Nicholas Lewin, eldest son of Thomas Lewin of Warkworth, Northumberland, by whom she had a son Thomas of Amble, who married his cousin, Helen Rutherford. On 20 April 1633 a receipt was granted to Andrew, Lord Jedburgh, for 600 merks of her tocher. She (ex inform. T. E. Watson, Monmouth; cf. vol. vii. 379); (Reg. Mag. Sig., 4 April 1649, Chancery Depositions, Record Office (Bridges), 171-4, 1685).' p. 78, 1. 32, for 'without issue' read 'without surviving issue. A daughter Mary was born at Redbraes 17 November 1656, and died 3 October 1658 (Family Bible at Marchmont).' p. 79, second last 1. of note, for ' field ' read ' chevron.' p. 81, 1. 1, after 'second,' insert 'surviving.' p. 81, 1. 2, for 'fourth ' read 'fifth.' KENMURB 117 p. 85, 1. 2 from foot, for ' EBSKINE' read ' DIBLTOUN.' p. 86, 1. 2, after 'first,' add '30 November 1587 (Stirling Beg.).' p. 86, 1. 5 from foot, for ' third' read ' second.' p. 88, 1. 19, after 'died,' delete ' 1734,' and insert ' at Edinburgh, 17 July 1735 (Edin. Tests., 16 June 1736).' p. 89, note 2, for ' Canongate ' read ' Carnbee.' p. 92, 1. 21, delete 'Sir.' p. 92, 1. 24, after 'there,' insert 'Agatha Gigli.' p. 92, 1. 25, after ' Charles,' insert ' born at Rome 1739.' p. 92, 1. 26, after 'ultimately,' insert ' (17 January 1803).' p. 92, 1. 26, after ' Paris,' insert ' 20.' p. 93, 1. 6, after ' married,' insert ' 24 April 1743.' p. 93, 1. 6, for ' Laverockland ' read 'Laverocklaw.' p. 96, 1. 6 from foot, for ' ERSKINE ' read 'DIRLTOUN.' p. 97, after 1. 5, add ' The Earl of Mar and Kellie recorded the following arms in the Lyon Office : — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, argent, a pale sable, for Erskine ; 2nd and 3rd, azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitchee or, for Mar ; over all an inescutcheon gules, charged with the Royal Crown of Scotland proper within a double tressure flory counterflory or, as a coat of augmentation for the Earldom of Kellie. CRESTS.— 1st, a dexter hand holding a skene dhu in pale argent, hilted and pommelled or, for Erskine', 2nd, a demi-lion rampant guardant gules, armed argent, for Kellie. SUPPORTERS.— Two griffins gules, armed, beaked and winged or. MOTTOES.— Je pense plus, for Erskine ; Decori decus addit avito for Kellie: KENMURE p. 99, 1. 20, after ' David u.' insert as note, ' These three writs are re- corded at length in Reg. of Deeds (Dalrymple's Office), vol. cxli., 3 March 1738.' 100, 1. 15, after ' 1403,' as note, ' Recorded in same register.' ). 102, 1. 3, after ' Borgue,' insert ' and also of Kirkconnell in the parish of Tongland.' ). 104, 1. 5 from foot, before ' in Crosherie,' insert ' of Mundork.' 105, 1. 14, after ' 1492,' insert ' She was married, secondly, to Patrick Sinclair of Spotts and Woodhouselee (Acta Dom. Cone., xx. 195).' 105, after 1. 14, insert '9. Annabel, contracted to Cuthbert, son and heir of Andrew M'Dowell of Spotts (Acta Dom. Cone., xix. 103).' ). 106, last 1., for ' Sir William' read 'James.' ). 108, 1. 22, after ' Glendonwyn,' insert ' daughter of John Gleudonwyn of Drumrash (Earlston MS. Lyon Office).' 118 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 108, 1. 27, after ' married,' insert * contract 24 August and 19 September 1622 (Reg. of Deeds, ccclviii. 49),' p. 108, after 1. 5 from foot, insert '(in) Marion, styled eldest daughter, married (contract 9 July 1689) to Alexander Lennox of Gallic (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxix. 65 ; Dxlvii. 266).' p. 109, after 1. 2, insert ' iv. Elizabeth, married, contract 4 January 1612, to Alexander Gordon of Airds (Earlston MS., Lyon Office). v. Jean, married, contract 17 May 1622, to David Arnot of Chapel (Reg. of Deeds, cccxcviii. 432).' p. 109, 1. 25, after ' James,' insert 'probably the second son (Acts and Decreets, vi. 23).' p. 109, 1. 25, after ' 1540,' insert ' In 1555 he is styled titular of Glenluce (Reg. of Deeds, i. 258). He died in April 1559 (Acts and Decreets, xxix. 78).' p. 109, note 8, add to note, ' One of these Janets (or a third sister of the same name) was contracted in 1533 to Archibald Mure of Torhousmure (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., ii. 184).' p. 110, 11. 1, 2, delete ' or 1561.' p. 110, 1. 5, after ' to,' insert 'William, son of.' p. 110, 1. 6, after ' from,' insert ' the latter of.' p. Ill, 1. 21, after ' intestate,' add note, ' He executed a testament and codicil a few days before his death, confirmed 3 September and 10 October 1605 (Kenmore Inventory. The confirmation mentioned in the text was not till 3 February 1610.' p. 112, 1. 5, for ' in ' read ' 24 July.' p. 112, 1. 18, after ' married,' insert ' contract October 1615 (Reg. of Deeds. cccvi. 254).' p. 112, after 1. 8 from foot, insert * (4) William. (5) Elizabeth.' p. 112, 1. 2 from foot, for 'Mary' read 'Margaret (Kenmore Inven- tory).' p. 112, note 6, for ' v. 226' read ' iv. 226.' p. 116, 1. 22, delete ' 1 January 1597 ' and relative note, and insert * 1 Feb- ruary 1597-98 (Reg. of Deeds, Ixi. 201). p. 116,1. 24, delete ' whom,' and insert ' her Cwho divorced him for adultery 11 August l6Q8)(Edin. Comm. Decreets).' p. 117, 1. 7, for ' two ' read ' three.' p. 117,1.8, after 'daughters,' insert ' Margaret, alive in 1639 (Reg. of Deeds, DXX. 470).' p. 120, 1. 17, after ' Kenmure,' insert ' baptized after his father's death, 10 December 1634 (Canongate Reg.),' and for ' who ' read ' He.' p. 121, 1. 14, after ' homes,' insert ' In March 1651 Lord Kenmure was under the discipline of the Church for inter alia fornication with Margaret Seytoune.' p. 121, note 1, for ' Unique Traditions, 1833' read ' Lights and Shadows, 1824, 249.' KILMARNOCK 119 p. 123, 1. 4, for ' his heir ' read ' the heir' ; after ' line, insert ' of the first Viscount.' p. 123, 1. 27, for ' preceding' read * first.' p. 124, 1, 10 from foot, for 'before 7 September 1698 intestate and' read ' 20 April 1698.' p. 125. 1. 20, after 'secondly,' insert ' contract 1 and 3 October 1693 (Eeg. of Deeds (Mackenzie), 28th May 1733).' p. 125, 1. 11 from foot, after 'adjoining' insert note, 'By this contract it was provided that the heirs-male of the marriage should succeed, not only to all the lands but also to the title and dignities, the latter an obviously impossible provision. By his 'mortis causa settle- ment, however, the Viscount left Kenmure to his eldest son and successor, the other estates going to his younger sons. It was not without difficulty that this was ultimately carried out ; and in 1727 Mr. John sold Greenlaw to his sister-in-law, Mary, Viscountess of Kenmure. (Observ. by W. Gordon of Culvennan, ex inform. Mrs Walker; Answers on behalf of the Publick, on Forfeited Estate Pro- ceedings, 26 August 1719).' p. 131, 1. 5 from foot, for ' fourth ' read ' only.' KILMARNOCK p. 137, 1. 5 from foot, for ' in ' read ' dated 20 September (Muniments of Burgh of Irvine, Ayrshire and Galloway Arch. Assoc. 1800, No. 1).' p. 139, 1. 2 from foot, for ' third ' read ' second, ' and for ' fourth ^ 'fifth.' p. 141, 1. 8. after ' 1451,' insert ' He is stated to have been ancestor in the direct line (ergo illegitimate) of Edward Boyd of Merton Hall, in Wigtown, who died 27 August 1846 (Patrician, ii. 193).' p. 152, 1. 21, for 'third' read 'fourth.' p. 155, note 3, after ' 399,' insert ' Nisbet's Heraldry, App. ii. 276.' p. 168, 1, 7, after ' Conyngham,' insert ' of Auchenharvie, widow of Thomas Boyd of Pitcon (Reg. of Deeds, cxcviii. 241; cf. Reg. Mag. Sig., 7 February 1587-88).' p. 171, 1. 10, for ' circd 29 ' read ' 26 April and 11 (Reg. of Deeds, DXXIX. 244).' p. 171, 1. 17, for ' Ardross' read ' Harden.' JtfL p. 171, 1. 7 from foot, for « 1626' read ' 1628.' p. 172, 1. 5, after ' 1639,' insert ' tocher 35,000 merks, which was not fully paid till after Boyd's death (Wigtown Inventory, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 342).' p. 174, 1. 14, after ' 1737,' insert ' He married Katherine Van Beest, and had a son Malcolm, ensign in the Army, who married Mary Collins (Slains Writs).' p. 175, 1. 27, after ' Baronet,' insert note, ' Her paternity is confirmed by the registration of an agreement between Margaret, Marchioness of Lothian, Mrs. Helenor Boyd, widow of Mr, Thomas (sic) Boyd, 120 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA Advocate, brother-german of the deceased William, Earl of Kilmar- nock, and Mrs. Isabel Brisbane alias Nicolson, three of the four daughters and heirs of line of the deceased Sir Thomas Nicolson of Kemnay (Reg. of Deeds, Durie, 4 July 1730; ex inform. Ernest Axon, Esq.)' p. 179, 1. 2, for ' Grulielmus ' read ' Wilhelmus.' p. 179, 1. 3, for 'aetat' read 'setatis.' p. 179, 1. 4, after ' 42 ' insert note, ' There is a facsimile of the coffin plate in Historical Papers, New Spalding Club, i. 339.' p. 179, 1. 7 from foot, after ' issue,' insert note, ' Charles must have married twice, as his widow was the stepmother of his son Major Charles (see will of the latter).' p. 180, 1. 8, after ' 1792,' insert ' His will is dated Falmouth, 10 July 1790 (Slains "Writs). He evidently left neither widow nor legitimate issue, as his natural son Charles, born at Halifax, Nova Scotia, was his residuary legatee.' KILSYTH p. 185, 1. 23, for ' three ' read ' four.' p. 186, last line, for 'three' read 'four.' p. 187, 1. 2, after '(secundus)' add '4. Patrick (Hist. MSS. Com. Report on Edmondstone of Dun- treath MS., p. 86).' p. ^&, 1. 11, after ' John,' insert ' who under the designation of John J^ingston in Falkirk, received from his nephew Sir William Living- ston of Kilsyth, on 27 May 1580, an annualrent of 20 merks, to himself and Elizabeth Fleming, his spouse (Hist. MSS. Com. Edmondstone MSS. 102). p. 188, after 1. 11, insert ' 7. George, who had a feu-charter of part of Falkirk, 14 February 1552-53 (Holyrood Chart, H.M. Keg. Ho., fol. 77).' p. 188, 11. 12, 14, 15, for ' 7, 8, 9,' read ' 8, 9, 10.' p. 188, 1. 16, delete entire line. The Baillies did not acquire Jerviswood till the time of Charles n. p. 189, 1. 17jj^ete from ' died ' down to ' 1595-96,' in 1. 18, and insert « been alive up^^past to 26 January 1596-97, when his son and successor is still styled^ Darnchester (Protocol Book of A. Ker, Linlithgow). p. 189, last line of note 4, after 'period,' insert 'It has since been discovered that the true year of the writ in question is 1599 (Cf. Reg. of Deeds, Ixix. f . 16).' p. 190, 1. 11 from foot, delete ' a son.' p. 190, after 1. 10 from foot, insert ' (2) Lilias, married (contract 2 November 1631) to John Hamilton younger of Kinglass (Reg. of Deeds, Dxviii. 232).' p. 190, 1. 6 from foot, for ' by whom,' read ' and by her, who married, KINNAIRD 121 secondly, in 1630, John Cornwall, younger of Bonhard (Reg. of Deeds, Dvi. 346).' p. 191, 1. 10, after ' married,' insert ' contract 25 February 1647 (Oxen- foord Writs).' KINGSTON p. 196. 11. 8 and 9, delete from ' said' down to 'family,' and insert 'daughter of Sir Andrew Fletcher of Inverpeffer (Gen. Reg. of Inhibitions, 31 August 1670).' p. 196, 11. 13, 14, delete ' is said to have,' and after ' Hamilton ' insert reference ' (Haddington Inhibs., xviii. 412).' KINNAIRD p. 203, 1. 5 from foot, after * of ' add as a note, ' In an old Inventory of Kinnaird writs, dated March 1630 (Acts and Decreets, ccccxxxiii. f. 231, etc.), there is an entry of "ane chartour grantit be Allan of Kynnaird to Michaell Scot of Balverie of the landis of Flacraig and Craighall, quhilkis wer callit of befoir Dunnoir and Kinbrichour.' No date is given, but it was apparently before 1328, the date of the next writ. p. 204, 1.3, for '7' read '17.' p. 204, 1. 5, for ' Walter ' read ' Robert.' p. 204, note 1, delete last sentence of note, and insert ' It is now in the Dalhousie Charter-chest : it is granted to Richard de Kynnard and to Richard his son and the heirs of his body, with remainder successively to Alan, Reginald, Hugh, William, Thomas, and David, brothers of Richard the younger, and the heirs of their bodies respectively.' p. 206, 1. 1, for ' name ' read ' surname.' p. 206, 1. 2, after ' but,' insert ' by her, whose Christian name was Margaret, (Reg. Mag. Sig., 28 October I486).' p. 208, 1. 15, for « Bertram ' read ' Betoun.' 208, 1. 27, for ' Partick ' read ' Patrick.' 209, 1. 12, for ' John' read ' Andrew.' 210, 1. 8, after 'married,' delete ' in' and insert 'con tract 29 September (Reg. of Deeds, 25 February 1687).' 211, 1. 15, for ' July' read 'January (Edin. Comm. Decreets).' 211, 1. 29, after 'her,' insert 'who was dead before 11 March 1735.' 211, 1. 4 from foot, delete * and,' and insert ' daughter of George Gordon, Doctor of Medicine in Banff. They were married 3 November 1731 in Dundee. She raised an action of Declarator of Marriage 11 March 1735, by which time George Kinnaird was dead, and got decree (Consis- torial Processes, etc., Scot. Rec. Soc. No. 293).' 212, 1. 30, delete 'before majority,' and insert ' 12 February 1779.' 213, 1. 8, delete ' in,' and insert '23 December.' 122 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 213, 1. 19, delete ' in,' and insert ' 1 December.' p. 214, 1. 9 from foot, after ' and,' insert ' by her, who died 20 March 1910, aged ninety-two.' p. 214, last line, after ' Victoria,' insert ' He died 12 March 1910.' p. 215, 1. 18, delete ' an infant in 1846,' and insert ' 14 May 1846, aged two years.' KINNOULL p. 220, after line 10, insert '2. Peter, baptized 9 November 1555.' p. 220, 1. 11, delete line. p. 220, 1. 12, after 'Peter,' insert '(secundus), baptized 23 April 1557.' p. 220, 1. 14, after ' William,' insert ' baptized 5 July 1560.' p. 220, after line 15, insert '5. GEORGE, baptized 4 December 1570, of whom afterwards.' p. 220, 1. 16, for ' 5,' read ' 6.' p. 220, 1. 16, after ' Janet,' insert ' baptized 19 November 1554.' p. 220, after line 16, insert ' 7. Margaret, baptized 16 February 1558-59.' ' 8. Isabel, baptized 13 May 1564.' p. 220, line 17, for ' 6 ' read ' 9.' p. 220, 1. 17, after ' Elizabeth,' insert ' baptized 29 March 1566.' p. 220, 1. 25, for ' 7' read ' 10.' p. 220, 1. 25, after ' Katherine ' insert ' (third daughter), baptized 24 December 1561.' p. 220, after line 25, insert ' 11. Marjory, baptized 14 November 1568.' Note.— The baptisms of these children are from the Errol Register, which, though not contemporary, appears to be based on authentic materials.' p. 220, 1. 26, for 'second' read 'fifth.' p. 224, after line 25, insert ' 3. Archibald, baptized 23 May 1635 (Perth Reg.),' and alter numbers of succeeding children accordingly. p. 224, line 26, after ' James,' insert ' who married, and had a daughter, Grizel, married, c. 1668, to Lieut. -Col. Alexander, eighth son of first Earl of Stirling.' p. 225, 1. 1, after ' Elizabeth' insert ' baptized 28 May 1636 (Perth Reg.).' p. 230, after line 28, insert 'There was also a natural daughter, Isabel, mentioned in the testament of George Hay of Balhousie.' p. 230, . 31, delete ' of Carnock.' p. 230, . 31, after ' Advocate,' insert ' brother of Sir James Nicolson of Cock Durnspath.' p. 232, . 9, for ' 11 December ' read ' 31 December.' p. 233, . 9, for ' Miles' read ' Milnes.' p. 239, . 13, after 'gules,' insert ' surmounted by a scimitar in pale argent.' KINTORB 123 KINTORE p. 240, 11. 21, 22, for ' INVERUGIE ' read ' INVERURIE.' p. 241, 1. 2 from foot, for ' 9 ' read ' 19.' p. 243, 1. 15, after ' 1504,' insert ' As Sir George Falconer aftermentioned had a charter of Lethens in 1506-7, it is not improbable that this Alex- ander is identical with the Alexander who was father of Sir George.' p. 244, line 7 from foot, for 'Janet' read ' Marjorie (Reg. Mag. Sig., 2 October 1557).' p. 244, note 10, after * Kilravock 72 ; ' insert ' She is there called Janet in error.' p. 245, after line 3, insert ' 5. Isabel, married to John Middleton of Kilhill (cf. vol. vi. 173).' p. 245, 1. 11, delete ' only ' and ' Sir (cf. vol. i. 184).' p. 246, after 1. 13, insert '4. Marjorie, married, shortly after 27 November 1598, to Angus Macintosh of Termett (Reg. of Deeds, cclxxii. 145 ; cf. also Moray Writs, box. iv. No. 143, where he is called Angus Williamson).' p. 246, 11. 14 and 16, for '4 ' and ' 5 ' read ' 5 ' and ' 6.' p. 247, 1. 12, after ' married,' delete * Margaret, daughter of Robert Graeme of Crigie,' and insert' first, Marjory Irvine, who died before Easter 1661. Her executors brought an action against his daughter and executor, Lady Balmain, with reference to her share in Sir Alexander's estate in 1719 (Sheriff Court Books of Kincardineshire, ex inform. Dr. Macnaughton, Stonehaven). He married, secondly, Helen, daughter of John Grahame of Crigie. p. 247, 11- 13 and 14, delete ' and had issue ALEXANDER, fourth Lord,' and insert ' He had one daughter, Elizabeth, married, contract 1678, to Sir Charles Ramsay of Balmain, Baronet, as above mentioned.' p. 248, 1. 14, after ' child,' insert ' probably David, referred to as son of John Falconer of the Cunzie House (Factory in his favour, by David Barclay, Kincardine Sheriff-Court Books, 25 October 1666).' 249, after 1. 12, insert ' 2. Thomas (Acts and Decreets, cccxci. Ill, A.D. 1626).' p. 249, 1. 13, for ' 2 ' read ' 3.' p. 249, 1. 13, after 'Agnes,' insert '(called Grisel in her Funeral entry in the Lyon Office).' p. 249, 1. 5 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' proclamation of banns 24 February 1766 (Edin. Mar. Reg.).5 p. 250, 1. 6, delete from ' iv. ALEXANDER' down to end of paragraph. Note.— As David, Lord Falconer, who died in 1751, served heir to his cousin David, third (not fourth as in text) Lord in 1724, the existence of an Alexander, fourth Lord, seems impossible. His name occurs in Wood's Douglas's Peerage, but he is not mentioned in the first edition by Sir Robert Douglas, and Sir Alexander of Glenfarquhar, of whom he is alleged to have been a son, died in 1717, his executor 124 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA being his daughter (and probably only child) Elizabeth, wife of Sir Charles Ramsay of Balmain. p. 250, 1. 11, for 'V.' read 'IV.' for 'fifth' read ' fourth.' p. 250, 1. 14, for ' fourth ' read ' third.' p. 250, 1. 20, for ' sixth ' read ' fifth.' p. 250, 1. 21, for * seventh ' read ' sixth.' p. 251, 1. 2, after ' married,' insert 'proclamation of banns 16 December 1750 (Edin. Mar. Reg).' p. 251, 1. 12 for ' VI.' and ' sixth ' ' read ' V.' and ' fifth.' p. 251, 1. 25, for ' VII.' and ' seventh' read ' VI.' and ' sixth.' p. 251, line 30, for ' eighth ' read ' seventh.' p. 251, line 33, for ' VIII.' and ' eighth,' read ' VII.' and ' seventh.' p. 252, 1. 15, for 'IX.' and ' ninth' read 'VIII.' and ' eighth.' p. 252, 1. 20, after ' 1826,' insert * aged fifty-six.' p. 252, 1. 31, for ' X.' read ' IX.' p. 253, 1. 32, for 'tenth' read 'ninth.' p. 253, 1. 7 from foot, for ' XL' read 'X.' p. 253, 1. 6 from foot, for 'eleventh ' read ' tenth.' p. 254, 1. 17, for 'XII.' read 'XI.' p. 254, 1. 18, for ' twelfth' read 'eleventh.' p. 255, 1. 2, for ' Inverugie' read ' Inverurie,' KIRKCUDBRIGHT p. 268, 1. 15, after ' married,' insert ' contract 28 July 1640 (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxxi. 45).' p. 270, after 1. 22, insert ' 6. Elizabeth, married in 1589 to John, eldest son of John Herries of Maidenpaup, great-grandson of Herbert, first Lord Herries (Herries Peerage Case, Min. of Evidence, 119, No. 74).' LAUDERDALE p. 285, 1. 21, for ' Lonchquerwart ' read ' Louchquerwart.' p. 291, 1. 17, for 'fourth' read 'second.' p. 298, 1. 15, after 'married/ insert 'contract 30 May 1555 (Acts and Decreets, xix. 11).' p. 298, 1. 8 from foot, for ' Frances ' read ' Francis.' p. 301, 1. 14, after 'Fleming,' insert 'daughter of James, fourth Lord Fleming (Wigtown Inventory, Scot. Rec. Soc.,No. 569).' p. 301, 1. 20, for ' 23' read ' 22.' p. 301, 1. 8 from foot, for ' Novembris quintilis ' read ' noiias quintilis (misquoted in Family of Seton, i. 220).' p. 306, after 1. 9, insert ' 2. Isobel, baptized 3 September 1635 (Canongate Reg.). She must have died young.' p. 306, 1. 6 from foot for ' fell ' read ' were assumed to fall.' STEWART, DUKE OP LENNOX 125 p. 307, 1. 1, delete from ' And ' down to ' Birkhill ' on 1. 4, and insert * But in subsequent proceedings with regard to the office of Standard Bearer, the House of Lords, reversing the Court of Session, held on 7 April 1910 that the office had not been effectually acquired by Lord Halton (1910, Sess. Cases, H.L., p. 35).' p. 308, 1. 29, after « Earl,' add ' He joined James vu. and died 12 Septem- 1691, at St. Germain-en-Laye (Beg. of St. Germain, i. 98, 158). p. 309, 1. 9, for « 1705 ' read ' 1706, recorded 29 March 1706.' p. 309, 11. 21 to 24. Note. — Isabel and Mary were sisters, not daughters of William Maitland. They should in consequence be numbered 7 and 8, and the notices should be in large type. p. 311, 1. 8 from foot, after 'her' insert '(who was born on or before 6 May 1692 (Seafield Cor., Scot. Hist. Soc., 82, 83), and died at Bath, 24 September 1778).' p. 312, 1. 36, for ' 1883' read ' 1833.' p. 317, 1. 9, delete ' in,' and insert ' proclamation of banns 1 April (Edin. Mar. Reg.).' p. 319, 1. 24, after ' Lords,' insert note, ' " One of those active, bustling spirits who will rather engage in perils and even mischiefs, than remain in a state of torpid tranquillity " (Lady Holland's Journal, i. 101).' p. 319, 1. 27, after ' Office,' insert note, ' A nice little painted doll, a cipher as to intellect . . . amiable and obedient (Memoirs of a Highland Lady, 293).' p. 319, 1. 5 from foot, after « Torbreck,' insert note, ' She eloped with him ; " poor, silly and not wealthy " (Ibid.).' p. 321, 1. 26, after « in the,' insert ' 8th and (Army Lists): p. 321, 1. 27, for ' 1874 ' read ' 1869 (Ibid.): p. 321, 1. 8 from foot, delete ' and Hereditary Royal Standard Bearer for Scotland.' THE CELTIC EARLS OF LENNOX p, 330, note 3, 1. 6 from foot of notes, delete from ' with Cristinus ' down to ' witness ' on 1. 4 from foot. p. 330, 1. 3 from foot of notes, delete ' therefore a separate personage,' and insert ' as Cristinus Judex de Levenax and Gilchrist or Cristinus the son of Earl Alwin appear as witnesses to the same charter they must be distinct persons (Cart, de Levenax, 96).' STEWART, DUKE OF LENNOX p. 346, note 5, after ' Aubigny,' insert 'by Lady Elizabeth Gust.' p. 350, 1. 8 from foot, after 'Halkhead,' insert 'They had a charter 15 November 1515 (Reg. Sec. Sig., i. 2661). Chronologically it is more likely that she was a daughter of the second Earl.' 126 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 352, 1. 13, after 'issue,' add 'She married, secondly, before March 1529-30, Ninian, third Lord Ross of Halkhead (Ada Dom. Cone., xli. 25, 30).' p. 352, 11. 7 and 5 from foot, for ' Queulle ' read ' Queuille (ex inform. Lady Elizabeth Gust).' p. 353, after 1. 4, insert ' 5. Margaret, mentioned A.D. 1542 (Rec. Sec. Sig., xvi. 58).' p. 353, 1. 14, for ' 1543' read ' 1544.' p. 353, 1. 31, after ' killed,' insert ' by one James Cadell or Cawdor (John Scott's Protocol Book).' p. 354, 1. 5, after ' sons,' insert note, ' Their first child Henry was born in February 1545 and died 28 November in same year. M.I. in Stepney Church (Craik's Romance of the Aristocracy, ii. 353).' p. 354, 1. 6 from foot, after ' and,' insert ' by her who died at Sheffield Castle 21 January 1582 (Ibid., ii. 355).' p. 355, 1. 26, delete ' 29 March 1586,' and insert ' 29 August 1586 (Monday between two and three p.m.) (Protocol Book of John Scott, notes, corroborated by tombstone in St. Leonard's Chapel ; cf. Hay Fleming's Reformation in Scotland, 634).' p. 356, 1. 22, after ' Balsac,' insert note, ' Katharine de Balsac was des- cended from the Viscomtes of Milan and also from the Scaligers of Verona (ex inform. Lady Elizabeth Cust).' p. 357, 1. 5 from foot, delete ' in 1621,' and insert ' 16 June 1621, the Earl of Hertford, her former husband, having died 5 April previous (Craik's Romance of the Aristocracy, ii. 392 ; Complete Peerage, iv. 225).' p. 358, 1. 8, after ' 1620,' add ' He married a lady named Margaret Hamilton, whom he treated very badly, as appears from the Register of Privy Council, 2nd ser., vol. i. passim.' p. 358, 1. 26, delete ' 3. Francis, died young.' (There was no such son.) p. 359, 1. 6, after * secondly,' insert ' within three months of her husband's death.' p. 359, 1. 14, after '1674,' add note, 'The statement in the text is incorrect It was Lady Katherine O'Brien, and not her daughter, who was allowed the Barony of Clifton. At the time of the decision of the House of Lords her daughter was only eight years old (ex inform. Lady Elizabeth Cust), but according to the Complete Peerage (ii. 277) she was born 29 January 1673, and was therefore then only one year old.' p. 359, 1. 18, for « Newton ' read ' Leighton.' LENNOX, DUKE OF LENNOX p. 371, 1. 8, after '4th' insert ' quarterly, 1st and 4th.' p. 371, 1. 10, after '2nd' insert ' counterquarter.' p. 371, 1. 11, after '3rd,' insert 'counterquarter.' LEVEN p. 373, 1. 24, after ' tocher,' insert note, ' Andrew, Earl of Rothes, is said LINDORBS 127 to have had an illegitimate son, Alexander, by Christina Scott in Strathkiness. It was baptized by a layman, John Downy, who got into great trouble on account of his action with the Kirk-Session of St. Andrews. It has been suggested that this child was the Earl of Leven. The date of the birth is not recorded, but the baptism was in 1586, rather late for the accuracy of the theory (cf. Records of Kirk- Session of St. Andrews, Scot. Hist. Soc., 563, 567-70, 572).' p. 378, 1. 30, after ' married,' insert ' contract 5 September 1639 (Reg. of Deeds, Dli. 55).' p. 378, 1. 3 from foot, for « Margaret ' read ' Janet (cf . vol. iv. 130). She was older than Anne/ LINDORES p. 382, 1. 11, for 'Turnberry' read 'Lumbenny.' p. 383, 1. 12 from foot, for 'between 1606 and 1609' read 'between 22 May and 5 October 1608 (Gen. Reg. Inhibs., 2 December 1608).' p. 383, 1. 2 from foot, delete from ' It ' to end of sentence, and insert ' He appears to have married twice, his second wife being Catherine Basset. As his widow she was, 17 November 1676, granted a pension of £100 sterling (Privy Seal, English Reg., iii. 126).' p. 384, 1. 4, delete ' Loch of Lindores,' and insert ' River Tay.' p. 384, 1. 9, after ' s.p.\ insert ' and was buried at Holyrood in May 1668 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 384, after 1. 10, insert '6. George. 1. Henry (Reg. Mag. Sig., 11 August 1614).' p. 384, 11. 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, for ' 6, 7, 8, 9, 10' read '8, 9, 10, 11, 12.' p. 384, 1. 11, for '1622' read '1609 (Reg. of Deeds, clxii. 146, and cccxxvii. 488, correcting Reg. Mag. Sig., 13 January 1625).' p. 384, 1. 14, for 'Moy' read ' Mey.' p. 384, 1. 15, for 'Jean' read 'Anna (Reg. Mag. Sig., 20 August 1618).' Note. — She, or another sister of the same name, had previously been married to James Leslie, fiar of Otterstoun, who, in 1614, is styled the second lord's brother-in-law (Reg. of Deeds, ccxx. 295 ; Reg. Mag. Sig., 11 August 1614). p. 385, 1. 10, after ' first,' insert 'contract 10 April 1673 (Perth Sasines, vii. 248).' p. 385, 1. 11, after ' Innernytie,' insert ' who died at Edinburgh, 22 Febru- ary 1680 (Red Book of Grandtully, ii. 251).' p. 385, note 2, after 'Annals, iii. 423,' insert ' of his natural children four sons are known : James, a lieutenant in the Army ; Robert and Ludovic, who went to Barbadoes ; and Francis, who lived at Weems. A natural daughter, Anna, was married to Captain James Drummond, and, as his widow, figures on the Royal Charity Rolls from Whitsunday 1683 onwards.' p. 386, 1. 25, for '8 and 15 September 1603 ' read ' 28 April 1616.' 128 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 386, 1. 10 from foot, delete ' killed along with his father at Dundee, 1651,' and insert ' also a knight, and died between August 1676 and February 1677 (Privy Seal, English Beg., iii. 130).' p. 386, 1. 9 from foot, for ' 1550 the ' read ' 1650 Jonet.' p. 386, 1. 7 from foot, after * s.p.,' insert 'in March 1686 (St. Andrews Tests.), and a daughter Elizabeth, who was married to William Dick of Grange. (See below, No. 5, where she is erroneously entered as as a sister instead of a daughter of John).' p. 386, 1. 2 from foot, after ' 5 ' transfer entire entry to No. 1, Elizabeth being a daughter of John Leslie and Janet Hay. p. 386, 1. 2 from foot, after ' 5,' insert ' Anna, married to Robert Kirkcaldy of Grange after 7 April 1637, when she was his "future spouse" (Gen. Reg. Sas., xlvi. 156).' p. 386, note 8, for * 472' read '479.' p. 387, after 1. 8, insert ' 7. Margaret, married (contract 17 September 1649) to John Grant of Ballindalloch (Chiefs of Grant, i. 520).' p. 388, 1. 14, after ' her,' insert ' who survived him, and was married, secondly, to Patrick Forbes (Fife Sheriff-Court Book, 23 May 1682).' LINDSAY. p. 394, 1. 8, for 'John' read 'George, first.' p. 394, note 4, for ' 157 ' read ' 167.' p. 394, 1. 12, delete « Alexander,' and insert ' Robert, afterwards second (cf. vol. iv. 235).' p. 398, 1. 11, after ' 1563,' insert ' He was contracted to marry Marjory, daughter and heiress of George Lindsay, but the marriage did not take place (Acta Dom. Cone., xxix. 108).' p. 398, 1. 13, after 'Moncur,' insert note, 'There was "stop" to the mar- riage intimated by her son Patrick on 10 January 1564-65, and parties were ordered by the Kirk Session of St. Andrews to compear on the 21st of that month, but there is no further record of the ultimate issue of the case.' p. 398, note 6, for 'xxxii' read 'Ixxxii.' p. 404, 1. 6, for ' under' read 'over.' p. 404, 1. 8, for 'under fourteen' read 'above twelve.' LIVINGSTON, EARL OF LINLITHGOW p. 426, 1. 6, for ' Barnton ' read ' Banton.' p. 426, after 1. 14, add ' 6. Sir Henry, Preceptor of Torphichen (cf. ante, p. 184, and Hist. MSS. Comm. Report on Duntreath Papers, 83). p. 429, 1. 20, delete from ' This ' to end of paragraph, and insert ' He had issue, a son, (1) Alexander of Dunipace. He was a member of the Town LIVINGSTON, EARL OP LINLITHGOW 129 Council of Stirling in 1527-28. He married Alison Gourlay (Reg. Mag. Sig., 24 December 1521), and had issue :— i. David of Bantaskine, died vitd patris, having married Elizabeth Shaw, with issue. ii. Mr. Alexander of Dunipace and Fildes. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of Sir Adam Hepburn of Craigs (cf. ante, vol. ii. 149 ; Reg. Mag. Sig., 24 July 1525) with issue (Lands and Lairds of Larbert and Dunipace Parishes, by J. C. Gibson, 1908).' p. 429, 1. 24, delete ' Sir Robert Bruce of Airth ' and accompanying note, and insert 'James Hamilton of Cadzow (Eleventh Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm., App. vi. 14, 15 ; cf. vol. iv. 348).' p. 433, 11. 22, 23, for 'is supposed to have been' read 'was (see next entry).' p. 434, 1. 7, after ' Kilsyth,' insert 'On 28 May 1498 he had a precept of clare constat as heir of his uncle James, Lord Livingstone, in the lands of Catscleuch from George Sinclair of Herbertshire (Wigtown Charter -chest, Scot. Rec. Soc., 719).' p. 434, 1. 11, after ' 1503,' insert ' He appears on 1 November 1472 to have entered into an obligation to marry Elizabeth, daughter of Robert, Lord Fleming (Wigtown Charter-chest, Scot. Rec. Soc., 44), but it is doubtful if the marriage took place, though in a pedigree of 1625 in the Livingstone Charter-chest it is stated that it did, and that William was Elizabeth Fleming's son.' p. 434, note 7, delete ' probably first wife of Patrick Hepburn, first Lord Hailes.' p. 435, 1. 5, for ' Whitson ' read ' Whitsome.' p. 435, 1. 8, after ' James,' insert ' He is said to have married and to have had a son, Alexander, minister of Monyabrock, whose great-grandson, Robert, born 13 December 1654, went to America, and was ancestor of the Livingstones of Livingstone Manor.' p. 435, 1. 12, after '1553' add 'He appears on 16 October 1563 as Captain of the Royal Castle of Kirkwall, and demanding restitution of certain gear and writs formerly belonging to his deceased wife, Margaret Strang (Protocol Book of Gilbert Grote, f . 94).' p. 435, note 2, for ' iii.' read ' ii.' p. 436, 1. 22, after ' Queen,' add as a note, ' He was at St. Germains in France, 25 July 1549 (Reg. Mag. Sig., 20 April 1550), also in April 1550 (letter in H.M. Reg. Ho.).' p. 436, 1. 24, after '1551,' note, 'He was perhaps dead before 1 October 1550. (Cf . letter from his son to the Queen Regent in H. M. Reg. Ho.).' p. 436, 1. 13 from foot, after ' Janet Stewart,' insert 'perhaps a daughter of Alexander, second Earl of Buchan (Pedigree (A.D. 1625) in Livingstone Charter-chest).' p. 439, note 4, after ' 389' add ' Cal. of State Papers, v. 248.' p. 442, 1. 20, delete from 'Whether' to 'ascertained' in 1. 22, and insert 'Lady Livingstone survived her husband, but appears to have been VOL. IX. I 130 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA murdered before 18 October 1597, when Alexander, Master of Elphin- stone, is charged to produce a certain Maws Livingstone suspect of the crime (Ninth Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm., pt. ii. No. 59).' p. 442, 11. 30 and 31, delete ' believed to have been of the family of Inner - nytie,' and insert 'Crichton, probably a daughter of William Crichton of Drumcrocemuir (Part. Reg. ofSasines, Linlithgow and Bathgate, i. 306).' p. 442, 1. 4 from foot, for ' Mary ' read « Margaret.' p. 442, 1. 3 from foot, for ' Bailie' read * Baillie.' p. 442, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Dundrennan,' add note, ' 6 Reg. Mag. Sig., 21 February 1610.' p. 442, 1. 2 from foot, after ' William,' insert ' also married a Margaret Baillie (P. C. Reg., ix. 19, 154), and had a son, also William, who.' p. 447, 1. 17, after ' first,' insert * contract 22 August 1648 (ex inform. Ernest Axon, Esq.).' p. 448, 1. 7, delete « 23 November 1660,' and insert « in September 1662, when the regiment was raised.' p. 448, 1. 7, insert ' lieutenant ' before « colonelship.' p. 448, 1. 9, after ' Council,' insert ' He was promoted Colonel in July 1666 (Dalton's The Scots Army, 1661-88, pt. ii. 13, 15).' LOTHIAN p. 452, 1. 5, for ' second ' read 'third (cf. vol. vii. 324).' p. 452, 1. 7, for ' Jedburgh ' read * Roxburghe.' p. 452, 1. 15, after * Altonburn,' insert note, ' It is pointed out that Brigadier-General Walter Ker of Littledean was allowed by the House of Lords the character of heir-male and representative of the Kerrs of Cessford, and that his line is not exhausted. But see vol. vii. 331. (ex inform. William D. Kerr, Esq., Glasgow).' p. 457, 1. 14, after ' s.p.\ add « having married Jean, daughter of James Donaldson, Advocate, widow of William Eigge, merchant, Edin- burgh/ p. 458, 1. 4, after 'December,' insert ' 1614.' p. 467, after line 28, insert ' 1. Robert, died in infancy.' p. 467, 1.29, for '!' read '2.' p. 467, after line 29, insert '3. Margaret.' p. 467, 1.31, for '2 'read '4.' p. 467, 1. 33, for '3' read '5.' p. 468, after line 8, insert '6. Rober t: p. 468, 1.9, for '4' read' 7.' p. 468, after 1. 10, insert ' 8. Henrietta Maria.' LOVAT 131 p. 468, 1. 11, for ' 5 ' read ' 9.' delete 11. 20 and 21, and insert * 10. Anna. 11. KatherineS p. 468, 1. 22, delete * These two,' and insert ' Two.' p. 475, 1. 16, after ' unmarried,' insert ' in 1717.' p. 480,, 1. 19, after « first,' insert ' contract dated at Edinburgh and New- battle, 7 and 8 December 1711 : tocher £3000 stg. (Beg. of Deeds, Durie, cxxx. , 4 February 1713).' p. 480, 1. 20, for ' Nicholson ' read ' Nicolson.' p. 483, 1. 25, for 'July' read ' April.' p. 487, 1. 11, for ' 28 October 1587,' read ' 15 October 1591.' p. 487, 1. 21, for ' in' read 'on.' p. 487, 1. 23, delete « and.' p. 487, 1. 23, for ' sable' read ' of the first.' LOUDOUN p. 499, 1. 21, for « fourth ' read ' third.' p. 504, 1. 13, after ' Clathick,' insert ' married, first, 18 June 1590, Margaret Donaldson (Stirling Reg.). He must have married again as he.' p. 507, 1. 2 from foot, after ' and,' insert ' by her, who died before 22 Feb- ruary 1686 (Sea field Correspondence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 20).' p. 508, 1. 10, delete ' in 1714,' and insert ' 7 March 1707.' p. 509, 1. 7, for ' only' read ' third.' p. 509, 1. 8, delete ' born 4 February 1677,' and insert ' baptized 25 August 1684 (Kirkliston Reg.).' p. 509, 1. 9, for ' 1777' read ' 1779.' p. 509, 1. 10, delete ' aged one hundred.' p. 509, 1. 16, after ' married,' insert ' proclamation of banns, 4 August 1728 (Edin. Reg.).' p. 511, 1. 11, for ' Kilmarnock' read 'Rowallan.' p. 512, 1. 17, for ' Rawdon ' read ' Hastings.' LOVAT p. 525, 1. 24, after 'Margaret,' insert 'perhaps the Margaret Lady Mackay, wife of John Mackay of Strathnaver (The Book of Mackay, 85).' p. 527, 1. 17, after ' will,' insert ' She married (contract dated at Kirk- toun of Ferneway, 26 March 1562), Allan M'Ranald of Leyis, and had issue. (Sheriff-Court Book of Inverness, at date ; The Clan Donald, iii. 228).' p. 529, 1. 27, after '1581,' insert 'She married James Cuming of Altyre before November 1602, with a tocher of 5000 merks. (Reg. of Deeds, cxci. f. 233 ; charters quoted in The Bruces and the Comyns, 464, 465.).' p. 529, 1. 28, delete whole line and relative note. p. 529, 1. 29, for '6' read '5.' 132 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 529, note 10, delete note and insert 'Edin. Tests., 21 December 1597. p. 534, 1. 21, after ' married,' insert ' contract, 29 September 1679 (Reg. oj Deeds, 25 February 1687).' p. 534, 1. 24, after ' married,' insert 'contract 29 April 1684.' p. 534, 1. 27, for ' Mackenzie,' read ' Macdonell.' p. 540, 1. 2, after 'married,' insert 'contract dated at various places, according as the different consenters signed, from 3 April to 9 July 1733 (Forfeited Estates Papers, Scot. Hist. Soc. 46).' p. 540, 1. 19, after ' married,' insert ' in August 1742 (Inverness Gaelic Society's Transactions, xix. 192 n.).' p. 540, 1. 26, after ' 1726,' insert, ' He was educated at the University of St. Andrews, under the care of Prof. Thomas Craigie, 1744-45.' p. 543, 1. 6 from foot, for ' 1645,' read ' 1648. (Reg. Inhibitions, Inverness, 2 series, vol. 2, f. 139).' p. 544, after line 2, insert ' 3. William, named in 1656 as uncle of Thomas [fourth] Laird of Stridden. 4. George, also so named. 5. Walter, also so named. He also appears as a witness on 5 August 1651. (Aberdeen Sasines, xv. f. 162 ; Book of Debts, H.M. Keg. Ho., 28 August 1656). 6. Margaret, married to JohnForbes of Corsindae (Aberdeen Sasines, ix. ff. 4-7).' p. 544, 1. 4, for ' 1645 ' read ' 1648.' p. 544, 1. 8, after ' in,' insert ' or before August.' p. 544, 1. 7 from foot, for ' her' read ' his wives.' p. 545, 1. 23, after ' son, insert ' besides one daughter, Isabella, married (proclamation of banns, 27 May 1784), to Lieutenant -ZEneas Mackay, late of Rhenorea (Canongate Keg.).' p. 547, 1. 18, after 'Buckinghamshire,' insert 'died at Bournemouth, 17 August 1912.' LYLE p. 551, 1. 3, for '1365' read ' 1366.' p. 551, 1. 8, for 'Buchanan' read 'Boquhan.' p. 551, last line, delete ' his brother-in-law.' p. 552, 1. 24, for 'Magaretum' read 'Margaretam.' p. 552, 1. 4 from foot, for ' Andrew ' read ' Alexander.' p. 553, 1. 16, for « Lisle ' read ' Lyle.' p. 554, 1. 18, delete 'There is no evidence for the statement that' and relative note. p. 554, 1. 19, after « married,' insert * first, Margaret.' p. 554, 1. 19, after ' Seton,' add note, * Since the above was written evidence has been found of the marriage, and that Lord Lyle had by his first wife at least one son, George (cf . vol. viii. 578, and authority there quoted).' ERSKINE, EARL OF MAR 133 p. 555, 1. 20, after ' Dunrod,' insert ' She was married, secondly, to William Menzies of Roro (Acta Dom. Cone., xliii. 103).' p. 556, 1. 11, for ' Fymont ' read ' Finnart.' p. 556, 1. 16, for ' Buchanan ' read ' Boquhan.' p. 556, 1. 30, after * married,' insert ' contract 28 August 1549 (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., xxvi. 90). She got £1000 tocher and gifts of sundry dresses from the Governor Arran (Treasurer's Accounts, ix. 335-336).' p. 557, 1. 21, for ' quidam certain summam pecunia ' read « quadam certa summa pecunie.' ANCIENT EARLS OF MAR p. 589, 1. 4, after 'issue,' insert 'and was buried in the Greyfriars Church, Inverness, 26 July (Cal. of Papal Letters, viii. 601).' p. 589, after line 6, insert 'The Earl had another natural son, David, canon of Ross and treasurer of Moray (Cal. Papal Letters, ix. 484, 530).' ERSKINE, EARL OF MAR p. 597, 1. 28, after 'father,' insert 'In 1388 he was "guardian of the Temple in Scotland " (Brit. Mus., MS. Harl., 6439).' p. 608, 1. 3, after 'before,' insert ' 15 July (cf. vol. iv. 448).' p. 608, 1. 4, for ' Alexander, first Lord Home ' read ' Sir Alexander Home of that Ilk. For ' Sir Adam Hepburn of Hales ' read ' Adam, Master of Hales (Ibid.): p. 621, 11. 9, 10, delete from ' The ' down to ' but,' and insert ' She died 23 December 1587, and was buried at Alloa 9 January 1587-88 (Funeral letter, Moray Writs, box 3, No. 241).' p. 621, 1, 26, after ' Hague,' insert ' In 1630 he is styled Captain Alexander Erskine of Cambuskenneth (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxxxv. 284).' p. 621, 1. 34, after ' so,' add ' Tradition identifies him (and rightly) with " the faithless lover " of " Lady Ann Bothwell's Lament." He probably did marry the Croft lady (Mar and Kellie MS. Rep. 178 ; Fourth Rep. Hist. MSS. Com., 527). He refers to his wife in a letter to his mother, and after his death his brother Arthur does the same. She survived, and probably died between 1640 and 1643. They had three or perhaps four children. Two sons — Alexander, who was at Scots Craig with his uncle Arthur in May 1643 and was then sent to, the wars abroad, and Thomas, who was about ten in 1646, and was sent by his uncle Charles, who was then in London, to his wife in Edinburgh. A daughter was kept by some one in England who was anxious to get rid of her by sending her to her father's representatives.' p. 622, 1. 25, after ' married,' insert ' first.' p. 622, 1. 27, after ' issue,' insert ' secondly (contract 1638), to Patrick Maule, first Earl of Panmure.' p. 622, note 3, for ' 1671' read ' 1677.' p. 634, 1. 19, for ' father ' read ' grandfather.' VOL. VI. MARCHMONT p. 5, 1. 19, delete 'first,' and insert after 'wife,' ' Margaret Crichtoun.' p. 6, 1. 11, delete ' second,' and insert after ' wife,' ' Margaret Lauder.' p. 10, 1. 4, for ' He ' read ' She.' p. 11, 1. 6 from foot, for • Sir James ' read ' Sir John.' p. 12, 1. 19 from foot. The following list of Sir Patrick's family is from an old Family Bible at Marchmont :— ' 1. John, born at Bailincrieff 25 September 1638, died 26 April 1639, 2. Patrick, born at Redbraes 12 January 1641. 3. Alexander, born at Redbraes 29 June 1644, died at Moscow 1676. 4. Julian, born at Polwarth Mains 23 October 1639, died at Tester 20 October 1687. 5. Christian, born at Redbraes 20 January 1643, died 5 February 1666. 6. Anne, born at Redbraes 31 October 1646, died at Edinburgh in August 1690.' p. 19, 1. 25, for ' Pettis ' read ' Perris.' p. 19, 1. 28, after ' Anne,' insert ' born 29 July 1698.' p. 19, 1. 4 from foot, after ' married,' insert 'proclamation of banns 30 January 1743 (Edin. Reg.).' MARISCHAL p. 38, 1. 7, for ' 1363' read '1363-64.' p. 44, 1. 18, for ' Glenarthill ' read ' Glencuthil.' p. 45, 1. 7 from foot, for ' second ' read ' fourth.' p. 49, 1. 16, for ' 1543 ' read ' 1543-44, both parties being very young.' p. 49, 1. 16, for 'sixth ' read ' seventh.' p. 50, 1. 16, after 'secondly,' insert 'banns proclaimed in Dunottar church 13 January 1571-72 (Moray Writs, box 15, No. 344).' p. 53, 1. 23, after ' 1598,' add note, ' The traditional circumstances of her death are curious. Having heard of the slaughter of one William Lauder, a bailie of the burgh of Lauder, by her brother Lord Home, she ' did mightily rejoice thereat, and writ it for good newes to sundry of her friends in the country. But within less than twenty-four hours after, the lady took a swelling in her throat, both without and within, after a great laughter, and could not be cured till death seized upon LBVBN AND MELVILLE 135 her with great repentance.— Pat. Anderson's Hist, of Scotland, cited in Chambers' Domestic Annals, i. 300.' p. 53, last 1., and p. 54, 1. 1, for ' before 19 March 1623,' read ' contract 13, 21, and 22 February 1618 (Eeg. of Deeds, cccxxxvi. 394).' p. 54, 1. 1, delete 'Sir.' p. 54, 11. 14, 15, delete from 'but' to '1587' inclusive. p. 54, after 1. 17, insert ' The Earl had a natural son Gilbert, legitimated 19 May 1587. 9 Another son Robert, probably also illegitimate, married, contract 14 March 1618, Helen, daughter of John Bruce of Graysfortrie (Reg. of Deeds, ccclxxxvii. 424).' p. 59, note 3, after ' Hay's Gen. Coll: delete ' ii. 266,' and insert ' iii. 267.' p. 62, 1. 13, after '•Mary,' insert 'born 1695 (Letters of James, Earl of Perth, Camden Society, 78 n.).' p. 62, 1. 21, for '1714' read '1715.' MELFORT p. 66, 1. 15, after ' Guards,' insert ' He was admitted a Privy Councillor 12 December 1678.' p. 68, 1. 2 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' contract 28 February 1700 (Reg. of Deeds, Dalrymple, 12 January 1709).' p. 69, 1. 13, for ' 1691 ' read ' 1675 (The 1691 publication was a reprint).' p. 69, 1. 29, after 'first,' insert ' in July 1788.5 p. 70, 1. 3, for ' Royas ' read ' Rozas.' p. 70, 1. 3, delete 'Bozas of.' p. 70, 11. 4 and 6, for ' Castel Bianco ' read ' Castel Blanco.' p. 70, 1. 7, after ' their,' insert ' grand.' p. 70, 1. 7, after ' daughters,' insert ' Margaret married Don Joseph Iquaz de Vallabriga, a captain of Aragonese cavalry (IS Art de Verifier les Dates, f ol. ed. 1821. Continuation, i. 325), and had a daughter.' p. 70, 1. 7, after ' Theresa,' insert ' who.' p. 70, 1. 8 from foot after 'Louis,' insert 'Jean Edward/ and for ' born' read 'baptized.' p. 71, before 1. 1, insert (4) 'Xavier, baptism recorded at St. Germains 6 December 1713.' p. 71, 1. 1, for '4* read '5.' p. 71, 1. 5, for ' May ' read ' March.' p. 72, 1. 24, for * subects ' read ' subjects.' LEVEN AND MELVILLE p. 92, after 1. 23, insert ' vi. Jean, executrix dative to Robert, second Lord Melville, 1635 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 94, 1. 6 from foot, after ' married,' insert ' Esther Tailor, relict of David Drummond, gentleman pensioner to James vi. (Reg. of Deeds, Dlvii. 23).' 136 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 94, after 1. 2 from foot, insert ' (4) Margaret, married (contract 25 March 1634), as second wife, to Mr, Thomas Maitland, minister of Garvald (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxvii. 127) ; secondly, after 1637, to Mr. John Dalzell, minister of Prestonkirk (Reg. of Deeds, Mack., 8 February 1666).' p. 99, 1. 20, after ' Christian,' insert ' a natural daughter.' After 'married,' insert '(contract dated llth October 1581 (Reg. Ho. Cal., 20 November 1583).' p. 101, 1. 9, for ' 1613 ' read ' 1601 (P. C. Reg., vi. 214).' p. 103, 1. 14, after 'Meldrum,' insert 'She was perhaps the Margaret, brother's daughter of Robert Melville of Murdocairnie, widow of Robert Ramsay, merchant, mentioned in Fife Inhibitions, 27 July 1602.' p. 110, 1. 20, after ' 1681,' insert ' in consequence of which he assumed the name and arms of Leslie (Family of Leslie, iii. 366).' p. 114, 1. 24, for '10 March' read '21 March (Edin. Reg.).' p. 123, 1. 2, for ' 17 August' read ' 10 August.' GRAHAM, EARL OF MENTEITH p. 101, 1. 9, delete ' a.' p. 151, 1. 9, after ' Herries,' insert ' daughter of William Herries of Hart- wood, co. Dumfries, and granddaughter of Mr. Robert Herries, minister of Dryfesdale.' p. 151, 1. 14, for ' son ' read ' daughter.' p. 151, 1. 15, for ' his ' read ' her (Services of Heirs, 1710-19, p. 2).' p. 151, 1. 15, delete from 'but' to end of sentence, and insert 'married to Michael Malcolm of Balbeadie, co. Fife, and died February 1733.' p. 152, 1. 25, delete from 'It is ' down to ' Graham ' on line 27, and insert 'He died about 1557, having married, first, Isobel Graham, and, secondly, Margaret, daughter of Shaw of Knockhill. She survived him and was described as his widow on 4 July 1558 (Protocol Book of Gilbert Grote, 52).' p. 153, 1. 25, after ' certain,' add ' but he was living on 28 February 1665 (P. C. Reg., 3rd ser., ii. 630).' p. 154, 1. 15, after ' Captain,' delete to end of paragraph, and insert ' Philip Wilkieson, Balnahinch, Ireland. The marriage took place at Balna- hinch in August 1714. Her husband instituted a divorce against her on 16 December 1726 (Consistorial Processes, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 240), They had issue.' p. 158, 1. 28, after ' Hill,' insert ' He died before October 1595. Hill was also known as Easter Aikenhead. Helen Kincaid survived him, having issue a daughter Agnes Hamilton, married, before October 1595, to Alex- ander Hamilton of Haggs (Reg. Ho. Cal., 31 October 1595).' p. 159, 1. 23, delete ' 6 February 1588-89,' and insert '31 October 1595 (Reg. Ho. Cal. at date).' MONTROSE 137 p. 160, 1. 6, from foot, for ' John, Lord Seton ' read * George, fourth Lord Seton.' MIDDLETON p. 188, 1. 14, delete ' in 1705 or 1706,' and insert ' at S. Sulpice, Paris, 25 June 1702 (Reg. of St. Germain en Laye, i. 13).' MONTROSE p. 197, 1 10. from foot, for 'Swinburne ' read 'Symundburne.' p. 213, note 1. Add to end of note, ' The statement in Burke is ques- tioned by representatives of the Grahames of Auchincloich who claim, or suggest, a descent from the Dalkeith or elder branch of the Grahams. It is possible that Nisbet is right in placing the ancestors of the Grahams of Morphie a generation further back in the Montrose pedigree.' p. 215, 1. 20, for 'Robert, Duke of Albany' read 'Robert in.' p. 220, 1. 2, for 'sons' read 'children.' p. 223, 1. 2, after ' Oliver ' read ' Ogilvie.' p. 223, 1. 2, after ' son,' delete comma, and add ' by her second husband James, first Lord Ogilvie of Airlie.' p. 223, 1. 19, delete from ' 4. Oliver ' to end of paragraph, and alter the remaining numbers of children from ' 5, 6, 7 ' to ' 4, 5, 6.' p. 224, note 7, for ' Lord Erskine ' read ' Lord Graham.' p. 225, 1. 15 after 'relict,' add 'of Andrew Mowbray, burgess of Edin- burgh, and.' p. 225, 1. 26, for ' Bucklyvie ' read ' Buchlyvie.' p. 227, 1. 16, for ' Mathew ' read ' Matthew.' p. 230, 1. 9 from foot, after ' issue,' insert ' She married, secondly, as his second wife, Sir Harie Graham of Morphie, and died in August 1587 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 236, 1. 17, delete 'Sir.' p. 237, L 6 from foot, for ' 1595 ' read « March 1597-98 (Perth Reg.).' p. 238, 1. 26, for ' two ' read ' three.' p. 238, 1. 27, for 'third' read ' fourth.' p. 238, 1. 27, after ' Braco,' insert ' Patrick: p. 239, 1. 15, after ' issue,' insert note, ' There was an assignation by John Earl of Montrose, donator to the ward and marriage of Lord Fleming to the latter himself and that in contemplation of the marriage then contracted between him and Lilias, dated 7 February 1582-83 ( Wigtown Inventory, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 127).' p. 253, 1. 8 from foot, for ' amounts appear ' read ' account referred to appears.' p. 258, 11, 3 and 4 from foot, delete ' Lord Graham.' p. 259, 1. 3 from foot, after ' troop,' insert ' He was admitted of the Privy Council, 15 November 1678.' 138 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 271, 1. 9 from foot, after ' issue,' insert * She and her sisters, Georgina and Caroline, are described as " fine, civil and cheerful-looking girls" (Miss Berry's Journal, ii. 391).' p. 273, 1. 6 from foot, after ' 1902 ' add * and also at that on 22 June 1911.' p. 274, after 1. 8, insert '(2) Ronald Malise Hamilton, born 20 September 1912. (3) Mary Helen Alma, born 11 April 1909.' DUNBAK, EARL OF MOKAY p. 301, 1. 5 from foot, after ' James,'' delete remainder of sentence, and read, ' who, in or after 1397, was presented to the Precentorship of Moray, being then fourteen years old. He resigned it in or before 1404.' STEWART, EARL OF MORAY p. 311, 1. 4 from foot, after '1544,' insert 'within eight days of being " schorne of the stane," ' (Moray Writs, box 15, No. 1736).' p. 312, 1. 3, for ' 1525' read ' 1524.' p. 312, 11. 6, 7, 8, 9, delete from 'They' to ' issue,' and insert 'He left no legitimate issue.' p. 312, 1. 10, for ' John,' read ' James: p. 312, 1. 15, after 'her,' insert 'She was married to John, Master of Buchan (see ante, corrigenda on vol. i. p. 269).' STEWART, EARL OF MORAY p. 314, 1. 28, after ' Stratheam,' add note, 'In a resignation of John Lamb, burgess of Edinburgh, 21 July 1564, he is styled Earl of Moray, Lord Pettie, Brachlie and Stratheirn (Protocol Book of Gilbert Grote, H.M. Reg. Ho., 113, 114).' p. 316, 1. 25, for ' before November 1572,' read ' before 29 March 1571 (Moray Writs, box 15, No. 211).' p. 316, 1. 26, after 'posthumous,' insert 'born before 18 April 1510 (Ibid., box 15, No. 352).' p. 316, 1. 28, for 'before January 1586-87,' read ' 3 August 1586, (Ibid., No. 1694).' p. 317, 1. 20, after ' 1591-92,' insert note, '(Acts and Decreets, ccxxxv. 5).' p. 318, 1. 12, after '1591,' insert note '(Acts and Decreets, cccxxxv. 5).' p. 318, 1. 18, after 'London,' insert 'He was a Vice- Admiral in the English Navy : he died s.p., and was buried at Westminster (MS. Account of the Family, penes Niall Campbell, Esq.).' p. 319, 1. 17, after ' Dunrobin,' insert ' He was retoured heir of his mother in the earldom, 22 July 1602, but the precept of clare constat was not issued till 7 May 1604, when the lands are said to have been twelve years in ward (Responde Book): p. 320, 11. 6 and 7, delete ' to which he had succeeded on the death of his cousin James, the second holder of that title,' and insert ' which he STEWART, EARL OF MORAY 139 acquired from the Earl of Morton, who had apprised the lands from Lord St. Colme (cf. vol. vii. 395).' p, 320, 1. 22, after ' Edinburgh,' insert ' in 1638 (MS. Account of the Family penes Niall Campbell, Esq.).' p. 320, 1. 23, for ' Margaret,' read ' Mary.' p. 320, 1. 23, delete ' about 24,' and insert ' contract 4.' p. 321, 1. 2, after ' buried,' insert ' at Dyke.' p. 321, 1. 17, after < wife,' insert ' who died after 9 March (the date of her will), and before May 1683 (Moray Writs, box 5, No. 328).' p. 321, 1. 19, after ' unmarried,' insert 'in the twelfth year of his age (MS. History ut sup).' p. 321, 1. 19, delete from ' 14 June ' to end of sentence, and insert ' 1 June 1647, the date of receipt for the price of his coffin (Moray Writs, box 5, No. 971).' p. 321, 1. 23, after ' unmarried, 'add, ' and was buried in the Session-House of South Leith, 30 January 1692 (South Leith Kirk Session Minutes).' p. 321, 1. 27, delete 'had,' and insert ' dying 2 February 1688 left.' p. 321, 1. 28, after 'Charles,' insert 'born 16 December 1676.' p. 321, 1. 28, after 'first,' insert ' proclamation of banns 13 February 1697 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 321, 1. 29, after 'secondly,' insert 'proclamation of banns 24 August 1700 (Ibid): p. 321, 1. 30, for ' Dalziel,' read ' Dalzell,' and insert ' who died 10 November 1708.' p. 321, 1. 32, after ' 1650,' insert ' (contract 29 March 1650, tocher £36,000), (Moray Writs).' p. 321, 1. 33, after ' 1668,' insert note, ' It is stated by Mr. Willcock in A Scots Earl, that she survived to the end of 1706, when she died at the age of eighty-five.' p. 321, 1. 34, delete ' after March 1653,' and insert * contract 26 August 1654 (Moray Writs).' p. 321, last line, delete ' in,' and insert ' contract 28 January.' p. 322, 1. 25, after ' Revolution,' insert note, ' On his periodical visits to London as Secretary of State he used to take so much gold for his general expenses and a packet of fifty gold pieces for cards, etc. The family tradition is that he died, not at Donibristle, as stated in the text, but on his way to London, and that all his things were bundled into a box, where they remained untouched till quite recently. What- ever the facts may be, it is certain that the family have in their posses- sion fifty new gold pieces of the period (ex inform. Earl of Moray).' p. 322, second last line, for ' 1700,' read ' 1701' (Moray Writs). p. 322, last line, after ' married,' insert ' before 31 January 1663 (Moray Writs).' p. 323, 1. 2, for ' 20 July 1702,' read ' in 1682.' p. 323, 1. 2, after ' issue,' insert « besides seven children, who died vita patris, and unmarried.' p. 323, 1. 3, after « Doune,' insert ' born at Darnaway 1658.' 140 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 323, 1. 3, after 'v.pS insert '12 December.' p. 323, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Moray, ' insert 'born 4 September 167[4] at Darnaway ' (MS. Account, ut sup.).' p. 324, 1. 5, after * first/ insert ' in the beginning of September 1698.' p. 324, 1. 8, after 'no,' insert 'surviving.' p. 324, 1. 8, delete ' about 1702,' and insert ' contract 26 and 30 July 1700 (Moray Writs).' p. 324, 1. 26, delete ' unmarried.' p. 324, 1. 28, after ' age,' insert ' In a letter to his brother the Earl, dated from Murrich Hof, near Breda, 17 January 1764, he says "It has pleased God to afflict me ... by taking from me on 15th inst. my dearest wife" (Moray Writs, ex inform. John Macgregor, Esq., W.S.). He had decree of declarator of marriage against Sybella Barbour, daughter of the deceased John Barbour, bailie of Inverness, 19 December 1732. She at the same time raised a counter action of freedom, etc. (Consis- torial Processes, etc., Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 281).' p. 324, 1. 7 from foot, after 'Eglintoun,' insert note, 'The marriage was considered irregular, and the parties were fined for not declaring the names of the celebrant and witnesses (Moray Writs).' p. 325, after 1. 6, insert '6. Hugh, born about 1721 (ex inform. John Macgregor, Esq., W.S.).' p. 325, 1.7, for '6' read '7.' p. 325, 1. 9, for ' 7' read ' 8.' p. 325, 1. 13, delete ' about,' and insert ' at his father's place, Frankfield, co. Perth, 13 May.' p. 326, 1. 1, for 'Saltarton' read 'Salterton.' p. 328, 1. 20, for ' Plowden ' read ' Pounden,' and delete « M.D.' MORDINGTOUN p. 332, 1. 10 from foot, for ' Sir William ' read ' Sir James.' p. 333, 1. 15, for ' Sir William' read ' Sir James.' p. 334, 1. 4, for ' the' read 'then.' p. 336, 1. 2, for ' in,' read ' on.' DOUGLAS, EARL OF MORTON p. 353, 11. 5 and 6 from foot, for ' Gifford ' read ' Giffard.' p. 358, after 1. 20, insert ' 2. Mr. William, parson of Kilbucho, styled in 1543 brother-german and heir of tailzie of the third Earl (Harl. MS., 6435; Acts and Decreets, i. 305).' p. 358, 11. 21, 26, 29, for '2, 3, 4' read '3, 4, 5.' p. 358, after 1. 6 from foot, insert '6. Helen (Acta Dom. Cone., xxxix. 48).' p. 361, 1. 18, after ' before,' delete to end of sentence with relative note, and insert 'before 17 September 1549 (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., xxvii. 149), and possibly before December 1548 (Treasurer's Accounts, ix. 261).' NAIRN 141 p. 381, 1. 4 from foot, after 'Beatrice,' insert 'retoured co-heir of her father, 26 May 1551 (original re tour in Advocates' Library).' p. 363, 1. 22, delete ' thrown into prison,' and insert ' was warded in Edinburgh Castle, Monday, 2 January 1580-81. Ten days after he was conveyed to Dumbarton where he remained till 27 May 1581, when he was brought back to Edinburgh (Notes in Protocol Book of John Scott, H.M. Reg. Ho.).' p. 364, after 1. 10, insert ' The Earl had also a natural daughter, Jane, married (contract 24 June 1579) to John Gumming of Earnside (Reg. of Deeds, xxi. 467).' p. 366, 1. 10, for ' 1488' read '1448.' p. 368,afterl. 3, insert '4. Probably Elizabeth, married to Michael Balfour of Burleigh (cf. Corrig., vol. i. p. 531).' p. 372, 1. 20, after ' 1624,' insert ' and who married (contract 15 February 1621) Katherine, daughter of Henry Forrester of Corstorphine (Reg. of Deeds, cccxii. 295).' p. 372, 1. 21, delete comma after * Jean.' p. 373, 1. 12, delete ' in,' and insert ' contract 10 December (H.M. Reg. Ho. Cal.).' p. 374, 1. 4, for ' Hume ' read ' Home.' p. 378, 1. 9 from foot, after ' Grandison,' insert ' She was governess to King Charles i.'s daughter, the Princess Henrietta, and after the surrender of Exeter she carried off the princess secretly to France while the King was at Newcastle (Clarendon's Hist., x. 115). It is said she walked to Dover with the child on her back, attired as a beggar (ex inform. Hon. James Home).' p. 379, 1. 8 from foot, delete ' in 1681,' and insert ' about 1 November 1681 when a payment on account of sums due to him by the Treasury was made to his uncle, " his condition being such that without reddy money he cannot be handsomely interr'd as becomes a person of his quality " (Treasury Papers (Royal Warrants), H.M. Reg. Ho., 1 November 1681).' p. 379, 1. 8 from foot, after ' married,' insert « first.' p. 379, after 1. 3 from foot, insert ' The Earl married, secondly, Marjory Foulis, who survived him, and married, secondly, William (Erskine), Earl of Buchan ; dying before 1690 (Misc. Docs., H.M. Reg. Ho., and Edin. Tests., 19 February 1690; cf. corr., vol. ii. 274).' p. 382, 1. 9 from foot, after 'Mary,' insert 'born 20 March 1737 (Canongate Reg.).' MAXWELL, EARL OF MORTON p. 389, 1. 8 from foot, after ' 3rd,' insert * Argent.' NAIRN p. 393, after 1. 21, insert '6. Catherine, eldest daughter, married, first, after 9 November 1639, 142 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA when she had a charter as his future wife, to Walter Stewart, son and apparent heir of Mr. John Stewart of Cluny (Perth Sasines, ix. 256) : secondly, about 1653, James Ogilvy of Muirtoun, afterwards of Cluny (Cortachy Writs). ' p. 393, 11. 22, 23, for ' 6, 7,' read ' 7, 8.' p. 399, 11. 27, 28, delete ' two daughters, of whom only the elder married,' and insert * 1. EMILY JANE, of whom after. 2. Clementina Marie Hortense, died, unmarried, 25 January 1836. 3. Georgiana Gabrielle, married, 2 Feb. 1871, the Marquis de Lava- lette, and died 16 July 1907, s.p. 4. Adelaide Elizabeth Josephine, died, unmarried, 1841. 5. Sarah Sophia Laura, died, unmarried, 10 July 1853.' p. 401, 1. 14. The comma after ' azure ' should be deleted and placed after 'base.' NAPIER p. 408, after 1. 10 from foot, insert ' 4. William, burgess of Edinburgh, who died before 1491, leaving a son and heir, John (Proctocol Book of James Young, 20 April 1491).' p. 408, 11. 9 and 5 from foot, for ' 4. 5.' read ' 5. 6.' p. 413, 1. 26, for ' Torrie' read ' Towie.' p. 413, 1. 10 from foot, after ' 1601,' insert ' Another daughter, Bessie, was married, contract 6 Feb. 1617, to Archibald Campbell of Glencarradale (Protocol Book of John Hay, iv. 47).' p. 417, 1. 11, f or ' of Pitcullo ' read 'Balfour.' p. 420, 1. 22,- after * 1616,6 ' insert ' married, contract 3 Dec. 1633, to Mr. William Cunningham of Broomhill (Reg. of Deeds, DXV. 298). p. 421, 1. 2, delete 'By his wife, Anne Dunkeson,' and insert 'He married, contract 18 December 1634, Anna, daughter of Roger Duncan- son of Easter Gellets, burgess of Edinburgh, and his wife, Margaret Douglas (Gen. Reg. Sas., xlix. 412, xxxvii. 363). By her.' p. 422, after 1. 3, insert ' 13. Barbara, baptized 23 October 1606 (St. Cuthbert's Reg. Edin.).' p. 430, after 1. 26, insert '2. Susanna, married, contract 10 February 1609, to Walter Scott, younger of Whitslaid (Reg. of Deeds, clxxxi. 71).' 3. Elizabeth (perhaps by second wife), married, contract 13 and 14 August 1622, to Walter, grandson and heir of Walter Chisholm of that Ilk (Ibid., cccxxix. 124).' p. 434, 1. 2, after 'her,' insert 'who had been divorced by her first husband, Sir Thomas C. Bunbury, Bart. (cf. vol. iv. 554).' p. 434, 1. 3, after 'had,' insert 'besides other three children (Compl Baronetage, iv. 118 n.).' NITHSDALE 143 NEWARK p. 442, after 1. 11, insert ' 2. James, a colonel in the Army, who died in the East Indies. 3. Charles, died young (Family of Leslie, ii. 203 ; the order is taken from Fife Sasines, vii. 61, and Gen. Reg. Inhibs., 5 July 1671. The same records show that Helen and Anne were the youngest daughters).' p. 442, 11. 12, 13, for ' 2, 3 ' read ' 8, 9.' p. 442, 11. 20, 21, for ' in or before 1676' read ' contract 22 and 26 April 1675 (Reg. of Deeds, Mackenzie, 31 March 1682 ; Privy Seal, English Reg. iv. 8).' NEWBURGH p. 448, 1. 18, after ' Livingston,' insert ' He died between 1 September and 31 October 1563, survived by his second wife, Elizabeth Douglas, (Protocol Book of Thomas Johnson, Linlithgow Town Clerk's Office).' p. 448, after 1. 4 from foot, insert ' 7. James, a witness, 21 April 1565 (Protocol Book ut sup.)' 8. Jonet, who was the widow of Ninian Altoun, 21 September 1578.' p. 450, 1. 9 from foot, after 'Charles I.,' add note, 'As to his identifica- tion see Reg. of Deeds, ccccxxv. 154, and ccccxxix. 314).' p. 450, 1. 6 from foot, for ' James i.' read ' James vi.' p. 450, note 14, for ' but actually ' read ' and hers. He must have been at least forty-five, for he is a witness 2 February 1601 (Protocol Book of Andrew Ker, Linlithgow), so must have been born not later than 1587.' p. 456, 1. 10, for ' December,' read « September ' (cf. vol. ii. 300).' p. 456, 1. 15 from foot, for ' Chenecourt ' read ' Chenencourt.' p. 458, 1. 24. for ' Hermora ' read ' Hermosa.' p. 458, 1. 26, for ' Triorifi' read ' Trionfi.' p. 458, 1. 30, for ' Fredericao ' read ' Frederico.' p. 459, 1. 20, for 'Marco' read 'Mario.' NITHSDALE p. 475, 1. 3 from foot, after ' Seton,' insert ' Lord of that Ilk.' p. 481, 1. 23, for ' 1593' read ' 31 January 1593-94 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 483, 1. 2 from foot, after 'Craigie,6' insert 'secondly, to William Stewart, younger of Dunduff (Gen. Reg. of Inhibs., xxvii. 40).' p. 484, 1. 10, after ' descended,2 ' insert ' He married (contract 5 October 1623) Marion, youngest daughter of Homer Maxwell of Speddoch (Reg. of Deeds, ccccii. 300).' p, 486, 1. 3 from foot, after 'Jean,' insert 'married (contract 13 February 1634) to John, eldest son of Robert M'Brair of Almagill (Reg. of Deeds, Dvi. 51 ; Dumfries Sasines, 19 February 1640).' 144 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 487, 1. 8 from foot, after ' 1656,' insert ' and was dead before 3 March 1663 (P". C. Reg., 3d series, i. 347).' p. 487, 1. 5 from foot, after ' Elizabeth,' insert ' widow of George Glen- doning, younger of Parton (Writ -penes Sir William Fraser's Trustees), and.' NOBTHESK p. 496, 1. 22, delete ' of Thornton,' and insert ' of Lower Tooting or Mincing Lane, London.' p. 499, 1. 18, after ' first,' insert ' contract 9 August 1671 (Beg. of Deeds, Durie, 28 August 1675).' p. 503, 1. 20, after ' issue,' insert ' There was a declarator of marriage raised against him in 1770 by Christian, daughter of Captain Alexander Cameron of Dungannon (Edinburgh Consistorial Processes, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 567). She claimed to have been married to him at Fort William on 27 January 1767.' p. 503, line 6 from foot, for ' Francis ' read ' Frances.' p. 508, line 12, for 'regaurdent' read 'reguardant.' OCHILTBEE p. 512, note 3, add to end of note, * See also Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, i. *335, for an account of his death by drowning in the Water of Calder.' p. 514, 1. 13, for ' 1586' read '7 May 1585 (Beg. of Deeds, xxiii. 423).' p. 514, 11. 14 and 15, for ' whose testament was recorded 14 February 1601 ' read ' She died 12 December 1599 (Edin. Tests.).' p. 514, 1. 21, after ' 1620,' insert ' He became a minister in Ireland, and died before 13 April 1654, having married Esther Wallace, with issue (Castle wig Charter- chest).' p. 514, 1. 22, for ' (4) James ' read ' (4) Janet.' p. 514, 1. 22, after 'Helen,' insert ' (7) Janet, married to Andrew M'Dowell of Lefnoll (Beg. of Deeds, cccxlviii. 305).' p. 514, after 1. 22, insert '6. Thomas (Gen. Beg. oflnhibs., 2nd ser., iii. 104).' p. 514, 11. 23, 25, 32 for ' 6, 7, 8 ' read ' 7, 8, 9.' p. 514, 1. 2 from foot, after 'father,' insert 'after 29 December 1577, the date of his will (Protocol Book of William Stewart, Junior, f. 150, Edinburgh City Chambers), and.' p. 517, 1. 10, for '1594' read '1604 (cf. vol. i. 449; Beg. of Deeds, cxvii. 209).' p. 517, after 1. 21. insert '6. Anna, mentioned 1610 (Beg. of Deeds, cciii. 372).' p. 518, 1. 6, for ' 1639' read ' 1631.' OLIPHANT 145 p. 518, 1. 18, for « £14 ' read ' £4 ' (Reg. Sec. Sig., ii. 495).' p. 518, 1. 26, for ' William ' read ' Major William (Reg. of Deeds, olix. 220).' p. 518, 1. 31, after 'Doratie,' insert ' She, or another daughter, was married in or before 1644 to John Livingston of Hayning (Reg. of Deeds, Dlix. 117).' p. 519, 1. 2, after 'brother,' add ' She died at Edinburgh 8 February 1697, "absolutely destitute of all means whereby to be interred" (Treasury Papers (Contingent Expenses) 9 February 1697, H. M. Reg. Ho.).' p. 519, 1. 12, delete « 12,' and insert ' in.' p. 519, 1. 13, delete * next day,' and insert * 13 of that month.' p. 519, 1. 14, after ' Holyroodhouse,' insert note, ' His mother, Lady Ochiltree, had a grant from the Treasury on 12 February 1675 of 500 merks " for defraying the charge and expense of the f unerall of the late Lord Ochiltree hir sone " (Treasury Papers (Royal Warrants), H. M. Reg. Ho.).' OLIPHANT p. 522. 1. 4 of notes, for ' xii.' read ' xxii.' p. 523, 1. 5, for « Oliferds ' read « Olifards.' p. 523, 1. 15, after ' sons ' insert note, ' It is more likely that the three sons af termentioned were the sons of William of Lilford, but that John, Hugh and Stephen, were descendants of Hugh of Stokes. The Northamptonshire lands seem to have passed to Walter, son of David, before 26 Hen. n. (1179-80) (Pipe Roll. Soc. xxix. 85).' p. 536, note 10, 1. 3 from foot of notes, after ' Gallery ' insert ' See Brit. Mus. Addl. MSB., 24276, f. 53.' p. 539, after third line from foot, insert ' 6. Elizabeth, married to James Hering of Tullibole, younger of Glasclune (Reg. Mag. Sig., 21 October 1501 ; Myln's Vitce Episc. Dun- kelden., 37).' p. 539, second line from foot, for ' 6 ' read ' 7.' p. 549, note 13, delete ' probably.' The marriage-contract was dated 7 March 1617 (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxxi. 30).' p. 550, note 12, delete bracket after 2nd ed. p. 554, after 1. 6 insert '2. Isabel, baptized 22 September 1622. At her baptism her father would not give confession of his faith (Perth Reg.),' and alter numbers of remaining children accordingly. ^''i p. 560, delete 1. 12. p. 560, 1. 13, before ' daughter,' insert ' a son and.' p. 560, after 1. 13, insert ' 1. Joseph, born at Mons 18-19 March 1684 ; died v.p. and s.p.' p. 560, 1. 14, before 'Marie,' insert '2,' and after 'Baptiste)6' insert ' born at Edinburgh in the Canongate 31 May 1687 (note by the ninth Lord Oliphant in an old book in the Gask Library).' p. 560, 1. 14, for « who ' read ' She.' VOL. IX. K 146 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 562, note 10, add to note, ' and as early as 9 August 1751 (Acts of P. C., Colonial Series, iv. 130).' SINCLAIR, EARL OF ORKNEY pi. 565, 1. 28, for ' 1357' read « 1337.' p. 567, 1. 9 from foot, for ' 17 September 1358,' read 17 January 1356 (ex inform. Roland St. Glair, Esq.).' p. 570, 1. 2, for * daughter ' read ' grand-daughter.' p. 570, 1. 5 from foot, delete ' but see afterwards.' p. 570, 1. 4 from foot, delete ' first.' p. 571, 1. 1, for ' 1418' read ' 1422 (Cal. of Papal Letters, vii. 221).' STEWART, EARL OF ORKNEY p. 573, 1. 24, after ' had ' insert ' by her, who died September 1598, (Edin. Comm. Decreets, 14 March 1598-99).' p. 574, 1, 2, after ' 1635 ' insert, ' He married first, in or before 1603, Eliza- beth Hamilton (Edin. Burgh Reg. of Deeds, 27 March 1604); secondly, in or before 1607, Margaret Lyon (Reg. of Deeds, ccxix. 16).' p. 574, 1. 9, delete ' 1639,' and insert « 22 and 24 September 1629 (Reg. of Deeds, cccclxi. 342).' p. 574, 1. 12, after * first,' add ' to Sir James Young of Seaton (Reg. of Deeds, ccccxxvii. 485) ; secondly.' p. 574, 1. 12, for « Abekie ' read < Arbikie.' p. 574, 1. 13, for ' secondly' read * thirdly.' p. 575, after 1. 3 from foot, insert ' 11. Jean. 12. Katherine, both by Marjorie Sandilands (Acts and Decreets, clix. 299).' p. 576, 1. 3, after ' father,' insert ' He was of age by 25 June 1590 (Reg. of Deeds, xxxiv. 438).' p. 576, 1. 8 from foot, after ' forfeited,' insert note, ' There is a Bible which is said to have belonged to the Earl, printed in London 1595, in the possession of a person in South Ronaldshay (Old Lore Misc. of Orkney, etc., ii. 133, January 1909).' HAMILTON, EARL OF ORKNEY p. 582, 1. 11 from foot, for * Denby ' read * Danby.' p. 583, 1. 3 from foot, after • proper,' insert ' on a chief argent three mullets gules.' OXFUIRD p. 588, 1. 26, after « married,' insert ' after 5 May 1542, when she was affianced spouse (Andrew Brounhill's Protocol Book, Edin. Cil Chambers) and.' OXFUIRD 147 p. 593, 1. 20, for * in the month of ' read ' 13.' p. 593, 1. 21, for ' 1595 ' read ' 1595-96 (Court of Sess. Sederunt Book).' p. 593, note 4, delete « note,' and insert * Reg. of Deeds, ii. 374.' p. 594, 1. 6 from foot, after ' 1576,' insert ' was made Advocate-Depute to his father, 31 October 1585 (Reg. Sec. Sig., liii. 59).' p. 596, 1. 21, for ' about ' read ' contract.' p. 598, 1. 19, after 'dated,' insert '8 July (Reg. of Deeds, Dxciv. 332).' p. 598, 1. 24, Note.— The service referred to is by Robert M. to his brother Patrick, not David, and is dated 1656, not 1657. p. 598, 1. 2 from foot, after * Galstoun,' insert * She married, thirdly, some weeks before 6 January 1729, Henry Clark, " She might weall bee his granmother " (Letter from Lady Jean Mackenzie, relict of Sir Thomas Stewart, Lord Balcaskie, to her son Sir George Stewart of Grandtully, Red Book of Grandtully, ii. 324).' p. 599, 1. 7 from foot, after ' Army,' insert * Ensign in Scots Foot Guards, 11 January 1700.' VOL. VII. PANMURE p. 1, 1. 1, for title and headlines of pages, for ' Maule, Earl Panmure ' read ' Maule, Earl of Panmure.' p. 4, 1. 27, for 'name' read 'surname.' p. 4, 1. 28, after ' had,' insert ' probably by his wife Godit, with whom he granted the isle at the head of Hiliuespedberne to St. Cuthbert of Carram (orig. Charter in H.M. Reg. Ho.).' p. 8, 1. 14, delete ' [Stonehaven].' p. 18, 1. 18, after 'married,' insert 'contract 7 December 1562 (Reg. of Deeds, xv. 301).' p. 18, 1. 22, after 'married,' insert 'first (contract 30 March 1593) (Beg. of Deeds, xliv. 399).' p. 18, 1. 22, after ' Carmylie,' insert ' secondly, to George Strachan (Reg. Sec. Sig., Ixxiv. 132).' p. 21, 11. 21, 22, for 'after November 1640' read 'contract 20 August 164L (Gen. Reg. Saaines, 1. 125).' p. 22, after 1. 8, insert ' 1. Patrick, baptized 29 September 1646 (Canongate Reg.). He must have died young ' ; and alter numbers of remaining children accord- ingly. p. 22, 1. 27, for ' Fifeshire ' read ' Forfarshire.' p. 24, 1. 14, for 'Bonomy ' read ' Bonamy.' p. 24, 1. 7, after ' NAVAB,' insert ' He was a connoisseur of the highest order in all culinary matters, and when he was in London attending Parliament used to stay at the Union Hotel near Trafalgar Square for the sake of the turtle soup for which it was famous. It is said that during his whole Parliamentary career he never opened his mouth ex- cept once, when he said " What a shame;" in 1815, when the mob attempted to break the windows of St. Stephen's Chapel during the discussion of the Corn Law Bill of that day (Patrician, iv. 522).' p. 24, 1. 6 from foot, for '6' read '26' (For -far Sasines, vi. 389).' p. 26, 1. 12, after ' 1723,' insert ' of pleurisy, aged sixty-eight (Dunbar's Social Life in Former Days, i. 119).' p. 27, 1. 12, after '2nd,' insert 'argent,' PERTH p. 40, 1. 12, after ' charter,' insert note, ' This charter is in the possession PERTH 149 of the Earl of Kinnoull. It is dated 4 October 1486, and grants two- thirds of Ladecreif to Walter.' p. 41, 1. 11 from foot, for 'nephew' read 'brother.' p. 41, 1. 10 from foot, for ' Kinsale ' read 'Kinnoul.' p. 43, 1. 9, delete ' is said to have.' p. 43, 1. 15, delete from ' Isobel ' down to ' place ' in line 17, and insert ' He gave a discharge of part of her tocher to her father 5 March 1478-79 (Argyll Charter-chest), and.' p. 43, 1. 8 from foot, after ' Innerpeflray,' insert ' He was contracted to Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew, second Lord Gray, which contract was discharged in January 1501-2 (Acta Dom. Cone., xii. 39).' p. 44, 1. 20, after ' married,' insert ' Dispensation dated 20 January 1530-31 following on Papal mandate of 16 March 1529-30 (originals in possession of the Earl of Kinnoull).' p. 45, 1. 23, for ' fourth ' read ' second.' p. 46, 1. 22, delete ' possibly on 20 October 1582,' and insert ' died at Stob- hall in July 1579 (Inchaffray Papers penes Lord Kinnoull). ' p. 46, last 1., for 'before 1592' read '23 December 1587 (Moray Writs, box 3, No. 241).' p. 47, 1. 3, after ' Catherine ' insert note, ' The Dunf ermline Parish Register gives her name as Margaret.' p. 47, 1. 16, after ' career,' insert ' he had an exemption from hostings, etc., being "diseasit in his luggis," 1 August 1587 (Reg. Sec. Sig., Iv. 197).' p. 47, after 1. 27, insert ' 3. Elizabeth, baptized 1 July 1565 (Canongate Keg.). She must have died young'; and alter numbers of remaining children accordingly. p. 48, 1. 9, after 'first,' insert * 22 June 1602 (Edin. Reg.).' p. 48, 1. 11, after ' Muchalls, insert ' afterwards first Lord Fraser.' p. 48, after 1. 11, insert '9. SibiUa (Edinburgh Tests.). Lord Drummond had also a son David, but as he is not named in Lady Drummond's testament he was probably illegitimate.' p. 48, 1. 19, after ' record,' insert note, ' The date in text is corroborated by the Fifth Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm., 644.' p. 48, 1. 26, for * April ' read ' November.' p. 50, 1. 20, delete ' previous to 1 February 1620, when,' and insert ' (contract 10 March 1633) on 1 February 1634.' p. 50, 1. 23, for « second ' read ' first.' p. 50, 1. 26, for ' secondly ' read ' as a third wife ' (cf . vol. viii. 415). p. 51, 1. 3, after ' 1639,' insert ' contract 28 and 31 October 1639 (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxiv. 62).' p. 52, 1. 5 from foot, for ' 11 ' read ' 12 (Cat. of Stuart Papers, ii. 145).' p. 53, 1. 2, after ' secondly,' insert ' contract 5 October 1676 (Perth Sasines, vii. 44).' p. 53, 1. 26, for ' Teresa ' read ' Francesca Teresa, baptized 9 March 1688 (Canongate Reg.)', and delete ' born in France.' 150 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 53, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1692* read ' 1693.' p. 53, 1. 3 from foot, delete « but,' and insert ' On 2 March 1696 he was a prisoner in Stirling Castle (P. C. Acta). He afterwards.' p. 56, 1. 20, delete * the daughter and heiress of Fotheringham,' and insert 'Marjory Gray the heiress of (contract 26 November 1707) (Perth Sasines, xvi. 227).' POLWARTH p. 82, second line from foot, after ' 1690,' insert ' Died at Edinburgh 7 May 1749, having married Lieutenant Thomas Gordon, Royal Scots Fusiliers, of the family of Buthlaw (J. M. Bulloch in Notes and Queries, llth ser., ix. 326).' p. 87, 1. 16, quotation mark should follow ' tryste,' not ' horse.' PRIMROSE p. 110, 1. 23, for ' 1714 ' read ' March 1707-8 at St. Peter's upon Cornhill, London (cf. vol. viii. 154).' QUEENSBERRY p. 117, after 1. 4, insert ' 5. Hugh (Protocol Book of James Young, 26 October 1497, Edin. City Chambers).' p. 117, 11. 5, 7, 12, for '5, 6, 7 ' read '6, 7, 8.' p. 117, after 1. 28, insert ' 3. James (Protocol Book ut sup., 29 March 1501).' p. 117, 1. 29, for '3' read' 4.' p. 119, 1. 7, after 'death,' add note, ' According to the Sheriff Roll of 1544- 45 he came of age in December 1521.' p. 125, 1. 23, for ' 8 July ' read '21 June.' p. 126, 1. 25, after '1578,' insert 'He married, first, Marion, daughter of Edward Menzies of Castlehill. There is a contract of 27 September 1549 whereby he was to divorce her and marry Elizabeth M'Clellan, widow of Alexander M'Culloch of Cardines (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., xxvi. 76).' p. 128, after 1. 7, insert '7. Margaret, presumably also illegitimate, married to William, son of Herbert Maxwell in Cavens (contract 24 May 1549) (Acts andDecreets, iii. 188).' p. 135, 1. 10, after « married,' insert ' contract 28 July 1640 (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxxi. 45).' p. 136, 1. 13, after ' secondly,' insert ' contract 26 March 1635 (Reg. of Deeds, Mackenzie, 6 November 1668).' p. 140, after 1. 17, insert ' 4. Margaret, buried in Holyrood Church in March 1662 (Canongate Reg.). 5. Henrietta, baptized 3 January 1662 (Ibid.): ROLLO 151 p. 140, 1.18, for '4' read '6.' p. 140, 1. 19, after ' 1697,' insert ' and married the same day.' p. 143, 1. 13, after 'Jean,' insert 'born at London 24 May 1701.' p. 143, 1. 19, after ' Anne,' insert ' born at Edinburgh 12 February 1706 (Peerage of England, London, 1709).' p. 143, 1. 23, after 'father,' add 'having been born at Edinburgh, 24 Nov- ember 1698 (Political State of Great Britain, 1711).' p. 144, after 1. 3 from foot, insert ' 3. Catherine, born 21 November 1724 ; died 4 February 1725 (His- torical Register).' p. 146, 1. 2, after ' original,' insert ' According to the Privy Council Acta the patent was stopped by the Council 30 April 1697, on the complaint of Viscount Teviot that the title Peebles had already been granted to him. But on 8 June following, a letter from the King (dated 24 May), was read, stating that it was his pleasure that the Earl should have the title Peebles, and that the Viscount's title was to be changed.' p. 147, 1. 5 from foot, after ' Queensberry,' insert ' He was infef t in Kel- head in virtue of a contract with his brother, the second Earl (Reg. of Deeds, Dxxvi. 187).' p. 148, 1. 13, after 'Sophia,' insert 'He was baptized 9 March 1648, hia mother being then dead (Canongate Reg.).' p. 148, 1. 15, after 'married,' insert 'contract 19 September 1676, Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas Ellis, merchant, Perth (Reg. of Deeds, Durie, 1 April 1679).' p. 155, 1. 5 from foot, after ' 4th,' insert ' argent.' p. 155, last line, transfer ' for Mar ' to the previous line, after ' or.' REAY p. 166, 1. 19, after ' divorced,' insert ' yet he was in 1606 charged to adhere to her (Gen. Reg. Inhibitions, xvii. 272).' p. 166, 1. 2 from foot, for ' 1618 ' read ' 1619 (she had a charter as his future wife on 29 July of the latter year) (Inverness Sasines, i. 159).' p. 169, after 1. 23, insert 'In 1652 there is mention of Dame Rachel Mackay, relict of Donald, Lord Reay, then wife of Captain Thomas Kakyne ; and of Donald Mackay, her son by Lord Reay (Gen. Reg. Inhibitions, 20 November 1652).' ROLLO p. 187, 1. 16, delete comma after ' James.' p. 187, 1. 20, after ' Banks,' insert note, ' He was apparently twice married, as there is a renunciation and grant of redemption by Mr. Thomas Rollock, advocate, and his spouse, Grizel Scott, of the lands of Castle- rankine and others, in the barony of Herbertshire, 26 October 1605 Wigtown Charter -Chest, Scot. Rec. Soc., Nos. 697, 699).' p. 191, 1. 21, after ' Balbegy, nsert 'died after 22 August 1621 and before 152 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA 15 August 1622 (Reg. of Deeds, cccxxxix. 358 ; Acts and Decreets, ccclx. 278).' p. 191, after 1. 24, insert ' ii. Margaret, married, contract 22 August 1621, to Richard Blyth, portioner of Craigie (Reg. of Deeds, cccxxxix. 358). iii. Isabel (Acts and Decreets, ccclx. 278).' p. 191, 1. 25, for ' ii. ' read ' iv.' p. 191, 1. 25, after ' married,' insert ' contract 1 March 1633 (Perth Sasinef, vi. 222).' p. 203, 1. 5, after ' sudenlie,' insert ' On 14 June 1696 she obtained decreet against him for aliment, he having deserted her and lived with another woman (P. C. Deer eta).1 p. 207, 1. 15 from foot, for * Robinson ' read ' Robertson.' p. 207, 1. 11 from foot, for ' Grey,' read 'Gray.' ROSEBERY p. 219, 1. 23, for ' James ' read ' John.' p. 227, 1. 7, delete comma after ' Stewart.' p. 228, 1. 12, after ' 1894-95,' insert * By Patent, dated 3 July 1911, he was created Earl of Midlothian, Viscount Mentmore of Mentmore, Bucks, and Baron Epsom of Epsom, Surrey.' p. 229, 1. 1, after ' 1828,' insert semicolon, and add ' Earl of Midlothian, Viscount Mentmore of Mentmore, Bucks, and Baron Epsom of Epsom, Surrey.' ANCIENT EARLS OF ROSS p. 235, 1. 3 from foot, for ' 1316 ' read « 1315. ' ROSS, LORD ROSS p. 250, after 1. 11 insert '3. Perhaps Elizabeth, married to Thomas Sempill, Sheriff of Renfrew (see post, p. 530).' p. 252, 1. 12, after ' 10 May 1562,' insert * contract dated 22 February 1561-62, at which date she had curators (Wigtown Charter- Chest, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 327, where the date is erroneously given as 1571).' p. 256, 1. 18, after ' Baronet,' add ' She was his future wife 18 March 1688 (Gen. Reg. Sasines, xlvii. 145).' p. 261, 1. 11, for '10' read '21 (List of children by Lord Ross in Kelburne Family Bible).' p. 261, 1. 15, for * 18 July 1687,' read ' 26 December 1688 (List ut sup.): p. 261, 1. 17, for '1662' read '1692.' p. 263, 1. 4, delete ' 1502,' and insert ' some time before 31 May 1499.' ROXBURGHE 153 ROTHES p. 306, 1. 11, for ' Earl ' read ' Marquess.' p. 308, 1. 7, for ' March ' read ' May.' p. 308, 1. 7, for ' Shrub Hall ' read ' Shrub Hill.' p. 311, 1. 4, after ' Caskieberrie,' insert ' 29 May 1680. ROXBURGHE p. 323, 1. 25, for ' August 1484 ' read ' 3 July 1483 (Acta Dom. Audit., p. 325, 11. 1 and 2 from foot, delete ' He is said to have been the ancestor of the Kers of Greenhead,' and accompanying note (cf. vol. v. 52, 53). p. 326, 1. 9 from foot, for ' 1571 ' read '1471.' p. 331, 1. 6, after ' 1551,' insert ' His will was dated 16 July 1551. He had a curious interview with his eldest son Andrew concerning it (Protocol Book of Sir William Corbet, Scot. Rec. Soc. Nos. 63, 64).' p. 332, 1. 8, for ' 1493' read * 1488.' p. 332, note 3, for ' Ibid. ' read ' Acta Dom. Cone.' p. 334, after 1. 25, insert 4 4. Robert, a witness, 24 January 1535-36 (Protocol Book of Thomas Kene, Adv. Lib.).' p. 334, 11. 26, 27, for ' 4, 5 ' read ' 5, 6.' p. 338, 11. 19, 20, for ' is said to have been ' read « was.' p. 338, 1. 21, after 'Douglas' insert ' of Drumlanrig,' and for ' 19 February 1556' read ' 19 February 1556-57 (Reg. of Deeds, ii. 79).' p. 339, 11. 14, 15, delete from 'It does' down to 'issue and.' p. 339, 1. 17, after ' 1573,' add ' He had a son and heir Andrew, inf ef t in an annualrent out of Morham, 12 December 1570 (orig. instrument in H. M. Reg. Ho.).' p. 339, 1. 18, after 'married,' insert 'contract 1 December 1558 (Reg. of Deeds, iii. 117).' p. 341, after 1. 20, insert ' 5. Jean, married to George Towris of Inverleith : she was his future wife 2 August 1601 (Edin. Sasines, Secretary's Reg., ii. 197).' p. 344, 11. 29 and 30, delete ' the second, third, or fourth and youngest daughters of the said Harry, Lord Ker.' p. 345, 1. 14, for 'feuar' read 'fiar.' p. 346, 1. 23, after 'first,' insert • contract 12 and 14 October 1618 (Reg. of Deeds, cccxiii. 816)': and after 'Pitcur,' insert ' she was his widow in P. 347, 1. 5, for 'step-brother' read 'half brother.' p. 347, 1. 6 from foot, after 'married,' insert 'at Glamis, 4 February 1638 (Chronicle of Perth, 35).' p. 347, 1. 5 from foot, after ' 1638,' insert reference, ' Reg. of Deeds, oxli. 7.' p. 348, line 4, after 'married,' insert 'contract 5 December 1660 (Wigtoivn Charter-chest, Scot. Rec. Soc., No. 348; Reg. of Deeds, Mack., 3 Feb- ruary 1663, where 1 December is given as the date).' 154 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 348, after 1. 17, insert ' The Earl had two natural daughters, Margaret, married, contract 30 November 1614, to John Mow, younger of that Ilk (Gen. Reg. oflnhibs., 30 December 1616), and Cecill, who in 1636 was wife of John Ker of Gaitschaw (Gen. Reg. of Sasines, xlv. 24).' p. 349, 1. 12, for '8 May' read '6 May (The Royal Navy, by W. Laird Clowes, 1898, ii. 457).' p. 355, 1. 9. for ' He was dead before 1574 ' read « He died in April 1565 (Exch. Rolls, xx. 443).' p. 355, 1. 30, delete 'and widow of John, eighth Lord Glamis.' p. 356, note 3, f or ' 356 ' read « 536. p. 357, 1. 5, for ' eighty-five' read ' eighty-seven.' p. 357, 1. 11, for ' before ' read ' after.' RUTHERFORD p. 366, 1. 1, delete entire line and accompanying reference note. p. 366, after line 13, insert 'WILLIAM OF RUTHERFORD, son and heir of the above. William was. a minor on 6 November 1363, on which dateKing Edward in. granted to John Ker the custody of his lands till his majority, and his mar- riage (Cal. Doc. Scot., iv. 89).' p. 366, 1. 18, delete ' was ambassador to England in 1398,' and note. p. 366, 1, 23, delete « was Warden of the Marches in 1400, and,' and note. p. 366, 1. 7 from foot, for * treaty' read ' truce.' p. 373, after 1. 26 insert ' /. Janet, married, first, George Thomson, maltman, Leith ; secondly, 1632, Patrick Whitelaw of that Ilk.' p. 379, 1. 18, after ' 1648,' add ' She was buried in the Greyfriars, Edin- burgh 24 April 1671.' p. 380, after 1. 10, insert 'Another daughter, Lilias, was married, contract 25 November 1677, to Mr. William Douglas of Plewland (Reg. of Deeds, Durie, 22 March 1681).' p. 381, 1. 12 from foot, for ' 1724 ' read ' 22 November 1720 (mourning ring penes Mr. Ernest Radcliffe Crump, ex inform. T. E. Watson, Esq.).' p. 381, 1. 6 from foot, after < father,' add ' being buried 14 February 1710 (Elsdon Par. Reg.).' RUTHVEN p. 387, 1. 8, after ' secondly,' insert ' 22 April 1673 (Canongate Reg.).' p. 392, 1. 10, for ' uncle ' read ' granduncle.' ST. COLME p. 394, 1. 16, for ' Moucastell' read « Moncastell.' p. 394, 1. 24, after ' 1581,' insert ' He was again appointed Commendator thereof on his father's resignation 20 April 1587 (Reg. Sec. Sig., Iv. 53).' SEAFIBLD 155 p. 394, 1. 26, after ' Inchmahome,' insert ' in 1592 he appears as tutor-at- law of his nephew, James, Earl of Moray (Reg. of Deeds, xliii. 261).' p. 395, 1. 6, after ' issue,' insert * besides two daughters, Anna and Jean (Gen. Reg. of Inhibs. (6 September 1616).' p. 395, 1. 15, after * ascertained,' insert ' but it was before 17 August 1643 (Moray Writs, box v. No. 1019).* p. 395, note 2, after ' 1614,' insert ' The Canongate Register, however, states that he was buried at Holyrood 27 June 1612).' SALTOUN (ABERNETHY) p. 405, 1. 7 from foot, after ' son, 'insert ' and possibly a daughter, Marion, styled daughter of Sir George Abernethy of St. Andrews diocese in a Papal mandate for a dispensation for her marriage with John, son of Sir Alexander Stewart of Glasgow diocese, they being in the fourth degree of consanguinity (Reg. Aven., cxcvii. 33).' She may, however, have been a sister of Sir George. p. 406, note 5, for '351 ' read 96.' p. 412, 1. 14, for ' 1586 ' read ' 1566.' p. 412, 1. 18, for ' which ' read ' who.' p. 414, 1. 8, for ' 21 September' read ' 13 July (Moray Writs, box iv, No. 480).' p. 416, for ' belted,' read belled.' SALTOUN (FRASER) p. 434, 1. 5, delete ' Sir.' p. 440, 1. 21, for 'Margaret' read ' Anna.' p. 440, 1. 22, for '31 ' read * 14,' and at end of sentence add, 'She died in July 1663 (Slains Charters).' p. 449, 1. 8 from foot, for * Cambria' read ' Cambrai.' p. 452, 1. 20, for 'Essex' read 'Sussex.' SEAFIELD p. 463, 1. 2 from foot, after 'issue,' insert 'She obtained decreet of divorce against him for adultery 30 July 1576 (Hist. Records Fam. of Leslie, iii. 73), and was married, secondly, to William Gumming of Inverallochy (Aberdeen Homings, 7 May 1584).' p. 464, 1. 20, after '1584,' insert ' In 1582 she was suing for divorce from him (Edin. Inhibitions, i. 134).' p. 465, 1. 10, after ' married,' insert ' first (contract 2 December 1596), Grizel, sister of Alexander Menzies of that Ilk (Reg. of Deeds, Ixviii. 193); secondly.' p. 475, 1. 18, after ' Lanark,' insert ' She was his future wife 27 June 1665 (Gen. Reg. Sasines, xii. 235).' p. 493, 1. 9, after ' 1882,' insert ' married, 9 April 1912, to the Rev. William Rice, Rector of Sympson, Bucks.' 156 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA SEAFORTH p. 501, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 14 ' read ' 19.' p. 502, 1. 2 from foot, after ' Murdoch," insert * of Melbost and Kernsarie, and of Inverewe. Married Catherine Mackenzie and had a son John, said to have been killed at Auldearn, and two daughters, Marjory, married to Alexander Mackenzie of Cliff, and Barbara, married to Thomas Graham of Drynie (Reg. of Homings and Inhibs., Inverness, 2d series, ii. 193, 18 September 1649).' p. 505, 1. 6, for ' Margaret ' read 'Isobel (Haddington Bap. Reg.).' p. 509, 1. 3, after 'Cromarty,' insert * She had a charter as his future wife, 31 May 1655 (Banff Sasines, vii. 135).' p. 509, 1. 8 from foot, after * 1674,' insert note, ' The date in the text is that given in Fraser's Sutherland Book, (i. 515), but in the Reg. of Deeds, Mackenzie (23 July 1709), it is stated to have been 8 September 1675.' p. 510, 1. 3, after * Seaforth,' insert * baptized 8 December 1661 (Kinghorn Reg.).' p. 511, 1. 17, after 'her,' insert 'Her fine complexion is said to have been ruined and to have become a lemon tint. Pope in his Satires mentions the incident in the line "poison from Deloraine." (See also Croker's Lady Suffolk's Letters).' p. 511, last 1., after 'unmarried,' add 'being drowned at Paris while skating, 8 December 1774 (Lyon in Mourning, Scot. Hist. Soc., iii. 348).' p. 511, note 2, after ' 136,' add * vi. 184.' SELKIRK p. 519, 1. 6 from foot, after ' 1703,' insert * Warrant to bury him in Holy- rood Church, dated 23 June 1703 (P. C. Acta).' SEMPILL p. 530, 11. 4, 5, delete from ' and probably ' down to ' apparent ' and relative footnote 4. p. 530, 1. 17, for '1480' read '1470 (the former date is a misprint in the Commission Report).' p. 535, 1. 4, after ' On,' insert ' 28 August 1616 he was denounced rebel for frequenting the company of Mr. John Ogilvie, Jesuit (Reg. of Horn- ings, 12 February 1617), and on 13 May 1618 his escheat was granted to Mr. John Fentoun, comptroller-clerk to the King (Rec. Sec. Sig.). However, he seems quickly to have regained the royal favour, for on.' p. 547, 1. 5 from foot, for ' relieve ' read 'rescue.' p. 552, 1. 12, for ' nephew ' read ' cousin.' p. 555, 1. 2 from foot, delete ' and,' and insert 'was served heir to Francis, eighth Lord Sempill, 4 November 1684 (Hist. MSS. Com., Report on Stuart Papers, iv. 81 ; cf. post, p. 559). He.' p. 558, 1. 7, after 'him,' insert 'till February 1688 (Seafield Correspond- ence, Scot. Hist. Soc., 42).' SINCLAIR 157 p. 558, after 1. 22, insert 'On 11 February 1705 three shillings Scots were given by the kirk-session of Innerwick " to ane called a daughter of my Lord Semple, having a testimoniall from the Tolbooth Church in Edinburgh." She was probably illegitimate/ p. 559, 11. 20, 21, delete from ' for ' to ' was,' and insert ' for Robert Sempill (son of Dykehead ; see ante, p. 555) says he was served heir to the estate and declared Lord Sempill, but by indirect means the heir- general kept this estate and assumed the title (Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Stuart Papers, iv. 81).' p. 564, 1. 33, for ' baronetcy' read ' barony.' SINCLAIR p. 571, after 1. 4, insert '5. Marjory, married to Sir Alexander M'Culloch of Mertoun. She is called 'oo 'of George, first Earl of Rothes (Acta Dom. Cone., xii. 97).' p. 572, note 1, for 'xiii.' read ' xiv.' p. 573, 1. 21, for ' Mario ta ' read ' Agnes ' ; ' after ' Bruce,' insert ' She is styled "pretended " relict of William, Lord Sinclair, 14 January 1571-72 (Acts and Decreets, xlix. 4).' p. 573, 1. 6 from foot, after « 1575,9 ' insert ' He married, secondly, contract 29 July 1578 (original instrument iri H. M. Reg. Ho.), Beatrix, daughter of Sir William Sinclair of Roslin.' p. 574, 1. 26, after ' thirty-six,' insert ' He was contracted, 21 March 1564-65, to Marion, eldest daughter of William Maitland, younger of Lething- ton (Acts and Decreets, xxxi. 391).' p. 574, 1. 28, for 'fourth 'read 'fifth.' p. 574, 1. 6 from foot, after ' Catherine,' insert ' married to Sir George Hamilton of Blackburn (Reg. Mag. Sig., 21 April 1618).' p. 574, 1. 2 from foot, after 'married,' insert * first, Catherine Nisbet (Reg. of Deeds, xxxvi. 109), secondly, contract 20 June 1600 (Ibid, ccxix. 486).' p. 574, 1. 2 from foot, for 'James' read 'Sir John.' p. 575, 1. 2, after « Williamston,' insert 'and thirdly, John Rolland (Douglas's Baronage, 311).' p. 575, 1. 25, after ' Jane,' insert ' married to George Seton of Parbroath (Fife Inhibitions, 6 June 1608).' p. 580, 1. 14, after ' married,' insert ' first,' and after ' Wedderburn,' insert ' and secondly, to George Ker of Samuelston (Acta Dom. Cone., ix. 95).' p. 580, 1. 6 from foot, after ' Kimmerghame,' insert ' He was probably the father of 1. JOHN, who succeeded. 2. William, and 3. Patrick, both mentioned in the will of their brother John.' 158 ADDENDA BT CORRIGENDA p. 581, 1. 10, for '1514,' read '1514-15,' and add, 'in his will of 21 August 1513, when he was iturus ad guerram Anglie, he mentions, without naming, two daughters not forisfamiliated.' p. 582, 1. 26, for 'before 12 January 1565-66,' read 'in 1563 (Acts and Decreets, xxxiv. 80).' p. 582, 1. 7 from foot, after ' executors,' insert ' She was dead in May 1569 (Acts and Decreets, xliv. 24), and apparently before 7 March 1568-69, when her son was seised in lands which she had held in conjunct fee (Exch. Rolls, xx. 394).' p. 583, 1. 11, after ' after,' insert, ' He came of age in 1566, and was seised of the estates 7 May 1567 (Exch. Rolls, xix. 561), except the lands which his mother had in conjunct-fee, of which he was not seised till 7 March 1568-69 (Ibid. xx. 394).' p. 585, 1. 16, after 'married,' insert 'first, 13 March 1705, Margaret, daughter of John Home of Ninewells (Canongate Reg.), and secondly,' p. 585, 1. 17, for ' Thomas ' read • Andrew (Genealogist, iii. 112).' p. 587, 1. 24, before ' ultimately,' insert 'whose descendants.' p. 587, 1. 24, for * the heir' read ' heirs.' p. 588, 1. 26, for 'L'Orient' read ' Lorient.' p. 589, note 3, for ' fraternal ' read ' paternal.' p. 592, 1. 10, for 'January' read 'July.' VOL. VIII. Editorial Note, 1. 12, for ' second' read ' third.' SOMERVILLE p. 9, 1. 15, after 'Mary,' insert 'erroneously.' p. 9, 1. 17, after ' 1427,' add, * but except the Memorie there is no authority for this statement (cf. infra, pp. 424, 425).' p. 17, note 10, delete ' 10 July to 10 August 1546, 19 March 1546-47,' and insert ' i. 24, 65.' p. 19, note 15, for ' xi.' read ' xv.' p. 24, 1. 20, for ' in January ' read ' between 10 February and 20 April (Reg. of Deeds, xli. 172, 268).' p. 24, 1. 3 from foot, for ' Robert? read ' Helen,' and insert note, * These illegitimate children were not the children of Lord Somerville, but of his eldest son William.' p. 26, 1. 22, for 'first' read ' seventh.' p. 26, note 5, for ' Ibid.' read ' Memorie, ii.' p. 28, 1. 7, for ' granduncle ' read ' kinsman.' p. 32, 1. 1, for * Foot Guards ' read • in Scotland.' p. 32, 1. 15, after 'married,' insert 'contract 23 March 1695 (Edin. Sas., Ivi. 340).' p. 34, note 4, after ' Heirs,' add, ' Gilbert, however, was not the brother of the twelfth Lord's atavus, but of his abavus, or great-great-grand- father.' SOUTHESK p. 57, note 2, for ' 363' read '313.' p. 66, 1. 16, for ' Lindsay ' read 'Hamilton.' p. 66, 1. 31, after ' secondly,' insert ' (contract 6 June 1643) (Inv. of Writs of Drumry at Crawford Priory).' p. 67, 1. 7, for « in ' read ' 14 October,' and for ' Inchbrayock ' read ' Inch- brock.' p. 67, 1. 20, after ' 1654,' insert '(contract 12 December 1654, tocher 18,000 merks).' p. 68, 1. 5, after ' contract,' insert ' 30.' p. 80, 1. 3 from foot, delete from ' In 1747,' down to end of sentence. Note.— The statement made in the History of the Camegies cannot be true, as Sir John died in 1729. p. 90, 1. 13, after ' year,' insert 'was.' 160 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA SPYNIE p. 108, 1. 2, after ' Earl,' insert ' of.' p. 113, 1. 15, after ' Cavalry,' insert 'Died 16 May 1911.' STAIR p. 124, 1. 5, after ' Cousland,' insert (vide p. 121).' p. 126, 1. 11, after 'her,' insert 'who died shortly before 20 March 1708 (Seafield Corr., Scot. Hist. Soc., 465).' p. 131, 1. 8, for ' Montgomery ' read ' Montgomerie.' p. 131, line 5 from foot, after ' of,' insert ' General.' p. 132, 1. 31, for ' grandfather' read ' brother Hew, 26 July 1746.' p. 133, 1. 3, after 'and,' insert 'Ensign.' p. 133, 1. 5, delete ' lieut. -colonel Scots Fusilier Guards,' and insert ' caj and lieut. -colonel 1 April 1795.' p. 133, 1. 12, transpose reference no. 8 to after ' there.' p. 135, 1. 7, after ' Elphinstone,' insert ' -Dalrymple.' p. 137, 1. 5 from foot, after ' Douglas,' insert ' of St. Christopher's (of. 131).' p. 147, 11. 19, 20, delete from 'in the lifetime' to end of sentence, and insert ' in March 1682 from a fall from his horse (ex inform. Capt. J. Hope, St. Mary's Isle).' p. 147, note 8, for ' large ' read ' Large.' p. 149, 1. 20, for 'James' read 'John.' p. 153, 1. 16, for ' 1714 ' read ' 1743.' p. 155, 1. 14, after ' surviving,' insert ' son of William.' p. 161, 1. 7, after ' 1886,' insert ' married 14 January 1913 to Lieut. J. G. Ingham, R.N.' p. 163, 1. 6 from foot, for 'eighth ' read ' third.' p. 163, 1. 6 from foot, after ' Winton ' read ' of the creation of 1859.' STIRLING p. 169, 1. 7 from foot, insert ' Note.— From the dates it seems doul that these children, William and John, were sons of William of strie, though it is so stated in the Apprentice Register.' p. 170, 1. 14, for ' Dubbiehead, co. Stirling,' read ' Dubheads, co. P< (Retours, Perth, 473).' p. 173, 1. 26, for ' in ' read ' on.' p. 176, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1523 ' read ' 1623.' p. 177, 1. 23, after ' married,' insert ' 28.' p. 177, 1. 24, delete ' Lord Sandilands afterwards.' p. 185, 1. 15, for 'gules' read 'azure.' STORMONT p. 190, 1. 15, after ' 1598,' insert note, ' The date in text is given in the Appendix to Lament's Diary as having been copied from a journal STBATHALLAN 161 of Moncrieff of Carnbee. But the procuratory of resignation following on the marriage-contract is dated 25 January 1598-99 (Adv. Lib. MS., 34.6.24, p. 249). And they were still only future spouses 24 April 1599 (Reg. Mag. Sig.).' p. 190, after 1. 17 insert «4. Christian (Fife Sasines, x. 286).' p. 198, 1. 18, for « before 30 July 1613 ' read ' six months before 7 September 1597 (Fife Sheriff Court Books): p. 198, 1. 8 from foot, for ' before 1614 ' read ' before 7 September 1597, when, her brother David was served heir to her (Fife Sheriff Court Books): p. 200, 1. 5, before 'Drumcairn,' insert 'of.' p. 214, 1. 15, after ' gules,' insert ' three.' p. 214, 1. 16, after ' patee,' insert ' argent.' STRATHALLAN p. 217, 1. 6 from foot, after ' 1625,' insert ' She was buried in Holyrood Church 15 July 1668 (Canongate Register).' p. 218, 1. 26, after ' time,' insert ' In 1658 he appears to have been incar- cerated in the Edinburgh Tolbooth at the instance of his mother, but she agreed to his liberation 3 January 1659 (Book of Old Edinburgh Club, iv. 130).' p. 221, note 6, for ' Ibid: read ' Genealogical Memoir of the House of Drummond, Edinburgh, 1808.' p. 222, 1. 20, delete '(often called Elizabeth)/ p. 222, 1. 21, after ' 1669,' for comma put full stop, and delete remainder of sentence. p. 222, after 1. 22, insert '3. Elizabeth married, contract 20 September 1683, to Thomas, seventh Earl of Kinnoul (cf. vol. v. 231, corrig.): p. 222, 11. 23, 24, for 'born 18, baptized 27' read ' baptized 3.' p. 222, 1. 9 from foot, after 'married,' insert 'before 14 January 1688 (Seafield Corr., Scot. Hist. Soc., 40).' p. 223, note 6, delete note. p. 226, 1. 13 from foot, for ' W. P. Brigstocke ' read ' William Brigstock, M.P., of Birdcombe Court, co. Somerset.' p. 229, 11. 5, 6, for ' died young' read ' fifth Viscount of Strathallan.' p. 229, 1. 7, delete entry. p. 229, 11. 8, 9, 19, 21, 22, for ' 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ' read ' 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.' p. 229, 1. 8, after ' Charles ' insert ' Edward Louis Casimir John Sil- vester Mary: p. 229, 1. 8, for ' 19 ' read ' 23. ' p. 229, 1. 22, for ' 13 ' read ' 12.' p. 232, 1. 15 from foot, for '5' read '7,' and after 'London ' insert 'born 7 February 1730.' VOL. IX. L 162 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 233, after 1. 15 insert « 8. Margaret, born 24 April 1714. 9. Anne, born 3 June 1715. 10. Katherine, born 7 August 1716. 11. Mary, born 23 September 1717. 12. Clementina Maria, born 29 March 1721. 13. Amelia Anne Sophia, born 27 October 1727. (All these mentioned in The Oliphants ofGask, 113.)' p. 233, 1. 25, after ' Abergeldie,' insert ' for the romantic story of their marriage, see The Oliphants ofGask, 113.' p. 233, after 1. 26, insert ' 1 and 2. Twins, a boy and a girl, born before 6 August 1751, "in the ninth month," which seems to imply that the marriage took place in November 1750 (The Oliphants of Gask, 228).' And alter the numbers of children accordingly. p. 233, 1. 9 from foot, after ' advocate ' insert ' She died 1821.' p. 233, 1. 7 from foot, after Elizabeth, insert 'died unmarried 1831 (The Oliphants of Gask, 228).' p. 236, 1. 10, for 'Graham' read 'Graeme.' p. 236, 1. 11 from foot, after ' issue,' insert * and died at Edinburgh 5 November 1912.' p. 236, 1. 7 from foot, for ' Francis' read ' Frances.' ANCIENT EARLS OF STRATHEARN p. 241, note 10, for ' Ecelesia de Scion ' read ' Ecclesice de Scone.' MORAY, EARL OF STRATHEARN p. 256, 1. 12, after 'Mary,' insert 'of.' STEWART, EARLS OF STRATHEARN p. 260, 1. 23, after ' 1425,' insert ' mandate for dispensation dated 24 Feb- ruary 1422-23 (Cal. of Papal Letters, vii. 251).' STRATHMORE p. 277, 1. 4, after 1492, insert reference no. ' V p. 280, after 1. 25, insert ' 3. Agnes (Acta Dom. Cone., xl. 120.' p. 280, 1. 26, for ' 3 ' read '5' (see footnote 8). p. 296, 1. 8, for 'Drumkibbo ' read ' Drumkilbo.' p. 304, 1. 2 from foot, for ' 1706-24' read ' 1706-23.' p. 308, 1. 9, for ' Chaventon' read ' Charenton.' p. 313, 1. 14, for 'ever' read 'never.' p. 315, 1. 26, for ' Gordon-Rebow ' read ' Gurden-Rebow. ' p. 316, 1. 21, for 'Francis' read 'Frances.' p. 316, 1. 25, for ' 23' read '28.' TBAQUAIB 163 SUTHERLAND p. 352, footnote 1, for ' Canongate ' read * Haddington. ' p. 364, 1. 10 from foot, after 1888, insert ' married, 11 April 1912, Lady Eileen Gwladys Butler, elder daughter of the Earl of Lanesborough.' LIVINGSTON, VISCOUNT TEVIOT p. 369, 1. 6 from foot, after ' sister,' insert ' She married, before 8 June 1449, John of Kynninmond of that Ilk (Macfarlane's Gen. Coll., ii. 536).' p. 372, 11. 22, 23, delete from ' is further said,' down to ' Somerville ' and insert '(probably between the other two), Jean Somerville, who was mother of both his children (Birthbrief cited in footnote 11 ; Reg . of Deeds, ccclxiii. 157). The Birthbrief calls her Agnes, and states that she was a daughter of Lord Somerville, but she does not occur in the Somerville article. The Deed also mentions Marion Baillie, and implies that she was a daughter of Archibald Baillie of Auldston, and was previously married, contract 17 August 1575, to Robert Grahame of Westhall (Reg. of Deeds, xiv. 300).' p. 374, 1. 30, after ' sergeant-major, ' delete from ' of ' to ' 1665' on 1. 32, and insert ' in Buccleuch's, Kirkpatrick's, and Drummond's Regiments, becoming lieutenant-colonel 11 June 1660 (Scots Brigade in Holland, Scot. Hist. Soc., i. passim).' TORPHICHEN p. 378, 1. 9, after ' Lord,' insert ' of.' p. 378, 1. 19, delete from ' He was ' down to ' David n.' on 1. 21. p. 378, 1. 22, for ' in that year' read ' 1347.' p. 385, 1. 15, for 'she' read 'he.' p. 389, 1. 12, after 'Elizabeth,' insert 'married in April 1644, as his third wife, to John Gibbeson, minister of Dalmeny (Reg. of Deeds, Dlvii. 115), and died the same year (Scott's Fasti Eccl. Scot., i. 181). There was another daughter, Anna : she and Elizabeth were heirs portioners of their brothers (Reg. of Deeds, Dl. 102).' p. 393. 1. 6 from foot, for ' Viscount Canada ' read ' Lord Alexander.' p. 398, 1. 5, for ' has ' read ' had issue.' p. 398, 1. 19, for ' gules' read 'or.' TRAQUAIR p. 399. after 1. 4 from foot, insert '4. Margaret., who had or claimed some right to the lands of Ormis- ton, in Peeblesshire (Acta Dom. Cone, et Sess., iv. 114).' 164 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 400, 1. 5 from foot, after ' Knox,' insert ' who may have been the Lady Traquair who was buried in September 1623 (Canongate Reg.).' TWEEDDALE p. 417, 1. 18, for * Militis, Domini ' read ' Miles et Dominus. p. 418, 1, 2 from foot, delete ' of Locherworth.' Note. — It is uncertain whether the Sir Gilbert who swore fealty to Edward I. in 1296 was Sir Gilbert of Locherworth or his contemporary Sir Gilbert of Erroll. p. 421, 1. 10 from foot, delete '3 October 1357,' and insert '30 March 1389, but was dead before 29 August 1392 (Laing Charters, No. 379, (7) (8)). It is obviously he, and not his grandson William, who was Sheriff of Peebles in 1388 (Exch. Rolls, iii. 167).' p. 422, i. 24, delete from ' shortly' to ' widow,' on 1. 26, and insert ' not later than 1397 as his son William witnesses a charter as William Hay of Locherworth in or before that year (Laing Charters, No. 379 (9)).' p. 423, 1. 15, delete from ' He ' down to ' and,' on 1. 18, and insert ' He was knighted before.' p. 424, 1. 5, after ' William,' insert 'is said to have.' p. 424, 1. 7, for ' six ' read ' four.' p. 424, 1. 7, for ' he ' read ' to have.' p. 424, 1. 8, after ' rents,' insert ' But though he and others, the co-lords of Tester and patrons of the Kirk of Bothans, petitioned on 1 August 1420 for the erection of the Kirk into a College, it was not till 22 April 1421, by which time he was dead, that the petition was granted by the Bishop of St. Andrews (original at Yester).' p. 424, 1. 15, for ' August ' read ' 12 April, when his widow took instru- ments upon the consent of the rector of Bothans to the foundation of the college (original at Tester).' p. 424, 1. 19, after ' Erroll,' insert note, ' It is doubtful whether this lady was a Hay at all. Her seal appended to her charter of mortifica- tion 23 February 1447-48 to the altar of the B.V.M. in the kirk of Bothans bears the arms of Hay of Tester impaling three stars or cinquefoils (original at Tester).' p. 425, 1.3, for ' 1418' read '26 January 1418-19 (Tester Writs).' p. 425, 1. 7 from foot, delete from ' was still living 1451 ' down to ' Tester ' in 1. 3 from foot, and insert 'died in 1463 (retour of his son 12 1466-67, Tester Writs).' p. 425, last line, delete from ' If so,' down to ' 1517 ' on 1. 2 of p. 426. p. 426, 1. 7, after ' daughter,' insert ' She married, secondly, before 2 April 1467, Patrick Dunbar of Bele, and was his widow in 1488 (Tester Writs ; Acta Dom. And., 114).' p. 426, after 1. 10, insert '5. Mr. Hugh, who appears as a witness, 1440-1447, to sevt charters of his brothers (Tester Writs).' p. 426, 1. 11, for '5' read '6.' " TWEEDDALE 165 p. 426, 1. 14, for « 1426 ' read ' 3 December 1414 (original at Tester). p. 426, 11. 16, 19, 33, for ' 6, 7, 8 ' read ' 7, 8, 9.' p. 426, last line, delete from ' John,' down to ' Hunter,' on 1. 7 of p. 427. Note.— John Hay of Oliver Castle in 1475 was son and heir of Sir David Hay of Tester, and afterwards first Lord Hay of Tester.' p. 427, 1. 14, for '1422' read '1432 (Reg. Nig. de Aberbrothock, No. 66).' p. 427, 1. 2 from foot, for 'the same year, and certainly before 6 April 1434' read 'in February 1433-34.' p. 428, 1. 5 from foot, for « 1 March 1478-79' read '2 September 1478, when brieves of inquest were issued to his son (Tester Writs),' p. 429, after 1. 11, insert '2. William, who is a witness, 1470-1482, to various deeds by his father and brother (Tester Writs).' p. 429, 1.12, for '2' read '3.' p. 429, 1. 13, delete 'apparently.' p. 429, after 1. 18, insert ' 4. Robert, who is a witness to an indenture and charter by his father in 1470 and 1474 (Tester Writs).' p. 429,1. 19, for '3 'read '5.' p. 429, 1. 19, delete ' married to Sir Niel Cuningham of Barns, co. Fife.' p. 430, 1. 12 from foot, for ' before 9 November 1508 ' read ' in September 1508 (Retour of second Lord, Tester Writs).' p. 430, 1. 8 from foot, after ' 1468,' insert * dispensation dated 3 August 1469 (Tester Writs).' p. 431, 1. 6 from foot, after ' age,5' delete ' This son,' and insert ' from a comparison of dates, however, this story is probably untrue. Sir Thomas no doubt had a son,' p. 431, 1. 5 from foot, for ' ' read ' Sir Thomas of Hoprew.' p. 431, 1. 5 from foot, delete ' must have been born in or about 1490,' and insert 'who may have been born about 1483, as he had a precept of sasine in 1504. If so, he cannot have been the son of Elizabeth Home, who was not born before 1477, and must have been the son of a former wife.' p. 431, after last line, insert ' 3. William, who had, on 9 October 1495, a charter from his father of the lands of Nether Menzeon, which had been resigned by another William Hay, styled " cousin " of the first Lord. Both these Williams witnessed the sasine of the Edinburgh and Haddington lands to John Hay, 7 October 1478 (Tester Writs).' p. 432, 1.1, for '3' read '4.' p. 432, 1. 1, after ' Alexander],' insert ' of Olivercastle, of which he had a precept of infeftment in liferent from his father 21 February 1502-3 (Tester Writs), and.' p. 432, 1. 1, after ' Menzeon,' insert ' succeeded his brother William in the latter lands.' p. 432, 11. 8, 11, for ' Lord John ' read 'John Lord.' 166 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 432, 1. 15, after « 1531,' insert, ' He was alive 30 May 1552 (Liber Act. D. Off. S. And. infra Laud., f. 77). He married Euphemia Wauchope : they had a charter of Nether Menzeon from the second Lord 12 July 1512 (Tester Writs).' p. 432, after 1. 15, insert <4. Sir Nicholas, prebendary of the College Kirk of Bothans, in which he founded a chaplainry at the altar of the Holy Cross 6 Feb- ruary 1488-89. He died in 1498 (Tester Writs).' p. 432, 11. 16, 19, for '4, 5' read '5, 6.' p. 433, last two lines, and p. 434, first two lines, delete these entries, George and William were brothers, not sons, of the second Lord (see supra).1 p. 434, 1. 7, after '1521-22,' insert 'On 16 February 1538-39 he was pre- sented to the Provostry of the College Kirk of Bothan, of which he had previously been a prebendary (Tester Writs). On 21 August 1542 he was appointed archpriest of the College Kirk of Dunbar (Reg. Sec. Sig., xvi. 44).' p. 434, after 1. 11, insert ' 5. Mr. John of Smithfield. On 2 April 1523 he witnessed a deed by his brother, the third Lord, and on 12 August 1539 the latter chose his brother, Mr. John Hay of Smithfield, to be his arbiter in a sub- mission (Tester Writs). On 15 February 1542-43 he,' etc., as on p. 435, 1. 20, down to end of page. p. 434, 11. 12, 14, 16, 23, for « 5, 6, 7, 8' read '6, 7, 8, 9.' p. 435, 1. 11, delete ' first.' p. 435, 1. 13, delete ' secondly daughter and sole heiressof John Dickson of Smithfield, co. Peebles. Note. --Smithfield was inherited by three heiresses, Christina, Mariota, and Elizabeth Dickson, who had a precept of sasine 6 May 1501 (Exch. Rolls, xi. 308, 309). Smithfield appears to have been acquired by John Hay, a brother, not a son, of the third lord (see supra).' p. 435, delete 11. 17, 18, 19, and transfer remainder of entry to John Hay, son of the second Lord, as in corrigendum above. p. 436, 1. 1, for '3 'read '2.' p. 436, 1. 2, after « incorrect,* insert ' He succeeded his uncle Mr. Thomas Hay as archpriest of Dunbar (Crawfurd's MS. Baronage, f. 278, Adv. Lib.) and preceptor of S. Leonard's Hospital in 1547. He was tutor of Smithfield on 7 October 1550 (Renwick's Peebles during Reign of Queen Mary, 160).' p. 436, 1. 5, after 1555-56, insert ' He died between 30 January 1557-58 and 3 May 1558 when the Provostry of Bothans was vacant through his death (Tester Writs).' p. 436, after 1. 5, insert * 3. John (secundus), on 15 February 1540-41 John Hay of Hoprew, Master of Tester, and John Hay, his brother-german, witnessed a resignation by William Hay of Tallo at Tester (Protocol Book of Alexander Symson, Haddington, vol. 1529-1544, f. 90 b.).' TWBEDDALE 167 p. 436, after 1. 10, insert * John, third Lord Hay, had also a natural daughter Elizabeth, who had letters of legitimation under the Great Seal 18 August 1558, when she is called natural daughter of the late John, Lord Hay of Tester, grandfather of William, then Lord Hay of Tester (Reg. Mag. Sig.) On 22 August 1558 she was, with consent of her cousin, Thomas Hay of Smithfield, contracted to Robert Lauder of Bass (Reg. of Deeds, iii. 231).' p. 437, 1. 7 from foot, for ' ,' read ' James. He must have been younger than his brother Thomas, as the latter is styled Master of Tester in 1560 (Ext. Peebles Records, pp. 267-8.). When the Provostry of Bothans was vacant on 4 July 1558 both these sons were under age, and were not presented to the benefice on that account (Tester Writs).' p. 438, 1. 9, delete this entry. Elizabeth was, as mentioned above, half- sister, not natural daughter, of the fourth Lord. p. 442, 1. 19, after ' Jean,' insert ' is said to have.' p. 442, 1. 19, after ' Barra,' insert ' A Jean Hay was the wife of Mr. William Hay of Barra, commissary of Glasgow 1613-1618, and both are mentioned in the testament of Mr. David Hay, commissary-clerk of Glasgow, confirmed on 9 May 1616 (Glasgow Tests.).' p. 442, line 24, delete ' (date not given),' and substitute ' before 23 March 1640 (Part. Reg. of Sas., Edinburgh, etc., xxviii. 373).' p. 442, 1. 10 from foot, for ' 1561,' read ' 1559. In 1589 he was said to be about thirty years old, and to have a son and heir of ten years old (John Colville's Letters, Bannatyne Club, 330).' p. 444, 1. 22, after ' and,' insert ' was.' p. 446, 1. 9, after ' ascertained,' insert ' but it was before 18 April 1648 (see below).' p. 446, 1. 11, for « He ' read ' She.' p. 446, 1. 14, after ' Linplum,' insert ' on the Committee of War for Had- dingtonshire 18 April 1648 (Acta Parl. Scot., vi. pt. ii. 32): his precept of clare constat as his father's heir dated 20 July 1648 (Edin. Sas., xxxvi. 186).' p. 446, note 1, for ' will' read 'testament-dative.' p. 447, 1. 21, for ' 1593 ' read < 1595-96.' p. 449, 1. 1, for ' 1654' read ' 25 May 1653 (M. I., College Kirk of Bothans).' p. 449, 1. 9, for ' will was proved ' read ' testament-dative was confirmed.' p. 449, 1. 12, for ' Montgomery' read ' Montgomerie.' p. 449, 1. 21, for 'as far as is known, only two sons' read ' issue.' p. 449, after 1. 22, insert '2. Charles (M. I. of first Earl in College Kirk of Bothans). 3. Alexander, baptized 13 March 1644 (Kirk Session Records, Tester). 4. James. These three sons must have died s.p.' p. 449, 1. 23, for ' 2 ' read '5.' p. 450, 1. 25, delete ' niece and.' 168 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 450, 1. 26, after ' line' insert ' daughter of William Hay of Newhall, and niece of George, who succeeded as seventh Marquess (cf. post, p. 460).' p. 451, after 1. 30, insert '6. Margaret. 7. Grissel. 8. Anne. (These three daughters mentioned in M. I. ut supra.)' p. 454, 1. 1, after ' advice,' insert quotation mark. p. 454, 1. 17, for ' near Edinburgh ' read * East Lothian.' p. 456, 1. 10 from foot, for '8' read '6.' , p. 459, 1. 11, after 'secondly,' insert 'after May 1695,6' and delete ' (who was living May 1695 6).' p. 465, note 4, for ' 463 ' read * 460.' p. 468, 1. 7, for ' Rendleshan ' read ' Rendlesham. ' p. 438, 1. 15, for 'Francis' read ' Frances.' p. 469, 1. 8, for ' became quarter-master general ' read ' served in the quarter-master general's department.' p. 472, 1. 20, ' for ' Viceroy ' read ' Governor-General.' p. 472, after 1. 2 from foot, insert 'He married, first, 18 February 1857, Helena Eleanora Augusta (lady of the bedchamber to the Princess of Wales), daughter of Count de Kielmansegge, Hanoverian minister at the Court of St. James's. She died 30 September 1871, and he married, secondly, 8 October 1873, Julia Charlotte Sophia, second daughter of Keith Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth. She survived him, and married, secondly, 24 January 1887, the Right Hon. Sir John Rose Best, who died 24 August 1888 ; and thirdly, 8 February 1892, Major Sir William Evans Gordon.' WEMYSS p. 483, 1. 12, for ' 1429 ' read '1427.' p. 483, 1. 13, for 'Elizabeth' read 'Margaret.' p. 483, 1. 29, for ' John ' read ' James.' p. 490, 1. 25, after ' Henry,' insert ' Lord.' p. 495, 1. 13, for ' Margaret' read 'Elizabeth.' p. 499, 1. 1, after ' Tullibardine,' insert '(see title Atholl).' p. 500, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1639' read '1640 (Balfour's Annals, ii. 427, roborated by a letter from Lord Wemyss, Wemyss Castle Writs).' p. 503, 1. 15, after ' issue,' insert ' and was buried at Wemyss 6 May 1( (Lamont's Diary, 18).' p. 503, 1. 4 from foot, for ' 1717 ' read ' 1715.' p. 509, 1. 7 from foot, after ' Castle/ insert reference no. ' V p. 509, 1. 6 from foot, delete reference no. ' V p. 514, 11. 15 and 16, for ' Keek ' read ' Keck.' p. 516, 1. 4, for 'Balgonie' read 'Balgone.' p. 517, 1. 14, after ' Major,' insert ' John.' WINTON 169 p. 517, 1. 14, after ' Blackburn,' insert ' son of John Blackburn of Killearn, co. Stirling.' p. 518, 1. 6, for ' Yorks ' read ' Yorke.' WIGTOWN p. 523, 1. 4, after ' Marjory,' insert 'born 1323-24, as she was foster-sister of King David u. ; ' delete ' who.' p. 524, 1. 7 from foot, after ' arms,' insert ' He had a grant of the office of Sheriff of Peebles from David u. 8 September 1346 (copy at Yester, dated 31 December 1435).' p. 524, 1. 3 from foot, for ' cousin ' read ' uncle.' p. 529, 1. 7 from foot, delete ' son of Alexander de Seton.' p. 530, 1. 20, insert 'i.' before 'John.' p. 530, 1. 31, insert '(i)' before 'James.' p. 530, 1. 36, insert '(ii)' before ' William: p. 531, 1. 12 from foot, after ' Albany,' insert 'Governor of Scotland.' p. 532, 1. 3 from foot, for ' David, Lord Hay of Yester,' read ' Sir David Hay of Yester.' p. 534, 1. 6, delete ' married to.' p. 534, 11. 7, 8, delete ' son to Alexander, Lord Livingstone, who.' p. 534, 1. 9, after ' her,' insert • but there is no evidence that this marriage was ever completed.' p. 537, note 9, after ' Deeds,' insert ' iii.' p. 547, 1. 25, after ' 1597,' insert ' He married Helen, daughter of Alex- ander Bruce of Cultmalindy, and widow of Robert Moray, younger of Abercairnie (Perthshire Sheriff Court Reg. of Deeds, 2 July 1659). She died May 1660 (Dunblane Tests).' p. 547, note 11, for ' 10 March ' read '9 October.' p. 550, last line, after * Helen,' insert ' 9. Margaret, mentioned in the precept of 18 August 1669 (see p. 553).' p. 550, transpose notes 13 and 14. p. 551, 1. 19, after ' afternamed,' insert '(except Jean).' p. 551, 1. 12 from foot, delete ' person or.' p. 553, 1. 4 from foot, for • Earl of Panmure ' read ' Earl Panmure.' p. 555, 1. 17, after ' claimed,' insert ' in his case before the House of Lords in 1762.' P. 558, 1. 3, for ' frases ' read ' f raises.' WINTON p. 566, note 6, delete reference and substitute ' Ada. Part. Scot., i. 474.' p. 570, note 2, add at end of note, ' But if thte theory is not correct, the later generations shown below were, of course, Setons in the female line only.' 170 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA p. 571, note 3, after ' Scotichronicon,' insert ' Ibid." p. 571, note 4, after llbid: insert ' Orygynale Cronykil loc. cit: p. 584, 1. 8, for ' 1557 ' read ' 1557-58.' p. 584, 1. 9, for ' seventh ' read ' sixth.' p. 584, 1. 12, after 'adherence,' insert 'and aliment.' p. 584, 1. 13, after * him,' insert * She got decree for aliment.' p. 584, 1. 13, after ' 1603,' insert ' and was buried in Seton Church (cf. p. 24).' p. 595, 1. 12, after ' 1673,' insert ' Christian, daughter of Lord Cranstoun, confessed to too great intimacy with him 22 May 1673 (South Leith Kirk Session Minutes).' p. 598, 1. 10, after « attainder of,' insert ' George, fifth Earl of Winton, and.' p. 601, 1. 4, for ' fourth ' read ' third ' ; and for ' 1688 ' read ' 1683.' p. 602, 1, 17, after * Cockenzie,' insert ' He went abroad at the Revolution and remained abroad till 1695. "The Earl of Winton is come home after seven years absence, and is staying at Seton " (Letter at Slains 5 December 1695).' p. 605, note 2, add to note, ' Doubtless identical with Magdalen M'Klear who, on 3 September 1723, made affidavit that she went to London about a fortnight after Lord Winton's committal to the Tower, and had fre- quent access to him during nine months thereafter (i.e. until his escape). She was then known as Mrs. Corsby, and in 1723 was Mrs. Jolly. She is believed to have had two children by Lord Winton, born several years before 1716, and named John Seton and Christian (Memorial for Commissioners of Forfeited Estates, respondents in appeal of Elizabeth Stevenson, Lady Pitcairn, 2 March 1724).' p. 606, 1. 15, for 'Getre' read 'Gelre.' p. 606, 1. 31, for ' venacular ' read ' vernacular.' INDEX INDEX A , wife of Norman of Leslie, Constable of Invemrie, son of Malcolm, vii. 266. Abbot, Charles, younger son of 1st lord Tenterden, ii. 307. his wife Emily Frances Stuart, ii. 307. Abdy of Albyns, Sir Thomas N., 1st bark, viii. 363. Grace, wife of Albert Leveson-Gower, viii. 363. Abel-Smith of Wilford, Henry, iv. 211. Constance Helen, wife of Mont- gomerie Boyle, iv. 211. Aberach Mackay, Ian, ancestor of the family of, vii. 160. his wife * Mackintosh, vii. 160. John, fourth chieftain, vii. 164. his wife,* Mackay, vii. 164. ABERCORN, HAMILTON, LORD OF, i. 46. Abercorn, James Hamilton, eldest son of Claud, lord Paisley ; lord of, i. 46 ; iv. 372. his wife, Marion Boyd, i. 46 ; v. 167. ABERCORN, HAMILTON, EARL OF, i. 37-74. Abercorn, Charles, fifth earl of, i. 51 bis. his wife, Katharine Hamilton, i. 49, 51. Claud, fourth earl of, i. 51. George, third earl of, i. 49. James, first earl of, i. 40, 46 ; ix. 3. his wife, Marion Boyd, i. 47 ; v. 167. James, second earl of, i, 47, 48 ; v. 358. his wife, Katharine Clifton, i. 49 ; v.358. James, sixth earl of, i. 57, 58. his wife, Elizabeth Reading, i. 59. James, seventh earl of, i. 59, 62. his wife, Anne Plumer, i. 62. James, eighth earl of, i. 63, 64. James, tenth earl of, i. 68. his wife, Louisa Jane Russell, i. 70. James, eleventh earl of, i. 72. his wife, Mary Anna Curzon-Howe, i. 72. — John James, ninth earl of, i. 63, 64, 66. his 1st wife, Katharine Copley, i. 66. his 2nd wife, Cecil Hamilton, i. 64, 68. his 3rd wife, Anne Jane Gore, i. 68. * Name unknown. ABERCORN, HAMILTON, MARQUESS OF, i. 66-74. Abercorn, James, second marquess of, i. 67,68. his wife, Louisa Jane Russell, i. 70. James, third marquess of, i. 72. his wife, Mary Anna Curzon-Howe, i.72. John James, first marquess of, i. 66, 95. his 1st wife, Katharine Copley, i. 66. his 2nd wife, Cecil Hamilton, i. 64, 68. his 3rd wife, Anne Jane Gore, i. 68. ABERCORN, HAMILTON, DUKE OF, i. 69-74. Abercorn, James, first duke of, i. 67 ; ii. 247. his wife, Louisa Jane Russell, i. 70. James, second duke of, i. 70, 72. his wife, Mary Anna Curzon-Howe, i.72. ABERCROMBIE, SANDILANDS, LORD, i. 75-81. Abercrombie, James, first lord, i. 79 ; vi. 442 ; ix. 4. his 1st wife, Jean Lichtoun, i. 79 ; ix.5. his 2nd wife, Christian Fletcher, i. 80 ; ix. 5. James, second lord, i. 81. Abercromby, George Ralph (Abercromby), 3rd baron, iv. 219. ABERCROMBY, LORD GLASFOORD, iv. 179-182. Abercromby of Abercromby, Alexander, iii. 278. his wife, Isabella Dishington, iii. 278. Alexander, i. 77. his wife, Euphemia Kinninmont, i. 77. Sir Thomas, vii. 8. of Achquhorties, David de, vii. 269. his wife, Margaret Leslie, vii. 269. of Afforsque, John, iv. 181. of Balcormo, Robert, vi. 408. of Birkenbog, Sir Alexander, 1st bark, iii. 204 ; ix. 90. his2ndwife,JaneSutherland,iii.204. ,_ his 3rd wife, Elizabeth Baird, ix. 90. Alexander, iv. 19. his wife, Jonet Ogilvie, iv. 19. 174 INDEX Abercromby of Birkenbog, Sir George, ii. 25. his wife, Jean Ogilvy, ii. 25. Sir George William, 8th bart., iv. 181. James, ancestor of the family of, iv. 180. Sir Robert, i. 92. Sir Robert John, 5th bart., vii. 492, 566. of Blairdaff, David de, vii. 269. of Clune, George, iv. 179. his 2nd wife, Margaret Gordon of Clune, iv. 179; viii. 338. of Fetterneir, Alexander, iv. 181. his wife, Jean Seton, iv. 181. Francis, iv. 181 ; vii. 559. his 1st wife, Anne, baroness Sem- pill, vii. 559. Hector, iv. 181. of Forglen, Sir Robert, i. 92. — - of Galcors, Alexander, iv. 180. of Kersie, Henry, ii. 67. of Murthly, Alexander, iii. 278. of Petmaquhy, James, iv. 179, of Pitmeddan, Alexander, 2nd laird, iv. 179. Alexander, 3rd laird, iv. 179. Alexander, 6th laird, iv. 179. his wife, Elizabeth Leslie, iv. 180. Alexander, 8th laird, iv. 180. Alexander, 9th laird, iv. 180. his wife, Margaret Leslie, iv. 180. George, 4th laird, iv. 179. his 1st wife, Christina Barclay, iv. 179. his 2nd wife, Margaret Gordon, iv. 179; viii. 338. James, 5th laird, iv. 179. his 1st wife, Marjory Hay, iv. 179. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Gray, iv. 179. James, 10th laird, iv. 180. John, 7th laird, iv. 180. of Polton, John, bailie of Edinburgh, iii. 94. of Tillibody, George, i. 553. of Towie, Alexander, iv. 180. of Westhalls, Hector, iv. 181. William, iv. 180. Alexander, Mr., iv. 101 , his wife, Agnes Crichton, iv. 101. Constance Helena, wife of lieut.-col. James Ogilvie-Grant, vii. 492. Frances Emily, wife of 17th lord Sem- pill, vii. 566. George, 2nd son of Alexander A. of Pit- meddan, iv. 181. Grace, wife of Wm. Cosmo Gordon of Fyvie, i. 92. Helen, wife of Robert Bruce, i. 533. Abercromby, Sir James, bart., capt. Cold stream Guards, iv. 392. Jean, wife of bishop Adam Bellenden, ii. 67. Mary, wife of Sir Thomas Maule of Panmure, vii. 8. Montagu, wife of 6th earl of Glasgow, iv. 219. Montagu, wife of William, baron Pan- mure, iii. 108. Patrick, M.D., author of Martial Achievements of the Scottish Nation, iv. 181. Robert, merchant burgess, Edinburgh, ii. 405. ABERDEEN, GORDON, EARL OF, i. 82-99. Aberdeen, George, first earl of, i. 88 ; v. 307. his wife, Anna Lockhart, i. 89. George, third earl of, i. 90, 93. — his wife, Katharine Hanson, i. 93. George, fourth earl of, i. 67, 68, 93, 94. his) 1st wife, Katharine Elizabeth Hamilton, i. 68, 95. his 2nd wife, Harriet Douglas, i. 67, 95 ; vi. 383 ; ix. 5. George, sixth earl of, i. 97, 98. George John James, fifth earl of, i. 95, 97. his wife, Mary Baillie, i. 97 ; iv. 323. John Campbell, seventh earl of, i. 98. his wife, Ishbel Maria Marjori- banks, i. 98. William, second earl of, i. 90. his 1st wife, Mary Melville, i. 90 ; vi. 113. his 2nd wife, Susan Murray, i. 90, 485 ; ix. 5. his 3rd wife, Anne Gordon, i. 91 ; iv. 553 ; ix. 5 bis. ABERDEEN, GORDON, VISCOUNT GORDON OF, i. 94-99. Aberdeen, George, first Viscount Gordon of, i.94. Aberdein of Cairnbulg, Alexander, viii. 83, 136. his wife, Helen Carnegie, viii. 83. Jean, wife of David Dalrymple, viii. 136. ABERDOUR, DOUGLAS, LORD, vi. 375-387. Aberdour, Charles, eldest son of 9th earl of Morton ; styled lord, vi. 380. Sholto Charles, 2nd son of 13th earl of Morton ; styled lord, vi. 383. Sholto Charles, eldest son of 18th of Morton ; styled lord, vi. 387. his wife, Minnie Christian Brendi Hay, vi. 387 ; viii. 471. William, first lord, vi. 375. Abergavenny, George (Nevill), llth lord, 60. Aberkirdor, David, i. 110. his wife, Christian Glen, i. 110. INDEX 175 Aberkirdor, *, wife of Wm.Arbuthnott.i. 281. ABERNETHY, DOUGLAS, LORD OF, i. 204. Abernethy, William, first lord of, i. 204. ABERNETHY, STEWART, LORD, vi. 314. Abernethy, James, first lord, vi. 314. ABERNETHY OF ROTHIEMAY, ABERNETHY, LORD, vii. 407. Abernethy of Rothiemay, Laurence, first lord, vii. 407. ABERNETHY, ABERNETHY, LORD SALTOUN OF, vii. 407-416. Abernethy, Alexander, fourth lord Saltoun of, vii. 409. his wife, * Stewart, vii. 409. Alexander, sixth lord, iv. 124, 125 ; vii. 411. his 1st wife, Alison Keith, vi. 50 ; vii. 411. his 2nd wife, Jean Johnstone, i. 248; vii. 412. Alexander, ninth lord, vii. 414, 442. George, seventh lord, vii. 413. his wife, Margaret Stewart, i. 445 ; vii. 413. James, third lord, vii. 408. John, eighth lord, ii. 85 ; vii. 413, 415. his 1st wife Magdalen Urquhart, vii. 414. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Stewart, vi. 318 ; vii. 414. his 3rd wife, Anna Stewart, ii. 85 ; vii. 414. Laurence, first lord, vii. 407. his wife, Margaret *, vii. 407. William, second lord, vii. 326, 408. his 2nd wife, Isabella Borthwick vii. 408. William, fifth lord, iii. 567 ; iv. 124 ; vii. 410. his wife, Elizabeth Hay, iii. 567 : vii. 411. ABERNETHY, LORD ABERNETHY OF ROTHIE- MAY, vii. 407. ABERNETHY, LORD SALTOUN OF ABER- NETHY, vii. 396-416. Abernethy of Abernethy, Sir Alexander, iii. 10 ; vii. 398. 401 ; viii. 479. Sir Hugh, iii. 138 ; iv. 11 ; vii. 399. his 2nd wife Mary of Argyll, vii. 400 ; viii. 246. — Laurence of, vii. 398. his wife, Devorguilla, vii. 398. — of Abernethy, Margaret, wife of John Stewart, 1st earl of Angus, i. 170; iii. 10, 13 ; vii. 402. Orm of, vii. 397. — of Auchencloich, Alexander, vii. 414, 415. — of Balcors, John, vii. 410. — his wife, Elizabeth Lyon, vii. 410 : viii. 280. * Name unknown. Abernethy, of Balglaly Wester, George, vi. 83. of Balgounie, Sir John, vii. 405. John, his son, vii. 405. of Balmerino, Laurence, vii. 399. of Balnebreich, Laurence, vii. 398. of Balvenie, John, vii. 413. — of Barrie, James, ancestor of the family of, vii. 412. Thomas, vii. 414. of Birnes, Elizabeth, wife of James Ogilvy, ii. 9, 13. — William, ii. 9, 13; vii. 411. — his wife, Marie Ogilvie, ii. 9. of Borthwickshiels, Sir Laurence, v. 391 ; vii. 403. of Coventre, Laurence, vii. 398. of Cultran, Laurence, vii. 399. of Wester Dron, Laurence, vii. 398. of Dumblait, Alexander, vii. 411. of Dunsyre, Hugh, vii. 403. Sir Laurence, vii. 403. of Glendukie andBalmeadow, Laurence, vii. 398. of Halmyre, Hugh, vii. 403. Sir Laurence, vii. 403. — of Harwood, James, vii. 406. John, vii. 406. Oswald, vii. 406. — of Hawthornden, Hugh, vii. 403. Sir Lawrence, vii. 403 ; ix. 64. — of Kincaldrum, Sir Alexander, viii. 479. of Kinnaltie, John, vii. 406. — of Lamberton, Sir Laurence, vii. 403. — of Lessindrum, Alexander, vii. 411. — Alexander, 2nd son of 6th lord Saltoun, iv. 125 ; vii. 412. his wife, Elizabeth Crichton, iv. 125. — of Lyleston, Sir Hugh, vii. 399. — of Maxpoffle, Sir Laurence, vii. 404. of Mayen, Alexander, vii. 414. John, ancestor of the family of, vii. 412. of Oxton, Sir Hugh, vii. 399. of Pitcairlie, Sir Alexander, i. 454, 455. — of Wester Saltoun, Alexander, 2nd son of 6th lord Saltoun, iv. 125. of Saltoun, Sir George, 4th laird, vii. 404. his wife, Alicia Wishart of Plender- leith, vii. 404. Sir George, 5th laird, vii. 405. Laurence, 8th laird, vii. 407. his wife, Margaret *, vii. 407. Sir William, 1st laird, vii. 400, 402. his wife, Margaret *, vii. 402. Sir William, 2nd laird, vii. 403. Sir William, 3rd laird, vii. 403. Sir William, 6th laird, i. 149 ; v. 283 ; vii. 405. * Name unknown 176 INDEX Abernethy of Saltoun, his wife Maria Stewart, i. 149; vii. 406. William, 7th laird, vii. 406. of Teindside, James, vii. 406. John, vii. 406. Oswald, vii. 406. Agnes, wife of William Crichton of Frendraught, iv. 124 bis ; vii. 411. Agnes, wife of William Innes of Innes, vii. 410. Andrew, gend'arme, v. 464. Beatrix, wife of Alex. Forbes of Pit- sligo, iv. 72 ; vii. 410. Christian, wife of Sir John Wemyss of that Ilk, vii. 403; viii. 485. Elizabeth, wife of John Innes of Innes, vii. 355, 412 ; ix. 154. Elizabeth, wife of John Gordon of Scar- dargue, vii. 407. Elizabeth, wife of Alex. Hay of Arden- dracht, vii. 409. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Wm. Meldrum of Fy vie, and (2) John, lord Glamis, vii. 411 ; viii. 291. George, 3rd son of 1st lord Saltoun, vii. 407. Helen, wife of Thomas Urquhart of Fischerie, vii. 409. Henry, 4th son of Laurence de A., vii. 399. Isobel, wife of John Gumming of Earn- side, vii. 413. James, son of Thomas A., vii. 410. James, advocate, clerk of Session, vii. 414. Janet, wife of Alex. Ogilvy of Desk- furd, vii. 409. Jean, mistress of John, duke of Albany, i. 154. Jean, wife of (1) Sir John Lindsay of Kinfauns, and (2) Geo. Gordon of Gight, iii. 33; vii. 413. Jean, wife of (1) Alex. Seton of Mel- drum, and (2) John Urquhart, vii. 412. John, Mr., iv. 54 ; viii. 281. his wife, Elizabeth Lyon, iv. 54; viii. 280. Jonet, wife of Alexander Ogilvy of Ogilvy, iv. 22. Jonet, mistress of Thomas, master of Erskine, and wife of John Logy, v. 611. Joneta, wife of Patrick Livingston, vii. 413. Laurence, 2nd son of 4th lord Saltoun, vii. 410. Margaret, wife of Henry Revel, vii. 397, 398. Margaret, wife of John Stirling of Craigbernard, vii. 409. Margaret, wife of George Meldrum of Drumbreck, vii. 412. Abernethy, Margaret, wife of Alexander Fraser of Philorth, vii. 413, 416, 441. Margaret, eldest dau. of 8th lord Sal- toun, vii. 414. Margaret, youngest dau. of 8th lord Saltoun, vii. 414. Maria, wife of (1) A. de Leslie, and (2) Sir D. de Lindsay, iii. 10 ; vii. 269, 402. Marion, wife of (1) Sir Robert Maitland of Thirlestane, and (2) Sir John Scrym- geour, v. 287, 289 ; ix. 73. Marion, wife of John Stewart, ix. 155. Marjory, wife of Hugh of Douglas, iii. 136, 137 ; vii. 399. Patrick, eldest son of Laurence de A., vii. 399. Sir Patrick, eldest son of Hugh de A., iv. 11 ; vii. 400. Patrick, grandson of the Regent Albany, vii. 406. Thomas, minister of Hounam, vii. 379. his wife, Anna Rutherfurd, vii. 379. Thomas, 4th son of 4th lord Saltoun, vii. 410. William, elder son of Sir William A. of Saltoun, vii. 404. Sir William, eldest son of Sir William A. of Saltoun, ii. 96 ; vi. 351 ; vii. 406. his wife, Margaret Borthwick, ii. 96 ; vi. 351. William, 4th son of 1st lord Saltoun, vii. 407. William, son of 4th lord Saltoun, vii. 410. William, legtd. son of 7th lord Saltoun, vii. 413. *, wife of Alexander Irvine, younger of Drum, vii. 407. *, wife of Walter Ogston of that Ilk, vii. 408. ABERUTHVEN, MUGDOCK, AND FINTBY, GRAHAM, LORD, vi. 263-274. Aberuthven, James, first lord, vi. 263. Abingdon of Dowdeswell, John, ii. 413. Katharine, wife of (1) Robert, 1st of Carnwath, (2) Wm. Watkins, and (3) Collins, ii. 413. ABNEY-HASTINGS, EARL OP LOTJDOUN, 515-517. Abney-Hastings, Egidia Sophia Fredei Christina, v. 516. Flora Paulyna Hetty Barbara, wife 15th duke of Norfolk, v. 516. Henry Cecil Plantagenet, v. 516. ABOYNE, GORDON, LORD, i. 100. Aboyne, John, viscount Melgum and lord, i 100 ; iv. 545. his wife, Sophia Hay, i. 100: 577. * Name unknown. INDEX 177 ABOYNE, GORDON, VISCOUNT OF, i. 101 ; iv. 546-547. Aboyne, George, first viscount of, i. 101 ; iv. 546. his wife, Anne Campbell, i. 349; iv. 546. James, second viscount of, i. 101 ; iv. 547 ; vi. 58, 245, 247 ; vii. 200 ; viii. 411. ABOYNE, GORDON, EARL OF, i. 102-105; iv. 559-562. Aboyne, Charles, 4th son of 2nd marquess of Huntly ; first earl of, i. 102 ; iv. 547 ; ix.6. his 1st wife, Margaret Irvine, i. 102. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Lyon, i. 103 ; viii. 299. Charles, second earl of, i. 103 ; ix. 6. his wife, Elizabeth Lyon, i. 103; viii. 303. Charles, fourth earl of, i. 104 ; iv. 559. his 1st wife, Margaret Stewart, i. 104 ; iv. 166. his 2nd wife, Mary Douglas, i. 105 ; vi. 382 ; ix. 7, 141. Charles, sixth earl of, iv. 560. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Henrietta Conyngham, iv. 560. his 2nd wife, Maria Antoinette Pegus, iv. 560. Charles, seventh earl of, iv. 562. his wife, Amy Cunliffe Brooks, iv. 562. George, fifth earl of, iv. 559 ; ix. 7. his wife, Catherine Anne Cope, iv. 559. John, third earl of, i. 103 ; ix. 6. his wife, Grace Lockhart, i. 103. — Walter Biset, lord of, i. 422. Abraham of Chapel House, Thomas, iii. 391. of Crewkerne, Robert Taylor, vi. 582. Ixnrisa Mitty, wife of (1) L. G. K. Murray, (2) rev. S. J. Lott, and (3) G. W. Grove, iii. 391. Mary Anne, wife of (1) commr. F. O'Bryen Fitzmaurice, and (2) It.-col. Archibald Macintosh, vi. 582. Abrial, Raymond Louis, Montauban, iii. 416. his wife, Melanie Sophia Tolle- mache, iii. 416. Acarsane of Glen, John, v. 106. his wife, Isabella Vaus, v. 106. — Marion or Mariota, wife of (1) Sir R, Gordon of Lochinvar, and (2) Thos. Mac- lellan of Bomby, v. 105, 106, 261. Acford, Albert Edwin, iii. 420 n. — Elizabeth, self-styled wife of William Lionel Felix, lord Huntingtower, iii. 420 n. Henry, Bideford, iii. 420 n. VOL. IX. Acheson of Clonekearney, Sir Archibald, i. 40 ; ix. 2. his wife, Margaret Hamilton, i. 40. of Gosford, Alexander, vi. 8. his wife, Helen Reid, vi. 8. Helen, wife of Gavin Hume of Johns- cleuch, vi. 8. John, writer, Edinburgh, vi. 8. his wife, Helen Hume, vi. 8. John, Edinburgh, ii. 64. John, his son, ii. 64. his wife, Alison Bellenden, ii. 64. Achilmere, Robert of, iii. 500. Acklom of Wiseton, Richard, ii. 417. Elizabeth, wife of R. Dalzell, ii. 417. Acland-Hood, Robert, in holy orders, iv. 389. his wife, H. A. C. C. S. Douglas- Hamilton, iv. 389. Ada of Home, wife of (1) William de Curtenay ; (2) Theobald de Lascelles, and alleged (3) William of Greenlaw, iii. 251, 254 ; iv. 442. wife of Henry, earl of Northumberland, i. 4 ; viii. 560 n. wife of Malise, son of Ferteth, earl of Strathearn, i. 4 ; v. 325 n. ; viii. 241. wife of Henry de Hastings, i. 4. wife of Florent in., count of Holland, i. 4. wife of Patrick, 5th earl of Dunbar, i. 5 ; iii. 253, 262. dau. of Radulf, and wife of Conghal of Tullibardine, i. 453 n. wife of (1) John Malherbe or Morham, and (2) Wm. Colville of Kinnaird, ii. 536. wife of William de Haya, iii. 556. wife of Thomas de Haya, iii. 556. probably misreading for Ela, wife of Duncan, 5th earl of Fife, iv. 7. dau. of Roland of Galloway, and wife of Walter Bisset of Aboyne, iv. 139. wife of William, lord of Home, iv. 442. Adair of Kinhilt, Ninian, v. 110. his wife, Elizabeth Gordon, v. 110. William, ii. 468 ; v. 110. his wife, Helen Kennedy, ii. 468. Christian, dau. of William A. in Altoun, iii. 278. William, in Altoun, iii. 278. Adam of Flemingstoun, son of Gilbert, iii. 557. son of Angus, son of Gilbert, 1st earl of Angus, i. 162. bishop of Caithness, 1222, ii. 316. son of Fergus, earl of Buchan, ii. 252 n. ; ix. 47. formerly Waldeve, 2nd son of Gospatric, 2nd earl of Dunbar, iii. 247. 2nd son of Duncan, 4th earl of Fife, iv. 6 ; v. 572. his wife Orabilis, iv. 6 ; v. 572. M 178 INDEX Adam, 3rd son of Alan of Ruthven, iv. 255. son of Aldan, iv. 441 w. son of Walter, son of Aldwyn, vi. 79. his wife Christiana Melville, vi. 79. son of Gilbert, vii. 420. of Blairadam, William, 1st laird, iii. 549. of Maryburgh, William, architect, iii. 549; viii. 36. of Woodstoun, William, iii. 549. Adams of Cannon Hill, Henry, vii. 393. Lydia Gladys, wife of P. J. L. Hore- Ruthven, vii. 393. Adamson of Bonally, William, vi. 408. his wife, Janet Napier, vi. 408. of Craigcrook, William, iii. 377. his 1st wife, Dorothy Galloway, iii. 377. William, vi. 588. his wife, Janet Napier, vi. 408, 588. Agnes, wife of Alex. Ruthven, ix. 98. Elizabeth, wife of F. Ogilvy of New- grange, i. 121. Henry, Perth, ix. 98. Janet, wife of Sir James Makgill of Rankeillor, vi. 588 ; ix. 146. Janet, wife of 2nd earl of Southesk, viii. 70. Katherine, wife of (1) Richard Hopper, and (2) Sir Robert Melville of Murdo- cairnie, i. 535 ; vi. 99. Marion, wife of Edward Little, iii. 502. Patrick, archbishop of St. Andrews, iv. 544 ; vii. 66. William, ii. 64. his wife, Agnes Bellenden, ii. 64. Adderley of Halstow, William, vi. 381. Frances, wife of 12th earl of Morton, vi. 381. Addington, John Gellibrand (Hubbard), 1st baron, vi. 437. his wife Maria Margaret Napier vi. 437. Addinstoun of Addinstoun, Margaret, wife of George Hepburne, viii. 602. Richard, vi. 7. his wife, Margaret Hume, vi. 7. Robert, viii. 602. John, merchant burgess, Edinburgh, v. 466. Adeane, Edward Stanley, admiral, ii. 419. his wife, Edith Isabella Dalzell, ii. 419. Adeline, wife of Ansold, lord of Maule, vii. 3. Adglay, Gilbert, ii. 571. Aelgifu, or Elgiva, wife of Uchtred, earl of Northumberland, iii. 241. Aelina, wife of Waldeve, 4th earl of Dunbar, iii. 252. Afreka, wife of Harald Maddadsson, earl of Caithness, ii. 315 ; iv. 6. Affrica of Dunscore dau. of Edgar, vi. 287. wife of Olaf, King of Man and the Isles, iv. 136. Agar-Ellis, Margaret Elizabeth Diana, wife of Ivan Campbell, ii. 213. Agnes, wife of (1) Sir Fred. Hamilton of Manor Hamilton, and (2) John Maxwell, i. 45. wife of Sir P. Hepburn of Hailes, ii. 137. dau. of Walter of Barrone, ii. 286. wife of Wm. Richardson, ii. 579. mother of Wm. Cunningham, vicar of Dundonald, iv. 231. wife of lord chancellor Crichton, iii. 60, 61. wife of Morgund, 2nd earl of Mar, v. 567, 573, 576. wife of Sir Wm. Ramsay of Dalhousie and Nether Liberton, iii. 90 n. wife of Thomas de Thirlestane of Aber- tarff, v. 277, 278. wife of Richard Keith, the Marischal, vi. 28. wife of Sir John Douglas, vi. 343. wife of George Maxwell of Carnsalloch, vi. 476. wife of Malise, 6th earl of Strathearn, viii. 249. wife of Galfrid de Fullarton, viii. 108. Agnew of Ardoch, Alexander, ix. 94. his wife, Barbara Gordon, ix. 94. Agnew of Barvennan, Alexander, v. 114. of Creachmore, Patrick, v. 106. of Lochnaw, Andrew, first sheriff of Wigtoun, ii. 400. Andrew, 5th laird, ii. 470. Andrew, 7th laird, iv. 158 ; v. 264. his wife, Agnes Stewart, iv. 158. Sir Andrew, 2nd bart., iv. 161. his wife, Anne Stewart, iv. 161. Sir Andrew, 3rd bart., iii. 327. Sir Andrew, 7th bart., viii. 88. his wife. Madeline Carnegie, viii. 88. Sir Andrew, 8th bart., v. 215. Sir James, 4th bart., iii. 454. his wife, Mary Montgomerie, iii. 454. Patrick, 1st bart., ii. 488. his wife, Margaret Kennedy, ii. 488. of Salchary, Patrick, v. 106. his wife, Katharine Gordon, v. Patrick, v. 109. his wife, Janet Gordon, v. 109. Mary Alma Victoria, wife of llth Kinnaird, v. 215. Rosina, wife of Wm. Maclellan of shinnoch, v. 264. Aikinhead of Kilquhis Wester, Thomas, 403. his wife, Janet Hepburn, v. 403. INDEX 179 Aikenhead, James, advocate, iv. 435. Thomas, commissary of Edinburgh, vL8. AILKSBURY, BRUCE, EARL OF, iii. 466483. Ailesbury, Charles, third earl of, iii. 481. Robert, first earl of, iii. 478. Thomas, second earl of, iii. 479. Thomas (Brudenell-Bruce), 1st earl of, i. 36; iii. 483. Charles (Brudenell-Bruce), 1st marquess of, iii. 414. his 2nd wife, Maria Eliza Murray, iii. 414. AILSA OF AILSA, KENNEDY, BARON, ii. 498. Ailsa, Archibald, first baron, ii. 497. AILSA, KENNEDY, MARQUESS OF, ii. 497-502. Ailsa, Archibald, first marquess of, ii. 497. his wife, Margaret Erskine, ii. 498. Archibald, second marquess of, ii. 500. his wife, Julia Mounteney Jephson, ii. 501. Archibald, third marquess of, ii. 501. his 1st wife, Evelyn Stuart, ii. 92, 501. his 2nd wife, Isabella MacMaster, ii. 502. Ainslie of Blackhill, Andrew, vii. 382. of Cameron, Amabilla, wife of John Wemyss, viii. 477. sir John, viii. 477. of Dolphingston, John, vii. 330, 331. Marjorie, wife of Mark Ker of Maxton, vii. 330. of Fala, David, vii. 376. his wife, Mary Rutherf urd, vii. 376. — of Pilton, Sir Philip, iv. 293, 294 ; vi. 328. his wife, Elizabeth Gray, iv. 293. Charles Philip, major-general, iv. 294 bis. his wife, Jane Anne Gray, iv. 294. Isabel, wife of capt. John Rutherfurd, vii. 383. Janet, wife of John Rutherfurd, vii. 382. John, South Carolina, iii. 81. his wife, Mary Mackenzie, iii. 81. Margaret Jane, wife of 10th earl of Moray, vi. 327. Mary Anne, wife of 15th lord Gray, iv. 294. Am, CRICHTON, VISCOUNT OF, iii. 234-238. Air, William, first viscount of, iii. 234. Aird, Colin of the, alleged ancestor of the earls of Ross, and of the clan Mackenzie, vii. 495. AIRLIE, OGILVY, EARL OF, i. 106-132. Airlie, David, third earl of, i. 126. his wife, Grizel Lyon, i. 126 ; viii. 303. — David, fifth earl of, i. 127. his 1st wife, Margaret Johnstone, i. 128. his 2nd wife, Anne Stewart, i. 128. Airlie, David, titular earl of, i. 128 ; ix. 8. David, sixth earl of, i. 129, 130. his 1st wife, Clemen tinaDrummond, i. 130 ; ix. 8. his 2nd wife, Margaret Bruce, i. 130 ; ix. 9. David Graham Drummond, seventh earl of, i. 131. his wife, Henrietta Blanche Stanley, i. 131 ; ix. 9. David Lyulph Gore Wolseley, ninth earl of, i. 132. David William Stanley, eighth earl of, i. 131. his wife, Mabell Frances Elizabeth Gore, i. 132. James, first earl of, i. 123 ; ix. 8. his wife, Isobel Hamilton, i. 124 ; iv. 315. James, second earl of, i. 125 ; iv. 28. his 1st wife, Helen Ogilvy, i. 126. his 2nd wife, Marie Grant, i. 126 ; iv. 548; vii. 472. James, titular earl of, i. 127. his wife, Anne Erskine, i. 127, John, fourth earl of, i. 127. his wife, Margaret Ogilvy of Cluny, i. 127. AIRLIE, OGILVY, LORD OGILVY OF, i. 114- 132. AIRTH, GRAHAM, EARL OF, i. 133-145. Airth, William, first earl of, i. 133, 144, 467 ; ii. 201 ; ix. 9. his wife, Agnes Gray, i. 137 ; iv. 286. William, second earl of, i. 140 ; vi. 260. his 1st wife, Anna Hewes, i. 141 ; ix. 9 bis. his 2nd wife, Katharine Bruce, i. 142; ix. 9. Airth of Carnock and Plean, Elizabeth, wife of (1) *, and (2) Thomas Somerville, vii. 37 ; viii. 10. of Plean, Sir William de, vii. 37; viii. 10. AlRTHRIE, HOPE, VISCOUNT OF, iv. 493-505. Airthrie, Charles, first viscount of, iv. 493. Aislabie, John, M.P., director of South Sea Company, vii. 259. Aitchison, Helen, wife of U) * Fraser, (2) John Logan, (3) Wm. Berry, and (4) Archibald Stewart, provost of Edinburgh, iii. 187 ; ix. 68 bis. Robert, merchant, Edinburgh, vi. 92. Aitken of Middle Grange, James, burgess of Culross, ii. 549; vii. 213. his wife, Agnes Primrose, vii. 213. James, son of James A. of Middle Grange, ii. 549. his wife, Katharine Colville, ii. 549. * Name unknown. 180 INDEX Alais, Aglae" Elizabeth Jaqueline d'Oms d', wife of General James Louis Drummond, vi. 72. Marc, baron de Salindres, vicomte d', vi. 72. Alan of Ruthven, son of Sweyn of Crawford, iv. 255. his wife, Cecilia Maule, iv. 255, 256. of Thirlestane, son of Elsi, v. 277. 'Dapifer Dolensis,' or Senescal of Dol, i. 9. Fitz-Flaald, sheriff of Shropshire, i. 9. his wife, Avelina de Hesding. i. 10. Fitz-jordan, of Burton, and Dol, grand- son of Alan Fitz-flaald, i, 10. his wife, Joan, i. 10. illeg. son of Thomas of Galloway, earl of Atholl, i. 421 n. elder son of Waldeve of Allerdale, iii. 244. Sir Henry, in Ettrick, Director of Chan- cery, iii. 500. Albanie, Charles Edward Hay Allen, styled count d', iii. 585. ALBANY, STEWART, DUKE OF, i. 146-155. Albany, Alexander, 2nd son of King James II.; duke of, i. 20, 151, 441 ; ii. 334 ; iii. 65, 182, 222. his 1st wife, Katherine Sinclair, i. 152. his 2nd wife, Anne de la Tour d'Auvergne, i. 153. Arthur, 2nd son of King James v. ; duke of, i. 155. Charles, 2nd son of King James vi. ; duke of, i. 155. Charlotte, legtd. dau. of prince Charles Edward Stuart : duchess of, i. 36. Henry, eldest son of 4th earl of Len- nox ; duke of, i. 155. James, son of Mary, Queen of Scots; duke of, i. 155. James, 2nd son of King Charles n. ; duke of. i. 33, 155 ; vi. 60. John, governor of Scotland, duke of, i. 154 ; iv. 356 ; v. 57 ; viii. 536 ; ix. 10. his wife, Anne de la Tour d'Au- vergne, i. 154. — - Louise Maximiliane-Emanuella of Stol- berg - Guedern, wife of prince Charles Edward Stuart ; styled countess of, i. 35. Murdac, governor of Scotland, second duke of, i. 17, 148, 149, 278, 328. 332, 437 ; ii. 174 n; iii. 164, 174, 430, 563; iv. 15, 48, 229; v. 340, 343. his 1st wife Joanna (? Douglas), v. 342 n. ; ix. 10. his 2nd wife, Isabella, countess of Lennox, i. 150; v. 341 ; ix. 10. Robert, regent of Scotland, first duke of, i. 12, 16, 146, 436; ii. 174, 449; iii. 174, 562; iv. 14 ; vi. 37, 140 ; vii. 182, 242. bis, 243 ; ix. 9. Albany, Robert, his 1st wife, Margaret, countess of Menteith, i. 148; vi. 138. his 2nd wife, Muriella Keith, i. 148 ; vi. 37. Albemarle, William de Fortibus, earl of, iv. 142. his wife, Christina of Galloway, iv. 142. George (Keppel), 6th earl of, viii. 516. William Anne (Keppel), 2nd earl of, v. 364. his wife, Ann Lennox, v. 364. Henry Fitz-james, titular duke of, vi. 70. his wife, Marie Gabrielle d'Audi- bert, vi. 70. AlbestrofT, Clementina Walkinshaw, coun- tess of, i. 36. Albini, Isabel de, wife of John Fitz-Alan, i. 10. Albinus, bishop of Brechin, ii. 217 n. Albus, John, Linlithgow, iii. 117. Aldborough, John (Stratford), earl of, iii. 410. Aldeburgh of Broxmouth, Sir Ivo de, iv. 270. of Kells, Sir William de, v. 256. Aldie, Elizabeth Crichton, wife of Sir J. Ogilvy of Craig ; styled lady, i. 120. Aldiston of Cambusbarron and Blairegis, Hugh, viii. 525. William, viii. 528. Aldridge, Caroline Diana, wife of major C. J. Keith-Falconer, v. 253. Robert, St. Leonard's Forest, v. 253. Aldwyn, father of Walter, vi. 79. ALEMOOR, SCOTT, LORD, vii. 80, 81. Alemoor, Walter, lord, ii. 237 ; vii. 81. his wife, Mary, countess of Buc- cleuch, ii. 236. Alencon, Jean n., duke of, v. 348. Alessandro, Catalina Paulina, wife of (1) Admiral C. Elphinstone-Fleming, and (2) Commr. J. E. Katon, iii. 550. Alexander I., King of Scots, i. 3 ; iii. 303 ; iv. 3. his wife, Sybilla, i. 3. II., King of Scots, i. 6 ; v. 32, 33, 34. his 1st wife, Joanna Plantagenet, 6 ; ii. 423, 430 ; iii. 252. his 2nd wife, Marie de Coucy, i. 6. in., King of Scots, i. 6 ; vii. 400. his 1st wife, Margaret Plantagen i. 6 ; iv. 9. his 2nd wife, Yolande de Dreux, i. 6. Prince of Scotland, elder son of King Alexander in., i. 6 ; iv. 11. his wife, Marguerite of Flanders, i. 6. son of Edgar the Dauntless, iii. 249. 8th abbot of Cupar, v. 203. abbot of Scone, viii. 265. son of Thurstan of Livingston, v. 422. bishop of Moray, v. 520. 3rd son of Donald, 6th earl of Mar, v. 578. i INDEX 181 ALEXANDER OF TULLIBODY, ALEXANDER, LORD, viii. 173-185. Alexander, William, first lord, viii. 173. William, eldest son of 1st earl of Stirling ; styled lord, viii. 176 ; ix. 159. his wife, Margaret Douglas, i. 205 ; viii. 177. ALEXANDER, VISCOUNT OF STIRLING, viii. 173-174. ALEXANDER, EARL OF STIRLING, viii. 165-185. ALEXANDER, LORD ALEXANDER OF TULLI- BODY, viii. 173-185. ALEXANDER, VISCOUNT OF CANADA, viii. 174, 185. Alexander of Ballochmyle, Sir Gland, 2nd bart., iii. 464. his 1st wife, Diana Montgomerie, iii. 464. of Clow, Adam. viii. 166. William,viii. 166. his wife, Jonet Marshall, viii. 166. of Dufletter, Alexander, viii. 167. of Gartmore, Janet, dau. of John A., viii. 179. John, 4th son of 1st earl of Stirling, vi. 159 ; viii. 179. his wife, Agnes Graham of Gart- more, vi. 159 ; viii. 179. of Largs, Sir William, viii. 173. of Long Island, Sir William, viii. 174. of Menstrie, Alexander, 3rd laird, vi. 369 ; viii. 167. his wife, Elizabeth Douglas, vi. 369; viii. 167. Alexander, 5th laird, viii. 169. his wife, Marion Graham, vi. 159 ; viii. 169. Andrew, 2nd laird, viii. 166, 183. his wife Katherine Graham, viii. 166. Thomas, 1st laird, viii. 165. William, 4th laird, viii. 168. his wife, Elizabeth Coutts, viii. 168. Sir William, the poet, i. 349 ; iv. 311 ; viii. 170, 196. his wife, Janet Erskine, viii. 176. of Skeddaway, Thomas, ii. 572. his wife, Jean Colvill, ii. 572. of Somerhill, James, iii. 492. — his wife, Charlotte Sophia Dash- wood, iii. 492. of Tullibody, Sir William, viii. 173. of Turvell, William, 3rd son of 4th earl of Stirling, viii. 182. Archibald, bailie of Stirling, viii. 169. his wife, Elizabeth Alexander, viii. 169. 'Mor', 2nd son of Donald, lord of the Isles; ancestor of the family of Mac- Alister, v. 33, 36. Alastair Mor, 2nd son of Donald, lord of the Isles, alleged ancestor of the family of, v. 33 ; viii. 165. Alexander, Alexander, viii. 167. his wife, Elizabeth Forbes, viii. 167. Alexander, in Menstrie, burgess of Stirling, viii. 170 n. Sir Anthony, master of works to King Charles I., viii. 174, 178. his wife, Elizabeth Wardlaw, viii. 179. Alexander, in Milnab, viii. 183. Andrew, presbyter, viii. 166. Andrew, eldest son of Alexander A. of Menstrie, viii. 167. Andrew, 3rd son of William A. of Menstrie, viii. 169. his wife, Janet Archibald, viii. 169. Charles, viii. 179. his wife, Anna Drurie, viii. 179. Charles, graduate of Edinburgh Univer- sity, viii. 179. Christine, wife of Patrick Kinross, viii. 170. David, in Muthill, viii. 183. Elizabeth, wife of John Leishman, viii. 168. Elizabeth, wife of Archibald Alexander, viii. 169. Elizabeth, dau. of Archibald A., viii. 169. Elizabeth, wife of Walter Neisch of Dubheads, viii. 170. Elizabeth, dau. of 1st earl of Stirling, viii. 181. Hannah, wife of Wm. Humphreys, viii. 184. James, tutor of Menstrie, viii. 168, 170. his wife, Janet Gaudee, viii. 168. James, his son, viii. 168. James, burgess of Stirling, viii. 169. James, 2nd son of Charles A., viii. 179. James, lieut.-col. H.M. Foot Guards, son of 1st earl of Stirling, viii. 180 ; ix. 122. his 1st wife, Margaret Scrimgeour, iii. 314 ; viii. 180 ; ix. 73. his 2nd wife, Grizel Hay, viii. 180. James, father of the American claimant to earldom of Stirling, viii. 183. James Bruce, i. 391. Jane, dau. of 3rd earl of Stirling, viii. 181. Janet, wife of John Burn, viii. 169. Janet, wife of David Forrester of Logie, viii. 170. Janet, wife of Walter Cowan, viii. 170 n. Jean, dau. of William, lord Alexander, viii. 177. Jean, wife of (1) Hugh, 2nd viscount Montgomery of the Ards, and (2) major- gen. Robert Munro, viii. 180. 182 INDEX Alexander, John, 3rd son of Alexander A. of Menstrie, viii. 168. John, 2nd son of Archibald A., viii. 169. John, apprentice baker, viii. 169; ix. 160. John, in Gogar, viii. 183. rev. John, Belfast, viii. 184. Judith, wife of Sir Wm. Trumbull of Easthamstead Park, viii. 182. Katharine, wife of 6th lord Torphichen, viii. 177, 393 ; ix. 160 bis. Laurence, Kingskettle, viii. 165. Lucy, wife of Edward Harrington, viii. 178. Ludovick, 7th son of 1st earl of Stirling, viii. 180. Margaret, wife of John Stirling, viii. 168. Margaret, wife of Sir R. Sinclair of Longformacus, viii. 177, 393. Margaret, dau. of It.-col. James A., viii. 180. Margaret, wife of Sir Wm. Murray of Dunearn viii. 180. Marion, wife of (1) Patrick Murray of Woodend, and (2) Jas. Muschet of Burn- bank, iii. 398 ; viii. 168. Marion, wife of Duncan Paterson, viii. 170. Mary, wife of Robert Lee of Binfleld, viii. 181. Mary, wife of John Philips, viii. 182. Peter, 6th son of 4th earl of Stirling, viii. 182. Robert, poet, iv. 260. Robert, 6th son of 1st earl of Stirling, viii. 180. Robert, granger in Strathdon, viii. 165. Robert, burgess of Stirling, viii. 169. Robert, 4th son of 4th earl of Stirling, viii. 182. Sybil Lascelles, wife of lord George G. Campbell, i. 391. Thomas, Kingskettle, viii. 165. Walter, usher in household of prince Henry, viii. 171. William, crown - receiver for Moray, viii. 165. William, Edinburgh, 1435, viii. 165. William, Tullibody, viii. 166. William, apprentice skinner, viii. 169 ; ix. 160. William, son of William A. of Menstrie, viii. 170. William, major-gen. American Army, viii. 183. his wife Sarah Livingston, viii. 183. Alexanderson, Laurence, Kingskettle, viii. 165. William, crown-receiver for Moray, viii. 165. Algeo of Easter Walkinshaw, Robert, v. 355. his wife, Margaret Stuart, v. 355. Algitha or Ealdgith, wife of Maldred ef Cumbria, iii. 241. Alhusen of Stoke Court, Henry Christian, iii. 523. Mary Millard, wife of capt. E. O. Murray, iii. 523. Alianora or Elena, of Galloway, wife of Roger de Quincy, ii. 254 ; iv. 142. Alianora, wife of (1) Robert Bruce, earl of Carrick, and (2) Richard de Waleys, ii. 433. Alianore, wife of (1) Robert de Umfraville, 3rd earl of Angus, and (2) Sir Roger Mauduit, ix. 11. Alice, wife of (IhSir John, ' the Red Comyn, No. 1.,' and (2) * Comyn, i. 507. wife of Philip de Haliburton, iv. 331. wife of Sir David Hume of Wedder- burn, vi. 1. wife of Malcolm of Constabletun and Edulflstun, vii. 365. alleged wife of Philip Seton, iii. 252. Alicia, wife of Sir William Lindsay of Symington; ii. 260 ; iii. 9. wife of Hugh Crauford of Loudoun, v. 490. wife of Sir John Campbell of Wester Loudoun, v. 492. wife of Murdach, 8th earl of Menteith, vi. 137. Aline, wife of Waldeve, 4th earl of Dunbar, iii. 252. Alison, wife of Thos. Preston of Whitehill, iii. 119. John, Jedburgh, v. 463. *, mistress of 1st Duke of Argyll, ix. 24. Aliz of Coquetdale, wife of Edgar the Dauntless, iii. 249. Allan, abbot of Inchaffray, viii. 245 n. John of, viii. 269. his wife, Christian Brogan, viii. 269. Allan of Faslane, ' Tosheagor,' v. 329. Agnes , wife of George Bruce, iii. 488. James, Professor of Humanity, St. Leonard's College, v. 306. Sarah, wife of Wm. Hamilton, ii. 50. Thomas, viii. 76. his wife, Katharine Ci viii. 76. / Allan, *, Maddox Street, viii. 408. Allanby-Montgomerie of Garnsgate Hall, Samuel Hynman, capt., iii. 463. his wife, Sophie Constance Mont gomerie, iii. 463. Adelaide Margaret Constance, iii. 464. Eleanor Theresa, iii. 464. Sophia Egidia Gwendolen, iii. 464. * Name unknown. INDEX 183 Allardice of Allardice, Alexander, i. 83. his wife, Isabel Gordon, i. 83. Sir George, i. 141, 142. his wife, Anna Ogilvy, i. 143 ; iv. 37 ; ix. 90 bis. James, i. 143. his wife, Mary Milne, i. 143. James, i. 143. his wife, Ann Barclay, i. 143. John, i. 281. his wife, Kath. Arbuthnott, i. 281. John, vi. 50. his wife, Beatrix Keith, vi. 50. Sir John, i. 142. his wife, Mary Graham, i. 142. John, i. 142. his wife, Elizabeth Barclay, i. 142. Robert, iv. 57. his wife, Barbara Forbes, iv. 57. Sarah Ann, wife of (1) Robt. Barclay of Urie, and (2) John Nudd, i. 143; ix. 9. Anna, wife of John Gordon of Breakly, i. 142 ; ix. 9 bis. Anna, dau. of Sir George A., i. 143. Helen, dau. of Sir John A., i. 142. Helen, wife of Alex. Lind of Gorgie, i. 143. James, ix. 10. his wife, Elizabeth Keith, ix. 10. Jean, dau. of Sir John A., i. 142. John, 3rd son of Sir George A., i. 143. Katharine, dau. of Sir George A., i. 143. Margaret, dau. of Sir John A., i. 142. Mary, wife of Sir Alex. Ogilvy of For- glen, i. 142 ; ii. 23. Mary, wife of Andrew Hay of Mount- blairy, i. 143. Mary, wife of James Macdonald, advo- cate, i. 143. Robert, in Petty, 1526, i. 289. *, wife of Irvine of Drum, i. 281. Allardyce of Dunottar, Alexander, ii. 498. Eleanor, wife of Archibald, styled earl of Cassillis, ii. 498. James, i. 286. his wife, Ann Arbuthnott, i. 286. Allen, Anna Harriet, wife of 10th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 316. — Charles Edward Hay, styled count d'Albanie, alleged grandson of prince Charles Edward Stuart, iii. 585. Edmund, 3rd son of col. A. of Inchmar- tine, i. 316. Elizabeth, wife of 4th lord Forbes of Pitsligo, iv. 76. major, 12th Regt. of foot, v. 19. Thomas, Finchley, iv. 76. leyne, Rebecca, wife of 1st earl of Rad- nor, iii. 391. John, Barbadoes, iii. 391. Allison of Undercliffe, *, col., iii. 464. * Name unknown. Allison, Harold Kenneth, iii. 464. his wife, Diana Montgomerie, iii. 464. Allister, Mary, wife of John Middle ton, Barbadoes, vi. 177. Alneto, Sir Thomas de, v. 276. Altoun, Ninian, ix. 143. his wife, Jonet Livingston, ix. 143. ALTRIE, KEITH, LORD, i. 156-159. Altrie, George, second lord, i. 157, 159 ; iv. 52. Robert, first lord, i. 156 ; vi. 49, 50 ; ix. 10, 21. his wife, Elizabeth Lundie of Ben- holm, i. 159 ; ix. 10. Alured, a deacon, in Lindsey, iii. 2. of Charterhouse, Thomas, iii. 291. his wife, Eleanor Constable, iii. 291. Alva, Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. Hairstanes of Craig ; wife of (1) Wm. Maxwell of Preston, and (2) Sir C. Erskine of Alva ; styled lady, viii. 360. Alvanley, Richard Pepper (Arden), 1st baron, lord chief -justice, iv. 328. Alwin, thane of Callendar, v. 183. the elder, earl of Lennox, v. 324, 326. Macarkell, v. 325. the younger, earl of Lennox, v. 327. son of Aulay, v. 329 n. ALYTH AND LINTRATHEN, OGILVY, LORD OGILVY OF, i. 123-132. Amabel, wife of (1) Nicholas de Fawnes, and (2) David de Graham, vi. 199, 200. Amabilis, wife of Thomas de Colville of Oxnam, ii. 536. Amabilla, wife of Sir Donald Campbell of Benderloch, i. 320. wife of Sir Adam Gordon of Gordon, justiciar of Lothian, iv. 512. wife of John de Wemyss of Cameron, viii. 477. Ameland, Augusta (Murray) de, dau. of John, 4th earl of Dunmore, and wife of Prince Augustus Frederick of Great Britain, iii. 391. Ames, Louis Eric, 2nd Life Guards, ii. 58. his wife, Margaret Wilhelmina Hamilton, ii. 58. AMESBURY, DOUGLAS, BARON DOUGLAS OF, vii. 174. Amesbury, William, baron Douglas of, vii. 147. Charles (Dundas), lord, v. 312 : ix. 125. his wife, Margaret Maitland, v. 312. Amicia, wife of Sir William de St. Clair, vi. 565. AMPTHILL, BRUCE, VISCOUNT BRUCE OF, iii. 478-483. Anabell of Stobo, dau. of Samuel, vii. 420. Ancaster, Gilbert Henry (Heathcote) 1st earl of, iv. 561 ; vii. 59. his wife, Evelyn Elizabeth Gordon, iv. 561. 184 INDEX Ancaster, Brownlow (Bertie), oth duke of, vii. 96. his wife, Mary Anne Layard, vii. 96. Robert (Bertie), 1st duke of, ii. 304. Robert (Bertie), 4th duke of, i. 490. Ancelin, * d', iii. 382. his wife, *, iii. 382. ANCRAM, KEB, EARL OF, v. 466-487. Ancram, Charles, second earl of, v. 467, 468. his wife, * v. 468. Robert, first earl of, v. 71, 466. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Murray, v. 467. • his 2nd wife, Anne Stanley, T. 466, 467. Robert, third earl of, v. 78, 468, 476, 477. Walter William Schoraberg, eldest son of 9th marquess of Lothian ; styled earl of, v. 486. William, eldest son of 5th marquess of Lothian ; styled earl of, v. 483. his 1st wife, Henrietta Hobart, v. 483. his 2nd wife, Harriet Montagu Scott, ii. 244, v. 483. William Henry, elder son of 3rd mar- quess of Lothian ; styled lord, v. 481. his wife, Caroline D'Arcy, v. 481. Ancrum of Craigcrook, John de, vi. 211. Anderson of Candacraig, John, capt., 28th Regiment, iv. 557. his wife, Catherine Gordon, iv. 557. of Goland, John, self-styled lord Ruther- furd, vii. 384. of Inchconnan, Grizel, v. 218. of Kingask, Alexander, v. 410. his wife, Janet Lindsay, v. 410. of Monthrive, James, v. 409, 410. his wife, Janet Lindsay, v. 409. of Winterfield, John, viii. 137. his wife, Jean Dalrymple, viii. 136. Alison, wife of (1) A. Forbes of Tolqu- houn, and (2) A. Forbes of Pitsligo, iv. 73. Finlay, burgess of Perth, vi. 391. his wife, Elizabeth or Isobel David- son, vi. 391. Isabel, mistress of capt. Charles Flem- ing, viii. 552. James, maltman, Perth, ix. 8. his wife, Janet Ogilvy,ix. 8. Andrew, archdeacon of St. Andrews, iv. 441 w. bishop of Caithness, v. 202; viii. 318, 319 n. bishop of Moray, ii. 122, iii. 135 : v. 277, 569 ; vii. 232 ; viii. 244, 321. parson of Duffus, ii. 122 ; viii. 319, 320. Andrews, Elizabeth, wife of Geo. Baillie Hamilton of Jerviswoode, iv. 322. John, iv. 322. * Name unknown. Andr John, clerk to the Privy Council, vii. 216. Katharine, wife of Archibald Primrose, viii. 215. Anesly, Sir John of, viii. 477. Amabilla, wife of John Wemyss of Cameron, viii. 477. Anglesey, Henry William (Paget) 1st mar- quess of, i. 388 ; v. 367. his wife, Caroline Elizabeth Vii- Hers, i. 388. James (Annesley), 3rd earl of, i. 35. his wife, Katharine Darnley, i. 35. AngoulSme, Henry, bastard of, i. 23; viii. 540. Angra, Sir Charles Stuart, baron Stuart de Rothesay, marquis of, ii. 304. his wife, Elizabeth Margaret Yorke, ii. 304. Angus, son of Gilbert, 1st earl of Angus, i. 162. of the Isles, i. 321. his wife,* Campbell, i. 321. 'Og,' his son, i. 321. of Garmoran, 3rd son of Somerled, v. 30. MacEth, mormaer of Moray, vii. 158. ANGUS, ANCIENT EARLS OF, i. 160-166. Angus, Adam, second earl of, i. 161, 162. Gilbert or Gillebride, fifth earl of, i. 106,160, 416; ii. 317. Gilchrist, third earl of, i. 12, 106, 161, 162 ; ii. 317. Duffagan, perhaps an earl of, iv. 2 n. Duncan, fourth earl of, i. 162, 165. Malcolm, fifth earl of, i. 165. Matilda, wife of (1) John Comyn, (2) Sir G. de Umfraville, and (3) Richard of Dover ; countess of, i. 165, 167 ; ix. 11. ANGUS, COMYN, EARL OF, i. 167. Angus, John, jure uxoris earl of, i. 167, 506. his wife, Matilda, countess of Angus, 166, 167. ANGUS, UMFRAVILLE, EARL OF, i. 167-168. Angus, Gilbert, jure ux. first earl of, i. 167. his wife Matilda, countess of Angus, i. 166. Gilbert, second earl of, i. 168; ii. 256 ; iii. 137; ix. 11. his wife, Elizabeth Comyn, ii. 256 ; ix. 11. Gilbert, fourth earl of, i. 168 ; ix. 11 ter. his 1st wife, Joan Willoughby, ix. his 2nd wife, Maud de Lacy, ix. 11 Robert, third earl of, i. 168 ; ii. 256 ; ix. his 1st wife, Lucy de Kyme, ix. 11 his 2nd wife, Alianore *, ix. 11. ANGUS, STEWART, EARL OF, i. 169-171. Angus, John, first earl of, i. 169. his wife, Margaret Abernethy, i. 170; iii. 10, 13; vii. 402. * Name unknown. INDEX 185 Angus, Margaret, wife of Thomas, 9th earl of Mar, and mistress of 1st Earl of Douglas ; countess of, i. 171, 172 ; iii. 153, 154 ; iv. 304 ; v. 585. Thomas, second earl of, i. 170 ; iii. 13. his wife, Margaret Sinclair, i. 170 ; vi. 567. ANGUS, DOUGLAS, EARL OF, i. 172-213. Angus, Archibald, fifth earl of, i. 177, 178 ; ii. 62, 151, 459; iii. 22, 65; iv. 31, 406; v. 103; vii. 278 ; ix. 12. his contracted wife, Katharine Gordon, i. 182 ; iv. 526. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Boyd, i. 183 ; v. 146 ; ix. 12. his 2nd wife, Katharine Stirling, i. 183 ; iv. 456. Archibald, sixth earl of, i. 21, 187, 190 ; ii. 155 ; iii. 318, 439 ; iv. 261, 357 ; v. 56, 58, 153 ; vii. 41, 120, 335 ; viii. 17, 19, 279, 399 ; ix. 12 quat. his 1st wife, Margaret Hepburn, i. 192; ii. 155; ix. 12. his 2nd wife, queen Margaret Tudor, i. 21, 192 ; ix. 12. his 3rd wife, Margaret Maxwell, i. 192; vi. 481; ix. 12. Archibald, eighth earl of, i.193, 194; iv. 371, 577 ; vi. 228, 362 ; vii. 377. his 1st wife, Mary Erskine, i. 196 ; v. 615. his 2nd wife, Margaret Leslie, i. 196 ; vii. 294 ; ix. 12. his 3rd wife, Jean Lyon, i. 196 ; viii. 291. Archibald, eldest son! of 1st marquess of Douglas; styled earl of, i. 65, 204, 206, 544. his 1st wife, Anna Stewart, i. 207. his 2nd wife, Jean Wemyss, i. 206 ; viii. 503. Archibald, thirteenth earl of, i. 210 ; iv. 393. David, seventh earl of, i. 188, 193. his wife, Margaret Hamilton, i. 193, 248 ; iv. 363. George, first earl of, i. 18, 171, 172 ; iii. 154 ; iv. 81 ; viii. 381 bis. his wife, Mary Stewart, i. 18, 173. George, fourth earl of, i. 175, 176; ii. 179, 228 ; vii. 322. his wife, Isabella Sibbald, i. 177 ; iii. 92. James, third earl of, i. 19, 175 ; iv. 50. James, twelfth earl of, i. 207. — James, eldest son of 2nd marquess of Douglas ; styled earl of, i. 208. — William, second earl of, i. 174 ; iv. 48, 446 ; ix. 11 bis. his wife, Margaret Hay, i. 175; ix. 165. Angus, William, ninth earl of, i. 184, 197. his wife, Egidia Graham, i. 198. William, tenth earl of, i. 198, 199; iii. 574. his wife, Elizabeth Oliphant, i. 201 ; vi. 549. William, eleventh earl of, i. 202 ; v. 73 bis. his 1st wife, Margaret Hamilton, i. 45, 204. his 2nd wife, Mary Gordon, i. 204 ; iv. 545. William, 2nd son of 2nd marquess of Douglas ; styled earl of, i. 209. ANGUS, HAMILTON, EARL OF, iv. 393-397. Angus, James George, fourteenth earl of, iv. 393. ANGUS AND ABERNETHY, DOUGLAS, EARL OF, i. 210. Angus, Archibald, earl of, i. 210. ANGUS AND ORMOND, DOUGLAS, EARL OF, i.206. Angus, Archibald, eldest son of 1st marquess of Douglas ; earl of, i. 65, 206, 544 ; iii. 345. his 1st wife, Anna Stewart, i. 207 ; v. 359 ; ix. 13. his 2nd wife, Jean Wemyss, i. 207 ; iv. 77 ; viii. 503 ; ix. 13. ANGUS, DOUGLAS, MARQUESS OF, i. 210. Angus, Archibald, marquess of, i. 210. master of, George, eldest son of 5th earl of Angus, i. 181, 183, 186. his contracted wife, Margaret Oliphant, i. 186 ; vi. 542. his wife, Elizabeth Drummond, i. 187 ; vi. 147 n. ; vii. 45. master of, George D. of Pittendreich, i. 185, 187, 191 ; iv. 358, 360, 380 ; v. 60 ; vi. 147 n., 360 ; vii. 120 ; viii. 279, 437. his wife, Elizabeth Douglas, i. 188. master of, James, son of 6th earl of Angus, i. 192. Hugh de, 1250, i. 107. Anjou, Geoffrey Plantagenet, count of. i. 2. his wife, Matilda of England, i. 2. Ankerville, David Ross, judge of the Court of Session, lord, vii. 178. Anna, wife of Colban, 8th earl of Fife, iv. 10. Annabel, wife of Donald Strathechin of Monycabock, viii. 530. Annabella of Durie, dau. of Duncan, son of Duncan, earl of Fife ; wife of Sir Hugh of *, viii. 245 n. ; ix. 89. ANNAN, MURRAY, VISCOUNT, i. 228-229. Annan, James, second viscount, i. 228. his wife, Jean Carnegie, i. 229 ; viii. 70. John, first viscount, i. 228. his wife, Elizabeth Shaw, i. 228. ANNAND, JOHNSTONE, VISCOUNT OF, i. 261. * ISaiue unknown. 186 INDEX Annand, James, first viscount of, i. 261. of Kellie, David, i. 84. Henry, i. 84. of Melgum, David, iv. 273. his wife, * Gray, iv. 273. of Octerellon, Alexander, vii. 438. his wife, Margaret Fraser, vii. 438. Agnes de, alleged wife of .Robert de Brus of Skelton, ii. 429. Elizabeth, wife of Alex. Gordon of Braco, i. 84. ANNANDALE, STEWART, LORD OF, i. 151. Annandale, Alexander, lord of, i. 151. ANNANDALE, DOUGLAS, LORD OF, iii. 270. Annandale, George, 10th earl of Dunbar, lord of, iii. 270. ANNANDALE, MURRAY, EARL OF, i. 214-229. Annandale, James, second earl of, i. 228, 476 ; viii. 197 ; ix. 14. his wife, Jean Carnegie, i. 229, viii. 70. John, first earl of, i. 225, 228 ; v. 266 ; viii. 193, 197. his wife, Elizabeth Shaw, i. 228. ANNANDALE, JOHNSTONS, EARL OF, i. 261- 271. Annandale, George, fourth earl of, i. 269. James, first earl of, i. 261; ix. 15. his wife, Henrietta Douglas, i. 205, 263. James, third earl of, i. 269. William, second earl of, i. 264. his 1st wife, Sophia Fairholm, i. 268. his 2nd wife, Charlotte van Lore Vanden Bempde, i. 268. ANNANDALE, JOHNSTONE, MARQUESS OF, i. 230-271. Annandale, George Vanden Bempde, third marquess of, i. 268 ; iv. 500. James, second marquess of, i. 268, 269 ; iv. 494. William, first marquess of, i. 263 ; v. 508. his 1st wife, Sophia Fairholm, i. 268. his 2nd wife, Charlotte van Lore vanden Bempde, i. 268. Anne, 1st wife of James Kennedy, 4th son of Sir Alex. K. of Craigoch and Culzean, ii. 489. Constance d'Arguille, sister, ix. 23. 2nd wife of Rev. Richard Aston, i. 402. wife of (1) John Thursby, Madras C.S., and (2) Leveson G. K. Murray, Madras C.S., iii. 390. Annesley, Elinor, wife of John Madan Maitland, v. 314. Gilbert, v. 314. Katharine, wife of 2nd earl of Arran, i. 68. * Name unknown. Anson, Thomas (Anson), 1st viscount, vii. 226; viii. 210. Anne Frederica, wife of 8th earl of Wemyss, viii. 517. Anne Margaret, wife of 4th earl of Rosebery, vii. 226. Archibald H. A., col., i. 392. his wife, Julia Susanna Ward, i. 392. Frances Elizabeth, wife of (1) Charles John Murray, and (2) Ambrose Isted, viii. 210. Frederica Sophia, wife of Bouverie F. Primrose, vii. 226. Anstruther of Airdrie, Sir James, i. 477. his wife, Katharine Skene, i. 477. of Anstruther, John, iii. 20. his wife, Elizabeth Spens, iii. 20. Sir John, 1st bart., iv. 594 ; ix. 114. his wife, Margaret Carmichael, iv. 594. Sir John, 5th bart., iv. 594, 597. Sir William, M.P., iv. 318. his wife, Helen Hamilton, iv. 318. of Balcaskie, Sir Philip, 2nd bart., viii. 456. his wife, Katharine Hay, viii. 456. Sir Robert, vi. 589. Sir Robert, 3rd bart., iv. 388 ; v. 89. his wife, Janet Erskine, v. 89. of Balgarvie, Robert, general, v. 317. his wife, Elizabeth Maitland, v. 317. of Huntsmore Park, David, vi. 445. his wife, * Donaldson, vi. 445. of Pitcorthy, Cecilia, wife of John Strang, iii. 269. Richard, iii. 269. of Thirdpart, Sir Alexander, advocate- general at Madras, ii. 57. Sir Alexander, 5th son of Sir Philip A. of Anstruther, v. 386. his wife, Jane Leslie, styled lady Newark, v. 386 ; vi. 443. Jean, wife of James Douglas, vi. 372. Jean, wife of James Makgill of Ran- keillor, vi. 589. John, colonel, vii. 587. his wife, Grizel Maria Thomson of Charleton, vii. 587. Louisa Anne Erskine, wife of Sir F. W. Hamilton, ii. 57. Robert, brigadier-general, iv. 388. his wife, Charlotte Lucy Hamilton, iv. 388. Anton, Christiana, wife of 9th viscount Falkland, iii. 615. P., minister of Kilsyth, v. 194. Antrim, Charlotte (McDonnell), wife of vice-admiral lord Mark R. Ker ; countess of, v. 482. * Name unknown. INDEX 187 Antrim, Hugh Seymour (McDonnell), 4th earl of, v. 483. Mark (McDonnell), 5th earl of, v. 483. Randal (McDonnell), 1st earl of, viii.348. Randal (McDonnell), marquess of, i. 48, 351 ; v. 563. Randal William (McDonnell), 6th earl, and marquess of, v. 482. Antrobus of Antrobus, Sir Edmund, 2nd bart., i. 528. his wife, Anne Lindsay, i. 528. of Eaton Hall, John Coutts, iii. 44. his wife, Mary Egidia Lindsay, iii. 44. Hugh Lindsay, viii. 235. Katharine Mary, wife of col. Laurence George Drummond, viii. 235. Margaret Freda Evelyn, wife of G. de St. C. Rollo, vii. 210. Robert Craufurd, vii. 210. Apchier, Beatrice, wife of John Stewart, lord of Aubigny and Concressault, v. 347. B6rault, seigneur d', v. 347. Apprice, Robert, iii. 294. his wife, Anne Constable, iii. 294. Appsley of Appsley, Cordelia, wife of capt. James Dalrymple, viii. 131. John, viii. 131. Apsley, Sir Alan, lieutenant of Tower of London, iii. 99. Jocosa, wife of (1) Lyster Blount, and (2) 1st earl of Dalhousie, iii. 99. Apthorp, Anna, wife of Charles H. Douglas- Hamilton, iv. 388. Arbuckle, James, merchant burgess, Edin- burgh, iii. 447. Katharine, wife of (1) John Hamilton of Bardanoch, and (2) Hugh Montgomerie, iii. 447, 448 ; ix. 81. ARBUTHNOTT, ARBUTHNOTT, VISCOUNT OF, i. 272-317. Arbuthnott, David, eleventh viscount of, i. 315. John, fifth viscount of, i. 310, 312. his wife, Jean Morrison, i. 312. John, sixth viscount of, I 308, 313. his 1st wife, Marjory Douglas, i. 313. his 2nd wife, Jean Arbuthnott, i. 313. John, seventh viscount of, i. 313. his wife, Isabella Grahame, i. 314. John, eighth viscount of, i. 314. his wife, Margaret Ogil vy, i. 130, 314. John, ninth viscount of, i. 316. his wife, Jean Graham Drummond Ogilvy, i. 130, 316. — John, tenth viscount of, i. 316. his wife, Anna Harriet Allen, i. 316. ' Robert, first viscount of, i. 304. his 1st wife, Marjory Carnegie, i. 304 ; viii. 67. his 2nd wife, Katharine Fraser, i. 304 ; v. 534. Arbuthnott, Robert, second viscount of, i. 307. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Keith, i. 308 ; vL60. his 2nd wife, Katharine Gordon, i. 308; viii. 78, Robert, third viscount of, i. 308, 310. his wife, Ann Sutherland Gordon, i. 316; viii. 352. Robert, fourth viscount of, i. 311. master of, Robert, eldest son of 6th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 313. ARBUTHNOTT, VISCOUNT OF ARBUTHNOTT, i. 272-317. ARBUTHNOTT, LORD OF BERVIE, i. 305. Arbuthnott of Achtirforfar, Alexander, i. 291. his wife, Margaret Middleton, i. 292. David, i. 192. his wife, Jean Keith, i. 292. Robert, i. 290. of Arbeikie, James, tutor of Arbuth- nott, 2nd son of James A. of Arrat, i. 295, 298. his wife, Elizabeth Blair, i. 299. Robert, i. 295, 299. his wife, Anna Douglas, i. 299. of Arbuthnott, Andrew, 15th laird, i. 290, 297. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Carnegie, i. 297 ; viii. 56. his 2nd wife, Margaret Hoppringil, i. 298. David, llth laird, i. 281. his wife, Elizabeth Durham, i. 281. Duncan de, 2nd laird, i. 274, 423. Duncan de, 5th laird, i. 275. Duncan de, 6th laird, i. 276. Hugh, 9th laird, i. 278. his wife, Margaret Keith, i. 279; vi. 39. Hugo de S win ton, 1st laird, i. 272. Hugo de, 3rd laird, i. 274. Hugo, 'le Blond,' 4th laird, i. 274; v. 203. Hugo, 7th laird, i. 276. James, 13th laird, i. 284, 288. his wife, Jean or Janet Stewart, i. 288, 443. Philip de, 8th laird, i. 276. his 1st wife, Janet Keith, i. 276 ; vi. 37. his 2nd wife, Margaret Douglas, i. 276. Robert, 10th laird, i. 279. his wife, Giles Ogilvy, i. 112, 279. Robert, 12th laird, i. 282; iii. 307. his 1st wife, Margaret Wishart, i. 282 ; ix. 15. his 2nd wife, Mariot Scrymgeour, i. 282. 188 INDEX Arbuthnott of Arbuthnott, Robert, 14th laird, i. 289 ; ix. 16. his 1st wife, Katharine Erskine, i. 290. his 2nd wife, Christian Keith, i. 290 ; vi. 43. his 3rd wife, Helen Clephane, i. 290. Sir Robert; 16th laird, i. 299. his wife, Mary Keith, i. 299 ; vi. 50. Sir Robert, 17th laird, i. 298, 301. his 1st wife, Margaret Keith, i. 302 ; vi. 53 ; ix. 15. his 2nd wife, Margaret Fraser, i. 302; v. 532. • Robert, 18th laird, i. 302, 304. his 1st wife, Marjory Carnegie, i. 305; viii. 67. his 2nd wife, Katharine Fraser, i. 305. of Arbuthnottshaugh, Thomas, M.D., i. 308. his wife, Margaret Forbes, i. 308. of Arrat, James, 3rd son of Andrew A. of that Ilk, i. 298. his wife, Margaret Livingstone, i. 298. Robert, i. 298, 300, 301. of Balwyllo, Elizabeth, i. 304. of Banff, Robert, i. 284. of Blackstoun, Alexander, i. 296. James, i. 296. his wife, Margaret Rattray, i. 296. William, 8th son of Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 296. of Easter Brichty, Janet, i. 280. John, i. 280. his wife, Janet Mason, i. 280. of Cairnibeg and Dulladies, James, 2nd son of James A. of Arrat, i. 298, 305. his wife, Elizabeth Blair, i. 299. of Caldhame, Robert, i. 294. his wife, Margaret Grahame, i. 294. of Caterline, Alexander, i. 304. Elizabeth, of Balwyllo, i. 304. James, i. 304. John, son of Simon A., i. 303, 312. his wife, Magdalen Garden, i. 303. John, i. 303. John, 5th viscount A,, i. 304, 312. Robert, eldest son of; David A. of Achtirforfar, i. 286, 292. his wife, Margaret Arbuthnott, i. 292. Mr. Robert, i. 292, 303 ; ix. 16. Simon, i. 292, 303. his wife, Magdalen Melville, i. 303. of Chapelton and Nether Pitforthies, Patrick, i. 299. his wife, * Rait, i. 299. of Coschnow, John, i. 291. * Name unknown. Arbuthnott of Coschnow, William, i. 291. of Fiddes, Andrew, i. 514. his wife, Helen Lindsay, i. 514. Andrew, i. 286 : ix. 16. his 1st wife, Sara Strachan, ix. 16. his 2nd wife, Janet Gordon, i. 286. Andrew, 2nd son of Sir Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 286, 302. John, i. 303. his wife, Helen Bruce, i. 303. Robert, i. 285. his wife, Isabel Burnett, i. 285. Robert, i. 286. his 1st wife, Margaret Barclay, i. 286. his 2nd wife, Jean Burnett, i. 286. his 3rd wife, Mary Arbuthnott, i. of Findowrie, Alexander, i. 295, 312. his wife, Margaret Ochterlony, i. 295. David, 5th son of Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 294 ; iii. 322 ; ix. 16. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Rait, i. 294. his 2nd! wife, * Stuart, i. 294. Margaret, wife of James Carnegie, i. 295. Robert, i. 294, 305. his wife, Margaret Grahame, i. 294. Robert, i. 294. his wife, Elizabeth Rait, i. 294. of Finnart, James, i. 309. Robert, i. 309. of Fordoun, John, 3rd son of 1st viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 308, 311, 312, 313. his wife, Margaret Falconer, i. 308. John, his son, i. 308, 313. his 1st wife, Marjory Douglas, i. 313. his 2nd wife, Jean Arbuthnott. i. 295, 313. of Kirkbraehead, Alexander, i. 307. Robert, son of Alex. A. of Knox, i. 307. his wife, Elizabeth Riddel, i. 307. of Knox, Alexander, 2nd son of 1st viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 306, 311 ; ix. 16. his 1st wife, Margaret Barclay, i. 306. his 2nd wife, Jean Scott, i. 306. Alexander, his son, i. 306, 307. his wife, Janet Rennald, i. 307. of Legasland, James, i. 280. John, i. 280 ; ix. 15 bis. his wife, Christian Fraser, i. 280. of Mondynes, John, 2nd son of Robt. of that Ilk, i. 290. his 1st wife, Katharine Pitcairn, i. 291. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Grahame, i. 291. Robert, i. 291. his wife, Margaret Symmer, i. 291. * Name unknown. INDEX 189 Arbuthnott of Mondynes, William, i. 291. William, vii. 18. his wife, Isobel Maule, vii. 18. of Pitcarles, Alexander, i. 291. his wife, Margaret Middleton, i. 292. Alexander, i. 292. his wife, Margaret Haliburton, i. 292. Andrew, i. 273, 285. David, i. 286, 292. his wife, Jean Keith, i. 292. of Portertown, i. 280, 281 ; ix. 15 bis. of Tortairstoun, Andrew, i. 302 ; ix. 16. Agnes, wife of Alex. Straiten, i. 293. Alexander, Principal of King's College, Aberdeen, i. 272, 285, 287. Alexander, parson of Arbuthnott, i. 273, 280. Alexander, 4th son of John A. of Legas- land, i. 280. Alexander, 4th son of David A., i. 280. Mr. Alexander, 5th son of Hugh A., i. 281. Alexander, 4th son of Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 281. Mr. Alexander, 2nd son of Robt. A. of Little Fiddes, i. 285. Alexander, merchant, Dundee, i. 286. his 1st wife, Janet Gordon, ix. 16. Alexander, husband of Katharine Arbuthnott, i. 287. Alexander, M.D., Dundee, i. 292. Alexander, eldest son of Robt. A. of Findowrie, i. 294. his wife, Margaret Lindsay, i. 294. Alexander, in Arbeikie, i. 295. Alexander, 3rd son of Andrew A. of Fiddes, i. 303. Alexander, 3rd son of Sir Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 303. Alexander, Fort William, Bengal, i. 304. Alexander, 9th son of 7th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 314. Alexander, son of Alex. A., Dundee, ix. 16. Sir Alexander Dundas Young, admiral, i. 307. his wife, Katharine Maria Eustace, i. 307. Alexander George, i. 309. Alwin de, 1241, i. 273, 274; ix. 15. — Ambrose, son of Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 282. Andrew, priest, i. 284. — Andrew, 3rd son of Robt. A. of Little Fiddes, i. 286. — Andrew, eldest son of John A. of jndynes, i. 291. • Andrew, 3rd son of Alex. A. in Pitcarles, ix. 16. Arbuthnott, Andrew, 4th son of Andrew A. of Fiddes, i. 303; ix. 16. Andrew, son of Robt. A., Dundee, i. 304. Ann, wife of James Allardyce, i. 286. Ann, dau. of Romeo A., i. 307 Ann, dau. of John A. of Fordoun, i. 309. Ann, dau. of Thomas A., i. 310. Ann, wife of Robt. Burnett, i. 310. Anna, wife of Wm. Forbes, i. 307. Anne, wife of John Horn, i. 310. Anne Charlotte, wife of Alex. Cheape, i. 316. Archibald, merchant, Edinburgh, i. 307. his wife, Margaret Lee, i. 307. Archibald, merchant in London, i. 307. Archibald, son of Hugh Corsar A., i. 315. Charles James Donald, i. 316. his wife, Caroline *, i. 316. Charlotte, dau. of 6th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 313. Charlotte Louisa, dau. of 8th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 316. Christian, dau. of David A. of that Ilk, i.282. Christian, wife of Alex. Fraser, i. 287. Christian, wife of George Symmer, i. 293. Christian, dau. of David A. of Fin- dowrie, i. 294. Christian, dau. of Romeo A., i. 307. Clementina, wife of Alex. Stuart of Inchbreck, i. 316. Clementina Maria, wife of Col. W. R. Campbell, i. 316. David, 2nd son of Hugh A., i. 280. his wife, Christian Rhind, i. 280. David, son of John A. of Legasland, i. 280. David, son of David A., i. 280. David, canon of Dunkeld, i. 288. David, 3rd son of Robt. A. of Caterline, i. 292. David, 2nd son of David A. of Fin- dowrie, i. 294. David, 2nd son of Robt. A. of Findowrie, i. 295. David, C.S.I., i. 315. his wife, Eliza Reynolds, i. 315. David, his son, i. 315. David, son of Donald S. A., i. 315. Donald Stuart, C.E., i. 315. his wife, Anne Elizabeth Brand, i. 315. Duncan, 5th son of 7th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 314. Edith Gertrude, i. 315. Eliza Clementina, i. 315. Elizabeth, wife of Patrick Barclay, i. 282. * Name unknown. 190 INDEX Arbuthnott, Elizabeth, wife of (1) Thos. Fotheringham, and (2) Martin of Car- downe, i. 287. Elizabeth, dau. of David A. of Fin- dowrie, i. 294. Elizabeth, dau. of Alex. A., i. 294. Elizabeth, dau. of Robt. A. of Fin- dowrie, i. 295. Elizabeth, wife of Jas. Mortimer, i. 296. Elizabeth, wife of Jas. Douglas, i. 299. Elizabeth, wife of J. Garden,!. 299 ; ix.16. Elizabeth, dau. of Alex. A. of Knox, i. 307. Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Forbes, i. 309. Elizabeth, dau. of John A. of Fordoun, i. 309. Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. A., i. 310. Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Wood, i. 310. Elizabeth, dau. of Alex. A., Dundee, ix. 16. Elspeth, wife of Sir Jas. Young, i. 294. Evander, son of Archibald A., i. 307. Francis William, i. 314. George, 3rd son of Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 285. George, 2nd son of Andrew A. in Pit- carles, and of Little Fiddes, i. 287. Mr. George, 4th son of Alex. A. of Ach- tirforfar, i. 292. George, son of Alex. A., Arbeikie, i. 295. George, in Halwestown, i. 296. George, 2nd son of Andrew A. of that Ilk, i. 298. George, 4th son of John A. of Cater- line, i. 304. Georgina Muriel, i. 315. Giles, wife of (1) Cargill of Lessington, and (2) Alex. Fraser, i. 282. Giles, wife of (1) Henry Grahame ; (2) Andrew Strachan, and (3) Thos. Fraser, i. 287; iv. 109; ix.16. Guille, archer of Scots Guard, ix. 15. Harry, 3rd son of Romeo A., i. 307. Helen, wife of (1) Jas. Haliburton, and (2) George Kinnaird, i. 293. Helen, wife of Alex. Fraser, i. 299. Helen, wife of (1) Robt. Burnett, and (2) John Sandilands, i. 303 ; ix. 16. Helen, wife of H. J. P. Rollo, i. 307. Helen, wife of (1) John Macfarlane, and (2) John Spottiswood, i. 310. Helen, dau. of 3rd viscount of Arbuth- nott, i. 311. Helen, wife of F. L. Scrymgeour Wed- derburn, i. 316. Hugh, son of Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 279. his wife, Janet Balmakewan, i. 279. Hugh, 5th son of David A., i. 280. Hugh, 3rd son of Hugh A., i. 281. his wife, * Hay, i. 281. * Name unknown. Arbuthnott, Hugh, physician in France, i. 281. Hugh, legtd. son of Robt. A. of that Ilk, 290. Hugh, 3rd son of 6th viscount of Arbuth- nott, i. 313. Sir Hugh, K.C.B., M.P., i. 314. Hugh, lieut.-col. 3rd Madras It. cavalry, i. 315. his wife, Susan Thomson Campbell, i. 315. Hugh, 2nd son of Hugh Corsar A., i. 315. Hugh, 3rd son of 9th viscount of Ar- buthnott, i. 316. Hugh Corsar, C.E., i. 315. his wife, Marianne Gibson, i. 315. Hugh Hamilton, son of John Campbell A., i. 315. Isabel, dau. of Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 287. Isabel, wife of Alex. Strachan, i. 293. Isabel, dau. of Alex. A. of Knox, i. 307. Isabel, dau. of 3rd viscount of Arbuth- nott, i. 311. Isobel, wife of Sir Jas. Young, i. 294. Isobel, dau. of Robert A. of Findowrie, i. 295. Isobel, wife of (1) David Ochterlony of Kelly, and (2) Robert Maule of Panmure, i. 288 ; vii. 12. Isabella Mary, dau. of 8th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 316. — James, collector of Cess for Angus and Mearns, i. 280 ; ix. 15. James, son of Robert A. of that Ilk, i. 281. his wife, * Grahame, i. 281. James, merchant burgess of Montrose, i. 286. James, in Garriotsmyre, i. 296. his wife, Katharine Stewart, i. 296. James, 3rd son of Jas. A. of Arbeikie, i. 299. James, shipmaster, Leith, i. 304. his wife, Helen Arnot, i. 304. James, eldest son of Romeo A., i. 307. James, merchant in Edinburgh, i. 308. James, captain R.N., i. 314. James, son of Alex. A., Dundee, ix. 16. James Gordon, i. 315. Jane, dau. of 7th viscount of Arbuth- nott, i. 314. Janet, wife of (1) Alex. Falconer, and (2) George Auchinleck, i. 287 ; v. 244. Janet, wife of Wm. Rait of Halgreen, i. 304. Janet, dau. of Alex. A. of Knox, i. 307. Janet, wife of James Lee, i. 307. Jean, dau. of Robt. A. of Little Fide i. 286. Jean, wife of George Rait, i. 292. Jean, dau. of Alex. A., Pitcarles, i. * Name unknown. INDEX 191 Arbuthnott, Jean, wife of James Clephane, i. 293. Jean, wife of 6th viscount Arbuthnott, i. 295, 313. Jean, dau. of Andrew A. of Fiddes, i. 303. Jean, wife of (1) Alex. Burnett; (2) Patrick Gordon, and (3) Sir William Douglas, i. 304. Jean, wife of Samuel Straton, i. 306. Jean, dau. of Romeo A., i. 307. Jean, wife of William Galloway, i. 307. Jean, wife of Alex. Gordon, i. 309. Jean, dau. of John A. of Fordun, i. 309. Jean, dau. of 2nd viscount of Arbuth- nott, i. 310. Jean, wife of capt. Crawford of Cam- lurg, i. 310. Jean, wife of Alex. Cavendish, i. 315. Jean Ogilvy, wife of Comr. Jas. Cheape, R.N., i. 316. Jeannie, wife of Nicholas Dodd Beatson- Bell, i. 315. Joan, wife of Jas. Clephane, i. 293. John, physician to Queen Anne, i. 273, 280. John, 3rd son of John A. of Legasland, i. 280. John, son of Robert A. ' in Banff,' i. 281. John, 2nd son of Alex. A. of Achtirfor- far, i. 292. John, son of Robt. A. of Findowrie, i. 295. John, 2nd son of Robt. A. of Kirkbrae- head, i. 307. John, eldest (son of Dr. A.' of Arbuth- nottshaugh, i. 308. John, eldest son of Hugh Corsar A., i. 315. John Campbell, C.I.E., i. 315. his wife, Jeannie Sinclair Hamilton, i. 315. John Ogilvy, i. 315. John Pelly, i. 315. — John Robert, i. 315. Josette, wife of (1) capt. Hughes, and (2) Gen. Sir De Lacy Evans, i. 307. Josette Eliza Jane, wife of major Wol- laston, i. 307. Katharine, wife of * Gorthie of that Ilk, i. 280; ix. 15. Katharine, wife of John Allardice, i. 281. Katharine, wife of Alex. Grahame, tutor of Morphie, i. 282. Katharine, wife of Alex. Burnett, i. 285. Katharine, wife of Alex. Arbuthnott, i. 287. — Katharine, wife of (1) David Auchin- leck, and (2) Gilbert Turing, i. 287. Katharine, dau. of George A., i. 287. * Name unknown. Arbuthnott, Katharine, wife of James Thomson, i. 292. Katharine, wife of Jas. Mortimer, i. 296. Katharine, wife of Francis Melville, i. 299. Katharine, wife of Chas. Stirling of Kippendavie, i. 306. Katharine, wife of James Moir, i. 309. Katharine, wife of (1) Robt. Gordon, and (2) David Riccart, i. 310. Katharine, wife of rev. D. Lyell, i. 314. Kathleen Georgina, wife of It. -col. Rait of Anniston, i. 315. Lindsay George, i. 315. Louise Curzon, i. 315. Magdalen, dau. of Robt. A. of Fin- dowrie, i. 295. Margaret, wife of Andrew Menzies, i. 279. Margaret, wife of (1) Alex. Balbirnie, and (2) John Ogilvy, i. 280. Margaret, wife of (1) Robt. A. of Cater- line, and (2) Sir Geo. Ogilvy, i. 286, 292. Margaret, wife of Andrew Sibbald of Kair, i. 291. Margaret, wife of David Guthrie, i. 292. Margaret, dau. of David A. of Fin- dowrie, i. 294. Margaret, dau. of Robt. A. of Fin- dowrie, i. 295. Margaret, wife of James Ogilvy, i. 295. Margaret, wife of David Ogilvie of Powrie, i. 297; ix. 16. Margaret, illeg. dau. of John A., Mon- trose, i. 304. Margaret, wife of Alex. Carnegie of Pitarrow, i. 304 ; viii. 75. Margaret, wife of Sir John Forbes of Monymusk, i. 306. Margaret, wife of Jas. Napier, Mon- trose, i. 305. Margaret, wife of T. L. Whittier, i. 307. Margaret, wife of Sir T. Burnett, i. 308. Margaret, wife of William Ross, i. 309. Margaret, dau. of John A. of Fordoun, i. 309. Margaret, dau. of 3rd viscount of Ar- buthnott, i. 311. Margaret, wife of Sir Alex. Dunbar of Northfleld, i. 313. Margaret, dau. of Donald S. A., i. 315. Margaret, wife of W. J. Lumsden, i. 316. Margaret, dau. of 9th viscount of Ar- buthnott, i. 316. Margaret Fanny, dau. of David A., i. 315. Margaret Ogilvy, i. 315. Margaret or Marjorie, wife of Sir William Monypenny, vi. 276. 192 INDEX Arbuthnott, Marie, dau. of Robt. A. of Findowrie, i. 295. Mariot, 8th son of 7th viscount of Ar- buthnott, i. 314. Mariota or Marion, wife of Jas. Bisset, i. 287. Mary, 3rd wife of Robert A. of Little Fiddes, i. 286, 293. Mary, dau. of Wm. A. of Mondynes, i. 291. . Mary, wife of Alexander Hay, i. 292. Mary, wife of Robt. A., Deptford, i. 306, 310. Mary, wife of John Douglas of Til- whilly, i. 309. Mary, dau. of 3rd viscount of Arbuth- nott, i. 311. Marjory, wife of Alex. Keith of Cow- toun, i. 286. Marjory, wife of F. Farquharson, i. 295. Marjory, dau. of Jas. A. of Arbeikie, i. 299. Norah Gertrude, i. 315. Patrick, W.S., 6th son of Robt. A. of Little Fiddes, i. 286 ; ix. 16 bis. Patrick, canon of Dunkeld, and physician to King James v., i. 288, 289; ix. 16. Patrick, 2nd son of James A. of that Ilk, i. 288. Patrick, 3rd son of Alex. A. of Knox, i. 307. Mr. Peter, pedagogue to lord Thirle- stane, ix. 15. Robert, parson of Arbuthnott, i. 273, 293. Robert, 2nd son of John A. of Legas- land, i. 280. Robert, 2nd son of Robert A. of Ar- buthnott, i. 284 ; vi. 44. his wife, Marion Lundie, vi. 44. Robert, provost of Montrose, i. 280, 311. Robert, 'in Banff,' i. 281, 289. his wife, * Lychtoun, i. 281. Robert, 4th son of Robt. A. of Little Fiddes, i. 286. Mr. Robert, 5th son of Alex. A. of Achtirf orf ar, i. 292 ; ix. 16. Robert, son of David A. of Findowrie, i. 294 ; iii. 322. his wife, Margaret Graham, iii. 322. Robert, illeg- son of James A. of Arrat, Robert, eldest son of Andrew A. of Fiddes,' i. 302. Robert, merchant in Dundee, i. 304. Robert, illeg. son of Sir Robert A. of that Ilk, i. 304. Robert, 2nd son of Alex. A. of Knox, i. 306. his wife, Elizabeth Malloch, i. 306. * Name unknown. Arbuthnott, Robert, shipwright at Deptford, i. 306. his wife, Mary Arbuthnott, i. 306, 310. Robert, lieut-col. 31st foot, i. 307. his wife, Cordelia Murray, i. 307. Robert, 3rd son of 7th viscount of Ar- buthnott, i. 314. Robert, son of Hugh Corsar A., i. 315. Robert Keith, i. 315. Robin Hugh Claud, i. 315. Romeo, stockbroker, London, i. 307. his wife, Christian Ramsay, i. 307. Sara, wife of Robert Stuart of Inch- breck, i. 286. Susanna, 5th dau. of Alex. A., Pitcarles, i. 293. Thomas, 2nd son of Jas. A. of Arbeikie, i. 299. - — Thomas, 2nd son of Romeo A., i. 307. Thomas, son of Dr. A. of Arbuthnotts- haugh, i. 308. Thomas, 5th son of 2nd viscount of Ar- buthnott, i. 309. his wife, Elizabeth Falconer, i. 309. Walter, 2nd son of 8th vicount of Ar- buthnott, i. 315. his wife, Anna Maria Otley, i. 315. Walter Charles Warner, It. -col., R.A., i. 315. his wife, Emma Marion Parlby, i. 315. William, a notary, son of Hugh A., i. 281. William, son of Robt. A. ' in Banff,' i. 281. William, ' 6th son of Robt. A. of that Ilk, i. 281. his wife, * Abirkyrdo, i. 281. William, General, R.A., i. 314. William, H.E.I.C.S., 5th son of 8th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 315, his wife, Elrington Douglas, i. 315. William, 4th son of 9th viscount of Arbuthnott, i. 316. *, wife of Straiton of Lauriston, 1300, i. 275. *, wife of David Rait of Drumi i. 288. *, wife of Lindsay of Barnyards, i. 297. Arbuthnott-Maitland of Pitrichie, ander, baron of Exchequer, i. 309. his wife, Jean Maitland, i. 309. Charles, advocate, M.P., i. 309. Katharine, i. 309. Margaret, i. 309. Mary Ann, i. 309. Archer - Houblon of Hallingbury Place, George, ne Eyre, iii. 48. his wife, Alice Frances Lindsay iii. 48. * Name unknown. INDEX 193 Archibald, Janet, wife of Andrew Alexan- der, viii. 169. Ard of Deskford, Ardach, and Skeith, Sir Christin del, iv. 44 ; ix. 90. Alexander del, vi. 568. John del, iv. 44. Johndel,son of Sir Christin del A., iv.45. Wayland de 1', ii. 320. his wife, Matilda of Strathearn, ii. 320. ARDELVE, MACKENZIE, BARON, vii. 512-513. Ardelve, Kenneth, baron, vii. 512. ARDMANOCH, STEWART, LORD, i. 155. Ardmanoch, Charles, afterwards king Charles I., lord, i. 155. ARDMANNACH, STEW ART, EARL OF, vii. 246. Ardmannach, James, 2nd son of king James in. ; earl of, vii. 246. ARDROSSAN OF ARDROSSAN, MONTGOMERIE, BARON, iii. 461-465. Ardrossan, Hugh, first baron, iii. 460. his wife, Eleonora Hamilton, iii. 461. Sir Fergus de, iv. 185. Ards, Hugh (Montgomery) viscount of the Great, i. 254 ; viii. 547. his wife, Sara Maxwell, i. 41 n., 254. Arfinn, 5th son of Thorfinn Skullsplitter, ii. 314. Argenteau, Louis d', count of Esseneux and baron of Maelsbrock, iii. 480. Charlotte d', countess of Esseneux and baroness of Maelsbrock, wife of Thomas, 3rd earl of Elgin, iii. 480. Argoult, Frances d', wife of Pierre de Forbin, iv. 43 n. ARGYLL, CAMPBELL, EARL OF, i. 332-393. Argyll, Archibald, second earl of, i. 335, 443 ; v. 400. his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, i. 336 ; v. 350. Archibald, fourth earl of, i. 338; iv. 360, 366 ; v. 556 ; vii. 122 ; viii. 17, 166. his 1st wife, Helen Hamilton, i. 339. his 2nd wife, Margaret Graham, i. 339 ; vi. 159. his 3rd wife, Katharine Maclean, i. 340 ; ix. 20 bis. Archibald, fifth earl of, i. 340 ; iii. 439 ; iv. 242 ; ix. 20, 21. — his 1st wife, Jean Stewart, i. 25, 342. his 2nd wife, Jonet Cunningham, i. 343 ; ix. 21. — Archibald, ' Gruamach,' seventh earl of, i. 346 ; v. 21 ; viii. 170 ; ix. 21 bis. his 1st wife, Agnes Douglas, i. 349 ; vi. 374 ; ix. 21. his 2nd wife, Anne Cornwallis, i. 350. — Archibald, eighth earl of, i. 349, 351. his wife, Margaret Douglas, i. 359 ; vi. 378. VOL. IX. Argyll, Archibald, ninth earl of, i. 359, 361, 520 ; ii. 298 ; iii. 208, 327, 347 ; v. 121, 564. his contr. wife Ann Hamilton, ix. 23. his 1st wife, Mary Stewart, i. 366 ; vi. 321 ; ix. 24, 139 bis. his 2nd wife, Anne or Jean Mac- kenzie, i. 368 ; vii. 507. Archibald, tenth earl of, i. 367, 368. his wife, Elizabeth Talmash, i. 370. — Archibald, twelfth earl of, i. 378. Colin, first earl of, i. 332 ; ii. 175, 177 ; v. 3,4; vi. 83. his wife, Elizabeth or Isabel Stewart, i. 332, 334. Colin ' Maillach,' third earl of, i. 22, 337 ; v. 526, 560. his wife, Janet Gordon, i. 338 ; iv. 533 ; ix. 20. Colin, sixth earl of, i. 340, 344. — his 1st wife, Janet Stewart, i. 345 ; vi. 168 ; ix. 21. his 2nd wife, Agnes Keith, i. 345 ; vi. 50 ; ix. 21, 134. George Douglas, seventeenth earl of, i. 389. George William, fifteenth earl of, i. 388. — John, eleventh earl of, i. 370. John, thirteenth earl of, i. 383. John, fourteenth earl of, i. 386. John, Douglas Ed ward Henry, sixteenth earl of, i. 388. John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland, eighteenth earl of, i. 392. ARGYLL, CAMPBELL, MARQUESS OF, i. 353. Argyll, Archibald, marquess of, i. 351, 567 ; v. 120 bis, 477 ; vii. 299. his wife, Margaret Douglas, i. 359 ; vi. 378. ARGYLL, CAMPBELL, DUKE OF, i. 318-393. Argyll, Archibald, first duke of, i. 368 ; vii. 141 ; ix. 24 bis. his wife, Elizabeth Talmash, i. 370 ; iii. 405 ; ix. 24 bis. Archibald, third duke of, i. 65, 378. his wife,* Whitfleld, i. 380. George Douglas, eighth duke of, i. 389. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Georgina Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, i. 390; viii. 363. his 2nd wife, Maria Claughton, i. 392. his 3rd wife, Ina Erskine Macneill, i. 392. George William, sixth duke of, i. 388. his wife, Caroline Elizabeth Vil- liers, i. 388. John, second duke of, i. 370 ; ii. 241 ; iii. 354 ; vi. 62. his 1st wife, Mary Brown, i. 376. his 2nd wife, Jane Warburton, i. 376. * Name unknown. N 194 INDEX Argyll, John, fourth duke of, i. 381, 383. his wife, Mary Bellenden, i. 383 ; ii. 74. John, fifth duke of, i. 386. his wife, Elisabeth Gunning, i. 387 ; ix. 25 ter. John Douglas Edward Henry, seventh duke of, i. 388. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Campbell, i. 338. his 2nd wife, Joan Glassel, i.388. his 3rd wife, Anne Colquhoun Cun- ningham, i. 389. John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland, ninth duke of, i. 392 ; ix. 25. his wife, H.R.H. Princess Louise Caroline Alberta of Great Britain and Ireland, i. 393. master of, Archibald, eldest son of 4th earl of Argyll, i. 339 ; ii. 182. Argyll or Ergadia, Alexander of, i. 321. Ewen of, viii. 246. Isobel of, wife of Sir John Stewart of Innermeath, v. 2. Janet of, wife of Robert Stewart of Rossyth, v. 1. John of, vi. 203. John of, lord of Lorn, v. 1. Mary of, wife of (1) Magnus, King of Man ; (2) Malise, earl of Strathearn ; (3) Sir Hugh de Abernethy ; and (4) William Fitzwaren, vii. 400 ; viii. 246. *, wife of Sir Partick de Graham, vi. 204. Arkell of Northumbria, v. 325. Arkwright of Sutton Scarsdale, Robert, viii. 128. Frances Elizabeth, wife of Sir Hew Dalrymple of North Berwick, viii. 128. Arlington, Henry (Bennet), earl of, i. 31. his wife, Isabella of Nassau, i. 31. Armiger, Elizabeth, wife of lieut.-gen. Thomas Murray, iii. 386. Robert, lieut.-general, iii. 386. Armstrong of Kinmont, William, ii. 232; vii. 74. of Gilnockie, John, vii. 371. of Kirtleton, David, advocate, ii. 417. of Mangerton, Christopher, vii. 371. of Sark, John, vii. 99. his wife, Katharine Graham, vii. 99. Anne, wife of Robt. Dalzell of Glenae, ii. 417. Christian, wife of Wm. Rutherfurd, vii. 371. 'Jock o' the Side,' v. 64 n. Simon, ' meikle Sym,' i. 242. Thomas, iv. 577, 579. Arnald, bishop of St. Andrews, i. 417 ; vii. 397. * Name unknown. Arniston, Sir James Dundas, senator of the College of Justice, lord, iii. 488. Arnold, B. North, M.D., v. 253. his wife, Louisa Hawkins, v. 252. Arnot of Arnot, John, vii. 536. Walter, i. 537. his wife, Marie Balfour, i. 537. of Balbarton, Walter, ii. 545, 547. of Balcormo, Peter, v. 413. of Berswick, Sir John, provost of Edin- burgh, ii. 409 ; iii. 284, 285. of Chapel, David, ix. 118. his wife, Jean Gordon, ix. 118. of Fernie, Sir James, i. 79. his wife, Anne Bruce, iii. 485. James, i. 544. his wife, Jean Balfour, i. 544. Sir Robert, ix. 82. his wife, Grisel Bruce, ir. 82. of Wester Fernie, James, viii. 495. his wife, Elizabeth Wemyss, viii. 495. of Frierton, John, viii. 200. his wife, Katharine Murray, viii. 200. of Mugdrum, William, v. 384. of Newton, Robert, i. 542. his wife, Margaret Averie, i. 542. Robert, i. 542. his wife, Margaret Balfour, i. 542. of Woodmylne, James, v. 388. *, v. 384. Elizabeth, wife of R. Colville of Hil- toun, ii. 545. Elizabeth, wife of 2nd lord Sempill, iii. 437 ; vii. 536. Elizabeth, wife of Patrick Lindsay of Kilquhis, v. 403. Elizabeth, wife of (1) D. Lentran, and (2) P. Lindsay, v. 413. Eupham, wife of (1) Martin Corstor- phine, and (2) George Lindsay, v. 414. Helen, wife of (1) Isaac Morison, and (2) Sir Geo. Home of Manderston, iii. 284, 285, ix. 72 bis. Helen, wife of James Arbuthnott, Leith, i. 304. Janet, wife of John Leslie of Lumquhat, v. 388. John, commissary clerk, St. Andrews, v. 414. Margaret, error for Elizabeth, wife of R. Colville of Hiltoun and Ochiltree, ii. 545, 547. Marion, wife of (1) James Nisbet, and (2) Sir Lewis Stewart, ii. 409. AROS, MACDONELL, LORD MACDONELL AND, v. 559-565. Aros, Angus, lord Macdonell and, v. 562. his wife, Margaret Macdonald, v. 565. * Name unknown. INDEX 195 ARRAN, STEWART, EARL OF, i. 394-398. Arran, James, 2nd son of 2nd lord Ochiltree ; earl of, i, 39, 195, 394, 445 ; ii. 69, 392 ; iv. 284, 371 ; v. 67, 529 ; vi. 513. his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, i. 396, 445. ARRAN, BOYD, EARL OF, v. 147-149. Arran, Thomas, earl of, iv. 353 n. ; v. 144, 145, 147 ; viii. 576. his wife, Mary Stewart, i. 20 ; iv. 352. ARRAN, HAMILTON, EARL OF, iv. 355-380. Arran, Charles, eldest son of 1st duke of Hamilton ; styled earl of, iv. 378. James, first earl of, i. 288, 394 ; iv. 235 n., 355, 358, 364 ; vii. 45. his 1st wife. Elizabeth Home, iv. 358, 454 ; viii. 431. his 2nd wife, Janet Beaton, iv. 358, 360 ; viii. 369. James, second earl of, governor of Scot- land, iv. 360, 366, 409; v. 353 ; vii. 335 ; viii. 16, 17 ; ix. 103. his wife, Margaret Douglas, iv. 368 ; vi. 361 ; ix. 103. James, third earl of, i. 38, 395 ; iv. 368, 371. James, fifth earl of, iv. 374. James, sixth earl of, iv. 376. James, eldest son of Anne, duchess of Hamilton ; styled earl of, iv. 383 ; vii. 517. his wife, Anne Spencer, iv. 384. John, fourth earl of, iv. 372. William, seventh earl of, iv. 378. ARRAN, DOUGLAS, EARL OF, iv. 381-382. Arran, AVilliam, earl of, iv. 381. his wife, Anne, duchess of Hamil- ton, iv. 381. ARRAN AND CAMBRIDGE, HAMILTON, EARL OF, iv. 377. Arran, James, first earl of, iv. 377. ARRAN, LANARK, AND CAMBRIDGE, HAMIL- TON, EARL OF, iv. 383-397. Arran, James, first earl of, iv. 383. Richard (Butler) eldest son of James, duke of Ormonde ; styled earl of, v. 360. his wife, Mary Stewart, v. 360. Arthur Saunders (Gore), 2nd earl of, i. 68 ; vi. 383. his 1st wife, Katherine Annesley Gore, i. 68. Arthur Saunders (Gore), 3rd earl of, i. 526. — Arthur Jocelyn Charles (Gore), 6th earl of, i. 132. — Philip Yorke Annesley (Gore), 4th earl of, vii. 392. his wife, Elizabeth Marianne Napier, vii. 392. ARRASE, CAMPBELL, LORD, i. 379. Arrase, Archibald, lord, i. 378. Arrat of Arrat, George, i. 298. William, 1611, i. 298. of Fofarty, John, viii. 599. his wife, Mary Seton, viii. 562 n., 599. * * their son, and married dau., viii. 599. Arthington of Arthington, Henry, iii. 598. Arthur n., duke of Brittany, i. 6. his wife, Yolande de Dreux, i. 6. castellan of Lochdoon, ii. 424, 425. his wife, * of Carrick, ii. 425. Sir Frederick Leopold, 2nd bart., v. 237. his wife, Elizabeth Hay, v. 237. John, ii. 559. his wife, Margaret Clyntoun, ii. 559. John, burgess of Edinburgh, iv. 428. his wife, Margaret Bothwell. iv. 428. William, minister of Gogar, iv. 90. Arundel, Henry Frederick (Howard), 24th earl of, v. 359. his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, v. 359. Richard Fitz Alan, earl of, i. 11. William, third earl of, i. 10. Isabel de, wife of John Fitz- Alan of Oswestry, i. 10. Arundel and Surrey, Bernard Marmaduke (Howard), styled earl of, ix. 106. Aschenbach, Henriette Maria Louise, wife of J. G. Kennedy, ii. 498. Oswald, professor at Dusseldorf , ii. 499. Ascolog or Magachen of Borgue, Roland, i. 321. his wife, Katerina, i. 321. Ash of Ashbrook, William Hamilton, vi. 383. his wife, Emma Elizabeth Douglas, vi. 383. Ashburnham, Bertram (Ashburnham), 4th earl of, iv. 323. his wife, Catherine Charlotte Baillie, iv. 323. John, (Ashburnham), 2nd earl of, vi 271. of Ashburnham, Sir John, ii. 578. his wife, Elizabeth Beaumont, ii. 578. John, ii. 578. Jemima Elizabeth, wife of James, marquess of Graham, vi. 271. Ashburton, Richard Barre1 (Dunning), 2nd lord, ii. 598, 601. his wife, Anne Selby Cunningham, ii. 598. Ashennan, Cuthbert, in Dunjop, v. 105. Ashley, Violet, wife of Walter John Francis, earl of Mar and Kellie, v. 96. Ash ton, John, Jacobite, viii. 106. Aske of Aughton, Robert, iii. 596. Eleanora, wife of Sir Thomas Fairfax of Denton, iii. 596. * Name unknown. 196 INDEX Asquith, Herbert, viii. 517. his wife, Cynthia Mary Evelyn Charteris, viii. 517. Herbert H,, viii. 517. Assheton of Fyfleld, Christopher, iv. 531. his wife, Katherine Gordon, iv. 530. Astley of Patshull, Thomas, i. 405. his wife, Margery Aston, i. 405. ASTON OP FOKFAR, ASTON, LORD, i. 399414. Aston, James, fifth lord, i. 413. his wife, Barbara Talbot, i. 413. Walter, first lord, i. 406. his wife, Gertrude Sadleir, i. 408. Walter, second lord, i. 409. his wife, Mary Weston, i. 410. Walter, third lord, i. 411. his 1st wife, Eleanor Knightley, i. 411. his 2nd wife, Katherine Gage, i. 411. Walter, fourth lord, i. 412. his wife, Mary Howard, i. 412. ASTON, BARON ASTON OF FORFAR, i. 399- 414. Aston of Aston, Henry Hervey, 12th regt. of foot, v. 19. his wife, Harriet Ingram, v. 19. of Bellamour, Herbert, i. 408. his wife, Katherine Thimelby, i. 408. John, i. 408. of Fole, John, i. 400. his wife, Margery Walton of Fole, i. 400. of Louth, Alexander, i. 402. his wife, Letitia Clinton, i. 402. of Marston, Robert, i. 400. of Milwich, Edward, i. 402. his wife, Dorothy Eld, i. 402. Walter, i. 402. his wife, Ann Chetwynd, i. 402. William, i. 402. his wife, Elizabeth Willington, i. 402. of Parkhall, Frances, wife of John Whitehall, i. 400. Robert, 2nd son of Sir W. Aston, i. 400. his wife, Joyce Dallyson, i. 400. William, i. 400. his wife, Mary Rugeley, i. 400. of Tean, John, i. 400. his wife, Margery Walton, i. 400. of Tixall, Walter, Sheriff of Stafford, i. 399. his wife, Elizabeth Leveson, i. 400. Sir Walter, baronet, i. 406. his wife, Gertrude Sadleir, i. 408. Sir Edward, i. 399. his 2nd wife, Joane Bowles, i. 399. Sir Edward, i. 400, 405. his 1st wife, Mary Spencer, i. 406. his 2nd wife, Anne Lucy, i. 406. Aston of Wanlip, Devereux, 6th son of Sir Walter A., i. 405. his 1st wife, Godith Skeffington, i. 405. his 2nd wife, Margaret Barratt, i. 405. Anne, dau. of Sir Wm. A., i. 401. Anne, wife of John Worswick, i. 402. Anne, wife of Peter Yonge, i. 404. — Anne, wife of Ralph Bay ley, i. 405. Anne, wife of Ambrose Elton, i. 406. Anne, wife of Henry Somerset, i. 411. Barbara, wife of Thomas Clifford, i. 413. — Charles, son of John A. of Fole, i. 401. — Charles, 4th son of 3rd lord Aston, i. 412. Constance, wife of W. Fowler, i. 409. Dorothy, dau. of Edward A., i. 405. Edmund, parish of St. Paul, Covent Garden, iv. 299. his wife, Elizabeth Ramsay, iv. 299. Edward, 4th son of Edward A. of Milwich, i. 402. Edward, St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, i. 403. Edward, of the Jewel Office, i. 406. Edward Walter, eldest son of 4th lord Aston of Forfar, i. 412. Eleanor, wife of Wm. Peyto, i. 405. Elizabeth, wife of N. Codington, i. 401. Elizabeth, dau. of Edward A., i. 404. Elizabeth, wife of Basil Feilding, i. 405. Elizabeth, wife of John Sandbach, i. 406. Elizabeth, wife of Sir J. Southcote, i. 401. Frances, wife of Sir Wm.Pershall, i. 409. Frances, wife of Sir Edward Gage, i. 410. Francis, 2nd son of 3rd lord Aston, i. 412. Gertrude, wife of H. Thimelby, i. 409. Gertrude, dau. of 2nd lord Aston, i. 410. Hastings, 5th son of Sir Walter A., i. 405. Herbert, alias Barrett, i. 408 n. Honoria, dau. of 1st lord Aston, i. 408. Jane, wife of Wm. Crompton, i. 405. Jane, wife of Dr. T. Elton, i. 406. John, son of Sir Wm. A., i. 401. John, 4th son of 1st lord A., i. 408. Joyce, wife of Sir M. Culpeper, i. 406. Katherine, wife of (1) Stephen Slaney, (2) Sir Wm. Chetwynd, and (3) Sir E. Cope, i. 405. Katherine Elizabeth, wife of Edward Weld, i. 412. Mabel, wife of Richard Ogden, i. 402. Margaret, wife of Geo. Long, i. 402. Margaret, dau. of 4th lord Aston, i. 413. Margery, wife of Thos. Astley, i. 405. Mary, wife of Wm. Chancey, i. 405. Mary, wife of C. Collier, i. 405. Mary, dau. of 2nd lord Aston, i. 411. Mary, dau. of 3rd lord Aston, i. 412. Mary, wife of Sir Walter Blount, i. 413. Philip, i. 403. INDEX 197 Aston, Richard, Furnival's Inn, i. 401. Richard, rector of Leigh, i. 402. his 1st wife, Julian *, i. 402. his 2nd wife, Anne *, i. 402. Richard, 5th son of Edward A., i. 404. Sir Roger, vi. 516. his wife, Marjory Stewart, vi. 516. Thomas, son of Sir Win. A., i. 401. his wife, Margaret Sandys, i. 401. Thomas, 2nd son of Wm. A. of Milwich i. 405. Thomas, of the Inner Temple, i. 406. Thomas, son of 2nd lord Aston, i. 410. his wife, Elizabeth Ogle, i. 410. Thomas William Anthony, i. 412. Walter, St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, i. 402. his wife, Penelope Whitfleld, i. 403 Walter, cook, claimant to barony, i. 403. his wife, Ann Wright, i. 403. Walter, watchmaker, claimant to bar ony, i. 403. his wife, Anne Hutchinson, i. 404. Walter Hutchinson, vicar of Tardebigg, claimant to barony, i. 404. his wife, Elizabeth Haines, i. 404. Sir William, justice of King's Bench in Ireland, i. 401. his 1st wife, Sarah Wingfleld, i. 410. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Fellgate or Higate, i. 401. his 3rd wife, Ursula Stockton, i. 401. William, Lincoln's Inn, i. 401. his wife, Lettice Jones, i. 401. — William, 3rd son of Edward' A. of Milwich, i. 402. his wife, Jane *, i. 402. William, a Jesuit, i. 404. William, implicated in Titus Gates' plot, i. 410. William Bayley, i. 404. Atchison*, killed accidentally by Gideon Murray of Glenpoit, iii. 504. Atherley, Arthur, v. 483. his wife, Louisa Ker, v. 483. Athlone, Frederick William (de Ginkell), 7th earl of, iv. 496. ATHOLL, THE CELTIC EARLS OF, i. 415-433. Atholl, Ada, wife of John of Strathbogie ; countess of, i. 424. Alan (Durward), de jure ux. styled earl of, i. 418 n., 422. his wife, Isabella, countess of Atholl, i. 421. — David, eighth earl of, i. 425; vii. 496. — his 1st wife, Helen *, i. 425. — his 2nd wife, Isabella Chilham, i. 425 ; ix. ll. — David, tenth earl of, i. 428 ; ii. 219 n. 379 ; ix. 27. his wife, Joan Comyn, i. 429, 509. * Name unknown. Atholl, David, eleventh earl of, i. 430 ; viii 325. his wife, Katharine Beaumont, i. 432. — David, twelfth earl of, i. 432. his wife, Elizabeth Ferrers, i. 433. David (Hasting), dejure ux. sixth earl of, i. 424. his wife, Forflissa, countess of Atholl, i. 423. Forflissa or Fernelith, wife of Sir David of Hasting; countess of, i. 419, 423; ix. 26. — Henry, third earl of, i. 418. — his wife, Margaret, i. 418. Isabella, wife of (1) Thomas of Galloway, and (2) Alan Durward, i. 419. John, ninth earl of, i. 425 ; viii. 248. his wife, Marjory of Mar, i. 427; v. 578. John of Strathbogie, dejure ux. seventh earl of, i. 424 ; iv. 8 ; viii. 418. his wife, Ada, countess of Atholl, i. 424. Lora, countess of, i. 422, 423. Madach or Madeth, first earl of, i. 415. his 2nd wife, Margaret of Orkney, i. 416. Malcolm, second earl of, i. 416 ; v. 569 n. — his wife, Hextilda of Walwick, Carrow, Thornton, Henshaw and Bedrule, i. 3, 417, 504, 507, 508 : ii. 252 ; iii. 6 ; vi. 288. Patrick, fifth earl of, i. 419 n., 422 ; iv. 224 n. ; vi. 128 ; ix. 26. his possible wife, Lora, i. 423. Thomas of Galloway, dejure ux. fourth earl of, i. 420 ; iv. 139 ; vi. 530. his wife, Isabella, countess of Atholl, i. 419. ATHOLL, CAMPBELL, EARL OF, i. 434-435. Atholl, John, second earl of, i. 434. his wife, Joanna Menteith, i. 435 ; vi. 133 ; viii. 251, 257, 327. Neil, first earl of, i. 323, 434. his wife, Mary Bruce, i, 434. ATHOLL, DOUGLAS, EARL OF, i. 435-436. Atholl, William, earl of, i. 435, 436 ; vi. 340. ATHOLL, STEWART, EARL OF, i. 436-439. Atholl, David, duke of Rothesay, earl of, i. 17, 436 ; ii. 439. John, eldest son of King Robert n. ; earl of, ix. 27. Robert (afterwards King Robert n.), earl of, i. 15, 436; ix. 27. Robert, duke of Albany, earl of, i. 16, 147, 436. Walter of Brechin, earl of, i. 16, 18, 436. 438; ii. 224, 321, 322 ; viii. 260; ix. 27. his wife, Margaret of Brechin, i. 438 ; v. 581. 198 INDEX ATHOLL, STEWART, EARL OF, i. 440446. Atholl, James, the Black Knight, of Lorn, earl of, i. 440. his wife, Joanna Beaufort, i. 18, 440. John, first earl of, i. 441; iii. 570; iv. 527. his 1st wife, Margaret Douglas, i. 441 ; iii. 170, 183. his 2nd wife, Eleanor Sinclair, i. 442 ; ii. 334. John, second earl of, i. 443. his wife, Janet Campbell, i. 336, 443. John, third earl of, i. 443. his 1st wife, Grizel Rattray, i. 443. his 2nd wife, Jean Forbes, i. 443 ; iv. 55. John, fourth earl of, i. 444. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Gordon, i. 445; iv. 539. his 2nd wife, Margaret Fleming, i. 445 ; viii. 540. John, fifth earl of, i. 445 ; iv. 33, 58. his wife, Mary Ruthven, i. 446; iv. 265. ATHOLL, STEWART, EARL OP, i. 447-448. Atholl, James, seventh lord Innermeath, and earl of, i. 446, 448; v. 372; viii. 410. his wife, Mary Stewart, i. 446, 448 ; vii. 191. John, sixth lord Innermeath, and earl of, i. 446, 447 : iii. 29. his 1st wife, Margaret Lindsay, i. 447, 512 ; ix. 30. his 2nd wife, Mary Ruthven, i. 446, 447. ATHOLL, MURRAY, EARL OF, i. 449-473. Atholl, John, first earl of, i. 472 ; viii. 410. his wife, Jean Campbell, i. 473 ; ii. 188. John, second earl of, i. 473; viii. 414. his wife, Amelia Anne Sophia Stanley, i. 475. ATHOLL, MURRAY, MARQUESS OF, i. 474-479. Atholl, John, first marquess of, i. 474. his wife, Amelia Anne Sophia Stanley, i. 475. John, second marquess of, i. 475, 478. his 1st wife, Katharine Hamilton, i. 480. his 2nd wife, Mary Ross, i. 485. ATHOLL, MURRAY, DUKE OF, i. 449-502. Atholl, George Augustus Frederick John, sixth duke of, i. 496, 498. his wife, Anne Home-Drummond, i. 499. James, second duke of, i. 482, 487. his 1st wife, Jane Frederick, i. 488. his 2nd wife, Jean Drummond, i. Atholl, John, first duke of, i. 479 ; ix. 29. his 1st wife, Katharine Hamilton, i. 480 ; iv. 382. his 2nd wife, Mary Ross, i. 485; vii. 261. John, third duke of, i. 457, 484, 489. his wife, Charlotte Murray, i. 489, 490. John, fourth duke of, i. 491, 495, his first wife, Jean Cathcart, i. 496. his 2nd wife, Margery Forbes, i. 498 ; iv. 65. John fifth duke of, i. 496, 498. John James Hugh Henry, seventh duke of, i. 499. his wife, Louisa Moncreiffe, i. 499. Atholl, Sir Adomar, or Aymer of ; 2nd son of David, 10th earl of Atholl, i. 429, 433. his wife, Maria, i. 430. Andrew de, i. 419. his supposed wife, * of Glenerrichdie and Tulloch, i. 419. Constantino of, son of Henry, 3rd earl of Atholl, i. 419 n.: ix. 26. Elizabeth of, wife of (1) Sir Thos. Percy and (2) Sir John le Scrope, i. 430, 433. Sir John of, 2nd son of John, 9th earl of Atholl, i. 427 ; viii. 248. his wife, Matilda, i. 427. Isabel de, alleged wife of Edward Bruce, earl of Carrick, i. 427 ; ii. 436. Isabella of, wife of Ralph de Euer, i. 430. Maria de, wife of Robert de 1'Isle, i. 430. Philippa of, wife of (1) Sir Ralph Percy, and (2) Sir John Halsham, i. 433. Atkin, Edmond, president of Council, South Carolina, iii. 81. his wife, Anne Mackenzie, iii. 81. Atkinson of Angeston, Bradford, colonel, vi. 507. Anna Barbara, wife of lieut. Ian Ludovic Andrew Carnegie, vi. 507. Atkinson, *, army contractor, ix. 31. AUBIGNY, STEWART, LORD D', v. 356-362. Aubigny, Esm6, first lord d', v. 356. Aubigny, Charles (Lennox) duke of, v. 364. George (Stuart), seigneur d', vi. 453. his wife, Katharine Howard, vi. 453. Jacqueline de La Queuille, wife of Robert Stuart, seigneur d', vi. 231. Louise Renee de Perrancoet de Kerou- alle, duchesse d,' i. 32 ; v. 363. Matilda d', wife of Gilbert, earl of Strathearn, viii. 242. William d', viii 242, 243. AUCHINDOUN, GORDON, LORD, iv. 549-558. Auchindoun, George, first lord, iv. 550. * Name unknown. INDEX 199 Auchinleck of Auchinleck, David, i. 287. his wife, Katharine Arbuthnott, i. 287. Elizabeth, wife of Sir William Douglas, i. 183, 184. Hugh, i. 287. Sir James, iv. 30 ; viii. 483 ; ix. 168. his wife, Christian Douglas, viii. 483. James, i. 183. Sir John, i. 183 ; iv. 30 ; v. 493. John, iv. 31. of Balmanno, Anne, wife of John Ogilvy of Kinnoull, vi. 495. Archibald, vi. 495. George, v. 83. his wife, Jean Erskine, v. 83. George, i. 199; vi. 102. his 1st wife, Isobel Melville, vi. 102. his 2nd wife, Sarah Douglas, i. 199. George, eldest son of Sir William A., iii. 509. his wife, Agnes Murray, iii. 508. Sir William, iii. 509. of Barras, Sir James, iv. 30. Sir John, iv. 30. John, iv. 31. of Fingask, George, v. 83. his wife, Jean Erskine, v. 83. of Glenbervie, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Wm. Douglas, i. 183, 184. of Kemnay, James, ii. 150. his wife, Janet Hepburne, ii. 150. William, ii. 150. of Over Kinmonth, George, i. 287 ; v. 244. his wife, Janet Arbuthnott, v. 244. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Gordon of Saphak, i. 85. Isobel, wife of K. Mackenzie, iii. 73. Sir James, ii. 540 n., 541. James, iii. 336. his wife, Gelis Ross, iii. 336. Marion, wife of (1) George Campbell of Loudoun, and (2) Wm. Cunningham, v. 493. Auchmoutie of Auchmoutie, John, vii. 291. his wife, Beatrix Leslie, vii. 290. John, viii. 498. his wife, Isobel Wemyss, viii. 497. Auchmoutie, Alexander, gentleman of the King's bedchamber, vi. 417. his wife, Elizabeth Napier, i. 122 ; vi. 417. Andrew, burgess of Edinburgh, iii. 97. Auchmowtie of Gosford, Sir Alexander, iii. 509. his wife, Helen Murray, iii. 509. AUCHMUTIE, LESLIE, LORD, vii. 301. Auchmutie, John, lord, vii. 301. of Easter Fernie, David, i. 518. his wife, Janet Lindsay, i. 518. Auchmuttie of Drumeldrie, vii. 372. Auchmuttie of Drumeldrie, David, vii. 372. his wife, Margaret Rutherfurd, vii. 372. Isobel, wife of rev. John Rutherfurd, vii. 372. Auchmuty, Henry, ix. 81. *, ix. 82. his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, ix. 82. AUCHTERHOUSE, STEWART, LORD, ii. 266. Auchterhouse, James, first lord, ii. 266. his wife, Margaret Ogilvie, ii. 266. Auchterlony of Kelly, William, iv. 273. his wife, * Gray, iv. 273. Auckland, William Morton (Eden), 1st baron, viii. 230. William George (Eden), 4th baron, v. 236. Audibert, Marie Gabrielle d', wife of (1) Henry Fitzjames, titular duke of Albe- marle, and (2) John Drummond, styled viscount Forth, i. 34 ; vi. 70. Audna, wife of Hlodver, son of Thorfinn Skullsplitter, ii. 314. Aufrica, wife of William de Say, i. 5. Aulay of Faslane and Gareloch, 5th son of Alwin, 2nd earl of Lennox, v. 329, 330, 331 bis, 337. son of Aulay of Faslane, v. 329. of Faslane, 'Tosh eager,' v. 329. brother of Maldoucn, earl of Lennox, v. 590. Auld, William, burgess of Perth, iii. 559. Auldton of Wester Sof tlaw, Roger de, vi. 473. Auriol, Amelia, wife of rev. E. Auriol Drummond-Hay, v. 233. Henrietta, wife of Robert Drummond- Hay of Cromlix, bp. of Salisbury, v. 232. Peter, merchant, London, v. 233. Aust, George, Chelsea, iii. 388. his wife, Sarah Mease, iii. 388. Austin, Adam, physician, Edinburgh, vii. 563. his wife, Anne Sempill, vii. 563. AVANDALE, STEWART, LORD, vi. 509-511. Avandale, Andrew, first lord, i. 150; v. 349; vi. 509. Andrew, second lord, iii. 567 ; vi. 510. his wife, Margaret Kennedy, ii. 459 ; vi. 510. Andrew, third lord, i. 511. his wife, Margaret Hamilton, i. 511 ; iv. 364. Avelina, wife of Duncan, earl of Carrick, ii. 423. AVEN, MAUCHANSHYRE, POMOND AND DAIR, DOUGLAS, LORD, iv. 381-382. Aven, Mauchanshyre, Pomond and Dair, William, lord, iv. 381. AVEN, POLMONT, MACHANSHYRE, AND INNERDALE, HAMILTON, LORD, iv. 383, 397. * Name unknown. 200 INDEX Aven, Polmont, Machanshyre, and Inner- dale, James, first lord, iv. 383. Avenel of Abercorn, *, wife of Sir Henry Graham of Dalkeith, vi. 194. of Abercorn, Roger, vi. 194. of Eskdale, Roger, vi. 194 ; vii. 424. of Kilbucho and Newlands, Roger, vi. 194. Sir Gervase, iv. 11. his wife, Johanna de Clare, iv. 11. Robert, justiciar, i. 5 ; vi. 525 n. William, vi. 30 n. his wife, Agnes Keith, vi. 30 n. Averie, John, bailie of Falkland, i. 542. Margaret, wife of Robt. Arnot, i. 542. AVON AND INNERDALE, HAMILTON, LORD, iv. 377-397. Avon and Innerdale, James, first lord, iv. 377. AVONDALE, DOUGLAS, EARL OP, iii., 173-185. Avondale, James, first earl of, iii. 173, 567 ; v. 428; vii. 115. his 1st wife, *, iii. 174. his 2nd wife, Beatrix Sinclair, iii. 174. i Aylesbury of Edstone, Joan, wife of Thos. Somerville of Aston Somerville, viii. 1. John, viii. 1. Aylesford, Heneage (Finch), 6th earl of, iii. 393. Aylett, Mary, wife of 9th lord Fairfax, iii. 603. Aylmer, Charles Arthur, vii. 178. his wife, Sophia Mackay, vii. 178. Aylward, father of Dolfin, iii. 245. Aynsley of Little Harle Tower, Alicia, wife of lord Charles Murray, i. 494. Gawen, i. 494. Ayr, John, vi. 82. Margaret, wife of Walter Melville of Caproneston, vi. 82. Ayre of Fastforland, Robert, iv. 333. of Little Carcary, Richard, viii. 48. Aytoun of Aytoun, Sir John, iv. 490 bis ; viii. 496. Sir John, viii. 496, 501. his wife, Elizabeth Wemyss, viii. 501. Sir John, ii. 574. his 2nd wife, Margaret Colvill, ii. 574. of Dynmure, John, viii. 491. his wife, Agnes Wemyss, viii. 491. of Inchdairnie, John, vii. 205, 207. his wife, Isobel Rollo, vii. 205. of Kinaldie, John, vii. 17 ; viii. 63. his wife, Katharine Carnegie, viii. 63. of Kippo, James, v. 417. John, v. 417. of Logic, Sir Andrew, iii. 320. * Name unknown. Aytoun, Andrew, senator of the College of Justice, lord Kinglassie, viii. 63. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Sir T. Hope of Craighall, and (2) J. Gibson of Durie, iv. 490. Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Wemyss of Bogie, viii. 496. Jane Emilia, wife of D. A. Lindsay of Wormiston, v. 417. Jean, wife of Patrick Maule, vii. 17. Margaret, wife of Sir Archibald Hope of Rankeillour, iv. 490. Mary, wife of P. Lindsay of Coats, v. 417. — Mary, wife of 7th lord Rollo, vii. 207. — Sir Robert, poet, iii. 402. -William, goldsmith, Edinburgh, viii. 496. his wife, Thomas Wemyss, viii. 496. BABER, Sir John, iii. 399. his wife, Anne, viscountess Bay- ning, iii. 399. Babington, Ralph, viii. 456. Katharine, wife of Robt. Hay, viii. 456. Bacon, Anthony, diplomatist, iv. 431. Anthony Harley, v. 238. Bridget, wife of (1) Edward Evers, (2) Sir C. Firebrace, and (3) Wm. Campbell, i. 382; ix. 24. Francis , lord Verulam, ii. 558. Gladys Luz, wife of Edmund Alfred Rollo George, viscount Dupplin, v. 238. John Joseph, i. 493. Katharine, wife of Col. Richard Murray, i. 493. Philip, Ipswich, i. 382. Baden, Charles Louis Frederick, grand duke of, iv. 396. Mary, wife of llth duke of Hamilton ; princess of, iv. 396. BADENOCH, COMYN, LORD OF, i. 503-510. Badenoch, Sir John, ' the Red Comyn No. 1,' lord of, i. 506. his wife, Alicia Lindsay, i. 507. Sir John ' the Black Comyn,' lord of, i. 507. his wife, Alianora Baliol, i. 508; iv. 143. John, ' the Red Comyn No. 2,' lord of, i. 508. his wife, Johanna de Valence, i. 509. John, lord of, i. 509. his wife, Margaret Wake, i. 510. Walter, lord of, i. 505, 506. his wife, Isabella, Countess of Men- teith, i. 505. William, lord of, i. 505 ; ii. 252. his wife, Marjory or Margaret, Countess of Buchan, ii. 252. BADENOCH, STEWART, LORD OK,'ii. 262. INDEX 201 Badenoch, Alexander, 4th son of King Robert n. ; lord of, i. 16 ; ii. 262 ; vii. 159 bis. his wife, Euphemia, Countess of Ross, ii. 261, 262 ; vii. 241. his handfasted wife, Mariota Mac- kay, ii. 262 ; vii. 159. BADENOCH, STEWART, LORD, ii. 170. Badenoch, Francis, lord, ii. 170. his wife, Margaret Douglas, ii. 171. BADENOCH, GORDON, LORD, iv. 549-558. Badenoch, George, first lord, iv. 549. Badhame, William, dancing-master, ix. 69. Bagenal of Newry, Sir Nicholas, iii. 479. his wife, Anne Charlotte Bruce, iii. 479. Bagot of the Hyde, Sir William, ix. 67. his wife, Eleanor de Louvaine, iii. 140 ; ix. 67. - — Charlotte, wife of rev. William Somer- ville, viii. 38. Walter, rector of Blithfield, viii. 38. Bagshot, captain, 1548, viii. 437. Bailey, Katharine, wife of Hugh Kennedy, ii. 467. BAILLIE, LORD FORRESTER OF CORSTOR- PHINE, iv. 93-96. Baillie of Auldston, Alexander, viii. 372. his wife, Euphame Livingston, viii. 372. Archibald, viii. 372 ; ix. 163. of Carphin, James, iv. 88. his wife, Isobel Forrester, iv. 88. of Corstorphine, James, iv. 91, 92. his wife, Johanna Forrester, iv. 91, 92. of Dochf our, Evan, ii. 565 ; iii. 494. of Dunain, Alexander, vii. 456. his wife, Katharine Grant, vii. 456. of Femmeltoun, Robert, vi. 450. of Hardington, William, vi. 372. his wife, Margaret Douglas, vi. 372. *, viii. 496. of Hoprig, Sir William, viii. 331. of Jerviswood, Charles, vii. 85. his wife, Anne Hepburne-Scott, vii. 85. George, 1st laird, viii. 373. of Jerviswoode and Mellerstain, George, iv. 322; vi. 17. his wife, Grisell Hume, vi. 15, 17. George, 2nd son of Charles, lord Binning, iv. 322, 323. his wife, Elizabeth Andrews, iv. 322. George, M.P., iv. 322. his wife, Mary Pringle, iv. 322. George, iv. 322, 326. his wife, Georgina Markham, iv. 327. Grissel, wife of Sir Alex. Murray of Stanhope, iv. 322 ; vi. 17. * Name unknown. Baillie of Jerviswoode, Rachel, wife of Charles, lord Binning, iv. 322 ; ix. 101. of Jerviswood, Robert, iv. 289. of Johnskirk, John, vi. 7. his wife, Margaret Hume, vi. 7. of Lamington, Sir Samuel, ii. 40. — his wife, Margaret Hamilton, ii. 40. — Sir William, viii. 12, 331. — Sir William, v. 395, 442 ; vi. 4. his wife, Marion Hume, vi. 4. Sir William, iv. 412, 581; vi. 481. his 1st wife, Margaret Maxwell, i. 192 ; vi. 481. his 2nd wife, * Home, iv. 93. Sir William, i. 43. his wife, Grizel Hamilton, i. 43. — William, ii. 28 ; iii. 37 ; iv. 587. his 1st wife, Marjory Hamilton, ii. 28. his 2nd wife, Henrietta Lindsay, iii. 37. of Lethame, James, iv. 91, 92. — his wife, Johanna Forrester, iv. 91. — William, major-general, iv. 91, 93. — his wife, Janet Bruce, iv. 93. — of Lochend, Gideon, viii. 66. his wife, Magdalene Carnegie, viii. 66. of Parbroath, Alexander, colonel, ii. 51. — his wife, Euphemia Hamilton, ii. 51. Andrew, ii. 51. his wife, Helen Hamilton, ii. 51. Robert, ii. 51. of Park,*, ii. 42. his wife, Katharine Hamilton, ii. 42. of Rosehall, William, vii. 174. his wife, Mary Mackay, vii. 174. of Saughton, James, iv. 91. of Sheuglie, Alexander, vii. 456. of Torwoodheid, James, eldest son of major-gen. William B. of Lethame, iv. 91. his wife, Johanna Forrester, iv. 92. Abigail, wife of Sir Hugh Carmichael of Carmichael, iv. 581. Adam, 3rd son of major-gen. William B. of Lethame, iv. 91. Alexander, 4th son of major-gen. William B. of Lethame, iv. 91. Alexander, v. 188. his wife, Margaret Livingston, v. 188. Charles, senator of the College of Justice, lord Jerviswoode, iv. 322. his wife, Anne Scott, iv. 322. Cuthbert, rector of Sanquhar, viii. 335. Elizabeth, dau. of George B. of Jervis- woode, iv. 323. Elizabeth or Eliza, wife of John, marquess of Breadalbane, ii. 211; iv. 323. * Name unknown. 202 INDEX Baillie, Evan Peter Montagu, iii. 494. his wife, Frances Anne Bruce, iii. 494. Georgiana Mary, wife of col. Sir W. J. Colville, ii. 559 n., 565. Georgina, wife of 7th lord Polwarth, iv. 323 ; vii. 85. Grisell, deaconess of I the Church of Scotland, iv. 323. Grisell, dau. of George B. of Jervis- woode, iv. 323. Helen, wife of Jas. Hamilton of Steven- ston, ii. 51, 55. James Pringle, 56th and 81st Regiments, iv. 323. Janet, wife of Wm. Gordon of Craich- law, v. 104. John, in holy orders, canon of York Cathedral, iv. 323. his wife, C. M. Hawkins, iv. 323. John, chirurgeon, viii. 496. Katharine, wife of David Wernyss, viii. 496. Katharine Charlotte, wife of Bertram, 4th earl of Ashburnham, iv. 323. Margaret, wife of William Murray of Spot, iii. 508. Margaret, wife of (1) Edward Maxwell of Dundrennan, and (2) Sir Win. Living- ston of Culter, iv. 412 ; v. 442 ; ix. 130. Margaret, wife of Sir Jas. Carmichael of Bonnytoun, iv. 587. Margaret, wife of John, 7th earl of Sutherland, viii. 331. Margaret, dau. of 3rd lord Forrester, ix. 92. Marion, wife of (1) John, 3rd lord Lind- say of the Byres, and (2) R. Douglas of Lochleven, v. 395 ; vi. 367. Marion, wife of (1) John, 3rd lord Somer- ville, and (2) Sir John Ross of Halkhead, v. 395 n. ; vii. 250. Marion, wife of (1) Robert Grahame of Westhall, and (2) Jas. Livingston of Jerviswoode, viii. 372 ; ix. 163. Mary, wife of 5th earl of Aberdeen, i. 97; iv. 323. Nellie, wife of James Hamilton, ii. 55. Rachel, wife of rev. Andrew Gray, iv. 289. Rachel Catherine, dau. of Geo. B. of Jerviswoode, iv. 323. Robert, major 72nd Highlanders, iv. 323. Robert, rev., principal of Glasgow university, v. 123 ; vii. 298. Thomas, admiral R.N., iv. 323. William, son of Wm. B. of Lamington, ii. 29. William, 2nd son of major-gen. William B. of Lethame, iv. 91. Baillie, William, eldest son of Robert B. of Femmeltoun, vi. 450. his wife, Jean Livingston, iv. 450. BAILLIE-HAMILTON, EARL OF HADDINGTON, iv. 326-329. Baillie-Hamilton of Rumbletonlaw, Charles, archdeacon of Cleveland, iv. 323. his wife, Charlotte Home, iv. 323, 481. Amabel Georgina, wife of rev. C. J. Harland, iv. 327. Arthur Charles, rector of Coombs, vicar of Badley, iv. 327. his wife, Alice Ann Baird, iv. 327 ; ix. 101 bis. Cecely, dau. of llth earlj of Had- dington, iv. 329. Charles, in holy orders, vii. 84. Charles William, 2nd son of George, lord Binning, iv. 328. Clifton, 3rd son of 10th earl of Had- dington, iv. 327. Eleanor Sophia, wife of rev. William Hugh Hepburne-Scott, vii. 84. Frances, dau. of 10th earl of Had- dington, iv. 327. Gena Mary, iv. 327. George, elder son of George, lord Binning, iv. 328. Georgina Sophia, wife of Sir H. F. Vernon, iv. 327. Grisell, dau. of llth earl of Had- dington, iv. 329. Helen, dau. of George, lord Binning, iv. 328. Helen Georgina, iv. 327. Henry, R.N., iv. 327. his wife, Harriet Frances Hep- burne-Scott, iv. 327 ; vii. 85. Katharine Ada Georgina, iv. 327. Margaret Ellinor Georgina, iv. 327. Mary, wife of rev. Henry Douglas, iv. 327. Richard, 77th Regiment, and Rifle Brigade, iv. 329. Robert, M.P., iv. 327. his wife, Mary G. Pringle, iv. 327. Ruth, dau. of llth Earl of Hadding- ton, iv. 329. William Alexander, admiral, R.N., i.67. his wife, Harriet Hamilton, i. 67. Baillie-Hamilton- Arden, George, iv. 328. Henry Robert, capt. Cold- stream Guards, iv. 329. Bain of Tulloch. Alexander, v. 527. his wife, Agnes Fraser, v. 527. Baird of Auchmeddan, George, vii. 441. his wife, Anna Fraser, vii. 441. Sir James, v. 225 ; ix. 90. James, the younger, v. 225. his wife, Katharine Hay, v. 225. INDEX 203 Baird of Cambusnethan, i. 456 n. of Elie, William, viii. 455. of Glencuthill, George, vi. 44. his wife, Elizabeth Keith, vi. 44. of Newbyth, Sir David, general, G.C.B., 1st bart., i. 93. Sir David, 2nd bart., ii. 498, 500 ; iv. 327 ; viii. 236. his wife, Anne Kennedy, ii. 500. Sir David, 3rd bart., ii. 90. his wife, Ellen Stuart, ii. 92. Sir John, 2nd bart. of 1st creation, vii. 588 ; viii. 147. his wife, Janet Dalrymple, vii. 588; viii. 147. Sir John, lord of Session, viii. 447. his wife, Margaret Hay, viii. 447. Sir William, 1st bart. of 1st crea- tion, ii. 47 ; vii. 588. his second wife, Margaret St. Glair, vii. 588. William, i. 93. of Posso, Sir Lawrence, viii. 6. his alleged wife, * Somerville, viii. 6. of Rosemount, Jane, wife of capt. J. G. Hay of Belton, viii. 455. of Saughtonhall, Sir William, 5th bart., R.N., ii. 276. his wife, Frances Gardiner, ii. 276. of Urie, Sir Alexander, 1st bart., v. 254. Alexander, son of Sir Win. B. of New- byth, ii. 47. his wife, Margaret Hamilton, ii. 47. Alice Ann, wife of rev. A. C. Baillie- Hamilton, iv. 327 ; ix. 101 bis. Charles, wife of George, lord Haddo, i.93; ix.5. Christina Maria Hersey, wife of 9th viscount of Strathallan, viii. 236. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Sir Alex. Aber- cromby, and (2) col. P. Ogilvy, ix. 90. Janet, wife of Robert Ogilvy, ii. 13. Janet, wife of «(1) Alan Lockhart of Lee, and (2) Wm. Livingston of Jerviswood, viii. 371. John, advocate, iv. 437. his wife, Mary Ramsay, iv. 437. John Lawrence, C.M.G., v. 254. his wife, Ethel Sydney Keith- Falconer, v. 254. Margaret, wife of Lord Gilbert Kennedy, ii. 498. Baird-Hay of Belton and Rosemount, James George, capt., viii. 455. • his wife, Jane Baird, viii. 455. Baker, Frederick, M.D., iii. 604. — Jane Davies, wife of H. C. Fairfax, iii. 604. — Sir John, Sissinghurst, ii. 35 n. ; ix. 99. • his wife, Mary Guldeford, ix. 99. * Name unknown. Balbirnie of Inverichte, Alexander, i. 280. his wife, Margaret Arbuthnott, i. 280. Balcanqual of Balcanqual, Alexander, viii. 198. Alexander, viii. 198. his wife, Margaret Murray, viii. 198. Archibald, vi. 367. Robert, vii. 187. his wife, Jean Rollo, vii. 187. Walter, D.D., dean of Durham, i. 566 ; vii. 347. BALCARRES, LINDSAY, EARL OF, i. 511-529. Balcarres, Alexander, first earl of, i. 519. his wife, Anna Mackenzie, i. 519; vii. 507. Alexander, fourth earl of, i. 523. his wife, Elizabeth Scott, i. 523. Alexander, sixth earl of, i. 523 ; iii. 42. his wife, Elizabeth Dalrymple, iii. 42 ; viii. 131. Alexander William, eighth earl of, iii. 47. his wife, Margaret Lindsay, iii. 48. Charles, second earl of, i. 520 ; ix. 31. Colin, third earl of, i. 521. his 1st wife, Mauritia de Nassau, i. 522. his 2nd wife, Jean Carnegie, i. 522 ; vi. 499. his 3rd wife, Jean Ker, i. 522 ; vii.349. his 4th wife, Margaret Campbell, i. 522; v. 508. David Alexander Edward, master of Crawford ; styled lord, iii. 49. his wife, Constance Lilian Pelly, iii. 49. James, fifth earl of, i. 523. his wife, Anne Dalrymple, i. 523 ; viii. 132 ; ix. 31. James, seventh earl of, iii. 43. his wife, M. M. F. Pennington, iii. 44. James Ludovic, ninth earl of, iii. 48. his wife, E. F. Wilbraham, iii. 49. BALCARRES, LINDSAY, LORD LINDSAY OF, i. 518. Balcarres, Alexander, second lord Lindsay of, i. 519. David, first lord Lindsay of, i. 518. Balcaskie of Sithboger, Thomas, viii. 522. Margaret of, wife of John of Green- shiels, viii. 370. Balcormok, Walter of, vi. 170. Bald of Kilgraston, John, v. 236. Mary Verena Campbell, wife of A. R. F. Hay-Drummond, v. 236. Baldwin the Fleming, viii. 518. of Biggris, the King's Sheriff, viii. 519. of Inverkip, sheriff of Lanark, v. 549. BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH, BALFOUR, LORD, i. 530-555. 204 INDEX Balfour of Burleigh, John, third lord, i. 544. his wife, Isabel Balfour, i. 544. Margaret, de jure baroness, i. 546, 553 ; ix. 32. Michael, first lord, i. 537 ; iii. 445 ; vi. 98 ; viii. 195. his wife, Margaret Lundin, i. 542. Robert, ne Arnot, second lord, i. 542, 554. his wife, Margaret Balfour, i. 542. Robert, fourth lord, i. 546, 552. his wife, Margaret Melville, i. 546 ; vi. 110. Robert, fifth lord, i. 547. BALFOUR OP BURLEIGH, BRUCE, LORD, i. 554-555. Balfour of Burleigh, Alexander Hugh, tenth lord, i. 554. his wife, Katharine Eliza Gordon, i. 98, 555. Balfour of Glenawley, Alexander (Balfour), 2nd lord, i. 536. James, 2nd son of Sir James Balfour of Pittendreich, 1st Lord, i. 536 ; ix. 86. his 1st wife, Grizel Balfour, i. 536. his 2nd wife, Isabel or Elizabeth Hay, i. 536 ; iii. 571 ; ix. 86. his 3rd wife, Anne Blaney. i. 536. James, 3rd lord, i. 536. his wife, Anne Gouldsmith, i. 536. BALFOUR, LORD BALFOUR, i. 535. BALFOUR, LORD BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH, i. 530-555. BALFOUR, BARON GLENAWLEY, i. 536. BALFOUR, LORD KILWINNING, i. 541. Balfour of Balbuthie, Barry and Mont- quhannie, David, viii. 491 ; ix. 32. his wife, Elizabeth Wemyss, viii. 54, 491. of Balgay, Harry, iv. 282 ; vi. 417. his wife, Agnes Napier, iv. 282 ; vi. 417. of Balgarvy, John, keeper of Falkland Castle, i. 531. Michael, i. 531. his wife, Margaret *, i. 531. Sir Michael, i. 539. of Balledmont, David, viii. 189. David, viii. 189. his wife, Elizabeth Murray, viii. 189. of Boghall, Alexander, ii. 184. of Boquhapple, William, vi. 149. of Burleigh, David, i. 532. his wife, Agnes Forrester, i. 532. John, i. 544. his wife, Barbara Ross, i. 545. Margaret, wife of Sir James Bal- four of Pittendreich, i. 533, 537 : vi. 98. Margaret, wife of Robert Arnot, i. 542. * Name unknown. Balfour of Burleigh, Margaret, de jure baroness Balfour of Burleigh, i. 546, 553. Michael, son of John B. of Bal- garvy, i. 531. his wife, Elizabeth Douglas, ix. 32. Sir Michael, i. 531. his wife, Margaret Muschat, i. 532. Michael, son of David B., i. 533. his wife, Christian Beatoun. i. 533. Sir Michael, ambassador, i. 537 ; vii. 195. his wife, Margaret Lundin, i. 542. of Denmiln, Sir Michael, ii. 51 ; viii. 199. Sir Michael, bart., ii. 53. of Dunbog, Henry, 3rd son of 3rd lord Balfour of Burleigh, i. 545. Henry, i. 545. his wife, Katharine Porterfield, i. 545. of Fernie, Arthur, i. 545. his 1st wife, Dorothy Sandfoord, i. 545. his 2nd wife, Janet Paterson, i. 545. Francis, M.D., i. 545. his wife, * Balfour, i. 545. Francis, i. 545 ; iii. 391. — his wife, Margaret Bower, i. 545. John, 2nd son of 3rd lord Balfour of Burleigh, i. 544, 554. his wife, Barbara Ross, i. 545. John, i. 545. Sandfoord, i. 545. Walter Francis, claimant to the barony of Balfour of Burleigh, i. 545, 654. of Grange, Andrew, v. 387. of New Grange, Michael, vi. 105. his wife, Jean Melville, vi. 105. of Ins.chery, David, ii. 571. of Logie, Harie, i. 123. his wife, Agnes Napier, i. 123. of Monchaster, Sir Michael, i. 532. his wife, Margaret Muschat, i. 532. of Monimail, James, commendator of Charterhouse, vi. 98. of Montquhanie, Andrew, i. 533; ix. 32 bis. Sir Andrew, vi. 92. his wife, Margaret Melville, vi. 92. Michael, iii. 397. Sir Michael, vii. 279. of Pitcullo, Sir James, i. 536, 539, 540. his 1st wife, Grizel Balfour, i. 536. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Hay, i. 536. his 3rd wife, Anne Blaney, i. 536 Patrick, i. 536. his wife, Katherine Ramsay, i. 536. • of Pittendreich, Sir James, 3rd son of Andrew B. of Montquhanny, i. 533 ; ix. 32. his wife, Margaret Balfour of Bur- leigh, i. 533. of Star, Sir Robert, ix. 32. * Name unknown. I INDEX 205 Balfour of Tillyochie, Henry, rector of Lun- carty, vi. 368. of Westray, Gilbert, sheriff of Orkney, iv. 428 ; ix. 32. his wife, Margaret Bothwell, iv. 428. of Whittinghame, James, v. 320. his wife, Eleanor Maitland, v. 320. — J. M., i. 391. Agnes, wife of John Henderson, i. 537 ; ix. 32. Alexander, minister at Abdie. vi. 590. Andrew, merchant, Edinburgh, vi. 92. Andrew, 6th son of Andrew B. of Mont- quhanny, ix. 32. Anna, wife of David, lord Elcho, i. 543, 544 ; viii. 503. Anne, wife of Robt. Sinclair, i. 546. Anne, wife of Archibald Hamilton of Ballygelly, ix. 32. David, 8th son of Andrew B. of Mont- quhanny, ix. 32. Barbara, dau. of Arthur B. of Ferny, i. 545. Charles James, captain R.N., viii. 511. his wife, Frances Henrietta Erskine-Wemyss, viii. 511. David, son of Robert B., i. 532. David, Netherlands army, i. 537 ; ix. 32. his wife, Anne Bax, i. 537. David, M.D., ii. 51. his wife, Mary Hamilton, ii. 51. Elizabeth, dau. of Arthur B. of Ferny, i. 545. Elizabeth, wife of William Murray of Drumcairn and Binn, viii. 199. Emelia, wife of Sir Neil Menzies, iii. 391. Emilia, wife of Sir John Malcolm, i. 546 ; ix. 33. Emilia, wife of 5th earl of Moray, vi. 322. — Eustace J. A., i. 391. his wife, Frances Campbell, i. 391. George, commendator of the charter- house of Perth, v. 219 ; ix. 32. Gilbert, son of Sir Robt. B. of Mont- quhanny, i. 534. Grizel, wife of Sir James Balfour, i. 536. Helen, wife of David Barclay of Col- lairnie, i. 537 ; ix. 32. Henry, capt. Netherlands army, i. 537. his wife, Maria van Leeuven, i. 537. Sir Henry, colonel, vii. 193. his wife, Christian Cant, vii. 193. Isabel, wife of 1st lord Ruthven, i. 544. Isabel, wife of 3rd lord Balfour of Bur- leigh, i. 544. — Isabel, dau. of 3rd lord Balfour of Bur- leigh, i. 546. — Isobel, wife of Patrick Learmonth of Dairsie, vii. 546. Balfour, Jean, wife of Jas. Arnot, i. 544. Jean, wife of (1) Geo. Oliphant, and (2) Sir Robt. Douglas, i. 546 ; ix. 33 bis. Jean, wife of James Makgill of Flasshill, vi. 590. John de, 1304, i. 530. John, in Netherlands army, i. 537. John, captain, vii. 193. his wife, Christian Cant, vii. 193. John, 5th son of Andrew B. of Mont- quhanny, ix. 32. Jonet, wife of George Hume of Edrom, iv. 577. Jonet, wife of William, 3rd earl of Rothes, vii. 279. Katharine, wife of Patrick Murray of Dollerie, iii. 397. Margaret, wife of Sir R. Douglas of Lochleven, i. 533 ; vi. 368. Margaret, wife of Sir John Crawford, i. 544 ; ix. 32. — Margaret, wife of 3rd lord Rollo, i. 546 ; vii. 203 ; ix. 152. Margaret, executed as a witch, ii. 440. Margaret, wife of (1) Andrew Leslie of Quarter, and (2) Patrick Forbes, v. 387 ; ix. 128. Margaret, error for Jonet, wife of William, 3rd earl of Rothes, vii. 279 n. Marie, wife of Walter Arnot, i. 537. Mary, wife of Gen. Bruce of Kennet, i. 547, 552 ; ix. 33. Michael, eldest son of Andrew B. of Mountquhanie, ix. 32. Nina, wife of Sir R. Dalrymple-Horn- Elphinstone, viii. 133. Pearce, i. 536. — Robert, son of David B. of Burleigh, i. 532. Robert, son of Sir Robt. B. of Mont- quhanny, i. 534. Robert, 7th son of Andrew B. of Mont- quhanny, ix. 32. Robert, son of Michael B. of Burleigh, ix. 32. Susan, wife of Robt. Douglas, i. 546 ; ix. 33. Susan, wife of 6th lord Belhaven, ii. 53. Walter, son of David B. of Burleigh, i. 532. William, son of Margaret B. of Bur- leigh, i. 536. Sir William, lieutenant of the Tower of London, i. 544 : vi. 323, 417. — his 1st wife, Helen Napier, vi. 417. *, wife of Andrew Seton of Parbroath, i. 533. *, wife of Dr. Francis Balfour of Fernie. i. 545. BALGONIE, LESLIE, LORD, v. 372-381. Balgonie, Alexander, first lord, v. 374. * Name unknown. 206 INDEX Balgonie, Alexander, son of 1st earl of Leven ; styled lord, v. 377, 378. his wife, Margaret Leslie, v. 378 ; vii. 299. Alexander, grandson of 1st earl of Leven ; styled lord. v. 377. Alexander, elder son of 8th earl of Leven ; styled lord, vi. 119. David, son of George, lord Balgonie; styled lord, vi. 113 bis. David, eldest son of 5th earl of Leven ; styled lord, vi. 115. David, eldest son of 7th earl of Leven ; styled lord, vi. 118, 119. George, eldest son of 3rd earl of Leven ; styled lord, vi. 112 bis, 501. — his wife, Margaret Carnegie, vi. 113, 501. BALINHABD OF FARNELL, CARNEGIE, BARON, viii. 90-93. Balinhard of Farnell, James, first baron, viii. 90. Balinhard, Christin de, viii. 46. Jocelyn de, viii. 46. John de, father of Christin, viii. 46. John de, son of Christin, viii. 46. John de, ancestor of the family of Carnegie, viii. 46, 47. BALIOL, LORD OF GALLOWAY, iv. 143, Baliol of Balfour, Ingelram de, i. 530 n. of Barnard Castle, Alan, 2nd son of John de B., iv. 143. Sir Alexander, lord of Baliol, iv. 143. his wife, Alianora de Geneva, iv. 143. Edward, King of Scotland, i. 7, 430 ; v. 578, 582 ; viii. 252. Sir Hugh, iv. 142. his wife, Agnes de Valence, iv. 142. John, i. 4, 7 ; iv. 142. his wife, Devorgilla of Galloway, i. 4 ; ii. 124 ; iv. 142 ; vi. 290. John, King of Scotland, i. 7, 426 ; iv. 9, 143 ; viii. 250. his wife, Isabell de Warenne, i. 7. of Cavers, Sir Alexander, i. 425, 426. his wife, Isabella de Chilham, i. 425 ; ix. 11. Thomas, i. 583. of Kilmarnock, John, v. 138. of Largs and Cunningham, John, King of Scotland, iv. 183. Ada de, wife of William de Lindsay, iii. 5 ; iv. 143. Alianora, wife of John Comyn of Bade- noch and Tynedale, i. 4, 508 ; iv. 143. Cecilia, dau. of John B. and Devorgilla of Galloway, iv. 143. Eustace, ii. 424. his wife, Helwisa Levington, ii. 424. Baliol, Sir Henry, vii. 5. his wife, Lora de Valoniis, vii. 5. Henry, 2nd son of King John B., i. 7; viii. 250. Matildis de, wife of Sir Roland de Car- rick, ii. 424, 425. *, v. 583. his wife, Isabel Stewart, v. 583. Ballindean, alias Ruthven, John, iv. 102 n. Ballingall of Ballingall, William, v. 398. his wife, Marie Lindsay, v. 398. William, v. 412. Agnes, wife of W. Lindsay of Pyot- ston, v. 412. Balloch of the Isles, Donald, i. 439 ; ii. 322 ; iii. 180, 181. Balloun, Jean, wife of Wm. Kellie, W.S., iii. 98. Balmakewan of Balmakewan, George, i. 279. Janet, wife of Hugh Arbuthnott, i. 279. Balmanno of Balmanno, Peter, iv. 566. his wife, Euphame Carmichael, iv. 566. BALMERINO, ELPHINSTONE, LORD, i. 556-575. Balmerino, Arthur, sixth lord, i. 570, 571 ; ix. 34 bis. his wife, Margaret Chalmers, i. 575. James, first lord, i. 556 ; ii. 83, 576 ; iii. 116 ; vii. 192 ; ix. 33. his 1st wife, Sarah Menteith, i. 562 ; ix. 33. his 2nd wife, Marjory Maxwell, i. 562. James, fifth lord, i. 570. his wife, Elizabeth Carnegie, i, 571 ; vi. 501 ; ix. 34. John, second lord, i. 562 ; ii. 576. his wife, Anne Ker, i. 568 ; v. 71. John, third lord, i. 568 ; ii. 577. his wife, Ann or Margaret Camp- bell, i. 569 ; v. 507. — John, fourth lord, i. 569. his 1st wife, Christian Mont- gomerie, i. 569 ; iii. 452. his 2nd wife, Anne Ross, i. 570. Balmerino, master of, James, eldest son of 4th lord Balmerino, i. 569 ; ix. 34. master of, Hugh, 2nd son of 4th Balmerino, i. 570. BALMORE, GORDON, LORD, iv. 549-558. Balmore, George, first lord, iv. 550. Balnaves of Hallhill, Henry, ii. 63 ; vi. 90 ; 280. of Glencarse, James, viii. 202. his wife, Katharine Murray, 202. of Kirkland, James, viii. 202. BALNEIL, LINDSAY, LORD LINDSAY OF, i. 519-523. Balneil, Alexander, first lord Lindsay of, 519. * Name unknown. INDEX 207 BALQUIDDER, MURRAY, LORD, i. 469 ; viii. 411. Balquhidder, John, lord, i. 469. BALQUHIDDER, MURRAY, VISCOUNT, i. 474. Balquhidder, John, viscount, i. 474. BALQUHIDDER, MURRAY, VISCOUNT OF, i, 479. Balquhidder, John, first viscount of, i. 479. Balsac, Francois de ; seigneur d'Entraigues, v. 357. Guillaume de ; Seigneur d'Entraigues, v. 356. Katharine de, wife of Esme, 1st duke of Lennox, v. 356 ; ix. 126. de Clairmont, *, v. 357. Baltrodi, * de, wife of lye MacEth of Strathnaver, vii. 158. Walter de, bishop of Caithness, vii. 158. BALVAIRD, MURRAY, LORD, viii. 200-214. Balvaird, Alan David, ninth lord, viii. 213. Andrew, first lord, viii. 194, 199, 200. his wife, Elizabeth Carnegie, viii. 68, 201 ; ix. 159. David, second lord, i. 229 ; viii. 199, 203. his wife, Jean Carnegie, viii. 70, 197, 204. David, third lord, viii. 204. his wife, Marjory Scot, viii. 204. David, fourth lord, viii. 207. his wife, Anne Stewart, viii. 207. David, fifth lord, viii. 208. David William, sixth lord, viii. 210. William David, seventh lord, viii. 212. William David, eighth lord, viii. 212. BALVANY, DOUGLAS, LORD, iii. 173-185. Balvany, James, first lord, iii. 173. his 1st wife, *, iii. 174. his 2nd wife, Beatrix Sinclair, iii. 174. BALVENIE, MURRAY, LORD, i. 474-479. Balvenie, John, first lord, i. 474. John, second lord, i. 479. BALWEARIE, MELVILLE, LORD RAITH, MONYMAIL, AND, vi. 108-123. Balwearie, George, first lord Raith, Mony- mail, and, vi. 108. BAMBREICH, LESLIE, MARQUESS OF, vii. 301. Bambreich, John, marquess of, vii. 301. Bamburgh, Odard of, iv. 507 n. Bampfleld, Joseph, colonel, vii. 170. Bamford-Hesketh of Gwrych Castle, R., iii. 367. — Winifred, wife of 12th earl of Dun- donald, iii. 367. Banaster of Papenham, Sir Robert, v. 361. — Lawrence, v. 361. — Margaret, wife of (1) Wm. Lewes, and (2) Charles, 6th duke of Lennox, v. 361. — Maud, wife of (1) William Comyn, and (2) William de Hasting, i. 504. Thurstan, i. 504. Bandane, alias Ruthven, John, iv. 102 n. * Name unknown. Bandini, Charles (Bandini), 4th marquis, vi. 458. his wife, Maria Cecilia, countess of Newburgh, vi. 458. Cristina, wife of Count Marcello Mar- celli Flori, vi. 458. Elizabetta, wife of marquis Augustin Trionfi, vi. 458. Maria, wife of Cav. Frederico Pucci Boncambi, vi. 458. Nicoletta, wife of Charles, marquis Santa Croce of Villa Hermosa, vi. 458. BANFF, OGILVY, LORD, ii. 1-26. Banff, Alexander, sixth lord, ii. 22 ; ix. 35 bis. Alexander, seventh lord, i. 142 ; ii. 22, 25. his wife, Jean Nisbet, ii. 25. — George, first lord, ii. 15. his 1st wife, Margaret Irvine, ii. 15, 17. his 2nd wife, Janet Sutherland, ii. 18 ; iii. 205. George, second lord, ii. 18. his wife, Agnes or Grisel Falconer, ii. 19 ; v. 249, ; ix. 123. George, third lord, ii. 20 ; ix. 35. his wife, Jean Keith, ii. 21 ; v. 60 ; ix. 35. George, fourth lord, ii. 21. his wife, Helen Lauder, ii. 21. — John George, fifth lord, ii. 21. his wife, Mary Ogilvie, ii. 22. William, eighth lord, ii. 25. Banister, Elizabeth, wife of 7th lord Kirk- cudbright, v. 273. Bankes, Augusta Anne, wife of Edward William Douglas, vi. 385. George, vi. 385. Bannatyne of Corehouse, John, iv. 365. his wife, Isabella Hamilton, iv. 365. John, viii. 31. William, iii. 96. his wife, Marion Ramsay, iii. 96. William, the younger, ii. 394. of Kames, Hector, ii. 293. Hector, son of Ninian B., ii. 297. Ninian, ii. 288, 291. his wife, Jonet Stewart, ii. 288. Ninian, ii. 297, 298 n. his alleged wife, Elizabeth Stewart, ii. 296. his wife, Isobel Stewart, ii, 297. of Newhall, Sir James, lord of Session, viii. 29. of Newtyle, Thomas, ii. 66. his wife, Marion Gilbert, ii. 66. Christian, dau. of Ninian B. of Kames, ii. 228. Elizabeth, wife of John Stewart, ii. 288, 291. Elizabeth, wife of James Stewart of Ardinho, ii. 293. INDEX Bannatyne, Grizel, wife of ,Wm. Sandilands of Hilderstoun, viii. 391. James, v. 372. Katharine, dau. of Ninian B. of Kames, ii. 288. Lilias, wife of James Somerville of Drum, viii. 29. — Martha, wife of James Somerville of Drum, viii. 30, 31. Richard, secretary to John Knox, iv. 157. Bannennan of Elsick, Sir Alexander, vi. 431. his wife, Margaret Scott, vi. 431. Sir Alexander, bart., viii. 92. Ethel Mary Elizabeth, wife of 10th earl of Southesk, viii. 92. — of Kirkhill, Sir Alexander, bart., v. 252. — of Wattertoun, George, i. 86. — of Water ton, Henry, iv. 72. his wife, Marjory Forbes, iv. 72. Elizabeth, wife of 7th lord Kirkcud- bright, v. 273 n. — Margaret, wife of (1) George Gordon, yr. of Haddo, and (2) Sir Wm. Keith of Ludquharn, i. 86. — Maria, wife of 6th earl of of Kintore, v. 252 ; ix. 124. Banning, Clare, wife of (1) W. S. Jones, and (2) Alex. J. Boyle, iv. 209. John, New South Wales, iv. 209. Banquo, thane of Lochaber, i. 9. Bar, David, iii. 474. his wife, Bessie Bruce, iii. 474. Hugo, iv. 86. Barbara, wife of Alexander Home of Hie- laws and Manderston, iii. 282. Barbour, George, i. 400. John, bailie of Inverness, ix. 140. Sybella, wife of maj.-gen. John Stewart of Pittendreich, ix. 140. Barclay of Arngask and Fargy, Margaret, wife of Sir Andrew Murray, viii. 186. of Balmakewan, James, iii. 324. his wife, Anna Young, iii. 324. William, iii. 324. William, i. 142. of Barclay, George, vii. 411 ; ix. 48. his wife, Margaret Ogilvy, ii. 269 ; ix. 48. George, vii. 412. of Brechin, Sir David, sheriff of Fife, ii. 222 ; iii. 149 ; vi. 343; vii. 8. his wife, Margaret of Brechin, ii. 222; vii. 8. Sir David, 2nd lord, ii. 223 ; v. 580 ; ix. 46. his wife Jean or Janet Keith, ii. 224 ; v. 580. Jean, wife of Sir David Fleming of Biggar and Cumbernauld, ii. 223 ; viii. 529. Barclay of Brechin, Margaret, wife of Walter Stewart, earl of Caithness and Atholl, i. 436, 438 ; ii. 224 ; v. 581. of Colhill, Arthur, v. 90. of Collairnie, David, ii. 79. David, iv. 566 ; v. 411 ; vii. 294 ; viii. 491. his wife, Margaret Wemyss, viii. 491. Sir David, v. 384 ; vii. 294 ; ix. 32. — his alleged wife, Helen Balfour, i. 537 ; ix. 32. — his wife, Euphemia Leslie, v. 384 ; vii. 291. John, v. 388. of Drumquhendill, Jean, wife of Wm. Fraser of Faichfield, iv. 113. of Wester Duddingston, Margaret, wife of Sir A. Murray, viii. 186. of Garntully or Gartly, Sir Humphrey, iv. 223. Patrick, i. 282. his wife, Elizabeth Arbuthnott, i. 282. Patrick, vii. 437. *, iv. 57. his wife, Katharine Forbes, iv. 57. of Kerkou, Alexander, vii. 405. William, vii. 405. — of Kinsleath, Hugh, ii. 223. — of Kippo, James, viii. 186. Margaret, wife of Sir Andrew Murray, viii. 186. of Knox, Harrie, colonel, i. 306. — Margaret, wife of Alex. Arbuth- nott, i. 306. of Ladyland, David, iv. 193. of Lessindrum, George, vii. 411. — of Menteith and Methlic, i. 83. — of Monkham, Henry Ford, viii. 91. of Montgomerieston, James, 2nd son of David Boyle of Kelburne, iv. 197. — Janet, wife of James Boyle, or Barclay, iv. 197. Robert, provost of Irvine, iv. 197. of Morphie, William, iii. 324. of Pearstoun or Perceton, Robert, iv. 187. his wife, Katharine Wallace, iv. 187. William, iv. 189, 194. his wife, Jean Boyle, iv. 194. of Strovane, Robert, vii. 183. of Tolly or Towie, Sir Alexander, Innes, ii. 32; v. 311 ; viii. 131. — Charles, ne Maitland, v. 311. his wife, Isobel Barclay, v. 311. — Sir David, 1281, viii. 3. Isobel, wife of C. Maitland, v. 311. Jean, wife of Dr. Robert Dalrym- ple, ii. 32; viii. 131. * Name unknown. INDEX Barclay of Towie, Patrick, iv. 102 n., 113 bis. ; vii. 48. his wife, Anne Drummond, iv. 113 ; vii. 48. Patrick, iii. 536. his wife, Janet Elphinstone, iii. 536. Walter, c. 1500, iii. 589. Walter, vi. 413. Walter, iv. 116. his wife, Elizabeth Fraser, iv. 116. of Urie, Alexander, vi. 35. his wife, Katharine Keith, vi. 35. Robert, i. 144. his wife, Sarah Ann Allardice of Allardice, i. 144 ; ix. 9. Alexander, 1384, ii. 539. Alexander, in Banff, ix. 90. Ann, wife of Jas. Allardice, i. 143. Antonia, wife of John Leslie of Lum- quhat, v. 388. Christian, wife of Wm. Ruthven of Ballindean and Gardyne, iv. 102. Christian, contracted to Alexander Abernethy, vii. 412. Christian, wife of (1) James Grant of Freuchie, and (2) A. Forbes of Balfour, vii. 460. Christina, mistress of King James v., i. 24. Christina, wife of George Abercromby of Pitmeddan, iv. 179. David, minister of Dailly, Maybole, Dumfries, Kilwinning, St. Andrews, Dairsie, vi. 103. his wife, Alison Melville, vi. 103. David, Kincardine, ix. 123. Elizabeth, wife of (1) John Allardice, and (2) * Wood, i. 142. Elizabeth, contr. to Robt. Maxwell of Calderwood, ii. 79. Elizabeth, dau. of Patrick B. of Towie, iv. 102 n. Elizabeth, wife of D. Lindsay of Pyot- ston, v. 411. — Mr. Gavin, burgess of Irvine, iv. 189. — George, merchant, Banff, ii. 21. his wife, Isobel Ogilvy, ii. 21. George, in Banff, ix. 90. his wife, Mary Ogilvy, iv. 37 ; ix. 90. — Isabel, wife of David Carmichael of Balmedie, iv. 566. — Isobel, wife of Hugh Crawford of Kil- birnie, iv. 193. — James, banker, London, i. 143. — Janet, wife of (1) Wm. Stewart, yr. of Galston, and (2) Thos. Boyle, iv. 192. — Jean, wife of Sir David Fleming, ii. 223 ; viii. 529. — Jean, wife of Jas. Boyle of Halkishurst, iv. 189. • * Name unknown. VOL. IX. Barclay, John de, vi. 211 ; vii. 236. his wife, Margaret Graham, vi. 211 ; vii. 236. Katharine, wife of Alex. Fraser, 7th of Philorth, vii. 437. Margaret, wife of Robt. Arbuthnott of Fiddes, i. 286. Margaret, wife of David Colville, ii. 572. Margaret, wife of Alex. Cunningham of Toir, iv. 188. Marion Alice de Gournay, wife of Lancelot Douglas Carnegie, viii. 91. Marjory, wife of James King of Barra and Bourtie, iii. 588. Marjory, wife of David Rollo of Bello, vii. 183. Michael, advocate, ii. 572. Penelope, wife of Sir Chas. Erskine of Cambo, v. 90. William, son of Walter B. of Towie, vi. 413. his wife, Anna Napier, vi. 413. *, wife of Alex. Lindsay in Haltoun, iii. 19. Barclay-AUardice of Ury and Allardice, Margaret, wife of (1) Samuel Ritchie, and (2) Jas. Tanner, i. 144 ; ix. 9. Robert, i. 144. his wife, Mary Dalgarno, i. 144. Robert, M.A., i. 145. David Stuart, i. 145. his wife, Fannie Foster Elliot, i. 145. Mary, i. 144. Barclay-Maitland of Towie, Charles, v. 311. his wife, Isobel Barclay, v. 311. Barde of Fennok, Richard de, ii. 285. of Kirkwood, William le, iv. 517. of Posso, Janet, wife of William Geddes, viii. 435. John, viii. 435. of Sydde and Bauchlaw, William, iv. 20 n. Margaret, wife of Walter Murray of Tullibardine, i. 455. BARGANY, HAMILTON, LORD, ii. 27-33. Bargany, James, fourth lord, ii. 33. John, first lord, ii. 28. his wife, Jean Douglas, i. 205 ; ii. 28. John, second lord, ii. 29,483; ix. 36. his 1st wife, Margaret Cunningham, ii. 31 ; iv. 249. his 2nd wife, Alice Moore, ii. 32. William, third lord, ii. 32 ; ix. 36. his 1st wife, Mary Primrose, ii. 32 ; vii. 110. his 2nd wife, Margaret Dundas, ii. 32. * Name unknown. 210 INDEX Bargany, master of, John, elder son of 2nd lord Bargany, ii. 81. his wife, Jean Sinclair, ii. 31 ; viii. 177. Barham, Sir Charles (Middleton), bart., 1st lord, vi. 180. his wife, Margaret Gambier, vi. 180. Diana (Middleton), wife of Gerard Noel Edwards ; baroness, vi. 180. of Stockbridge, John Foster, M.P., iv. 97. his wife, Katharine Grimston, iv. 97. Ursula, wife of Sir Thos. Richardson, ii. 580. Barkham of Southacre, Sir Edward, bart., ii. 583. his wife, Frances Napier, ii. 583. Robert, ii. 583. Elizabeth, wife of 3rd lord Cramond, ii. 583. Barlow, Elizabeth, wife of (1) Alexander, 1st lord Elphinstone, and (2) John, 6th lord Forbes, iii. 530 ; iv. 53, 54 ; ix. 84, 91. Lucy, alias Walters, i. 30 ; ii. 238. Barnard of Kinnaber, William, vi. 212. Andrew, son of bishop B., i. 528. his wife, Anne Lindsay, i. 528. C. S., in holy orders, viii. 227. Lucy Marion, wife of Edward Drum- mond, viii. 227. Thomas, bishop of Limerick, i. 528. *, 1st wife of William Campbell of Lis- ton Hall, i. 382. Barnes, Edmund Charles, v. 419. his wife, E. M. Crosse, v. 419. — — Katharine Frances Corbett, wife of 10th earl of Dundonald, iii. 365. Thomas, Romford, iii. 365. Barnet, Curtis, commodore R.N., v. 181. Barnham, Benedict, alderman of London, v. 86. his wife, Dorothy Smith, v. 86. Stephen, iii. 234, 235. Ursula, wife of (1) Sir R. Swift, and (2) William, 1st viscount of Air, iii. 234, 235. Barns ton, Alice Emma, wife of Major C. Napier, vi. 436. Roger, vi. 436. Barn well, Mary Harbourne, wife of Edward Hay, v. 233. Baron of Kinnaird, James, vii. 187 ; ix. 151. Helen, wife of principal Robt. Rollo, vii. 187 ; ix. 151. Barratt of Wymeswold, William, i. 405. Margaret, wife of (1) Hugh Botham, and (2) Devereux Aston, i. 405. BARRET OF NEWBURGH, BARRET, LORD, ii. 34-35. * Name unknown. Barret of Newburgh, Edward, lord, ii. 34. his 1st wife, Jane Gary, ii. 35 ; ix. 36. his 2nd wife, Katharine Fenn, ii. 35; ix. 36. BARRET, LORD BARRET OF NEWBURG^ ii. 34-35. Barret of Belhouse, Edward, ii. 34. Sir Edward, ii. 34; ix. 36 ter. Richard, sheriff of Essex, ii. 35. Anne, wife of (1) Sir R. Harley, and (2) Sir J. Leveson, ii. 34 n. Charles, ii. 34. his wife, Christian Mildmay, ii. 34. Dorothy, wife of 2nd lord Stanhope of Harrington, ii. 34. George, ii. 35 n. his wife, Elizabeth Dinely, ii. 35 n. Walter, brother of lord Barret of New- burgh, ii. 34 w. Barrett-Lennard, Sir Thomas, 1st bart., ii 35w. Barrington, William (Barrington), 6th vis- count, viii. 313. Barrington of Barrington Hall, Sir Thomas, bart., vi. 466. Charlotte Maria, wife of 12th earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, viii. 313. Lucy, wife of (1) Win. Cheyne, and (2) Sir Toby Tyrrell, vi. 465. Russell, viii. 310. his wife, Mary Lyon, viii. 310. BARROGILL, SINCLAIR, BARON, ii. 358. Barrogill, George Philips Alexander, second baron, ii. 358. James, first baron, ii. 358. his 1st wife, Louisa Georgiana Philips, ii. 358. his 2nd wife, Marie de Mariategui, duchesse de Pomar, ii. 358. Barry of St. Leonards Hill and Keiss, Sir Francis Tress, 1st bart., iii. 396. Barry of Witchingham Hall, William James, iii. 396. his wife, Grace Murray, iii. 396. Caroline, wife of Louis Pierre Francis Malcolm Drummond, vi. 69. Barrymore, Richard (Barry), 6th earl of, vi. 69. Bartoletti, Fortunata, wife of Alexander Humphreys or Alexander, viii. 184. Bartolucci of Cantiano, Vincenzo, viii. 473. Candida Louisa, wife of 10th marquess of Tweeddale, viii. 473. Barton of Ballinbreich, Andrew, vii. 281. of Over Barnton, Sir Robert, High Treasurer, viii. 388. Elizabeth, wife of (1) William, 1st lord Panmure of Brechin and Navar, and (2) Bonamy M. Power, vii. 24 ; ix. 66. Elizabeth, wife of (1) George Bromley, and (2) Jas. Graham of Levens, vii. 102. Isaac, All Hallows, Barking, vii. 102. INDEX 211 Barton, John William, vii. 24. Margaret, wife of John Sandilands of Calder, viii. 388. Robert, the comptroller, vii. 45. Bar wick of Toulston, Frances, wife of 4th lord Fairfax, iii. 600. Sir Robert, iii. 600. Basset, Katharine, wife of R. Leslie, ix. 127. Maud, wife of (1) William Comyn, and (2) Wm. de Hasting, i. 504. Thurstan, i. 504. Bastie, Antoine d'Arces, chevalier de la, ii. 6 ; iv. 356 bis. Batail of Fawdon, iii. 137. Custancia de, wife of Sir William of Douglas, iii. 137. Bateman, Anne, wife of Patrick Maitland of Kilmaron, v. 313. Colthurst, v. 313 bis. Dora, wife of Admiral John Maitland, v. 313. Bateman-Hanbury, Harriet Anne, wife of, (1) G. A. C. Dashwood, and (2) M. W. Graham, vi. 271. Bath, Henrietta Laura (Pulteney), wife of Sir James Murray of Billhead ; countess of, iii. 517 bis. Thomas (Thynne), 2nd marquess of, ii. 245. Bathurst, Allen (Bathurst), 1st earl, iii. 482. Henry (Bathurst), 3rd earl, v. 364. his wife, Georgina Lennox, v. 364. Benjamin, iii. 482. his wife, Elizabeth Bruce, iii. 482. Dr. Ralph, ix. 88. Baty, Helen, wife of Alan Stewart of Threap- wood, vii. 64. Baumann, Josephine, wife of F. R. V. Douglas-Hamilton, iv. 390. Bax, Anne, wife of David Balf our, i. 537. Sir Paul, i. 537. Baylay, Armynel Mary, wife of Canon A. H. Drummond, viii. 232. Charles F. R., viii. 232. Bayley of Normancote Grange, Ralph, i. 405. his wife, Anne Aston, i. 405. Anne, wife of Edward Aston, i. 403. Nathaniel, Hanwell, v. 15. his wife, Elizabeth Arthur Ingram, v. 15. Thomas, Stafford, i. 403. Baylie of Honingham, Richard, D.D., dean of Salisbury, ii. 584 n. Bayliss, captain, vii. 382. Bayly, John, general, C.B., R.E., ii. 529. — Helen Tolmie Dick, wife of C. J. C. Douglas, ii. 529. Bayne of Tulloch, Duncan, ix. 26. his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, i. 397 ; ix. 26. Bayning of Foxley, Anne, wife of (1) Henry Murray of Berkhampstead, and (2) Sir J. Baber ; viscountess, iii. 399. Bayning of Sudbury, Paul, 1st viscount, iii. 399. Bayntun of Spye Park, Henry, viii. 36. his wife, Anne Wilmot, viii. 36. Anne, wife of (1) Edward Rolt of Sacombe Park, and (2) James, 12th lord Somerville, viii. 36. Beaton, Bethune, Betoun of Auchmuthie, John, viii. 95. of Balfour, David, 12th laird, ii. 572. David, 15th laird, iii. 379 ; iv. 492. his wife, Rachel Hope, iv. 492. John, 2nd laird, v. 1. his wife, Katharine Stewart, v. 1. John, 7th laird, iii. 317. John, 8th laird, i. 444. his wife, Christian Stewart, i. 444. John, 10th laird, viii. 95. Robert, llth laird, v. 405. of Cairntoun, James, 2nd son of David B. of Creich, iv. 337. of Capuldrae, Archibald, chamberlain of Dunfermline, iii. 338 ; v. 556. John, iv. 243. of Easter Cochrane, James, archbishop of St. Andrews, iii. 338 ; ix. 75. of Creich, Agnes or Anna, wife of (1) Sir James Chisholm of Cromlix, and (2) Sir D. Hering of Lethinty, i. 138 n. ; vii. 290. David, the Treasurer, 1st laird, i. 25 ; iv. 337, 360 ; v. 556. David, 5th laird, vii. 290. his wife, Beatrix Leslie, vii. 290. David, 8th laird, iv. 247. his wife, Margaret Cunningham, iv. 247. James, viii. 196, 497. his 2nd wife, Margaret Wemyss, viii. 497. John, 2nd laird, i. 25, 533; ii. 230, 231 ; v. 5. his wife, Janet Hay, i. 533. Robert, 4th laird, i. 77; viii. 24. of Dowald, David, i. 464. of Duchal, Archibald, v. 556, 557. of Kilconquhar, David, v. 416. Thomas, v. 416. of Melgund, David, cardinal, Arch- bishop of St: Andrews, i. 115, 339; iii. 29, 288 ; iv. 366, 539 ; vi. 88, 95 ; vii. 14, 280, 282, 286 ; viii. 16. David, his son, i. 115, 118, 464. James, v. 398. his wife, Margaret Lindsay, v. 398. James, v. 208 ; ix. 121. his wife, Helen Menzies, v. 208. of Skryne, Elizabeth, dau. of cardinal B., vii. 15. Agnes, wife of David Colville, ii. 572. 212 INDEX Beaton, Agnes, wife of (1) Jas. Ochterlony, (2) George Gordon of Gight, and (3) Sir Patrick Gordon of Auchindoun ; iii. 288 ; iv. 538; ix. 110, 11L Alexander, archdean of Lothian, i. 115. Christian, wife of (1) Michael Balfour, and (2) Patrick Kinninmont of Craighall, i. 533 ; ix. 32. Elizabeth, mistress of King James v., i. 25. Elizabeth, wife of James Sandilands, i. 77. Elizabeth, wife of John Ogilvy, i. 118. Elizabeth, wife of (1) John, 4th lordlnner- meath, and (2) James Gray, iv. 282 ; v. 5. Elizabeth, wife of David Lindsay, v. 405. Elizabeth, wife of 1st viscount of Stormont, viii. 196. Grissel, wife of (1) Sir W. Scott of Kirkurd, and (2) A. Murray of Black- barony, i. 251; ii. 231; iii. 503; ix. 46, 83 bis. Grizel, wife of 4th lord Lyle, v. 556. Isobel, mistress of J. Gray, iv. 282. James, archbishop of Glasgow and St. Andrews, iii. 338 ; v. 397, 555 ; viii. 487 ; ix. 75. — — James, archbishop of Glasgow, i. 557. Janet, wife of (1) Sir Robert Livingston, and (2) James (Hamilton), 1st earl of Arran, iv. 358, 360; viii. 369. Jonet, wife of (1) Sir Jas. Crichton, (2) Simon Preston, (3) Sir Walter Scott, and (4) James, 4th earl of Both well, ii. 163, 230 ; ix. 46. Katharine, wife of P. Lindsay of Wolmerston, v. 414. Katharine, wife of James Forbes of Kil- many, vi. 590. Margaret, wife of Arthur Forbes of Rires, i. 445 ; viii. 541. Margaret, wife of David, 10th earl of Crawford, iii. 29. Margaret, wife of John Graham of Ballargus and Claverhouse, iii. 317. Margaret, wife of G. Lindsay of Wormiston, v. 416. Mary, contracted to Hugh, master of Somerville, viii. 24, Beatrice, prioress of lona, dau. of Somerled, v. 31. wife of Sir Andrew Fraser, brother of Sir Simon F. of Oliver Castle, vii. 422. Beatrix, dau. of Gilchrist, earl of Angus; alleged wife of Walter, 3rd lord High Steward, i. 12. wife of George, llth earl of Dunbar, iii. 277. Beauchamp, John Reginald (Lygon), 3rd earl, i. 492. his 2nd wife, Katharine Otway- Cave, i.1492. Beauchamp, Henry (Seymour), son of William, 1st marquess of Hertford ; styled lord, iii. 480. BEAUCHAMP OF BLETSHOE, GORDON, BARON, iv. 556. Beauchamp of Bletshoe, Alexander, 12th baron, iv. 556. Beatrix de, wife of Hugo de Morville, V. 277. Beauclerc, James, illeg. son of King Charles II., i. 32. Beauclerk, Charlotte, wife of John Drum- mond of Stanmore, viii. 224. William, 2nd son of 1st duke of St. Albans, viii. 224. Beaufort, Henry (Somerset), 2nd duke of, iii. 355. his wife, Mary Osborne, iii. 355. Henry (Somerset), 7th duke of, v. 237. Henry Charles (Somerset), 6th duke of, iv. 171. Eleanor, wife of Sir Robert Spencer, iii., 608. Joan, wife of (1) King James i., and (2) Sir James Stewart of Lorn, i. 18, 450 ; ii. 141 ; iii. 564, 569 ; v. 2, 427. Beaumont, Henry de, earl of Buchan and Moray, constable of Scotland, 1st lord, ii. 256, 258, 259 ; iii. 263 ; vi. 295. his wife, Alicia Comyn, ii. 256, 258. of Stoughton Grange, Sir Thomas, ii. 578. his wife, Katharine Farnham, ii. 578. of Vescy, Isabella de, i. 430. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Sir J. Ashburn- ham, and (2) Sir Thomas Richardson; baroness of Cramond, ii. 578. Elizabeth, wife of 1st earl of Nithsdale, vi. 486. Ermengarde de, wife of King William the Lion, i. 5. Sir Francis, vi. 486. Sir John, son of Alicia, countess Buchan, ii. 259. Katharine, wife of David, llth earl Atholl, i. 432. Mary, wife of 2nd earl of Northampton, vi. 486 n. Roger de, bishop of St. Andrews, i. 418. Becford of Altadore, ix. 55. Bechinoe, Benjamin, capt. R.N., iii. 413. Mary, wife of (1) William, 4th duke of Roxburghe, and (2) John Tollemache, iii. 413 ; vii. 353. Beckford of Fonthill, William, lord mayor of London, i. 60. his wife, Maria Hamilton, i. 60. William, author of Vathek, i. 60, 105 ; iv. 395. his wife, Margaret Gordon, i. 105 ; iv. 395 ; ix. 7. INDEX 213 Beckford, Susan Euphemia, wife of 10th duke of Hamilton, iv. 395. Beckman, Anne Christian, wife of David Carnegie, viii. 83. Beckwith of Milliehope Park, Henry John, v. 370. Sir Thomas Sidney, K.C.B., vii. 151. his wife, Mary Douglas, vii. 151. William Malbisse, v. 370. his wife, Muriel Beatrice Gordon- Lennox, v. 370. Bedford, John (Plantagenet), duke of, iii. 166. Francis (Russell), 5th duke of, viii. 40. John (Russell), 4th duke of, vii. 358. John (Russell), 6th duke of, i. 70 ; iv. 557. his 2nd wife, Georgina Gordon, iv. 557. Bedingfleld, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Alex. Hamilton, i. 47. Bedoch, dau. of Malcolm, 2nd earl of Atholl, i. 418. Beecher, Anne, wife of (1) R. M. Thackeray, and (2) H. W. Carmichael-Smyth, iv. 569. J. H., iv. 569. Begg, Elizabeth, wife of lieut. David Stewart, R.N., vi. 326. Bek, Antony, bishop of Durham, ii. 538. Belasyse of Worlaby, Henry (Belasyse), 2nd lord, v. 363. — — his wife, Anne Brudenell, v. 363. • John (Belasyse), 1st lord, iii. 299. Barbara, wife of Sir M. Dalton, vii. 107. — — Frances, wife of Sir Thos. Ingram, v. 11. • Henry, son of 1st viscount Fauconberg, vii. 107. Mary, wife of 3rd viscount Dunbar, iii. 299. BELHAVEN, DOUGLAS, VISCOUNT OF, ii. 36-37. Belhaven, Robert, viscount of, ii. 36. his wife, Nicolas Moray, ii. 37. BELHAVEN AND STENTON, HAMILTON, LORD, ii. 38-60. Belhaven and Stenton, Alexander Charles, tenth lord, ii. 59. • his wife, Georgina Katharine Rich- mond, ii. 60. James, fifth lord, ii. 47. James, ninth lord, ii. 55, 58. • his wife, Georgina Watson, ii. 58. John, first lord, ii. 39 ; v. 196. 1 his wife, Margaret Hamilton, ii. 40, 85 ; iv. 375. John, second lord, ii. 40, 43, 44. his wife, Margaret Hamilton, ii. 40, John, third lord, ii. 46. — his wife, Anne Bruce, ii. 46. John, fourth lord, ii. 47. — Robert, sixth lord, ii. 47, 53, 54. • his wife, Susan Balfour, ii. 53. Belhaven and Stenton, Robert Mont- gomerie, eighth lord, ii. 54. his wife, Hamilton Campbell, ii. 54. William, seventh lord, ii. 53. his wife, Penelope Macdonald, ii. 54. master of, Ralph Gerard Alexander (Hamilton) ii. 60 ; iii. 367. his wife, Grizel Winifred Louise Cochrane, ii. 60 ; iii. 367. 4 Bell the Cat,' i. 178. BeU of Abbeylarn, William Shirley, vi. 121. of Bladethouse, William, vii. 99. of Godsbrigg, William, vii. 99. of the Holmes, George, viii. 273, 274. of Inchture, George, viii. 274. of Pendell Court, William A., iv. 220. of Streamstown, Edward Gonne, vii. 450. of Whiteside, John, v. 125. of Woolsingham, Matthew, iii. 583. Anne, wife of Sir Alex. Hope of Granton, iv. 491. Charles, v. 635. his wife, Charlotte Erskine Good- eve -Erskine, v. 635. Georgina, wife of Capt. Norman Leslie- Melville, vi. 121. Hyacinthe Mary, wife of Patrick James, lord Kelburne, iv. 220. James, provost of Glasgow, iv. 289. his wife, Elspeth Gray, iv. 289. Jane, wife of William Hay, iii. 583. John, minister of Calder, v. 165. Mary Georgina, wife of gen. David M. Fraser, vii. 450. Sibill, wife of Fergus Graham of Plomp, vii. 99. Bellamy, Charles, H.E.I.C.S., v. 133. his wife, Louisa Gordon of Ken- mure, v. 133. Bellamy-Gordon of Kenmure, Louisa, wife of rev. Jas. Maitland, v. 133. Bellarmine, Cardinal, i. 559. BELLENDEN OF BROUGHTON, BELLENDEN, LORD, ii. 61-76. Bellenden of Broughton, John, second lord, ii. 72; vii. 349; ix. 38. his wife, Mary Moore, ii. 73. John, third lord, ii. 74. his wife, Mary Parnell, ii. 75. John Ker, fifth lord, ii. 76. his wife, Sarah Cumming, ii. 76. Ker, fourth lord, ii. 75. his wife, Elizabeth Brett, ii. 75. Robert, sixth lord, ii. 75, 76. William, first lord, ii. 71 ; ix. 38. William, seventh lord, ii. 73, 76 ; vii. 352. BELLENDEN, LORD BELLENDEN OF BROUGH- TON, ii. 61-76. 214 INDEX Bellenden (Bellentyne), of Auchnoull, Sir John, justice clerk, ii. 64; iii. 278; iv. 428; ix. 137. his 1st wife, Margaret Scott, ii. 65. his 2nd wife, Barbara Kennedy, ii. 64,65. his 3rd wife, Janet Seton, ii. 66 ; iv. 60. of Auchnoull, Sir Lewis, keeper of the Palace of Linlithgow, justice clerk, ii. 65, 68 ; vi. 99. his 1st wife, Geilis Forrester, ii. 70 ; iv. 89. his 2nd wife, Margaret Livingston, ii. 70; v. 443. — Patrick, parish clerk of Holyrood, ii. 62 ; iv. 86. his wife, Marion Douglas, ii. 62. Thomas, justice clerk, ii. 63. his wife, Agnes Forrester, ii. 63. Sir William, ii. 71 ; ix. 38 bis. of Bigods, James, capt. 21st foot, ii. 73. of Broughton, Sir James, ii. 70. his wife, Elizabeth Ker, ii. 71 ; vii. 341. Sir William, constable of Linlith- gow Palace, ii. 71 ; v. 446. of Castlelaw, Sir Lewis, ii. 68. of Corollachill, Sir John, ii. 64. of Evie, Adam, ii. 64. Sir Patrick, ii. 63, 69. his wife, Katharine Kennedy, ii. 63. of Fawsyde, Sir Lewis, ii. 69. of Horshope, Patrick, ii. 62. his wife, Marion Douglas, ii. 62. of Kilconquhar, Adam, bishop, ii. 66. his wife, Jean Abercrombie, ii. 67. James, ii. 66, 67. his wife, Grisel Spens, ii. 66. of Longcrof t, Sir Lewis, ii. 69. of Magdalens, Sir James, ii. 70. of Milkburn, Thomas, ii. 63. of Ochiltree, Sir Lewis, ii. 69. of Pittendreich, James, ii. 68. his wife, Agnes Bellenden, ii. 68. John, ii. 68. of St. John's Chapel, Walter, ii. 67. his wife, Jean Hamilton, ii. 67. of Spotts, Sir Lewis, ii. 68. of Standenflat, Mr. Nicol, i. 446. his wife, Jean Stewart, i. 446. of Stanehouse, Adam, ii. 64. Sir Patrick, sheriff of Orkney, ii. his wife, Katharine Kennedy, ii. 63.- Thomas, 'appearand,' ii. 64. of Walkmylns, Sir John, ii. 64. of Woodhouselee, Sir Lewis, ii. 68. Adam, 5th son of bishop B., ii. 67. Agnes, wife of (1) W. Adamson, and (2) Alex. Somervell, ii. 64. Bellenden, Agnes, wife of James Bellenden of Pittendreich, ii. 65, 68. Alexander, 4th son of bishop B., ii. 67. Alice, dau. of 3rd lord Bellenden, ii. 75. Alison, wife of John Achisoun, ii. 64. Anna, dau. of Sir Lewis B., ii. 70. Annabel, wife of Alex. Lauder, ii. 68; v. 296. Caroline, wife of John Gawler, ii. 75. Christian, wife of Matthew Forrester of Barnton, ii. 61 ; iv. 86. David, minister of Kincardine O'Neil, ii. 67. Diana, wife of John Bulteel, ii. 75. Elizabeth, dau. of bishop B., ii. 67. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Jas. Lawson, and (2) Sir J. Cockburn, ii. 68. Elizabeth, wife of Edward Kelly, ii. 73. Elizabeth, wife of John Cockburn of Onniston, vi. 596. Mr. George, precentor of Glasgow, ii. 64,68. Henrietta, dau. of 3rd lord Bellenden, ii. 75. Sir Henry, governor of Hurst Castle, ii. 73. Jacomina, wife of T. O. Hunter, ii. 73. James, son of bishop Adam B., ii. 67. James, son of 2nd lord Bellenden, ii. 73. Jane, dau. of Sir John B., ii. 66. Jane, wife of E. Miller, ii. 75. Jean, dau. of bishop Adam B., ii. 67. Jemima, dau. of James B., ii. 73. John, translator of Livy and Boece, ii. 62. John, 5th son of Sir John B. of Auch- noull, ii. 66. John, son of bishop Adam B., ii. 67. John, adventurer for Ulster, ii. 70. Katharine, wife of (1) Adam Hopper, (2) Francis Bothwell, and (3) O. Sinclair of Pitcairns, ii.62; iv. 427. Katharine, dau. of John B. of Auch- noull, ii. 65 ; ix. 37. Katharine, wife of Robert Craig, ii. 65 n. ; ix. 38. Margaret, wife of G. Forrester, ii. 61. Margaret, wife of John Kincaid, ii. 63. Margaret, wife of (1) Jas. Denni and (2) R. Hamilton, ii. 64. Margaret, dau. of bishop B., ii. 67. Margaret, dau. of Sir Lewis B., ii. 70. Margaret, wife of Henry Erskine, style lord Cardross, ii. 71, 72, 365 ; ix. 52. Margaret, dau. of 3rd lord B., ii. 74. Marion, wife of (1) J. Ramsay of housie, and (2) P. Murray of Falahill, 65 ; iii. 96. Mariota, wife of John Chalmer, ii. 70. Mary, dau. of John B. of Auchnoull, 65 ; ix. 37. Mary, wife of Sir R. Murray, ii. 73. INDEX 215 Bellenden, Mary, wife of col. John Campbell (afterwards 4th duke of Argyll), i. 383; ii. 74 ; ix. 38. Mary, wife of John Eatt, ii. 75. Patrick, clerk of the Coquet, ii. 64, 69. Robert, abbot of Holyrood, ii. 61 ; vii. 246. Robert, son of bishop Adam B., ii. 67. — Robert, son of 2nd lord Bellenden, ii. 73. Thomas, lord of Session, ii. 66. his wife, Marion Gilbert, ii. 66. Thomas, son of Mr. Wm. B., ii. 67. his wife, Euphemia Dudingston, ii. 67. Walter, canon of Holyrood, ii. 61. William, son of bishop Adam B., ii. 67. William, vicar of Kilconquhar, ii. 67. his wife, Anabel Pearson, ii. 67. William, adventurer for Ulster, ii. 70. William, lieut.-col., ii. 73. his wife, Jacomina Farmer, ii. 73. Zachary, ii. 66. *, wife of Wm, Stewart of Egilshay, vi. 575. *, wife of Henry Sinclair, iv. 428 ; ix. 37. *, wife of Robt. Sinclair, iv. 428 ; ix. 37. BELLENDEN-KER, DUKE OF ROXBURGHE, vii. 352-354. Bellentyne. See Bellenden. Bellew of Duleek, John (Bellew), 4th lord, vi. 490. his 1st wife, Anne Maxwell, vi. 489. Richard (Bellew), 3rd lord, vi. 453. his wife, Frances Brudenel, vi. 453. of Barmeath, Sir John, i. 54. Patrick, i. 54. his wife, Frances Hamilton, i. 54. Mary Helena, wife of 18th lord Saltoun, vii. 453. Thomas Arthur Grattan, vii. 453. Bellingham, Charles, vi. 17. his wife, Julian Hume, vi. 17. John, vii. 227 ; ix. 152. his wife, Alice Jane Primrose, vii. 227. William Stewart, vii. 227. Bellomont, Richard, viscount of, i. 5. Ermengarde de, wife of King William the Lion, i. 5. — Roger de, bishop of St. Andrews, i. 418. Belmdre, Armar (Lowry-Corry), 1st earl of, v. 483. his 2nd wife, Henrietta Hobart, v. 483. Belshes of Tofts, John, advocate, iv. 476. — Helena, wife of (1) David Home of Nine- wells, and (2) John Home, Chirnside, iv. 476. BENEDERALOCH, CAMPBELL, LORD, ii. 203. Benederaloch, John, first lord, ii. 203. * Name unknown. Benette, Alexander, Northumberland, iii. 8. Dyonisia, wife of Sir John de Lindsay, iii. 8. Benham, Eda, wife of 10th lord Fairfax, iii. 605. Benham, Joseph A. S., iii. 605. Bennachtyne de Corrokis, John de, ii. 61. Bennet of Chesters, Archibald, vii. 383. of Grubbet, Sir William, bart., vi. 321, 498. of Wallyf ord, John, iv. 489. Cecilia, wife of John Rutherfurd of Capehope, vii. 383. Christina, wife of Charles Stewart of Dunearn, vi. 321 ; ix. 139. Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, iv. 489 ; viii. 577 n. Hariet Charlotte, wife of major-gen. Jas. Ramsay, iii. 104. Ida Louisa, wife of 13th earl of Dal- housie, iii. 109. Isabel, wife of 1st duke of Graf ton, i. 31. Margaret, wife of Jas. Carnegie of Finavon, vi. 498. Robert, town-clerk of Musselburgh, viii. 577 n. his wife, Euphame Seton, viii. 577 n. W. H. Burlton, B.C.S., iii. 104. Bennett of Beachampton, Sir Simon, 1st bart., v. 11. Elizabeth Ingram, v. 11. Caroline, wife of capt. Henry E. Napier, R.N., vi. 434. Benson of Langtons, William, viii. 227. Margaret Elizabeth, wife of A. H. Drummond, viii. 227. B^ranger, Francois de, vi. 71. Marie de, wife of Louis Drummond of Lussan, vi. 71. Berargaard, * de, viii. 208. • his wife, Henrietta Frederica Bunau, viii. 208. Beresford, Sir George de la Poer, bart., viii. 235. Marcia, wife of capt. Francis C. Drum- mond, viii. 235. Beresford-Drummond, Francis Colebrooke, captain, viii. 235. his wife, Marcia Beresford, viii. 235. Berkeley, James (Berkeley), 3rd earl of, v. 63. his wife, Louisa Lennox, v. 363. of Kilbirny, Sir Hugh, v. 491. - of Garntully, Sir Humphrey, iv. 223. Archibald, son of Sir Hugh B. of Kil- birny, v. 491. Sir George Cranfield, G.C.B., v. 364. his wife, Emily Charlotte Lennox, v. 364. * Name unknown. 510 INDEX Berkeley, Richenda, wife of Robert, son of Wernebald, iv. 223. Robert de, vi. 469. — — his wife, Cecilia of Maccustoun, vi. 469. Walter, viii. 319 n. Berkshire, Henry Bowes (Howard), 4th earl of, vii. 103. his wife, Katharine Graham, vii. 103. Thomas (Howard), 3rd earl of, vii. 102. Bern, father of Gamel, ii. 370. Bernard of Airth, v. 329. his wife, Helen, v. 329. Berner of Saskendorff, John, iv. 105. his wife, Anna Dyerlink, iv. 105. Clara,|wife of Patrick, earl of Forth and Brentford, iv. 105 ; ix. 93. Bernham, David de, bishop of St. Andrews, ii. 217 ; viii. 476. Berowald the Fleming, ii. 121. Berrford, Johanna, variant of Joanna Beau- fort, i. 450. Berriedale, William, eldest son of 5th earl of Caithness ; styled lord, ii. 343. his wife, Margaret or Mary Sinclair, ii. 343; vii. 574. master of, John, eldest son of William, lord Berriedale, ii. 343. his wife, Jean Mackenzie, ii. 344 ; vii. 507. Bertie, Bridget, wife of 1st duke of Leeds, iii. 302. Louisa, wife of Sir C. Stewart, ii. 304. Mary Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Charles, viscount of Milsington, vii. 96. Vere, 3rd son of 1st duke of Ancaster, ii. 304. Bertolf of Leslie, vii. 264. Bertram, Robert, sheriff of Northumberland, viii. 522. BEBVIE, ARBUTHNOTT, LORD OF, i. 305. Bervie, James, first lord of, i. 305. Berwick, James, FitzJames, duke of, i. 34. his 1st wife, Honora Bourke, i. 34. his 2nd wife, Anne Bulkeley, i. 34. and Alba, dukes of, i. 34. BERWICK, HOME, BARON HOME OF, iii. 287- 289. Berwick, Thomas, custumar of Edinburgh, v. 431. Besingham, Henry de, v. 280 ; vi. 523 n. Bessborough, John George (Ponsonby), 5th earl of, v. 368. his wife, Caroline Amelia Gordon- Lennox, v. 368. Best of Boxley, Mawdistley, iii. 603. Dorothy, wife of 7th lord Fairfax, iii. 603. Beth, alleged earl of Fife, iv. 2 n. Bethell, Richard, son of 3rd lord Westbury, iii. 420. Bethoc, wife of Crinan of Dunkeld, and dau. and heir of King Malcolm n., i. 3 ; iii. 240. dau. of King Donald ' Bane,' and wife of Huctred or Godrith of Tynedale, i. 3, 417 ; vi. 288. dau. of Malcolm, 2nd earl of Atholl, i. 418. of Rowcastle, wife of Ranulf, son of Dunegal, vi. 288. Bethune. See also Beaton. of Bandon, Robert, v. 414. of Blebo, John, viii. 496. his wife, Margaret Wemyss, viii. 496. Bevan of Fosbury House, Robert Cooper Lee, v. 254. Gwendoline, wife of (1) Ion G. N. Keith- Falconer, and (2) major F. E. Bradshaw, v. 254. Beverley, Algernon (Percy), 1st earl of, viiL 225. BEVERLEY, DOUGLAS, MARQUESS OF, vii. 141-144. Beverley, James, first marquess of, vii. 141. Beverwaerth, Louis, lord of, i. 522. his wife, Elizabeth of Horn, i. 522. Beverwest, Amelia de, wife of Thomas (Butler), styled earl of Ossory, iii. 122. Beza, Theodore, vi. 49 ; viii. 289. Bezeley, Joseph, London, vii. 103. hiswife.PriscillaBillingsley, vii. 103. Bickerton, Sir John de, viii. 420. Richard de, viii. 420. his wife, Lora de Cuningesburgh of Tullybody, viii. 420. Sir Walter de, iv. 149. his wife, Isobel, iv. 149 ; ix. 93. Biddulph of Westcombe, Sir Theophilus William, bart., viii. 44. his wife, Mary Agnes Somerville, viii. 44. Caroline, wife of Edward Courtenay Leslie, vii. 310. Thomas Tregenna, vii. 310. Bidun, Amicia de, wife of Randolph Limesi, iii. 3. Biggar, Ada of, viii. 519. Baldwin of, the King's sheriff, v. viii. 519. Marjory of, viii. 519. Sir Nicholas of, viii. 519. Bigod, Sir Hugh, chief justiciar of Englam ix. 11. Joan, wife of Sir Philip de Kyme, ix. Roger, earl of Norfolk, i. 5. his wife, Isabella of Scotland, i. 5. Billingsley, Case, Tottenham, vii. 103. Priscilla, wife of (1) rev. Charl Graham, and (2) Joseph Bezeley, vii. 103. Billyard, Elizabeth, wife of A. W. ton, ii. 58. W., Sydney, N.S.W., ii. 58. INDEX 217 Binfleld, Caroline Charlotte, wife of Jas. Wemyss, viii. 510. Henry, vicar of Albrighton, viii. 510. Bingham of Castlebar, John, i. 50. his wife, Katharine Hamilton, i. 45, 50. Louisa, wife of 7th earl of Wemyss, viii. 516. Rosaline Cecilia Caroline, wife of 3rd Duke of Abercorn, i. 73. Bingley, George (Fox-Lane), baron, iii. 409. Bingouer, Uchtred of, iv. 8. BINNING, HAMILTON, LORD, iv. 310-329. Binning, Charles, elder son of 6th earl of Haddington ; styled lord, iv. 321, 322 ; ix. 101. his wife, Rachel Baillie, iv. 322; ix. 101. George, eldest son of llth earl of Had- dington ; styled lord, iv. 328. his wife, Katharine Augusta Mili- cent Salting, iv. 328. Thomas, first lord, iii. 98 : iv. 310. Birbank, John, v. 233. Maria, wife of rev. G. W. Auriol Drum- ! mond-Hay, v. 233. Birch, *, Pinner, iii. 360. Birch-Reynardson of Holy well Hall, C. T. S., iv. 504. Etheldred Anne, wife of 6th earl of f Hopetoun, iv. 504. Birnie of Saline, Sir Andrew, senator of the College of Justice, iv. 94. — — Margaret, wife of 4th lord Forrester of Corstorphine, iv. 94. Bishop, Mrs, claimant to earldom of Airth, i. 144. Bisset of Aboyne, Walter, i. 422 ; iv. 139. his wife, Ada of Galloway, iv. 139. of the Ard, John, v. 519. of Carnbady, Thomas, vii. 32. • of Chirriemurelands, John, iii. 538. of Craigarn, William de, vii. 232. of Cuthildrayne, Sir Thomas, iv. 13. • — of Erth, Sir Thomas, iv. 13. of Glasclune, Sir Thomas, vii. 32. • of Easter Kinneff, James, i. 287. - — his wife, Mariota Arbuthnott, i. 287. • of Lovat, John, v. 519. • — of Morton and Merchamyston, William, vi. 567. — of Pitmuckston, Gilbert, vi. 174. — his wife, Marjorie Middleton, vi. 174. • of Quarrell, John, iii. 538. • — of the Seven Glens of Antrim, Sir Hugh, v. 40. Margery, wife of John ' Mor ' Mac- donald of Isla, v. 40. * Name unknown. Bisset, of Upsetlington, Thomas, jure ux. earl of Fife, iv. 13. his wife, Isabella, countess of Fife, iv. 13. William, i. 422. John, in Ireland, i. 421 n. John, nephew of Walter B. of Aboyne, i. 423. Muriel, wife of David de Graham, v. 519 ; vi. 202. Sir Robert, viii. 478. his wife, Annabella Sinclair, viii. 478. *, wife of Sir Andrew de Bosco, iv. 45 ; v. 519. *, wife of Sir William Fenton, v. 519. Blaaw, Johanna Elizabeth, wife of Dirk R. J. Mackay, vii. 173. Blachford of Altadore, John, ii. 419. — his wife, Mary Anne Grattan, ii. 419. Black of Gidea Hall, Adelaide, wife of Alfred Douglas Hamilton, iv. 390. Alexander, iv. 390. of Haddo, *, viii. 76. his wife, Margaret Carnegie, viii. 76. of Over Abington, ix. 15. Blackader of Blackader, Andrew, i. 189. Beatrix, wife of John Home, i. 189 ; iii. 281. Margaret, wife of Robert Home, i. 189 ; iii. 281. Robert, i. 189. his wife, Alison Douglas, i. 189. Robert, last laird, iii. 281. of Tulliallan, Sir John, 1st bart., vi. 164. his wife, Christian Graham, vi. 164. Patrick, ii. 2. his wife, Elizabeth Edmonstoun, ii. 2. £ir Patrick, iii. 472. Jean, wife of Sir David Bruce of Clack- mannan, iii. 472. William, M.D., i. 365. Blackburn of Killearn, John, ix. 169. Peter, vii. 392, 524. David, in Fairlie, iv. 189. Grace, wife of 8th earl of Wemyss, viii. 517. Helen, wife of Alex. Bruce, i. 553. Helen Agnes Smith, wife of N. G. Lamp- son, vii. 392. Hugh, Glasgow, i. 553. Hugh, wife of Alex. Bruce of Kennet, i. 553, ix. 33 bis. John, major, viii. 517 ; ix. 168, 169. Rebecca Marion, wife of capt. John Hope of St Mary's Isle, vii. 524. Robert, in Fairlie, iv. 189. his wife, Margaret Boyle, iv. 189. * Name unknown. 218 INDEX Blackburn, Robert L., advocate, viii. 315. his wife, Constance Frances Bowes- Lyon, viii. 315. Blackdene of Altonburn and Molle, Christian, vii. 316. of Altonburn, William of, vii. 316. Blackett of Matfen Hall, Sir Edward William, major-gen., C.B., bart., viii. 44. his wife, Julia Frances Somerville, viii. 44. Sir Hugh Douglas, bart., viii. 41. of Wallington, Sir William, bart., iii. 482. Frances, wife of Robert Bruce, M.P., iii. 482. Blackball of Bourtie, Alexander, iii. 591. Gilbert, ix. 87. BLACKNESS, COLYEAR, LORD PORTMORE AND, vii. 92. Blackness, David, lord Portmore and, vii. 92. Blackwall, Adelaide, wife of capt. E. G. L. Cochrane, iii. 365. Samuel W., major, governor of Sierra Leone, iii. 365. Blagrave of Calcot Park, John Henry, iv. 210 ; v. 253. Georgina, wife of capt. C. E. Keith- Falconer, v. 253. Kathleen Digby, wife of col. Patrick David Boyle, iv. 210. BLAIR, MURRAY, MARQUESS OP, i. 481. Blair, William, marquess of, i. 481. BLAIR, MURRAY, LORD MURRAY OF, iii. 384. Blair, James, eldest son of 1st earl of Dun- more ; styled lord, iii. 385. his wife, Janet Murray, iii. 385. Blair of Adamton, David, iv. 185. John, vii. 328. of Ardblair, James, vi. 496. of Auldmure, Robert, 2nd son of John B. of Blair, iii. 339. of Balgillo, Sir William, iv. 289. his wife, Margaret Gray, iv. 289. of Balmyle, John, iii. 24. his wife, Margaret Lindsay, iii. 24. of Balthayock, Alexander, vi. 539. his wife, Christian Oliphant, vi. 539. Alexander, iv. 275. his wife, Janet Gray, iv. 275. Alexander, i. 299. Sir Alexander, iii. 323. Neil Fergusson, i. 315. his wife, Elrington Douglas, i. 315. Thomas, iv. 290. his wife, Margaret Gibson, iv. 290. of Blair, John, vii. 550. his wife, Grisel Sempill, iii. 339 ; vii. 550. John, 8th laird, ii. 289; iii. 438. his wife, Helen Montgomerie, iii. vi, Blair of Blair, John, 9th laird, ii. 513 ; vii. 251. -- his wife, Helen Ross, vii. 251. -- John, llth laird, ii. 293 : iv. 242. -- John, 12th laird, v. 167. -- his wife, Isabel Boyd, v. 167. -- John, 15th laird, ii. 489 : iii. 345 : ix. 97. -- his wife, Jean Cunningham, iv. 247 ; ix. 97. -- William, 17th laird, iii. 354 ; iv. 380* -- his wife, Margaret Hamilton, iv» 380. - of Corbs, James, vii. 199. -- his wife, Isobel Rollo, vii. 199. - of Dunskey, Jane, wife of Sir Jas. Hun- ter, ii. 491. - - John, ii. 491. -- his wife, Anne Kennedy, ii. 491. - of Kinfauns, Alexander, iv. 292; 498. -- his wife, Jean Carnegie, iv. 292 ; vi. 498. -- Anna, wife of Alex. Carnegie, vi. 499 ;ix. 144. -- Margaret, wife of llth lord Gray, iv. 292 ; vi. 498. -- Sir William, vi. 499. - of Lochwood, Brice, eldest son of John B. of Blair, iii. 339. - of Rossieochill, Andrew, vii. 194. -- his wife, Janet Rollo, vii. 194. - of Tarsappie, William, vi. 393. -- his wife, Agnes Nairn, vi. 393. - of Teasses, *, alleged wife of Norman Leslie of Leslie, vii. 267. - Alexander, ii. 560. -- his wife, Margaret Colville, i. 560. - Alexander, 3rd son of John B. of Blairr iii. 339. - his wife, Elizabeth Cochrane of Coch- rane, iii. 339. - Ann, wife of John Kennedy of Culzean, ii. 489. - Anne, wife of * Lyon, iv. 292 w. - Anna, dau. of Alex. Carnegie or Blair of Kinfauns, iv. 292 n. - Arthur Kindersley, viii. 364. -- his wife, Mary Caroline Mitchell, viii. 364. - Egidia, wife of Jas. Kennedy of Row, ii. 454, 464. - Elizabeth, wife of Jas. Arbuthnott Arbeikie. i. 299. - Elizabeth, wife of Ninian Stewart of Bute, ii. 289. - Gavin, 5th son of Alex. B. of Blair, iii. 340. - Giles, wife of Sir Alexander Carnegie of Balnamoon, viii. 61. - Hugh, 4th son of John B. of Blair, iii. 339. * Name unknown. PW, - INDEX 219 Blair, Jean, wife of (1) Alex. Cunningham, and (2) John Stewart of Bute, ii. 293 ; iv. 242 ; v. 166 ; ix. 50. Jean, wife of Thomas Graham of Potento, iii. 323. Katharine, wife of Hucheon Campbell, ii. 401 ; v. 492. Margaret, wife of Robt. Montgomerie of Giffen, iii. 430. Margaret, wife of Wm. Fullarton- Lindsay of Fullarton and Spynie, vi. 496. Thomas, iv. 71. — his wife, Isobel or Elizabeth Wemyss, iv. 71. Blairhall,DougalSte wart, M.P., lord, ii. 297. Blake of Ardf ry, Joseph, iii. 583. Elizabeth Jemima, wife of (1) George, 16th earl of Erroll, and (2) J. H. Frere, iii. 583. Blakiston of Blakiston, Sir Thomas, Istbart. iii. 296. his wife, Mary Constable, iii. 296. Blanchard, Eliza Maria, wife of (1) C. Lud- low, and (2) James Campbell, ii. 193, 212. Bland of Carleton, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Philip Gary, iii. 609. Richard, iii. 609. Dora, known as Mrs. Jordan, iii. 585. Francis, iii. 585. Humphrey, lieutenant-general, com- mander-in-chief in Scotland, viii. 151. his wife, Elizabeth Dalrymple, viii. 151. Blandf ord, George Charles (Spencer-Church- ill), marquess of, i. 71. his wife, Albertha Frances Anne Hamilton, i. 71. John (Churchill), first marquess of, ii. 532. his wife, Sarah Jennings, ii. 532. John, styled marquess of, ii. 533. Blandy. Mary, mistress of capt. Cranstoun, ii. 598. BLANTYRE, STEWART, LORD, ii. 77-93. Blantyre, Alexander, fourth lord, ii. 85, 86 ; ix.38. his wife, Margaret Shaw, ii. 86. Alexander, fifth lord, ii. 84, 86. his 1st wife, Margaret Henderson, ii. 88. his 2nd wife, Anne Hamilton, ii. 44,88. — Alexander, tenth lord, ii. 90. his wife, Katharine Lindsay of Eaglescairnie, ii. 90 ; v. 410. — Charles Walter, twelfth lord, ii. 92. — his wife, Evelyn Sutherland Leve- son-Gower, ii. 92 ; viii. 363. Robert, seventh lord, ii. 88 ; vii. 520. his 1st wife, Helen Lyon, ii. 88 ; viii. 305. his 2nd wife, Margaret Hay, ii. 88. Blantyre, Robert Walter, eleventh lord, ii. 91. his wife, Fanny Mary Rodney, ii. 91. Walter, first lord, i. 517; ii. 81. his wife, Nicolas Somerville, ii. 83. Walter, third lord, ii. 86; ix. 38. his wife, Marie Mure, ii. 86 ; ix. 38 bis. Walter, sixth lord, ii. 88. Walter, eighth lord, ii. 89. William, second lord, ii. 85. his wife, Helen Scot, ii. 85. William, ninth lord, ii. 90. master of, James, eldest son of 1st lord Blantyre, ii. 83. his wife, Dorothy Hastings, ii. 83. master of, Walter, only son of 12th lord Blantyre, ii. 92. BLASONBERRIE, HUME, VISCOUNT, vi. 14-24. Blasonberrie, Patrick, first viscount, vi. 14. Blaw, Janet, wife of D. Primrose, vii. 214. Blayney, Edward (Blayney), 1st lord, i. 536. Anne, wife of James, 1st lord Balfour. i. 536. Charles, i. 526. Helena Elizabeth, wife of P. Y. Lindsay, i. 526. Blencowe of Bineham, John George, viii. 227. Florence Charlotte, wife of J. W. A. Drummond, viii. 227. Blessington, Archibald Stewart, alleged ancestor of the family of lord, iv. 152. Bligh, William, colonel, 3rd son of 3rd earl of Darnley, iv. 170. his wife, Sophia Stewart, iv. 170. Blinsele, John, Bute Pursuivant, Hay Herald, v. 614 n. Blood of Brickhill, Edward Maghlin, i. 391. Gertrude Elizabeth, wife of lord Colin Campbell, i. 391 ; ix. 26. Bloomfield of New Park, Fitzmaurice Gustavus, iii. 46. Henrietta Julia, wife of W. J. Lindsay, iii. 46. Blount of Mapledurham, Sir Richard, iii. 99. of Sodington, Sir Walter, 1st bart., i. 411. his wife, Elizabeth Wylde, i. 411. Sir Walter, 6th bart., i. 413. his wife, Mary Aston, i. 413. Eleanor, wife of (1) R. Knightley, and (2) Walter, 3rd lord Aston of Forfar, i. 411. George, i. 413. John, colonel, viii. 181. his wife, Mary Vanlore, viii. 181. Lyster, son of Sir Richard B., iii. 99. his wife, Jocosa Apsley, iii. 99. 220 INDEX Blundell of Ince Blundell, Thomas, v. 547. Alice Mary, wife of 13th Lord Fraser of Lovat, v. 547. Blunt of Adderbury Manor, Charles Harris, maj.-gen., C.B., ii. 85. Anne Maria, wife of Charles Andrew Bruce, iii. 492. Sir Charles William, 3rd bart., iii. 492. EdwardWalter, afterwards Mackenzie, R.A., A.D.C., iii. 85. his wife, Sibell Lilian, countess of Cromartie, iii. 85. Blyth of Craigie, Richard, portioner, ix. 152. his wife, Margaret Rollo, ix. 152. Bogle of Hamilton Farm, Patrick, iv. 177. his wife, Graham Christian (Craw- ford) Lindsay, iv. 177. James, receiver-gen, of customs, ii. 51. his wife, Anne Hamilton, ii. 51. John, Kirkcudbright, i. 140. his wife, Mary Graham, i. 140. Bohemia, Elizabeth, Queen of, i. 27. Frederick, King of, i. 27. Boick, Elizabeth, wife of Robert Dalrymple of Kelloch, viii. 124. , William, burgess of Edinburgh, viii. 124. Bois of Biset, Sir Andrew de, iv. 45. his wife, * of Biset, v. 519. Boiswell, George, vi. 102. his wife, Janet Melville, vi. 102. Boleyne, Anne, wife of King Henry viii. of England, iii. 608. Mary, wife of (1) William Gary, and (2) Wm. Stafford, iii. 608. Bolingbroke, Frederick (St. John), 2nd lord, v. 483. Bolton, Charles (Poulett), 2nd duke of, ii. 240. his 3rd wife, Henrietta Crofts, ii. 240. William Henry (Orde-Powlett), first lord, ii. 529. John, 5th lord Scrope of, iv. 449. BOLTON, MAITLAND, LORD THIRLESTANE AND, v. 302. Bolton, John, first lord, v. 302. Bomford, Robert, Rahinstown, iii. 417. Sarah Maria, wife of F. J. Tollemache, iii. 417. Bonaparte, Cristine Alexandra Egypta, wife of lord Dudley C. Stuart, ii. 308. Lucien, prince of Canino, ii. 308. Bonar of Grigstoun, James, iii. 401. his wife, Mary Murray, iii. 401. of Keltie, Ninian, i. 77. his wife, Isabel Strang, i. 77. Ninian vi. 546. his wife, Margaret Oliphant, vi. 546. Walter, iii. 566 ; vii. 185, 187. his wife, Beatrix Hay, iii. 566. * Name unknown. Bonar of Rossie, James, vi. 85. his alleged wife, Margaret Mel- ville, vi. 85. of Rossie, John, vi. 83. William, vi. 85. William, vi. 102. Janet, wife of John Melville of Raith, vi. 84, 85. Margaret, wife of John Melville of Raith, vi. 102. Boncambi, Frederico Pucci, vi. 458. his wife, Maria Bandini, vi. 458. BONCLE, DOUGLAS, LORD DOUGLAS OP, i. 210. Bonde, father of Edmund and Gillemichael, vii. 577. Bondington, William de, bishop of Glasgow, ii. 423 i vii. 419, 420. Bonespoir, Jane, wife of Sir John Borth wick, ii. 109. Bonkyl, Adam, vi. 404. Sir Alexander de, i. 13. Margaret of, wife of (1) Sir John Stewart, and (2) Sir David of Brechin, i. 13, 438 ; ii. 221. Randolph de, viii. 3. Bons, Isabella Jacoba de, wife of col. Met- calfe Graham, vii. 104. Bonsor, Sir John Winfield, ii. 565. his wife, Mary Katharine Colville, ii.565. Bontine of Ardoch and Gartmore, William Cunningham, i. 145 ; iii. 550. his wife, Anne Elizabeth Elphin- stone Fleming, iii. 550. Booker, Thomas, capt. 53rd regt. iv. 555. his wife, Katharine Gordon, iv. 555. Booth of Warlaby, T. C., vii. 86. Elizabeth, wife of Henry James Hep- burne-Scott, vii. 86. Boothroyd, Edith, wife of Lyulph G. S. Ogilvy, i. 131. Bootle-Wilbraham, Edmund, ii. 497. Edward, col. Coldstream Guards, iii. 49. Emily Florence, wife of 26th earl of Crawford, iii. 49. Evelyn Adela, wife of Sir J. Kennedy, ii. 497. Boraille of Teviotdale, John, vii. 318. Bord, Antoinette de, wife of Sir Wm. Living- ston of Kilsyth, v. 190. Pierre de, v. 190. Borland, Cecil, wife of rev, Robt. Hamilton, ii. 51. Francis, minister of Glassford, ii. 51. Borselen, Wolf art van, i. 19 ; ii. 265 n. his 1st wife, Mary Stewart, countess of Buchan, i. 19; ii. 205 n. -* his 2nd wife, Charlotte de Bourbon- Montpensier, i. 19. - INDEX 221 BORTHWICK, BORTHWICK, LORD, ii. 94-119. Borthwick, Archibald, de jure seventeenth lord, ii. 103, 116. his wife, Margaret Nicolson Scott, ii. 103. Archibald, de jure nineteenth lord, ii. 104, 117. his wife, Mary Louisa Home-Home, M. 104. Archibald Patrick Thomas, twenty-first lord, ii. 119; ix. 40 bis. his wife, Susanna Mary M'Taggart Stewart, ii. 119. Cunninghame, twentieth lord, ii. 117. — his wife, Harriet Alice Day, ii. 118. Henry, dejure thirteenth lord, ii. 102. his wife, Mary Pringle, ii. 102. Henry, fifteenth lord, ii. 115, 116 ; ix. 40. his wife, Margaret Drummond, ii. 116. James, eighth lord, ii. 112; v. 456; ix. 39 bis. his wife, Margaret Hay, ii. 112 ; viii. 442 ; ix. 39. John, sixth lord, ii. 109, 159; vii. 436; ix. 39. his wife, Isobel Lindsay, ii. 109; ix. 39. John, ninth lord, ii. 113; v. 457, 458. his wife, Lilias Ker, ii. 113, 114; v. 458. John, tenth lord, ii. 113 ; v. 474 ; ix. 39. his wife, Elizabeth Ker, ii. 114; v. 474. Patrick, de jure sixteenth lord, ii. 103, 116. his wife, Marion Scott, ii. 103. Patrick, dejure eighteenth lord, ii. 104, 117. his wife, Ariana Corbett, ii. 104. William, first lord, ii. 96. William, second lord, ii. 97. his wife, Mariota Hoppringle, ii. 98. William, third lord, ii. 98. William, fourth lord, ii. 99, 107. his wife, Margaret Hay, ii. 107 ; viii. 432. William, fifth lord, ii. 108. William, seventh lord, ii. 110 ; ix. 39. his wife, Grizel Scott, ii. Ill, 230. William, dejure eleventh lord, ii. 100. his wife, Marion Moorehead, ii. 100. — William, dejure twelfth lord, ii. 100. — his wife, Jean Ker, ii. 101. — William, de jure fourteenth lord, ii. 102. — master of, Arthur or Thomas, elder son of 5th lord Borthwick, ii. 108; iii. 439 n. ; viii. 581 n. — his wife, Mariot Seton, ii. 108 ; iii. 439; viii. 581; ix. 39. Borthwick, master of, William, son of 7th lord Borthwick, ii. 112. BORTHWICK, LORD BORTHWICK, ii. 94-119. Borthwick of Ballincrieff, Robert, master of artillery, ii. 109 n. of Barnton, Nicholas, ii. 326. of Borthwick, Thomas de, ii. 94. Sir William, ambassador to Eng- land, ii. 95. Sir William, captain of Edinburgh Castle, ii. 95, 328. of Bourhouses, Alan, ii. 98. of Catcune, Sir William, ii. 95. of Cineray, Sir John, the reformer, ii. 109. his 1st wife, Margaret Borthwick, ii. 109. his 2nd wife, Jane Bonespoir, iL 109. William, ii. 109. of Colylaw, Alan, ii. 98. Sir Thomas, 3rd son of 2nd lord Borthwick, ii. 98. his wife, Helen Rutherfurd ii. 98 ; vii. 369. William, iii. 94. his wife, * Ramsay, iii. 94. William, their son, iii. 94, 96. of Crookston, John, alleged 2nd son of 1st lord Borthwick ; 1st laird, ii. 97 n., 116 ; iii. 91, 93. John, claimant to the peerage, ii. 116. John, purchaser of Borthwick Castle, ii. 115 n., 116. John, 1868, ii. 118. William, ii. 112 ; iii. 92. of Falahill, William, ii. 101. his wife, Barbara Borthwick, ii. 101. of Fenton, Gawin, ii. 109 n. of Glengelt, James, 2nd son of 2nd lord Borthwick, ii. 98. James, iii. 504. his wife, Elizabeth Murray, iii. 504. of Johnstonburn, William, ii. 99. his wife, Katharine Creighton, ii. 99. William, ii. 99 ; iv. 90. his 1st wife, Barbara Lawson, ii. 100. his 2nd wife, Helen Preston, iv. 90. William, colonel in Swedish service, ii. 100. his wife, Janet Leyis, ii. 100 ; ix. 39. William, major, ii. 100, 115. his wife, Marion Moorehead, ii. 100. William, colonel Cameronian regt., ii. 100, 115. his wife, Jean Ker, ii. 101. * Name unknown. INDEX Borthwick of Lany, Nicholas, ii. 326. of Ligertwood, Thomas de, ii. 94. Sir William, ii. 95. of Locherworth, Sir William, ii. 96 ; viii. 424. of Lochhill, David, king's advocate, i. 517 ; ii. 99 n. ; ix. 39. his wife, Marion Guthrie, i* 517. of Mayshiell, Henry, ii. 102. William, surgeon, ii. 101. his 1st wife, Marion Bortfcwick, ii. 102. his 2nd wife, Marjorie Steuart, ii. 102. his 3rd wife, Euphame Young, ii. 103. of Middleton, Thomas, ii. 230. of Nenthorn, Alexander, ii. 98, 99, 115, 116. his wife, Margaret Lawson, ii. 99. of Newbyres, James, iv. 307, 313. of Pilmuir, Henry, captain, ii. 102, 115. his wife, Mary Pringle, ii. 102. William, surgeon, ii. 101. William, son of capt. Henry B., ii. 102, 115. of Sauchnell, Alexander, 2nd son of Wm. B. of Soltray, ii. 103, 116. Andrew, ii. 103. his wife, Margaret Turnbull, ii. 103. Charles, writer, ii. 103. of Soltray, William, son of Alex. B. of Nenthorn, ii. 99. his wife, Janet Sinclair, ii. 99. William, 2nd laird, ii. 99. William, 3rd laird, ii. 99. his wife, Katharine Creighton, ii. 99. William, 4th laird, ii. 99 ; iv. 90. his 1st wife, Barbara Lawson, ii. 100. his 2nd wife, Helen Preston, iv. 90. William, col., 5th laird, ii. 100. his wife, Janet Leyis, ii. 100 ; ix. 39. William, major, 6th laird, ii. 100, 115. William, col., 7th laird, ii. 100, 115. of Stow, James, ii. 102. of Threeburnford, Robert, ii. 107. Adam, son of 3rd lord Borthwick, ii. 99. Adam, son of Wm. B. of Pilmuir, ii. 103. Agnes, wife of Sir A. Dundas, ii. 97 n., 399. Agnes, wife of Geo. Pringle, ii. 103. Agnes, wife of David, lord Kennedy, ii. 107, 461. Agnes, wife of William, tutor of Borth- wick, ii. 112. Alexander, 3rd son of 2nd lord Borth- wick, ii. 98. Borthwick, Alexander, son of major Wm. B., ii. 101. his wife, Sibilla Cairnes, ii. 101. Alexander, son of Wm. B. of Pilmuir, ii. 1«3. Alexander, son of 7th lord Borthwick, ii. 112. Alice Rachel Anne, wife of A. C. Camp- bell, ii. 119. Anne, dau. of James B., ii. 106. Anne, wife of capt. R. Clephane, ii. 106. Archibald, minister of Greenlaw, ii. 103 ; ix. 39. his 2nd wife, Katharine Lawson, ii. 107. Archibald, son of James B., ii. 106. Ariana, dau. of Archibald B., ii. 105. Ariana, dau. of Patrick B., ii. 104. Barbara, wife of Wm. Borthwick of Falahill, ii. 101. Barbara, wife of P. Hepburn, ii. 107. Beatrice, wife of John Lithgow, ix. 39. Christian, dau. of Wm. B., ii. 107. Cristine, dau. of 3rd lord Borthwick, ix. 39. David, son of col. Wm. B., ii. 101. David, burgess of Haddington, ix. 39. Elizabeth, wife of Robt. Davidson, ii. 106. Gabrielle Margaret Ariana, ii. 118. George, 1471, vii. 580. George, 2nd son of Wm. B., first of Sol- tray, ii. 107. Grace Laurie, ii. 106. Isobell, wife of (1) Thos. Davidson, and (2) Wm. Hart, ii. 110. Isabella, wife of 2nd lord Saltoun of Abernethy, vii. 408. Isolde Frances, dau. of 21st lord Borth- wick, ii. 119. James, N. B. Insurance Co., ii. 105. his wife, Sarah Finlay, ii. 105. James, 3rd son of Wm. B., first of Sol- tray, ii. 107. James, 2nd son of 8th lord Borthwick, ii. 113. James, 2nd son of 9th lord Borthwick, ii. 113. Jane Laurie, ' H. L. L.', ii. 106. Janet, wife of Alex. Lauder, ii. 108. Janet, wife of (1) Sir Jas. Douglas of Dalkeith, and (2) George, earl of Caithness, ii. 96, 97, 328, 330 bis, 401 ; vi. 351, 354. Janet, wife of Sir Adam Hepburn, lord of Hailes, ix. 39. Jemima, dau. of James B., ii. 106. John, son of 7th lord Borthwick, ii. 112. Jonet, wife of Peter Murray in South Bowhill, iii. 500. Katharine, dau. of major Wm. B. of Johnstonburn, ii. 101. INDEX 223 Borthwick, Katharine, wife of William, lord Kilmaurs, ii. 107; iv. 236, 238. Katharine, wife of Sir Jas. Crichton, ii. 108 ; iv. 124. Katharine, wife of (1) Sir Thomas Hay, master of Tester, and (2) Sir O. Sinclair of Roslin, ii. 107 n., iv. 359 n. ; viii. 431. Louisa Ramsay, wife of col. Wylie, ii. 105 ; ix. 39. Margaret, wife of (1) Wm. de Aber- nethy, and (2) Wm. de Douglas, ii. 96 ; vi. 351 ; vii. 406. Margaret, wife of Sir John Maxwell, ii. 97. Margaret, wife of John Campbell, ii. 102. Margaret, wife of N. G. Corbett, ii. 105. Margaret, dau. of James B., ii. 106. Margaret, wife of Prof. H. D. Hill, ii. 106. Margaret, dau. of Wm. B., 3rd of Soltray, ii. 107. Margaret, wife of Sir O. Sinclair, ii. 107. Margaret, wife of Sir John Borthwick of Cineray, ii. 109. Margaret, wife of P. Hepburn, ii. 110. Margaret, wife of Robt. Dundas, ii. 113. Margaret, wife of Thos. Hamilton of Priestfield, iii. 504 ; iv. 313. Marion, wife of Wm. Borthwick of Pil- muir, ii. 102. Marion, dau. of Patrick B., ii. 105. Mariota or Marion, wife of A. Hop- pringle, ii. 110. Mary, wife of Sir Alex. Livingston, ii. 102. Mary, wife of Jas. Hoppringle, ii. 107. Mary Frances Harriet, wife of H. C. Dowdall, ii. 119. Mary Katharine, wife of W. G. Spens, ii. 105. Mary Laurie, ii. 106. Rachel, dau. of James B., ii. 106. Rachel, dau. of Archibald B., ii. 106. Robert, son of col. Wm. B., ii. 101. Sarah Laurie, wife of rev. E. J. Find- later, ii. 106. Sibilla, dau. of Wm. B., ii. 103. Thomas, son of Wm. B. of Pilmuir, ii. 103. Thomas Scott, ii. 105. Violet Dagmar Marios Olga, wife of Capt. Freeland, ii. 119 ; ix. 40. Walter, son of col. Wm. B., ii. 101. Walter, son of Alex. B. of Sauchnell, ii. 107. William, colonel, 1651, ii. 100 n. William, tutor of Borthwick, ii. 112. his wife, Agnes Borthwick, ii. 112. William, ix. 38. his wife, Beatrice Sinclair, ix. 38. Borthwick, *, wife of Sir John Oliphant of Aberdalgy, ii. 95 n. — * tcuyer d'icurie to Queen Mary, ii. 99 n. Bosco, Sir Andrew de, iv. 45; v. 519; vi. 203. his wife, * of Bisset, v. 519. Boston, George (Irby), 3rd baron, vi. 582. Bosvile of Craigincat and Wester Dron, David, i. 110 ; iv. 30. Boswell of Auchinleck, David, iv. 365. his wife, Jean Hamilton, iv. 365 ; ix. 103. David, ii. 518. his wife, Isabel Wallace, ii. 518. James, iii. 487. his wife, Elizabeth Bruce, iii. 487. James, the author, v. 89. John, ii. 404 ; vi. 511. his 1st wife, Christian Dalzell, ii. 404. his 2nd wife, Agnes Stewart, vi. 511. Thomas, v. 495. his wife, Annabella Campbell, v. 495. of Balglelly, Sir Alexander, viii. 385. John, vii. 12. of Balglaly Wester, John, vi. 83. of Balgregie, David, vi. 83. his wife, Elizabeth Melville, vi. 83. of Balmuto, Sir Alexander, viii. 385 ; ix. 65. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Ramsay, iii. 92 ; ix. 65. his 2nd wife, Alison Sandilands, viii. 385. David, 5th laird, vi. 83, 367 ; viii. 485. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Melville, vi. 83. David, 6th laird, ii. 334. his 1st wife, Grizel Wemyss, viii. 485. his 2nd wife, Margaret Sinclair, ii. 334. John, 2nd laird, viii. 481. Sir John, 9th laird, vii. 12, 574 ; ix. 4, 157. his wife, Isabel Sandilands, ix. 4. of Bowhill, John, vL 83. of Glassmonth, David, vi. 83, 86; viii. 485. his wife, Grizel Wemyss, viii. 485. of Pittedy, John, viii. 495. his wife, Elizabeth Wemyss, viii. 495. of Tillybreak, David, viii. 485. his wife, Grizel Wemyss, viii. 485. Robert, viii. 489. his wife, Jonet Wemyss, viii. 489. * Name unknown. 224 INDEX Boswell, Christine, wife of Sir Jas. Melville of Hallhill, vi. 90. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Douglas of Lochleven, vi. 367. Katharine, wife of Henry Maule of Skryne, vii. 12. Katharine, wife of (1) Patrick Sinclair of Balgriggie, (2) P. Murray of William- ston, and (3) John Holland, vii. 574; ix. 157. Marion, wife of 6th lord Cathcart, ii. 518. Bosworth, James Fitz James, baron of, i. 34. Botetourt, John de, justiciar of Galloway and Annandale, i. 320 ; ii. 378. Boteler, Jane, wife of John, lord Belasyse of Worlaby, iii. 299. Sir Robert, iii. 299. Sir Thomas, ix. 57. *, wife of Sir Thomas Hutcheson, ix. 57. Botham, Hugh, Leicester, i. 405. his wife, Margaret Barratt, i. 405. BOTHWELL, DOUGLAS, LORD, i. 206. Bothwell, Archibald, first lord, i. 206. BOTHWELL, MORAY, LORD OF, ii. 120-131. Bothwell, Sir Andrew, third lord of, ii. 127. his 1st wife, *, ii. 128. his 2nd wife, Christian Bruce, ii. 128, 434. Sir John, fourth lord of, ii. 128; vi. 139. his wife, Margaret, countess of Menteith.ii. 128; vi. 138. Sir Thomas, fifth lord of, ii. 129. his wife. Joanna Moray of Drum- sargard, ii. 130 : viii. 257. Sir Walter, first lord of, i. 449 ; ii. 123. his supposed wife, * de Olifard, ii. 123. Sir William, second lord of, ii. 124. BOTHWELL, RAMSAY, LORD, ii. 132-134. Bothwell, John, lord, ii. 133, 151. his 1st wife, Janet Kennedy, ii. 134, 459. his 2nd wife, Isobel Livingston, ii. 134; iii. 93. BOTHWELL, HEPBURN, EARL OF, ii. 135- 167. Bothwell, Adam, second earl of, ii. 153, 156 ; viii. 433. his wife, Agnes Stewart, ii. 156, 267 ; iii. 94; ix. 65. James, fourth earl of, i. 26, 463, 465 ; ii. 161 ; iv. 154, 539, 540 ; v. 157, 399 ; vi. 48, 52 ; vii. 253, 540 ; viii. 586 ; ix. 39. his 1st wife, Jane Gordon, ii. 165 ; iv. 539. his 2nd wife, Mary, Queen of Scots, i. 25 ; ii. 166. * Name unknown. Bothwell, Patrick, first earl of, i. 180; ii. 143r 149, 151 ; vi. 83 ; viii. 430. his 1st wife, Janet or Joanna Douglas, ii. 152; vi. 356. his 2nd wife, Margaret Gordon, ii. 152 ; iv. 530. Patrick, third earl of, ii. 157 ; viii. 490 ; ix. 41. his wife, Agnes Sinclair, ii. 159. mistress of, Jane Hepburn, dau. of 3rd earl of Bothwell ; wife of (1) John Stewart of Coldingham, (2) John Sinclair, master of Caithness, and (3) Archibald Douglas, ii. 160, 168, 340 ; ix. 41 bis. BOTHWELL, STEWART, EARL OF, ii. 168- 173. Bothwell, Charles, third earl of, ii. 173. Francis, first earl of, ii. 160, 170 ; iii. 572, 574; iv. 58, 464; v. 298; vii. 342, 378. his wife, Margaret Douglas, i. 193 ; ii. 171, 231. Francis, second earl of, ii. 172; viii. 594 n. his 1st wife, Isobel Seton, ii. 173 ; vii. 48; viii. 592. BOTHWELL AND HARTSYDE, DOUGLAS, LORD, i. 206. Bothwell and Hartsyde, Archibald, eldest son of 1st marquess of Douglas ; first lord, i. 206. BOTHWELL, LORD HOLYROODHOUSE, iv. 425- 439. Bothwell of Alhammer, Adam, bishop of Orkney, commendator of Holyroodhouse, i, 78; ii. 62, 166; iv. 430, 431, 434 : vi. 573. his wife* Margaret Murray, iv. 430. John, commendator of Holyrood- house, iv. 431. his wife, Maria Carmichael, iv. 433, 580. of {Boghead, Richard, apostolic proto- notary, director of chancery, iv. 425, 427,. 436. of Brighouse, Adam, bishop of Orkney, iv. 430. of Burray, Adam, bishop of Orkney, vi. 511. of Easton of Dunsyre, Adam, bishop of Orkney, iv. 428. of Glencorse, Adam, iv. 434. his 1st wife, Janet Hart, iv. 434. his 2nd wife, Elspeth Mowbray, iv. 435. Alexander, iv. 435. his wife, Mary Stewart, iv. 435; vi. 574 ; ix. 106, 146. Alexander, claimant to title of lord Holyroodhouse, iv. 433, 436. his wife, Janet Trotter, iv. 436. Archibald, lieut.-col. Scots Greys, iv. 438. INDEX 225 Bothwell of Glencorse, Henry, iv. 433, 437, 439. his 1st wife, Mary Ramsay, iv. 437. his 2nd wife, Mary Campbell, iv. 437, 439. Margaret, wife of Colin Drum- mond, M.D., iv. 438. William, ancestor of the family of, iv. 426, 433. of Newholme, Alexander, iv. 435. of Pitcaly, Adam, i. 78. his wife, Christian Sandilands, i. 78. of Pitscottie, Adam, bailie of the Canon- gate, iv. 434. his 1st wife, Janet Hart, iv. 434. his 2nd wife, E. Mowbray, iv. 435. of Quhelpsyde, Adam, bailie of the Canongate, iv. 434. William, chamberlain of Orkney, iv. 434. his wife, Janet Cunninghame, iv. 434. of Whitekirk, Adam, bishop of Orkney, iv. 430 ; ix. 37. John, commendator of Holyrood- house, iv. 431. Adam, 3rd son of Francis B., iv. 431. Adam, 6th son of Adam, bishop of Orkney, iv. 431. Mr. Adam, 2nd son of Adam B. of Glen- corse, iv. 435 ; ix. 4. his wife, Katherine Sandilands, i. 78; iv. 435; ix. 4. Adam, elder son of Mr. Adam B., iv. 435. Adam, 4th son of Alex. B. of Glencorse, iv. 436. Adam, 8th son of Henry B. of Glencorse, iv. 438. Alexander, 7th son of Francis B., iv. 431. Alexander, styled master of Holyrood- house, iv. 433, 437. his wife, Margaret Home, iv. 438, 480. Alexander, merchant, Edinburgh, iv. 436. Anna, dau. of 1st lord Holyroodhouse, iv. 433 ; v. 621. Anna, wife of rev. George Purves, iv. 436 ; ix. 106. Anne, dau. of Henry, last lord Holy- roodhouse, iv. 439 ; ix. 106. Archibald, master of the mint in Scot- land, iv. 438. Arthur, 5th son of Francis B., iv. 431. — David, iv. 425. — his wife, Christian Lamb, iv. 425. David, iv. 427. — his wife, Christian Marjoribanks, iv. 427. VOL. IX. Bothwell, Eleanora, dau. of Henry B. of Glencorse, iv. 439. Elizabeth, wife of George Strang, iv. 431. Elizabeth, dau. of Adam B. of Glencorse, iv. 435. Francis, provost of Edinburgh, lord of Session, customar of Inverness, ii. 62 ; iv. 426. his 1st wife, Janet Richardson, iv. 427. his 2nd wife, Katharine Bellenden, ii. 62 ; iv. 427. Francis, master carver to King James vi., iv. 430. his wife, Margaret Couttis, iv. 430. George, 6th son of Francis B., iv. 431. George, captain, 4th son of Adam, bishop of Orkney, iv. 431. George, 6th son of Alex. B. of Glen- corse, iv. 437. Helenor, dau. of Adam, bishop of Orkney, iv. 431. Henrietta, dau. of Henry B. of Glen- corse, iv. 438. Henry, in holy orders in France, iv. 438. Isobel, wife of Allan Couttis of Grange, iv. 428. Isobel, Uleg. dau. of 2nd lord Holyrood- house, iv. 433. James, 2nd son of Francis B., iv. 431. Mr. James, 3rd son of Adam, bishop of Orkney, iv. 431. James, iv. 436. his wife, Margaret Johnston, iv. 436. Janet, wife of Sir Archibald Napier of Merchiston, iv. 428 ; vi. 415. Janet, wife of Wm. Calderwood, iv. 437. Jean, wife of Wm. Sandilands of Cruvie, i. 78 ; iv. 431 ; ix. 4. Jean, wife of Jonas Hamilton of Col- quot, iv. 435. Jean, illeg. dau. of 2nd lord Holyrood- house, iv. 433. John, major, iv. 431. John, 4th son of Adam B. of Glencorse, iv. 435. John, 2nd son of Alex. B. of Glencorse, iv. 436. John, 3rd son of Alex. B. of Glencorse, iv. 436. his 1st wife, *, iv. 436. his 2nd wife, *, iv. 436. John, apprenticed to R. Chrystie, ix. 106. Katharine, wife of Alex. Sym, iv. 427. Lilias, dau. of Henry B. of Glencorse, iv. 438. Margaret, wife of (1) John Arthur, and (2) Gilbert Balfour of Westray, iv. 428 bis. * Name unknown. 226 INDEX Bothwell, Margaret, wife of (1) Sir Robt. Preston, and (2) Wm. Gray, iv. 436 ; ix. 106. Mariota, wife of Nicholas Home of Macbiehill, iv. 451. Mary, illeg. dau. of 2nd lord Holyrood- house, iv. 433. Mary, wife of Jas. Aikenhead, iv. 435. Mary, wife of Neil Menzies, iv. 439 ; ix. 106. Neil, factor to South Sea Company, iv. 438. Richard, elder son of Wm. B., iv. 434. Robert, writer in Edinburgh, iv. 436. Robert, surgeon, iv. 438. his wife, Margaret Preston, iv. 438. Vere, wife of Francis Wauchope of Cakemuir, iv. 438. William, dean of Guild, Edinburgh, iv. 425, 433. his wife, Katharine *, iv. 425. William, parson of Ashkirk, iv. 427. William, captain, 4th son of Francis B., iv. 431. William, 5th son of the bishop of Orkney, iv. 431. William, 3rd son of William B., dean of Guild, iv. 433. his wife, Marion Somerville, iv. 433. William, elder son of Wm. B. of Quhelp- syde, iv. 434. his 1st wife, *, iv. 434. his 2nd wife, Theodorite Daman, iv. 434. his 3rd wife, Jane Sinclair, iv. 434. William, his son, iv. 434. William, eldest son of Adam B. of Glen- corse, iv. 435. William, 7th son of Alex. B. of Glen- corse, iv. 437. Boucard, Guillemette de, wife of Bernard Stewart, lord of Aubigny, v. 347. Boulogne, Eustace, count of, i. 2. his wife, Mary of Scotland, i. 2. Boultbee, Charles, in holy orders, vii. 84. his wife, Laura Wyndham, vii. 84. Julia Frances Laura, wife of Francis Hepburne-Scott, M.P., vii. 84. Bourbon, Jeanne de, wife of Jean de la Tour, comte d'Auvergne, i. 154. Louis de, Infante of Spain, vi. 70. his morganatic wife, Maria Teresa de Vallabriga, vi. 70 ; ix. 135. Bourbon-Montpensier, Charlotte de, wife of Wolfart van Borselen, i. 19. Bourke of Mayo, Theobald (Bourke), 6th viscount, i. 387. Bridget, wife of John Gunning, i. 387. jEdward Roden, 6th son of 5th earl of Mayo, iii. 45. * Name unknown. Bothwell, Honora, wife of duke of Berwick, i.34. — - Norah Mary Madeline, wife of capt. H. E. A. Lindsay, iii. 45. Bourne, Richard, Middle Temple, ii. 583. his wife, Anna Salmon, ii. 583. Bouverie, Bartholomew, 3rd son of 1st earl of Radnor, vii. 226. — Charlotte, wife of Sir H. C. St. John Mildmay, vii. 226. Buncombe Pleydell, vice-admiral R.N., iii. 584. Edward, 4th son of 1st earl of Radnor, iii. 391. his wife, Katharine Murray, iii 391. Harriet, wife of (1) Archibald John, 4th earl of Rosebery, and (2) Sir H. C. St. J. Mildmay, vii. 226. Louisa, wife of capt. Samuel Hay, iii. 584. William Henry, vi. 383. his wife, Bridget Douglas, vi. 383. Bowdon of Southgate, John P. B., iv. 419. Helena Mary, wife of Peter Constable- Maxwell, iv. 419. Bowen, major-general, C.B., viii. 134. Mary Anne, wife of F. A. Elphinstone- Dalrymple, viii. 134. Bower of Kincaldrum, Graham, i. 545. of Scorton, John, v. 313. Harriot, wife of (1) Richard Maitland, and (2) Powles Harrison, v. 313. Margaret, wife of Francis Balfour, i. 545. BOWES OF STREATLAM AND LUNEDALE, BOWES, BARON, viii. 311. Bowes of Streatlam and Lunedale, John, baron, viii. 311. BOWES OF STREATLAM CASTLE AND LUNE- DALE, BOWES-LYON, BARON, viii. 313-317. BOWES, BARON BOWES OF STREATLAM AND LUNEDALE, viii. 311. BOWES, LORD GLAMIS, viii. 310-312. BOWES, EARL OF STRATHMORE AND KlNG- HORNE, viii. 310-312. Bowes of Paul's Walden, George, viii. 311,312. his wife, Mary Thornhill, viii. 311. of Streatlam Castle and Gibside, George, viii. 310. his 2nd wife, Mary Gilbert of Paul's Walden, viii. 310. Mary Eleanor, wife of 9th earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, viii. 310. Anna Maria, wife of Henry James Jessop, viii. 311. John, illeg. son of 10th earl of Strath more and Kinghorne, viii. 311. Mary, wife of col. Barrington Price viii. 311. Sir Robert, ambassador, i. 517 n. : iv 534. INDEX 227 BOWES-LYON, BARON BOWES OP STREAT- LAM CASTLE AND LUNEDALE, viii. 313-317. BOWES-LYON, LORD GLAMIS, viii. 313-317. BOWES-LYON, EARL OP STRATHMORE AND KINGHORNE, viii. 313-317. Bowes-Lyon of Ridley Hall, Hetton Hall, and Norton Manor, Francis, viii. 314. his wife, Anne Katherine Sybil Lindsay, iii. 48 ; viii. 314. of Skeynes, Patrick, viii. 315. his wife, Alice Wiltshire, viii. 315. — Alexander Francis, viii. 316. Angus Patrick, viii. 315. Charles Lindsay Claude, viii. 314. Clodagh Pamela, viii. 315. Constance Frances, wife of R. L. Blackburn, viii. 315. David, viii. 316. Dora Cicely, viii. 314. Elizabeth Angela Marguerite, viii. 316. Ernest, viii. 314. his wife, Issobel Hester Drum- mond, viii. 314. Ernestine Hester Maud, wife of F. W. Scott, viii. 315. Fergus, Black Watch, viii. 316. Gavin Patrick, viii. 315. Geoffrey Francis, Black Watch, viii. 314. Herbert, advocate, viii. 315. Jean Barbara, viii. 315. Joan Issobel Margaret, wife of A. E. Parker, viii. 314. John Herbert, viii. 316. Kenneth, viii. 315. Lilian Helen, viii. 314. Malcolm, capt. 2nd Life Guards, viii. 315. his wife, Winifred Gurden-Rebow, viii. 315. Margaret Anne, viii. 315. Marjorie Effle, wife of capt. D. W. Roberts, viii. 315. Mary Frances, wife of 16th lord Elphinstone, viii. 316. Maud Agnes, viii. 315. Michael Claud Hamilton, viii. 316. — Mildred Marion, wife of A. E. Jessup, viii. 315. Muriel Frances Margaret, viii. 314. — Ronald George, R.N., viii. 314. Rose Constance, viii. 316. Susan Frances, viii. 314. ', Winifred Geraldine viii. 314. Bowie of Camsiscan, William, provost of Ayr, ii. 198. Bowie of Holehouse, James, ii. 52. Anne, wife of James Hamilton, ii. 52. — }*, wife of major Alex. Campbell, ii. 198. Bowill, Robert de, iv. 185. * Name unknown. Bowlby of Gilston Park, Edward Salvin, ix. 96. Katharine Isabel Salvin, wife of James Boyle, ix. 96. Bowles of Penho Castle, Sir Thomas, i. 399. J., iv. 391. Joane, wife of Sir E. Aston, i. 399. Lillie, wife of rev. H. A. Douglas- Hamilton, iv. 391. Bowman of Ashgrove, John, vii. 207. olim Lyon, viii. 307. BOWMONT, KER, MARQUESS OF, vii. 350- 360. Bowmont, John, first marquess of, vii. 350. Robert, son of 1st duke of Roxburghe ; styled marquess of, vii. 351. his wife, Essex Mostyn, vii. 351. Bowyer of Knipersley, Sir John, bart. iii. 400. his wife, Jane Murray, iii. 400. of Leythorne, Sir Thomas, 1st bart., ix. 67. his wife, Anne Maxwell, ix. 67. Boyce, Nicholas, iii. 112. his wife, Henrietta Scott, iii. 112. BOYD, BOYD, LORD, v. 136-182. Boyd, Alexander, de jure third lord, v. 145, 150. his wife, Janet Colville, v. 151; ix. 58. James, second lord, iv. 186 ; v. 149, 153, 154. James, ninth lord, v. 168, 172. his wife, Katharine Craik, v. 173. James, de jure fourteenth lord, v. 179, 181. Robert, governor of Scotland, first lord, ii. 267, 508 ; v. 142, 430 ; vi. 354 ; vii. 324, 327 ; viii. 576. his wife, Mariota or Janet Maxwell, v. 145. Robert, fourth lord, v. 152. his 1st wife, Helen Somerville, v. 155 ; viii. 14 n. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Napier, v. 155. his 3rd wife, Marion Colquhoun, v. 155. Robert, fifth lord, ii. 80 ; iv. 193, 283, 284 ; v. 153, 154, 155. his wife, Margaret Colquhoun, v. 161 bis. Robert, seventh lord, iii. 442, 443, 444 ; iv. 195 : v. 168. his 1st wife, Margaret Mont- gomerie, iii. 442 ; v. 170. his 2nd wife, Christian Hamilton. iv. 315 ; v. 170. Robert, eighth lord, v. 169, 171. '- his wife, Anne Fleming, iii. 100 ; v. 172; viii 550; ix. 119. 228 INDEX Boyd, Thomas, sixth lord, v. 161, 163. his 1st wife, Margaret Campbell, v. 165. his 2nd wife, Jane Stockdale, v. 165. his 3rd wife, Elizabeth Wallace, v. 166. William, tenth lord, v. 173. his wife, Jean Cunningham, iv. 249; v. 174. William, eleventh lord, v. 175. his wife, Lettice Boyd, v. 175. William, twelfth lord, v. 176. his wife, Euphemia Ross, v. 176. William, thirteenth lord, v. 177. his wife, Anne Livingston, v. 179. BOYD OF KlLMABNOCK, LORD, V. 136- 182. Boyd of Kilmarnock, Thomas, first lord, v. 164. James, eldest son of 4th earl of Kilmar- nock ; styled lord, iii. 581 ; v. 181. master of, Robert, eldest son of 6th lord Boyd, v. 165, 166, 168, 457. his wife, Jean Ker, v. 168, 457 ; vii. 131. master of, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 145, 147. his wife, Mary Stewart, i. 20 ; v. 147. BOYD, LORD BOYD, v. 136-182. BOYD, LORD BOYD OF KILMARNOCK, v. 136- 182. BOYD, EARL OF KILMARNOCK, v. 136-182. Boyd of Ardneil, Archibald, v. 161. Sir John, v. 138. Robert, 3rd son of Sir Thomas B. of Kilmarnock, v. 139. Robert, 1572, v. 161. Robert, 5th lord Boyd, v. 161. of Arran, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. his wife, Mary Stewart, i. 20 ; v. 148. of Auchans, Thomas, v. 165. of Auchintorlie, Robert, v. 155, 556. of Auchmarr, William, 2nd son of Sir Thomas B. of Kilmarnock, v. 139. of Badenheath, Margaret, wife of Robert Boyd, tutor of Eglinton, v. 139, 162. Robert, 5th laird, v. 147. his wife, Margaret Boyd, v. 147. Robert, 8th laird, v. 139, 162. Robert, 2nd son of 5th lord Boyd ; tutor of Eglinton, iii. 443 : v. 139, 161, 169 ; ix. 119. his wife, Margaret Boyd of Baden- heath, v. 139, 162. William, ancestor of the family of, v. 139. William, 7th laird, v. 139, 162. Boyd of Bedlay, Robert, v. 161. his wife, Margaret Colquhoun, v. 161. Thomas, v. 164. Sir Thomas, 2nd son of 6th lord Boyd, v. 166. his wife, Grizel Cunningham, v. 166. of Bolinshaw, John, v. 166. Sir Thomas, v. 166. his wife, Grisel Cunningham, v. 166. of Bondington, Sir Robert, v. 138. of Bonshaw, 15th cent., i. 22. John, son of Robert B., v. 146. Robert, ancestor of the family of, v. 146. William, ix. 3. of Caverton, Robert, vii.|327. Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Chapelton, Robert, v. 153. of Corsbie, Thomas, v. 165. of Meikle Cumbrae, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Dalgarth and Dais winton, Sir Robert, v.l38w. of Dairy, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Drumcol, Sir Alexander, keeper of Edinburgh Castle, ii. 384, 453, 509 ; v. 141, 143, 144 ; viii, 533, 576. his wife, Janet Kennedy, v. 142. of Duchal, Sir Alexander, viii. 10. Robert, v. 142. of Duncoll, Sir Alexander, ii. 509. Sir Robert, v. 138 n. of Dundonald in Walters-Kyle, Robert, v. 153. of Dunswinton, Sir Robert, v. 138 n. of Flat, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Glenkin, Sir Robert, v. 138 n. of Glens, Robert, v. 161. his wife, Margaret Colquhoun, v. 161. of Grugar, Robert, v. 169. of Guaylistoun, Sir Robert, v. 138 n. of Hairschaw, John, dean of guild, Edinburgh, v. 173. Thomas, v. 164. of Hertschaw, Sir Robert, v. 138. of Kilbride, Sir John, v. 138. of Kilmarnock, Sir Robert, 1st laird, v. 138 ; viii. 249. Robert, 6th laird, v. 142 ; vi. 80. his wife, Mariota or Janet Maxwell, v. 145. Sir Thomas, 2nd laird, v. 139. Sir Thomas, 3rd laird, iv. 229; v. 139, 140, 494. his wife, Alice Gifford, v. 140. INDEX 229 Boyd of Kilmarnock, Thomas, 4th laird, v. 140, 348 bis. his wife, Joanna Montgomerie, iii. 431 ; v. 140. Sir Thomas, 5th laird, v. 141. of Knockindon, Thomas, v. 164. of Lenzie, William, viii. 524, 525. of Linn, Thomas, 2nd son of Alexander, lord Boyd, v. 151. his wife, Marion Fairlie, ii. 292 ; v. 151. of Lyandcorse, Helen, dau. of 5th lord Boyd, v. 162. of Medros, Robert, v. 169. of Menfurd, Robert, v. 169. of Merton Hall, Edward, ix. 119. of Molany, Robert, v. 161. of Monfod, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Naristoun, Archibald, 3rd son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 145. his wife, Christian Mure, v. 146. Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Nethermains, Adam, 3rd son of 6th lord Boyd, v. 166. his wife, Marion Galbraith, v. 166. of Nodellesdale, Sir Robert, v. 138. of Overtoun, Thomas, v. 164. of Penkill, Adam, 1st laird, v. 151. his wife, Helen Kennedy, ii. 460 ; v. 152. Alexander, 9th laird, v. 152. Robert, 2nd laird, v. 152. Robert, llth laird, v. 152. Spencer, 12th laird, v. 152. Thomas, vi. 106. his wife, Anna Melville, vi. 106. Thomas, last laird of 1st line, v. 152. of Pitcon, Robert, 8th laird, v. 151. Thomas, 1st laird, elder son of Thos. B. of Linn, v. 151. • Thomas, ix. 119. his wife, Elizabeth Conyngham, v. 168 ; ix. 119. of Polgavy, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Portincross, Archibald, v. 161. Grizel, wife of A. Fullarton, v. 140. Sir Robert, v. 138. Robert, 3rd son of Sir Thos. B. of Kilmarnock, v. 139. Robert, 1572, v. 161. Robert, 5th lord Boyd, 1574, v. 161. Robert, last laird of old line, v. 140. William, son of Alexander Fullar- ton of Kilmichail, v. 140. of Ralston, Alexander, chamberlain of Kilmarnock, v. 150. his wife, Janet Colville, v. 151. Boyd of Risedalemure, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Rysholm, Robert, iv. 185 n., 186. of Shean, Sir Thomas, elder son of 5th lord Boyd, i. 46 ; v. 161. of Stablegreen of Glasgow, Robert, v. 161. of Stewartoun, Tarrinzean, and Teal- ing, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Templeton, Adam, ix. 3. of Tourgill, David, colonel, v. 163, 166. his wife, Margaret Wallace, v. 163. of Trabeach, Sir Robert, v. 138 n. of Trochrig, Adam, ancestor of the family of, v. 151. his wife, Helen Kennedy, ii. 460 ; v. 152. Ann, wife of William Boyd Robert- son, v. 152. James, archbishop of Glasgow, 1st laird, ii. 80 ; v. 152. Robert, principal, 2nd laird, v. 150, 152, 168, 170. Robert, 6th laird, v. 152. of Turnberry, Thomas, eldest son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 147. of Whiteside, John, 4th son of 6th lord Boyd, v. 166. of Williyard, Helen, dau. of 5th lord Boyd, v. 162. of Yester, Morham, Duncanlaw, and Giffordgate, Robert, v. 142 ; viii. 428. Agnes, wife of Sir John Colquhoun, ii. 81 ; v. 163. Agnes, wife of Sir G. Elphinstone of Blytheswood, v. 167. Agnes, wife of Sir G. Morison of Dairsie, v. 171. Alan, at siege of Perth, 1339, v. 139. Alexander, captain, 21st regt., ii. 198. Alexander, son of Sir Alex. B. of Drum- col, v. 142. Alexander, chamberlain of Kilmarnock, 2nd son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 145, 150. his wife, Janet Colville, v. 151. Alexander, 5th son of 1st earl of Kilmar- nock, v. 174. Andrew, bishop of Argyll, ii. 517 ; v. 167. his wife, Elizabeth Cunningham, v. 168. Andrew, v. 205. his wife, Marjorie Kirkaldy of Inchture, v. 205. Annabella, wife of Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar, v. 102, 147. Annabella, wife of (1) Edmund Hay of Talla, and (2) Patrick Dunbar of Bele, viii. 425 ; ix. 164 bis. Archibald, in Bonshaw, 3rd son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 145. his wife, Christian Mure, v. 146. 230 INDEX Boyd, Archibald, in Bonshaw, v. 146. Charles, captain Scots Dutch Brigade, v. 174. his wife, Katharine Van Beest, ix. 119. Charles, 3rd son of 4th earl of Kilmar- nock, v. 179; ix. 120 bis. his 1st wife, *, v. 179. his 2nd wife, Anne Lockhart, v. 180. Charles, his illeg. son, ix. 120. Charles, major 20th Foot, v. 179. his wife, Elizabeth Halyburton, v. 180. Charles, son of major Charles B., v. 180 bis. Charlotte, wife of C. E. Gordon, v. 180. Christian, wife of A. Gray of Balgarno, iv. 273. Christian, wife of Sir Jas. Hamilton of Kvandale, v. 163. Christian, wife of Sir Wm. Scott of Ardross, v. 170, 171. Duncan, follower of Robert the Bruce, v. 138. Egidia, wife of 4th earl of Eglinton, iii. 443 ; v. 162. Elizabeth, wife of Archibald, 5th earl of Angus, i. 183; v. 146; ix. 12. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Douglas, v. 146 ; vi. 368. Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Cunningham of Drumquhassill, v. 163. Erroll, son of Wm. B., v. 174. Euphemia, wife of John Logie of Logie- almond, v. 152. Eva, dau. of 9th lord Boyd, v. 173. Giles, wife of 4th earl of Eglinton, iii. 443 ; v. 162. Grace, dau. of Robert B. of Trochrig, v. 152. Grizel, wife of Wm. Fullarton of Kil- michail, v. 140. Grizel, mistake for Margaret, wife of (1) Alex., 4th lord Forbes, and (2) David, 2nd earl of Cassillis, ii. 461 n. ; v. 149. Helen, dau. of 7th lord Boyd, v. 170. Isabel, wife of (1) John Blair, and (2) Sir D. Campbell of Auchinbreck, v. 167. Isabel, wife of (1) John Sinclair, and (2) Sir John Grierson of Lag, v. 171 ; ix. 119. Isobel, wife of (1) Sir Jas. Stewart of Bute, and (2) rev. Archd. Graham or M'llvernock, ii. 295. James, archbishop of Glasgow, ii. 80 ; v. 152. James, 4th son of 3rd lord Boyd, iv. 188 ; v. 152. James, witness in 1342, v. 139. James, 5th son of Thomas, 6th lord Boyd, v. 167. * Name unknown. Boyd, James, captain Scots Dutch Brigade, v. 174. Janet, dau. of William B., Turriff, v. 174. Janet, wife of Edmund Hay of Megg- inch, v. 218. Jean, wife of Sir A. Morison of Preston- grange, v. 171. Jean, wife of Sir David Cunningham of Robertland, v. 173. John, 4th son of 1st lord Boyd, v. 146. Katharine, wife of David Boyle of Figgidoch, iv. 188. Katharine, wife of Alexander Porter- field, v. 175. Letitia, wife of (1) William, 2nd earl of Kilmarnock, and (2) John Gardiner, v. 175. Malcolm, ensign, ix. 119. his wife, Mary Collins, ix. 119. Margaret, mistress of king James iv., and wife of John Mure of Rowallan, i. 22 ; v. 146. Margaret, wife of (1) Alexander, 4th lord Forbes, and (2) David, 2nd earl of Cassillis, ii. 460 ; iv. 53 ; v. 149. Margaret, wife of David Cathcart of Clolynan, ii. 509. — — Margaret, wife of 1st lord Montgomerie, iii. 432 ; v. 142. Margaret, wife of John Montgomerie of Lainshaw, iii. 436 ; v. 155. Margaret, wife of Robert Boyd of Badenheath, v. 147. Margaret, wife of George Colquhoun, v. 152. Margaret, wife of John Cunningham of Cunninghamhead, v. 162. Margaret, dau. of 9th lord Boyd, v. 173. Margaret, dau. of 1st earl of Kilmar- nock, v. 175. Margaret, dau. of Robert B., advocate, v. 175. Margaret, wife of Peter Hay of Rattray v. 229. Marion, wife of 1st earl of Abercorn, i. 47 ; v. 167. Marion, wife of John Maxwell of Cal- derwood, v. 142. Marion, wife of Sir James Dundas of Arniston, v. 171. Mary, wife of Sir A. Maclean, v. 174. Mary, dau. of 2nd earl of Kilmarnock, v.175. Patrick, 2nd son of Archibald B. of Nariston, v. 146. Sir Robert, witness to contract in 1205, v. 137 ; ix. 119. Robert, mentioned in charter, 1262, v. 137. BRobert, in Ragman Roll, v. 138. Robert, 2nd son of Thomas B. of Linn, v. 151. INDEX 231 Boyd, Robert, in Kilmarnock, v. 153. his wife, Helen Somerville, v. 153. Robert, 4th son of 1st earl of Kilmar- nock, v. 174. Robert, glover, Kilmarnock, v. 174. his wife, Margaret Thomson, v. 174. Robert, advocate, v. 175. his wife, Eleanora Nicolson, v. 175. Sir Robert, governor of Gibraltar, vi. 502. Simon Fitzalan, alleged ancestor of the family of, i. 11. Thomas, merchant, Dublin, v. 175. his wife, Mary Lof tus, v. 175. William, father of Sir Robert B. of Kil- marnock, v. 138 7i. William, abbot of Kilwinning, v. 141 ; ix. 119. William, manufacturer, Turriff, v. 174. William, R.N., captain 87th Foot, and 114th Foot, v. 181. Zachary, minister of Glasgow, v. 172. *, alleged wife of Sir John Herries of Terregles, iv. 400. *, wife of (1) Hugh Mure of Polkelly, and (2) Archibald Craufurd of Craufurd- land, v. 146. *, wife of James Chalmers of Sauchrie, v. 152. *, two sons of 3rd lord Boyd, v. 152. Boyd-Robertson of Trochrig, v. 152. Boyder, Henry, 76th regt., i. 131. Sarah, wife of W. H. Bruce-Ogilvy, i. 131. Boyes of Dryf esdale, iii. 56, 68. BOYLE OF KELBUKN, STEWARTOUN, CUM- BRAE, FlNNICK, LARGS AND DALRY, BOYLE, LORD, iv. 202. Boyle of Kelburn, Stewartoun, Cumbrae, Finnick, Largs and Dairy, David, first lord, iv. 202. BOYLE OF STEWARTOUN, CUMBRAES, FEN- WICK, LARGS AND DALRY, BOYLE, LORD, iv. 202-221. Boyle of Stewarton, Cumbraes, Fenwick, Largs and Dairy, David, first lord, iv. 202. Boyle, John, eldest son of 1st earl of Glasgow ; styled lord, iv. 205. John, elder>on of 3rd earl of Glasgow ; styled lord, iv. 216. John, R.N., eldest son of 4th earl of Glasgow ; styled lord, iv. 217. BOYLE, LORD BOYLE OF KELBURN, STEWAR- TOUN, CUMBRAE, FINNICK, LARGS AND DALRY, iv. 202. BOYLE, LORD BOYLE OF STEWARTON, CUM- BRAES, FENWICK, LARGS AND DALRY, iv. 202-221. BOYLE, BARON FAIRLIE OF FAIRLIE, iv. 220- 221. * Name unknown. BOYLE, EARL OF GLASGOW, iv. 183-221. BOYLE, VISCOUNT KELBURN, iv. 202-221. BOYLE, BARON Ross OF HAWKHEAD, iv. 216- 219. Boyle of Ballikewin, James, iv. 206. John, 2nd son of B. of Kelburne, iv. 187 ; ix. 95. • his wife, Katharine Wallace, iv. 187. John, 2nd laird, iv. 187. his 1st wife, Jonet Cunningham, iv. 188. his 2nd wife, Marjorie Fraser, 188. John, lord Boyle, iv. 206. William, iv. 194. of Ballochmartine, John, son of Wm. B. of Kelburne, iv. 187, 189. John, iv. 190. his wife, Marion Crawfurd, iv. 190. John, iv. 195. his wife, Agnes Boyle, iv. 195. Robert, 3rd son of John B. of Kel- burne, iv. 187, 189. of Braidshaw, William, 4th son of John B. of Kelburne, iv. 190. of Corshill, William, brother of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 200. of Crawford Priory, Gertrude Georgina, wife of T. H. A. E. Cochrane, iv. 196, 204. of Dalgarnock, John, 5th son of John B. of Kelburne, iv. 190. of Downiescroft, David, iv. 194. William, captain, iv. 193. his 1st wife, Christian Power, iv. 194. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Maxwell, iv. 194. William, iv. 194. of Etal, Augusta, wife of capt. F. Fitz- clarence, iv. 217. of Fairlie, David, eldest son of James B. of Halkishurst, iv. 197. his wife, Grizel Boyle, iv. 197. of Figgidoch, Archibald, iv. 188, 189. David, 2nd son of John B. of Balli- kewin, iv. 188, 189. his 1st wife, Katharine Boyd, iv. 188. his 2nd wife, Margaret Crawfurd, iv. 189. Robert, iv. 188. his wife, Margaret Montgomerie, iv. 188. of Halkishurst, David, iv. 189, 197. his wife, Grizel Boyle, iv. 197. James, iv. 188. his 1st wife, Margaret Crawfurd, iv. 188. his 2nd wife, Jean Barclay, iv. 189. of Hareshawmuir, John, iv. 199. 232 INDEX Boyle of Kelburne, David, eldest eon of James B. of Halkishurst, iv. 189, 190, 194, 197. his wife, Grizel Boyle, iv. 197. Grizel, wife of David Boyle of Hal- kishurst, iv. 189, 197. John, maor of fee in Largs, iv. 184, 186, 192. John, iv. 186. John, son of Patrick B., iv. 191. his wife, Agnes Fraser, iv. 192. John, maor of fee in Largs, son of JohnB.,iv. 190, 192. his wife, Marion Crawfurd, iv. 193. John, rector of the University of Glasgow, iv. 193, 195. his wife, Agnes Maxwell, iv. 196. John, sheriff of Bute, eldest son of David B., ii. 298 n., iv. 198 ; ix. 95 bis. his 1st wife, Marion Steuart, iv. 198. his 2nd wife, Jean Mure, iv. 201. Sir Patrick, iv. 186. Richard, iv. 183, 184. his wife, Marjory Cumin, iv. 183, 184. Robert, iv. 185 n., 186. Robert, iv. 186. William, maor of fee in Largs, iv. 186. of Largs, John iv. 187. William, iv. 194. of Maldersland, John, iv. 184 n., 196. his wife, Agnes Maxwell, iv. 196. Robert, iv. 184 bis. his wife, Avice Mure, iv. 184. of Montgomerieston, James, provost of Irvine, iv. 197. his wife, Janet Barclay, iv. 197. of Polruskane, John, iv. 190, 191. his wife, Agnes Fraser, iv. 192. Patrick, eldest son of John B. of Kelburne, iv. 187, 191. Robert, iv. 184. his possible wife, Avicia Mure, iv. 184. of Portry, Robert, iv. 188. his wife, Margaret Montgomerie, iv. 188. of Rowallan, Jean, wife of col. Jas. Campbell, iv. 205 ; ix. 95. of Rysholm, Archibald, younger son of Robert B. of Kelburne, iv. 185 n., 190. Hugo, iv. 185 n. John, iv. 185 n., 192. his wife, Agnes Fraser, iv. 192. John, iv. 193. his wife, Marion Crawfurd, iv. 193. Katharine, wife of (1) John John- stone, and (2) Robert Scot, i. 239 ; iv. 185 n., ix. 14. Katharine, dau. of Robert B. of Kelburne, iv. 185 n. Boyle of Rysholm, Richard, ancestor of the family of, iv. 185. of Shewalton, David, senator of the College of Justice, lord Shewalton, iv. 207. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Mont- gomerie, iv. 208. his 2nd wife, Catherine Campbell Smythe, iv. 212. John, lieut.-col. Ayrshire Militia, iv. 207. Patrick, senator of the College of Justice, lord Shewalton, iv. 177, 200, 204. Patrick, clerk depute of justiciary, iv. 208. his wife, Mary Frances Elphin- stone-Dalrymple, iv. 208 ; viii. 135. Patrick, in holy orders, 5th son of 2nd earl of Glasgow, iv. 200, 206. his 1st wife, Agnes Mure, iv. 207. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Dunlop, iv. 207. William, brother of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 200, 204, 206. of Smiddieshaw, Margaret, iv. 198. Patrick, burgess of Irvine, iv. 198. his wife, Margaret Crawfurd, iv. 198. of Stewarton, William, brother of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 200. of Tullochdonnell, Thomas, 5th son of David B. of Kelburne, iv. 198. of Wamphray, John, iv. 185 n., 186. John, iv. 185 n. Katharine, wife of (1) John John- stone, and (2) Robert Scott, i. 239 ; iv. 185 n., ix. 14. Agnes, wife of John Boyle of Balloch- martine, iv. 195. Agnes, dau. of rev. Patrick B. of Shewalton, iv. 214. Agnes Margaret, wife of F. Pratt-Bar- low, iv. 210. Alan Reginald, iv. 221. Alastair Patrick, iv. 210. Alexander, vice-admiral R.N., iv. 209. his wife, Agnes Walker, iv. 209. Alexander, 3rd son of vice-admiral Alexander B., iv. 210. his wife, Fanny Studholme, iv. 210. Alexander Charles, midshipman R.N., iv. 207. Alexander David, R.N., iv. 210. Alexander James, ensign 30th regt., iv. 209 ; ix. 95. his 1st wife, M. L. J. Hodgkinson, iv. 209. his 2nd wife, Clare Banning, iv. 209. Alice Mary, wife of col. Sir C. Fergus- son, iv. 221. Amelia Laura, iv. 214. INDEX 233 Boyle, Andrew, 8th son of John B. of Kel- burne, iv. 191. Anna Louisa Alexandrina, iv. 212. Anne, dau. of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 205; ix. 05 bis. Archibald, 6th son of John B. of Kel- burne, iv. 190. Archibald Thomas, iv. 212. Augusta Helen Elizabeth, wife of C. L. Orr-Ewing, iv. 221. Caroline Elizabeth, wife of Charles Drummond, viii. 231. Cecil Alexander, iv. 210. Cecil David, iv. 214. Charles, captain R.N., 3rd son of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 204 ; ix. 95. Charles Fremoult, iv. 213. his wife, Martha Trotter, iv. 213. Constance Antonina, iv. 214. David, M.P., senator of the College of Justice, lord Boyle, iv. 207. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Mont- gomerie, iv. 208. his 2nd wife, Catherine Campbell Smythe, iv. 212. David, 3rd son of David B. of Shewalton, iv. 211. David, two inf. sons of 1st earl of Glas- gow, ix. 95. David Hugh Montgomerie, iv. 211. David William Maurice, ix. 96. Diana, wife of 2nd lord Hampton, iv. 218. Dorothy Montagu, wife of G. Gathorne- Hardy, iv. 221. Edward George, Rifle Brigade, iv. 221. Edward Louis Dairy mple, R.N., iv. 213. his wife, Theodosia I. Ogilvie, iv. 213 ; ix. 96. Edward Patrick Ogilvie, iv. 213. Eleanora Charlotte, dau. of David B. of Shewalton, iv. 212. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Cunningham of Auchinharvie, iv. 191. Elizabeth, dau. of John B. of Kelburne, iv. 191. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Sempill of Mylnbank, iv. 195. Elizabeth, dau. of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 205. Elizabeth, wife of James Hope, iv. 212. Elizabeth, wife of rear-admiral J. Rouet-Smollett, iv. 214. Elizabeth, wife of Sir Geo. Douglas of Springwood Park, iv. 216. — Elizabeth, dau. of 4th earl of Glasgow, iv. 216. — Elizabeth Helen, dau. of vice-admiral Alexander B., iv. 210. — Elizabeth Magdalene Graeme, iv. 209. — Frances Minna Fremoult, iv. 213. Frances Montgomerie, wife of C. W. Parish, iv. 211. Boyle, George David, dean of Salisbury, iv. 213. his wife, Mary Christiana Robins, iv. 213 ; ix. 96. George Frederick, iv. 212. Gerard E., colonel, viii. 231. Gertrude G., wife of T. H. A. E. Coch- rane, iii. 366 ; iv. 196, 204, 219. Godfrey Henry Patrick, iv. 210. Graeme Hepburn, iv. 209. Grissel, dau. of 2nd earl of Glasgow, ix. 96. Grizel, dau. of David B. of Kelburne, iv. 198 ; ix. 95. Hamilla Augusta, iv. 212. Helen, wife of Sir C. Dalrymple-Fergus- son, iv. 212 ; viii. 144. Helen, wife of Thomas Mure, iv. 214 ; ix. 96. Helen, wife of Sir Jas. Douglas of Springwood Park, iv. 215 ; ix. 96. Helen, dau. of 3rd earl of Glasgow, iv. 216. Helen Graeme, iv. 209; ix. 95. Helen Jane, sister of 7th earl of Glas- gow, iv. 209. Henrietta Augusta, dau. of Patrick B. of Shewalton, iv. 209. Henrietta Camilla, wife of col. J. S. Roth well, iv. 211. Henry David, iv. 211. his wife, E. C. Robinson, iv. 211. Henry Dundas, H.E.I.C.S., iv. 214. Irene Florinda Maud, iv. 214. Isobel, wife of Alex. Bruce of Auchen- bowie, iv. 194. Isabella Margaret, dau. of 4th earl of Glasgow, iv. 217. James, merchant in Glasgow, iv. 189. James, procurator-fiscal, Glasgow, iv. 193. his wife, Margaret Smyth, iv. 193. James, 5th son of John B. of Kelburne, iv. 201. James, captain 89th regt., H.B.M. Con- sul, iv. 210. his wife, Blanche E. M. Pratt, iv. 210. James, Royal Scots Fusiliers, iv. 220. his wife, Katharine Isabel Salvin Bowl- by, ix. 96. Jane, dau. of David B. of Shewalton, iv. 212. Jane Flora, iv. 211. Jane Mary, dau. of 3rd earl of Glasgow, iv. 216; ix. 96. Janet, wife of Jas. Stewart, iv. 189. Janet, wife of Jas. Jamieson of Halie Jamieson, iv. 191. Janet, dau. of Alex. B., New Zealand, iv. 210. Janet, wife of capt. W. H. Fife, iv. 210. 234 INDEX Boyle, Janet, dau. of 2nd earl of Glasgow, iv. 214. Jean, wife of Win. Barclay of Perceton, iv. 194. Jean, dau. of 2nd earl of Glasgow, iv. 214. Jean, wife of Sir James Campbell of Lawers, v. 511 ; ix. 131. John, 4th son of David B. of Figgidoch, iv. 189. John, in Meikle Govane, iv. 189 n. John, 7th son of John B. of Kelburne, iv. 191. John, surgeon, brother of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 199. John, barrister-at-law, iv. 211 ; ix. 95. his wife, Jane Walrond, iv. 211 ; ix. 96. John David, Rifle Brigade, iv. 220. Juliana, wife of 4th earl of Elgin, iii. 482. Katharine, wife of Dr. James MacNeill, iv. 215. Katharine Charlotte Anne Eliza, iv. 209. Katharine Minna, iv. 214. Louisa Laura, iv. 209. Margaret, wife of Robert Blakburne, iv. 189. Margaret, wife of John M 'Gibbon, iv. 189. Margaret, wife of John Crawfurd of Giffordland, iv. 191. Margaret, dau. of John B. of Kelburne, iv. 191. Margaret, wife of John Cunningham of Caddell, iv. 192. Margaret, wife of Win. Hamilton of Wadderhill, iv. 194. Margaret, err or for Mary, wife of Wm. Wallace, iv. 198 n. Margaret, wife of Sir Alex. Cuning- hame of Corshill, iv. 200. Margaret, dau. of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 205. Margaret, dau. of rev. Patrick B. of Shewalton, iv. 214. Margaret, dau. of 2nd earl of Glasgow, iv. 214. Marie, wife of George Makullo, iv. 193. Marion, wife of (1) Matthew Ross of Hayning Ross, and (2) archbishop James Law, iv. 194. Marion, dau. of 2nd earl of Glasgow, iv. 215. Marion Montgomerie, iv. 211. Mary, wife of (1) W. E. Hope Vere, and (2) lord David Kennedy, ii. 498. Mary, wife of Wm. Wallace of Shew- alton, iv. 198. — r- Mary, wife of James, duke of Queens- berry and Dover, vii. 142. Boyle, Mary Helen, sister of 7th earl of Glasgow, iv. 209. Montgomerie, captain I. Y., iv. 211. his wife, Constance Helen Abel- Smith, iv. 211. Muriel Louisa Diana, iv. 219. Patrick David, colonel Grenadier Guards, iv. 209. his wife, Kathleen Digby Blagrave, iv. 209. Patrick John Salvin, ix. 96. Phyllis Montgomerie, wife of Agar Williams, iv. 210 ; ix. 95. Robert, Carrickmacross, iv. 193. Robert, attorney, iv. 198. Robert, 6th son of John B. of Kelburne, iv. 201. Robert, captain R.A., iv. 213. his wife, Frances S. Sankey, iv. 213 ; ix. 96. Robert, Glasgow diocese, 1372, ix. 95. Robert Elphinstone, colonel Indian army, iv. 208. Robert Fremoult, iv. 213. Sydney Herbert, lieut. Railway Pioneers, iv. 213. Theodosia Frances, iv. 214. Thomas, notary, tutor of Galston, iv. 192. his wife, Janet Barclay, iv. 192. Walter, R.N., brother of 1st earl of Glasgow, iv. 200. William, in Dumbarton, iv. 190. William, lieut. 48th regt., iv. 207. William, colonel, C.B., iv. 211. his wife, Louisa C. Parsons, iv. 212. William, 3rd son of 4th earl of Glasgow, iv. 217. William Henry David, iv. 212. his wife, Eleanor Curzon, iv. 212. Boyne, Gustavus (Hamilton), 1st viscount, i. 45. his wife, Elizabeth Brooke, i. 45. Boyne, Sir Patrick Ogilvie, lord, ix. 81. Boynton, Sir Matthew, bart., v. 13. his wife, Katharine Fairfax, v. 13. Boyville del Counte de Are, Richard de, iv. 185. Robert de, iv. 185. Brace of Biddenham, Francis, v. 15. his wife, Eliz. Scarborough, r. 15. Braceor, Henry, Jedworth, iv. 146. Brachlie, James Stewart, styled lord, ix. 138. Bradford, George Cecil Orlando (Bridge- man), 4th earl of, ii. 248. Bradshaigh of Haigh Hall and Wigan,' Sir Roger, bart., iii. 42, 400. his wife, Mary Murray, iii. 400. Elizabeth, wife of John Edwin, iii. 42. Brady of Easter Kennet, Robert, iii. 473. INDEX 235 Brague, Philippe de, seigneur de Luat, v. 347. his wife, Guyonne Stewart, v. 347. Braidfute of Lamington, Marion, vii. 365. Brainf oord, Edward Ruthven, styled earl of, iv. 93 ; ix. 92. Bramhall, Isabella, wife of Sir Jas. Graham, i. 137. John, archbishop of Armagh, i. 137 ; ix. 9. Brand, Anne Elizabeth, wife of D. S. Arbuthnott, i. 315. James, i. 315. Thomas, major 10th Hussars, ii. 248. his wife, Katharine Mary Montagu- Douglas-Scott, ii. 248. BRANDON, HAMILTON, DUKE OF, iv. 384-397. Brandon, James, first duke of, iv. 383. Braosa, William de, ii. 423. his wife, Matildis de Haya, ii. 423. Brassey of Preston Hall, Henry Arthur, v. 370. Henry Leonard Campbell, v. 370. his wife, Violet Mary Gordon-Len- nox, v. 370. Hilda Madeleine, wife of Charles Henry, earl of March, v. 370. Braye, Sarah, wife of Henry Otway ; baroness, i. 492. BBEADALBANE, CAMPBELL, EARL OF, ii. 174- 214. Breadalbane, Gavin, seventh earl of, ii. 213. — - John, first earl of, i. 360 ; ii. 201, 203. his 1st wife, Mary Rich, ii. 205. his 2nd wife, Mary Campbell, i. 361 ; ii. 206. John, second earl of, ii. 207. his 1st wife, Frances Cavendish, iii. 207. his 2nd wife, Henrietta Villiers, ii. 207. John, third earl of, ii. 208. his 1st wife, Amabel Grey, ii. 208. his 2nd wife, Arabella Pershall, ii. 209. John, fourth earl of, ii, 190, 209. his wife, Mary Turner Gavin, ii. 210. John, fifth earl of, ii. 211. John Alexander Gavin, sixth earl of, ii. 194, 211. his wife, Mary Theresa Edwards, ii. 212. BREADALBANE, CAMPBELL, MARQUESS OF, ii. 210-214. Breadalbane, Gavin, third marquess of ii. 213 ; ix. 46 bis. his wife, Alma Imogen Leonora Charlotta Graham, ii. 213 : vi. 273 ; ix. 46. John, first marquess of, ii. 210. his wife, Mary Turner Gavin, ii. 210. John, second marquess of, ii. 211 ; ix. 46. his wife, Eliza Baillie, ii. 211 ; iv. 323. BREADALBANE, CAMPBELL, VISCOUNT OF, ii. 203. Breadalbane, John, first viscount of, ii. 203. BREADALBANE of KENMORE, CAMPBELL, BARON, ii. 213. Breadalbane of Kenmore, Gavin, baron, ii. 213. BREADALBANE OF TAYMOUTH CASTLE, CAMPBELL, BARON, ii. 210. Breadalbane of Taymouth Castle, John, first baron, ii 210. John, second baron, ii. 211. Breakenridge, Mary Madeline, wife of C. C. Renny-Strachan-Carnegie, viii. 87. — William, vii. 87. Breary of Scow Hall and Menston, John, iii. 597. — Mary, wife of Charles Fairfax, iii. 597. Breassauch olim Lyon, viii. 308. Brebner, James, Aberdeen, iv. 291. BRECHIN, LORD OF BRECHIN, ii. 215-224. Brechin, Henry, illeg. son of David, earl of Huntingdon, lord of, i. 4 ; ii. 214. his wife, Juliana de Cornhill, i. 4 ; ii. 216 bis. Sir David, lord of, i. 428 : ii. 218 ; vi. 136. his 1st wife, Margaret of Bonkyl, i. 13 ; ii. 221. his 2nd wife, Margery (de Ram- say), ii. 220, 221. Margaret of, wife of Sir David Barclay, i. 438 ; ii. 222 ; ix. 27. Sir William, lord of, ii. 216 ; viii. 245 n. his wife, Elena Comyn, ii. 218, 256. BRECHIN, STEWART, LORD OF, vii. 246. Brechin, James, 2nd son of King James in. ; lord of, vii. 246. Walter, son of King Robert n. ; lord of, i. 16, 438. his wife, Margaret of Brechin, i. 438 ; ii. 224 ; ix. 27. BRECHIN AND NAVAR, MAULE, LORD, vii. 19-27. Brechin and Navar, Patrick, first lord, vii. 20. Brecknell, Joseph, Chelsea, vii. 96. his wife, Katharine Caroline Col- year, vii. 96. Brecknock, James (Butler), 1st earl of, iii. 122. Breese, Anne, wife of Alistair R. Innes- Ker, vii. 358. W. R., New York, vii. 358. BRENTFORD, RUTHVEN, EARL OF, iv. 104-106. Brentford, Patrick, first earl of, iv. 104 ; v. 6. his 1st wife, *, iv. 105. his 2nd wife, Joanna Henderson, iv. 105. his 3rd wife, Clara Berner, iv. 105. Edward, son of 2nd lord Forrester; styled earl of, iv. 93. * Name unknown. 236 INDEX Bressey, Benjamin, viii. 496. his wife, Margaret Johnston, viii. 496. Margaret, viii. 496. Breton of Norton, Eliab, iv. 495. Mary, wife of John Hope, iv. 495. Brett, Elizabeth, wife of 4th lord Bellen- den, ii. 75. Richard, Deptford. ii. 75. Brian Boriuraha, King of Ireland, v. 567. Brictric, father of Glassam, ii. 370. Bridgeman, Margaret Alice, wife of John Charles Montagu Douglas Scott, lord Dal- keith, ii. 248. Bridges, Thomas Lane Coulson, rector of Warkton, ii. 246. his wife, Evelyn Mary Montagu- Douglas Scott, ii. 246. Bridgewater, Francis (Egerton), 3rd duke of, viii. 361, 362. John (Egerton) 1st earl of, ii. 583. John (Egerton) 2nd earl of, iii. 400. Scroop (Egerton), 1st duke of, ii. 533. his wife, Elizabeth Churchill, ii. 533. BRIENE, KER, VISCOUNT OF, v. 477-487. Briene, Robert, first viscount of, v. 477. Brienne, Jean de, 'dit d'Acre,' i. 6. his wife, Marie de Coucy, i. 6. Briggs, Amelia Mary, wife of John Ken- nedy, ii. 497. Samuel, ii. 497. William Hamilton, surgeon lieutenant- colonel, iii. 107. his wife, Susan Georgiana Ramsay, iii. 107. Bright of Bannercross, John, i. 486. Mary, wife of Richard Dalton, i. 486. Brigstock of Birdcombe Court, William, M.P., viii. 135, 226 ; ix. 161. Agnes Caroline, wife of F. T. Drum- mond, viii. 226. Georgina Anne, wife of (1) F. G. Camp- bell of Troup, and (2) general John H. Elphinstone Dalrymple, viii. 135. Brinkman, Gwynnedd, wife of major-gen. C. W. Campbell, ii. 196. William Edward, R.N., ii. 196. Briot, Esther, wife of Sir John Falconer, v. 248. Brisbane of Bishoptoun, John, vii. 554 ; viii. 547. his 2nd wife Jean Sempill, vii. 554. John, ix. 38. his wife, Marie Mure, ix. 38. Thomas, vii. 530 bis. his wife, Mary Sempill, vii. 530. of Boghall, Matthew, viii. 547 bis. of Brisbane, Thomas, ii. 598. of Rosland or Rosline, Matthew, vi. 422, 427 ; viii. 547 bis. his wife, Helen Napier, vi. 422. Brisbane, Elizabeth, wife of William Flem- ing of Boghall, viii. 530. Janet ,wife of James Fleming of Boghall, viii. 574. John, M.D., i. 550. his wife, Helen Bruce, i. 550. John, judge-advocate R.N., vi. 427. his wife, Margaret, baroness Napier of Merchiston, vi. 427. Maria, wife of George Cranstoun, ii. 598. Dr. Matthew, tutor of 3rd marquess of Montrose, vi. 259. Matthew, writer, Edinburgh, vi. 427. Sara, wife of Sir Wm. Mure of Row- allan, ix. 38. William, parson of Erskine, v. 421. Bristol, John (Digby) 1st earl of, i. 407. Frederick William John (Hervey), 3rd marquess of, viii. 226. Bristowe of Quickenham Hall, John, v. 541. Katharine, wife of gen. Simon Fraser, dejure 12th lord Lovat, v. 541. Brittany, Alan n., count of, ii. 428. Arthur ii., duke of, i. 6. his wife, Yolande de Dreux, i. 6. Conan iv., duke of, i. 4. his wife, Margaret of Northumber- land, i. 4. Francis i., duke of, ii. 326. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth or Isabella Stewart, i. 19 ; ii. 326. — John vi., duke of, ii. 326. Britten, Richard Frederick, admiral R.N., ii. 567. his wife, Blanch Cecile Colville, ii. 567. Broadbent of Kirkbarrow House, John, viii. 597. his wife, Mary Katharine Seton, viii. 597. Brodie of Arnhall, Alexander, M.P., iv. 558 ; viii. 510. his wife, Elizabeth Margaret Wemyss, vii. 510. Brodie of Brodie, Alexander, v. 475. James, iv. 63 ; v. 475. his wife, Mary Ker, v. 475. of East Grange, Alexander, vii. 469. of Lethen, Alexander, vii. 469, 476. Janet, wife of Ludovic Grant of Grant, vii. 476, 477. Anne, wife of 13th lord Forbes, iv. 63. Elizabeth, wife of 5th duke of Gordon, iv. 558 ; viii. 510. Elizabeth Bogue, wife of Jas. Augustus Erskine, v. 634. George, historiographer-royal for Scot- land, v. 634. Brodrick, William St. John P., viii. 518. his 1st wife, Hilda Charteris, viii. 518. INDEX 237 Brogan of Auchloun, Henry, viii. 269. Christian, wife of John of Allan, viii. 269. Bromhead, Sir B. P., bart., ii. 58. Kathleen Gonville, wife of R. E. A. Hamilton, ii. 58. Bromley, George, Middle Temple, vii. 102. his wife, Elizabeth Barton, vii. 102. Brook of Meltham Hall, William Leigh, viii. 230. Charlotte Emilia, wife of C. G. A. Dnimmond, viii. 230. Brooke, Francis (Greville), 1st earl, iv. 167. his wife, Elizabeth Hamilton, iv. 167. of Brookborough, Sir Henry, i. 45. Elizabeth, wife of Gustavus Hamilton, 1st viscount Boyne, i. 45. Brooks, Sir William Cunliffe, bart., iv. 562. Amy, wife of Charles, llth marquess of Huntly, iv. 562. Broomhall, Robert Bruce, senator of the College of Justice, lord, iii. 488. BROUGHTON, BELLENDEN, LORD BELLEN- DEN OF, ii. 61. Broughton, John Cam (Hobhouse), lord, vii. 468. his wife, Julian Thomasina Hay, viii. 468. Broun of Colstoun, Charles, advocate, iii. 106. Christian, wife of 9th earl of Dalhousie, iii. 106. Sir George, iii. 76 ; ix. 63. his wife, Elizabeth Mackenzie, iii. 76. George, lord of Session, viii. 139, 144. his wife, Elizabeth Dalrymple, viii. 139. Patrick, iii. 96. his wife, Elizabeth Ramsay, iii. 96. Robert, ii. 41. William Hamilton, ne Briggs, iii. 107. his wife, Susan Georgiana Ramsay, iii. 107. of Froisthill, viii. 445. Amy, wife of Henry de Winton, iv. 81. Anne, wife of Sir D. Dalrymple, lord Hailes, viii. 144. Elizabeth, wife of John Hamilton, ii. 41. Gilbert, abbot of Newabbey, iv. 414. John, minister at Glencairn, v. 109. Katharine, wife of William Oliphant of Gask, vi. 549. *, colonel, vii. 104. his wife, Jacoba Katharina Graham, vii. 104. Broune, Robert, Kilmarnock, v. 166. his wife, Marion Sellar, v. 166. Brounfleld of Greenlawdene, Stephen, vi. 587. his wife, Alisone Makgill, vi. 587. * Name unknown. Brown of Abscourt, Jeremiah, ii. 599. of Finmont, David, vi. 591. his wife, Jean Makgill, vi. 591. Robert, vi. 591. his wife, Lilias Makgill, vi. 591. of Glen, Thomas, iii. 128. his wife, * Maxwell, iii. 128. of Hartree, Andrew, viii. 540. Richard, viii. 540. his wife, Janet Fleming, viii. 540. of Knockduff House, Arthur, It.-col., ii. 418. of Priesthill, John, iii. 329. of Shawmill, John, vi. 95. of Elliestoun, George, iv. 499. of Fordell, John, vi. 95. his 1st wife, Katharine Melville, vi. 95. John, the younger, vi. 95, 549. John, i. 518. his 1st wife, Katharine Lindsay, i. 518; iii. 30. Sir John, viii. 200. his 1st wife, Isobel Murray, viii. 200. of Largs, Gilbert, v. 265. of Mollance, Samuel, v. 125. his wife, Elizabeth Gordon, v. 125 ; ix. 119. Samuel, v. 269. his wife, Margaret Maclellan, v. 269. Andalusia, wife of 6th earl of Carn- wath, ii. 418. Charles, rector of Whitestone, viii. 112. Christian, wife of Sir John Tufton, iii. 297. Mr. Daniel, ix. 109. David, watchmaker, Edinburgh, v. 536. his wife, Katharine Fraser, v. 536. David, minister at Belhelvie, vii. 445. his wife, Isabella Fraser, vii. 445. Elizabeth Anne Phippen, wife of lord Esm6 Stuart Gordon, iv. 561. Florence, wife of John M. Lindsay, viii. 112. George, bishop of Dunkeld, vi. 390. Georgina, wife of col. Alexander Hope, G.C.B., iv. 499. Sir Humphrey, justice of the common pleas, iii. 297. Isobel, wife of (1) Sir P. Murray, and (2) Sir Geo. Erskine, v. 82; viii. 189. John, father of 1st duchess of Argyll and Greenwich, i. 376. John, minister of Glencairn, iv. 486. his wife, Sara Hope, iv. 486. Katharine, wife of Wm. Colville, ii. 573. Magdalen, wife of 5th lord Kinnaird of Inohture, v. 211. * Name unknown. INDEX Brown, Mary, wife of duke of Argyll and Greenwich, i. 376. Richard, half-brother of Sir Alex. Ram- say of Dalhousie, iii. 90. Richard, London, v. 10. Mr. Richard, minister of Tynron, ix. 109. his wife, Katherine Hope, iv. 486. Sophia, wife of (1) 6th lord Cranstoun, and (2) Michael Lade, ii. 599. Susan, wife of Sir Arthur Ingram, v. 10. Thomas, vicar of Caldorclere, vii. 325. William, Glastonbury, iv. 561. William, merchant, Edinburgh, v. 211. W. F., captain 6th Dragoons, viii. 130. his wife, Margaret Martha Dalrymple, viii. 130. *, 2nd wife of Sir John Ogilvy of Craigs, i. 120. Browne of the Neale, George, i. 51. John, i. 51. his wife, Anne Hamilton, i. 51. Anne, wife of Henry Fairfax of Hurst, ii. 275 ; ix. 49. Emilia Ann, wife of C. H. Lindsay, C.B., iii. 45. Henry Montague, dean of Lismore, iii. 45. John Edward Dean, ii. 502. his wife, Aline Kennedy, ii. 502. John Francis Archibald, ii. 502. Sir Richard, ambassador to Paris, v. 24. Sir Thomas, author of Religio Medici, ii. 276. Brownlow of Lurgan, William, i. 62. his wife, Elizabeth Hamilton, i. 62. William "Vesey, major-general, viii. 162. his 1st wife, Anne Henrietta Dalrymple, viii. 162. BROXMOUTH, KER, VISCOUNT OF, vii. 350- 360. Broxmouth, John, first viscount of, vii. 350. BRUCE, BRUCE, BARON, ii. 435. Bruce, Robert, baron, ii. 435. BRUCE OP AMPTHILL, BRUCE, VISCOUNT, iii. 478-483. Bruce of Ampthill, Robert, first viscount, iii. 478. BRUCE OF KINLOSS, BRUCE, BARON, iii. 476- 483. Brxice of Kinloss, Edward, first baron, iii. 476, 483 ; ix. 82 bis. his wife, Magdalen Clerk, iii. 476. Edward, second baron, iii. 476, 477. Thomas, third baron, iii. 477. his 1st wife, Anne Chichester, iii. 478. his 2nd wife, Diana Cecil, iii. 478. BRUCE OF SKELTON, BRUCE, BARON, iii. 478-483. Bruce of Skelton, Robert, first lord, iii. 478. * Name unknown. BRUCE OF TORRY, BRUCE, BARON, iii. 486- 497. Bruce of Torry, Edward, first baron, iii. 486. Charles, eldest son of 2nd earl of Kin- cardine ; styled lord, iii. 487. Edward James, eldest son of 9th earl of Elgin ; styled lord, iii. 496; ix. 83. George Charles Constantino, eldest son of 7th earl of Elgin ; styled lord, iii. 493. BRUCE OF TOTTENHAM, BRUCE, BARON, iii. 481-483. Bruce of Tottenham, Charles, first baron, iii. 481. Thomas, second baron, iii. 481, 483. BRUCE OF WHORLTON, BRUCE, BARON, iii. 477-483. Bruce of Whorlton, Charles, fourth baron, iii. 481. Robert, second baron, iii. 478. Thomas, first baron, iii. 477. — Thomas, third baron, iii. 479. BRUCE, EARL OF AILESBURY, iii. 466-483. BRUCE, LORD BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH, i. 554. BRUCE, BARON BRUCE, ii. 435. BRUCE, VISCOUNT BRUCE OF AMPTHILL, iii. 478-483. BRUCE, BARON BRUCE OF KINLOSS, iii. 476- 483. BRUCE, BARON BRUCE OF SKELTON, iii. 478- 483. BRUCE, BARON BRUCE OF TORRY, iii. 486- 497. BRUCE, BARON BRUCE OF TOTTENHAM, iii. 481483. BRUCE, BARON BRUCE OF WHORLTON, iii. 477-483. BRUCE, EARL OF CARRICK, ii. 428-437. BRUCE, BARON ELGIN OF ELGIN, iii. 495-497. BRUCE, EARL OF ELGIN, iii. 466-497. BRUCE, LORD OF GALLOWAY, iv. 144. BRUCE, EARL OF KINCARDINE, iii. 484-497. BRUCE, BARON KINLOSS, iii. 475. Bruce of Airth, Alexander, 2nd son of Sir Robert de Brus of Clackmannan ; ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. Sir Alexander, v. 437. his wife, Janet Livingston, v. 437. Sir Alexander, captain, i. 135 ; iii. 542 ; vii. 89. Sir James, iii. 433. his wife, Helen Montgomerie, iii. 433. Jean or Jessie, wife of Richard Elphinstone of Elphinstone, iii. 534, 540. Sir John, v. 187 n. Sir John, iii. 540 ; vii. 89. — his wife, Margaret Elphinstone, iii. 540. Sir Robert, v. 429. his wife, Janet Livingston, v. 429. Sir Robert v. 187. INDEX 239 Bruce of Airth, Robert, iii. 473. his wife, Marion Bruce, iii. 473. William, viii. 545. his wife, Jean Fleming, viii. 545. of Alva, Alexander, 2nd son of Sir George B. of Carnock, iii. 485, 488. of Annandale. See Brus of Annandale. of Auchenbowie, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. Alexander, iv. 194. his wife, Isobell Boyle, iv. 194. John, iv. 194. Robert, viii. 384. his wife, Margaret Sandilands, viii. 384. of Balcaskie, Robert, ancestor of the family of, iii. 474. Sir William, vi. 379. of Balchristie, James Carstairs, vii. 208. his wife, Elizabeth Cecilia Rollo, vii. 208. of Bangour, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. of Bathertshiels, Thomas, v. 403. of Benburb, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. of Bergady, Edward, iii. 473. of Birgham, Sir Alexander, vi. 278. of Blairhall, Edward, 2nd son of Sir David B. of Clackmannan ; 1st laird, iii. 472, 473, 484, 491. his wife, Alison Reid, iii. 474. John, 5th laird, ii. 297 ; v. 385. his wife, Jean Leslie, v. 385. Mary, wife of Dougal Stewart, ii. 297. Robert, 2nd laird, ii. 550: iii. 474, 491 ; iv. 362 ; vii. 547 ; ix. 29. his wife, Margaret or Jean Hamil- ton, iv. 362 ; vii. 547. his wife, Jean Colville, ii. 550. Robert, 3rd laird, iii. 489. his wife, Katharine Preston, iii. 489. Thomas, 4th laird, i. 142. of Broomhall, Sir Alexander, M.P., iii. 488. his wife, Christian Bruce, iii. 489. Sir Robert, 3rd son of Sir George B. of Carnock, iii. 485, 488; v. 622. his wife, Helen Skene, iii. 488 ; v. 622. — of Bunzeon, Frederick, vii. 388. his wife, Anne Ruthven, vii. 205, 388. of Canglour, Ninian, v. 188 n. of Carnock, Sir George, 3rd son of Edward B. of Blairhall, ii.557 ; iii. 474, 484, 487, 491. his wife, Euphame Primrose, iii. 485; vii. 216; ix. 82. Bruce of Carnock, Sir George, 2nd laird, iii. 485, 486 ; ix. 82, 83. his wife, Mary Preston, iii. 486. of Carrick, Christian, illeg. dau. of King Robert I., i. 8. Nigel, illeg. son of King Robert i., i. 8. — of Clackmannan, Sir David, 4th laird, iii. 469. his wife, Jean Stewart, iii. 469. Sir David, 6th laird, iii. 470. his 1st wife, Janet Stirling, iii. 470. his 2nd wife, Mariota Herries, iii. 471. Sir David, 7th laird, iii. 471, 538 ; viii. 166. his wife, Jean Blacader, iii. 472. David, 12th laird, iii. 76. his wife, Margaret Mackenzie, iii. 76. Sir Henry, llth laird, iii. 100. his 2nd wife, Anne Ramsay, iii. 100, 315. Henry, 15th laird, iii. 472. John, 5th laird, iii. 469, 470. his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, iii. 470. Sir Robert de, 2nd laird, iii. 467. his wife, Isabel Stewart, iii. 468. Sir Robert de, 3rd laird, iii. 468, 470. his wife, * Scrymgeour, iii. 469. Sir Robert, 8th laird, i. 465 ; iii. 472. his 1st wife, Janet Levingstone, iii. 472. his 2nd wife, Margaret Murray, i. 465. Sir Robert, 10th laird, i. 303. Thomas de, 1st laird, iii. 466, 467. his wife, Marjorie Charteris, iii. 467. of Classingallis, Alexander, vii. 41. of Cothill and Collestoune, Edward, ix. 82. William, iii. 474, 477, 491. his wife, Margaret Cruickshank, ix. 82. of Cowden, Margaret, wife of 6th earl of Airlie, i. 130 ; ix. 9. William, i. 130. of Crowany, Robert, eldest son of 1st lord Bruce of Kinloss, iii. 476. of Culross, Edward, iii. 475. his wife, Magdalen Clerk, iii. 475. Sir George, 3rd son of Edward B. of Blairhall, iii. 484. his wife, Euphame Primrose, iii. 485 ; vii. 216 ; ix. 82. of Cultmalundie, Alexander, vi. 549, ix. 169. his wife, Jean Oliphant, vi. 549. John, iii. 531. his wife, Euphemia Stewart, iii. 531. * Name unknown. 240 INDEX Bruce of Cultmalundie, Laurence, iv. 283. his wife, Elizabeth Gray, iv. 283. Laurence, the younger, v. 504. Robert, ancestor of the family of, iii. 470. of Dirleton and iBelhaven, Mary, wife of R. A. Dundas, iii. 493. of Downhill, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. Sir Henry, viii. 138. of Earlshall, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. Sir Alexander, 1st laird, vi. 278. Alexander, vii. 281, 288. his 1st wife, Euphemia Leslie, vii. 281. his 2nd wife, Janet Elphinstone, vii. 288. Andrew, iv. 286. his wife, Helen Gray, iv. 286. Peter, iii. 309. his wife, Agnes Scrymgeour, iii. 309. Sir William, iii. 309. of Escariot, Sir Alexander, vi. 278. of Fingask, James, iii. 471. Patrick, iii. 574 ; iv. 262. his wife, Agnes Hay, iii. 574 ; ix. 87. of Garlet, Alexander, minister of Kirkurd, i. 549. his wife, Margaret Cleland, i. 549. Alexander, surgeon, i. 549. his 1st wife, Grizel Laffrie, i. 549. his 2nd wife, Ann Stewart, i. 549. Robert, i. 548. his wife, Agnes Murray, i. 548. William, i. 549. of Garioch, Christian, wife of (1) Gart- net, 7th earl of Mar, (2) Sir C. Seton, and (3) Sir Andrew Moray, i. 432 ; ii. 128, 434 ; v. 579, 583 ; viii. 563. of Graysfortrie, John, ix. 135. of Green, David, 3rd son of Sir David B. of Clackmannan, i. 547 ; iii. 472, 473. of Ham, Sir David, ancestor of the family of, iii. 471. Walter, ii. 348. his wife, Janet Sinclair, ii. 348. of Hill, Patrick, 2nd son of Sir David B. of Clackmannan, iii. 470. of Jervaux, Edward, iii. 475. of Kendrick, Alexander, vii. 41. of Kennet, Alexander, general, 7th laird, i. 547, 552. his wife, Mary Balfour, i. 547, 552. Alexander, 9th laird, i. 553 ; ix. 33. his wife, Hugh Blackburn, i. 553 ; ix. 33 bis. David, 4th laird, i. 550; ix. 33. his wife, Marjory Young, i. 550. David, 5th laird, i. 551 ; ix. 33. James, 6th laird, i. 551. his wife, Mary Swinton, i. 551. Bruce of Kennet, Robert de, son of Thomas deBruys.iii. 468. his wife, Isabel Stewart, iii. 468. Robert, 3rd laird, i. 548. his wife, Elizabeth Gaw, i. 548. Robert, lord Kennet, 8th laird, i. 548. his wife, Helen Abercromby, i. 553. Robert, the claimant, 10th laird, i. 554. his 1st wife, Anne Murray, i. 554. his 2nd wife, Jane Dalrymple Hamilton Fergusson, i. 554. of Kennet Easter, Edward, iii. 473. Sir Robert, i. 548. of Kennet Wester, John, eldest son of David B. of Wester Kennet, iii. 472. Margaret, wife of Archibald B., i. 547. Peter, son of Thomas de B., i. 547 ; iii. 470. Robert, son of David B., i, 547 ; iii. 472. Robert, i. 548. his wife, Elizabeth Gaw, i. 548. Thomas, illeg. son of Sir Robert de Brus of Clackmannan, iii. 468, 469 bis, 470. of Kincavel, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. of Kinloss, Edward, 2nd son of Edward B. of Blairhall, iii. 474. his wife, Magdalen Clerk, iiL 476. of Kinnaird, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. David, ii. 50. Elma, wife of Thomas John, 4th lord Thurlow, iii. 495. Mary Elizabeth, wife of major C. L. Gumming of Dunphail, iii. 495. Ninian, v. 188. his wife, Margaret Livingston, v. 188. Robert, iii. 539. of Kinross, Sir John, vii. 302. his wife, Christian Leslie, vii. 301. Robert, ancestor of the family of, iii. 474. Sir William, vi. 261, 379. of Lethbertshiells, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. of Leuchars, Sir Alexander, 1st laird, vi. 278. of Livilands, Ninian, v. 188 n. of Longforgan, Agnes, wife of Sir Robt. de Ramsay, viii. 264. of Lynmylne, Robert, 4th son of Sir David B. of Clackmannan, iii. 472. of Muness, Robert, ancestor of the family of, iii. 470. of Newtoun, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. INDEX 241 Bruce of Pickering, Pagan, ancestor of the family of, ii. 429. of Pitkanye, Robert, eldest son of 1st lord Bruce of Kinloss, iii. 476. of Powfoulis, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. Andrew, vi. 412 bis. his wife, Janet Napier, vi. 412. Archibald, vi. 413. his wife, Marion Napier, vi. 413. Sir James, vii. 195. his wife, Marion Eollo, vii. 195. James, iii. 340 n. James, 7th laird, i. 552. of Rait, Sir David, 3rd laird, iii. 468, 469. his wife, Jean Stewart, iii. 469. Sir David, 5th laird, iii. 470 bis. his wife, Janet Keir, iii. 470. David, 7th laird, iii. 471, 472. James, 8th laird, iii. 471. John, 4th laird, iii. 470. his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, iii. 470. Sir Robert, 1st laird, iii. 468. his wife, Isabel Stewart, iii. 468. Sir Robert, 2nd laird, iii. 468- his wife, * Scrymgeour, iii. 469. Robert, 6th laird, iii. 470. his wife, Elizabeth Lindsay, iii. 471. of Sands, Sir George, iii. 484. of Stanstill, Sir David, ancestor of the family of, iii. 471. William, ii. 348. William, ii. 348. his wife, Elspeth Sinclair, ii. 348. of Stenhouse, Alexander, 2nd son of Sir Robert de Brus of Clackmannan, iii. 469. Sir John, v. 187 n. of Symbister, William, ii. 170. his wife, Margaret Stewart, ii. 169. of Valleyfield, Patrick, 5th son of Sir David B. of Clackmannan, iii. 473. of Waltoun, Alexander, ancestor of the family of, iii. 469. Peter de, iii. 595. of Whorlton, Edward, iii. 475. in Sweden, Robert, ancestor of the family of, iii. 472. Adam, ancestor of the Comtes de Bruce, iii. 469. Agnes, wife of Jasper Smyth, i. 548. Agnes, wife of Mr. John Elphinstone, iii. 473, 532. — Agnes, alleged wife of 4th lord Sinclair, vii. 573 ; ix. 157. Agnes, wife of John Murray of Drum- phin, ix. 29. — Alexander, son of Edward, earl of Car- rick, i. 428. — - Alexander, dean of Glasgow, brother of King Robert I., ii. 433. * Name unknown. VOL. IX. ! Bruce, Alexander, alleged 3rd husband of Isobel Bruce, ii. 434. | Alexander, 3rd son of Sir David B. of Clackmannan, iii. 471. Alexander, 2nd son of Robert B. of Rait, iii. 471. Alexander, 3rd son of 9th earl of Elgin, iii. 496 ; ix. 83. Alexander, inf. son of 2nd earl of Kin- cardine, ix. 83. Alison, wife of Geo. Dundas, i. 552. Alison, wife of Sir Jas. Colville of Ochiltree, ii. 547 ; iii. 473. Andrew, cadet of Earlshall, ii. 46. Annabella, wife of John Forbes, i. 552. Anne, dau. of Robt. B., Edinburgh, i. 550. Anne, wife of 3rd lord Belhaven, ii. 46 ; ix. 37 bis. Anne, wife of Sir Wm. Rich, iii. 479. Anne, wife of Sir James Arnot, iii. 485. Anne, wife of Sir David Murray of Stanhope, iii. 487. Anne Charlotte, wife of Sir Nicholas Bagenal, iii. 479. Arabella, dau. of 2nd earl of Elgin, iii. 479. Archibald, son of David B. of Green, i. 547. his 1st wife, Margaret Bruce of Wester Kennet, i. 547. his 2nd wife, Grizel Forrester, i. 548. Archibald, 2nd son of above Archibald, i. 548. Augusta Frederica Elizabeth, wife of dean Stanley, iii. 494. Augusta Mary, dau. of Thomas Charles B., iii. 494. Bessie, wife of David Bar, iii. 474. Brudenell, lieut. 3rd regiment of Guards, iii. 492. Burnett, son of lord Kennet, i. 553. Charles, lieut. in brigadier Maitland's regt., i. 551. Charles, 3rd son of 8th earl of Elgin, iii. 495. Charles, 2nd son of Frederick John B., iii. 496. Charles Andrew, judge in India, Governor of Prince of Wales Island, iii. 491. his 1st wife, Anne Maria Blunt, iii. 492. his 2nd wife,Charlotte Sophia Dash- wood, iii. 492. Charles Dashwood, afterwards Pres- ton, iii. 492. his wife, Harriet Elizabeth Rivers, iii. 492. Charles Martha, wife of admiral Sir P. C. Durham, iii. 492. 242 INDEX Bruce, Charles Thomas, iii. 494. Charlotte Christian, wife of F. Locker iii. 494. Charlotte Matilda, wife of admiral Sii P. C. Durham, iii. 492. Christian, wife of (1) Gratney, earl o; Mar, (2) Sir Christopher Seton, and (3) Sir A. Moray of Bothwell, i. 432 ; ii. 128, 434 v. 579, 583 ; viii. 563. Christian, dau. of Robt. B., Edinburgh i. 550. Christian, wife of (1) Robert, master of Colville, and (2) Sir Laurence Mercer of Aldie, ii. 557, 558 ; iii. 485 ; ix. 59, 82.. Christian, alleged wife of Patrick, 7th earl of D unbar, iii. 259. Christian, wife of Sir James Shaw of Sauchie, iii. 471. Christian, wife of (1) John Rolle, and (2) Sir Richard Gayer, iii. 479. Christian, wife of Alexander, 4th earl of Kincardine, iii. 489. Christian, dau. of 4th earl of Kincar- dine, iii. 489. Christian, dau. of 7th earl of Kincar- dine, iii. 490. Christian, wife of Jas. Erskine of Car- dross, iii. 491. Christian, wife of James Carnegie of Balmachie, viii. 54. Christian Augusta, wife of H. K. Ogilvy, iii. 496. Christiana, wife of William, 2nd earl of Devonshire, iii. 477. Constance Veronica, iii. 496. Cornelius, two inf. sons of 2nd earl of Kincardine, ix. 83. David, son of Peter B., i. 547. David, son of Alex. B. of Garlet, i. 549. David, 4th son of 9th earl of Elgin, iii. 496. Diana, wife of (1) Sir Seymour Shirley, and (2) John, lord de Ros, iii. 479; ix. 82. Dorothea, wife of Jas. Sinclair, ii. 354. Edward de, brother of King Robert i., i. 428 ; ii. 433, 435 ; iii. 467 ; v. 35. his alleged wife, Isabel of Atholl, i. 427; ii. 436. Edward, eldest son of 2nd earl of Elgin, iii. 478. Edward, 6th son of 7th earl of Elgin, iii. 494. Edward Jackson, captain R.A., viii. 138. his wife, Ellen Arbuthnott Dal- rymple, viii. 138. Elizabeth, wife of Sir W. Oliphant of Aberdalgie, i. 8 ; vi. 537. Elizabeth, wife of col. Wm. Bruce, i. 550. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Alex. Dundas, and (2) Robert Colless.'iii. 473. Bruce, Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Bathurst, iii. 480. Elizabeth, wife of George, earl of Cardigan, iii. 480, 481. Elizabeth, wife of Jas. Boswell of Auchinleck, iii. 487. Elizabeth, wife of Simon Mackenzie of Lochslinn, vii. 505. Elizabeth Marjorie, wife of col. A. G. A. Durand, iii. 494. Elizabeth Mary, wife of H. Babington Smith, iii. 496. Frances Anne, wife of Evan P. M. Baillie, iii. 494. Francis, son of Patrick B. of Fingask, iv. 262. his wife, Cecilia Ruthven, iv. 262. Frederick John, 4th son of 8th earl of Elgin, iii. 495. his wife, Katharine Bruce Fernie, iii. 495. Sir Frederick William Adolphus, envoy to China, and U.S.A., G.C.B., iii. 494. George, major, son of Sir Robt. B. of Clackmannan, i. 303. George, son of Robt. B. of Kennet, i. 550. George, son of David B. of Kennet, i. 551. George, rector of Wath, iii. 488; ix. 83. his wife Agnes Allan, iii. 488. George Abercrombie, i. 553. George John Gordon, i. 555. Grisel, wife of Sir Robt. Arnot of Fernie, ix. 82. Harrie, son of Robt. B. of Kennet, i. 550. Harriet Mary, i. 554. Harry, colonel, iv. 127. — Helen, wife of John Arbuthnott of Fiddes, i. 303. Helen, wife of John Brisbane, i. 550. Helen, wife of lord Handyside, i. 554. Helen, wife of Alex. Cochrane of Bar- bachlaw, iii. 340 n. Helen, wife of Sir Geo. Weir of Black- wood, iii. 488 ; ix. 83. Helen, dau. of 4th earl of Kincardine, iii. 489. Helen, wife of (1) George, 7th earl of Erroll, and (2) Patrick Cheyne, iii. 569. Helen, wife of Robert Keith, vi. 135. Helen, wife of (1) Robt. Moray, and (2) Malcolm Fleming, ix. 169. Henrietta, wife of Thos. Ogle, iii. 479. Henrietta Anne, wife of Claud Hamil- ton, i. 554. Henry, Comrie, i. 550. his wife, Mary Bruce, i. 550. Henry, son of David B. of Kennet, i. 551. INDEX 243 Bruce, Henry, captain R.N., viii. 138. his wife, Mary Minchin Dalrymple, viii. 138. Hugh, advocate, i. 553. Isabel, wife of Eric Magnusson, King of Norway, i. 6 ; ii. 432, 433 ; vi. 290. Isobel, dau. of Robert B., Edinburgh, i. 550. Isobella de, wife of John Fitzmarma- duke, ii. 432 n. Isabella, wife of James Elphinstone, iii. 528. James, judge at Barbados, i. 549. James, son of Robert. B., Edinburgh, i. 550. James, master of the mint, i. 552. his wife, Mary Cross, i. 552. James, son of Mr. John B., i. 552. James, 3rd son of Alex. B. of Kennet, i. 552. James, son of lord Kennet, i. 553. James, bishop of Dunkeld, and of Glasgow, chancellor of Scotland, iii. 59, 468. James, in holy orders, 2nd son of 8th earl of Kincardine, iii. 490. James, M.P., 5th son of 5th earl of Elgin, iii. 492. James, 3rd son of F. J. B., iii. 496. James, v. 403. his wife, Margaret Lindsay, v. 403. James, vii. 197. his wife, Marion Rollo, vii. 197. Jane, wife of John Edgar, i. 552. Jane Hamilton, dau. of 10th lord Balf our of Burleigh, i. 555. Janet, wife of Thomas Dalziel of Binns, ii. 405; iii. 477; ix. 53. Janet, wife of Sir Thos. Burnett of Crimond, iii. 488, 490 ; ix. 83. Janet, dau. of Alexander, 4th earl of Kincardine, iii. 489. Janet, wife of (1) major-gen. W. Baillie of Lethame, and (2) Sir R. Nasmyth of Posso, iv. 93. Janet, wife of William Livingston of Kilsyth, v. 187, 188. Janet Elizabeth, dau. of F. J. B., iii. 496. Jean, wife of Mr. John B., Airth, i. 552. Jean, her daughter, i. 552. Jean, wife of Sir Thos. Burnett, iii. 488, 490. Jean, wife of John Napier of Kilmahew, iii. 490. Jean, wife of major David Colyear, alias Robertson, vii. 89. — John, inf. son of King Robert I., i. 8. John, minister of Airth, i. 552. his wife, Jean Bruce, i. 552. John, his 2nd son, i. 552. — John, eldest son of Sir David B. of Clackmannan, iii. 472. Bruce, John Bernard, 5th son of 9th earl of Elgin, iii. 496. Katharine, wife of 2nd earl of Airth and Menteith, i. 142 ; ix. 9. Katharine, wife of William, 1st earl of Dysart, iii. 402, 404. Katharine, dau. of F. J. B., iii. 496. Laurence Dundas, son of lord Kennet, i.553. Laurence Dundas, R.N., i. 553 ; ix. 33. Lewis, eldest son of F. J. B., iii. 496. Louisa, wife of Sir W. R. P. Geary, iii. 492. Louisa Elizabeth, dau. of 8th earl of Elgin, iii. 496. Louisa Keith, wife of T. H. W. Pelham, i. 554. Lucy, wife of John Grant of Kilgraston, iii. 493. Lucy, dau. of 2nd earl of Kincardine, ix. 83. Magdalen, wife of Sir John Erskine of Balgonie, iii. 485. Magdalen, wife of Sir Jas. Nicolson of Cockburnspath, iii. 486 ; ix. 82, 83. Margaret, wife of William, 5th earl of Sutherland, i. 8 ; viii. 326, 327. Margaret, wife of Robert Glen, i. 8. Margaret, wife of Walter Watson, i. 553 ; ix. 33. Margaret, dau. of Alex. B. of Kennet, i. 554. Margaret, dau. of Robt. B. of W. Kennet, i.548. Margaret, dau. of Alex. B. of Garlet, i. 549. Margaret, dau. of Robt. B., Edinburgh, i. 550. Margaret, dau. of Robt. B. of Kennet, i. 550. Margaret, wife of * Nelson of Kilcathie, i.551. Margaret, wife of Sir L. Dundas, i. 552 ; ix. 33. Margaret, wife of Sir William de Car- lyle, ii. 379, 435. Margaret, dau. of Sir David B. of Clack- mannan, iii. 471. Margaret, dau. of Edward B. of Blair- hall, iii. 474. Margaret, wife of Francis Nicolls, iii. 485. Margaret, wife of Sir John Lumsden, iii. 486. Margaret, wife of rev. Cuthbert Creighton, iii. 496. Margaret, dau. of Robt. B. of Broom- hall, ix. 83. Marie Theresa Charlotte, wife of Maxi- milian, prince de Homes, iii. 481. Marion, dau. of Alex. B. of Garlet, i. 549. * Name unknown. 244 INDEX Bruce, Marion, error for Christian, wife of Robert, master of Colville, ii. 557 n. Marion, wife of (1) John Menteith, (2) Robert Bruce, and (3) Magnus Sinclair, iii. 473 ; vii. 573. Marion, dau. of F. J. B., iii. 496. Marjorie, wife of Walter, 6th High Steward of Scotland, i. 8, 9, 14 ; v. 578 ; vii. 234, 526 7i., 527. Marjory, dau. of Robt. B. of W. Kennet, i. 548. Marjorie, dau. of 9th earl of Elgin, iii. 496. Mary, wife of (1) Sir Neil Campbell of Lochow, and (2) Sir Alex. Fraser of Cowie and Touch Fraser, i. 323 ; ii. 434 ; vii. 428. Mary, wife of 3rd duke of Richmond and Lennox, i. 385 ; iii. 482 ; v. 365. Mary, wife of Wm. Lumsden, i. 550. Mary, wife of Henry B., i. 550. Mary, wife of William Young, i. 551. Mary, dau. of James B. of Kennet, i. 552. Mary, dau. of lord Kennet, i. 553. Mary, wife of major Hope of Pinkie, i. 555. Mary, wife of 2nd lord Cardross, ii. 366 ; iii. 486 ; ix. 52 bis. Mary, wife of William Cochrane of Ochiltree, iii. 348, 487 bis., 488. Mary, wife of Sir William Walter, iii. 479. Mary, wife of Henry, marquess of Car- narvon, iii. 482 ; v. 199. Mary, dau. of 4th earl of Kincardine, iii. 489. Mary, wife of Michael Elphinstone of Quarrell, iii. 539. Matilda, otherwise Margaret, dau. of King Robert L, i. 8 ; viii. 326 n. Matilda, wife of Thomas Isaac, i. 8. Matilda, wife of Hugh, earl of Ross, ii. 435 ; vii. 236. Matilda Harriet, wife of Sir John Max- well of Pollok, iii. 493. Maud, wife of Hugh, 4th earl of Ross, ii. 435 ; vii. 236. Nicola, wife of (1) Sir John Morrison, and (2) John Dick of Braid, iii. 485. Nicholas, son of Robt. B. of Kennet, i. 550. Sir Nigel or Neil, brother of Robert i., ii. 433. Norman, son of Archd. B., i. 548. Norman, colonel, son of Sir Robt. B. of Clackmannan, iii. 402. Peter, son of Thomas B., i. 547. Peter, D.D., principal of St. Leonard's College, vii. 505. Rachel, wife of John Cleland, i. 549. Rachel, wife of John Milner, iii. 482. Rachel, dau. of Robt. B. of^'Broomhall, iii. 488; ix. 83. Bruce, Rachel, wife of Jas. Drummond of Lundin, 13th lord Drummond, iii. 490 ; vii. 57. - Rachel, dau. of 8th earl of Kincardine, iii. 491. - Rachel Catherine, dau. of 9th earl of Elgin, iii. 496. - Ralph, lieu t. -col., son of lord Kennet, i. 553. - Richard Frederick David, ix. 83. - Sir Robert, illeg. son of King Robert I., alleged to have been created earl of Mar» i. 8 ; iii. 466. - Robert, merchant, Edinburgh, i. 550. -- his wife, Isobel Paterson, i. 550. - Robert, their eldest son, i. 550. - Robert, officer in the army, i. 551. - Robert, 2nd son of lord Kennet, i. 553. - Robert, master of Burleigh, i. 555. - Mr. Robert, minister of Edinburgh, ii. 82; v.456. - Robert, maior-gen., governor to Albert Edward, prince of Wales, iii. 493. -- his wife, Katharine Mary Shaw- Stewart, iii. 493. - Robert, 2nd son of John B. of Clack- mannan, iii. 470. - Robert, M.P., son of 4th earl of Elgin, iii. 482. -- his wife, Frances Blackett, iii. 482. - Robert, 2nd son of 9th earl of Elgin, iii. 496. - Robert, vi. 412. -- his wife, Janet Napier, vi. 412. - Robert Arthur, iii. 494. - Robert Dalrymple Barwick, capt.R.N.r i.550. - Sarah, dau. of 7th earl of Kincardine, iii. 490. - Thomas, son of Sir Robt. B., 3rd of Clackmannan, i. 547. - Thomas, 5th son of lord Kennet, i. 553. -- his wife, Margaret Ramsay, i. 553. - Sir Thomas de, brother of King Robert I., ii. 433. -- his alleged wife, Helen Erskine, v. 591. - Thomas, in holy orders, 2nd son of 7th earl of Kincardine, iii. 490. - Thomas, lieut. -general, A.D.C., M.P., 3rd son of 8th earl of {Kincardine, iii. 490. - Thomas, cordiner, Edinburgh, v. 462. - Thomas Charles, M.P., 7th son of 7th earl of Elgin, iii. 494. -- his wife, Sarah Caroline Thornhill, iii. 494. - Veronica, wife of (1) Gustavus Hamil- ton, and (2) Duncan Campbell of Kames, - Victor Alexander, 6th son of 9th earl of Elgin, iii. 496. INDEX 245 Bruce, Victoria Alexandrina Katharine, dau. of 10th lord Balfour of Burleigh, i. 555. William, 3rd son of Robt. B., i. 550. 8th son of Robt. B. of Kennet, i. 550. William, lieut.-col., i. 550. his wife, Elizabeth Bruce, i. 550. William, son of Alex. B. of Kennet, i. 553. his wife, Louisa Hill, i. 553. William Downing, i. 547 n., 550. • William Henry, R.N., i. 552. see also Brus. Bruce-Hope of Kinross, Sir John, iv. 490. Bruce-Ogilvy, Donald, i. 131. James, lieut. R.A., i. 131. - — John, i. 131. William Henry, lieut. 26th Foot, i. 130. his wife, Sarah Boyder, i. 130. Brudenell, Francis (Brudenell), styled lord, i. 32 ; v. 363 ; vL 453. Robert (Brudenell), 2nd baron, iii. 297, 299. his 1st wife, Mary Constable, iii. 297. • his 2nd wife, Anne Rivers, iii. 299. Thomas (Brudenell), 1st baron, iii. 298. his wife, Mary Tresham, iii. 298. of Raans, Edmund, vi. 462. Anne, wife of (1) Henry, 2nd lord Bela- syse, and (2) Charles, 1st duke of Lennox, i. 32 ; v. 363. Dorothy, wife of (1) Charles Fane, 3rd earl of Westmoreland, and (2) Robert, 3rd viscount D unbar, iii. 299. Elizabeth, wife of (1) John Cheyne of Chesham Bois, and (2) John Tyringham, vi. 462. Frances, wife of (1) Charles, 2nd lord Newburgh, and (2) Richard, 3rd lord Bellew of Duleek, vi. 453. Katharine, wife of 2nd earl of Middle- ton, vi. 187. Mary, wife of 4th earl of Kinnoull, iii. 297 ; v. 228. Mary, wife of (1) 2nd viscount Dunbar, and (2) John Dal ton of Swine, iii. 298; ix. 72. Thomas Bruce, 4th son of George, 3rd earl of Cardigan, iii. 481, 483. Bruhl von Martinskirk, Hans Maurice, count, vii. 84. his wife, Alice Maria (Wyndham), countess of Egremont, vii. 84. — Harriet, wife of Hugh Hepburne-Scott of Harden, vii. 84. Brumaigne, Anne Catherine de, wife of gen. Walter Philip Colyear, vii. 91. Brumath, Maria Anastasia von, wife of George Benedict Ogilvy von Muirton, i. 121. Brunswick - Luneburg, Ernest Augustus, duke of, i. 28. his wife, Sophia of "Great Britain, i. 28. George, duke of, i. 28. Bruntfleld, Adam, iv. 580. Stephen, iv. 580. Brus, comte de, iii. 468 n., 469. of Annandale, Robert, ii. 428. his wife, Agnes de Paganell, ii. 429. Robert 'le meschin,' ii. 372, 429. his wife, Euphemia, ii. 430. Robert, ' the noble,' i. 231 ; ii. 376, 430. his wife, Isabel of Huntingdon, i. 4 ; ii. 430. Robert, the Competitor, ii. 430 ; iii. 438 ; vii. 267. his 1st wife, Isabel de Clare, ii. 431 ; ix. oo. his 2nd wife, Christiana de Ireby, ii. 373, 432. Robert, earl of Carrick, ii. 426, 432. — his 1st wife, Marjorie of Carrick, ii. 426, 432. his 2nd wife, Alianora *, ii. 433. Robert, King of Scotland, i. 6, 7, 509 ; ii. 433; iii. 139, 145 ; vii. 234 ; viii. 248. William de, i. 230, 231 ; ii. 374, 381, 430 ; iii. 253. his wife, Christina, ii. 430 ; iii. 253. of Connington and Exton, Sir Bernard de, ii. 431. his 1st wife, Alicia de Clare, ii. 431. his 2nd wife,Constance de Morleyn, ii. 431. of Garioch, Christiana de, wife of (1) Gartney, earl of Mar, (2) Sir Christopher de Seton, and (3) Sir Andrew Moray, i. 432 ; ii. 128, 434 ; v. 579, 583 ; viii. 563. of Skelton and Cleveland, Adelm or Adam de, ii. 428. his alleged wife, Emma de Ramsay, ii. 428. Adam, his grandson, ii. 429. Robert de, ii. 428. his wife, Agnes de Paganell, ii. 429. Agatha de, wife of Ralph de Middle- ham, ii. 429. Agnes de, wife of William de Lancaster, iii. 4. Aloysia de, wife of Sir N. Graham, ii. 432 n. Beatrice de, wife of Hugo de Neville, ii. 430. Edward de, brother of Robert i., i. 428 ; ii. 433, 435 ; iii. 467 ; v. 35. James de, bishop of Dunkeld, chan- cellor of Scotland, iii. 468. John de, 3rd son of Wm. de Brus, ii. 430. * Name unknown. 246 INDEX Brus, John, alleged son of the Competitor, ii.432n. John de, 4th son of Robert de B., 5th lord of Annandale, iii. 466. Pagan de, ii. 429. Peter de, iii. 4. his wife, Helewise de Lancaster, iii. 4. Richard de, ii. 432. Robert de, Normandy, ii. 428. his wife, Emma of Brittany, ii. 428. Robert de, eldest son of Robert de B., ' le meschin,' ii. 430. his wife, Isabel, i. 5 ; ii. 430. William de, prior of Gisburne, ii. 428. William de, son of Wm. de B., ii. 430. William de, son of Robert the Com- petitor, ii. 431. his wife, Elizabeth de SuUy, ii. 431. Bryant, Emily, wife of A. L. Tollemache, iii. 416. Sir Jeremiah, major-gen., C.B., iii. 416. Bryante, Pierre de Clovis, seigneur de, viii. 584. his wife, Marie Pieris, viii. 584. Bryce, the procurator, vii. 30 n., 34. BRYDGES, BARON KINLOSS, v. 199-201. Brydges, Caroline, wife of John Leigh of Addlestrop, v. 199. Bryson of Pitcullen, Patrick, v. 220. Helen, wife of (1) George, 7th earl of Erroll, and (2) Patrick Cheyne, iii. 569; ix. 86. Walter, iii. 569. Isabel, wife of Patrick Hay of Megg- inch, v. 220. BUCCLEUCH, SCOTT, EARL OF, ii. 234-249. Buccleuch, Anna, wife of James, duke of Monmouth ; countess of, i. 30 ; ii. 237 ; iii. Ill ; v. 379 ; ix. 46 ter. Francis, second earl of, ii. 233, 235 ; vii. 76 ; ix. 46. his wife, Margaret Leslie, ii. 236 vii. 299. James, fifth earl of, ii. 237. his wife, Anna, countess of Buc cleugh, ii. 237. Mary, wife of Walter (Scott), earl of Tarras; countess of, ii; 236; v. 475; vii 80. Walter, first earl of, ii. 171, 233 ; iii 577. his wife, Mary Hay, ii. 234. BUCCLEUGH, SCOTT, DUKE OF, ii. 225-249. Buccleuch, Anna, wife of (1) James, duke of Buccleuch and Monmouth, and (2 Charles, 3rd baron Cornwallis; duchess of, ii. 237, 283 ; iii. Ill ; ix. 46 ter. Charles William Henry, fourth duke of, ii. 244. his wife, Harriet Katharine Town shend, ii. 244. Buccleuch, Francis, second duke of, ii. 240. his 1st wife, Jane Douglas, ii. 241; vii. 143. his 2nd wife, Alice Powell, ii. 241. — Henry, third duke of, ii. 242 ; vii. 143. his wife, Elizabeth Montagu, ii. 243. James, first duke of, i. 30 ; ii. 237. his wife, Anna, duchess of Buc- cleuch, ii. 237. Walter Frances, fifth duke of, ii. 245. his wife, Charlotte Anne Thynne, ii. 245. — William Henry Walter, sixth duke of, ii. 247. his wife, Louisa Jane Hamilton, i. 71 ; ii. 247. BUCCLBUCH, SCOTT, LORD SCOTT OF, ii. 233. Buccleuch, Walter, first lord Scott of, ii. 233. Walter, second lord Scott of, ii. 233. master of, Walter, son of 1st lord Scott of Buccleuch, ii. 233 ; iii. 576. BUCHAN, ANCIENT EARLS OF, ii. 250-252. Buchan, Colban, jure uxoris earl of, ii. 251. Eva, wife of Colban ; countess of, ii. 25L Fergus, earl of, ii. 251. Gartnach, mormaer and earl of, ii. 250 \. v. 567. his wife, Ete, ii. 251 ; iv. 5. Marjory or Margaret, wife of William Comyn ; countess of, i. 505 ; ii. 252, 257 n. Roger, earl of, ii. 251. BUCHAN, COMYN, EARL OF, ii. 252-261. Buchan, Alexander, earl of, i. 419 n., 423, 451 n. ; ii. 218, 254, 257 n. ; iii. 263 ; iv. 42 n. ; viii. 245 n. his wife Elizabeth, Isabella, or Marjory de Quincy, ii. 254 ; iv. 142. Alicia, wife of Henry de Beaumont; countess of ii. 256, 258. Henry de Beaumont, jure uxoris earl of, i. 432 ; ii. 259 ; vi. 295 ; viii. 253, 566. John, earl of, ii. 256 ; iv. 43 n. ; v. 99 ; vi. 531; viii. 250, 520. his wife, Isabella of Fife, ii. 258 ; iv. 11. Margaret, wife of (1) Sir John Ross, and (2) Sir Wm. Lindsay ; countess of, ii. 256, 260; iii. 9; vii. 235. William, jure uxoris earl of, i. 156, 505 ; ii. 252 ; iii. 558. his wife, Marjory or Margaret ol Buchan, ii. 252. William, 4th son of Alexander, earl of Buchan ; self-styled earl of, ii. 256. BUCHAN, STEWART, EARL OF, ii. 262-265. Buchan, Alexander, 4th son of King Robert II.; first earl of, i. 16; ii. 261, 262; vi. 299, vii. 241 ; viii. 329, 481. his wife, Euphemia, countess of Ross, ii. 262 ; vii. 239. INDEX 247 Buchan, John, Constable of France, third earl of, i. 146, 148; ii. 264 ; iii. 167, 168; iv. 47, 48 ; v. 41 ; vi. 38 ; vii. 114, 243 ; viii. 576. his wife, Elizabeth Douglas, ii. 265 ; iii. 167. Mary, dau. of King James I., wife of Wolf art van Borselen; styled countess of, i. 19 ; ii. 265 n. Robert, Regent of Scotland, earl of, ii. 263. BUCHAN, STEWART, EARL OF, ii. 266-270. Buchan, Alexander, second earl of, ii. 267. his 1st wife, Isobel Ogilvy, ii. 267, 268. his 2nd wife, Margaret Ruthven, ii. 268 ; iv. 259. Christina, wife of Robert Douglas; countess of, ii. 10, 269 ; vi. 316 ; ix. 47, 48 bis. James, 2nd son of Black Knight of Lorn ; first earl of, i. 22, 109, 441; ii. 156, 266; iii. 65 ; ix. 47 bis. his wife, Margaret Ogilvie of Banff, i.109; ii.266. John, third earl of, ii. 268 ; iv. 101 ; ix. 47. his wife, Margaret Scrymgeour, ii. 268 ; iii. 308. BUCHAN, DOUGLAS, EARL OF, ii. 269-272. Buchan, James, earl of, ii. 270, 271 ; ix. 48. his wife, Anne Ogilvy, ii. 271 ; iv. 27; ix.48. Mary, wife of James Erskine ; countess of, ii. 271 ; ix. 48 quat. Robert, 2nd son of Sir Robert Douglas of Lochleven ; jure uxoris earl of, ii. 10, 269; vi. 370. his wife, Christina Stewart, coun- tess of Buchan. ii. 269. BUCHAN, ERSKINE, EARL OF, ii. 271-274. Buchan, James, 2nd son of John, earl of Mar ; jure uxoris earl of, i. 137 ; ii. 271, 411 ; v. 621. his 1st wife, Mary Douglas, ii. 271. his 2nd wife, Dorothy Knyvett, ii. 272. James, seventh earl of, ii. 273. his wife, Marjory Ramsay, ii. 273 ; iii. 100. — William, eighth earl of, ii. 274, 368. BUCHAN, ERSKINE, EARL OF, ii. 275-284. Buchan, David, ninth earl of, ii. 275 ; ix. 49. his 1st wife, Frances Fairfax, ii. 275 ; ix. 49. his 2nd wife, Isabella Blacket, ii. 276. David Stuart, eleventh earl of, ii. 278. — his wife, Margaret Fraser, ii. 278. David Stuart, thirteenth earl of, ii. 279. his 1st wife, Agnes Graham Smith, ii. 279. his 2nd wife, Maria James, ii. 280. Buchan, Henry David, tenth earl of, ii. 276. his wife, Agnes Stewart, ii. 276 ; ix. 49. Henry David, twelfth earl of, ii. 278. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Cole Shipley, ii. 278. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Harvey, ii. 279. Shipley Gordon Stuart, fourteenth earl of, ii. 280. his wife, Rosalie Louisa Sartoris, ii. 280. master of, James Erskine, ii. 269 ; ix. 47. master of, John Erskine, ii. 269. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Stewart, vi. 312 ; ix. 47, 138. his 2nd wife, Margaret Ogilvy, ii. 269. George Dunbar, llth earl of March, alleged earl of, ii. 265 w.; iii. 277 n. Buchan of Auchmacoy, James, iii. 590. John, colonel, iv. 121. Thomas, ii. 32. his wife, Nicolas Buchan, ii. 32. Thomas, ii. 354. of Cairnbulg, John, colonel, iv. 121. Thomas, advocate, ii. 32 ; iii. 544. his 1st wife, Mary Elphinstone, iii. 544. his 2nd wife, Grizel Hamilton, ii. 32. Anne, dau. of Thos. B. of Cairnbulg, ii. 32. Euphemia, wife of col. J. S. Sinclair, ii. 354. George, 1661, ii. 19. Margaret, wife of John King of War- bester, iii. 590. Mary, dau. of Thos. B. of Cairnbulg, ii. 32. Nicolas, wife of Thos. B. of Auchmacoy, ii. 32. *, husband of Margaret King, iii. 590. BUCHANAN, GRAHAM, MARQUESS OF GRAHAM AND, vi. 263-274. Buchanan, James, first marquess of, vi. 263. Buchanan of Ardenconnel and .Craigend, James, ii. 357. his wife, Janet Sinclair, ii. 357. of Ardoch, Thomas, iii. 520. of Arnprior, John, vi. 150. his wife, Isobel Schaw, vi. 150. of Auchmar, Walter, 1st laird, v. 338. of Balmore, Patrick, vi. 221. of Blairfad, Walter, vi. 210. of Buchanan, Sir George, i. 47. George, vi. 162 bis, 163. his wife, Mary Graham, vi. 162. George, last laird, vi. 260. John, v. 437. his wife, Elizabeth Livingston, r. 437. * Name unknown. 248 INDEX Buchanan of Buchanan, Sir John, vii. 197 ; ix. 52. his wife, Mary Erskine, ix. 52. Maurice, v. 336 ; vi. 133. his wife, * Menteith, vi. 133 n. Patrick, 14th laird, vi. 221. Patrick, ix. 19. ' his wife, Margaret Campbell, ix. 19. Walter, llth laird, v. 338 ; vi. 35. Sir Walter, 12th laird, iv. 272 ; ix. 109. his 2nd wife, Isobel Stewart, i. 151. Walter, 14th laird, vi. 152. of theBotown, William, major, viii. 180. of Cashlie, Duncan, vi. 153. of Corriearklet, Patrick, vi. 221. of Drumf ad, Walter, vi. 35. of Drumnakil, Archibald, i. 482. — Robert, vi. 410. his wife, Katharine Napier, vi. 410. of Gartavertane, John, vi. 157. of Kirkmichael, Walter, vi. 35, 210. of Sallechy, Maurice, v. 336. of Scotscraig, Sir John, iii. 98 ; v. 622. his wife, Margaret Hartsyde, iii. 98. of Torry, Archibald, collector of cus- toms, v. 408. his wife, Georgina Lindsay of Kirk- forthar, v. 408. Sir Andrew, H.B.M. ambassador, ii. 92. his wife, Georgiana Eliza Stuart, ii. 92. Andrew, surety for John Middleton of that Ilk, vi. 173. Anna, wife of Adam Napier of West Nisbet, vi. 421. — Annabel, wife of Sir John Rollo of Bannockburn, vii. 197. Colin, captain 62nd Foot, viii. 139. his wife, Elizabeth Pilgrim Dal- rymple, viii. 139. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Sir Andrew Gray, and (2) Thos. Oliphant, iv. 272, 275. George, tutor to king James vi., ii. 468 ; v. 81, 297. — - Helen, wife of Alex. Colquhoun of Luss, i. 47. Sir John, tacksman of Orkney and Shetland, v. 222. Katharine, wife of John Graham of Gartur, vi. 153. Katharine, wife of Charles Campbell of Loragen and Lochdochart, ix. 44. Margaret, wife of Sir Arthur Erskine, v. 622. Margaret, wife of 2nd earl of Menteith, vi. 152. William, W.S., iii. 520. his wife, Elizabeth Ann Murray, iii. 520. * Name unknown. Buck, Sarah, wife of baron Erskine, ii. 277 ; ix. 49. Buckingham, George (Villiers), 1st duke of, iii. 122 ; vii. 99. George (Villiers), 2nd duke of, iii. 600. Buckingham and Chandos, Richard (Gren- ville-Brydges-Chandos), 1st duke of, v. 200. his wife, Anna Eliza Brydges, baroness Kinloss, v. 200. Richard, (Grenville-Brydges Chan- dos), 2nd duke of, ii. 211 ; v. 200. his wife, Mary Campbell, ii. 211. Richard Plantagenet Campbell Temple-Nugent- (Brydges-Chandos-Gren- ville), 3rd duke of, iii. 482 ; v. 200. his 1st wife, Caroline Hervey, v. 200. his 2nd wife, Alice Anne Graham-Mont- gomery, v. 201. Buckingham and Normanby, John (Shef- field), duke of, i. 35 ; vii. 482. his wife, Katharine Darnley, i. 35. Buckinghamshire, John (Hobart), 2nd earl of, v. 483. his wife, Mary Anne Drury, v. 483. Buckland, Charles Edward, i. 525. his wife, Laura Lindsay, i. 525. Buckle, John, Wharton House, iii. 83. his wife, Isabella Hay-Mackenzie, iii. 83. Buckson, *, wife of Geo. Ramsay of Carri- den, iii. 101. •Bulkeley, Thomas (Bulkeley), 1st viscount, ii. 84. Anne, wife of duke of Berwick, i. 34. Henry, master of royal household, ii. 84. his wife, Sophia Stuart, ii. 84. Buller of Morval, John. i. 66. of Trenant Park, Sir Edward, bart., admiral, iii. 547. Anna Maria, wife of Jas. D. Fullerton- Elphinstone, iii. 547. Mary, wife of Sir Joseph Copley, i. 66. Buller-Fullerton-Elphinstone of Carberry, James Drummond, lieut.-col., iii. 547. Anna Maria, wife of capt. T. H. Mont- gomery, iii. 548. Clementina Fleming, wife of lieut.-col., Douglas Jones, iii. 547. Constance Lothian, iii. 553. Edward Charles, captain 92nd High- landers, iii. 547. Elizabeth Mary, wife of dean Mont- gomery, iii. 548. George James, R.N., iii. 547. Gertrude, wife of James Hope, iii. James Drummond, Bechuam Mounted Police, iii. 553. * Name unknown. INDEX 249 Buller-Ful erton-Elphinstone, John Fred erick, lieut. -colonel Scots Fusilier Guards, iii. 547. • Lilian, dau. of 15th lord Elphinstone, iii. 553. Mountstuart William, iii. 553. Bulleyn, *, chaplain to the earl of Lindsay, 1640, i. 350. Bullock of Faulkbourn Hall, rev. Walter Trevelyan, i. 96. Edith, wife of D. G. Hamilton-Gordon, i.96. Mary, wife of C. J. S. Douglas, Jamaica, vii. 150. Richard, D.D., vii. 150. Bullok, William, ' an ambitious churchman,' ii. 223. Bulteel of Membland, John, ii. 75. his wife, Diana Bellenden, ii. 75. Bulwer of Tomard, Archibald Redfoord, v. 315. his wife, Jean Hamilton Ramsay, v. 315. Bunau, Henrietta Frederica, wife of (1) * de Berargaard, and (2) David, 7th viscount of Stormont, viii. 208. Henry, Hanover, count, viii. 208. Bunbury of Barton, Sir Thomas Charles, 6th bart., v. 365 ; ix. 111. his wife, Sarah Lennox, iv. 554 ; v. 365; ix. 111. Bunch, Elizabeth, wife of John Hay of Broganelesk, iii. 566. Burden of Feddal, Ann, wife of Robt. Campbell of Torrie, vi. 155. Robert, ne Graham, vi. 155. his wife, Agnes Campbell, vi. 155. Robert, son of R. Graham of Feddal, vi. 155. Burel of Eckford and Burellands, John, ii. 226. Burford, Charles (Beauclerc), earl of, i. 32. Anna, wife of Raymond Fairfax, iii. 604. • Sylvester L., Oak Lawn, iii. 604. Surges of Greyslee and Mortimer, George, viii. 38. • his wife, Ann Wichnour Somer- ville, viii. 38. • Sir James Bland, bart., i. 529; viii. 32, 1 his 1st wife, Elizabeth Noel, ix. 31. " his 2nd wife, Anne Montolieu, ix. 31. — his 3rd wife, Margaret Janet Lindsay, i. 528 ; ix. 31. Burgh, Egidia de, wife of Alexander, 5th High Steward of Scotland, i. 14, 322. • — Elizabeth de, wife of King Robert L, i. 8 ; ii. 436. • — Hubert de, i. 5. — his wife, Margaret of Scotland, i. 5. * Name unknown. Burgh, Richard de, earl of Ulster, i. 8, 14. Burghersh, John (Fane), eldest son of 10th earl of Westmoreland ; styled lord, ix. 25. Burghley, William (Cecil) 1st lord, vii. 98. Burgon, Sir Robert of, iii. 3. Burke of Glinsk, Sir Joseph, llth bart., iii. 418,419. his wife, Louisa Grace Manners, iii. 418. Katharine Elizabeth Camilla, wife of William Lionel Felix, lord Huntingtower, iii. 419. BURLEIGH, BALFOUB, LORD BALFOUR OF, i. 530-547. BURLEIGH, BRUCE, LORD BALFOUR OF, i. 547-554. Burlington and Cork, Charles (Boyle), 3rd earl of, iii. 482. Burn, Elizabeth, dau. of John B., Stirling, viii. 169. John, Stirling, viii. 169. his wife, Janet Alexander, viii. 169. *, captain R.N., viii. 138. his wife, Margaret Dalrymple, viii. 138. Burnard of Ardross and Curry, John, v. 283. of Faringdon, Richard, vii. 364. Roger, vii. 364. Burne, Sir Owen Tudor, major-general, G.C.I.E., vi. 386. his wife, Agnes Charlotte Douglas, vi. 386. Burnet(t of Barns, William, viii. 402. his wife, Margaret Stewart, viii. 402. of Carlops, Alexander, vi. 106. Alexander, advocate, vii. 379. his wife, Isobel Rutherfurd, vii. 379. of Cowtown, Robert, i. 303. his wife, Helen Arbuthnott, i. 303. of Craigmyle, Alexander, v. 544. his wife, Christian Fraser, v. 544. James, i. 286, 305. of Crimond, Robert, senator of the College of Justice, lord Crimond, iii. 488 ; vii. 14. his wife, Elizabeth or Beatrix Maule, vii. 14. Sir Thomas, iii. 848, 490. his wife, Janet Bruce, iii. 488. of Glenbervie, Robert, i. 311 ; viii. 76. of Kemnay, George, viii. 80. of Leys, Alexander, i. 285 ; ix. 91. his 2nd wife, Marjory Forbes, iv. 54 ; ix. 91. Alexander, i. 285. his wife, Katharine Arbuthnott, i. 285. * Name unknown. 250 INDEX Burnet(t of Leys, Sir Robert, 7th bark, viii. 136. his wife, Margaret Dalrymple- Elphinstone, viii. 136. Sir Thomas, 1st bart., i. 304 ; v. 531. his 2nd wife, Jean MoncriefF, v. 531. Sir Thomas, 3rd bart., i. 308, 311 ; viii. 81. his wife, Margaret Arbuthnott, i. 308. Sir Thomas, 8th bart., viii. 90. of Monboddo, James, viii. 79. his wife, Elizabeth Irving, viii. 80. of Redhall, George, viii. 80. Alexander, eldest son of Sir Thomas B. of Leys, i. 304. his wife, Jean Arbuthnott, i. 304. Alexander, archbishop of Glasgow, and of St. Andrews, iii. 72, 511, 542 ; iv. 248. Anne, wife of (1) Alexander, 7th lord Elphinstone, and (2) Patrick, 3rd lord Elibank, iii. 511, 542. Anne, wife of Jas. Melville of Cassin- gray, vi. 106. Elspet, wife of Alex. Middleton, vi. 177. Euphemia, wife of Jas. Roberton,iii. 490. Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury, ii. 481 ; viii. 80. his wife, Margaret Kennedy, ii. 481. Isabel, wife of Robert Arbuthnott of Fiddes, i. 285. Jean, wife of Robt. Arbuthnott of Fiddes, i. 286. Jean, wife of Sir D. Carnegie of Pit- tarrow, viii. 79. John, minister at Stair, iii. 448. his wife, Jean Montgomerie, iii. 448. John, per haps son of archbishop Hamil- ton, iv. 362 n. Mary, wife of Roderick Mackenzie of Prestonhall, iii. 72. Mary, wife of Sir John Carnegie of Pittarrow, viii. 81. Robert, tutor of Glenbervie, i. 310. bis wife, Ann Arbuthnott, i. 310. Burns of Cumbernauld, Alan, vii. 524. his wife, Helen Jacqueline Hope, vii. 524. of Kilmahew, John William, viii. 226. Grace, wife of 2nd baron Napier and Ettrick, vi. 438. Helen Sherer, wife of A. S. Drum- mond, viii. 226. James Cleland, vi. 438. Robert, the poet, v. 132, 134. BURNT-ISLAND, WEMYSS, LORD, ii. 281-284. Burntisland, James, lord, ii. 282. his wife, Margaret, countess of Wemyss, ii. 283 ; viii. 504. Burntisland, Sir Robert Melville, lord of Session, styled lord, vi. 100. Burrell, Elizabeth Anne, wife of (1) Douglas, 8th duke of Hamilton, and (2) Henry, mar- quess of Exeter, iv. 394. Peter, Beckenham, iv. 394. Burrell-Drummond of Stobhall, Peter, vii. 59. his wife, Clementine Sarah Drum- mond, vii. 59. Burroughs, Margaret, wife of 7th lord Bel- lenden of Broughton, vii. 353. Burrowes of Dangan Castle, colonel, vii. 61. his wife, Susan Henrietta Sewell, vi. 73 ; vii. 60. of Stradone, Thomas, major, vii. 308. Honora Seward, wife of T. J. Leslie, vii. 308. Bury, rev. Edward John, i. 388. his wife, Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell, i. 387 ; ix. 25 bis, 90. Busby, Dr., Westminster School, vii. 104. Busson de Podolska, Elizabeth, wife of James, earl of Dirleton, iii. 130. Bute, Angus, 3rd son of Somerled, lord of the Isles ; lord of, v. 30, 31 bis. James, grandson of Somerled ; lord of, i. 13 ; v. 31. Jean of, wife of Alexander, 4th High Steward, i. 13 ; v. 31. BUTE, STEWART, EARL OF, ii. 299-312. Bute, James, first earl of, ii. 298. his wife, Agnes Mackenzie, ii. 298. James, second earl of, ii. 300. his wife, Anne Campbell, i. 370; ii.300. John, third earl of, ii. 301. his wife, Mary Wortley Montague, ii. 302. John, fourth earl of, ii. 302, 305. his 1st wife, Charlotte Jane Windsor, ii. 306. his 2nd wife, Frances Coutts, iL 306. John, fifth earl of, ii. 309. John, seventh earl of, ii. 311. John Patrick, sixth earl of, ii. 310. BUTE, STUART, MARQUESS OF, ii. 285-309. Bute, John, first marquess of, ii. 305. his 1st wife, Charlotte Jane Wind- sor, ii. 306. his 2nd wife, Frances Coutts, ii. 306. BUTE, CRICHTON-STUART, MARQUESS OF, ii. 309-312. Bute, John, second marquess of, ii. 309. his 1st wife, Maria North, ii. 310. his 2nd wife, Sophia Frederica Christina Hastings, ii. 310 ; v. 513. John, fourth marquess of, ii. 311. his wife, Augusta Mary Monica. Bellingham. INDEX 251 Bute, John Patrick, third marquess of, ii. 310. his wife, Gwendolen Mary Anne Howard, ii. 311. BUTLER, LORD DINGWALL, iii. 123. Butler of Lanthony, James, 1st baron, iii. 122. of Tulleophelim, Theobald, viscount, iii. 121. of Moore Park, Francis Thomas (de Gray), lord, iii. 124. of Garryhundon, Sir Thomas, bart., iv. 572. Charles E. A. F. Somerset, i. 527. Delia, mistress of 1st lord Scott of Buc- cleuch, ii. 233. Eileen Gwladys, wife of George Gran- ville (Sutherland-Leveson-Gower), styled marquess of Stafford, ix. 163. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Theobald, viscount Butler, and (2) Richard, 1st lord Dingwall, iii. 121. Elizabeth, wife of 2nd earl of Chester- field, viii. 304. Evelyn Frances, wife of E. R. Drum- mond, viii. 237. Grace, wife of Sir John Cochrane of Cochrane, iii. 344, 347. Henrietta, wife of Henry, earl of Gran- tham, iii. 123. James Arthur, viii. 237. Jane, wife of (1) James, lord Villiers, and (2) 7th viscount Falkland, iii. 611, 614. Jane, wife of Walter Murray of Ravilly, iii. 509. John, student of physic, ii. 194. his wife, Elizabeth Marbrough Campbell, ii. 194. Kathleen, wife of W. C. Lindsay, i. 527. Louisa Charlotte, wife of Sir J. R. Car- michael, iv. 572. Margaret, wife of It.-col. R. Charteris, viii. 516. Mary, wife of Sir Geo. Hamilton of Greenlaw, i. 43. Mary, wife of Sir Geo. Hamilton of Donalong, i. 53. Richard, London, iii. 614. Thomas, captain, in Holland, ii. 233. William, M.D., London, vii. 151. his wife, Katharine Douglas, vii. 151. Butter of Braehouse, William, ii. 195, 196. of Clashbenny, George, ii. 28. his wife, Mary Hay, ii. 28. — of Gormock, John, iii. 570 ; viii. 337. his wife, Beatrix Gordon, viii. 337. Patrick, iii. 24. his wife, Janet Gordon, iii. 24 ; iv. 279, 530. Elizabeth, wife of (1) John Hay of Muchalls, and (2) Hugh Maxwell, iii. 570. Butter, Elizabeth, wife of (1) P. Stewart of Stuikis, and (2) P. Ogilvy of Inchmartine, iv. 33. Janet, wife of capt. John Campbell, ii. 196. Jean, wife of Archd. Campbell, ii. 195. Buttergask of Buttergask, Margaret, iv. 279. of Cambusmichael and Collanys, Mariota de, viii. 265. Katharine, wife of William, master of Ruthven, iv. 259. Butterwell, George, i. 225. Robert, Coalfield, i. 225. his wife, Marion Murray, i. 225. Butterworth, Jane, wife of (1) Francis Joddrell, and (2) col. George Sempill, vii. 563. Thomas, vii. 563. Buxton of Dunston Hall, Geoffrey Fowell, iv. 98. Bernard, lieut. R.N., iv. 98. his wife, Hermione Grimston, iv. 98. Byam, Alice, wife of Samuel Eliot, iii. 583. William, colonel, Antigua, iii. 583. Bygris, Hugh de, v. 488. Byne, Charles, cornet in Eland's Dragoons, iii. 458. his wife, Grace Montgomerie, iii. 458. BYRES, LINDSAY, LORD LINDSAY OF THE, v.392. BYRES AND BINNING, HAMILTON, LORD, iv. 310. Byres and Binning, Thomas, lord, iv. 310. of Coates, Sir John, vii. 473. his wife, Lilias Grant, vii. 473. Byron, George (Gordon), 6th lord, ii. 7 ; iv. 530. CABELJAUW, Major, iii. 326. CABERSTON, STEWART, LORD, viii. 403-409. Caberston, John, first lord, viii. 403. Caddell, Katharine, wife of 7th lord Gray, iv. 287. Cadell, James, murderer of Regent Lennox, i. 38 ; ix. 126. Cadogan, Sarah, wife of 2nd duke of Len- nox, v. 364. William (Cadogan), 1st earl, v. 364. Caesar, Sir Julius, master of the Rolls, viii. 412, 413. his wife, Alice Grant, viii. 412. Cagnioli, Timothy, banker, ii. 475. Cainneach, father of Gartnach, mormaer and earl of Buchan, ii. 251. Cainnech, father of Ewan, v. 566. Cairncross of Colmslie, John, ii. 112, 230. William, vii. 334. his wife, Marion Pringle, vii. 334. 252 INDEX Cairncross, Nicol, burgess of Edinburgh, ix. 37. his wife, Marion *, ix. 37. Walter, in Lugatt, ii. 112, 230. his wife, Grissel Scott, ii. Ill, 112, 230. Cairns of Cairns, Duncan, ix. 50. Janet de, iv. 186. *, wife of Stephen Crichton, ix. 50. of Minniebuie, James, iii. 350. of Orchardton, William, v. 259. his wife Christian Maclellan, v. 259. of Pilmuir, William, ii. 101. of Whitburn, Duncan, ix. 50. Elizabeth, wife of John Cochrane of Waterside, iii. 350. Sibilla, wife of Alex. Borthwick, ii. 101. Caisnet, Simon de, brother of Walter, 3rd Steward of Scotland, v. 137. Caistron, John de, iii. 249. CAITHNESS, ANCIENT EARLS OF, ii. 313-320. Caithness, David, eleventh earl of, ii. 316. Duncan or Dungad, first earl of, ii. 313. his wife, Groa, ii. 313. Erlend, sixth earl of, ii. 315. Erlend ungi, tenth earl of, ii. 315, 316. his wife, Margaret of Orkney, i. 416 ; ii. 315. Gilbert, Gilbride or Gibbon, fourteenth earl of, i. 164 ; ii. 317. Harald Maddadsson, ninth earl of, ii. 315. his 1st wife, Af reka of Fife, ii. 315. his 2nd wife, Gormlath or Hvar- flod of Moray, ii. 315 ; vii. 231. Harald Slettmali, seventh earl of, ii. 315, 316. Harald ungi, joint earl of, ii. 315, 317. Isabella of, wife of Wm. Sinclair of Roslin, ii. 320 ; vi. 567, 568 ; viii. 253, 254. John, twelfth earl of, i. 163, 166 ; ii. 316. John, seventeenth earl of, ii. 318. Liot, second earl of, ii. 314 ; vi. 281. ' his wife, Ragnhildis, ii. 314. MacWilliam, designated 'earl of,' ii. 315 n. Magnus, thirteenth earl of, ii. 317. Magnus, fifteenth earl of, i. 162 ; ii. 318. Magnus, sixteenth earl of, ii. 318. Magnus, eighteenth earl of, ii. 319. his wife, Katharine, ii. 319. Malcolm, earl of, i. 165. Malise, nineteenth earl of, i. 164 ; ii. 319 ; vi. 138 ; viii. 252. his 2nd wife, Marjorie of Ross, ii. 320 ; vii. 236. Margaret of, wife of Simon Fraser, ii. 319. Matilda of, wife of Malise, 5th earl of Strathearn, ii. 318, 319; viii. 246, 252. *Name unknown. Caithness, Moddan, nephew of King Dun- can i. ; fourth earl of, ii. 314 ; iii. 240. Paul, fifth earl of, ii. 315. Rognvald, eighth earl of, ii. 315. Thorfinn, third earl of, ii. 314. his wife, Ingibiorg, i. 2 ; ii. 314. CAITHNESS, STEWART, EARL OF, ii. 321-322. Caithness, Alan, fourth earl of, i. 439; ii. 322. David, son of King Robert n. ; first earl of, i. 16, 437 ; ii. 321 ; viii. 259. his wife, * Lindsay, ii. 320 ; iii. 14. Euphemia, wife of (1) Patrick Graham, and (2) Sir P. Dunbar ; countess of, i. 437 ; ii. 321 ; viii. 260. Walter, third earl of, i. 437 ; ii. 322 ; viii. 260. his wife, Elizabeth Graham, vi. 37. CAITHNESS, CRICHTON, EARL OF, ii. 323-331. Caithness, George, earl ofvii. 325. his 1st wife, * Douglas, ii. 330. > his 2nd wife, Jonet Borthwick, ii. CAITHNESS, SINCLAIR, EARL OF, ii. 332-359. Caithness, Alexander, ninth earl of, ii. 341, 346. his wife, Margaret Primrose, ii. 346 ; vii. 222. Alexander Campbell, thirteenth earl of, ii. 357. his wife, Frances Harriet Leigh, ii. 357. George, fourth earl of, ii. 338 ; iii. 200 ; viii. 343, 346. his wife, Elizabeth Graham, ii. 340 ; vi. 230. George, fifth earl of, ii. 342; viii. 193. his wife, Jean Gordon, ii. 343 ; iv. 541. George, sixth earl of, ii. 203, 344. his wife, Mary Campbell, i. 361 ; ii. 344. George, seventh earl of, ii. 343, 345. George Philips Alexander, fifteenth earl of, ii. 358. James, twelfth earl of, ii. 342, 356 ; iii. 214. his wife, Jean Campbell, ii. 356. James, fourteenth earl of, ii. 358. his 1st wife, Louisa Georgiana Philips, ii. 358. his 2nd wife, Marie de Mariategui, duchesse de Pomar, ii. 358. James Augustus, sixteenth earl of, ii. 354, 358 ; ix. 52. his wife, Jessie Macleod, ii. 358. John, third earl of, ii. 337 ; vii. 573 ; viii. 336. his wife, Elizabeth Sutherland, ii. 338 ; iii. 197. John, eighth earl of, ii. 341, 345. his wife, Janet Carmichael, ii. 345. John, eleventh earl of, ii. 350. * Name unknown. INDEX 253 Caithness, John Sutherland, seventeenth earl of, ii. 359. William, first earl of, ii. 332 ; vi. 571 ; ix. 50. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Douglas, ii. 333 ; iii. 167. his 2nd wife, Marjory Sutherland, ii.334. his 3rd wife, Jonet Yeman, ii. 336. William, second earl of, ii. 337. his wife, Mary Keith, ii. 337. William, tenth earl of, ii. 349. his wife, Barbara Sinclair, ii. 350. master of, James Sinclair, brother of 5th earl of Caithness ; styled, ii. 340. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Stewart, ii. 340 ; vi. 574. his 2nd wife, Grizel Crichton, ix. 51. master of, John Sinclair, eldest son of 4th earl of Caithness, ii. 340 ; vi. 547 ; ix. 51 quat. his wife, Jane Hepburn, ii. 160, 340. CAITHNESS, CAMPBELL, EARL OF, ii. 203. Caithness, John, earl of, ii. 203, 344. his 1st wife, Mary Cope, ii. 205. his 2nd wife, Mary Douglas, ii. 206, 345. Caldcotis of Graden, Elizabeth, wife of William Livingston of Kilsyth, v. 184. William de, v. 184. Calder of Asloun, *, iv. 71. his wife, * Forbes, iv. 71. of Calder, Janet, elder dau. of Sir John C., i. 513. Sir John, i. 336. Muriella, wife of Sir John Camp- bell, i. 336, 513. William, v. 204. his wife, Janet Keith, v. 204. of Dun, Margaret, wife of David Sin- clair, ii. 338. James, captain, murderer of Regent Lennox, i. 38 ; ix. 126. Fingola, wife of (1) John Munro of Foulis, and (2) John, 8th earl of Sutherland, viii. 334. Marjorie, contracted to Alexander Fraser, 5th of Philorth, vii. 434. Calderwood of Pitodie, William, iv. 437. his wife, Janet Bothwell, iv. 437. of Polton, Sir William, lord of Session, it 296. Janet, mistress of 1st lord Hamilton, iv. 353. Jean, wife of Sir Robert Stewart of Tillicoultry, ii. 296. Caldwell, G. Ralston, v. 315. Ina Blanche, wife of Keith Maitland, v. 315. * Name unknown. Caledon, James Dupr6 (Alexander), 3rd earl of, iv. 98. his wife, Jane F. H. M. Grimston, iv. 97. Callan, George (Fielding), viscount, iii. 122. CALLENDAB, LIVINGSTON, EARL OF, ii. 360- 364. Callendar, Alexander, second earl of, ii. 363 ; v. 447. his wife, Mary Hamilton, ii. 363 ; iv. 380. — - Alexander, third earl of, ii. 363 ; v. 449. his wife, Anne Graham, ii. 363 ; vi. 259. James, 3rd son of 1st earl of Lanlith- gow ; first earl of, ii. 360 ; v. 445, 446. his wife, Margaret Hay, ii. 362 ; iii. 372. James, fourth earl of, ii. 363 ; iii. 580; v. 449 ; vi. 111. his wife, Margaret Hay, v. 450 ; viii. 447. CALLENDAR, LIVINGSTON, LORD LIVINGSTON OF, v. 430-451. Callendar, Alwin, thane of, v. 331. Duncan, thane of, v. 330. Malcolm, thane of, v. 330. his wife, Eva, v. 330. of Ardkinglas, James Henry, i. 390. of Bordie, Walter, iv. 430. of Callendar, Sir John, ii. 218 ; v. 422. Sir Patrick, v. 422, 423. of Craigforth, George, colonel, ii. 277. James Henry, i. 390. of Dowradour, Robert, v. 434. Robert, his grandson, v. 434. his wife, Elizabeth Livingston, v. 434. of Kilsyth, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, v. 182. Sir Patrick, v. 183. Christian, wife of Sir Wm. Living- ston, v. 182. of Manor, John, vii. 194. Robert, iii. 531 ; v. 432 ; vii. 194. Janey Sevilla, wife of lord Archibald Campbell, i. 390. Calverley of Eccleshill, Walter, v. 10. Anne, wife of John Ingram, v. 10. CAMBRIDGE, HAMILTON, EARL OF, iv. 374. Cambridge, James, first earl of, iv. 374. Charles, inf. son of King James vii. ; duke of, i. 33. Charles, inf. son of King James vii. ; duke of, i. 34. Edgar, son of King James vn. ; duke of, i. 33. James, inf. son of King James vn. ; duke of, i. 33. Charles Owen, iii. 359. -his wife, Katharine Pitcairn, iii. 254 INDEX Camden, Charles (Pratt), 1st baron, ix. 13. Camehou, Walter de, iv. 12 ; vi. 207. Camera, William de, vicar of Kirkurd, iv. 85. CAMERON, FAIRFAX, LORD FAIRFAX OF, iii. 595-606. Cameron of Ballegarno, Jean, wife of Nicho- las Erskine of Kinnoull, v. 596. Sir John, iv. 333 ; v. 596. Margaret, wife of Sir John Hali- burton of Dirleton, iv. 333. of Brux, Sir Henry, iv. 47. Katharine, wife of Alaster Forbes, iv. 47. of Dungannon, Alexander, capt, ix. 144. of Glenkindy, John, i. 60. his wife, Elizabeth Hamilton, i. 60. of Lochiel, Allan, ii. 200; v. 562; vii. 469. Donald, v. 560. Donald, D.L., viii. 467. ,_ Donald, M.P., ii. 247. his wife, Margaret Elizabeth Scott, ii. 247. — Donald Walter, vi. 274. his wife, Hermione Emily Graham, vi. 274. Sir Ewan, iii. 357. his 2nd wife, Mary Maclean, iii. 357. John, the younger, ii. 200. his wife, Margaret Campbell, ii. 200. in Fife, 1320, i. 324. Charles, banker, iii. 582. Christian, self-styled wife of lord Rose- hill, ix. 144. Donald, father of Ewen C., v. 527. Ewan, son of Donald C., v. 527. Janet, wife of Walter Stewart of Arth- urle, ii. 77. Jean, wife of Alastair ' Dearg ' Mac- donald of Strome, v. 562. John, bishop of Glasgow, iii. 58, 468. Margaret, alleged wife of Sir Nigel Cambel, i. 324. Mary Anne, wife of rear-admiral lord John Hay, viii. 467. *, wife of John Macdonald of Morar, v. 560. Camloke, John of, iv. 49. CAMPBELL, CAMPBELL, LORD, i. 331-393. Campbell, Colin, second lord, i. 332. his wife, Isabel Stewart of Lome, i. 332, 334 ; v. 3. Duncan, first lord, i. 330 ; viii. 11. his 1st wife, Marjory or Marcellina Stewart, i. 149, 331 ; ix. 18. his 2nd wife, Margaret Stewart, i. 331. CAMPBELL, CAMPBELL, EARL OF, i. 369. * Name unknown. Campbell, Archibald, first earl of, i. 369. George John, eldest son of 5th duke of Argyll ; styled earl of, i. 387. John Henry, elder son of 7th duke of Argyll ; styled lord, i. 389. CAMPBELL AND LORN, CAMPBELL, LORD, i. 342. Campbell and Lorn, Archibald, lord, i. 342. CAMPBELL AND LORNE, CAMPBELL, LORD, i. 353. Campbell and Lome, Archibald, first lord, i. 353. CAMPBELL OF LOUDOUN, CAMPBELL, LORD, v. 498-506. Campbell of Loudoun, Hugh, first lord, v. 498. his 1st wife, Margaret Gordon, v. Ill, 498. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Ruthven, iv. 266 ; v. 114, 498. his 3rd wife, Margaret Home, v. 498. John, second lord, v. 499, 506. his wife, Margaret, baroness of Loudoun, v. 499, 506. CAMPBELL, EARL OF ARGYLL, i. 332-351. CAMPBELL, MARQUESS OF ARGYLL, i. 353-393. CAMPBELL, DUKE OF ARGYLL, i. 318-393. CAMPBELL, LORD ARRASE, i. 379. CAMPBELL, EARL OF ATHOLL, i. 434-435. CAMPBELL, LORD BENEDERALOCH, ii. 203. CAMPBELL, VISCOUNT OF BREADALBANE, ii. 203. CAMPBELL, EARL OF BREADALBANE, ii. 203. CAMPBELL, EARL AND MARQUESS OF BREAD- ALBANE, ii. 174-214. CAMPBELL, BARON BREADALBANE OF KEN- MORE, ii. 213. CAMPBELL, BARON BREADALBANE OF TAY- MOUTH CASTLE, ii. 210. CAMPBELL, EARL OF CAITHNESS, ii. 203. CAMPBELL, LORD CAMPBELL, i. 331. CAMPBELL, EARL OF CAMPBELL, i. 369. CAMPBELL, LORD CAMPBELL AND LORNE, i. 353. CAMPBELL, LORD CAMPBELL OF LOUDOUN, v. 498-506. CAMPBELL, BARON OF CHATHAM, i. 371. CAMPBELL, EARL OF COWAL, i. 369. CAMPBELL, LORD DUNOON, i. 379. CAMPBELL, VISCOUNT OF GLENILA, i. 369. CAMPBELL, LORD GLENURCHY, ii. 203. CAMPBELL, BARONESS OF GREENWICH, i. 377. CAMPBELL, EARL OF GREENWICH, i. 371. CAMPBELL, DUKE OF GREENWICH, i. 374. CAMPBELL, BARON HAMILTON OF HAMEL- DON, i. 388. CAMPBELL, EARL OF HOLLAND, ii. 203, 204. CAMPBELL, EARL AND VISCOUNT OF ILAY, i. 379. CAMPBELL, LORD INVERARAY, i. 369. CAMPBELL, EARL OF IRVINE, v. 21-26. INDEX 255 CAMPBELL, LORD KINTYRE, v. 23-26. CAMPBELL, MARQUESS OF KINTYRE, i. 369. CAMPBELL, VISCOUNT OF LOCHOW, i. 369. CAMPBELL, MARQUESS OF LORNE, i. 369-393. CAMPBELL, EARL OF LOUDOUN, v. 488^517. CAMPBELL, LORD OF LUNDIE, i. 350. CAMPBELL, LORD LUNDY, v. 24-26. CAMPBELL, LORD MACHLINE, v. 506-517. CAMPBELL, LORD MORVEN, i. 369. CAMPBELL, LORD MULL, i. 369. CAMPBELL, LORD ORANSAY, i. 379. CAMPBELL, LORD ORMELIE, ii. 203, 204. CAMPBELL, EARL OF ORMELIE, ii. 210, 213. CAMPBELL, VISCOUNT OF PAINTLAND, ii 203, 204. CAMPBELL, LORD ST. CLAIR OF BERRIEDALE AND GLENURCHY, ii. 203. CAMPBELL, BARON SUNDRIDGE OF COOM- BANK, i. 386. CAMPBELL, VISCOUNT OF TAY, ii. 203. CAMPBELL, LORD TERRINYEAN, v. 506-517. CAMPBELL, LORD TIRY, i. 369. CAMPBELL, LORD WEICK, ii. 203, 204. Campbell of Abenichill, Colin, v. 503; ix. 43. Sir.Colin,'lord of Session, iii. 73. his wife, Katharine Mackenzie, iii. 73. Sir Colin, bart, v. 387. Sir James, v. 508. his wife, Jean Campbell, v. 508. John, ancestor of the family of, ii. 178. his 1st wife, Agnes Moncrieff, ii. 178. his 2nd wife, Christian Ogilvie, ii. 178. Sir John, v. 503. his wife, Beatrix Campbell, v. 503. of Achinard, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Achlian, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 324. of Airds, Alexander, ii. 203. his wife, Jean Campbell, ii. 203. Sir John, ancestor of the family of, i.336. of Ardbaichlorne, Colin, ii. 182. of Ardcarden, Sir Archibald, com- mendator of Strathflllan, v. 503. of Ardchattan, Sir John, ancestor of the family of, i. 336. his wife, Muriel of Calder, i. 336. John, ii. 202. his wife, Susanna Campbell, ii. 202. of Ardchoil, Thomas, v. 500 n. of Ardentenie, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. *, i. 336. his wife, * Campbell, i. 336. * Name unknown. Campbell of Ardeonaig, John, 6th son of Sir John C. of Lawers, v. 504. his 1st wife, Margaret Donaldson, ix. 131. his 2nd wife, Margaret Menzies, v. 504. of Wester Ardeonaig, Alexander, ii. 191. his 1st wife, Jean Campbell, ii. 190. of Ardkinglas, Sir Alexander, bart, viii. 313. his wife, Marion Cheape, yiii. 313. Colin, 3rd son of Colin ' longanlach ' C. of Lochow, i. 329. Colin, i. 338 ; iii. 437. his wife, Matilda Montgomerie, iii. 437. Sir Colin, ii. 184, 191 ; vii. 550. his wife, Mary Sempill, vii. 550. James, ii. 183. James, ii. 200 ; vii. 549. his wife, Isobel Campbell, ii. 200. Sir John, i. 329; ii. 183; iii. 443; iv. 373. his 1st wife, Annas Campbell, ii. 183. his 2nd wife, Jean Hamilton, iv. 373 ; ix. 104. of Ardmaddie, Charles, i. 360, 381. Colin, ii. 206. Neil, 2nd son of marquess of Argyll, i. 358, 360 ; iv. 437. his 1st wife, Vere Ker, i. 360. his 2nd wife, Susan Menzies, i. 360. of Ardnamurchan, Sir Donald, ii. 201; ix. 23. his wife, Anna Campbell, ii. 201 ; ix. 23. Sir Donald, 1st bart., dean of Lis- more, i. 344. his wife, Jean Campbell, i. 343. of Ardtarua, Iver, ii. 179. of Auchawillin, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Auchendarroch, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 324. of Auchenreoch, Duncan, v. 502. : James, v. 501. of Auchinbreck, Archibald, alleged ancestor of the family of, i. 332. Archibald, i. 337. his wife, Katharine Campbell, i. 337. Dugal, ii. 293. his wife,' Fine vola Macdonald, ii. 293. Sir Dougal, 1st bart., ii. 295 ; vi. 238. his 1st wife, Mary Erskine, v. 84. his 2nd wife, Isabel Boyd, ii. 295 ; v. 167. Duncan, iii. 311. 256 INDEX Campbell of Auchinbreck, Sir Duncan, 2nd bark, i. 47, 354. his 3rd wife, Jean Colquhoun, i. 47. Sir Duncan, 4th bark, M.P., i- 520. his wife, Henrietta Lindsay, i. 520. Sir John, ancestor of the family of, i.336. of Auchindoun, John, ancestor of the family of, i. 338. of Auchinone, John, v. 188. his wife, Isabel Livingston, v. 188. of Auchinroglin, Sir Hugh, v. 496. of Auchinryre, Alexander, ii. 186. John, ii. 186. his wife, Florentine Macdougall, ii. 186. Patrick, ii. 186; ix. 43. of Auchlyne, Duncan, 8th son of Sir Robt. C. of Glenurchay, ii. 200 ; ix. 45. his wife, Christian Dalgleish, ii. 200 ; ix. 45. Robert, ii. 191. of Auchmoir, John, v. 500. his wife, Marjorie Menzies, v. 500. of Auchnaba, Colin, ii. 202. his wife, * Campbell, ii. 202. of Auchnacrieve, Charles, M.P., i. 381. of Auchreoch, John, ii. 142 ; v. 499. his 1st wife, Margaret Moncrieff, v. 499. his 2nd wife, Christian Ogilvy, ii. 142, 178 ; v. 499. of Auchtertiry, James, v. 501. of Balerno, John, ancestor of the family of, i. 338. of Ballinaby, Sir John, ancestor of the family of, i. 336. of Balloch, Hugh, viii. 118. his wife, Janet Kennedy, viii. 118. of Balmuck, James, v. 501. of Balsalloch, Patrick, ix. 55. of Barbreck, Alexander, ii. 297. his wife, Barbara Stewart, ii. 297. Colin, illeg. son of 4th earl of Argyll, i. 340. his wife, * CampbeU of Barbreck, i. 340. Colin, 8th laird, i. 340. Donald, 1778, i. 385. his wife, Mary CampbeU, i. 385. Donald, ii. 201. his wife, Isabel CampbeU, ii. 201. John, ancestor of the 1st family of, i. 326. his wife, Mariota of Glenurquhay, i. 326. of Barbreck-Lochow, Donald, dean of Lismore, i. 343. his wife, Jean Campbell, i. 343. * Name unknown. [ Cam pbell of Barcaldine, Alexander, deputy- governor of Fort George, general, ii. 356. I his wife,* Sinclair, ii. 356. Robert, 2nd son of Sir John C. of Glenurchy, ii. 201. his wife, Anna Campbell, ii. 201. of Barnacarrie, John, ancestor of the family of, i. 338. of Barnwell, Sir Hugh, v. 498. of Benderloch, Sir Donald, i. 320. his wife, Amabilla, i, 320. Sir Duncan, i. 320 ; v. 490, 499. his wife, Susanna Crauford, v. 490, of Benquhol, Sir George, v. 492. of Blairnarne, Colin, vi. 158, 161. his wife, Janet Graham, vi. 158. of Blythswood, CoUn, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Boghall, Colin, vi. 158. his wife, Janet Graham, vi. 158. of Boquhan, Sir Colin, 2nd son of 4th earl of ArgyU, i. 344. James, 4th son of 9th earl of Argyll^ i.1367. his 1st wife, Mary Wharton, i. 367. his 2nd wife, Margaret Leslie, i. 368 ;. vi. 442. Sir John, iv. 278. his wife, Isobel Gray, iv. 277. Mary, dau. of James C. of Burn- bank, i. 368 ; ix. 24. of Boquhapple Wester, Archibald, vi. 157. of Borland, Robert, 4th son of Colin C. of Mochaster, ii. 190, 209, 212. his wife, Janet Campbell, ii. 190. of Botuarymore, Alexander, W.S., ii. 201. of the Bracanrig, Hugh, ii. 401. his wife, Katharine Blair, ii. 401. James, ii. 401. of Bragleen, John, ancestor of the family of, i. 338. of Brownside, Hugh, ii. 401 ; v. 492. his wife, Katharine Blair, ii. 401. James, ii. 401. Of Burnbank, Charles, i. 368 ; ix. 24. James, 4th son of 9th earl of ArgyU, i. 367 ; ix. 24. his 1st wife, Mary Wharton, 367. his 2nd wife, Margaret Leslie, 368 ; vi. 442. of Calder. See of Cawdor. of Carrick, Colin, ancestor of the fami of, i. 329. John, capt., i. 382. his wife, Jean CampbeU, i. 382 ; 24. his self-styled wife, Margaret i rane, ix. 24. * Name unknown. INDEX 257 Campbell of Carwhin, Colin, W.S., 3rd son of Colin C. of Mochaster, ii. 190, 205. his wife, Elizabeth Pringle, ii. 190. Colin, eldest son of Robt. C. of Bor- land, ii. 190, 209. his wife, Elizabeth Campbell, ii. 190. Colin, brother of 4th earl of Bread- albane, ii. 190, 210. of Castlehill, John, commissary of Caithness, ii. 348. his wife, Anne Sinclair, ii. 348. of Cawdor or Calder, Archibald, vii. 461. his wife, Isobel Grant, vii. 461. Sir Hugh, vi. 321. his wife, Henriet Stewart, vi. 321. Sir John, 3rd son of 2nd earl of Argyll, i. 336; iii. 199, 200, 201; viii. 339, 340. his wife, Muriella of Calder, i. 336. John, vi. 50. his 1st wife, Mary Keith, vi. 50. Sir John, i. 202 ; ii. 187 ; iii. 443 ; ix. 23. his 1st wife, Jean Campbell, ii. 187. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Douglas, i. 202. Sir John, brother of Colin C. of Ardersier, iv. 63. of Cessnock, George, iii. 438. his wife, Jonet Montgomerie, iii. 438. Sir George, lord justice-clerk, vi. 19. Sir Hugh, v. 499. his wife, Elizabeth Campbell, v. 499. John, v. 495. his wife, Janet Campbell, v. 495. Margaret, wife of Sir Andrew Hume, lord Cessnock, vi. 19. of Clathick, John, v. 504. his 1st wife, Margaret Donaldson, ix. 131. his 2nd wife, Margaret Menzies, v. 504. of Clonestang, Sir Hugh, v. 495. of Clunes, Colin, vii. 472. of Cluny, Sir John, ancestor of the family of, i. 336. of Colgrain, Thomas, ancestor of the family of, v. 500 n. of Combie, Charles, vi. 432. his wife, Christian Graham Napier, vi. 432. Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. — of Corriechrombie, Sir Robert, ii. 189. — of Corrieleigh, John, ancestor of the family of, i. 338. — of CorshUl, John, 2nd son of Sir George C. of Loudoun, v. 493. VOL. IX. Campbell of Coschambies, Sir Robert, ii. 189. of Cowlath, Sir George, v. 492. of Crackaig, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Craignish, Sir Colin, i. 328. Colin, illeg. son of 5th earl of Argyll, i. 343 ; ix. 21. Cristina, 1361, i. 328. Dugald, i. 328. Gillespic, i. 326. Ronald, son of Malcolm, i. 330. of Crannick, John, bishop of the Isles, ii. 180. of Dalnarton, Sir George, v. 492. of Darvel, Sir Matthew, v. 497. of Dergachie, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Drumfad, Duncan, vi. 149. his wife, Marjorie Campbell, vi. 149. of Drumsynie, Robert, ii. 202. his wife, Mary Campbell, ii. 202. of Ducholly, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 324. of Duchray, Sir George, v. 492. of Duneaves, Archibald, ancestor of the family of, ii. 179. of Dunfallinch, Archibald, v. 500. his wife, Elizabeth Wedderburn, v. 500. of Dunloskin, Colin, ancestor of the family of, ix. 18. of Dunnowell, George, v. 496. of Dunoon, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of DunstafFnage, Dugal, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. Duncan, vii. 42. of Duntroon, Duncan, 4th son of Sir Colin C. of Lochow, i. 321. Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 330. of Edinample, Colin, v. 505. his wife, * Campbell, v. 505. John, ii. 188. Patrick, 8th son of Sir Duncan C. of Glenurchy, ii. 187, 190. his wife, Margaret Campbell, ix. 43. of Edingham, Sir George, v. 492. of Edinchip, Patrick Dow More, legtd. son of Sir Duncan C. of Glenurchy, ii. 202. of Edramuckie, Duncan, v. 505. of Ellengreig, Neil, ancestor of the family of, i. 332. of Fairfleld, William, i. 388. of Fern, Sir Hugh, v. 496. of Finab, Alexander, colonel, i. 360. his wife, Susan Menzies, i. 360. of Finnard, James, v. 504. * Name unknown. R 258 INDEX Campbell of Fordew, Archibald, v. 502. James, v. 501. of Gaolin, John, ii. 202. his wife, Elspeth Campbell, ii. 202. of Geddes, John, prior of Ardchattan, ii.5. of Glassary, Dougal, 2nd son of Sir Colin C. of Lochow, i. 325. his wife, Margaret of Glassary, i. 325. of Glenamackrie, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Glenample, Archibald, ii. 183. Colin, 2nd son of Colin C. of Glen- urchy, ii. 182 ; ix. 43. his wife, Margaret Monro, ii. 183. Colin, his son, ii. 183 ; ix. 43 bis. his wife, Jean Chisholm, ii. 183. of Glencarradale, Sir Archibald, com- mendator of Strathflllan, v. 503; ix. 3, 142. his wife, Bessie Napier, v. 504 ; ix. 142. of Glendaruel, Archibald, ancestor of the family of, ix. 20. of Glenfalloch, Colin, lieut. 71st regt., ii. 192. his 1st wife, * Drummond M'Gregor, ii. 192. his 2nd wife, * ii. 192. Campbell of Glentarken, Alexander, ii. 186. Colin, ii. 188. James, v. 501. Patrick, ii. 186. his wife, Katharine Murray, ii. 186. Patrick, 8th son of Sir Duncan C. of Glenurchy, ii. 187. of Glenurchy, Sir Colin, 2nd son of 1st lord C. of Lochow ; 1st laird, i. 326. 331 ; ii. 174 ; ix. 18, 42. his alleged wife, Mariot Stewart, ii. 176. his 1st wife, Jonet Stewart, ii. 176 ; v. 4. his 2nd wife, Margaret Stirling, ii. 178. Sir Colin, 3rd laird, ii. 180. his wife, Marjory Stewart, i. 442; ii. 180. Colin, 6th laird, ii. 180, 182 ; v. 502, 503. his 1st wife, Margaret Stewart, ii. 182. his 2nd wife, Katharine Ruthven, ii. 182 ; iv. 260. Sir Colin, 2nd bart., ii. 185, 188. his wife, Juliana Campbell, ii. 189; v. 498. Sir Duncan, 2nd laird, i. 178 ; ii. 175 n., 178. James, lieut. Murray's Highland I his 1st wife, Margaret Douglas, i. regt., ii. 191. John Breadalbane, ii. 193, 194 ; ix. 44. William, ii. 192, 198, 212. his 1st wife, Effle M'Nicol, ii. 192. his 2nd wife, Susanna Campbell, ii. 192. William Erskine, ii. 192. his wife, Susanna Campbell, ii. 192. of Glenf eochan, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 327. James, colonel, ii. 197. of Glenlyon, Archibald, ii. 200. his wife, Jean Campbell, ii. 200. Archibald, 2nd son of Sir Duncan C. of Glenurchy, ii. 179. Colin, v. 504. his wife, Beatrix Campbell, v. 504. Duncan, v. 500. his wife, Margaret Drummond, v. 500. Robert, ii. 190. of Glensaddell, Albert Johnstone, ix. 15. Dugald, iii. 39. his wife, Mary Lindsay, iii. 39. Dugald, claimant to the earldom of Annandale, iii. 39. of Glenshira, Duncan, or Donnochie Mor, i. 330. * Name unknown. 178 ; ii. 179. his 2nd wife, Margaret Moncrieff, ii. 180. Sir Duncan, 4th laird, ii. 180. his wife, Elizabeth Colquhoun, ii. 180. Sir Duncan, 1st bart., ii. 182, 183, 184, 202; vi. 164; ix. 43. his 1st wife, Janet Stewart, i. 445 ; ii. 185. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Sinclair, ii. 187 ; vii. 574, 475. John ' Annam,' 3rd son of Sir Colin C. of Lochow, i. 326. his wife, Mariota of Glenurquhay, i. 326. Sir John, 5th laird, ii. 181. his wife, Mariot Edmonstone, ii. 181. Sir John, 4th bart., colonel, M.P., ii. 189, 200 ; ix. 45 bis. his 1st wife, Mary Graham, i. 138 ; ii. 201. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Campbell, ii. 202. his 3rd wife, Christian Mushet, ii. 202; ix. 45. Sir John, 5th bart., ii. 201, 203. his 1st wife, Mary Rich, ii. 205. his 2nd wife, Mary Campbell, i. 361 ; ii. 205. INDEX 259 Campbell of Glenure, Colin, vii. 174. his wife, Janet Mackay, vii. 174. of Grougar, Sir Hugh, v. 498. of Hellsglen, James, ii. 192; ix. 44. . his wife, Christian Campbell, ii. 192. of the Ibert, Archibald, ii. 186. Duncan, ii. 186. his wife, Ann or Agnes Murray, ii. 186. of Inchbarry, Colin, v. 526. of Inellan, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. — — of Innergeldie, John, v. 504. his 1st wife, Margaret Donaldson, ix. 131. his 2nd wife, Margaret Menzies, v. 504. of Innestore, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Inverawe, Archibald, ii. 200. Dugald, ii. 200. his wife, Isobel Campbell, ii. 200. Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 324. Duncan, major Black Watch, i. 360. his wife, Jean Campbell, i. 360. of Inverliver, Alexander, ix. 23. his wife, Anna Campbell, ix. 23. of Invertschie, Archibald, v. 500. his wife, Elizabeth Wedderburn, v. 500. of Islay, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. John, colonel, M.P., i. 387. his wife, Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell, i. 387. Walter, i. 387. of Jura, John, ancestor of the present family of, i. 338. of Kames, Duncan, iii. 489. his wife, Veronica Bruce, iii. 489. of Keithock, David, i. 512. Donald, ancestor of the family of, i.336. of Kenmore, Neil, ancestor of the family of, i. 326. of Kildalvan, Colin, ancestor of the family of, ix. 18. of Kilmartin, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 324. of Kingart, Sir Archibald, commen- dator of Strathflllan, v. 503. of Kinloch, John, ii. 196. Thomas, ancestor of the family of, v. 500 n. of Kinrotharochie, Sir John, v. 503. of Kinzeancleuch, Robert, ii. 65 ; v. 111. — of Kirkton, Colin, v. 526. Sir John, ancestor of the family of, i.336. — of Kirktouchmachill, Colin, ix. 23. of Kittomure, Sir George, v. 492. Campbell of Knockamellie, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Knockhill, Archibald, ancestor of the family of, ii. 179. of Knockreoch, John, ii. 102. his wife, Margaret Borthwick, ii. 102. of Kylesmure, Sir Hugh, v. 498. of Lagganmore, John, ancestor of the family of, i. 338. of Lagvinshoch, Archibald, son of Sir Duncan C., 1st hart, of Glenurchy, ii. 186. his 1st wife, Katharine Graham, ii.' 186. his 2nd wife, Christian Robertson, ii. 186. of Lawers, Archibald, v. 502. his wife, Agnes Ross, v. 502. James, v. 500. his 1st wife, Marion Forrester, v. 501. his 2nd wife, Janet Gray, iv. 278 ; v. 501. his 3rd wife, Isobel Hay, v. 501. Sir James, ii. 557 ; v. 504 ; vi. 419. his wife, Jean Colville. ii. 557 ; v. 504. Sir James, Lyon King of Arms, v. 505. his 1st wife, Margaret Macleod or Mackenzie, iii. 73 ; v. 505. his 2nd wife, Ann Stewart, v. 505. James, his eldest son, v. 505. James, his 2nd son, v. 505. Sir James, col. Royal Scots Greys, lieut.-gen., iv. 205, 215; v. 508,509, 510; viii. 154. his wife, Jean Boyle, iv. 205 ; v. 511. James Mure, v. 510, 511. his wife, Flora Macleod, v. 511. John, 4th son of Sir Colin C. of Glen- urchy, ii. 176, 178, 179; v. 499. his 1st wife, Agnes Moncrieff, ii. 178. his 2nd wife, Christian Ogilvie, ii. 142, 178, 182. Sir John, v. 503. his wife, Beatrix Campbell, ii. 182 ; v. 503. Sir John, ii. 206 ; v. 499, 505, 506. his wife, Margaret Campbell of Loudoun, v. 499, 506. Sir Mungo, 4th laird, v. 505 ; vii. 201. his wife, Helen Menzies, v. 505. of Leix, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Lerags, Duncan, ancestor of the 1st family of, i. 324. John, ancestor of the 2nd family of, i. 338. of Letterbean, Sir Colin, v. 4. his wife, Jonet Stewart, v. 4. 260 INDEX Campbell of Letters, Dorothy, dan. of Sir John C. of Lawers, v. 504. of Listen Hall, John, M.P., master in Chancery, i. 382. his 1st wife, * Peter, i. 382. his 2nd wife, * Hay, i. 382. William, 4th son of John C. of Mamore, i. 382. his 1st wife, * Barnard, i. 382. his 2nd wife, Bridget Bacon, i. 382. William Henry, i. 382. of Lochdochart, Alexander, 7th son of * Sir Robert C. of Glenurchay, ii. 199; ix. 44. his 1st wife, Julian Robertson, ii. 199. his 2nd wife, Magdalene Menzies, ii. 200. Charles, ii. 192 ; ix. 44. his 2nd wife, Katharine Buchanan, ix. 44. John, eldest son of Alex. C., ix. 44. his wife, Susanna Campbell, ii. 99. — William, ix. 44. of Lochnell, Alexander, 3rd laird, ix. 23. Alexander, 6th laird, ii. 202. Archibald, ix. 21. Sir Duncan, vii. 509. his wife, Isabel Mackenzie, vii. 509. John ' Gorm,' ancestor of the family of, i. 338. his wife, Mary Campbell, i. 338. Duncan, lieut. -general, vii. 447. hia wife, Eleanora Fraser, vii. 447. of Lochow, Sir Colin, 'Mor,' 1st laird, i. 319 ; vi. 534 n. Sir Colin, keeper of Dunoon Castle, 3rd laird, i. 325. his wife, Helena of Lennox, i. 325. Sir Colin, ' longanlach,' 5th laird, i. his alleged wife, Margaret Drum- mond, i. 328. his wife, Mariota or Margaret Campbell, i. 324, 328. Colin, 7th laird, i. 332. his wife, Isabel Stewart of Lome, i. 332 ; v. 3. Sir Duncan, 'Na-Adh,' 6th laird, i. 330. his 1st wife, Marcellina or Marjory Stewart, i. 149 ; ii. 331. his 2nd wife, Margaret Stewart, i. 331. Sir Gillespic or Archibald, ancestor of the family of, i. 319. his alleged wife, Margaret Somer- ville, i. 319; viii. 3. his alleged wife, Effrick of Carrick, i. 319. * Name unknown. Campbell of Lochow, Gillespic, Archibald, or Celestin, 4th laird, i. 318, 326, 330. his alleged wife, * Menteith, i. 327 ; vi. 133 7i. his wife, Isabella Lamont, i. 327. Gillespic, Archibald, or Celestin T the younger, i. 332. his wife, Elizabeth Somerville, i, 332; viii. 12. Sir Neil, 2nd laird, i. 320, 322 ; viii. 565. his 1st wife, * Crawford, i. 324 ; ix. 18. his 2nd wife, Mary Bruce, i. 323 ; ii. 434. of Lochwinnoch, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Loragen, Charles, ix. 44. John, ix. 44. William, ix. 44. of Loudoun, Sir Andrew, 2nd laird, v. 491. Sir Duncan, sheriff of Ayr, 1st laird, i. 321 : v. 490, 499. his wife, Susanna Crauford of Loudoun, v. 490. George, 3rd laird, v. 491, 494. Sir George, 5th laird, ii. 401; v. 492. Sir George, 6th laird, v. 492. his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, v. 493. George, 7th laird, v. 493. his 1st wife, * Kennedy, v. 493. his 2nd wife, Marion Auchinleck, v. 493. Sir Hugh, 4th laird, v. 491. Sir Hugh, 8th laird, v. 494. his wife, Isobel Wallace, v. 494. Sir Hugh, 9th laird, ii. 465, 470 ; v. 495. his 1st wife, Elizabeth or Margaret Stewart, v. 351, 496. his 2nd wife, Agnes Drummond, v. 496 ; vii. 47. John, ancestor of the family of, ii. 178. his 1st wife, Agnes Moncreiff, ii. 178. his 2nd wife, Christian Ogilvie, ii. 142, 178. Sir Hugh, llth laird, v. 497. his 1st wife, Margaret Gordon, v. Ill, 498. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Ruthi iv. 266 ; v. 114, 116, 498. his 3rd wife, Margaret Home, :, :" Sir Matthew, 10th laird, v. 62, 496. his wife, Isobel Drummond, v. 497. * Name unknown. INDEX 261 Campbell of West Loudoun, Elizabeth, wife of (1) Win. Wallace of Craigie, (2) Robert, 4th lord Crichton of Sanquhar, and (3) William, 3rd earl of Glencairn, iii. 226 ; iv. 238. James, vii. 116, 117. his wife, Elizabeth Crichton, ii. 543 ; iii. 222 ; vii. 116 ; ix. 59. Sir John, 2nd son of Sir Hugh C. of Loudoun, v. 491. his wife, Alicia, v. 491. John, rii. 117. • his wife, Elizabeth Douglas, vii. 117. of Lundie, Colin, 2nd son of 6th earl of Argyll, i. 345 ; v. 22 ; vi. 163, 164 ; ix. 21, 115. his wife, Mary Campbell, i. 346; ii. 183 ; vi. 163, 164. Sir Colin, 1st bart., i. 346 ; iii. 320 ; ix. 23. James, 2nd son of 7th earl of Argyll, i. 350 ; v. 22 bis, 23, 24. John, iii. 311. his wife, Janet Hering, iii. 311. Sir John, ii. 325 ; iv. 278 ; v. 556 ; vi. 173. his wife, Isabella Gray, ii. 324; iv. 277 ; vi. 173. John, ix. 73. his wife, Elspeth Scrymgeour, ix. 73. Thomas, ancestor of .the family of, i. 334. of Mamore, John, 2nd son of 9th earl of Argyll, i. 367, 381. his wife, Elizabeth Elphinstone, i. 381 ; iii. 544. of Martname, George, v. 493. of Mauchline, SmMatthew, v. 496. of Melfort, Neil, ancestor of the family of, i. 326. of Menstrie.'Dongal, 3rd son of Sir Colin C. of Lochow, i. 321. Sir Gillespic, Gillascop, or Archi- bald, i. 319. John, i. 238. *, his son and heir, 1364, i. 328. of Mochaster, Colin, 3rd son of Sir Robert C. of Glenurchy, ii. 187, 189, 205, 210, 212. his wife, Margaret Menzies, ii. 189. Duncan, ii. 190. Sir Robert, ii. 189 ; ix. 43. his wife, Isabel Mackintosh, ii. 189. of Monzie, Alexander, colonel, i. 360. his wife, Susan Menzies, i. 360. Archibald, ii. 183 ; ix. 43. Duncan, ii. 186. his wife, Ann or Agnes Murray, ii. 186. Duncan, viii. 228. • his wife, Mary Drummond, viii. 228. * Name unknown. Campbell of Wester Morinichie, Janet, v. 502. of Morven, Duncan, Jamaica, ii. 195. of Moulin, John, earl of Atholl, i. 324, 434. of Mugdock, Neil, 2nd son of marquess of Argyll, vi. 250, 256. of Murthly, Archibald, v. 500 n. John, ancestor of the family of, ii. 178. his 1st wife, Agnes Moncrieff, ii. 178. his 2nd wife, Christian Ogilvie, ii. 178. John, v. 499, 502. his 1st wife, Marjorie Menzies, v. 500. his 2nd wife, Margaret Drummond, v. 500. of Neilstoun, Neil, 2nd son of marquess Of Argyll, vi. 250, 256. of Newfield, Albert Johnstone, ix. 15. of Newlands, John, 2nd son of Sir Geo. C. of Loudoun, v. 493. of Orchard, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Ormidale, Colin, i. 332. Neil, 3rd son of 1st lord Campbell, i. 332. of Otter, Archibald, ancestor of the family of, i. 332. Arthur, v. 4. his wife, Marion Stewart, v. 4. of Park, Thomas, ancestor of the family of, v. 500 n. of Peatoun, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Pencaitland, Mary Hamilton, wife of 7th lord Ruthven, vii. 390. of Possil, Thomas, ancestor of the family of, v. 500 n. of Rachean, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Rait, John, prior of Ardchattan, ii. 5. of Redcastle, Sir Andrew, v. 491, Sir Donald, 2nd son of Sir Colin C. of Lochow, i. 320. his wife, Amabilla, i. 320. Sir Duncan, i. 320. his wife, Susanna Crauford, i. 320. of Roro, Archibald, ancestor of the family of, ii. 179. of Ruchill, John, 2nd son of Sir Geo. C. of Loudoun, v. 493. of St. Catherine's, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Sauchie, Sir Gillascop or Archibald, i. 319. of Scammadale, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. of Scheil, George, v. 493. of Sestill, Sir James, v. 504. 262 INDEX Campbell of Shankston, John, col., M.P., v. 508. of Shawfleld, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. Daniel, ii. 368. his wife, Katharine Erskine, ii. John, iv. 251 : v. 509. his 1st wife, Margaret Campbell, v. 509. hia 2nd wife, Henrietta Cunning- ham, iv. 251 ; ix. 98. John, colonel, M.P., i. 387 ; v. 367. his wife, Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell, i. 387. Walter, i. 387 ; vii. 390 ; viii. 515. his 1st wife, Eleanor Ker, viii. 515. Walter Frederick, M.P., ii. 54; viii. 515. his wife, Eleanor Charteris, viii. 515. of Shirvain, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 324. of Skeldon, William, ix. 56. his wife, Marion Kennedy, ix. 56. of Skipnish, Angus, ii. 296. his wife, Jean Stewart, ii. 296. Archibald, 2nd son of 2nd earl of Argyll, i. 190, 336 ; viii. 280. his 1st wife, Jonet Stewart, ii. 288 ; ix.19. his 2nd wife, Jonet Douglas, i. 189, 336 ; viii. 279. Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. John, ii. 293 ; ix. 19. his wife, Marion Montgomery, ix. 19. Walter, ii. 296. his wife, Anne Stewart, ii. 296. of Sonachan, Sir John, ancestor of the family of, i. 336. of Sorn, Hugh, v. 497. Sir John, v. 506. of Southhall, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 324. of Spangok, Sir Hugh, v. 496. of Stobs, William, viii. 125. his wife, Esther Dalrymple, viii. 125. of Stonefleld, Alexander, ii. 202. his wife, Elspet Campbell, ii. 202. Archibald, ii. 24. his wife, Jane Frend, ii. 24. Archibald, ii. 190. John, ancestor of the family of, i. 338. John, lord Stonefleld, ii. 301. his wife, Grace Stuart, ii. 301. of Strachur, Colin, ii. 184. of Stronchormaig, Duncan, ancestor of the family of, i. 327. Campbell oHSuccoth, Sir Archibald, 2nd bart., vi. 119. Sir James, v. 504. John, ancestor of the family of, L 326. his wife. Mario ta of Glenurchay, i. 326. of Symontoun, Sir Colin, i. 319. of Tealing, Sir Colin, iii. 320. of Terrinzean, Sir Hugh, v. 496. Hugh, eldest son of Sir Matthew C. of Loudoun, v. 357, 479. of Tillicoultry, Colin, i. 325 n. Neil, i. 325 n. of Tirrefour, John, ancestor of the family of, i. 338. of Toranturk, John, ii.;202. his wife, Elspeth Campbell, ii. 202. of Torrie, Colin, ancestor of the family of, i. 329. Robert, vi. 154. Robert, vi. 155. his wife, Ann Burden of FeddaL vi. 155. of Torsa, Dugal, 3rd son of Sir Colin C, of Lochow, i. 321. of Trabeauch, Sir Hugh, v. 495.- of Tulloch, William, 5th son of Sir Joha C. of Glenurchy,;ii. 201; ix. 45. of Weasenham, Alexander Straton, ii. 119. his wife, Alice Rachel Anne Borth- wick, ii. 118. A., illeg. son of 5th earl of Argyll, i. 343. Adelaide Constance, wife of Arthur Lennox, v. 367. Agnes, dau. of 1st earl of Argyll, i. 335. Agnes, wife of (1) Sir James Stewart of Bute, (2) Sir James Macdonell of Antrim, and (3) Turlough Luinech O'Neill, i. 338 ; ii. 292; ix. 20£er., 50. • Agnes, wife of P. Ogilvie, ii. 187. Agnes, wife of Colin Campbell, ii. 191. Agnes, wife of Dugald Campbell of In verawe, ii. 200. Agnes, wife of Alex. Menzies, ii. 201. Agnes, wife of Sir Robert Maclellan of Bombie, v. 267, 498. Agnes, wife of Wm. Cunningham of Caprington, v. 497. Agnes, wife of Robert Graham alias Burden of Feddal, vi. 155. Alexander, father of John, Tosheach deorac of Melphort, i. 331. Mr. Alexander, dean of Moray, i. 338. Alexander, 4th son of lord Neil C. of Ardmaddie, i. 361. Alexander, bishop of Brechin, i. 294 ; ii. 27 ; iii. 283 ; iv. 373. rev. Alexander, ii. 419. Alexander, 5th son of Colin C. of Mo- chaster, ii. 190. INDEX 265 Campbell, Alexander, officer in North British regiments, Kirktown of Strath- flllan, ii. 198 ; ix. 44. his wife, * Bowie, ii. 198. Alexander, 9th son of Colin C., ii. 199. Alexander, illeg. son of Sir Hugh C. of Loudoun, v. 496. Andrew, 5th son of Sir John C. of Lawers, v. 504. Alicia, wife of Allan Lauder of Hat- ton, i. 326. Anne, wife of 2nd marquess of Huntly, i. 349. Anne, wife of rev. Mr. Bulleyn, i. 350 ; ix. 23. Anne, dau. of marquess of Argyll, i. 361 ; ix. 23. Anne, wife of (1) 4th earl of Lauderdale, and (2) 7th earl of Moray, i. 368; v. 310 ; vi. 323. Ann, dau. of James C. of Burnbank, i. 368; ix.24. Anne, wife of (1) 2nd earl of Bute, and (2) Alex. Fraser of Strichen, i. 370 ; ii. 300 ; v. 545 ; ix. 24. Anne, wife of William, earl of Strafford, i. 377. Anne, wife of Archibald Edmonstone, Anne (error for Louisa), wife of Alex. Johnstone, i. 385 ; ix. 25. Anne, wife of Sir P. Ogilvy of Inch- martine, ii. 187 ; iv. 34. Anne, wife of Sir K. Mackenzie of Grandvale, iii. 76. Anne, dau. of .Sir Archd. C. of Glencar- radale, v. 504. Ann, wife of 3rd lord Balmerino, v. 507. Anna, wife of capt. Jas. Menzies of Comrie, i. 360. Anna, wife of (1) Sir Donald Campbell of Ardnamurchan, and (2) Alex. Camp- bell of Inverliver, ii. 201 ; ix. 23. Anna, wife of Robert MacNab of that Ilk, ii. 202 ; ix. 45 bis. Annabella, wife of 2nd earl of Lothian, i. 349; v. 459, 460 bis ; ix. 21. Annabella, wife of (1) Alex. Napier of Merchiston, and (2) R. Fairlie of Braid, ii. 180 ; vi. 413 ; ix. 42. Annabella, wife of (1) Thos. Boswell of Auchinleck, and (2) John Cunningham of Caprington, v. 495. Annabella, wife of (1) D. Ker of Kers- land, and (2) D. Dunbar of Enterkin, v. 497. Annas, proposed wife of 5th earl of Cassillis, i. 346 ; ii. 477. Annas, wife of John Campbell of Ard- kinglas, ii. 183. * Name unknown. Campbell, Archibald, eldest son of Sir Dun- can C. of Lochow, i. 331, 332; ix. 18. his wife, Mariota of the Isles, ix. 18. Archibald, 5th son of 1st lord Campbell, i. 332 ; ii. 174. Archibald, captain of Skipness Castle, i.336. his 2nd wife, Janet Douglas, i. 336. Archibald, bishop, son of Lord Neil C., i. 360 ; ix. 23. Archibald, eldest son of 4th duke of Argyll, i. 384. Archibald, 2nd son of 8th duke of Argyll, i. 390. his wife, Janey Sevilla Callendar, i. 390. Archibald, minister of Weem, i. 549. his wife, Ann Stewart, i. 549. Archibald, 4th son of Colin C. of Glen- urchy, ii. 183. his wife, Margaret Toshoch, ii. 183. Archibald, son of John C. of Auchin- ryre, ii. 186. Archibald, writer, lieut. 74th regt., ii. 195. his wife, Jean Butter, ii. 195. Archibald, 7th son of Colin C., ii. 198. Archibald, in Succoth, 3rd son of Robert C., ii. 199 ; ix. 44. Archibald, sergeant, Middlesex Militia, ii. 199. . Sir Archibald, iv. 289. Archibald, his son, iv. 289. his wife, Janet Gray, iv. 289. Archibald, only son of Sir Archd. C. of Carradale, v. 504. Archibald, son of Jas. C. of Hellsglen, ix. 44. Sir Arthur, constable of Dunstaffnage, i. 321. Augusta, wife of col. H. Clavering, i. 387 ; ix. 25. Barbara (Meliora), dau. of 7th earl of Argyll, i. 350 ; ix. 22 bis, 23. Beatrix, wife of Sir Wm. Hamilton of Manor Elieston, i. 42 ; v. 504 ; ix. 3. Beatrix, wife of Sir John Campbell of Lawers, ii. 182 ; v. 503, 504 ; ix. 42. Beatrix, dau. of Sir John C. of Glen- orchy, ii. 202. Beatrix, wife of Colin Campbell of Glenlyon, v. 504. Beatrix, mother of Colin C. of Craig- nish, ix. 21. Caroline, wife of (1) Francis, earl of Dalkeith, and (2) C. Townshendl; baroness of Greenwich, i. 377 ; ii. 241; ix. 24. Caroline, dau. of John C. of Listen Hall, i. 382. 264 INDEX Campbell, Caroline, dau. of Wm. C., gover- nor of So. Carolina, i. 385. Caroline, wife of (1) Charles, 4th earl of Elgin and 3rd earl of Ailesbury, and (2) field-marshal H. Seymour Conway, i. 385 ; iii. 482 ; ix. 25, 82. Celestin, eldest son of 1st lord Camp- bell of Lochawe, i. 330, 331, 332. his betrothed wife, Marion Mac- donald, ix. 115. his wife, Elizabeth Somerville, i. 332 ; viii. 12. his alleged wife, * Stewart, i. 332. Celestin, 5th son of 1st lord Campbell of Lochow, i. 332. — Celestin, 7th son of Sir Colin C. of Lochow, ix. 18. Charles, colonel, M.P., i. 367. his wife, Sophia Lindsay, i. 367, 520. Charles, 12th son of Sir John C. of Glenurchy, ii. 202. Charles, inf. son of 7th earl of Argyll, i. 350 ; ix. 22. Charles, secundus, ix. 22. Charles, tertius, ix. 22. Charles, 2nd son of Dr. Charles A. C., ix. 45. Charles Archibald, M.D., ix. 44. his wife, Marjorie M'Gillivray, ix. 45. Charles Colin Kinloch, ii. 197. Charles Hay, major Bengal Artillery, iii. 390. his wife, Wemyss Jane Murray, iii. 390. Charles William, 39th regt., son of capt. John C., ii. 196. his wife, Charlotte Olympia Cock- burn Campbell, ii. 196. Charles William, major-general Bengal Staff Corps, claimant to earldom of Breadalbane, ii. 196, 212. his wife, Gwynnedd Brinkman, ii. 196. Charles William, his son, ii. 196. Charlotte, dau. of 2nd earl of Bread- albane, ii. 207. Charlotte Elizabeth, wife of M. S. Vanderbyl, ii. 197. — Charlotte Julia, wife of 13th earl of Rothes, vii. 308 ; ix. 153 bis. Charlotte Olympia Cockburn, wife of C. W. Campbell, ii. 196. — Charlotte Susan Maria, wife of (1) col. John Campbell, and (2) Rev. E. J. Bury, i. 388 ; ix. 25 bis, 90. Christiana, wife of Duncan Macfarlane of Arrochar, i. 329. Christian, wife of Sir Alex. Menzies, i. 361. * Name unknown. Campbell, Christian, wife of Jas. Col- quhoun of Garscube, ii. 181. Christian, wife of (1) Duncan M'Pher- son, and (2) Jas. Campbell of Hellsglen, ii. 192 ; ix. 44. Christian, wife of John Ross of Gals- toun, v. 508. Christian, dau. of Colin C., ix. 44. Sir Colin, ' Mor,' son of Sir Gillespic C., i. 319. Colin, 5th son of 8th duke of Argyll, i. 391. his wife, Gertrude Elizabeth Blood, i. 391 ; ix. 26. Colin, minister of Killin and Blair- Athol, ii. 187. his wife, Jean Stewart, ii. 187. Colin, son of Robert C., ii. 191, 212 ; ix. 43, 44. his wife, Agnes Campbell, ii. 191. Colin, ensign 96th regt., ii. 198 ; ix. 44. Colin, surgeon, 39th regt., ii. 199. Colin, son of Archibald C., Middlesex, ii. 199. Colin, America, ii. 199. Colin, merchant in Edinburgh, ii. 202. Colin, commissioner of customs, v. 387. Colin, M.D., v. 418. Colin, 3rd son of George C. of Loudoun, v. 494. Colin, lieut.-col. in Lawers' regt., v. 505. Colin George Lome, ii. 197. his wife, Robina Gordon Fraser, ii. 197. Colin Maria Nairne, wife of Wm. Sutton, ii. 194. Colina Edwy, ii. 196. Constance, 20th child of 7th earl of Argyll, ix. 23. Constance Harriet, wife of Charles Emmot, i. 391. David, son of Sir Hugh C. of Loudoun, v. 492. Donald, son of Colin ' longanlach ' C. of Lochow, i. 329. Donald, abbot of Coupar, and lord Privy Seal, i. 336 ; v. 500 bis. Douglas Walter, son of lord Walter C., i. 391. his wife, Aimee Lawrence, i. 391. Dugal, sheriff of Dumbarton an( Argyll, bailie of Atholl, i. 321. Dugall, dean of Argyll; styled Lochow,' i. 329. Dugal, son of Colin ' longanlach ' C. of Lochow, i. 329. Duncan, ancestor of the Maconochie or Campbells of Inverawe and their cadets, i. 324. Duncan ' Crosta ' and ' Skeodnish,' i. 327. INDEX 265 Campbell, Duncan, 4th son of 1st lord Campbell, i. 332 ; ii. 174. Duncan, son of John C. of Auchin- ryre, ii. 186. Duncan, 8th son of Archibald C. of Lagvinshoch, ii. 187. Duncan, 2nd son of Sir Robert C. of Glenurchy, ii. 189. Duncan, father-in-law of Wm. C. of Glenfalloch, ii. 192. Duncan, 4th son of Colin C., ii. 198. Duncan, 5th son of Robert C., ii. 199. Duncan, 4th son of Sir John C. of Glen- urchy, ii. 201. Duncan, styled Lord Ormelie, ii. 205. his wife, Margaret Campbell, ii. 206. • Duncan, elder son of Archd. C. of Lawers, v. 502. Duncan, 3rd son of Sir John C. of Lawers, v. 503. Duncan, colonel, vi. 515. his wife, Katharine Stewart, vi. 515. Edith, wife of 7th duke of Northumber- land, i. 391. Edward, 4th son of Jas. C. of Lawers, v. 501, 502. Egidia, wife of John Gordon, ii. 188. Egidia, wife of Sir Colin Campbell of Glenurchy, ii. 189 ; v. 498. Eleanor, wife of (1) James, 1st vis- count of Primrose, and (2) John, 2nd earl of Stair, v. 508 ; viii. 154 ; ix. 131, 150. Elizabeth, wife of (1) James (Stewart), earl of Moray, and (2) John, 10th earl of Sutherland, i. 22, 338 ; vi. 312 ; viii. 342. Elizabeth, wife of John, 2nd lord Oliphant, i. 335 ; vi. 543. Elizabeth, dau. of 7th earl of Argyll, i. 350. Elizabeth, wife of Jas. Stuart Mac- kenzie, i. 377, 378 ; ii. 300. Elizabeth, dau. of John C.of Mamore, i. 383. Elizabeth, wife of 7th duke of Argyll, i. 388. Elizabeth, wife of major Clough Taylor, i. 391. — Elizabeth, wife of D. Toshach, ii. 180. Elizabeth, dau. of John C. of Ardkinglas, ii. 184. — Elizabeth, wife of Robert Irvine of Fedderat, ii. 188. — Elizabeth, wife of Colin C. .of Car- whin, ii. 190; ix. 43. — Elizabeth, dau. of Archibald C., Suc- coth, ii. 199 ; ix. 44. — Elizabeth, wife of Sir John C. of Glen- urchy, ii. 202. ' — Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John C. of Calder, iii. 201. Campbell, Elizabeth, wife of major H. B. Lindsay, v. 418. Elizabeth, wife of Sir Hugh C. of Cess- nock, v. 499. Elizabeth, dau. of Jas. C. of Lawers, v. 502. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Archd. C. of Glen- carradale, v. 504. Elizabeth, dau. of 3rd earl of Loudoun, v. 509. Elizabeth, wife of Robert, 4th lord Erskine, v. 494, 608. Elizabeth, wife of John, 5th lord Erskine, v. 610 n. Elizabeth, wife of 1st earl of Rothes, vii. 275. Elizabeth, dau. of 2nd earl of Argyll, contracted to George Gordon, ix. 20, 110. Elizabeth, dau. of 7th earl of Argyll, ix. 23. Elizabeth, dau. of capt. John C. of Carrick, ix. 25. Elizabeth, dau. of Patrick C. of Edin- ample, ix. 43. Elizabeth, wife of John Darroch, ix. 45. Elizabeth Anne, wife of 8th earl of Leven, vi. 119. Elizabeth Maitland, wife of Sir J. Pringle, ii. 211. Elizabeth Marbrough, wife of (1) John Butler, and (2) John Hilton, ii. 194. Elspeth, wife of Iain Macfarlane of Arrochar, i. 344 ; ix. 21. Elspet, wife of (1) John Campbell, and (2) Alex. Campbell of Stonefield, ii. 202. Elspeth Angela, dau. of lord Archi- bald C., i. 390. Emma Augusta, wife of Sir John Macneill, i. 389. Enid, dau. of lord Geo. Granville C.,i.391. Eugene, 12th son of 7th earl of Argyll, ix. 22. Eva, wife of J. C. Heathcote, ii. 213. Evelyn,' wife of James Baillie Hamil- ton, i. 391. Frances, wife of Eustace J. A. Balf our, i. 391. Frederick, lord clerk register, i. 384, 386 ; vi. 269. his wife, Mary Meredith, i. 384. Frederick, 9th son of 7th earl of Argyll, ix. 22. Frederic Augustus, capt., i. 71. Geills, dau. of Sir John C. of Glen- urchy, ii. 202. George, 2nd son of 3rd earl of Bread- albane, ii. 209. George, 2nd son of Sir Mungo C. of Loudoun, v. 497. George, son of 1st lord Campbell of Loudoun ; master of Loudoun, v. 498. his wife, Jean Fleming, v. 499. 266 INDEX Campbell, George, 2nd son of 1st earl of Loudoun, v. 507. George, maltman, Leith, iv. 288 n. George Andrew, son of capt. John C., ii. 197. his wife, Margaret Campbell, ii. 197. George Augustus, H.E.I.C.S., viii. 312. his wife, Sara Lyon-Bowes, viii. 312. George Granville, R.N., 4th son of 8th Duke of Argyll, i. 391. his wife, Sybil Lascelles Alex- ander, i. 391. Gillespic, son of Sir Colin C. ' Mor,' L321. Gillespic, eldest son of 1st lord Camp- bell of Lochawe, i. 332. Grizel, wife of Sir Jas. Stewart of Ard- maleish, ii. 295 ; ix. 50. Hamilton, wife of 8th lord Belhaven, ii. 54. Harriot, lady of the Bedchamber, ii. 207. Helen, wife of (1) John, eldest son of John, lord of the Isles, and (2) Duncan, 8th earl of Lennox, i. 327 ; v. 39, 340 ; ix. 18. Helen, wife of first earl of Eglintoun, i. 335 ; iii. 435 ; viii. 579 ; ix. 19. Helen, wife of (1) Sir G. Kennedy, and (2) Thos. Kennedy, i. 337 ; ii. 463. Helen, wife of (1) * MacEane of Ardna- murchan, and (2) John M'Gregor, ii. 178. Helen, wife of John Macf arlane of Gartartan, ii. 190 ; ix. 43. Helen, wife of Alex. M'DufF, ii. 191. Helen, wife of Montagu Ormond Forbes, iv. 68. Helen, wife of Lawrence Crawf urd of Kilbirny, v. 494. Henrietta, lady of the Bedchamber, ii. 207. Henry, son of 4th duke of Argyll, i. 384. Henry, 6th son of Colin C., ii. 198. Henry, eldest son of 3rd earl of Bread- albane, ii. 208. Henry Tufnell, iv. 295. his wife, Ethel Eveline Gray, iv. 295. Hugh, ii. 510, 511. his wife, Margaret Cathcart of Carleton, ii. 510, 511. Hugh, son of John C. of Murthly, v. 500. Ian, rector of Kilmartin, ix. 18. Ian Edward Herbert, ii. 213. Isobel, wife of (1) James Stewart, earl of Moray, and (2) John, 10th earl of Sutherland, i. 22, 338; vi.312; viii. 342. Isabel, wife of William, master of Drummond, i. 335 ; vii. 43 ; ix. 149 bis. * Name unknown. Campbell, Isabel, wife of 2nd earl of Gas- sUlis, i. 336 ; ii. 465. Isabella, Augustinian canoness, i. 350 j ix. 22. Isabella, dau. of marquess of Argyll, i. 361 ; ix. 23. Isabella, wife of capt. Wm. Mont- gomery, i. 382. Isobel, wife of P. MacGregor or Drum- mond, ii. 187. Isobel, dau. of Colin C. of Mochaster, ii. 190. Isobel, wife of Robt. Kirk, minister at Balquhidder, ii. 191. Isobel, wife of John Davies, ii. 199 ; ix. 44. Isobel, wife of James Campbell of Ard- kinglass, ii. 200. Isabel, wife of Donald Campbell of Barbreck, ii. 201. Isabel, wife of John MacNaughtan, ii. 202. Isabella, wife of 10th earl of Carnwath,. ii. 419. Isobel, wife of 7th earl of Crawford, iii. 25. Isobel, wife of Mungo Mure of Row- allan, v. 494. Isobel, wife of Robert, 4th lord Erskine* v. 494, 608. Isobel, wife of Wm. Craufurd of Loch- noris, v. 497. Isobel, wife of Sir John Maxwell of Pollok, v. 498. Isabella, wife of John Graham, Brae Leny, vi. 155. Isla Lorn Gavin, ii. 197. Ivan, 2nd son of 6th earl of Breadal- bane, ii. 212. his wife, Margaret Elizabeth Agar Ellis, ii. 213. Ivar, son of lord George Granville C. i.391. James, 7th son of Archibald C. Lagvinshoch, ii. 187. James, lieut. Murray's Highland ii. 191 ; ix. 44. James, 2nd son of William C. of Gl falloch, and grandfather of 6th earl Breadalbane, ii. 193, 212. his wife, Eliza Maria Blanc ii. 193. James, 74th and 71st regts., ii. 199. James, 2nd son of Robert C., ii. James, bookbinder to Queen Victor ii. 199. James, writer in Glasgow, ii. 199 : 44. James, 6th son of Sir John C. of Gl urchy, ii. 201. James, llth son of Sir John C. of Glen- urchy, ii. 202. INDEX 267 mpbell, James, minister of Auchter- house, and of Lundie, ii. 273; iii. 100. his wife, Marjory Ramsay, ii. 273. James, son of John C. of Murthly, v. 500. Mr. James, 3rd son of Sir Jas. C. of Lawers, v. 505. James, 4th son of Patrick C. of Edin- ample, ix. 43. James, Montreal, ix. 45. his wife, Louise V. Phillips, ix. 45. Jane, dau. of duke of Argyll and Green- wich, i. 377. Jane, wife of Geo. H. Johnston, i. 385 ; ix. 25. Jane, wife of Francis Sempill of Bel- tries, vii. 549. Janet, wife of (1) Jas. Maitland, and (2) Patrick Murray, i. 222. Janet, wife of John Stewart, 2nd earl of Atholl, i. 336, 443 ; ix. 28. Janet, wife of Hector Maclean of Dowart, i. 340. Janet, wife of Robert Campbell of Borland, ii. 190; ix. 43. — Janet, wife of Alex. Maitland, v. 308. Janet, wife of John Campbell of Cess- nock, v. 495. Janet, dau. of James C. of Lawers, v. 502. Janet, dau. of Sir Archd. C. of Glen- carradale, v. 504. Janet, wife of (1) Alexander, 4th lord Fraser of Lovat, and (2) Donald Gorm Macdonald of Slait, v. 527. Janet, alleged wife of Andrew Drum- mond of Ballyclone, vii. 44. Jean, wife of Sir John Lament of Inveryne, i. 336 n. ; ix. 19 bis. Jean, wife of (1) Angus Mackintosh, and (2) Sir Donald Campbell, i. 343. Jean, wife of (1) John, 1st viscount Kenmure, and (2) Sir Harry Montgomery, i. 349 ; iii. 446 ; v. 118, 120 ; ix. 22 bis. Jean, wife of George Maxwell of Dal- swinton, i. 360 ; ix. 23. Jean, wife of Duncan Campbell of Inverawe, i. 360. Jean, wife of 1st marquess of Lothian, i. 361 ; v. 477. Jean, wife of 2nd marquess of Lothian, i. 368 ; v. 479. — Jean, wife of capt. John Campbell of Carrick, i. 382 ; ix. 24. Jean, wife of John Murray, 1st earl of Atholl, i. 473; ii. 188. — Jean, wife of Sir John Hamilton of Lettrick, ii. 27 ; iv. 373. — Jean, wife of Robert Fleming, ii. 186. — Jean, wife of Sir John Campbell of Cawdor, ii. 187. — Jean, wife of Alex. Campbell of Ardeonaig, ii. 190. Campbell, Jean, wife of Wm. Campbell, ii. 191. Jean, wife of (1) * Ogilvie, and (2) Colin Campbell of Glenfalloch, ii. 193. Jean, annuitant on Compassionate List, ii. 199. Jean, wife of (1) Archd. Campbell of Glenlyon, (2) P. Roy MacGregor, and (3> D. Stewart of Appin, ii. 200. Jean, wife of John Stewart of Tully- nadies, ii. 201. Jean, wife of Alex. Campbell of Airds, ii. 203. Jean, wife of John Stewart of Ardma- leish, ii. 293; ix. 50. Jean, wife of James, 12th earl of Caith- ness, ii. 356. Jean, wife of (1) Robert Montgomerie of Giflfen, and (2) Ludovic, 2nd duke of Lennox, iii. 442 ; v. 357, 497. Jean, wife of 12th lord Forbes, iv. 63. Jean, wife of 6th lord Lindores, v. 387. Jean, wife of D. Crawford of Kerse, v. 498. Jean, wife of 2nd earl of Panmure, v. 507 ; vii. 22. Jean, wife of Sir Jas. Campbell of Aberuchill, v. 508. Jean, dau. of 6th earl of Argyll, ix. 21. Jean, dau. of capt. John C. of Carrick, ix. 25. Jean, dau. of Colin C., ix. 44. Jemima, marchioness Grey, and baron- ess Lucas of Crudwell, wife of 2nd earl of Hardwicke, ii. 208. Joan, dau. of lord Geo. G. C., i. 391. John, father-in-law of lieut.-col. Hugh Arbuthnott, i. 315. John 'M'Cwill,' son of Dougal, son of Sir Neil C., i. 324, 328, 330. John, rector of Kilmartin, 2nd son of Colin 'longanlach' C. of Lochow, i. 329; ix. 18. John, Toscheachdeorac of Melphort, i. 331. John, prior of Ardchattane, ii. 5. John, bishop of the Isles, ii. 177 ; ix. 21, 42.>! John, 4th son of Archibald C. of Lagvin- shoch, ii. 187. John, 9th son of Sir Duncan C. of Glenurchy, ii. 188. John, 2nd son of Colin C. of Mochaster, ii. 190. John, Kylettormore, ii. 195. his wife, Janet Butter, ii. 195. John, 43rd regt., ii. 198 ; ix. 44. John, 74th and 82nd regts., ii. 199. John, Fort William, claimant to Bread- albane earldom, ii. 206. John, major 74th Foot, v. 419. * Name unknown. 268 INDEX Campbell, John, son of John C. of Murthly, v. 500. John, in Carse Grange, v. 500. John, illeg. son of Sir John C. of Lawers, v. 504. John, colonel, Dunoon, vii. 308. John, provost of Collegiate Church of Kilmun, ix. 20. John, 2nd son of James C. of Burnbank, ix. 24. John, son of Patrick C. of Balsalloch, ix. 55. his wife, Jean Stewart, ix. 55. John Breadalbane, Florida, ii. 197. his wife, Katharine M'Donald, ii. 198. John Erskine, Cape Mounted Police, ii. 197. John Thomas, v. 419. his wife, Anne Catherine Lindsay, iv.295; v. 419. Julian, wife of Murdoch Maclean of Lochbuy, ii. 200 ; ix. 45. Juliana, wife of John Gordon, ii. 188. Juliana, wife of Sir Colin Campbell of Glenurchy, ii. 189 ; v. 498. Katharine, wife of (1) James, master of Ogilvy, and (2) David, 9th earl of Crawford, i. 118, 511 ; iii. 28 ; ix. 8. Katharine, wife of Torquil Macleod, i. 335. Katharine, contr. to Geo. Gordon ; wife of (1) Maclean of Duart, and (2) A. Camp- bell of Auchinbreck, i. 337 ; ix. 20, 110. Katharine, wife of Sir William Murray of Tullibardine, i. 462; ii. 180; ix. 28. Katharine, wife of Walter Stewart of Balquhidder, ii. 177 n. Katharine, wife of Alex. MacDougall, ii. 188 ; ix. 43. Katharine, wife of Andrew Toshach, ii. 200. Katharine, wife of Alex. Robertson of Lude, ii. 201. Katharine, contracted to James Haldane, ix. 19. Katharine, dau. of 10th earl of Argyll, ix. 24. Katharine Black, illeg. dau. of 6th duke of Argyll, ix. 25. Lilah Olive, i. 391. Lilias, dau. of Archibald C., Succoth, ii. 199; ix. 44. Louisa, wife of Alexander Johnstone, i. 385 ; ix. 25. Lucie, dau. of Colin C., ix. 44. M., probably dau. of principal Neil C. of Glasgow University, vii. 520. Margaret, wife of 5th lord Erskine, i. 336 ; v. 610. Margaret, wife of James, lord Doune and St. Colme, i. 340 ; iii. 188. Campbell, Margaret, wife of 3rd lord Bal- merino, i. 569. Margaret, wife of Sir W. Lindsay of Balgawies, i. 512. Margaret, wife of Colin Campbell of Lochow, i. 324, 328, 330. Margaret, wife of Thomas, 6th lord Boyd, i. 47 ; v. 165. Margaret, wife of 3rd earl of Balcarres, i. 522; v. 508. Margaret, wife of (1) A. Napier, and (2) J. Dickson, ii. 177 ; vi. 410, 411. Margaret, wife of John MacDougall of Raray, ii. 181. Margaret, wife of Allan MacDougall of Raray, ii. 182 ; ix. 42. Margaret, wife of 6th earl of Glen cairn, ii. 183 ; iv. 244. Margaret, wife of John Toshoch, ii. 186. Margaret, wife of Sir Alex. Menzies, ii. 187. Margaret, dau. of Colin C. of Mochaster, ii. 191. Margaret, wife of George A. Campbell, ii. 197. Margaret, wife of John Cameron, ii. 200 ; ix. 45. Margaret, wife of Duncan M'Corquo- dale, ii. 202. Margaret, alleged wife of lord Ormelie, ii. 206. Margaret, wife of Angus ' Og ' Mac- donald of Troternish, v. 47. Margaret, wife of Sir Alan Lockhart of Lee, v. 494. Margaret, wife of Thomas Kennedy of Bargany, v. 495. Margaret, wife of Alex. Nisbet of Bankhead, v. 496. Margaret, wife of Sir John Wallace of Craigie, v. 497. Margaret, wife of John Kennedy of Blairquhan, v. 498. Margaret, wife of Sir W. Cunningham of Cunninghamhead, v. 498. Margaret, wife of Sir Wm. Edmonstone of Duntreath, v. 502. Margaret, dau. of Sir Archd. C. of Glencarradale, v. 504. Margaret, wife of John Campbell of Shawfield, v. 509 ; ix. 131. Margaret, sister of 5th earl of Loudoun v. 511. Margaret, wife of Sir John Graham of Braco, vi. 238. Margaret, wife of 6th earl of Wemyss, viii. 515. Margaret, wife of Patrick Buchanan of Buchanan, ix. 19. Margaret, dau. of 9th earl of Argyll, ix. 24. Margaret, dau. of 1st duke of Argyll, ix. 24. INDEX 260 Campbell, Margaret, wife of Patrick Camp- bell of Edinample, ix. 43. Margaret Alice, ii. 197. Margaret Lillias, wife of Duncan M'Callum, the Foxhunter, ii. 209. Marie, dau. of Sir John C. of Lawera, v. 504. Marion, wife of 2nd lord Seton, i. 334 ; viii. 579 ; ix. 18 bis. Marion, wife of Sir Robert Menzies, i. 337. Marion, dau. of James C. of Lawers, v. 502. Marion, dau. of James C., ix. 45. Mariot, wife of Wm. Stewart of Baldorran, ii. 178. Mariot, wife of Archibald Campbell of Glenlyon, ii. 179. Mariot, wife of Alex. Hume, ii. 181. Mariota, wife of Colin Campbell of Lochow, i. 324, 328, 330. Marjory, wife of Thomas Graham of Duchray, ii. 190. Marjory, wife of Archd. Stirling of Coldoch, ii. 200 ; ix. 45. - — Marjory, dau. of Sir John C. of Glenurchy, ii. 202. Marjory, wife of Edward Toshach of Monzievaird, v. 504. Marjorie, wife of (1) Walter Graham of Loch Chon, and (2) Duncan Campbell of Drumfad, vi. 149. Mary, wife of Angus Macdonald, i. 335. Mary, wife of John ' Gorm ' Campbell, i. 338. Mary, wife of' (1) John, 6th earl of Menteith, and (2) Colin Campbell of Lundie, i. 346; ii. 183; vi. 163, 164 ; ix. 43. Mary, wife of Sir Robt. Montgomery, i. 349. Mary, wife of 2nd lord Rollo, i. 350 ; vii. 202 ; ix. 22. Mary, wife of Henry, lord Holyrood- house, i. 360; iv. 437. Mary, wife of (1) 6th earl of Caithness, and (2) 1st earl of Breadalbane, i. 361 ; ii. 206, 344, 345. Mary, dau. of 9th earl of Argyll, i. 368 ; ix. 24. — Mary, wife of Edward, viscount Coke, i. 377. — Mary, wife of 2nd earl of Rosebery, i. 382 ; vii. 223 ; ix. 24 bis. — Mary, wife of Donald Campbell of Barbreck, i. 384 ; ix. 25. — Mary, wife of R. Robertson of Fascally, ii. 200. — Mary, wife of Robert Campbell of Drumsynie, ii. 202. — Mary, wife of Archd. Cockburn of Langton, ii. 206 n., 207 ; ix. 45. Campbell, Mary, wife of 2nd duke of Buck- ingham, ii. 211 ; v. 200. Mary, wife of Thos. Grant of Balma- caan, vii. 472. Mary, wife of George Middleton of Erroll, viii. 157. Mary, dau. of Colin C., ix. 44. Mary Emma, wife of rev. E. Carr Glyn, i. 391. Mary Gwynnedd, ii. 197. Matthew, 2nd son of George C. of Lou- doun, v. 494. Matthew, Livonia, v. 497 n. Moir, wife of Sir John Lament of Inveryne, i. 336 n. ; ix. 19 bis. Mor, wife of Hector Macgilleoin, ix. 18. Mungo, exciseman, iii. 459. Niall Diarmid, son of lord Archibald C., i. 390. Sir Neil, Nicholas or Nigel, king's bailie for Lochow, i. 320, 322. his 2nd wife, Mary Bruce, i. 323; ii. 434. Neil, advocate, 3rd son of lord Neil C. of Ardmaddie, i. 360 n., 361 ; ix. 23. his 1st wife, Vere Ker, i. 360; v. 475. his 2nd wife, Susan Menzies, i. 360. Neil, 3rd son of John C. of Mamore, i. 381. Neil, maltman, Leith, iv. 288 n. Neil, principal of Glasgow University, viii. 84. Norman, ix. 45. Pamela Louisa Augusta Ambrose, wife of lord E. W. Hamilton, i. 71. Patrick, 2nd son of Sir Colin C. of Glenurchy, ii. 176, 179. Patrick, 3rd son of Sir Duncan C. of Glenurchy, ii. 179. . Patrick, surgeon, R.N., ii. 202. Patrick, vicar of Kilmartin, ix. 18. Patrick, 3rd son of Patrick C. of Edinample, ix. 43. Primrose, wife of Simon, llth lord Fraser of Lovat, i. 382; v. 540; ix. 25 bis, 132. Robert, minister of Moulin, ii. 187. his wife, Jean Menzies, ii. 187. Robert, grandson of Sir Robt. C. of Glenurchy, ii. 191, 212. his wife, Susanna Menzies, ii. 191. Robert, grandson of above, ii. 191 ; ix. 43. Robert, captain, H.E.I.C.S., ii. 195. his wife, Jean Campbell, ii. 195. Robert, lieut.-capt. 99th regt., ii. 198. his wife, Jean Sinclair, ii. 198. Robert, lieut. 42nd regt., ii. 199. >, Robert, merchant in Edinburgh, ii. 202. 270 INDEX Campbell, Robert, 4th son of Sir George C. of Loudoun, v. 493. Robert, 3rd son of Dr. Charles A. C., ix. 45. Rosslyn, ix. 45. Susan, wife of John Stewart of Urrard, i. 361. Susan Thomson, wife of col. Hugh Arbuthnott, i. 315. Susanna, wife of William Campbell of Glenfalloch, ii. 192. Susanna, wife of (1) William Erskine Campbell of Glenfalloch, and (2) capt. Macfarlane, ii. 192 ; ix. 44. Susanna, dau. of Archibald C., Succoth, ii. 199 ; ix. 44. Susanna, wife of John Campbell of Lochdochart, ii. 199. Susanna, wife of John Campbell of Ardchattan, ii. 202. Susanna, dau. of Colin C., ix. 44. Susanna Sophie, dau. of James C., ii. 194. Thomas, 3rd son of Sir Geo. C. of Lou- doun, v. 493. Thomas, commendator of Holywood, v. 496. Thomas, 3rd son of Sir James C. of Lawers, v. 505. Victoria, dau. of 7th earl of Argyll, i. 350 ; ix. 22 bis. Victoria, dau. of 8th duke of Argyll, i. 391 ; ix. 26. Walter, 3rd son of 8th duke of Argyll, i. 390. his wife, Olivia Rowlandson Miln, i. 390. Walter, 10th son of Sir John C. of Glenurchy, ii. 202. Walter, 5th son of James C. of Lawers, v. 501, 502. William, governor of Nova Scotia, and of South Carolina, i. 385 ; ix. 25. his wife, Sarah Izard, i. 385. William, R.N., S. Carolina, i. 385, 386. William, 5th son of Sir Robt, C. of Glenurchy, ii. 191, 212. his wife, Jean Campbell, ii. 191. William, Hanover, Jamaica, ii. 195. William, 4th son of Robert C., ii. 199. William, adventurer in African Com- pany, ii. 202 ; ix. 45. William, 7th son of Sir John C. of Lawers, v. 504. William, 4th son of Sir James C. of Lawers, v. 505. William, illeg. son of Sir Jas. C. of Lawers, v. 506. his wife, Janet M'Gruder, v. 506. William Henry, London, iv. 68. William John Lamb, R.N., father of 6th earl of Breadalbane, ii. 193, 212. his wife, Rosanna Doughty, ii. 194. Campbell, *, wife of Angus Mor, lord of the Isles, i. 321 ; v. 34. *, wife of Campbell of Ardentinny, i. 336. *, wife of Mr. Colin Campbell of Auch- naba, ii. 202. *, wife of Ninian Stewart of Bute, ii. 289. *, wife of John Scrymgeour, Constable of Dundee, iii. 311. *, alleged wife of John Campbell of Murthly, v. 500 n. *, wife of Colin Campbell of Edinample, v. 505. *, wife of D. Dunbar of Enterkin, v. 505. *, wife of Iain 'Brayach' M'lain of Ardnamurchan, ix. 20. CAMPCASTELL, SCOTT, LORD, ii. 237 ; vii. 80-81. Campcastell, Walter, lord, ii. 237 ; vii. 81. Camperdown, Adam (Duncan), 1st viscount Duncan of, i. 554 ; viii. 127. Robert (Duncan), 1st earl of, viii. 130. his wife, Janet Dalrymple, viii. 130. CAMPSIE, LIVINGSTON, LORD, v. 191-194. Campsie, James, first lord, v. 192. CANADA, ALEXANDER, VISCOUNT OF, viii. 174-185. Canada, William, first viscount of, viii. 174. Canaries, James, D.D., ii. 273. his wife, Anne Erskine, ii. 273. Candler of Callan, Morton Pinckney, Dun Edin and Belwood, Edward, vii. 565. his wife, Maria Janet, baroness Sempill, vii. 566. Canham, Katharine, wife of rev. Alex. Gough, and bigamous wife of John, lord Dalmeny, vii. 223. Canning, Charles John (Canning) earl of, ii. 304. his wife, Charlotte Stuart, ii. 304. Cant of Over Liberton, Henry, iv. 305. of Morton, John, vi. 393. of Priestfield, Adam, iv. 305. Henry, iv. 305. Barbara, wife of John Nairn o Mukkersy, vi. 393. Christian, wife of (1) Col. Sir Henry Balfoxir, (2) Capt. John Balfour, and (< Peter Rollock of Pilton, vii. 193. David, captain, vii. 193. Elizabeth or Isobel, wife of John Ramsay, ii. 132. Margaret, wife of Thomas Hamilton o Orchardfield and Priestfield, iv. 305. Cantantilly, Elena, wife of Sir Jas. Cunning ham of Hassendean, iv. 225 n. Cantelupe, William de, iii. 7. Cantes, Mary, wife of (1) Sholto Henry, 8th lord Kirkcudbright, and (2) Robert Davies v. 273. * Name unknown. INDEX 271 Capel, Adela Caroline Hariet, wife of 13th earl of Eglinton, iii. 463. Arthur Risden, viii. 63. his wife, Mary Anne Jemima Carnegie- Arhuthnott, viii. 63. Capel-Carnegie- Arbuthnott of Balnamoon, James Carnegie, viii. 63. his wife, Ethel Lydia Hill, viii. 63. Arthur Risden, viii. 63. his wife, Mary Anne Jemima Carnegie- Arbuthnott of Balnamoon, viii. 63. Edith Alice, wife of Malcolm Galloway, viii. 63. Elizabeth, viii. 63. Enid, viii. 63. Evelyn Frederica, wife of Constantine A. lonides, viii. 63. Harold, viii. 63. Helen Mary, viii. 63. Margaret, wife of Arthur Layard, viii. 63. Mary Anne, viii. 63. Capell, Adolphus, vii. 61. Harriet Mary, wife of (1) George, viscount Forth, and (2) E. C. Bering, vi. 73 ; vii. 61. Capella, William de, iii. 118. Car, Thomas, abbot of Kelso, 3rd son of Thos. Ker of Ferniehurst, v. 54. Caramiceley, Robert of, iv. 563. CARDIFF OF CARDIFF CASTLE, STUART, BARON, ii. 305-312. Cardiff, John, first baron, ii. 305. Cardigan, George, (Brudenell), 3rd earl of, iii. 480. his wife, Elizabeth Bruce, iii. 480. George (Brudenell-Bruce), 4th earl of, ii. 243. his wife, Mary Montagu, ii. 243. Robert (Brudenell), 2nd earl of, i. 32 ; iii. 297, 299; v. 228; vi. 187. Thomas, 1st earl of, iii. 298. CARDROSS, ERSKINK, LORD, ii. 365-368; v. 618-621. Cardross, David, second lord, ii. 365; ix. 52 ter. his 1st wife, Anne Hope, ii. 366 ; iv. 491 ; ix. 109. his 2nd wife, Mary Bruce, ii. 366 ; ix. 52. David, fourth lord, ii. 274, 368. Henry, 3rd son of 1st lord Cardross ; styled lord, ii. 365 ; v. 621. his wife, Margaret Bellenden, ii. 71,365. — Henry, third lord, ii. 367 ; ix. 52. his wife, Katharine Stewart, ii. 367 ; ix. 52. — John, 7th earl of Mar, first lord, ii. 365 ; v. 618. Carew of Beddington Park, Sir Benjamin Hallowell, G.C.B., iv. 390. Henrietta Charlotte, wife of rev. Adolphus Douglas-Hamilton, iv. 390. Carey, Sir Robert, warden of the Marches, iv. 473 ; vii. 342. Martha, wife of 1st earl of Middleton, vi. 185. Cargill of Lessington, i. 282. his wife, Giles Arbuthnott, i. 282. Carkettill, John of, iii. 95. CARLAVEROCK CASTLE, CONSTABLE-MAX- WELL, LORD HERRIES OF, iv. 423-424. Carleton of Carleton, Sir Thomas, v. 262. Carlingford, Edward Barnham (Swift), vis- count of, iii. 235. his wife, Mary Crichton, iii. 235. Carlisle, Sir James (Hay), elder son of Sir Jas. Hay of Kingask ; earl of, v. 218, 228. his 1st wife, Honora Denny, v. 219. his 2nd wife, Lucy Percy, v. 219. Charles (Howard), 1st earl of, vii. 106. his wife, Anne Howard, vii. 106. Charles (Howard), 3rd earl of, v. 16. George (Howard), 6th earl.of, viii. 362. Septimus E., vii. 566. his wife, Caroline L. Forbes, vii. 566. Carlton of Carlton, Edward Montagu Stuart Granville (Montagu-Stuart- Wort- ley-Mackenzie), 1st viscount, ii. 303. CARLYLE, MAXWELL. LORD, vi. 482-487. Carlyle, John, first lord, ii. 394 n. ; vi. 482. CARLYLE OF TORTHORWALD, CARLYLE, LORD, ii. 369-394. Carlyle of Torthorwald, Elizabeth, wife of (1) Sir Jas. Douglas, and (2) Wm. Sinclair ; lady ; i. 248 ; ii. 389, 391. James, third lord, ii. 388. his wife, Janet Scrimgeour, ii. 388 ; iii. 308. James (Douglas), dejure ux. lord, i. 248 ; ii. 392, 507. John, first lord, i. 238 ; ii. 382 ; iv. 403, 404, 405. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, ii. 380, 385. his 2nd wife, Janet *, ii. 385. his 3rd wife, Margaret Douglas, ii. 385. Michael, fourth lord, i. 248 ; ii. 382 388. his 1st wife, Janet Charteris, ii. 389. his 2nd wife, Mariota Maxwell, ii. 389. William, second lord, ii. 386. his wife, Janet Maxwell, ii. 387 ; vi. 478. CARLYLE, LORD CARLYLE OF TORTHOR- WALD, ii. 369-394. * Name unknown. 272 INDEX Carlyle of Blairboy, John, ii. 386. of Boytath, James, 2nd laird, ii. 390. his wife, Margaret Carlyle, ii. 390. James, 3rd laird, ii. 390. his 1st wife, Janet Carruthers, ii. 390. his 2nd wife, Marion Johnstone, ii. 390. John, 4th son of 4th lord C., ii. 390. Thomas, 4th laird, ii. 390. his wife, Margaret Menzies, ii. 390. of Brackenquhat, William, ii. 390. of Brydekirk, Adam, ancestor of the family of, ii. 382, 385. his wife, Ellen Carruthers, ii. 382. Alexander, ii. 382 n. Alexander, D.D., minister of Inver- esk, ii. 382 ; vi. 115 ; vii. 520. Herbert, ix. 53. *, vii. 99. of Cargow, William de, ii. 377. his wife, Sapientia, ii. 377. Sir William, ii. 377. his wife, Margaret Bruce, ii. 379, 435. of Carlyle, Eudo, ii. 375. Hildred, ii. 370. Odard, ii. 371, 372, 377 n. Roger, ii. 376, 377. Robert, ii. 372. Sir William, ii. 376. William, the younger, ii. 377. his wife, Sapientia, ii. 377. William, ii. 377 ; iv. 399. of Crunzanstoun, Sir William, ii. 379. his wife, Margaret Bruce, ii. 379, 435. of Cumquinton, Eudo de, ii. 375. Hildred de, ii. 371. Sir William, ii. 376. of Gamelsby and Glassanby, Christian, wife of William Ireby, ii. 373. Eva, wife of <1) Robert Lovell, and (2) Alan de Chartres, ii. 373. Hildred, ii. 370. Odard, son of Robert C., ii. 373. of Hodelme, Odard de, ii. 371. Robert de, ii. 372. of Kinmount, Adam, ii. 373, 381. William, ii. 378 ; iv. 399. of Limekilns, Adam, ii. 382 n. Edward, ix. 53. of Locharthur, John,1, 2nd laird, ii. 390, 392. Michael, 3rd son of 4th lord C., ii. 389. his wife, Grizel Maxwell, ii. 389; vi. 484 n. ; ix. 153. Michael, d. 1763, ii. 390. William, ii. 390. of Lockerbie, Robert, ii. 372, 374. * Name unknown. Carlyle of Luce, Sir John, ii. 383. William, ii. 379. of Minnigap, Sir William, ii. 379. of Mowe and Shielhauch, George, ii- 386. of Ormesby, Adam, ii. 375. Eudo, ii. 375. of Pittenain, Robert, ii. 386. his wife, Margaret Weir, ii. 386. of Robiequhat or Searigs, Alexander,. ii. 391. of Torthorwald, Sir John, 2nd laird, ii, 381, 382. William, 1st laird, ii. 380. his wife, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, ii. 381. Adam, son of Roger of C., ii. 376, 377. Adam, 2nd son of Sir John C., ii. 382. Agnes, dau. of Thomas C. of Boytathr ii. 390. Agnes, wife of James Veitch, ii. 391. Agnes, wife of Wm. Graham of Plomp, vii. 99. Alexander, son of Robert C., ii. 391. Alexander, D.D., minster of Inveresk, ii. 382 ; vi. 115 ; vii. 520. Alice, wife of Wm. Graham of Plomp, vii. 99. Ansketil de, ii. 371 n. Edward, ii. 391 n. Elizabeth, dau. of 2nd lord Carlyle, ii. 388. Elizabeth, wife of John Thomson, ii- 391. Elizabeth, wife of 3rd lord Sempill, vii- 548 n. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Herries, ix. 53. Esota, wife of Arthur Graham, ii. 391. Eudo, grandson of Eudo of C., ii. 377. Eufamia, contracted to Sir S. Car- ruthers, ii. 386. George, merchant, Dumfries, ii. 390. his wife, Elizabeth Nisbet, ii. 391. George, the successful litigant in 1770, ii. 391. Gilbert de, ii. 377 n. Ivo, ii. 378 n. James, rector of Kirkpatrick-cro, 385, 386. James, Scots Greys, ii. 390. James, eldest son of George C., ii. 391. James, son of Patrick C., ii. 391. James, merchant in Dumfries, ii. James, son of Jas. C., of Boytath, 391. John, grandson of Ivo C., ii. 378 n. John, 2nd son of Sir William C., ii. 379. Sir John, conservator of truce with England, ii. 380. John, eldest son of 1st lord C., ii. 386. John, major, Virginia, iii. 601. INDEX 273 Carlyle, Joseph, ii. 391. Katharine, wife of S. Carruthers, ii. 388. Margaret, wife of James Carlyle of Boytath, ii. 390. Margaret, dau. of George C., ii. 391. Mariot, wife of 1st lord Herries of Ter- regles, ii. 386 ; iv. 404. Mary, wife of Herbert Cunningham, ii. 390. Patrick, 2nd son of James C., of Boy- tath, ii. 391. his wife, Isabel Carruthers, ii. 391. Peter, 5th son of 4th lord C., ii. 391. Richard de, son of Odard of C., ii. 371. Robert, son of Richard de C., ii. 371. Robert, grandson of 1st lord C., ii. 386. Robert, son of Jas. C., of Boytath, ii. 391. his wife, * Wright, ii. 391. Robert, murderer of * Turner, iii. 231 ; ix. 70. Samuel, ii. 391. Sarah, wife of W. Herbert, iii. 601, 604. Thomas, Travalah, co. Denbigh, ii. 391. Sir William, son of Eudo, ii. 376. William, son of Ivo C., ii. 378 n. William, grandson of Sir Wm. C., ii. 380. William, killed at Dettingen, ii. 390. William, brother of Robert C., iii. 231. *, wife of Sir Adam Murray of Drum- creiff, ii. 386. Carmarthen, Thomas, 1st marquess of, iii. 302. CARMICHAEL, CARMICHAEL, LORD, iv. 585- 597. Carmichael, Andrew, seventh lord, iv. 592, 596. James, first lord, iv. 585 ; ix. 114. his wife, Agnes Wilkie, iv. 585. James, third lord, iv. 593. his wife, Elizabeth Maitland, iv. 593. John, second lord, iv. 589. his wife, Beatrix Drummond, iv. 591 ; viii. 219. John, fourth lord, iv. 594. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Shovel, iv. 595. his 2nd wife, Jean Vigor, iv. 596. — John, fifth lord, iv. 591, 596. his wife, Janet Grant, iv. 596. Thomas, sixth lord, iv. 592. — master of, Sir William, eldest son of 1st lord Carmichael, iv. 585, 588. his wife, Grizel Douglas, iv. 588. CARMICHAEL OF CARMICHAEL, CAR- MICHAEL, LORD, iv. 590-597. Carmichael of Carmichael, John, first lord, Name unknown. CARMICHAEL, LORD CARMICHAEL, iv. 585- 597. CARMICHAEL, LORD CARMICHAEL OF CAR- MICHAEL, iv. 590-597. CARMICHAEL, EARL OF HYNDFORD, iv. 563- 597. CARMICHAEL, VISCOUNT OF INGLISBERRY, iv. 590-597. CARMICHAEL, VISCOUNT OF NEMPHLAR, iv. 590-597. Carmichael of Abernethy, David, iv. 568. Peter, iv. 564. of Aithernie, James, iv. 568. of Annatshill, Sir Hugh, iv. 581. of Balmblae, James, 1st laird, iv. 566. his wife, Euphan Myrton, ii. 573; iv. 567. James, 3rd laird, iv. 567. Robert, M.D., 2nd laird, iv. 567; viii. 202. his wife, Jean Murray, iv. 567 ; viii. 202. Robert, captain, v. 408. hisfwife, Katharine Lindsay, v. 408. of Balmedie, David, 5th laird, iv. 566 ; ix. 112. his wife, Isabel Barclay, iv. 566. David, 7th laird, iv. 566 ; ix. 112 bis. his 1st wife, Margaret or Jean Oliphant, iv. 566. his 2nd wife, Margaret Myrton, iv. 566 Sir David, 8th laird, iv. 567. his 1st wife, Anne Carmichael, iv. 567, 588. his 2nd wife, Cecilia Fotheringham, iv. 567. David, the younger, iv. 567. his wife, Euphemia Dempster, iv. 567. David, 9th laird, iv. 568 ; ix. 112. his wife, Anna Graham, iv. 568 ; ix. 112. David, 10th laird, iv. 568. his wife, Janet Coutts, iv. 568 ; ix. 112. David, the younger, iv. 568.'; ix. 112. his wife, Mary Tatham, iv. 568. James, 2nd laird, iv. 564, 565. his wife, Elizabeth Folkart, iv. 565. James, 3rd laird, iv. 565. his wife, Margaret Kincraigie, iv, 565. James, 6th laird, iv. 566 ; viii. 63. his wife, Jane Carnegie, viii. 63. John, 1st laird, iv. 564. his wife, Isobel Sibbald, iv. 564. Peter, 4th laird, iv. 565 ; ix. 112. of Bonningley, Sir Hugh, iv. 581. — of Bonnytoun, Henrietta, wife of Robert Dundas of Arniston, iv. 587. VOL. IX. 274 INDEX Carmichael of Bonnytoun, Sir James, iv. 587, 588 n. ; ix. 114. his wife, Margaret Grier, iv. 587. Sir James, iv. 587. Sir James, iv. 587. his wife, Margaret Baillie, iv. 587. Sir John, iv. 587. his wife, Henrietta Johnstone, i. 264 ; iv. 587. Sir William, iv. 587. — - of Cairncross, Sir John, iv. 581. of Carmichael, Sir Hugh, 8th laird, iv. 580. his wife, Abigail Baillie, iv. 581. Sir James, iv. 584. his wife, Agnes Wilkie, iv. 585. Sir John, 1st laird, ii. 396 ; iv. 563 bis, 573. his wife, * Wardlaw, iv. 564. John, 3rd laird, iv. 573, 574. John, 6th laird, iv. 576, 583 ; viii. 19 ; ix. 113. his wife, Elizabeth Somerville, iv. 577 ; viii. 19. Sir John, 7th laird, warden of the West Marches, iv. 576, 578 ; ix. 113 bis. his wife, Margaret Douglas, iv. 580. Sir John, 9th laird, iv. 581. his wife, Elizabeth Hume, vi. 11; ix. 113. William, 2nd laird, iv. 564, 573 bis. William, 4th laird, iv. 575 ; ix. 113. William, 5th laird, iv. 576. Sir William, the yr., i. 205 ; iv. 588. his wife, Grizel Douglas, i. 205 ; iv. 589. of Chingillis, James, iv. 566. of Craigpottie, Sir David, iv. 567. James, iv. 566. Peter, iv. 564, 566. of Crosfoord, David, iv. 592. of Currie, Sir Hugh, iv. 581. Sir John, iv. 579. of Dron, James, i. 177 ; iv. 564. Peter, sheriff of Forfar, i. 177 ; iv. 564,565. — his wife, Euphame Wemyss, iv. 565. of Edrom, Archibald, iv. 576, 577; ix. 113. Henry, iv. 577. of Eglismagirdle, David, iv. 566. Sir David, iv. 567. of Fentoun, Sir John, iv. 579. of Folkarton, James, i. 177; iv. 564, 565. his wife, Elizabeth Folkart, iv. 565. of Little Galway, Sir John, iv. 563. of Grange, William, ii. 413. of Greenhill, John, constable of St. Andrews, iv. 564. * Name unknown. Carmichael of Hailes, James, iv. 591. his wife, Janet Clerk, iv. 591. of Hiefleld, James, iv. 580. of Hyndford, Sir Daniel, 1st laird, iv. 585, 587, 588 n. his wife, Anna Scot, iv. 586. of Kildowny, James, iv. 566. of Kirkdrum or Kirkdroyne, James, iv. 566. Peter, iv. 564, 566. of Lag, Sir James, iv. 587. of Langherdmanstoun, Sir Hugh, iv. 581. James, iv. 578, 580. John, iv. 578. of Luthrie, David, iv. 568. of Mauldslie, Sir Daniel, 1st laird, iv. 585, 592. Daniel, 2nd laird, iv. 592. his wife, Barbara Lockhart, iv. 592. Daniel, 3rd laird, iv. 592, 596. his wife, Emilia Hepburn, iv. 592 ; ix. 114. Thomas, iv. 592, 596. of Meadowflat, Grizel, wife of Walter Carmichael of Park, iv. 583. John, constable of St. Andrews, iv. 564, 574. John, iv. 576 ; ix. 12. John, the younger, viii. 371 ; ix. 14. his wife, Janet Johnston, i. 246; viii. 371, 372 ; ix. 14. John, bailie of the barony of Craw- ford Muir, ii. 231 ; iv. 564, 583; vi. 449. his wife, Elizabeth Scott, ii. 231. Sir John, iv. 564. Margaret, wife of David, 5th earl of Crawford and Duke of Montrose, iii. 23,25. Margaret, dau. of John C., iv. 564. Robert error for John, iv. 564 n. William, heritable captain of the Castle of Crawford, iv. 564. ' of Mosmyning, Sir James, iv. 587. of Park, Charles, iv. 582 ; ix. 113. his wife, * Crichton, iv. 582. Gavin, iv. 576, 582. his wife, Geils Craufurd, iv. 582. John, iv. 576, 582. Walter, iv. 583. his wife, Grizel Carmichael, iv. 583. of Ponfeigh, Walter, iv. 583. of Redmyre, William, iv. 575. of Skirling, Sir Thomas Gibson, 7th bart., vi. 436. his wife, Anne Napier, vi. 436. William, King's solicitor, M.P., iv. 591. his 1st wife, Helen Craig, iv. 591. his 2nd wife, Margaret Menzies, ii. 43 ; iv. 591. * Name unknown. INDEX 275 Carmichael of Westraw, Sir James, 1st bart., iv. 584. , his wife, Agnes Wilkie, iv. 585. of Whelphill, James, iv. 565. his wife, Elizabeth Folkart, iv. 565. James, iv. 565. his wife, Margaret Kincraigie, iv. 565. Peter, iv. 565. • of Wiston, Sir Hugh, iv. 581. Sir John, iv. 563. John, iv. 574. John, iv. 582. of Wray, Archibald, iv. 577. John, iv. 577. Abigail, wife of (1) *, and (2) Hugh Weir of Clowburn, iv. 580 ; ix. 113. Agnes, wife of John Dundas of Dud- dingston, iv. 568, 588. Anna, wife of bishop Walter Whitef ord, iv. 581, 582 ; ix. 113. Anne, wife of lt.-coL John Montgomerie, iii. 452. Anne, wife of Sir David Carmichael of Balmedie, iv. 567, 588. Anne, wife of John Dundas of Dudding- ston, iv. 568. Anne, wife of Sir Jas. Stewart of Burray, iv. 568. Anne, dau. of Dr. Thos. C., iv. 568. Anne, wife of John Maxwell of Blawart- hill, iv. 593. Anne, wife of Gerald Dusign, iv. 594. Anne Theophila, wife of J. W. F. Dumergue, iv. 571. Archibald, capt. Royal Marines, iv. 594. Barbara, dau. of Daniel C. of Mauldsley, iv. 592. Barbara, wife of John Cockburn of Ormiston, ix. 114. Barre Grace, dau. of Claude D. J. C., iv. 573. — Bartholomew, eldest son of Wm. C. of Carmichael, iv. 576. Beatrix, wife of John Cockburn of Ormiston, iv. 593 ; ix. 114 ter. Cecilia, wife of * Barns, ii. 573. Cecilia, dau. of David C. of Balmedie, v. 568. Charles, H.E.I.C.S., Bombay, iv. 594. Charles, 6th son of 1st earl of Hyndford, iv. 592. Charles Henry Edward, iv. 569. — his wife, Harriet Morley, iv. 569. — Charles Montauban, gen. Indian Army, iv. 569. his wife, M. E. Graham, iv. 569. — Charles Paget, C.S.I., iv. 570. his 1st wife, Georgina Judge, iv. 570. his 2nd wife, A. V. Crof ton, iv. 570. * Name unknown. Carmichael, Claude Dundas James, Madras Police, iv. 570, 573. — his wife, Mary Glencairn Shaw, iv. 573. Constance Barrel wife of rev. E. Jennyn, iv. 570. Daniel, eldest son of Daniel C. of Mauldslie, iv. 592. David, 3rd son of John de C., ix. 113. David Fremantle, iv. 570. his 1st wife, Jane T. Gee, iv. 570. his 2nd wife, S. M. Truelock, iv. 571. Elizabeth, mistress of King James v. ; wife of Sir John Somerville, i. 24 ; ii. 160, 168 ; iv. 565 ; viii. 14. Elizabeth, wife of Sir W. Scott of Buccleuch, ii. 230. Elizabeth, wife of David Home, younger of Wedderburn, iii. 280; vi. 1. Elizabeth, dau. of David C. of Balmedie, iv. 568. Elizabeth, dau. of Dr. Thomas C., iv. 568. Elizabeth, dau. of Bartholomew C., iv. 576 bis. Elizabeth, wife of John Home of Hutton- hall, iv. 580. Elizabeth, wife of (1) rev. John Chiesley, and (2) John Muir of Annestoun, iv. 583 ; ix. 114. Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. C. of Skirling, iv. 591 ; ix. 114. Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Livingston of Abercorn, vi. 449. Elizabeth, wife of John Fleming, ix. 114. Euphame, wife of (1) Peter Balmanno, and (2) John Ramsay, iv. 566. Euphame, wife of David Tullie, iv. 566. — Euphame, wife of William Dick, iv. 568. Eupham, dau. of David C. of Balmedie, iv. 568. Evelyn George Massey, iv. 571. Florence Graham, iv. 569. Frederick, son of Mr. John C., iv. 566. Frederick, only son of 3rd earl of Hynd- ford, iv. 595. Gawin, 3rd son of Charles C. of Park, ix. 114. Gawin, only son of above, ix. 114. George, rector of Tynynghame, trea- surer of Glasgow, iv. 575 ; viii. 370. George, 2nd son of Daniel C. of Maulds- ley, iv. 592. George Gawler Irving, I.S.C., iv. 570. George Lynedoch, lieut.-col. 95th regt., iv. 571. his wife, Eva Maria Saunders, iv. 571. Gertrude Wilson, iv. 570. 276 INDEX Carmichael, Grizel, wife of Stephen Lock- hart, iv. 583. Grizel, wife of Archibald Nisbet of Carfln, iv. 592. Grizel, dau. of Daniel C. of Mauldsley, iv. 592. Grizel, wife of Jas. Livingston of Jervis- wood, viii. 372. Helen, dau. of Robert C. of Balmblae, iv. 567. Helen, wife of John Gibson of Durie, iv. 591, 596 ; ix. 114. Helen, dau. of Sir John C., ix. 113. James, M.P. ; 3rd son of 2nd earl of Hyndford, iv. 594. James, illeg. son of Archibald C. of Edrom, iv. 578. James Barre Hood, iv. 570. James Dodington, C.B., colonel 32nd regt., iv. 570. his 1st wife, Barr6 Latter, iv. 570. his 2nd wife, Teresa Ann Morris, iv. 570. James Forrest Halkett, major R.E., iv. 570. Sir James Morse, 3rd bart., iv. 573. Sir James Robert, 2nd bart, iv. 572. his wife, Louisa Charlotte Butler, iv. 572. Jane Trevelyan, wife of H. G. Wedder- burn, iv. 571. Janet, wife of John, 8th earl of Caith- ness, ii. 345. Janet, dau. of John C. of Meadowflat, viii. 372. Jean, wife of James Lockhart, iv. 581, 582. Jean, dau. of David C. of Balmedie, ix. 112. Jean, dau. of William C. of that Hk, ix. 113. John, tailor burgess of Edinburgh, iv. 126. Mr. John, minister of Kilconquhar, iv. 566 ; ix. 112 quat. John, 5th son of David C. of Balmedie, iv. 567. John, 4th son of David C. of Balmedie, iv. 568. John, capt. 60th troop of horse, iv. 586 bis. John, 2nd son of Daniel C. of Mauldsley, iv. 592. John, 3rd son of Daniel C. of Mauldsley, iv. 592. John, 5th son of 1st earl of Hyndford, iv. 592. John, in Blairsroar, vii. 206. his wife, Joanna Rollo, vii. 206. John, captain of Crawford, ix. 12. his wife, Katharine Douglas, i. 185 ; ix. 12. Carmichael John, illeg. son of Hugh C» of Carmichael, ix. 113. John, illeg. son of Gavin C. of Park, ix, 113. John, 2nd son of Charles C. of Park, ix, 114. John, commisser of Lanark, ix. 114. Katharine, wife of Wm. Crichton, tutor of Sanquhar, iii. 227. Katharine, mistress of King James v.; wife of Sir John Somerville, ii. 160, 168 ; iv. 565 ; viii. 14. Katharine, wife of (1) William Weirr and (2) Hugh Robert Lockhart, iv. 583. Katrine, dau. of David C. of Bal- medie, ix. 112. Katharine Georgiana, wife of Sir W. H. Curzon Wyllie, iv. 571. Louisa, dau. of Sir J. R. C., iv. 573. Louisa Maria, wife of Edward Wylly, iv. 571. Magdalene, dau. of Robert C., iv. 567 bis. Margaret, dau. of David C. of Balmedier iv. 566. Margaret, dau. of Sir Hugh C. of Car- michael, iv. 581, 582. Margaret, wife of Wm. Telfer of Hair- cleugh, iv. 583. Margaret, wife of Sir John Anstruther of Anstruther, iv. 594. Margaret, wife of Archd. Douglas of Glenbervie, ix. 12. Margaret, wife of Robt. Wardlaw of Kilbaberton, ix. 113. Margaret, dau. of Gawin C., ix. 114. Maria, wife of 1st lord Holyroodhouse, iv. 433, 580. Marion, wife of (1) James Stewart of Allanton, and (2) Robt. Denholm of West Shields, iv. 583 ; ix. 114. Marion, dau. of John C. of Meadowflat, viii. 372. Marion, dau. of 1st lord Carmichael, ix. 114. Martha, wife of John Kennedy of Kirk- michael, iv. 588. Mary, wife of John Hamilton, iv. 578. Mary, wife of (1) Sir Wm. Lockhart, and (2) Sir William Weir, iv. 588. Mary, wife of Sir Archibald Stewart of Castlemilk, iv. 589. Mary, wife of John Montgomerie of Giffen, iv. 593. Mary, wife of Charles O'Hara, iv. 594. Mary Adelaide, iv. 570. May, wife of rev. E. R. Hollings, iv. 573. Mungo, 4th son of David C. of Balmedie, iv. 567. Rachel, wife of Archibald Hamilton, iv.- 583. INDEX 277 Carmichael, Rachel, wife of jSir|John!Wilkie of Foulden, iv. 588 ; ix. 114 bis. < Rachel, wife of Jas. Weir of Stone- byres, iv. 589. Robert, in Ethybetoun, iv. 566. • Robert, iv. 567. • his wife, Katharine Lindsay of Kirkf orthar, iv. 567 ; ix. 112. - — Robert, 5th son of David C. of Bai- rn edie, iv. 568. Rose Gordon, wife of commander Oswald Niven, R.N., iv. 569. • Samuel, 5th son of 1st lord Carmichael, v. 588. • Stewart, Jamaica, iv. 567. - — Thomas, M.D., iv. 568. his wife, Margaret Smyth of Aithernie, iv. 568. William, illeg. son of David C. of Bal- medie, iv. 566. William, writer to the Signet, iv. 568. • William, illeg. son of Archibald C. of Edrom, iv. 578. William, Calcutta, iv. 592. • William, 4th son of Daniel C .of Maulds- ley, iv. 592. • — William, LL.D., archbishop of Dublin, iv. 593. his wife, * Godshall, iv. 594. — William, 2nd son of John C., minister of Kilconquhar, ix. 112. • — William, eldest son of David C. of Bal- medie, ix. 112. William, 6th son of David C. of Bal- medie, ix. 112. *, dau. of James C. of Balmedie and Craigpottie, iv. 566. Carmichael- Anstruther of Carmichael, Sir John, 5th bart., iv. 594, 597. . Sir Windham Frederick, 10th bart., iv. 563, 597. Carmichael-Smyth of Aithernie, James, censor of the Royal College of Physicians, London, iv. 568. his wife, Mary Holyland, iv. 569. Charles Montauban, general Indian Army, iv. 569. his wife, M. E. Graham, iv. 569. — David Edward Paget, R.N., iv. 572. • David Scott, iv. 569. his 1st wife, Anne Sherwood, iv. 569. . his 2nd wife, Isabella F. Oakes, iv. 569. • — Eleanor Elton, iv. 571. — George Henry Edward Hyndford, iv. 572. • — George James Graham, iv. 572. his wife, J. T. S. Holder, iv. 572. * Name unknown. Carmichael-Smyth, George Monro, major- general Bengal Army, iv. 571. his 1st wife, Jane Ross, iv. 572. his 2nd wife, C. B. Hamilton, iv. 572. Georgina Christina, wife of lieut-col.- Wm. Forrest, iv. 572. Harriet Olivia, iv. 571. Henry William, major Bengal En- gineers, iv. 569. his wife, Anne Beech er, iv. 569. Sir James, major-general, 1st bart., iv. 569, 572. his wife. Harriet Morse, iv. 572. James Dodington, col. 32nd regt., iv. 570. — Sir James Robert, 2nd bart., iv. 572. Maria, iv. 571. Maria Agnes, wife of Dr. Alex. Monro, iv. 572. Mark Wood, capt. Madras Cavalry, iv. 571. his wife, Marianne Hutton, iv. 571. Methven W. A., iv. 572. Robert Hervey, iv. 571. Robert Stewart, major 93rd High- landers, iv. 571. his 1st wife, A. R. Hervey, iv. 571. his 2nd wife, D. S. Tudor,' iv. 571. William Henry, Bengal C. S., iv. 569. Carnaby of Halton, Reginald, vii. 101. his wife, Susanna Graham, vii. 101. Carnarvon, Henry John George (Herbert), 3rd earl of, iii. 124. John (Brydges), eldest son of James, duke of Chandos ; styled marquess of, iii. 406. his wife, Katharine Tollemache, iii. 406. CARNEGIE OF KINNAIRD, CARNEGIE, LORD, viii. 65-93. CARNEGIE OF LEUCHARS, CARNEGIE, LORD, viii. 65-93. Charles Alexander, eldest son of 10th earl of Southesk ; styled lord, viii. 92. Sir David, first lord, i. 514 ; iv. 127 ; viii. 54,64. his wife, Margaret Lindsay, i. 514 ; viii. 66. David, eldest son of 1st earl of South- esk ; styled lord, ii. 414 ; iv. 315 ; viii. 66. his wife, Margaret Hamilton, i. 258 ; iv. 315 ; viii. 66. James, only son of 5th earl of Southesk ; styled lord, viii. 74. master of, David Carnegie, eldest son of 1st lord Carnegie, ii. 414 ; viii. 66. his wife, Margaret Hamilton, iv. 315 : viii. 66. CARNEGIE, BARON BALINHARD OF FARNELL, viii. 90-93. 278 INDEX CARNEGIE, LORD CARNEGIE OF KINNAIRD, viii. 65-93. CARNEGIE, LORD CARNEGIE OF LEUCHARS, viii. 65-93. CARNEGIE, LORD EGLISMALDIE, vi. 494-508. CARNEGIE, EARL OF ETHIE, vi. 494-495. CARNEGIE, LORD LOUR, vi. 494-495. CARNEGIE, EARL OF NORTHESK, vi. 493-508. CARNEGIE, LORD ROSEHILL, vi. 495-508. CARNEGIE, EARL OF SOUTHESK, viii. 46-93. Carnegie of Ananie and Arnhall, Sir David, viii. 86. of Auchmithie, Sir John, vi. 494. of Auchquhandlen, Sir Robert, viii. 51. of Balbardie, Sir John, viii. 58. of Baldovie, Sir James, viii. 89. of Balglassie, David, viii. 54. his wife, Margaret Livingstone. viii. 54. of Ballindarg, Robert, vi. 495. Robert, vi. 495. his wife, Anne Carnegie of Kin- noull, vi. 495. of Balmachie, David, viii. 54. his wife, Margaret Livingstone, viii. 54. David, viii. 57. James, viii. 54, 60. his wife, Christian Bruce, viii. 54. James, last laird, viii. 55. of Balmedesyde and Pittaquhop, Eliza- beth, wife of John Inglis of Inglistarvit, viii. 60. Margaret, wife of William Dnndas viii. 60. of Balnabreich, Robert, viii. 58. his wife, Margaret Ogilvy, viii. 58. of Balnamoon, Sir Alexander, 1st laird viii. 61. his wife, Giles Blair, viii. 61. Alexander, 5th laird, viii. 62. his wife, Margaret Graham, viii. 62. James, 3rd laird, viii. 62. his 1st wife, Margaret Carnegie viii. 62. his 2nd wife, Jean Fothringham, viii. 62. James, 4th laird, viii. 62. Sir John, 2nd laird, i. 125 ; viii. 61 : ix. 49. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Ogilvy, i. 125; viii. 61; ix. 8. his 2nd wife, * Graham, viii. 61. James, 6th laird, i. 295 ; viii. 62. his wife, Margaret Arbuthnott of Findowrie, i. 295 ; viii. 62. Sir Robert, viii. 51. his wife, Margaret Guthrie, viii. 53. — - of Balveny, David, viii. 54. his wife, Margaret Livingstone, viii. 54. * Name unknown. Carnegie of Banquhry, Sir John, viii. 58. of Birkhill, Mungo, sheriff-clerk of Had- dington, viii. 76, 77. his wife, Janet Dick, viii. 76. of Boysack, James, 4th laird, vi. 496. John, 1st laird, vi. 495. his wife, Margaret Erskine, vi. 495. John, 2nd laird, vi. 495. his wife, Jean Fothringham, vi.. 495 ; viii. 62. John, 3rd laird, vi. 495, 496. his wife, Margaret Skene, vi. 496. of Braikie, James, vi. 495. his wife, Anne Ogilvy, vi. 495. John, vi. 495. his wife, Anne Auchinleck, vi. 495. of Caraldston, Sir John, vi. 494. Sir Robert, vi. 494. of Carcary, Duthac de, viii. 48. his wife, Mariota of Kinnaird, viii. 48. of Little Carcary, George, viii. 56. Katharine, viii. 56. of Careston, Sir Alexander, viii. 61. Sir John, viii. 61. of Nether Careston, John, viii. 61. Sir Robert, viii. 61. of Carnegie, James, viii. 47. his wife, Isobel Liddell, viii. 47. Sir James, 3rd bart. of Pittarrow, viii. 85. John, 1st laird, viii. 46, 47. John, 2nd laird, viii. 47. John, 3rd laird, viii. 47. John, illeg. son of Sir Robert C. of of Kinnaird, iv. 281, 284 ; viii. 54, 57, 60 ; ix. 35. his wife, Katharine Fothering- hame, viii. 58. of Charleton, George viii. 82. his wife, Susan Scott, viii. 82. George, viii. 82. his wife, Madeline Connel, viii. 82. John, viii. 82. his wife, Mary Fuller ton, viii. 82. of Colluthie, David, iii. 278 ; viii. 53, his 1st wife, Elizabeth Ramsay, vi 53,60. his 2nd wife, Eupheme Wemyss, : 278 ; viii. 61, 491. his 3rd wife, Janet Henrison, 64. Sir David, viii. 61, 64. his wife, Margaret Lindsay, i. 514 viii. 66. of Cookstoun, Alexander, viii. 55. his wife, Margaret Livingstone, viii. 55. David, son of Hercules C., viii. 55. David, last laird, viii. 55. John, viii. 51. his wife, Euphame Strachan, viii.SU INDEX 279 Carnegie of Craig, David, viii. 67. his wife, Katharine Wemyss, viii. 67, 501 ; ix. 159. Sir John, 3rd son of 1st earl of Southesk, viii. 66. his wife, Jane Scrymgeour, iii. 314 ; viii. 67. of Craigo, David , dean of Brechin, viii. 55. his wife, Helen Lindsay, viii. 55. David, the younger, viii. 55. his wife, * Stewart, viii. 55. Elizabeth, viii. 55. of Crechie, John viii. 57. of Cruikston, David, vii. 14. of Deischland, David, viii. 57. John, viii. 57. of Dunlappie, Sir John, vi. 494. of Dunnichen, David, viii. 61. John, viii. 57. Sir Robert, vi. 494; viii. 58, 61. his wife, Isobel Gray, iv. 286 ; viii. 61. of Erlesfleld, Sir John, viii. 58. of Ethie, David, vi. 492. Sir Robert, 1st laird, viii. 51. of Fair Oak, John Jervis, vi. 505. his 1st wife, Charlotte Stevenson, vi. 505. his 2nd wife, Georgina Marjori- banks, vi. 505. of Fethies, Sir Robert, viii. 51. of Finavon, Barbara, wife of Sir Robert Douglas of Glenbervie, vi. 498. — James, 1st laird, vi. 497. his wife, Anna Lundin, v. 303 ; vi. 498. James, 2nd laird, vi. 498 ; viii. 295, 308. his 1st wife, Margaret Bennet, vi. 498. his 2nd wife, Violet Nasmith, vi. 498. James, 3rd laird, vi. 498. of Little Fithie, Sir James, viii. 89. of Framedrum, Sir David, viii. 86. of Fullerton, Sir David, viii. 86. of Gartnafuaran, David, viii. 83. James, viii. 83. of Glenbuckie, David, viii. 83. James, viii. 83. of Glendye, Sir James, viii. 90. of Idvy, Sir Robert, viii. 51. of Inglismaldie, Sir John, vi. 494. of Kinblethmont, Sir John, vi. 424. John, vi. 495. his wife, Jean Fothringham, vi. 495. • — of Kinfauns, Alexander, vi. 499. his 1st wife, Anna Blair, vi. 499 ; ix. 144. • his 2nd wife, Margaret Nairne, vi. 393, 499. * Name unknown. Carnegie of Kinfauns, Alexander, vi. 499. his wife, Jean Carnegie, vi. 499. Margaret, wife of John, lord Gray of Gray, vi. 498. of Kinnaber, George, viii. 82. his wife, Madeline Connel, viii. 82. John, viii.&82. hislwife,|Mary Fullerton /viii. 82. of Kinnaird, David, 7th 5 laird, iii. 278; viii. 53, 59. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Ramsay of Leuchars and Colluthie, viii. 53, 60. his 2nd wife, Euphame Wemyss, iii. 278 ; viii. 61, 491. his 3rd wife, Janet Henrison, viii. 64. Sir David, 8th laird, viii. 61, 64. his wife, Margaret Lindsay, i. 514 ; viii. 66. Duthac de, 1st laird, viii. 48. his wife, Mariota of Kinnaird, viii. 48. John, 3rd laird, viii. 50. — his wife, * Waus, viii. 51. John, 4th laird, viii. 51. his wife, Euphame Strachan, viii. 51. Sir John, 6th laird, v. 205 ; viii. 56, 58,60. his 1st wife, Agnes Wood, viii. 58. _ his 2nd wife, Margaret Keith, vi. 49; viii. 59. Sir Robert, ?5th laird, [vi. f89, 493 ; viii. 51. his wife, Margaret Guthrie, viii. 53. Walter, 2nd laird, viii. 49. his probable wife, * Lindsay, viii. 49. of Kinnaldie, Sir John, vi. 494. of Kinnoull, Anne, wife of Robt. Car- negie, vi. 495. James, vi. 495. his wife, Anne Ogilvy, vi. 495. John, vi. 495. his wife, Anne Auchinleck, vi. 495. Robert, vi. 495. his wife, Anne Carnegie, vi. 495. of Leuchars, David, viii. 60. his wife, Elizabeth Ramsay, viii. 53,60. Sir David, viii. 86. Elizabeth, viii. 60. Margaret, viii. 60. of Leuchland, Robert, viii. 55. his wife, Marjorie Wedderburn, viii. 56. - William, viii. 55. of Lour, Patrick, 4th laird, vi. 499. his wife. Margaret Bower, vi. 499. Patrick, 5th laird, vi. 499. his wife, Rachel Anne Forbes, vi. 499. * Name unknown. 280 INDEX Carnegie of Lour, Patrick, 3rd laird, vi. 498. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Graham, vi. 498. his 2nd wife, Margaret Graham, vi. 498. Patrick, 2nd laird, vi. 498. . his wife, Alison Watson, vi. 498. Patrick, 3rd son of 2nd earl of Northesk ; 1st laird, vi. 49S. his 1st wife, Marjory Threipland, vi. 498. his 2nd wife, Margaret Stewart, vi. 498. of Lunan, Sir John, vi. 494. — of Many, John, viii. 53. his wife, Margaret Waus, viii. 53. — of Marytoun, Sir David, viii. 86. — of Mondynes, Sir Alexander, viii. 74. — of Old Montrose, Sir David, viii. 86. — of Murdocairnie, Robert, vi. 89. of Ochterlony, John, viii. 57. — of Odmeston, Sir Alexander, viii. 74. James, sheriff-depute of Forfar- shire, viii. 75. — of Panbride, David, 2nd son of Sir Robert C. of Kinnaird, viii. 53, 59. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Ramsay, viii. 53, 60. of Pitkennedy, Sir David, viii. 86. of Pittarrow, Sir Alexander, 4th son of 1st earl of Southesk, i. 304 ; vi. 497 ; viii. 67, 74. his wife, Margaret Arbuthnott, i. 304 ; viii. 75. Sir David, 1st bart., vii. 220 ; viii. 67,76. his 1st wife, Katharine Primrose, vii. 220; viii. 77. his 2nd wife, Katharine Gordon, i. 308 ; viii. 78. his 3rd wife, Jean Burnett, viii. 79. Sir David, 4th bart., viii. 86. his wife, Agnes Murray Elliot, viii. 86. George, 6th son of Sir John C. of Pittarrow, viii. 81. his wife, Susan Scott, viii. 82. George, viii. 82. — his wife, Madeline Connel, viii. 82. Sir James, 3rd bart., viii. 81, 83. his wife, Christian Doig of Cook- ston and Balzeordie, viii. 85. Sir James, 5th bart., viii. 88. his wife, Charlotte Lysons, viii. 89. Sir James, 6th bart., viii. 90. his 1st wife, Katharine Hamilton Noel, viii. 90. his 2nd wife, Susan Katharine Mary Murray, iii. 394 ; viii. 91. Carnegie of Pittarrow, Sir John, 3rd son of 1st earl of Southesk, viii. 66, 74. his wife, Jane Scrymegeour, iii. 314 ; viii. 67. Sir John, 2nd bart., viii. 78, 80. his wife, Mary Burnett, viii. 81. John, eldest son of George C., viii. 82. his wife, Mary Fullerton of Kinna- ber, viii. 82. of Punderlaw, David, viii. 57. James, viii. 54. John, viii. 54, 57. of Redcastle, Sir John, vi. 494. of Seaton, Sir John, 2nd son of David C. of Colluthie, vi. 494 ; viii. 61. John, illeg. son of Sir Robert C. of Kinnaird, viii. 57. of Seggieden, Sir John, viii. 58. of Southesk, Sir James, viii. 84. of Strachan, Sir James, 1st laird, viii. 89. Sir James, 2nd laird, viii. 90. of Stronvar, David, vii. 524 ; viii. 83. his 1st wife, Julie Boletta Zeuthen, viii. 83. his 2nd wife, Susan Mary Anne Carnegie, viii. 83 bis. James, viii. 83. his wife, Mary Bethune Gillespie, viii. 83. of Tulibirnis, John, viii. 50 bis. of Vayne, Sir Alexander, viii. 61. his wife, Giles Blair, viii. 61. Agnes, wife of Sir Jas. Sandilands, i. 78 ; viii. 67 ; ix. 5. Agnes, wife of Patrick Livingstone, viii. 54. Agnes, wife of principal Robert Pater- son, viii. 55. Agnes, wife of Sir Alex. Falconer of Halkerston, v. 246 ; viii. 64. Agnes, dau. of Sir David C. of South- esk, viii. 88. Agnes, dau. of Sir James C. of South- esk, viii. 90. Alexander, captain, sheriff of Angus, viii. 61 ; ix. 49. his wife, Jean Erskine, ii. 274 ; viii. 62 ; ix. 49. Alexander, accountant, London, viii. 75. Alexander, merchant, London, viii. 76. Alexander, Jamaica, viii. 81. — - Alexander Bannerman, viii. 92. Andrew, 7th son of Sir Alexander C. Pittarrow, viii. 76. Anna, wife of Patrick Wood of Bon- nington, vi. 497. Anna, dau. of 3rd earl of Northesk, vi. 500. Anna, wife of Sir Alex. Hope of K< vi. 501. INDEX 281 •Carnegie, Anne, wife of Sir John Ogilvy of Inverquharity, vi. 498. Anne, wife of James Knox, viii. 62. Anne, wife of rear-admiral Robert Wauchope, viii. 87. Anne Letitia, wife of Jas. Cruick- shank of Langley Park, vi. 506. Arabella Charlotte, wife of Samuel H. Romilly, viii. 91. Archibald, 2nd son of David C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 77. - — Beatrice Diana Cecilia, wife" of rev. H. H. Stewart, viii. 91. Cecil, dan. of Sir John C. of Balnamoon, viii. 62. - — Charles, elder son of James C. of Fina- von, vi. 498. Charles, dean of Brechin, viii. 75, 79. his wife Barbara Martin, viii. 75. Charles, M. P., inspector of constabu- lary, viii. 89. Charlotte, wife of (1) Thomas F. Scrym- seoure Fothringham, and (2) F. B. Elliot, i viii. 89. Christian, wife of 1st duke of Montrose, vi. 265, 500. Christian, dau. of 4th earl of Northesk, vi. 502. Christian, dau. of Sir Robert C. of Kin- naird, viii. 57. Christina Mary, viii. 87. Clementina, dau. of 5th earl of South- esk, viii. 74. Constance Mary, C.I., wife of 9th earl of Elgin, iii. 496; viii. 91. David, 2nd son of John C. of Boysack, vi. 496. David, elder son of Sir Alexander C. of Balnamoon, viii. 61. David, son of Mungo C. of Birkhill, viii. 76. David, merchant, West Indies, viii. 79. David, 3rd son of Sir John C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 81. • David, Gottenburg, viii. 83. his wife, Anne Christian Beckman, viii. 83. David Alexander, vi. 507. David Wynford, explorer and author, viii. 91. • Dora Susan, wife of Ernest von Roda- kowski, viii. 92. — Dorothea Helena, viii. 91. — Duthac de, 2nd son of John de Balin- hard, viii. 47, 48. — Edward Hugo, viii. 82. — his wife, Emilie Prange, viii. 82. — Eleanor, wife of James Evans, viii. 88. — Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Arbuthnott of that Ilk, i. 297 ; viii. 56. — Elizabeth, wife of 5th lord Balmerino, i. 571 ; vi. 501 ; ix. 34. Carnegie, Elizabeth, wife of 3rd earl of Hope- toun, iv. 500 ; vi. 503. Elizabeth, wife of John Guthrie of that Ilk, viii. 62. Elizabeth, wife of John Graham of Bal- gowan, viii. 62. Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander C. of Bal- namoon, viii. 62. Elizabeth, wife of 1st lord Balvaird, viii. 68, 201 ; ix. 159. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir David C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 78. Elizabeth, wife of Alex. Strachan of Tarrie, viii. 80, 87. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 83. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir James C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 86. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir David C. of South- esk, viii. 87. Elizabeth Erica, viii. 92. Elizabeth Margaret, wife of gen. F. R. Thackeray, vi. 506. Emma, wife of James Douglas of Cavers, viii. 88. Euphame, wife of Robert Graham of Morphie, viii. 64. Frances, dau. of 2nd earl of Northesk, vi. 499. George, lieu t -col., vi. 503. his wife, Elizabeth Swinton, vi. 503. George, major-general, viii. 82. his wife, Maria Priscilla Wakefield. viii. 82. George, advocate, viii. 86. George David Howard, viii. 82. George James, iii. 365 ; vi. 503. his wife, Frances Jacobina Nichol- son, iii. 365 ; vi. 503. Georgina Henrietta, dau. of 7th earl of Northesk, vi. 506. Gilbert, 2nd son of Duthac de C., viii. 48. Grisel, dau. of Sir David C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 78. Helen, wife of (1) Wm. Lundie of Ben- holm, (2) Robert Turing of Foveran, and (3) John Gordon of Glenbucket, viii. 56. Helen, wife of Alex. Aberdein of Cairn- bulg, viii. 83. Helen Alice, wife of Francis Eden Lacy, vi. 507. Helena Mariota, viii. 92. Henrietta, dau. of 4th earl of Northesk, vi. 502. Henry, midshipman H.E.I.C.S., viii. 81. Hercules, viii. 55. Ian Ludovic Andrew, R.N., vi. 507. his wife, Anna Barbara Atkinson, vi. 507. 282 INDEX Carnegie, Isabel, wife of Gordon of Glen- bucket, viii. 57. James, minister at Redgorton and at Barrie, viii. 55. his wife, Ann Gardyne, viii. 55. James, legtd. son of Robert C. of Balna- breich, viii. 58. James, Charleston, So. Carolina, viii. 75. James, merchant, Montrose, viii. 79, 81. James, H.E.I.C.S., viii. 83. his wife, Margaret Gillespie, viii. 83. James, his son, viii. 83. James, 2nd son of Sir James C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 85. James, vicar of Seaford, viii. 86. James, son of Lancelot Douglas C., viii. 91. James Duthac, viii.i92. James Edward, viii. 82. Jane, dau. of Sir David C. of Southesk, viii. 87. Jane Christian, wife of Wm. Fullarton Lindsay-Carnegie, vi. 496, 506 ; viii. 112. Janet, wife of Wm. Maule of Auchrin- nie, vii. 9; viii. 51. Janet, dau. of Mungo C. of Birkhill, viii. 76. Janet, wife of capt. W. Keith, viii. 76, Janet, dau. of Sir David C. of Pittarrow, viii. 80. Jean, wife of (1) James Murray, 2nd earl of Annandale, and (2) David, 4th viscount Stormont, i. 229 ; viii. 70, 197, 204. Jean, wife of (1) Alexander Lindsay, master of Spynie, and (2) John Lindsay of Edzell, i. 515 ; vi. 497 ; viii. 104, 107. Jean, wife of 3rd earl of Balcarres, i. 522 ; vi. 499. Jean, wife of Alex. Blair of Kinfauns, iv. 292 ; vi. 498. Jean, wife of (1) James Carmichael of Balmedie, and (2) A. Dundas of Fingask, iv. 566; viii. 63. Jean, dau. of 3rd earl of Northesk, vi. 500. Jean, wife of Gilbert Reid of Collieston, viii. 57. Jean, dau. of Sir David C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 80. Jean, wife of Robert Taylor of Kirkton- hill, viii. 83. Jean Douglas, dau. of capt. John Doug- las C., vi. 507. John, 2nd son of James C. of Balmachie, viii. 54. John, 2nd son of Sir John C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 81. John, lieut. -colonel, viii. 85. his wife, Katharine Tireman, viii. 85. Carnegie, John, captain 9th lancers, viii. 87. his wife, Elizabeth Susan Grey^ viii. 87. John, post-captain R.N., viii. 89. John Douglas, vi. 507. his wife, Margaret Jean Johnstone- Douglas, vi. 507. John Douglas, eldest son of above, vi. 507. Julie Isabella, wife of col. Charles Hope of Cowdenknowes, vii. 524 ; viii. 83. Katharine, wife of llth earl of Erroll, iii. 579 ; viii. 70. Katharine, wife of Sir John Hamilton of Lettrick, iv. 214 ; viii. 58; ix. 35, 104. Katharine, dau. of William C. of Leuch- land, viii. 56. Katharine, dau. George of C. of Little Carcary, viii. 56. Katharine, wife of David Ramsay of Balmain, viii. 56. Katharine, wife of John Ay toun of Kin- naldie, viii. 63. Katharine, wife of 1st earl of Traquair, viii. 67, 405. Katharine, wife of Thomas Allan, viii. 76. Katharine, wife of David Watson, viii, 78. Katharine Agnes Blanche, wife of col. C. C. E. Morgan, viii. 92. Katharine Ethel, viii. 92. Katharine Jane Elizabeth, dau. of 10th earl of Northesk, vi. 507. Lancelot Douglas, M. V.O., viii. 91. his wife, Marion Alice de Gournajr Barclay, viii. 91. Madeline, wife of Sir A. Agnew of Lochnaw, viii. 88. Magdalene, wife of James, marquess of Montrose, i. 126 ; vi. 250, 253 ; viii. 68. Magdalene, wife of William Graham of Claverhouse, iii. 324, 325 ; vi. 497. Magdalene, wife of John Moodie of Ardbikie, vi. 499. Magdalene, wife of (1) Gideon Baillie of - Lochend, and (2) Sir J. Crawford of Kilbir- nie, viii. 66 ; ix. 159. Margaret, wife of 2nd earl of Carnwath, ii. 414 ; viii. 66. Margaret, wife of 1st earl of Dalhousie, iii. 99 ; viii. 67. Margaret, wife of Sir Jas. Scrimgeour < Dudhope, iii. 311, 313 ; viii. 57. Margaret, wife of Patrick Kinnaird Kinnaird, v. 205 ; viii. 58. Margaret, wife of George, lord Bal- gonie and Raith, vi. 113, 501. Margaret, dau. of 1st earl of Northesk, vi. 497. Margaret, wife of P. Lyon of Auchter- house, vi. 498; viii. 303. INDEX 283 Carnegie, Margaret, wife of Sir C. Ramsay of Balmain, vi. 495. Margaret, wife of John Fullarton of Fullarton, vi. 496 ; viii. 109. Margaret, wife of (1) John Foulis, and (2) Charles Lewis, vi. 498. Margaret, dau. of 3rd earl of North- esk, vi. 500. Margaret, wife of Chas. Watson of Saughton, vi. 503. Margaret, dau. of capt. J. Douglas C., vi. 507. Margaret, wife of Patrick Falconer, viii. 54. Margaret, legtd. dan. of Sir John C. of Kinnaird, viii. 59. Margaret, wife of James Carnegie of Balnamoon, viii. 62, 76. Margaret, dau. of Alexander C. of Bal- namoon, viii. 62. Margaret, wife of George Dunbar of Inchbrock, viii. 67. Margaret, wife of Black of Haddo, viii. 76. Margaret, wife of Henry Fletcher of Saltoun, viii. 78. Margaret, dau. of Sir John C. of Pittar- row, viii. 83. Margaret Mary Adeliza, vi. 506. Marion, wife of Gilbert Gray of Bandir- ran, vi. 281 ; viii. 58. Mariota Susan, viii. 91. Marjory, wife of (1) William Halyburton, and (2) 1st viscount Arbuthnott, i. 305; viiL 67. - — Marjorie, wife of (1) James Scott, and (2) John Prestoune, vi. 497. Mary, dau. of 4th earl of Northesk, vi. 502. Mary, wife of Walter Long of Preshaw, vi. 506. Mary, wife of Strachan of Carmyle, viii. 57. Mary, wife of (1) col. John Scott, and (2) * Forbes, viii. 83. Mary, dau. of Sir James C. of Pittarrow, viii. 86. Mary, wife of Thomas Henry Graham of Edmond Castle, viii. 88. Mary Anne, wife of rev. Dr John Kemp, vi. 504. — — Mary Anne, dau. of Sir David C. of Southesk, viii. 88. Mary Elizabeth, viii. 92. Mary Georgina, vi. 505. Robert, 3rd son of 1st earl of Northesk, vi.496. Robert, 5th son of 2nd earl of Northesk, vi. 499. Robert, parson of Kinnoull, viii. 54. his wife, Elizabeth Wemyss, viii. 54, 491. * Name unknown. Carnegie, Robert, minister expectant, viii. 55. Robert, 4th son of Sir Alexander C. of Pittarrow, viii. 75. Robert, M.D., viii. 75. Robert, 6th son of Sir David C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 79. Robert Francis, major Gordon High- landers, viii. 91. Stewart, wife of Wm. Fullarton of Ful- larton, afterwards Lindsay of Spynie, vi. 496 ; viii. 111. Susan Mary Anne, wife of David Car- negie of Stronvar, viii. 83 bis. Swynfen Thomas, rear-admiral R.N., vi. 505. his wife, Louisa Albertina Hope, vi. 506. Sylvester, Arbroath, vi. 502. Walter de, 2nd son of John de C. of Car- negie, viii. 47. Walter, 2nd son of Walter C. of Kin- naird, viii. 50. William, 2nd son of 3rd earl of South- esk, iii. 405 ; viii. 71. William, 5th son of Sir David C. of Pit- tarrow, viii. 78. Carnegie- Arbuthnott of Balnamoon, Anne, viii. 63. Helen, viii. 63. James, 6th laird, i. 295 ; viii. 62, 82. his wife, Margaret Arbuthnott, i. 295 ; viii. 62. James, 7th laird, viii. 62, 63. James, 8th laird, viii. 63. his wife, Anne Hunter, viii. 63. Mary Anne Jemima, wife of Arthur Risden Capel, viii. 63, Alexander, viii. 62. Anne, viii. 62. Charles, viii. 62. Elizabeth, viii. 62. Helen, wife of A. Knox of Keithock, viii. 63. Jean, viii. 62. John, viii. 62. Margaret, viii. 62. Carnegie-Knox, James, viii. 63 bis. Carnoto, Thomas de, vii. 236. CARNWATH, DALZELL, EARL OF, ii. 395-420. Carnwath, Alexander, eldest son of 6th earl of Carnwath ; titular earl of, ii. 416. his wife, Elizabeth ; Jackson, ii. 416. Arthur Alexander, ninth earl of, ii. 419; ix. 55. Gavin, second earl of, ii. 413 ; viii. 25 n. ; ix. 54 bis. his 1st wife, Margaret Carnegy, ii. 414. his 2nd wife, Margaret Erskine, ii. 414 ; v. 86. 284 INDEX Carnwath, Harry Burrard, tenth earl of, ii. 419 ; ix. 55. his wife, Isabella Campbell, ii. 419. Henry Arthur Hew, eighth earl of, ii. 419 ; ix. 55. James, third earl of, ii. 414 ; ix. 54 ter. his wife, Mary Seton, ii. 414 ; viii. 601 ; ix. 54, 55. John, fourth earl of, ii. 415 ; ix. 54 bis, 55. Robert, first earl of, ii. 408, 411 ; ix. 54 bis. his 1st wife, Christian Douglas, ii. 413 ; vii. 129. his 2nd wife, Katharine Abingdon, ii. 413. Robert, fifth earl of, ii. 415; v. 127 ; ix. 54,55. his 1st wife, Grace Montgomery, ii. 416 ; iii. 457. his 2nd wife, Grizel Urquhart, ii. 416. his 3rd wife, Margaret Hamilton, ii. 416. his 4th wife, Margaret Vincent, ii. 416. Robert Alexander, sixth earl of, ii. 417 ; ix. 55. his 1st wife, Jane Parkes, ii. 417. his 2nd wife, Andalusia Brown, ii. 418. Robert Harris Carnwath, eleventh earl of, ii. 420; ix. 55 bis. his wife, Emily Sulivan Hippisley, ii. 420. Thomas Henry, seventh earl of, ii. 419 ; ix. 55. his 1st wife, Mary Anne Grattan, ii. 419. his 2nd wife, Isabella Eliza Eardley Wilmot, ii. 419. Carpentar, William, temp. David ii., v. 139. Carpenter of Eddlewood, Oliver, iv. 341. of Ingleston, Adam, v. 590. of Redbourn, George, viii. 312. Mary Elizabeth Louisa Rodney, wife of llth earl of Strathmore and King- home, viii. 312. Almeria, ix. 109. George, It-general, M.P., v. 127. Carr of Cocken, Ralph, iii. 601. of Etal, Charlotte Hay, wife of rev. Wm. Holwell, iii. 582. Sir William, bart., iii. 581, 583 ; iv. 217 ; vii. 175. William Hay, 2nd son of 15th earl of Erroll, iii. 583. of Sleaford, Sir Robert, v. 71. Isabella, wife of 15th earl of Erroll, iii. 581. Margaret, wife of (1) Alexander Mackay, and (2) Jas. Farquharson of Invercauld, vii. 175. Carr, Richard Fitzwilliam, vii. 315. William, killed at Flodden, vii. 332. William Holwell, vicar of Menheniot, iii. 582. GARB-BOYLE, EARL OF GLASGOW, iv. 218. Carre of Cavers, Sir Andrew, v. 53; vii. 585 ; ix. 158. of Nisbet, Margaret, wife of Matthew St. Glair, vii. 53, 585. Anne, wife of William, 1st duke of Bedford, v. 71. CARRICK, ANCIENT EARLS OF, ii. 421-427. Carrick, Adam de Kilconcath, de jure ux. earl of, ii. 426, 432 ; viii. 245 n. Alexander, alleged earl of, iii. 137. Duncan, first earl of, ii. 422 ; iv. 138. his wife, Avelina Fitzalan, ii. 423 ; ix. 1. Gilbert of Galloway, ancestor of the earls of, ii. 421 : iv. 136, 137. Margaret, Marjorie or Martha, wife of (1) Adam de Kilconcath, and (2) Robert Bruce ; countess of, ii. 426, 432. Neil, second earl of, i. 12; ii. 426, 445. his wife, Margaret Stewart, i. 12 ; ii. 426. CARRICK, BRUCE, EARL OF, ii. 428-437. Carrick, Alexander, earl of, ii. 436. his wife, Eleonora Douglas, ii. 137, 437 ; iii. 142 ; iv. 227. David, earl of, ii. 436. Edward, earl of, ii. 435 ; vii. 235 bis. his alleged wife, Isabel of Atholl, i. 427 ; ii. 436. Robert, dejure ux. earl of, ii. 426, 432. his 1st wife, Margaret, countess of Carrick, ii. 426, 432. his 2nd wife, Alianora, ii. 433. Robert, guardian of Scotland, earl of, i. 7 ; ii. 218, 433, 435. CARRICK, STEWART, EARL OF, ii. 438-439. Carrick, David, duke of Rothesay, earl of, ii. 438 ; iii. 279 n. James, iprince or steward of Scotland, earl of, ii. 439. John, eldest son of King Robert ii. ; earl of, i. 15, 17, 147 ; ii. 438; viii. 265. his wife, Annabella Drummond, ii. 438; vii. 37. CARRICK, STEWART, EARL OF, ii. 440-442. Carrick, John, 3rd son of Robert, earl of Orkney ; earl of, ii. 440 ; vi. 573, 576. his wife, Elizabeth Howard, ii. 442. CARRICK, CUNNINGHAM, EARL OF, iv. 227. Carrick, William, earl of, iv. 227. Carrick, Charles Henry (Somerset) 6th earl of, i. 527. of Straiton, Sir John de, ii. 423. Alan, parson of Kirkemanen and Straiton, ii. 425. Alexander, son of Duncan, earl of Car- rick, ii. 425. INDEX 285 Carrick, Elena! de, prioress of North Ber- wick, ii. 506. Gilbert, son of Sir Gilbert de C., ii. 425, 445 ; v. 336. Gilbert Fitz-Roland de. ii. 424. Malcolm, illeg. son of Gilbert of C., ii. 421 ; iv. 137. Malcolm, son of Roland of C., ii. 425, 445. Mary de, alleged wife of John Kennedy of Dunure, ii. 447. Sir Roland de, ' Ceanncinneal,' ii. 423, 426, 443, 445. his wife, Mathildis de Baliol, ii. 424. Roland de, heir of Matilda de C., ii. 424, 425, 445. * de, wife of Arthur, the Castellan of Lochdoon, ii. 425. Carrideby, Elena, wife of Sir Jas. Cunning- ham of Hassendean, iv. 225 n. CARRINGTON, RAMSAY, LORD RAMSAY OF, iii. 99-110. Carrington, Robert John (Carrington), 2nd lord, ii. 566. Carrington, Sir Archibald Primrose, lord clerk register, justice-general, lord, vii. 218. Cecile Katherine Mary, wife of 1st vis- count Colville, ii. 566. Carron, Alexander, alias Scrymgeour, iii. 303. Carruthers of Holmains, John, i. 222. his wife, Blanche Murray, i. 222. John, ii. 390. * in 1570, i. 224. of Mouswald, Archibald, i. 220, 238, 239. his 1st wife, * Johnstone, i. 238. his 2nd wife, Marion Scott, i. 239. John, captain of Lochmaben, i. 235. Sir Simon, ii. 228, 382, 386, 387. his contr. wife, Eufamia Carlyle, ii. 386. his wife, Isabella Scott, ii. 228. Simon, ii. 388. his wife, Katharine Carlyle, ii. 388. Simon, last laird, i. 223, 242. his 1st wife, Agnes Murray, i. 223. his 2nd wife, Mariota Johnstone, i. 242. Ellen, wife of Adam Carlyle of Bride- kirk, ii. 382. Isabel, wife of Patrick Carlyle, ii. 391. Janet, wife of Jas. Carlyle, ii. 390. John de, 1361, iii. 55. Carsewell, William, v. 583. his wife, Isabel Stewart, v. 583. Carson, Aglionby Ross, LL.D., ii. 117. Carstairsof Kilconquhar, Sir John, 1st laird, iii. 510. James, ix. 4. his wife, * Sandilands, ix. 4. * Name unknown. Carstairs, William, captain, 4th son of Sir John C. of Kilconquhar, iii. 510. — his wife, Helen Murray, iii. 509. Carstares, William, Principal of Edinburgh ^ University, secretary to King William in., ii. 20 ; v. 91. Carter, John Money, lieut-col. 1st Royals, iii. 522. his wife, Janet Ferguson Murray, iii. 522. Carter-Campbell of Ardpatrick, James, cap- tain R.N., iii. 416. Susan Eleanor, wife of A. F. C. Tolle- mache, iii. 416. Carteret, Grace, wife of Lionel, 4th earl of * Dysart, iii. 408. "Frances, wife of 4th marquess of Tweeddale, viii. 464. Carthorpe of Carthorpe, Eustachia, wife of Richard Fairfax, iii. 595. John, iii. 595. Cartwright of Aynhoe, Thomas Robert Brook, vi. 120. his wife, Elizabeth Jane Leslie- Melville of Melville, vi. 119, 120. William, iii. 599. Stephen Ralph, rector of Aynhoe, iii. 584. Carun of Cupar, iii. 304. Carwood of Carwood, Janet, wife of John Fleming, viii. 541. Margaret, waiting- woman to Queen Mary, v. 438; viii. 541. GARY, VISCOUNT FALKLAND, iii. 607-617. GARY, BARON HUNSDON OF SKUTTER- SKELFE, iii. 616-617. Gary of Aldenham and Great Berkhamstead, Sir Edward, ii. 35 ; iii. 609. his wife, Katharine Knyvett, iii, 609. of Great Berkhamstead, Sir Adolphus, iii. 609. his wife, Anne Corbet, iii. 609. of Caddington, Sir Philip, iii. 609. his wife, Elizabeth Bland, iii. 609. of Carysbrooke, Wilson Jefferson, iii. 604. of Ceelys, Wilson, colonel, iii. 600, 603. Wilson Miles, colonel, iii. 603. of Chilton Foliot, Thomas, iii. 608. his wife, Margaret Spencer, iii. 608. of Clovelly, Robert, ancestor of the family of, iii. 608. of Cockington, Robert, iii. 608. Sir William, iii. 607. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Paulet, iii. 608. his 2nd wife, Alice Fulford, iii. 608. of Leven Grove and Skutterskelfe, George, general, iii. 613. his wife, Isabella Ingram, iii. 613. 286 INDEX Gary of Plashey and Thremhall Priory, Sir John, iii. 608. his wife, Joyce Denny, iii. 608. of St. James's, Edward, iii. 610; ix. 88. his wife, Anne Lucas, iii. 610; ix. 88. of Snettisham, Sir Wymond, iii. 608. his wife, Katharine Jernegan, iii. 608. of Ton* Abbey, Robert, ancestor of the family of, iii. 608. Almeria Augusta, wife of rev. Wm. Digby, iii. 615. Ann, dau. of Thomas C., iii. 608. Anne, a Benedictine nun, iii. 611. Anne Christiana, wife of capt. S. Morland, iii. 616. Archibald, U.S.A.. iii. 605. his wife, Monimia Fairfax, iii. 605. Byron Charles Ferdinand Plantagenet, captain R.N., iii. 615. his wife, Selina Mary Fox, iii. 615. Byron Plantagenet, R.N., iii. 617. Charles Lucius, iii. 615. Charlotte, wife of Bryan Fairfax, iii. 597. Charlotte, wife of Anthony Chapman, iii. 614 ; ix. 88. Charlotte Maria, wife of Samuel Charters, iii. 615. Dorothy, dau. of 6th viscount Falkland, iii.614;ix. 88. Sir Edmund, iii. 597. Elizabeth, wife of 8th lord Fairfax, iii. 603. Elizabeth, in religion 'sister Clemen- tina,' iii. 611. Elizabeth Blair, wife of F. Fairfax, iii. 603. Emelia Sophia, wife of Major C. T. Grant of Grant, iii. 615. Emma Christiana, dau. of 9th viscount Falkland, iii. 616. Emma Emelia, wife of Thomas B. Ferguson, iii. 615. Frances, wife of 1st earl of Grandison, iii. 611. Frances, dau. of 7th viscount Falkland, iii. 614. Sir Henry, baron Hunsdon, iii. 608. his wife, Ann Morgan, iii. 608. Henry John, 4th son of 6th viscount Falkland, iii. 614. Jane, wife of lord Barret of Newburgh, ii. 35 ; ix. 36. Jane, dau. of 7th viscount Falkland, iii. 614. John, son of Patrick C., iii. 610. Katharine, wife of Sir F. Knollys, iii. 608. Katharine, wife of 2nd earl of Home, iii. 611 ; iv. 467. Cary, Katharine Mary, dau. of 12th viscount Falkland, iii. 617. Lavinia Matilda, dau. of Lucius Ferdi- nand, Master of Falkland, iii. 615. Leeke, 3rd son of 6th viscount Falkland, iii. 614. Lettice, dau. of 12th viscount Falkland, iii. 617. Sir Lorenzo, iii. 610 ; ix. 88. Lucia, wife of maj or John Grattan, iii. 615 Lucius William Charles Augustus Frederick, iii. 616. his wife, Sarah Christiana Keighley, iii. 616. Lucy, in religion 'Sister Magdalena,' iii. 611. Lucy, wife of lieut.-gen. Comte de Rothe, iii. 614; ix. 88. Margaret, dau. of Thomas C., iii. 608. Mary, wife of Sir John Delaval, iii. 608. Mary, a Benedictine nun, iii. 611. Mary, dau. of 7th viscount Falkland, iii. 614. Mary Elizabeth, wife of John Law, D.D., iii. 614. Mary Randolph, wife of Orlando Fairfax, iii. 604. Mary Selina, dau. of 12th viscount Falkland, iii. 617. Offley HM rector of Trusham, iii. 607 n. Patrick, poet, iii. 610 ; ix. 88. his wife, Susan Uvedale, iii. 610; ix.88. Patricia, dau. of Patrick C., ix. 88. Philip Plantagenet, iii. 617. Sarah, wife of G. W. Fairfax, iii. 600. Selina Catherine, wife of C. E. Fox, iii. 615. Susanna Patricia, ix. 88. Victoria, wife of (1) Sir W. Uvedale, and (2) B. Price, iii. 611. William, gentleman of the bedchamber to King Henry vin., iii. 608. his wife, Mary Boleyne, iii. 608. *, in religion ' Father Placid,' iii. 610. Caryll, John, vii. 511. his wife, Mary Mackenzie, vii. 511. Carysfort, Granville Leveson (Proby), 3rd earl of, i. 67. Gas of Fordell, Richard, v. 457. CASKIEBERRIE, LESLIE, LORD, vii. 301. Caskieberrie, John, lord, vii. 301. Cassidy of Monastereven, Edward, iv. 422. his wife, A. M. J. Constable-Mf well-Scott, iv. 422. CASSILLIS, KENNEDY, EARL OF, ii. 443-502. Cassillis, Archibald, eleventh earl of, ii. 494. his 1st wife, Katharine Schuyl ii. 495. his 2nd wife, Ann Watts, ii. 495. * Name unknown. INDEX 287 •Cassillis, Archibald, twelfth earl of, ii. 497 ; ix.58. his wife, Margaret Erskine of Dun, ii. 498. Archibald, styled earl of, ii. 498. his wife, Eleanor Allardyce of Dunottar, ii. 498. Archibald, fourteenth earl of, ii. 501. Archibald, styled earl of, ii. 501. his wife, Frances Emily Stewart, ii.502. David, first earl of, ii. 107, 460. his 1st wife, Agnes Borthwick, ii. 107, 461. his 2nd wife, Grizel or Margaret Boyd, ii. 461 ; v. 149. David, tenth earl of, ii. 462. Gilbert, second earl of, ii. 461, 464 ; v. 149, 495. his wife, Isabella Campbell, i. 336 ; ii. 465. Gilbert, third earl of, ii. 468 ; v. 107 ; ix. 56ter. his wife, Margaret Kennedy, ii. 471. Gilbert, fourth earl of, i. 24; ii. 471; viii. 289; ix. 56. his contr. wife, Jean Hamilton, iv. 370 ; ix. 104. his wife, Margaret Lyon, ii. 473; viii. 288. John, fifth earl of, ii. 475, 515 ; iv. 245 ; ix. 56 ter. his contracted wife, Jean Cunning- ham, iv. 245; ix. 57. his proposed wife, Annas Campbell, i. 346; ii. 477. his wife, Jean Fleming, ii. 477 ; viii. 542, 545, 547. John, sixth earl of, i. 567 ; ii. 474, 477. his 1st wife, Jean Hamilton, ii. 481 ; iv. 315. his 2nd wife, Margaret Hay, ii. 481 ; vii. 348. John, seventh earl of, ii. 482 ; ix. 57. his 1st wife, Susan Hamilton, ii. 484 ; ix. 57. his 2nd wife, Mary Fox, ii. 484 ; ix. 57. John, eighth earl of, ii. 485 ; ix. 57. his wife, Susan Hamilton, ii. 485 ; ix. 57. Thomas, ninth earl of, ii. 443, 485, 492 ; iii. 388. — master of, Hew Kennedy, 2nd son of 4th earl of Cassillis, ii. 474, 476 ; ix. 56. his wife, Katharine M 'Do wall, ii. 474. — master of, Sir Thomas Kennedy, 2nd son of 3rd earl of Cassillis, ii. 471, 486. his wife, Elizabeth M'Gill, ii. 486. Castel Bianco, Jos6 de Royas, count of, vi. 70. his 1st wife, Mary Drummond, vi. 70. his 2nd wife, Frances Drummond, vi. 70. CASTLEFIELD, PRIMROSE, LORD PRIMROSE AND, vii. 109-111. Castlefield, James, first lord Primrose and, vii. 110. CASTLEHAVEN, MACKENZIE, LORD, iii. 74-80. Castlehaven, George, first lord, iii. 74, 75. CASTLEHAVEN OF CASTLEHAVEN, HAY- MACKENZIE, BARON, iii. 84-86. Castlehaven of Castlehaven, Anne, first baroness, iii. 84. Castlemaine of Horsley, Paul, captain, ii. 562. his wife, Margaret Colville, ii. 562. Castlestewart, Andrew (Stewart), first baron, vi. 516. his wife, Margaret Kennedy, vi. 516. Andrew (Stewart), second lord, vi. 517. his wife, Anne Stewart, i. 446 ; vi. 517. John (Stewart), fifth lord, vi. 517. Andrew Thomas (Stewart), 1st earl, vi. 519. Walter Stewart, ancestor of the earls of, i. 150. Castletown, John W. (Fitzpatrick), 1st lord, iii. 394. Catesby, Dorothy, wife of Sir William Dormer, iii. 295. Catford, Ella Louise, wife of Lucius Plan- tagenet Cary, master of Falkland, iii. 617. E. W., iii. 617. CATHCART, CATHCART, LORD, ii. 503-531. Cathcart, Alan, first lord, ii. 507 ; v. 607. his wife, Janet Maxwell, ii. 509. Alan, third lord, ii. 510, 512. his wife, Helen Sempill, ii. 513 ; vii. 538. Alan, fourth lord, ii. 514 ; iii. 228. his contracted wife, Elizabeth Crichton, ii. 514 ; vii. 539. his 1st wife, Margaret Wallace, ii. 516. his 2nd wife, Florence M'Dougal, ii. 516. Alan, fifth lord, ii. 516. his 1st wife, Margaret Stewart, ii. 172, 517. his 2nd wife, Jean Colquhoun, i. 47 ; ii. 517. Alan, sixth lord, ii. 517. his wife, Marion Boswell, ii. 518. Alan, seventh lord, ii. 518. his wife, Elizabeth Dalrymple, ii. 518 ; viii. 147. INDEX Cathcart, Alan Frederick/ twelfth lord, ii. 530. his wife, Isabella Sophia Cathcart, ii. 531. Charles, eighth lord, ii. 518. his 1st wife, Marion Schaw, ii. 519. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Malyn, ii. 520. Charles Murray, eleventh lord, ii. 527. his wife, Henrietta Mather, ii. 529. Charles Schaw, ninth lord, i 496; ii. 520 ; ix. 58. his wife, Jean Hamilton, ii. 521. John, second lord, ii. 509. his 1st wife, Margaret Kennedy, ii. 510. his 2nd wife, Margaret Douglas, ii. 510 ; vii. 117. William Schaw, tenth lord, ii. 524. his wife. Elizabeth Elliot, ii. 526. CATHCART, CATHCART, EARL, ii. 503-531. Cathcart, Alan, fourth earl, ii. 531 ; ix. 58. Alan Frederick, third earl, ii. 530; ix. 58. his wife, Isabella Sophia Cathcart, ii. 523, 531. Charles Murray, second earl, ii. 527. his wife, Henrietta Mather, ii. 529. George, fifth earl, ii. 531 ; ix. 58. William Schaw, first earl, ii. 524. his wife, Elizabeth Elliot, ii. 526. CATHCART OF CATHCART, CATHCART, VIS- COUNT, ii. 525-531. Cathcart of Cathcart, Alan Frederick, third viscount, ii. 530. Charles Murray, second viscount, ii. 527. William Schaw, first viscount, ii. 524. master of, Alan, eldest son of 2nd lord Cathcart, ii. 510; v. 555. his wife, Agnes Lyle, ii. 510 ; v. 554. master of, Alan, grandson of 2nd lord Cathcart, ii. 510, 512. master of, Alan, elder son of 4th lord Cathcart, ii. 516; ix. 58. his wife, Isobel Kennedy, ii. 516. master of, Alan, elder son of 7th lord Cathcart, ii. 518. CATHCART, LORD CATHCART, ii. 503-531. CATHCART, EARL CATHCART, ii. 503-531. CATHCART, VISCOUNT CATHCART OF CATH- CART, ii. 525-531. CATHCART, BARON GREENOCK OF GREENOCK, ii. 525-531. Cathcart of Arvy, Hugh, 5th son of 2nd lord Cathcart, ii. 512 bis. his wife, Egidia Crawfurd, ii. 512. of Bardarroch, William, ii. 513 ; ix. 58. of Carbiston, Janet, wife of David Cathcart of Duchray, ii. 511. Robert, ii. 512. William, ii. 512 bis. Cathcart of Carleton, Alan, ii. 510. Sir Hew, 1st bart., ii. 511. John, ii. 516. Sir John, 2nd bart., ii. 491. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Kennedy, ii. 491. Sir John Andrew, 5th bart., ii. 498. his wife, Hannah Eleanor Kennedy, ii. 498. Margaret, wife of (1) Robert Cath- cart of Killochan, and (2) Hugh Campbell, ii. 510. Sir Reginald Archibald Edward, 6th bart., ii. 511. Robert, grandson of 2nd lord Cath- cart, ii. 511. Sibyll, wife of John Cathcart of Glendowis, ii. 510, 511. of Cathcart, Alan de, Constable of Ayr, ii. 504. Sir Alan, ii. 505. his wife, * Wallace, ii. 505. Sir Alan, ii. 506. Sir Alan, ii. 506. Alan, ii. 506. Sir Alan, ii. 507. his wife, Janet Maxwell, ii. 509. Rainaldus, Ranulfus or Reginald de, ii. 503. William de, ii. 504. William de, ii. 504. Sir William de, ii. 504. of Clavannis, Alan, ii. 511. his wife, Janet Cathcart, ii. 511. David, 4th son of 2nd lord Cathcart, ii. 511. his wife, Agnes Crawfurd, ii. 511. of Clolynan and Pennyfodzach, Alanr ii. 509. David, ii. 509. his wife, Margaret Boyd, ii. 509. of Drumjowan, James, ii. 513. of Drumsmoden, William, ii. 513. of Nether Drumsmoden, Hugh, ii. 513. of Duchray, Alan, ii. 511. David, 4th son of 2nd lord Cathcartr ii. 511, 512. his wife, Agnes Crawfurd, ii. 511. of Galryne, John, ii. 509. of Genoch, John, i. 92. his wife, Anne Gordon, i. 92. Robert, ancestor of the family of, ii. 511. of Glendowis, John, 3rd son of 2nd lord Cathcart, ii. 511, 512. his wife, Sibill Cathcart, ii. 510, 511. Jonet, wife of R. Crawfurd, ii. 511. Marion, wife of G. Graham, ii. 511. of Killochan, Sir Hew, 1st bart., ii. 511. Sir Reginald Archibald Edward, 6th bart., ii. 511. * Name unknown. INDEX 28$ Cathcart of Killochan, Robert, 2nd son of 2nd lord Cathcart, ii. 510. his wife, Margaret Cathcart, ii. 510. Robert, his son, ii. 511. of Knockskaith, Hugh, 5th son of 2nd lord Cathcart, ii. 512. his wife, Egidia Crawfurd, ii. 512. of Pitcairlie, Robert, ii. 512. of Trogwein or Trevor or Troweir, Alan, ii. 512. Hugh, 3rd son of 1st lord Cathcart, ii. 509. of Waterside, Alan, viii. 117. Adelaide, wife of J. R. de Trafford, ii. 529. Adolphus Frederick, lieut.-col., ii. 527. his wife, Margaret Home, ii. 527. Alan, eldest son of 1st lord Cathcart, ii. 509. Allan, illeg. son of 3rd lord Cathcart, ii. 513. Alan, illeg. son of Alan, master of Cath- cart, ii. 516. Alice, dau. of Sir George C., ii. 527. Anne, dau. of Sir George C., ii. 527. Archibald Hamilton, rector of Methby, ii. 522. his wife, Frances Henrietta Fre- mantle, ii. 522. Archibald Hamilton, 5th son of 3rd earl Cathcart, ii. 531 ; ix. 58 bis. Archibald William, ii. 522. Augusta Sophia, dau. of 1st earl Cath- cart, ii. 527 ; ix. 58. Augustus Ernest, King's Royal Rifle Corps, ii. 529. Augustus Murray, lieut.-col. Grenadier Guards, ii. 529. his wife, Jean Mary Orde-Powlett, ii. 529. Cecilia, wife of John de Perthic, ii. 504. Cecilia, wife of capt. E. T. Rose, ii. 531. Charles, lieut. 79th regt., ii. 531. Charles Allan, quarter-master-general to the Forces in India, M.P., ambassador to China, ii. 522. Charlotte, dau. of Archibald H. C., ii. 523. Charlotte Catherine, maid-of -honour, ii. 524. Christian, wife of Alex. Hamilton of Brentwood, ii 509. Constance, wife of W. H. Ferrand, ii. 529. David, 3rd son of 6th lord Cathcart, ii. 518. — Eleonora, wife of Sir John Houston, ii. 520. — Elizabeth, dau. of 8th lord Cathcart, ii. 520. VOL. IX. Cathcart, Elizabeth, wife of gen. Sir J. Douglas of Glenflnart, ii. 529. Elizabeth Sarah, wife of major Robt. Stuart, ii. 523. Emily, dau. of 3rd earl Cathcart, ii. 531. Emily Sarah, Woman of the Bed- chamber, ii. 527. Eva, dau. of 3rd earl Cathcart, ii. 531. Frances Louisa, ii. 522. Frederica, wife of John Lodge, ii. 523. Frederick, col., minister plenipoten- tiary, ii. 526. his wife, Jane M'Adam of Craigen- gillan, ii. 52& Frederick Adrian, York and Lancaster regt., ii. 529. Sir George, K.C.B., adjutant-gen., ii. 526. his wife, Georgina Greville, ii. 527. George, lieut. 4th batt. Princess of Wales' Own, ii. 531. George Greville, ii. 527. Georgiana Mary, ii. 527. Gilbert, 2nd son of 4th lord Cathcart, ii. 516 bis. Helenor, wife of David Stewart, ii. 509. Henrietta Louisa Frances, ii. 529. Ida, wife of T. L. Hare, ii. 530. Isobella Sophia, wife of Sir S. Crompton. ii. 523, 531. James, 2nd son of 6th lord Cathcart, ii. 518. James, major, 3rd son of 7th lord Cath- cart, ii. 518. Jane, wife of 4th duke of Atholl, i. 496 ; ii. 523. Jane, dau. of Sir George C., ii. 527. Jean, wife of John Shaw of Haily, ii. 512. Jean, wife of (1) Thos. Cathcart, and (2) Archibald Dunbar, ix. 58. John, illeg. son of 4th lord Cathcart, ii. 516. Jonet, wife of John Crawfurd of Dron- gane, ii. 512. Katharine Selina, wife of Robert Smith, ii. 523. Leta Adine, ii. 529. Louisa, wife of (1) David, 7th viscount Stormont, and (2) Robert Fulke Greville ; countess of Mansfield, ii. 523 ; viii. 206, 209. Louisa, dau. of 1st earl Cathcart, ii. 527. Louisa, dau. of Sir George C. ii. 527. Louisa Margaret, ii. 527. Margaret or Marion, wife of Sir Wm. Sempill of Eliotstoun, ii. 509 ; vii. 530, 531. Margaret, wife of John Hunter, ii. 512. Margaret, illeg. dau. of 4th lord C., ii. 516. Margaret, wife of Sir A. Whitefoord, ii. 518. Margaret, dau. of 8th lord C., ii. 520. 290 INDEX Cathcart, Marianne Elizabeth, ii. 523. Marion, dau. of 3rd earl Cathcart, ii. 531. Marjory, wife of James Dalrymple of Stair, viii. 117. — - Mary, wife of Thos. Graham of Bal- gowan, ii. 523. Mary Anne, wife of 7th lord Napier of Merchiston, ii. 520 ; vi. 435. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of 1st earl Cath- cart, ii. 527. Mary Mildred, dau. of col. Augustus M. C., ii. 529. Reginald, King's Royal Rifle Corps, ii. 531. Robert, illeg. son of 4th lord C., ii. 516. Schaw, ensign 3rdregt., ii. 519. Sibella, wife of John Wallace of Craigie, ii. 512. Thomas, ix. 58. his wife, Jean Cathcart, ix. 58. Vera, ii. 529. William Harold, Worcester regt., ii. 529. Cathe, see Keith. Catlett, Charles, iii, 603. Caulfleld of Raheenduff, Wade Toby, capt. 3rd Dragoon Guards, vii. 389. his wife, Janet Ruthven, vii. 389. Cauz, Matilda de, ii. 215. Cavendish, Elizabeth, wife of 6th earl of Lennox, v. 354 ; ix. 126. Fanny, wife of F. J. Howard, ii. 499. Frances, wife of 2nd earl of Breadal- bane, ii. 207. Henrietta, wife of Lionel, lord Hunting- tower, iii. 407. Jane, wife of Charles Cheyne of Chel- sea, vi. 466. Philip, illeg. son of 2nd duke of Devon- shire, iii. 407 n. Victor Christian William, P.C., M.P., vi. 400. his wife, Evelyn Emily Mary Fitz- maurice, vi. 400. Sir William, v. 354. Cavendish-Bentinck, Charles William Fred- erick, rev., viii. 316. Nina Cecilia, wife of 14th earl of Strath- more and Kinghorne, viii. 316. Cavendish-Harley, Margaret, wife of 2nd duke of Portland, vi. 189 n. CAVERTON, KEB, LORD KER OF, vii. 343. Cawdor, Donald, thane of, 1419, vi. 302. William, thane of, iv. 18 ; v. 204 ; vii. 434. his 2nd wife, Janet Keith, v. 204. James, murderer of Regent Lennox, ix. 126. see also Calder. Cazenove, Reginald F., 6th Dragoon Guards, iii. 85. his wife, Lilian Janet Macdonald, iii. 85. Cecil, Diana, wife of (1) Henry, 18th earl of Oxford, and (2) Thomas, 1st earl of Elgin, iii. 478. Katharine, wife of 4th earl of Kinnoull, v. 228. Lucy, wife of William, 4th marquess of Winchester, i. 350. Mary Arabella Arthur, wife of 10th earl of Galloway, iv. 172. Thomas, 2nd son of 1st marquess of Exeter, v. 367. his wife, Sophia Georgiana Lennox, v. 367. William, secretary to Queen Elizabeth, i. 559, 561. Cecilia, princess, dau. of Edward iv. of Eng- land, i. 333 ; iii. 22 ; iv. 449. of Kelour, dau. of Malise, earl of Strathearn, viii. 247. of Maccustoun, wife of Robert de Berke- ley, vi. 469. ' daughter of John ' ; wife of Patrick, 7th earl of Dunbar, iii. 259, 262. wife of Sir Walter of Ruthven, iv. 255. wife of Sir R. Crauford of Loudoun, v. 490. CESSPORD, KER, LORD KER OF, vii. 343. CESSFORD, KER, MARQUESS OF, vii. 350-360. Cessford, John, first marquess of, vii. 350. Cessnock, Sir Alexander Hume, lord of Session, styled lord, vi. 18. his wife, Margaret Campbell, vi. 19. Sir George Campbell, lord of Session, styled lord, vi. 19. Chalmer of Newton and Strathavin, John, viii. 430. his wife, Mariota Hay, viii. 430. Christian, wife of Humphrey Rollo, vii. 194. Elena, wife of Wm. Wallace of Craigo, ii. 510 n. John, Troquhan, ii. 70. his wife, Mariota Bellenden, ii. 70. Margaret, wife of (1) Sir Jas. Ogilvy of Deskford and Findlater, and (2) Alex. Irvine of Drum, iv. 18; ix. 89. Thomas, assassin of King James I., v. 501. Chalmers of Corraith, James, vi. 514. his wife, Janet Stewart, vi. 514. of Cults, Sir George, viii. 360. of Gadgirth, James, vii. 64. his wife, Margaret Stewart, vii. 64. James, v. 496. Sir John, vii. 63 ; viii. 115. John, iii. 447. his wife, Margaret Montgomerie, iii. 447. 1 INDEX 291 •Chalmers of Corraith, *, iv. 349. his wife, Elizabeth Hamilton, iv. 349. of Methlic, i. 83, 84. of Raderny, John, D.D., minister of Kilconquhar, vi. 443. of Sauchrie, James, v. 152. his wife, * Boyd, v. 152. of Strichen, Andrew, vii. 435. his wife, Christina Fraser, vii. 435. William, v. 543. his wife, Isobel or Elizabeth Forbes, v. 543. Alexander, minister of Cairnie, iv. 555. his wife, Anne Gordon, iv. 555. Annie Harriet Curzon, wife of Andrew Hollo of Ashgrove, vii. 207. George, vii. 535. his wife, Isobel Sempill, vii. 535. Isobel, dan. of James C., Edinburgh, iii. 319. Isobel, wife of Geo. Crichton of Beildis- ton and Crichie, ix. 93. James, merchant-burgess of Edinburgh, iii. 319. John, captain, i. 575. John, lieut.-col., vii. 207. Margaret, wife of 6th lord Balmerino, i. 575. Marion, wife of Wm. Dalrymple of Stair, viii. 115, 116. Thomas, 1455, iii. 277 n. William, vicar of Kirkurd, iv. 85. Chambelle, Sir Nicholas de, alias Sir Neil Campbell, i. 322. Chamberlayne of Maugersbury, Edmund, i. 58. Cassandra Agnes, wife of Sir John Hamilton, i. 58. Chambord, Henry v., count of, iii. 6. Champneys, Francis Henry, M.D., viii. 129. his wife, Virginia Julian Dalrymple, viii. 129. Chancey of Sutton Coldfleld, William, i. 405. his wife, Mary Aston, i. 405. Chandler, Daniel, ii. 581. *, ii. 581. his wife, Abigail *, ii. 581. Chandos, Henry (Brydges), 2nd duke of, iii. 482 ; v. 199. his wife, Mary Bruce, iii. 482. James, 1st duke of, iii. 406. James, 3rd duke of, iii. 483 ; v. 199. Chandos-Pole of Radborne Hall, Edward Sacheverell, i. 70. Carolina, wife of lord C. J. Hamilton, i. 70. Chantry, Maria, wife of Archibald Mont- gomerie, iii. 449. Chaplin, Henry, M.P., viii. 364. — his wife, Florence Sutherland- Leve- son-Gower, iii. 85 ; viii. 364. * Name unknown. Chapman of Tarrant Gunville, Anthony, iii, 614 ; ix. 88. his wife, Charlotte Cary, iii. 614. Frederick, ii. 56. his wife, Mary Nisbet Hamilton, ii. 56. Henry, Thirsk, iii. 601. his wife, Dorothy Fairfax, iii. 601. Rhoda, wife of (1) Thomas Hussey, and (2) Ferdinando, 2nd lord Fairfax, iii. 598. Symon, Lanark, viii. 368. Thomas, London, iii. 598. Charles i., King of Scots, i. 28 ; iii. 370 ; vii. 99 ; viii. 594 ; ix. 99. his wife, Henrietta Maria of Bour- bon, i. 28. Charles n., King of Scots, i. 29 ; viii. 594. his wife, Katharine of Braganza, i. 30. Charles Louis zu Sim m era, elector palatine of the Rhine, i. 27 ; v. 481. Charlotte of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, wife of King George in., vii. 352. Princess, dau. of King George iv., iii. 491. Charlwood of Windlesham, Benjamin, vii. 357. Harriet, wife of (1) James, 5th duke of Roxburghe, and (2) It. -col. W. F. O'Reilly, vii. 357. CHARTERIS, EARL OF WEMYSS, viii. 513-518. Charteris of Amisfield, Francis, colonel, viii. 509, 513. Janet, wife of James, 4th earl of Wemyss, viii. 509. Sir John, vii. 125, 130. his 1st wife, Janet Douglas, vii. 125 ; ix. 150. his 2nd wife, Agnes Maxwell, iv. 412 ; vi. 479. Sir John, viii. 548. his wife, Margaret Fleming, viii. 548. Sir John, iii. 235. his wife, Katharine Crichton, iii. 235. of Cagnore, Thomas, vii. 368. of Cahir Lodge, Richard, lieut. -colonel, viii. 516. his wife, Margaret Butler, viii. 516. of Charteris, Alan de, ii. 373. his wife, Eva de Carlyle, ii. 373. of Cuthelgurdie, John, iv. 278. his wife, Janet Gray, iv. 278. John, vi. 369. Patrick, viii. 279. of Grubet, Thomas, vii. 368. of Hornby and Cockran, Francis, colonel, viii. 513. of Kelwood, James, v. 270. his wife, Florence M'Ghie, v. 270. of Kilmichael, Sir John, viii. 548. 292 INDEX •Charteris of Kinfauns, John, iii. 27. his wife, Euphemia Lindsay, iii. 27. John, iii. 32. his wife, Janet Chisholm, iii. 32. Sir Henry, ni Lindsay, 2nd son of 10th earl of Crawford, iii. 29, 32. his 1st wife, Helen Chisholm, iii. 32. his 2nd wife, Margaret Shaw, iii. 33. Thomas, ix. 10. his wife, Janet Stewart, ix. 10. Sir William, v. 186 n. his wife, Christina Erskine, v. 186, 605; vi. 221. of Neidpath, Francis Wemyss, viii. 515. of Newmills, Francis, colonel, viii. 509. of Prestonpatrick and Holm, Francis, colonel, viii. 513. Alan Dudley, viii. 517. Alfred Walter, lieut. 71st Foot, viii. 517. Anne, dan. of 5th earl of Wemyss, viii. 514. Anne, wife of 4th earl of Warwick, viii. 516. Augusta, wife of 2nd lord Rossmore, viii. 514. Caroline, dau. of 6th earl of Wemyss, viii. 516. Charlotte, wife of Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun, viii. 515. Cynthia Mary Evelyn, wife of Herbert Asquith, viii. 517. Eleanor, wife of W. F. Campbell of Shawfleld, viii. 515. Evan Edward, viii. 517. Evelyn, wife of 4th viscount de Vesci, viii. 517. Frances, wife of Wm. Trail, D.D., viii. 513. Francis, eldest son of 8th earl of Wemyss, viii. 517. Frederick William, captain R.N., viii. 516. his wife, Louisa Keppel, viii. 516. Guy Laurence, viii. 517. Harriet, wife of Sir G. Grant Suttie, viii. 516. Henrietta, dau. of 5th earl of Wemyss, viii. 513. Henrietta Charlotte Elizabeth, wife of 6th earl of Stamford, viii. 514. Hilda, wife of W. St. John P. Brodrick, viii. 518. Hugo Francis, viii. 517. Irene Corona, viii. 517. Ivo Alan, viii. 517. Jane, wife of It.-col. Philip Dundas, viii. 516. Janet, wife of 4th lord Carlyle, ii. 389, Charteris, Janet, dau. of 5th earl of Wemyss, viii. 513. Jean, wife of James Maclellan of Bal- mangan, v. 271. Katharine, wife of brigade-major E. R. Stewart, iv. 169 ; viii. 514. Katharine, dau. of 5th earl of Wemyss, viii. 513. Katharine, wife of George Harry, lord Grey of Groby, viii. 515. Lilian Harriet, wife of (1) Sir H. C. Pelly, and (2) Sir H. F. R. Yorke, iii. 49 ; viii. 518. Louisa, wife of Wm. Wells, viii. 517. Louisa Antoinetta, wife of Wm. Forbes of Callendar, viii. 515. Margaret, wife of Nicol Rutherfurd of Grubet, vii. 368. Margaret, wife of col. John Wildman, viii. 515. Marjorie, wife of Thomas de Bruys of Clackmannan, iii. 467. Mary, viii. 517. Susan, wife of Sir H. Clinton, viii. 514. Susan, dau. of 6th earl of Wemyss, viii. 515. Walter, 2nd son of 6th earl of Wemyss, viii. 515. Walter, captain 92nd Highlanders, viii. 516. Charters, Katharine, wife of Alex. Hay of Spott, viii. 456. Laurence, advocate, viii. 456. Samuel, iii. 615. his wife, Charlotte Maria Cary, iii. 615. Chastel, Louis de, sieur de la Barthe, viii.. 512. his wife, Walpole Wemyss, viii. 512. Chatelherault, Hamilton, duke of, iv. 367- 372. Chatelherault, James, first duke of, iv. 367, 540 ; viii. 439. James, 6th earl of Abercorn, claimant to the dukedom of, i. 59. James, 2nd marquess of Abercorn ; duke of, i. 69. William Alexander Louis Stephen, duke of, iv. 396. CHATHAM, CAMPBELL, BARON OF, i. 371. Chatham, John, baron of, i. 371. Chatto of Chatto, Thomas, vii. 369. of Mainhouse, Alexander, vii. 590. Isabella Mary, wife of 14th lord Sinclair, vii. 590. Cheam, John de, bishop of Glasgow, iii. 137. Cheap(e of Kilquhis, James, v. 403. of Rossie, James, v. 403 ; viii. 202. of Sauchie, George, viii. 313. INDEX 293 €heap(e of Strathtymm, Alexander, i. 316. • his wife, Anne Charlotte Arbuth- nott, i. 316. • James, i. 131. his wife, Griselda Johanna Helen Ogilvy, i. 131. - — Alison, wife of Wm. Murray of Inch- murray, viii. 202. — — James, commr. R.N., i. 316. his wife, Jean Ogilvy, i. 316. Marion, wife of (1) Sir Alex. Campbell of Ardkinglas, and (2) Thomas, llth earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, viii. 313. • Rebecca, wife of Sir Andrew Murray of Inchmurray, viii. 202. Chen, Henry le, bishop of Aberdeen, ii. 257 ; viii. 251. Ch^nencourt, The>ese Josephine, wife of James Eyre, vi. 456. Cherrieres, Eudoxie Saulnier de, wife of Louis Edward Genevieve Drummond, vi. 69. Cherry, James Frederick, vii. 310. his wife, Emily Louisa Leslie, vii. 310. Chesham, ^Charles Compton (Cavendish), 1st lord, iv. 560. — — his wife, Catherine Susan Gordon, iv. 560. of Chesham Bois, Sir John, vi. 462. Eleanor, wife of (1) Sir John Penyston, and (2) Sir Thos. Cheyne, vi. 462. Chester, Hugh Kevilioc, earl of, i. 4. - — Isabel, wife of Robert de Brus of Annandale ; countess of, ii. 430. • John le Scot, earl of, i. 4 ; ii. 430. Ranulf , the younger, earl of, vi. 286. of Chicheley, Charles, viii. 225. • Barbara, wife of John Drummond, viii. 225. Chesterfield, Philip (Stanhope), 2nd earl of, viii. 304. his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Butler, viii. 304. hetwode of Woodbrooke, Edward Wilmot, v. 635. his wife, Jane Janetta Erskine, v. 635. Chetwynd of Grendon Hall, Sir George, 4th bart., v. 515. his wife, Florence Cecilia Paget, v. 515. • of Ingestrie, Sir William, i. 405. his 2nd wife, Katharine Aston, i. 405. — of Rudge, John, i. 402. - Ann, wife of Walter Aston, i. 402. — Cecil, wife of 7th marquess of Lothian, v. 485. Chetwynd-Talbot, Constance Harriet Ma- honesa, wife of 8th marquess of Lothian, v. 485. CHEYNE, CHEYNE, LORD, vi. 466468. Cheyne, Charles, first lord, vi. 466. his 1st wife, Jane Cavendish, vi. 466. CHEYNE, LORD CHEYNE, vi. 466-468. CHEYNE, VISCOUNT OP NEWHAVEN, vi. 461- 468. Cheyne of Chendith, Francis, vi. 465. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Wright, vi. 465. his 2nd wife, Anne Fleetwood, vi. 465. John, vi. 464. his wife, Margaret Skipwith, vi. 464. John, vi. 465. of Chesham Bois, Francis, vi. 465. his 1st wife, Elizabeth Wright, vi. 465. his 2nd wife, Anne Fleetwood, vi. 465. John, vi. 462. his wife, Perina Whitney, vi. 462. John, vi. 462. his wife, Elizabeth Brudenell, vi. 462. John, vi. 462, 463. his wife, Margaret Ingleton, vi. 463. Sir Thomas, vi. 461. his wife, Eleanor Chesham, vi. 462. of Cogenhoe, Sir John, vi. 462. John, vi. 463. of Drayton Beauchamp, Sir Francis, vi. 464. his wife, Mary Powle, vi. 464. Sir John, vi. 461, 462. his 1st wife, Joan Fitz Marmaduke, vi. 462. his 2nd wife, Agnes Lexham, vi. 462. John, vi. 463. his wife, Margaret Ingleton, vi. 463. John, vi. 463. his 1st wife, Winifred Mordaunt, vi. 463. his 2nd wife, Joyce Lee, vi. 464. Robert, vi. 463. his 1st wife, Eliz. Webbe, vi. 463. Roger, vi. 461. Thomas, vi. 461. William, vi. 461. his wife, Joan *, vi. 461. of Duffus, Mary, wife of Nicholas Sutherland, iii. 191. Reginald, iii. 190. his wife, Mary of Duffus, iii. 190 ; vi. 34, 37 n. ; vii. 160. of Durie, Reginald le, viii. 245. * Name unknown. 294 INDEX Cheyne of Essilmont, Patrick, i. 84 ; ii. U ; iii. 569, 571, 573 ; v. 220. his 2nd wife, Helen Bryson, iii. 569. Patrick, iii. 571. his contracted wife, Isobel or Elizabeth Hay, iii. 571. his wife, Magdalen Fraser, vii. 440. Thomas, i. 84. his wife, Elizabeth Gordon, i. 84. of Inverugie, Jean, wife of N. Suther- land of Duffus, vi. 34 ; vii. 160. Mariota or Mary, wife of (1) John Douglas of Strabrock, and (2) John Keith, vi. 34, 343, 354 n. Reginald, vi. 34, 343. his wife, Mary of Duffus, ii. 122 ; iii. 190 ; vi. 34, 37 ». ; vii. 160. Reginald, vi. 37 n. his proposed wife, Muriella Keith, vi. 37. of Ranieston and Pitflchie, Thomas, iv. 112. his wife, Katharine Fraser, iv. 112. of Straloch, viii. 568. John, 1499, i. 84. John, iv. 73. his wife, Margaret Forbes, iv. 73. Christian, wife of Sir Alex. Seton of Seton, viii. 568. Edmond, 3rd son of John C. of Chendith, vi. 465. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Patrick Hay of Megginch, and (2) George Hay of Keillour, iii. 573 ; v. 220. Elizabeth, wife of Sir Henry Monson, vi. 467. Elizabeth, wife of (1) Peter Hay of Megginch, and (2) Patrick, 6th lord Oli- phant, v. 220 ; vi. 553. Francis, Lincoln's Inn, vi. 466. Henry, 4th son of John C. of Drayton Beauchamp, vi. 464. Isabel, wife of (1) Patrick Hay of Megg- inch, and (2) George Hay of Keillour, iii. 573 ; v. 220. Katharine, dau. of John C., vi. 464. John, 2nd son of John C. of Drayton Beauchamp, vi. 463. John, youngest son of Francis C. of Chendith, vi. 466. Reginald le, High Chamberlain, ii. 537 ; vi. 289. his 2nd wife, Eustacia Colville of Ochiltree, ii. 537. Thomas, 3rd son of John C. of Drayton Beauchamp, vi. 464. William, son of Francis C. of Chesham Bois, vi. 465. his wife, Lucy Barrington, vi. 465. *, wife of Sir Andrew Fraser, vii. 425. * Name unknown. Chichester, Henry Thomas (Pelham), 3rd earl of, i. 554. Thomas (Pelham), 1st earl of, vii. 308. of Raleigh, Sir Robert, K.B., iii. 478. Anne, wife of 1st earl of Elgin, iii. 478. Francis Algernon James, capt., iv» 172. his wife, Emily Octavia Stewart, iv. 172. Spencer Stanley, iv. 169. his wife, Anne Harriet Stewart, iv_ 169. Chiesley of Dairy, John, v. 628. Walter, major, v. 628. John, minister of Quothquan, iv. 583. his wife, Elizabeth Carmichael, iv. 583 ; ix. 114. John, his 3rd son, ix. 114. Walter, eldest son of the minister of Quothquan, ix. 114. William, his 2nd son, ix. 114. Rachel, wife of James Erskine, lord Grange, v. 628. Child of Berthwaite Hall, Mary Charlotte, wife of Hamilton Fleming, viii. 557. William, viii. 557. Chilham of Chilham, Isabella de, wife of (1> David, 8th earl of Atholl, and (2) Alex. Baliol, i. 425 ; ix. 11, 27. Richard de, i. 425. his wife, Roesia of Dover, i. 425. Richard de, ix. 11. his wife, Matilda, countess of Angus, i. 167 ; ix. 11. Richard, brother of Isabella C., ix. 11. Chinnery-Haldane, James Brodrick, v. 342. Chirnside, Ninian, iv. 453. Chisholm of Aldencraw, Muriel, wife of Alex. Sutherland, iii. 193. of Ard, Alexander, v. 520. of Chisholm, Alexander, vii. 500. his wife, Janet or Mary Mackenzie, v. 561 ; vii. 500. John, iii. 193. Walter, ix. 142. his wife, Elizabeth Scott, ix. 142. William, vii. 590. of Comar, v. 525. his wife, * Fraser, v. 525. Alexander, vii. 500. his wife, Mary Mackenzie, r. vii. 500. Alexander, vii. 505. his wife, * Mackenzie, vii. 505. of Crombie, Sir James, iii. 32. of Cromlix, Sir James, i. 117 ; vi. 41 viii. 216. his wife, Jean Drummond of Ini peffray, viii. 216. * Name unknown. INDEX 295 Chisholm of Cromlix, Sir James, vii. 290. his wife, Anna or Agnes Beaton, vii. 290. Edmund, vi. 412. John, i. 138. his wife, Jean Graham, i. 138. John, iv. 247 ; ix. 97. his wife, Margaret Cunningham, iv. 247. of Gask, Alexander, iv. 334. Katharine, wife of Walter Hali- burton, iv. 334. • of Kiltarlity, Alexander, v. 520. of Paxton, Quarrelwood and Greeshope, Muriel, wife of Alex. Sutherland, iii. 193. of Strathglass, iv. 516. Alexander, iv. 46. Anne, wife of (1) John Napier of Merchiston, and (2) Wm. Cunningham of Craigends, vi. 420. Beatrix, bigamous wife of Thos. Ogilvy of Westercraig, i. 117. Helen, wife of Sir Henry Charteris of Kinfauns and Caraldston, iii. 32. James, bishop of Dunblane, ii. 134 ; iii. 570. Janet, wife of John Charteris of Kin- fauns, iii. 32. Janet, wife of (1) Sir Alex. Napier, (2) Sir Ninian Seton, and (3) Sir James Towers, vi. 412. Jean, wife of C. Campbell of Glenample, ii. 183. Jean, wife of Sir Jas. Stirling of Keir, vi. 226. Jean, wife of James Drummond of Innerpeflray, viii. 216. Mary Agnes, wife of 14th lord Sinclair, vii. 590. William, bishop of Dunblane, vi. 226. William, his nephew, bishop of Dun- blane, vi. 227, 232. William, bishop of Vaison, cardinal, i. 558. *, wife of Thomas Gordon of Ruthven, iv. 516. Chival, Robert, iv. 43. Choisy, Jean de 1'Hopital, comte de, i. 154. his wife, Eleonora Stewart, i. 154. Cholmley of Roxby, Sir Henry, iii. 597. Mary, wife of rev. Henry Fairfax, iii. 597. Cholmondeley of Vale Royal, Thomas, viii. 225. Hester, wife of John Drummond, viii. 225. Christabella, wife of (1) Sir Giles Eyre, and (2) Francis, lord Glassfoord, iv. 182 ; vii. 56. Christian, first bishop of Galloway, iv. 136. Christian of Strogeith, wife of Walter Oli- fard, vi. 527 ; viii. 241. * Name unknown. Christiana of Bassenthwaite and Bolton, wife of Duncan Lascelles, iii. 245. Christian, wife of Reginald More, Great Chamberlain of Scotland, i. 454. Christian, wife of (1) Walter de Lindsay, lord of Lamberton, and (2) Walter de Percy of Kildale, iii. 5. Christian, 1st wife of Sir Alex. Ramsay of Dalhousie, iii. 91, 93. Christian, wife of John de Home, iv. 443. Christian, wife of Sir John Maxwell of Caer- laverock, vi. 473. Christiana, dau. of Adam, son of Gilbert, vii. 420. Christian, wife of Sir Gilbert Fraser, sheriff of Peebles, vii. 421. Christie of Durie, Charles Maitland, i. 525. his wife, Mary Butler Lindsay, i. 525. James, v. 312. his wife, Mary Turner Maitland, v. 312. Alexander, writer, Edinburgh, v. 309 ; vi. 589. his wife, Katharine Makgill, vi. 589, 600. James, W.S., vii. 215. his wife, Jean Primrose, vii. 215. James, his son, vii. 215. Jane, wife of 4th duke of Gordon, iv. 556. Janet, wife of Robert Maitland Macgill, v. 309. Christin, father of Dungal, dempster of Len- nox, ii. 504. Christin, 7th son of Alwin, 2nd earl of Len- nox, v. 330 ; ix. 125. Christin, judge of Lennox, v. 330 n. ; ix. 125. Christina, wife of (1) Sir David de Lindsay of Luffhess and Crawford, and (2) Sir Robt. de Pinkeney, iii. 7. Christina, wife of Angus Sutherland of Tor- boll, iii. 194. Christina, wife of Olaf, 5th King of Man and the Isles, vii. 233. Christina, wife of (1) Wm. de Brus, and (2) Patrick, 5th earl of Dunbar, ii. 430; iii. 253, 259. Christina, Queen of Denmark, iv. 355. Christina, dau. of Malcolm, 2nd earl of Atholl, and possible wife of Thomas of Lundin, i. 418. Christison, John, burgess of Dysart, viii. 188. his wife, Helen Murray, viii. 188. Margaret, wife of Wm. Lindsay of Mungo's Wells, v. 393. William, burgess of Cupar, v. 398. his wife, Isobel Lindsay, v. 398. Christopher of Dirleton and Belhaven, Robert Adam, M.P., P.C., iii. 493. his wife, Mary Bruce, iii. 493. 296 INDEX Chrystie, James, in holy orders, vi. 180. his wife, Mary *, vi. 180. John, barber, ix. 106. Chubbe, Jane, wife of Alexander Living- ston, vi. 450. Matthew, Dorchester, vi. 450. Chudleigh, Sir John, bart., i. 404. Susan, wife of rev. Dr. Haines, i. 404. Church, John, ii. 357. Maria Petronella, wife of John Sinclair, ii. 357. CHURCHILL OF EYEMOUTH, CHURCHILL, LORD, ii. 532-533. Churchill of Eyemouth, John, lord, ii. 532. his wife, Sarah Jennings, ii. 532. John, styled lord, ii. 533. of Sandridge, John (Churchill), lord, ii. 532. CHURCHILL, LORD CHURCHILL OF EYE- MOUTH, ii. 533. Churchill, Anne, wife of 4th earl of Suther- land, ii. 533. Anne Emily, wife of 7th duke of Rox- burghe, vii. 358. Arabella, mistress of King James VIL, i. 34. Elizabeth, wife of 1st duke of Bridge- water, ii. 533. — Henrietta, suo jure duchess of Marl- borough, wife of 2nd earl of Godolphin, ii. 533. Mary, wife of 2nd duke of Montagu, ii. 533. Sir Winston, ii. 532. his wife, Elizabeth Drake, ii. 532. Cissoris of Longforgan, Roger, iv. 271. Clanbrassil, Henry (Hamilton), 2nd earl of, ii. 32. his wife, Alice Moore, ii. 32. Clanricarde, William (Bourke), 7th earl of, i. 34. Clanwilliam, Richard (Meade), 3rd earl of, iv. 561. Richard James (Meade), 4th earl of, ii. 567 ; iv. 483. Claphame, Margaret, in Bordland of Long- forgan, iv. 271. CLAIRMONT AND FETTERCAIRN, MIDDLE- TON, LORD OF, vi. 184. Clairmont and Fettercairn, John, 1st lord, vi. 183. John, elder son of 2nd earl of Middle- ton ; styled lord, vi. 188. Clare, Alicia de, wife of Sir Bernard de Brue, ii. 431. Isobel de, wife of Robert de Brus, the Competitor, ii. 431 ; ix. 55. Johanna de, wife of (1) Duncan, 9th earl of Fife, and (2) Sir Gervase Avenel, iv. 11. Clarence, George (Plantagenet), brother of King Edward iv. of England ; duke of, i. 20. * Name unknown. Clarendon, Edward (Hyde), 1st earl of, i. 33, 362. Edward (Hyde), 3rd earl of, v. 359. his wife, Katharine O'Brien, v. 359. Henry (Hyde), 4th earl of, vii. 144. George William Frederick (Villiers), 4th earl of, iv. 97. his wife, Katharine Grimston, iv. 97. Claricia, dau. of King David I., i. 4. Clark of Clochindarg, Andrew, v. 206. his wife, Margaret Kinnaird, v. 206. Andrew, v. 207. of Rupertswood, Sir William T., bart., iii. 50. Henry, ix. 147. his wife, Christian Makgill, ix. 147. Jabez, capt. H.E.I.C.S., iii. 81. — — John, major-general, K.H., viii. 129. — ; his wife, Charlotte Sophia Dal- rymple, viii. 129. May Janet, wife of capt. R. H. Lindsay, iii. 50. *, captain, husband of Mary Mackenzie, dau. of 3rd earl of Cromartie, iii. 81. Clarke, Charles John, iii. 413. his wife, Gertrude Florinda Gar- diner, iii. 413. Francis, Massachusetts, iii. 600. May, wife of Arch. Hamilton, ii. 56. Claughton, Maria, wife of (1) col. Anson, and (2) 8th duke of Argyll, i. 392. Thomas Legh, bishop of St. Albans, i. 392. his wife, Julia Susanna Ward, i. 392. CLAVERHOUSE, GRAHAM, LORD GRAHAM OF, iii. 324-333. Claverhouse, David, third lord Graham of, iii. 331. James, second lord Graham of, iii. 331. John, first lord Graham of, iii. 324. his wife, Jean Cochrane, iii. 330, 352. Clavering, Alice, wife of Herbert, viscount Windsor, ii. 306. Charles John, iii. 547. Diana Maria, wife of J. D. Fullerton- Elphinstone, iii. 547. Henry, colonel, i. 387. his wife, Augusta Campbell, i. 387. Sir James John, K.B., i. 387 ; vi. 436. his wife, Diana West, i. 387. Sir John, bart., ii. 306. Maria Margaret, wife of 8th lord Nai of Merchiston, vi. 436. Clayhills of Baldovie, Robert, iii. 320; 590. his wife, Katharine Makgill, 590. of Craigie, Robert, iii. 320. * Name unknown. INDEX 297 Clayhills, Andrew, minister of Monifleth, vii. 216. his wife, Katharine Primrose, vii. 216. Jean, wife of Adam Primrose, vii. 215. Clayton of Marsden Park, Sir William Robert, 5th bart., vii. 153. Caroline Margaret, wife of 7th Mar- quess of Queensberry, vii. 153. Cleland of Cleland, Alexander, ii. 27. his wife, Mary Hamilton, ii. 27. James, viii. 11. his wife, Janet Somerville, viii. 11. ii. 41. ii. 49. his wife, Margaret Hamilton, ii. 49. William, viii. 11. William, ii. 81. his wife, Marion Stewart, ii. 81. ' of Faskin, James, iii. 342. Margaret, wife of Gavin Cochrane of Craigmure, iii. 342. William, iii. 342. of Gartness, George, ii. 48. • his wife, Margaret Hamilton, ii. 48. of Stonepath, James, i. 549. John, Edinburgh, i. 549. his wife, Rachel Bruce, i. 549. • Margaret, wife of Alex. Bruce, i. 549. Margaret, wife of John Hamilton of Udston, ii. 41. Clement, bishop of Dunblane, viii. 243. Clements, Dorothy, iii. 411. Clepburn, *, alleged wife of 3rd lord Lin- dores, v. 385. Clephane of Carslogie, Douglas Maclean, maj.-gen., ii. 106. George, i. 459 ; iv. 273. his wife, Margaret Gray, iv. 273. George, i. 290, 293 ; vii. 410. George, vi. 589. his wife, Katharine Orme, vi. 589. Thomas, the younger, viii. 489. • his wife, Jonet Wemyss, viii. 489. of Hillcairnie, James, i. 293 ; vi. 546. his 1st wife, Jean Arbuthnott, i. 293. his 2nd wife, Margaret Oliphant, vi. 546. - — of Quhelplaw, George, vii. 410. Anna, wife of James Makgill of Ran- keillor, vi. 589. — Helen, wife of (1) Robt. Arbuthnott of . that Ilk, and (2) Alex. Campbell, bishop of Brechin, i. 290, 293 ; ix. 16. — R., capt. R.N., ii. 106. his wife, Anne Borthwick, ii. 106. Clerk of Balbirnie, Sir Alexander, iii. 476. — of Lonyanys, John, viii. 6. his wife, Margaret Hay, viii. 6. * Name unknown. Clerk of Penicuik, Sir George, 7th bart, iii. 547. John, iv. 289 ; vii. 506. his wife, Mary Gray, iv. 289. Sir John, 2nd bart., baron of the Court of Exchequer, iv. 163, 591. his wife, Margaret Stewart, iv. 163. of Pittencrieff, Sir Alexander, provost of Edinburgh, iii. 318; vii. 213. his wife, Marion Primrose, iii. 317 ; vii. 213. James, iii. 509. his wife, Elizabeth Erskine, iii. 509. Alexander, minister of Inverness, ii. 172 n. his wife, * Elliot, ii. 172 n. Elizabeth Harriet, wife of captain E. C. Buller-Fullerton Elphinstone, iii. 547. Guy le, Jedworth, iv. 146. Helen, wife of Simon Mackenzie, vii. 506. Janet, wife of James Carmichael of Hailes, iv. 591. Magdalen, wife of (1) Edward, 1st lord Bruce of Kinloss, and (2) Sir Jas. Fuller- ton, iii. 476. Clerk-Maxwell of Middlebie, James, pro- fessor, iv. 78 n. Clerkson, Robert, Master of the Hospital of St. Leonard, iii. 275. Clermont, see Clairmont. Cleveland, Barbara (Villiers), duchess of, i. 31 ; iv. 391. Charles (Villiers), 1st duke of, i. 31. Henry George (Powlett), 4th duke of, vii. 227. his wife, Katharine L. W. Stan- hope, vii. 227. Cliffe of Belle Vue, Anthony John, iv. 173. Amy Mary Pauline, wife of llth earl of Galloway, iv. 173. Edward, v. 417. his wife, Elizabeth Lindsay, v. 417. Clifford, Henry (de Clifford), 10th baron, iii. 293. Thomas (de Clifford), 6th baron, iii. 164. Margaret (Tuf ton), wife of Thomas, earl of Leicester ; baroness, i. 378. of Chudleigh, Charles (Clifford), 6th baron, iv. 420. Hugh (Clifford), 2nd baron, iii. 299 ; vi. 454. Hugh (Clifford), 3rd baron, i. 413. of Douglas, Sir Robert, iii. 140. of Tixall, Sir Thomas, i. 406 n. Thomas, i. 409 n. Alice Mary, wife of Sir Walter H. Dalrymple, viii. 129. Anne, wife of (1) Richard, 7th earl of Dorset, and (2) Philip, 4th earl of Pem- broke, v. 71. * Name unknown. 298 INDEX Clifford, Anne, wife of (1) gen. John Joseph Mahony, and (2) Don Carlo Severino, vi. 454. Charles, 2nd son of 6th lord Clifford of Chudleigh, iv. 420. Eleanor, wife of (1) Sir Ninian Marken- fleld, and (2) Sir John Constable, iii. 293. Elizabeth, wife of (1) William, 4th viscount Dunbar, and (2) Charles Gregory Fairfax, iii. 299. Frances, wife of Wm. Middleton, vi. 455. Sir Henry, V.C., K.C.M.G., C.B., viii. 129. Margaret, wife of (1) Sir Ninian Mar- kenfleld, and (2) Sir John Constable, iii. 293. Thomas, eldest son of 2nd lord Clifford of Chudleigh, vi. 454. his wife, Charlotte Maria, countess of Newburgh, vi. 454. Clifford - Constable of Tixall, Sir Thomas Hugh, 1st bart., i. 414 n. CLIFTON OF LEIGHTON - BROMSWOLD, STEWART, LORD, v. 358-362. Clifton of Leighton-Bromswold, Esme, first lord, v. 358. his wife, Catherine Clifton, v. 358. Katharine, wife of (1) Henry (O'Brien), lord Ibrican, and (2) Sir J. Williamson; baroness, v. 359. Gervase (Clifton), 1st baron, i. 49 ; v. 358. his wife, Katharine Darcy of Leighton, i. 49. Theodosia (Hyde), wife of John Bligh ; baroness, v. 359. of Donington Park, Charles Frederick, v. 515. his wife, Edith Maud, countess of Loudoun, v. 515. Of Lytham, Thomas, v. 514, 515. Thomas Henry, v, 215. of Warton Hall, Augustus Wykeham, v. 514. his wife, Bertha Lelgarde (Hast- ings), baroness Grey de Ruthyn, v. 514. Eleanor, wife of Ralph Constable, iii. 291. Ezekias. iii. 291. Frances Victoria, wife of K. F. Kin- naird, v. 215. Katharine, wife of (1) Esme, 3rd duke of Lennox, and (2) James, 2nd earl of Aber- corn, i. 49 ; v. 358. Clifton-Hastings-Campbell, Edith Winifred Lelgarde, v. 516. Gilbert Theophilus Clifton, v. 516. his wife, Maud Kemble Hamilton, v. 516. Irene Mary Egidia, v. 516. Margaret Selina Flora Maud, v. 516. Clinton, Charles Randolph (Trefusis), 19th, baron, ii. 247 ; vi. 386. his wife, Elizabeth Georgiana Kerr, v. 484. Frederick, It. -col., ii. 243. his wife, Mary Margaret Montagu v ii. 243.